Difference between revisions of "Cosmetic items/it"

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m (Cronologia degli aggiornamenti)
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{{update trans}}
{{Featured article tag}}
  | title      = Decorazioni
  | image      = Hat magazine.png
  | imagewidth = 300px
  | contents  = A mock magazine, ''Hat-Wearing Man'', appeared at the end of the [[Sniper vs. Spy Update]] announcing the first hats as a bonus.
{{Featured article tag}}
{{Featured cosmetic}}
|  [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/day01.php Classless Update]
|  [https://www.teamfortress.com/classless/day01.php {{update name|Classless Update}}] {{lang icon|en}}
| ''Durante la storia, gli uomini hanno indossato i cappelli per mostare quanto siano migliori rispetto ad altri uomini. “Io compro cappelli,” disse un uomo che indossava un cappello. “Sono migliore di te.”''
| ''Durante la storia, gli uomini hanno indossato i cappelli per mostare quanto siano migliori rispetto ad altri uomini. “Io compro cappelli,” disse un uomo che indossava un cappello. “Sono migliore di te.”''
''In periodo di guerra, i cappelli furono un modo utile per conferire gradi, assicurando che le vittime erano confinate alle classi minori (da qui il famoso comando “Non sparate finchè non vedete le cime delle loro teste” della Battaglia di Bunker Hill da William Prescott, un generale conosciuto esclusivamente per aver sparato ai combattenti nemici che erano poveri). In tempo di pace, i cappelli furono strumentali per gli uomini per far sapere a chi non ne portava chi fosse colui che li indossava lì in giro.''
''In periodo di guerra, i cappelli furono un modo utile per conferire gradi, assicurando che le vittime erano confinate alle classi minori (da qui il famoso comando “Non sparate finchè non vedete le cime delle loro teste” della Battaglia di Bunker Hill da William Prescott, un generale conosciuto esclusivamente per aver sparato ai combattenti nemici che erano poveri). In tempo di pace, i cappelli furono strumentali per gli uomini per far sapere a chi non ne portava chi fosse colui che li indossava lì in giro.''
Le '''Decorazioni''' (precedentemente conosciute come '''cappelli''' e '''oggetti vari''') sono [[items/it|oggetti]] che possono essere equipaggiati in ognuno dei tre spazi per i cappelli nella schermata del [[loadout/it|menù principale]]. [[Valve/it|Valve]] ha introdotto i primi nove cappelli con l' [[Sniper vs. Spy Update/it|Aggiornamento ''Cecchino contro Spia'']] nella {{Patch name|5|21|2009}}, con un cappello per ogni classe. I nove cappelli introdotti erano il [[Batter's Helmet/it|Cappello da Battitore]], l' [[Soldier's Stash/it|Elmetto Militare]], il [[Pyro's Beanie/it|Cappellino da Piro]], l' [[Demoman's Fro/it|Afro]], il [[Football Helmet/it|Casco da Football]], la [[Mining Light/it|Luce da Minatore]], l' [[Prussian Pickelhaube/it|Elmo Prussiano]], la [[Trophy Belt/it|Cintura Trofeo]], ed il [[Fancy Fedora/it|Borsalino]]. Diversi [[updates/it|aggiornamenti]] hanno poi aggiunto altri cappelli, compresi quelli progettati dai membri della comunità di ''Team Fortress 2'' tramite l' [[Steam Workshop/it|Officina di Steam]] o l'ex pagina di contribuzioni del [[TF2 Official Website/it|Sito ufficale di TF2]].
Le '''Decorazioni''' (precedentemente conosciute come '''cappelli''' e '''oggetti vari''') sono [[items/it|oggetti]] che possono essere equipaggiati in ognuno dei tre spazi per i cappelli nella schermata del [[loadout/it|menù principale]]. [[Valve/it|Valve]] ha introdotto i primi nove cappelli con l'{{update link|Sniper vs. Spy Update}} nella {{Patch name|5|21|2009}}, con un cappello per ogni classe. I nove cappelli introdotti erano il {{item link|Batter's Helmet}}, l'{{item link|Soldier's Stash}}, il {{item link|Pyro's Beanie}}, l'{{item link|Demoman's Fro}}, il {{item link|Football Helmet}}, la {{item link|Mining Light}}, l'{{item link|Prussian Pickelhaube}}, la {{item link|Trophy Belt}} ed il {{item link|Fancy Fedora}}. Diversi [[Patches/it|aggiornamenti]] hanno poi aggiunto altri cappelli, compresi quelli progettati dai membri della comunità di ''Team Fortress 2'' tramite l' [[Steam Workshop/it|Workshop di Steam]] o l'ex pagina di contribuzioni del [[TF2 Official Website/it|Sito ufficale di TF2]].
Attualmente ci sono un totale di {{Itemcount|c}} cosmetici, {{Itemcount|c}} possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Vintage/it|Vintage]], {{Itemcount|strange}} possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Strange/it|Strana]], {{Itemcount|g}} possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Genuine/it|Autentico]] (vedi [[item quality distribution/it|distribuzione delle qualità degli oggetti]]), 78 possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Collector's/it|Da Collezione]], e {{Itemcount|p}} dei cappelli posson oessere colorati in {{Itemcount|pv}} colori tramite le differenti varietà di [[Paint Can/it|Latte di vernice]].
Attualmente ci sono un totale di {{Itemcount|c}} cosmetici, {{Itemcount|c}} possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Vintage/it|Vintage]], {{Itemcount|s}} possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Strange/it|Strana]], {{Itemcount|g}} possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Genuine/it|Autentico]] (vedi [[item quality distribution/it|distribuzione delle qualità degli oggetti]]), 78 possono essere ottenuti in qualità [[Collector's/it|Da Collezione]], e {{Itemcount|p}} dei cappelli posson oessere colorati in {{Itemcount|pv}} colori tramite le differenti varietà di [[Paint Can/it|Latte di vernice]].
Mentre la maggiorparte dei cosmetici può essere ottenuta tramite la [[Random crafting recipes/it|Forgiatura]], il [[item drop system/it|sistema di drop casuale]], o comprandoli nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]], alcuni cosmetici sono disponibili ai giocatori solo tramite altri mezzi. Molteplici cosmetici [[achievement items#Hats|possono essere ottenuti]] solo completando gli [[achievements/it|obbiettivi]] in-gioco. Altri cosmetici sono stati aggiunti come [[Promotional items/it|oggetti promozionali]] per vari giochi di [[Steam/it|Steam]] ed eventi del Negozio di Steam. Mentre è possibile ottenere molti di questi cosmetici [[Trading/it|scambiandoli]] con altri giocatori, non c'è modo di comprarli nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]] (a parte quelli rilasciati con ''Total War: Shotgun 2'', ''Deus Ex: Human Revolution'', ed il QUAKECON Pack). Solo i giocatori con un [[Account types/it|Account Premium]] possono riceve casualmente cappelli dal sistema di drop degli oggetti.
Mentre la maggiorparte dei cosmetici può essere ottenuta tramite la [[Random crafting recipes/it|Forgiatura]], il [[item drop system/it|sistema di drop casuale]], o comprandoli nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]], alcuni cosmetici sono disponibili ai giocatori solo tramite altri mezzi. Molteplici cosmetici [[Achievement items/it#Cappelli|possono essere ottenuti]] solo completando gli [[Achievements/it|obbiettivi]] in-gioco. Altri cosmetici sono stati aggiunti come [[Promotional items/it|oggetti promozionali]] per vari giochi di [[Steam/it|Steam]] ed eventi del Negozio di Steam. Mentre è possibile ottenere molti di questi cosmetici [[Trading/it|scambiandoli]] con altri giocatori, non c'è modo di comprarli nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]] (a parte quelli rilasciati con ''Total War: Shotgun 2'', ''Deus Ex: Human Revolution'', ed il QUAKECON Pack). Solo i giocatori con un [[Account types/it|Account Premium]] possono riceve casualmente cappelli dal sistema di drop degli oggetti.
Con il rilascio dell' [[Mann-Conomy Update/it|Aggiornamento Mann-Conomy]], c'è lo 0,66% di possibilità che la qualità [[Unusual/it|Insolito]] di certi cosmetici venga "unboxata" quando un giocatore apre una [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/it|Cassa di Rifornimenti Mann Co.]] Questi cosmetici funzionano esattamente come quelli di qualità [[Unique/it|Unica]], con eccezione del fatto che hanno 1 dei 79 [[Particle effects#Unusual effects/it|Effetti Insoliti]], scelto casualmente da un gruppo applicabile (certi effetti possono essere ottenuti solo durante gli eventi) quando il cappello viene ottenuto.
Con il rilascio dell'{{update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}, c'è lo 0,66% di possibilità che la qualità [[Unusual/it|Insolito]] di certi cosmetici venga "unboxata" quando un giocatore apre una {{item link|Mann Co. Supply Crate}} Questi cosmetici funzionano esattamente come quelli di qualità [[Unique/it|Unica]], con eccezione del fatto che hanno 1 dei 79 [[Particle effects/it#Effetti Insoliti|Effetti Insoliti]], scelto casualmente da un gruppo applicabile (certi effetti possono essere ottenuti solo durante gli eventi) quando il cappello viene ottenuto.
I cosmetici non hanno nessun effetto sul gameplay. Con il rilascio della {{Patch name|7|10|2013}}, i [[Item Sets/it|set di oggetti]] dal [[Polycount Pack/it]] (con l'eccezione del set de [[The Saharan Spy/it|la Spia del Sahara]], che aggiunge un effetto particellare quando il giocatore attiva una provocazione) ora lasciano solo una tomba quando si uccide un nemico. Dopotutto, indossare la [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head/it|Testa del Cavaliere senza Testa e senza Cavallo]] e la [[Saxton Hale Mask/it|Maschera di Saxton Hale]] rende colui che la indossa immune all'attacco ''Boo'' del [[Horseless Headless Horsemann/it|Cavaliere senza Testa e senza Cavallo]]. In più, gli [[Bootie Time/it|Stivali Sveltini]] e la [[Jingle Belt/it|Cintura Tintinnante]] producono un suono tintinnante, che potrebbe far scoprire la posizione del giocatore che li indossa,  rendendoli più notabili.
I cosmetici non hanno nessun effetto sul gameplay. Con il rilascio della {{Patch name|7|10|2013}}, i [[Item Sets/it|set di oggetti]] dal [[Polycount Pack/it|Pacchetto Polycount]] (con l'eccezione del set de {{item link|Saharan Spy}}, che aggiunge un effetto particellare quando il giocatore attiva una provocazione) ora lasciano solo una tomba quando si uccide un nemico. Dopotutto, indossare la {{item link|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head}} e la {{item link|Saxton Hale Mask}} rende colui che la indossa immune all'attacco ''Boo'' del [[Horseless Headless Horsemann/it|Cavaliere senza Testa e senza Cavallo]].<!--
Alcuni cosmetici hanno una [[Holiday/it|restrizione festiva]], cioè non possono essere visti dai giocatori, tranne nella schermata del loadout, quando non c'è la festività o l'evento attivo sul server. In più, gli oggetti di  [[Pyroland/it|Pirolandia]] possono essere visti solo da colui che li indossa e dai giocatori che hanno equipaggiato un oggetto che attiva la [[Pyrovision/it|Pirovisione]], o dagli spettatori che hanno l'opzione "Quando spettatore, vedi il mondo dagli occhi di un [[Pyro/it|Piro]]" attivata.
--> In più, gli {{item link|Bootie Time}}, la {{item link|Jingle Belt}}, la {{item link|Jolly Jingler}}, l'{{item link|Elf Care Provider}}, l'{{item link|Elf Defense}}, l'{{item link|Seasonal Employee}}, l'{{item link|Elf Ignition}}, la {{item link|Elf-Made Bandanna}} e il {{item link|Reindoonibeanie}} producono un suono tintinnante, che potrebbe far scoprire la posizione del giocatore che li indossa, rendendoli più notabili.
Il 10 gennaio 2013, un [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9714 post sul blog] annunciò che, dal 24 gennaio 2013, i nove cappelli originali aggiunti con l' [[Sniper vs. Spy Update/it|Aggiornamento Cecchino contro Spia]] sarebbero stati ritirati, rendendoli non più ottenibili tramite la [[crafting/it|forgiatura]], il [[item drop system/it|sistema di drop degli oggetti]], le [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/it|Casse di Rifornimento Mann Co.]] (solo in qualità [[Unusual/it|Insolita]]) o il [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]] L'unica fonte non menzionata nell'essere rimossa sono le Casse di Rifornimenti Mann Co. esistenti con ogni altro cappello menzionato nella lista di oggetti ottenibile dalla cassa.
Alcuni cosmetici hanno una [[Holiday/it|restrizione festiva]], cioè non possono essere visti dai giocatori, tranne nella schermata del loadout, quando non c'è la festività o l'evento attivo sul server. In più, gli oggetti di [[Pyroland/it|Pirolandia]] possono essere visti solo da colui che li indossa e dai giocatori che hanno equipaggiato un oggetto che attiva la [[Pyrovision/it|Pirovisione]], o dagli spettatori che hanno l'opzione "Quando spettatore, vedi il mondo dagli occhi di un [[Pyro/it|Piro]]" attivata.
Il 10 gennaio 2013, un [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9714 post sul blog] {{lang icon|en}} annunciò che, dal 24 gennaio 2013, i nove cappelli originali aggiunti con l'{{update link|Sniper vs. Spy Update}} sarebbero stati ritirati, rendendoli non più ottenibili tramite la [[Crafting/it|forgiatura]], il [[item drop system/it|sistema di drop degli oggetti]], le [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/it|Casse di Rifornimento Mann Co.]] (solo in qualità [[Unusual/it|Insolita]]) o il [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]] L'unica fonte non menzionata nell'essere rimossa sono le Casse di Rifornimenti Mann Co. esistenti con ogni altro cappello menzionato nella lista di oggetti ottenibile dalla cassa.
Il 20 dicembre 2013, gli spazi per i cappelli nella schermata loadout dei giocatori "testa" e "vario" furono messi insieme a creare i tre spazi di loadout presenti oggi. Tutti i cosmetici che erano equipaggiabili solo nello spazio "testa" o "vario" furono possibilitati ad essere equipaggiati in ogni spazio.
Il 20 dicembre 2013, gli spazi per i cappelli nella schermata loadout dei giocatori "testa" e "vario" furono messi insieme a creare i tre spazi di loadout presenti oggi. Tutti i cosmetici che erano equipaggiabili solo nello spazio "testa" o "vario" furono possibilitati ad essere equipaggiati in ogni spazio.
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{{anchor|Hats|List|list|List of Hats|cosmetics|List of Cosmetic items}}
{{anchor|Hats|List|list|List of Hats|cosmetics|List of Cosmetic items}}
== Lista di oggetti cosmetici ==
== Lista di oggetti cosmetici ==
* [[List of Scout cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per l'Esploratore]]
* {{Icon class|class=Scout|link=List of Scout cosmetics/it}} [[List of Scout cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per l'Esploratore]]
* [[List of Soldier cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Soldato]]
* {{Icon class|class=Soldier|link=List of Soldier cosmetics/it}} [[List of Soldier cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Soldato]]
* [[List of Pyro cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Piro]]
* {{Icon class|class=Pyro|link=List of Pyro cosmetics/it}} [[List of Pyro cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Piro]]
* [[List of Demoman cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Demolitore]]
* {{Icon class|class=Demoman|link=List of Demoman cosmetics/it}} [[List of Demoman cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Demolitore]]
* [[List of Heavy cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Grosso]]
* {{Icon class|class=Heavy|link=List of Heavy cosmetics/it}} [[List of Heavy cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Grosso]]
* [[List of Engineer cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per l'Ingegnere]]
* {{Icon class|class=Engineer|link=List of Engineer cosmetics/it}} [[List of Engineer cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per l'Ingegnere]]
* [[List of Medic cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Medico]]
* {{Icon class|class=Medic|link=List of Medic cosmetics/it}} [[List of Medic cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Medico]]
* [[List of Sniper cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Cecchino]]
* {{Icon class|class=Sniper|link=List of Sniper cosmetics/it}} [[List of Sniper cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per il Cecchino]]
* [[List of Spy cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per la Spia]]
* {{Icon class|class=Spy|link=List of Spy cosmetics/it}} [[List of Spy cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per la Spia]]
* [[List of All class cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per tutte le classi]]
* {{Icon class|class=All classes|link=List of All class cosmetics/it}} [[List of All class cosmetics/it|Lista di cosmetici per tutte le classi]]
* [[List of retired items/it|Lista di oggetti ritirati]]
* {{Icon class|class=All classes|link=List of retired items/it}} [[List of retired items/it|Lista di oggetti ritirati]]
== Forgiatura ==
== Forgiatura ==
{{hatnote| See [[Crafting#Rare items|Headgear recipes]] in Crafting.}}
{{hatnote| See [[Crafting#Rare items|Headgear recipes]] in Crafting.}}
== Coloranti ==
== Coloranti ==
{{main|Paint Can|List of paintable items}}
{{main|Paint Can/it|List of paintable items/it|l1=Latta di Vernice|l1=Anteprima degli oggetti verniciabili}}
== Cronologia degli aggiornamenti ==
== Cronologia degli aggiornamenti ==
{{see also|Item timeline}}
{{see also|Item timeline}}
[[File:Hat magazine.png|right|300px|thumb|A mock magazine, ''Hat-Wearing Man'', appeared at the end of the [[Sniper vs. Spy Update]] announcing the first hats as a bonus.]]
{{Update history | '''{{Patch name|5|21|2009}}''' ([[Sniper vs. Spy Update]])
{{Update history | '''{{Patch name|5|21|2009}}''' ({{update link|Sniper vs. Spy Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Batter's Helmet]], [[Soldier's Stash]], [[Pyro's Beanie]], [[Demoman's Fro]], [[Football Helmet]], [[Mining Light]], [[Prussian Pickelhaube]], [[Trophy Belt]], and [[Fancy Fedora]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Batter's Helmet}}, {{item link|Soldier's Stash}}, {{item link|Pyro's Beanie}}, {{item link|Demoman's Fro}}, {{item link|Football Helmet}}, {{item link|Mining Light}}, {{item link|Prussian Pickelhaube}}, {{item link|Trophy Belt}}, and {{item link|Fancy Fedora}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|13|2009}}''' ([[Classless Update]])
'''{{Patch name|8|13|2009}}''' ({{update link|Classless Update}})
* Added [[Baseball Bill's Sports Shine]], [[Bonk Helm]], [[Ye Olde Baker Boy]], [[Stainless Pot]], [[Tyrant's Helm]], [[Brigade Helm]], [[Respectless Rubber Glove]], [[Glengarry Bonnet]], [[Scotsman's Stove Pipe]], [[Officer's Ushanka]], [[Tough Guy's Toque]], [[Engineer's Cap]], [[Texas Slim's Dome Shine]], [[Texas Ten Gallon]], [[Otolaryngologist's Mirror]], [[Vintage Tyrolean]], [[Master's Yellow Belt]], [[Professional's Panama]], [[Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative]], [[Backbiter's Billycock]], and [[Camera Beard]].
* Added {{item link|Baseball Bill's Sports Shine}}, {{item link|Bonk Helm}}, {{item link|Ye Olde Baker Boy}}, {{item link|Stainless Pot}}, {{item link|Tyrant's Helm}}, {{item link|Brigade Helm}}, {{item link|Respectless Rubber Glove}}, {{item link|Glengarry Bonnet}}, {{item link|Scotsman's Stove Pipe}}, {{item link|Officer's Ushanka}}, {{item link|Tough Guy's Toque}}, {{item link|Engineer's Cap}}, {{item link|Texas Slim's Dome Shine}}, {{item link|Texas Ten Gallon}}, {{item link|Otolaryngologist's Mirror}}, {{item link|Vintage Tyrolean}}, {{item link|Master's Yellow Belt}}, {{item link|Professional's Panama}}, {{item link|Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative}}, {{item link|Backbiter's Billycock}}, and {{item link|Camera Beard}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added Miscellaneous loadout slot.
* {{Undocumented}} Added Miscellaneous loadout slot.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Gentle Manne's Service Medal}}.
'''{{Patch name|9|2|2009}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|2|2009}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Cheater's Lament]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Cheater's Lament}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2009}}''' ([[Haunted Halloween Special]])
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2009}}''' ({{update link|Haunted Halloween Special}})
* Added [[Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask]] and [[Ghastly Gibus]].
* Added {{item link|Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask}} and {{item link|Ghastly Gibus}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|2|2009}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|2|2009}}'''
* Added [[Bill's Hat]].
* Added {{item link|Bill's Hat}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2009}}''' ([[WAR! Update]])
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2009}}''' ({{update link|WAR! Update}})
* Made [[Camera Beard]] a miscellaneous item.
* Made {{item link|Camera Beard}} a miscellaneous item.
'''{{Patch name|1|27|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|27|2010}}'''
* Added [[Towering Pillar of Hats]], [[Noble Amassment of Hats]], and the [[Modest Pile of Hat]]. Special versions of these hats, [[J.Axer's Dapper Topper]], [[Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat]], and [[Uncle Sam]], were awarded to the three winners of the [[Propaganda contest]].
* Added {{item link|Towering Pillar of Hats}}, {{item link|Noble Amassment of Hats}}, and the {{item link|Modest Pile of Hat}}. Special versions of these hats, {{item link|J.Axer's Dapper Topper}}, {{item link|Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat}}, and {{item link|Uncle Sam}}, were awarded to the three winners of the [[Propaganda contest]].
'''{{Patch name|3|18|2010}}''' ([[First Community Contribution Update]])  
'''{{Patch name|3|18|2010}}''' ({{update link|First Community Contribution Update}})
* Added [[Troublemaker's Tossle Cap]], [[Killer's Kabuto]], [[Triboniophorus Tyrannus]], [[Hustler's Hallmark]], [[Hound Dog]], [[Hotrod]], [[Physician's Procedure Mask]], [[Shooter's Sola Topi]], [[Magistrate's Mullet]].
* Added {{item link|Troublemaker's Tossle Cap}}, {{item link|Killer's Kabuto}}, {{item link|Triboniophorus Tyrannus}}, {{item link|Hustler's Hallmark}}, {{item link|Hound Dog}}, {{item link|Hotrod}}, {{item link|Physician's Procedure Mask}}, {{item link|Shooter's Sola Topi}}, and {{item link|Magistrate's Mullet}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|15|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|15|2010}}'''
* Added [[Max's Severed Head]].
* Added {{item link|Max's Severed Head}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|29|2010}}''' ([[119th Update]])
'''{{Patch name|4|29|2010}}''' ({{update link|119th Update}})
* Added [[Grizzled Veteran]], [[Soldier of Fortune]], and [[Mercenary]].
* Added {{item link|Grizzled Veteran}}, {{item link|Soldier of Fortune}}, and {{item link|Mercenary}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|5|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|5|2010}}'''
* Added [[Primeval Warrior]].
* Added {{item link|Primeval Warrior}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|20|2010}}''' ([[Second Community Contribution Update]])  
'''{{Patch name|5|20|2010}}''' ({{update link|Second Community Contribution Update}})
* Added [[Whoopee Cap]], [[Sergeant's Drill Hat]], [[Vintage Merryweather]], [[Whiskered Gentleman]], [[Tippler's Tricorne]], [[Heavy Duty Rag]], [[Safe'n'Sound]], [[Ze Goggles]], [[Gentleman's Gatsby]], [[Bloke's Bucket Hat]], and [[Frenchman's Beret]].
* Added {{item link|Whoopee Cap}}, {{item link|Sergeant's Drill Hat}}, {{item link|Vintage Merryweather}}, {{item link|Whiskered Gentleman}}, {{item link|Tippler's Tricorne}}, {{item link|Heavy Duty Rag}}, {{item link|Safe'n'Sound}}, {{item link|Ze Goggles}}, {{item link|Gentleman's Gatsby}}, {{item link|Bloke's Bucket Hat}}, and {{item link|Frenchman's Beret}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|21|2010}}'''  
'''{{Patch name|5|21|2010}}'''
* Made [[Whiskered Gentleman]] a miscellaneous item.
* Made {{item link|Whiskered Gentleman}} a miscellaneous item.
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2010}}''' ([[Mac Update]])
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2010}}''' ({{update link|Mac Update}})
* Added [[Earbuds]].
* Added {{item link|Earbuds}}.
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2010}}''' ([[Engineer Update]])
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2010}}''' ({{update link|Engineer Update}})
* A second misc slot is added.
* A second misc slot is added.
'''{{Patch name|7|19|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|19|2010}}'''
* Added [[Alien Swarm Parasite]].
* Added {{item link|Alien Swarm Parasite}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|25|2010}}'''  
'''{{Patch name|8|25|2010}}'''
*{{Undocumented}} Added [[Lumbricus Lid]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Lumbricus Lid}}.
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ([[Mann-Conomy Update]])
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ({{update link|Mann-Conomy Update}})
* Added [[Milkman]], [[Bombing Run]], [[Grenadier's Softcap]], [[Chieftain's Challenge]], [[Stout Shako]], [[Dr's Dapper Topper]], [[Attendant]], [[Old Guadalajara]], [[Napper's Respite]], [[Handyman's Handle]], [[Sober Stuntman]], [[Carouser's Capotain]], [[Pugilist's Protector]], [[Hard Counter]], [[Ol' Snaggletooth]], [[Familiar Fez]], [[Mann Co. Cap]], [[Ellis' Cap]], and the [[Wiki Cap]].
* Added {{item link|Milkman}}, {{item link|Bombing Run}}, {{item link|Grenadier's Softcap}}, {{item link|Chieftain's Challenge}}, {{item link|Stout Shako}}, {{item link|Dr's Dapper Topper}}, {{item link|Attendant}}, {{item link|Old Guadalajara}}, {{item link|Napper's Respite}}, {{item link|Handyman's Handle}}, {{item link|Sober Stuntman}}, {{item link|Carouser's Capotain}}, {{item link|Pugilist's Protector}}, {{item link|Hard Counter}}, {{item link|Ol' Snaggletooth}}, {{item link|Familiar Fez}}, {{item link|Mann Co. Cap}}, {{item link|Ellis' Cap}}, and {{item link|Wiki Cap}}.
* The second misc slot is removed and is replaced by the [[Action items|Action]] slot.
* The second misc slot is removed and is replaced by the {{item link|Action items|Action}} slot.
'''{{Patch name|10|27|2010}}''' ([[Scream Fortress Update]])  
'''{{Patch name|10|27|2010}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress Update}})
* Added [[Horrific Headsplitter]], [[Spine-Chilling Skull]], [[Voodoo Juju]], [[Cadaver's Cranium]], [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head]], 9 class-specific [[Halloween Masks]], and the [[Saxton Hale Mask]].
* Added {{item link|Horrific Headsplitter}}, {{item link|Spine-Chilling Skull}}, {{item link|Voodoo Juju}}, {{item link|Cadaver's Cranium}}, {{item link|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head}}, 9 class-specific {{item link|Halloween Masks}}, and {{item link|Saxton Hale Mask}}.
* [[Ghastly Gibus]]es obtained on the 2009 Halloween Update became [[Ghastlier Gibus]]es.
* {{item link|Ghastly Gibus}}es obtained on the 2009 Halloween Update became {{item link|Ghastlier Gibus}}es.
'''{{Patch name|11|3|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|3|2010}}'''
* Added [[Dealer's Visor]].
* Added {{item link|Dealer's Visor}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|19|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|19|2010}}'''
* Added [[License to Maim]].
* Added {{item link|License to Maim}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Companion Cube Pin]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Companion Cube Pin}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|7|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|7|2010}}'''
* Added [[Bounty Hat]], [[Treasure Hat]], and [[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect]].
* Added {{item link|Bounty Hat}}, {{item link|Treasure Hat}}, and {{item link|Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|13|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|13|2010}}'''
* Added [[Foster's Facade]] and [[Stockbroker's Scarf]].
* Added {{item link|Foster's Facade}} and {{item link|Stockbroker's Scarf}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2010}}''' ([[Australian Christmas]])
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2010}}''' ({{update link|Australian Christmas}})
* Added [[A Rather Festive Tree]], [[Flipped Trilby]], [[Buckaroos Hat]], [[Blighted Beak]], [[Prince Tavish's Crown]], [[Exquisite Rack]], [[Madame Dixie]], [[Coupe D'isaster]], [[Detective Noir]], [[German Gonzila]], [[Le Party Phantom]], [[Larrikin Robin]], [[Defiant Spartan]], [[Scotch Bonnet]], [[Berliner's Bucket Helm]], [[Magnificent Mongolian]], [[Big Chief]], [[Pyromancer's Mask]], [[Prancer's Pride]], [[Industrial Festivizer]], and the [[World Traveler's Hat]].
* Added {{item link|A Rather Festive Tree}}, {{item link|Flipped Trilby}}, {{item link|Buckaroos Hat}}, {{item link|Blighted Beak}}, {{item link|Prince Tavish's Crown}}, {{item link|Exquisite Rack}}, {{item link|Madame Dixie}}, {{item link|Coupe D'isaster}}, {{item link|Detective Noir}}, {{item link|German Gonzila}}, {{item link|Le Party Phantom}}, {{item link|Larrikin Robin}}, {{item link|Defiant Spartan}}, {{item link|Scotch Bonnet}}, {{item link|Berliner's Bucket Helm}}, {{item link|Magnificent Mongolian}}, {{item link|Big Chief}}, {{item link|Pyromancer's Mask}}, {{item link|Prancer's Pride}}, {{item link|Industrial Festivizer}}, and {{item link|World Traveler's Hat}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2010}}'''
* Made [[Le Party Phantom]] a miscellaneous slot item.
* Made {{item link|Le Party Phantom}} a miscellaneous slot item.
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2010}}'''
* Made [[Blighted Beak]] a miscellaneous slot item.
* Made {{item link|Blighted Beak}} a miscellaneous slot item.
'''{{Patch name|1|24|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|24|2011}}'''
* Added [[Superfan]], [[Athletic Supporter]] and [[Essential Accessories]].
* Added {{item link|Superfan}}, {{item link|Athletic Supporter}}, and {{item link|Essential Accessories}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|28|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|28|2011}}'''
* Added [[Hero's Hachimaki]].
* Added {{item link|Hero's Hachimaki}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|10|2011}}''' ([[Shogun Pack]])
'''{{Patch name|3|10|2011}}''' ({{update link|Shogun Pack}})
* Added [[Samur-Eye]], [[Dread Knot]], [[Geisha Boy]], and [[Noh Mercy]].
* Added {{item link|Samur-Eye}}, {{item link|Dread Knot}}, {{item link|Geisha Boy}}, and {{item link|Noh Mercy}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|23|2011}}''' ([[Japan Charity Bundle]])
'''{{Patch name|3|23|2011}}''' ({{update link|Japan Charity Bundle}})
* Added [[Humanitarian's Hachimaki]], [[Benefactor's Kanmuri]], and [[Magnanimous Monarch]].
* Added {{item link|Humanitarian's Hachimaki}}, {{item link|Benefactor's Kanmuri}}, and {{item link|Magnanimous Monarch}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|5|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|5|2011}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Aperture Labs Hard Hat|{{botignore|[ classified ]}}]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Aperture Labs Hard Hat|{{botignore|[ classified ]}}]].
'''{{Patch name|4|7|2011}}''' ([[Third Community Contribution Update]])
'''{{Patch name|4|7|2011}}''' ({{update link|Third Community Contribution Update}})
* Added [[Sight for Sore Eyes]], [[Reggaelator]], [[Honcho's Headgear]], [[Big Country]], [[Professor's Peculiarity]], [[Teddy Roosebelt]], [[Googly Gazer]], [[Medic's Mountain Cap]], [[Grimm Hatte]], [[Private Eye]], and [[Charmer's Chapeau]].
* Added {{item link|Sight for Sore Eyes}}, {{item link|Reggaelator}}, {{item link|Honcho's Headgear}}, {{item link|Big Country}}, {{item link|Professor's Peculiarity}}, {{item link|Teddy Roosebelt}}, {{item link|Googly Gazer}}, {{item link|Medic's Mountain Cap}}, {{item link|Grimm Hatte}}, {{item link|Private Eye}}, and {{item link|Charmer's Chapeau}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Resurrection Associate Pin]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Resurrection Associate Pin}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|28|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|28|2011}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Dead Cone]], [[Brain Bucket]], [[Hetman's Headpiece]], [[Janissary Ketche]], and [[SpaceChem Pin]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Dead Cone}}, {{item link|Brain Bucket}}, {{item link|Hetman's Headpiece}}, {{item link|Janissary Ketche}}, and {{item link|SpaceChem Pin}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|5|2011}}''' ([[Replay Update]])
'''{{Patch name|5|5|2011}}''' ({{update link|Replay Update}})
* Added [[Ol' Geezer]], [[Team Captain]], [[Hottie's Hoodie]], [[Connoisseur's Cap]], [[Furious Fukaamigasa]], [[Large Luchadore]], [[Western Wear]], [[Doctor's Sack]], [[Crocleather Slouch]], [[Villain's Veil]] and [[Frontline Field Recorder]].
* Added {{item link|Ol' Geezer}}, {{item link|Team Captain}}, {{item link|Hottie's Hoodie}}, {{item link|Connoisseur's Cap}}, {{item link|Furious Fukaamigasa}}, {{item link|Large Luchadore}}, {{item link|Western Wear}}, {{item link|Doctor's Sack}}, {{item link|Crocleather Slouch}}, {{item link|Villain's Veil}}, and {{item link|Frontline Field Recorder}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|12|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|12|2011}}'''
* Added [[Hero's Tail]] and [[Sign of the Wolf's School]].
* Added {{item link|Hero's Tail}} and {{item link|Sign of the Wolf's School}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|31|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|31|2011}}'''
* Added [[Conjurer's Cowl]].
* Added {{item link|Conjurer's Cowl}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|3|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|3|2011}}'''
* Added [[Planeswalker Goggles]] and [[Planeswalker Helm]].
* Added {{item link|Planeswalker Goggles}} and {{item link|Planeswalker Helm}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2011}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Lo-Fi Longwave]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Lo-Fi Longwave}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|23|2011}}''' ([[Über Update]])
'''{{Patch name|6|23|2011}}''' ({{update link|Über Update}})
* Added [[Bonk Boy]], [[Armored Authority]], [[Jumper's Jeepcap]], [[Fancy Dress Uniform]], [[Pocket Medic]], [[Sultan's Ceremonial]], [[Capo's Capper]], [[Desert Marauder]], [[Cosa Nostra Cap]], [[Made Man]], and [[Professor Speks]].
* Added {{item link|Bonk Boy}}, {{item link|Armored Authority}}, {{item link|Jumper's Jeepcap}}, {{item link|Fancy Dress Uniform}}, {{item link|Pocket Medic}}, {{item link|Sultan's Ceremonial}}, {{item link|Capo's Capper}}, {{item link|Desert Marauder}}, {{item link|Cosa Nostra Cap}}, {{item link|Made Man}}, and {{item link|Professor Speks}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Made [[Planeswalker Goggles]] a miscellaneous item.
* {{Undocumented}} Made {{item link|Planeswalker Goggles}} a miscellaneous item.
'''{{Patch name|7|1|2011}}''' ([[Summer Camp Sale]])
'''{{Patch name|7|1|2011}}''' ({{update link|Summer Camp Sale}})
* Added [[Summer Hat]].
* Added {{item link|Summer Hat}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Copper's Hard Top]], [[Tam O' Shanter]], [[Stately Steel Toe]], [[Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun]], [[Security Shades]], [[Rogue's Col Roule]], [[Prairie Heel Biters]], [[Lucky No. 42]], [[Flip-Flops]], and [[Summer Shades]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Copper's Hard Top}}, {{item link|Tam O' Shanter}}, {{item link|Stately Steel Toe}}, {{item link|Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun}}, {{item link|Security Shades}}, {{item link|Rogue's Col Roule}}, {{item link|Prairie Heel Biters}}, {{item link|Lucky No. 42}}, {{item link|Flip-Flops}}, and {{item link|Summer Shades}}.
'''{{Patch name|7|20|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|20|2011}}'''
* Added [[Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet]], [[Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe]] and [[Dr. Grordbort's Crest]].
* Added {{item link|Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet}}, {{item link|Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe}}, and {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Crest}}.
'''{{Patch name|7|29|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|29|2011}}'''
* Added [[Mask of the Shaman]].
* Added {{item link|Mask of the Shaman}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2011}}'''
* Added [[Stahlhelm]], and [[Pilotka]].
* Added {{item link|Stahlhelm}}, and {{item link|Pilotka}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|3|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|3|2011}}'''
* Added [[Dragonborn Helmet|Tamrielic Relic]], [[Anger]], [[Pip-Boy]] and [[Wingstick]].
* Added {{item link|Dragonborn Helmet|Tamrielic Relic}}, {{item link|Anger}}, {{item link|Pip-Boy}}, and {{item link|Wingstick}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|9|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|9|2011}}'''
Line 195: Line 201:
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}'''
* Added [[Company Man]], [[Nanobalaclava]], [[Purity Fist]] and [[Deus Specs]].
* Added {{item link|Company Man}}, {{item link|Nanobalaclava}}, {{item link|Purity Fist}} and {{item link|Deus Specs}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the [[Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat]], [[Clockwerk's Helm]], and [[Sniper's Snipin' Glass]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added the {{item link|Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat}}, {{item link|Clockwerk's Helm}}, and {{item link|Sniper's Snipin' Glass}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Brought back the ability to view [[item levels]] on hats in the in-game [[backpack]].
* {{Undocumented}} Brought back the ability to view [[item levels]] on hats in the in-game [[backpack]].
'''{{Patch name|8|23|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|23|2011}}'''
* Added [[Party Hat]].
* Added {{item link|Party Hat}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|30|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|30|2011}}'''
* Added [[El Jefe]].
* Added {{item link|El Jefe}}.
'''{{Patch name|9|15|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|15|2011}}'''
* Added [[Killer Exclusive]].
* Added {{item link|Killer Exclusive}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ([[Manniversary Update & Sale]])
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ({{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}})
* Added [[Manniversary Paper Hat]], [[Backwards Ballcap]], [[Hot Dogger]], [[Hat With No Name]], [[Salty Dog]], [[Birdcage]], [[Flamboyant Flamenco]], [[Little Buddy]], [[Buccaneer's Bicorne]], [[Tavish DeGroot Experience]], [[Gym Rat]], [[One-Man Army]], [[Outdoorsman]], [[Pencil Pusher]], [[Virtual Reality Headset]], [[Swagman's Swatter]], [[Your Worst Nightmare]], [[Counterfeit Billycock]], [[L'Inspecteur]], [[Stereoscopic Shades]], [[Ball-Kicking Boots]], [[Cremator's Conscience]], [[A Whiff of the Old Brimstone]], [[Builder's Blueprints]], [[Couvre Corner]], [[Surgeon's Stethoscope]], [[Crocodile Smile]], [[Spectre's Spectacles]], [[Merc's Pride Scarf]], [[Flair!]], [[Photo Badge]] and [[Clan Pride]].
* Added {{item link|Manniversary Paper Hat}}, {{item link|Backwards Ballcap}}, {{item link|Hot Dogger}}, {{item link|Hat With No Name}}, {{item link|Salty Dog}}, {{item link|Birdcage}}, {{item link|Flamboyant Flamenco}}, {{item link|Little Buddy}}, {{item link|Buccaneer's Bicorne}}, {{item link|Tavish DeGroot Experience}}, {{item link|Gym Rat}}, {{item link|One-Man Army}}, {{item link|Outdoorsman}}, {{item link|Pencil Pusher}}, {{item link|Virtual Reality Headset}}, {{item link|Swagman's Swatter}}, {{item link|Your Worst Nightmare}}, {{item link|Counterfeit Billycock}}, {{item link|L'Inspecteur}}, {{item link|Stereoscopic Shades}}, {{item link|Ball-Kicking Boots}}, {{item link|Cremator's Conscience}}, {{item link|A Whiff of the Old Brimstone}}, {{item link|Builder's Blueprints}}, {{item link|Couvre Corner}}, {{item link|Surgeon's Stethoscope}}, {{item link|Crocodile Smile}}, {{item link|Spectre's Spectacles}}, {{item link|Merc's Pride Scarf}}, {{item link|Flair!}}, {{item link|Photo Badge}}, and {{item link|Clan Pride}}.
* Bonk Boy and Foster's Facade are now miscellaneous slot items.
* Bonk Boy and Foster's Facade are now miscellaneous slot items.
* Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect animations have been added.
* Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect animations have been added.
* [[LOD]] models added to several older cosmetic items.
* [[Level of detail|LOD]] models added to several older cosmetic items.
* Players can now equip two misc items at once.
* Players can now equip two misc items at once.
* {{undocumented}} Made Noh Mercy, Large Luchadore and the Sniper's Snipin' Glass miscellaneous items.
* {{Undocumented}} Made Noh Mercy, Large Luchadore and the Sniper's Snipin' Glass miscellaneous items.
'''{{Patch name|10|27|2011}}''' ([[Very Scary Halloween Special]])
'''{{Patch name|10|27|2011}}''' ({{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}})
* Added [[Wrap Battler]], [[B-ankh!]], [[Futankhamun]], [[Idiot Box]], [[Steel Pipes]], [[Shoestring Budget]], [[Blazing Bull]], [[Fallen Angel]], [[Tail From the Crypt]], [[Hair of the Dog]], [[Scottish Snarl]], [[Pickled Paws]], [[Can Opener]], [[Soviet Stitch-Up]], [[Steel-Toed Stompers]], [[Buzz Killer]], [[Frontier Flyboy]], [[Legend of Bugfoot]], [[Einstein]], [[Dr. Gogglestache]], [[Emerald Jarate]], [[Holy Hunter]], [[Silver Bullets]], [[Garlic Flank Stake]], [[Under Cover]], [[Griffin's Gog]], [[Intangible Ascot]], [[Seal Mask]], [[Apparition's Aspect]], [[Last Breath]], [[Bombinomicon]], [[MONOCULUS!]], [[Spine-Chilling Skull 2011]], and [[Infernal Impaler]].
* Added {{item link|Wrap Battler}}, {{item link|B-ankh!}}, {{item link|Futankhamun}}, {{item link|Idiot Box}}, {{item link|Steel Pipes}}, {{item link|Shoestring Budget}}, {{item link|Blazing Bull}}, {{item link|Fallen Angel}}, {{item link|Tail From the Crypt}}, {{item link|Hair of the Dog}}, {{item link|Scottish Snarl}}, {{item link|Pickled Paws}}, {{item link|Can Opener}}, {{item link|Soviet Stitch-Up}}, {{item link|Steel-Toed Stompers}}, {{item link|Buzz Killer}}, {{item link|Frontier Flyboy}}, {{item link|Legend of Bugfoot}}, {{item link|Einstein}}, {{item link|Dr. Gogglestache}}, {{item link|Emerald Jarate}}, {{item link|Holy Hunter}}, {{item link|Silver Bullets}}, {{item link|Garlic Flank Stake}}, {{item link|Under Cover}}, {{item link|Griffin's Gog}}, {{item link|Intangible Ascot}}, {{item link|Seal Mask}}, {{item link|Apparition's Aspect}}, {{item link|Last Breath}}, {{item link|Bombinomicon}}, {{item link|MONOCULUS!}}, {{item link|Spine-Chilling Skull 2011}}, and {{item link|Infernal Impaler}}.
* Fixed [[Spine-Chilling Skull]] not appearing when equipped by Soldiers  
* Fixed {{item link|Spine-Chilling Skull}} not appearing when equipped by Soldiers.
* {{Undocumented}} All Ghastly Gibuses have been upgraded to Ghastlier Gibuses.
* {{Undocumented}} All Ghastly Gibuses have been upgraded to Ghastlier Gibuses.
* {{Undocumented}} All Ghastlier Gibuses have been upgraded to the [[Ghastlierest Gibus]]es.
* {{Undocumented}} All Ghastlier Gibuses have been upgraded to the {{item link|Ghastlierest Gibus}}es.
* {{Undocumented}} All hats that had [[Holiday#Halloween|Halloween restrictions]] can now be worn during [[Holiday#Full Moon|Full Moons]].
* {{Undocumented}} All hats that had [[Holiday#Halloween|Halloween restrictions]] can now be worn during [[Holiday#Full Moon|Full Moons]].
* {{Undocumented}} Spine-Chilling Skull and Voodoo Juju are no longer craftable.  
* {{Undocumented}} Spine-Chilling Skull and Voodoo Juju are no longer craftable.
'''{{Patch name|11|10|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|10|2011}}'''
* Added [[Cold War Luchador]] and [[Mark of the Saint]].
* Added {{item link|Cold War Luchador}} and {{item link|Mark of the Saint}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|16|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|16|2011}}'''
* Added [[Point and Shoot]] and [[War Head]].
* Added {{item link|Point and Shoot}} and {{item link|War Head}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|22|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|22|2011}}'''
* Added [[Dr. Whoa]].
* Added {{item link|Dr. Whoa}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|23|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|23|2011}}'''
* Added [[Dashin' Hashshashin]] and [[Top Notch]].
* Added {{item link|Dashin' Hashshashin}} and {{item link|Top Notch}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|29|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|29|2011}}'''
Line 240: Line 246:
'''{{Patch name|12|1|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|1|2011}}'''
* Added [[Itsy Bitsy Spyer]].
* Added {{item link|Itsy Bitsy Spyer}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|15|2011}}''' ([[Australian Christmas 2011]])
'''{{Patch name|12|15|2011}}''' ({{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}})
* Added [[Big Elfin Deal]], [[Bootie Time]], [[All-Father]], [[Kringle Collection]], [[Ornament Armament]], [[Moonman Backpack]], [[Jingle Belt]], [[Bubble Pipe]], [[Head Warmer]], [[Sandvich Safe]], [[Brainiac Goggles]], [[Brainiac Hairpiece]], [[Stocking Stuffer]], [[Outback Intellectual]], [[Brown Bomber]], [[Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest]], [[Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest]], [[Ebenezer]], and [[Holiday Headcase]].
* Added {{item link|Big Elfin Deal}}, {{item link|Bootie Time}}, {{item link|All-Father}}, {{item link|Kringle Collection}}, {{item link|Ornament Armament}}, {{item link|Moonman Backpack}}, {{item link|Jingle Belt}}, {{item link|Bubble Pipe}}, {{item link|Head Warmer}}, {{item link|Sandvich Safe}}, {{item link|Brainiac Goggles}}, {{item link|Brainiac Hairpiece}}, {{item link|Stocking Stuffer}}, {{item link|Outback Intellectual}}, {{item link|Brown Bomber}}, {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest}}, {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest}}, {{item link|Ebenezer}}, and {{item link|Holiday Headcase}}.
* Added [[Full Head Of Steam]] as a Foundry achievement milestone reward.
* Added [[Full Head of Steam|{{botignore|Full Head Of Steam}}]] as a Foundry achievement milestone reward.
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2011}}'''
* Added [[Spirit Of Giving]].
* Added [[Spirit of Giving|{{botignore|Spirit Of Giving}}]].
'''{{Patch name|12|23|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|23|2011}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added "glasses" equip region to the Brain Bucket.
* {{Undocumented}} Added "glasses" [[equip region]] to the Brain Bucket.
* {{Undocumented}} Removed Scout's headset when equipped with the Brown Bomber.
* {{Undocumented}} Removed Scout's headset when equipped with the Brown Bomber.
'''{{Patch name|1|11|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|11|2012}}'''
* Added [[Lucky Shot]].
* Added {{item link|Lucky Shot}}.
'''{{Patch name|1|17|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|17|2012}}'''
* Added [[Warsworn Helmet]], [[Bolgan]], and [[Bolgan Family Crest]].
* Added {{item link|Warsworn Helmet}}, {{item link|Bolgan}}, and {{item link|Bolgan Family Crest}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Map Maker's Medallion|Mapper's Medallion]] to the game files.
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Map Maker's Medallion|Mapper's Medallion}} to the game files.
'''{{Patch name|1|26|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|26|2012}}'''
* Added [[Aladdin's Private Reserve]].
* Added {{item link|Aladdin's Private Reserve}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|2|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|2|2012}}'''
* Added [[Battle Bob]], [[Bushman's Boonie]], [[Conquistador]], Map Maker's Medallion and the [[Merc Medal]].
* Added {{item link|Battle Bob}}, {{item link|Bushman's Boonie}}, {{item link|Conquistador}}, Map Maker's Medallion, and {{item link|Merc Medal}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|9|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|9|2012}}'''
* Added [[Boston Boom-Bringer]].
* Added {{item link|Boston Boom-Bringer}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2012}}'''
* Added [[Something Special For Someone Special]] and [[Snapped Pupil]].
* Added {{item link|Something Special For Someone Special}} and {{item link|Snapped Pupil}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|23|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|23|2012}}'''
* Added [[Fast Learner]]
* Added {{item link|Fast Learner}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|1|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|1|2012}}'''
* Added [[Teufort Tooth Kicker]].
* Added {{item link|Teufort Tooth Kicker}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|8|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|8|2012}}'''
* Added [[Nine-Pipe Problem]].
* Added {{item link|Nine-Pipe Problem}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|22|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|22|2012}}'''
* Added [[Waxy Wayfinder]] and [[Scrap Pack]].
* Added {{item link|Waxy Wayfinder}} and {{item link|Scrap Pack}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2012}}'''
Line 288: Line 294:
'''{{Patch name|4|17|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|17|2012}}'''
* Added [[Bolt Action Blitzer]], [[Texas Half-Pants]], and [[Toss-Proof Towel]].
* Added {{item link|Bolt Action Blitzer}}, {{item link|Texas Half-Pants}}, and {{item link|Toss-Proof Towel}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|18|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|18|2012}}'''
Line 294: Line 300:
'''{{Patch name|5|3|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|3|2012}}'''
* Added [[Fruit Shoot]].
* Added {{item link|Fruit Shoot}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|10|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|10|2012}}'''
* Added [[Front Runner]], [[Triclops]], and [[Flamingo Kid]].
* Added {{item link|Front Runner}}, {{item link|Triclops}}, and {{item link|Flamingo Kid}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|17|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|17|2012}}'''
* Added [[Cross-Comm Crash Helmet]], [[Cross-Comm Express]], [[Sneaky Spats of Sneaking]] and the [[Doublecross-Comm]].
* Added {{item link|Cross-Comm Crash Helmet}}, {{item link|Cross-Comm Express}}, {{item link|Sneaky Spats of Sneaking}}, and {{item link|Doublecross-Comm}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|31|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|31|2012}}'''
* Added [[Surgeon's Side Satchel]], [[Atomic Accolade]], [[Quadwrangler]] and [[Professor's Pineapple]].
* Added {{item link|Surgeon's Side Satchel}}, {{item link|Atomic Accolade}}, {{item link|Quadwrangler}}, and {{item link|Professor's Pineapple}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|11|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|11|2012}}'''
* Added [[Liquor Locker]].
* Added {{item link|Liquor Locker}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|27|2012}}''' ([[Pyromania Update]])
'''{{Patch name|6|27|2012}}''' ({{update link|Pyromania Update}})
* Added [[Fed-Fightin' Fedora]], [[Dillinger's Duffel]], [[Helmet Without a Home]], [[Captain's Cocktails]], [[HazMat Headcase]], [[Burning Bongos]], [[Infernal Orchestrina]], [[Bird-Man of Aberdeen]], [[Apparatchik's Apparel]], [[Idea Tube]], [[Business Casual]], [[Liquidator's Lid]], [[Gentleman's Ushanka]], [[Robot Chicken Hat]] [[Balloonicorn]] and [[Pyrovision Goggles]].
* Added {{item link|Fed-Fightin' Fedora}}, {{item link|Dillinger's Duffel}}, {{item link|Helmet Without a Home}}, {{item link|Captain's Cocktails}}, {{item link|HazMat Headcase}}, {{item link|Burning Bongos}}, {{item link|Infernal Orchestrina}}, {{item link|Bird-Man of Aberdeen}}, {{item link|Apparatchik's Apparel}}, {{item link|Idea Tube}}, {{item link|Business Casual}}, {{item link|Liquidator's Lid}}, {{item link|Gentleman's Ushanka}}, {{item link|Robot Chicken Hat}}, {{item link|Balloonicorn}}, and {{item link|Pyrovision Goggles}}.
* {{undocumented}} Pocket Medic, Triboniophorus Tyrannus, Cremator's Conscience, Bird-Man of Aberdeen, Alien Swarm Parasite, and Balloonicorn and are now credited with assists on unassisted kills in [[Pyroland]].
* {{Undocumented}} Pocket Medic, Triboniophorus Tyrannus, Cremator's Conscience, Bird-Man of Aberdeen, Alien Swarm Parasite, and Balloonicorn are now credited with assists on unassisted kills in Pyroland.
* {{undocumented}} Added [[Gentle Munitionne of Leisure]] as a Doomsday achievement milestone reward.
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Gentle Munitionne of Leisure}} as a Doomsday achievement milestone reward.
'''{{Patch name|6|28|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|28|2012}}'''
Line 324: Line 330:
'''{{Patch name|7|20|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|20|2012}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Updated the world model of Scotch Bonnet.
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the world model of Scotch Bonnet.
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2012}}''' ([[Triad Pack]])
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2012}}''' ({{update link|Triad Pack}})
* Added [[Russian Rocketeer]], [[Awesomenauts Badge]], [[Triad Trinket]], [[Champ Stamp]], [[Marxman]], [[Lone Star]], and [[Human Cannonball]].
* Added {{item link|Russian Rocketeer}}, {{item link|Awesomenauts Badge}}, {{item link|Triad Trinket}}, {{item link|Champ Stamp}}, {{item link|Marxman}}, {{item link|Lone Star}}, and {{item link|Human Cannonball}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|10|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|10|2012}}'''
* Added [[Void Monk Hair]], [[Grenadier Helm]], and [[Ninja Cowl]].
* Added {{item link|Void Monk Hair}}, {{item link|Grenadier Helm}}, and {{item link|Ninja Cowl}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|11|2012}}'''  
'''{{Patch name|8|11|2012}}'''
* {{undocumented}} [[Barely-Melted Capacitor]] is now equippable, though is not visible due to having no model.
* {{Undocumented}} {{item link|Barely-Melted Capacitor}} is now equippable, though is not visible due to having no model.
'''{{Patch name|8|15|2012}}''' ([[Mann vs. Machine update|Mann vs. Machine]])
'''{{Patch name|8|15|2012}}''' ({{update link|Mann vs. Machine (update)}})
* Added [[Archimedes]], [[RoBro 3000]] , and [[Soldier's Stogie]].
* Added {{item link|Archimedes}}, {{item link|RoBro 3000}} , and {{item link|Soldier's Stogie}}.
* {{undocumented}} Added the [[U-clank-a]], [[Stealth Steeler]], [[Tin Pot]], [[Robot Running Man]], [[Bolted Bushman]], [[Tin-1000]], [[Pyrobotics Pack]], [[Medic Mech-bag]], [[Battery Bandolier]], and [[Tour of Duty Badge]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added the {{item link|U-clank-a}}, {{item link|Stealth Steeler}}, {{item link|Tin Pot}}, {{item link|Robot Running Man}}, {{item link|Bolted Bushman}}, {{item link|Tin-1000}}, {{item link|Pyrobotics Pack}}, {{item link|Medic Mech-bag}}, {{item link|Battery Bandolier}}, and {{item link|Tour of Duty Badge}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|17|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|17|2012}}'''
* Updated the [[backpack]] image for [[Archimedes]] to fix an alpha channel problem.
* Updated the [[backpack]] image for {{item link|Archimedes}} to fix an alpha channel problem.
* Updated the colors for [[Battery Bandolier]].
* Updated the colors for {{item link|Battery Bandolier}}.
* {{undocumented}} Added [[Soldier's Stogie]] and Archimedes to the item drop system.
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Soldier's Stogie}} and Archimedes to the item drop system.
'''{{Patch name|8|21|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|21|2012}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Updated the backpack icons for [[Archimedes]] and [[Battery Bandolier]].
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the backpack icons for {{item link|Archimedes}} and {{item link|Battery Bandolier}}.
* {{undocumented}} Fixed [[Boston Boom-Bringer]] not playing sounds when in MvM.
* {{Undocumented}} Fixed {{item link|Boston Boom-Bringer}} not playing sounds when in MvM.
'''{{Patch name|9|4|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|4|2012}}'''
* Added [[Crafty Hair]], [[Area 451]], and [[Vigilant Pin]].
* Added {{item link|Crafty Hair}}, {{item link|Area 451}}, and {{item link|Vigilant Pin}}.
* Backpack sounds updated for [[MONOCULUS!]], [[Manniversary Paper Hat]], [[Party Hat]], [[Rogue's Col Roule]], [[Scrap Pack]], [[Professor's Pineapple]], [[Googly Gazer]], [[Liquor Locker]], and [[Something Special For Someone Special]].
* Backpack sounds updated for {{item link|MONOCULUS!}}, {{item link|Manniversary Paper Hat}}, {{item link|Party Hat}}, {{item link|Rogue's Col Roule}}, {{item link|Scrap Pack}}, {{item link|Professor's Pineapple}}, {{item link|Googly Gazer}}, {{item link|Liquor Locker}}, and {{item link|Something Special For Someone Special}}.
* The [[Professor's Peculiarity]] and [[Teufort Tooth Kicker]]s are now craftable.
* The {{item link|Professor's Peculiarity}} and {{item link|Teufort Tooth Kicker}}s are now craftable.
* Loosened equip region restrictions for the [[Whiskered Gentleman]], [[Sight for Sore Eyes]], [[Googly Gazer]], and [[Nine-Pipe Problem]].
* Loosened equip region restrictions for the {{item link|Whiskered Gentleman}}, {{item link|Sight for Sore Eyes}}, {{item link|Googly Gazer}}, and {{item link|Nine-Pipe Problem}}.
* Added [[styles]] to [[Big Country]], [[Professor's Peculiarity]], and [[Copper's Hard Top]].
* Added [[styles]] to {{item link|Big Country}}, {{item link|Professor's Peculiarity}}, and {{item link|Copper's Hard Top}}.
* The [[Scrap Pack]], [[HOUWAR]], and [[Birdcage]] can now get kill assists in [[Pyroland]].
* The {{item link|Scrap Pack}}, {{item link|HOUWAR}}, and {{item link|Birdcage}} can now get kill assists in Pyroland.
* {{undocumented}} Fixed [[Tin-1000]] not forcing the proper bodygroup.
* {{Undocumented}} Fixed {{item link|Tin-1000}} not forcing the proper [[bodygroup]].
* {{undocumented}} Changed the [[Captain's Cocktails]] to item type, "Decorative Bombs".
* {{Undocumented}} Changed the {{item link|Captain's Cocktails}} to item type, "Decorative Bombs".
'''{{Patch name|9|6|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|6|2012}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Added [[War Pig]], [[Soviet Gentleman]], [[Hat of Cards]], [[Track Terrorizer]], [[Pyrotechnic Tote]], [[Bearded Bombardier]], [[Pocket Purrer]], [[Medi-Mask]], and [[Koala Compact]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|War Pig}}, {{item link|Soviet Gentleman}}, {{item link|Hat of Cards}}, {{item link|Track Terrorizer}}, {{item link|Pyrotechnic Tote}}, {{item link|Bearded Bombardier}}, {{item link|Pocket Purrer}}, {{item link|Medi-Mask}}, and {{item link|Koala Compact}}.
'''{{Patch name|9|21|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|21|2012}}'''
* Added [[Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap]], [[Combat Medic's Crusher Cap]], [[Heroic Companion Badge]], [[Triple A Badge]], and [[Friends Forever Companion Square Badge]].
* Added {{item link|Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap}}, {{item link|Combat Medic's Crusher Cap}}, {{item link|Heroic Companion Badge}}, {{item link|Triple A Badge}}, and {{item link|Friends Forever Companion Square Badge}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the description of the Pyrotechnic Tote to fix ellipses and apostrophes.
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the description of the Pyrotechnic Tote to fix ellipses and apostrophes.
'''{{Patch name|9|27|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|27|2012}}'''
* Added [[Lacking Moral Fiber Mask]], [[K-9 Mane]], [[Stovepipe Sniper Shako]], [[Whale Bone Charm]], [[King of Scotland Cape]], [[Menpo]], [[Foppish Physician]], and [[Distinguished Rogue]].
* Added {{item link|Lacking Moral Fiber Mask}}, {{item link|K-9 Mane}}, {{item link|Stovepipe Sniper Shako}}, {{item link|Whale Bone Charm}}, {{item link|King of Scotland Cape}}, {{item link|Menpo}}, {{item link|Foppish Physician}}, and {{item link|Distinguished Rogue}}.
* Fixed hats sometimes appearing multiple times in incorrect locations when changing classes.
* Fixed hats sometimes appearing multiple times in incorrect locations when changing classes.
'''{{Patch name|10|9|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|9|2012}}'''
* Fixed the Lacking Moral Fiber Mask being tagged as a misc item instead of a hat.
* Fixed the Lacking Moral Fiber Mask being tagged as a misc item instead of a hat.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Operation Oil Spill Badge]] and [[Operation Gear Grinder Badge]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Operation Oil Spill Badge}} and {{item link|Operation Gear Grinder Badge}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|17|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|17|2012}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Vigilant Pin is now tradable, giftable, craftable, and can be used in crafting.
* {{Undocumented}} Vigilant Pin is now tradable, giftable, craftable, and can be used in crafting.
'''{{Patch name|10|26|2012}}''' ([[Spectral Halloween Special]])
'''{{Patch name|10|26|2012}}''' ({{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}})
* {{undocumented}} Added [[Voodoo-Cursed Souls]] [[Ghostly Gibus]], [[Master Mind]], [[Crone's Dome]], [[Executioner]], [[Zipperface]], [[Grand Duchess Tiara]], [[Grand Duchess Tutu]], [[Grand Duchess Fairy Wings]], [[Voodoo Juju (Slight Return)]], [[Wraith Wrap]], [[Rump-o'-Lantern]], [[Sir Hootsalot]], [[Scarecrow]], [[Bonedolier]], [[Plutonidome]], [[Spooky Shoes]], [[Spooky Sleeves]], [[Boo Balloon]], [[Unknown Monkeynaut]], [[Dead Little Buddy]], [[Exorcizor]], [[Coffin Kit]], and [[Skull Island Topper]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Voodoo-Cursed Soul}}s, {{item link|Ghostly Gibus}}, {{item link|Master Mind}}, {{item link|Crone's Dome}}, {{item link|Executioner}}, {{item link|Zipperface}}, {{item link|Grand Duchess Tiara}}, {{item link|Grand Duchess Tutu}}, {{item link|Grand Duchess Fairy Wings}}, {{item link|Voodoo Juju (Slight Return)}}, {{item link|Wraith Wrap}}, {{item link|Rump-o'-Lantern}}, {{item link|Sir Hootsalot}}, {{item link|Scarecrow}}, {{item link|Bonedolier}}, {{item link|Plutonidome}}, {{item link|Spooky Shoes}}, {{item link|Spooky Sleeves}}, {{item link|Boo Balloon}}, {{item link|Unknown Monkeynaut}}, {{item link|Dead Little Buddy}}, {{item link|Exorcizor}}, {{item link|Coffin Kit}}, and {{item link|Skull Island Topper}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|16|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|16|2012}}'''
* Added [[Cockfighter]], [[That '70s Chapeau]], [[Chief Constable]], [[Hitt Mann Badge]], [[Siberian Sophisticate]] and [[Deadliest Duckling]].
* Added {{item link|Cockfighter}}, {{item link|That '70s Chapeau}}, {{item link|Chief Constable}}, {{item link|Hitt Mann Badge}}, {{item link|Siberian Sophisticate}}, and {{item link|Deadliest Duckling}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Changed Balloonicorn and the Boo Balloon from item type "Badge" to type "Wearable Balloon."
* {{Undocumented}} Changed Balloonicorn and the Boo Balloon from item type "Badge" to type "Wearable Balloon".
* {{Undocumented}} Changed Unknown Monkeynaut and the Dead Little Buddy from item type "Badge" to "Wearable Ghost."
* {{Undocumented}} Changed Unknown Monkeynaut and the Dead Little Buddy from item type "Badge" to "Wearable Ghost".
'''{{Patch name|11|29|2012}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|29|2012}}'''
* Added [[Tuxxy]], [[Faerie Solitaire Pin]], and [[Saxxy Clapper Badge]].
* Added {{item link|Tuxxy}}, {{item link|Faerie Solitaire Pin}}, and {{item link|Saxxy Clapper Badge}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2012}}''' ([[Mecha Update]])
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2012}}''' ({{update link|Mecha Update}})
* Added [[Soldier's Slope Scopers]], [[Cold Killer]], [[Tough Stuff Muffs]], [[Barnstormer]], [[Carl]], [[Brock's Locks]], [[Aqua Flops]], [[Hunger Force]], [[DethKapp]], [[Rail Spikes]], [[Nose Candy]], [[Hanger-On Hood]], [[Flight of the Monarch]], [[Flunkyware]], [[Mann Co. Online Cap]], [[Antlers]], [[Winter Wonderland Wrap]], [[Cut Throat Concierge]], [[Der Wintermantel]], [[Cool Breeze]], [[Doc's Holiday]], [[Digit Divulger]], [[Heavy's Hockey Hair]], [[Mutton Mann]], [[Merc's Muffler]], [[Operation Mecha Engine Badge]], [[Smissmas Wreath]], and [[Reindoonicorn]].
* Added {{item link|Soldier's Slope Scopers}}, {{item link|Cold Killer}}, {{item link|Tough Stuff Muffs}}, {{item link|Barnstormer}}, {{item link|Carl}}, {{item link|Brock's Locks}}, {{item link|Aqua Flops}}, {{item link|Hunger Force}}, {{item link|DethKapp}}, {{item link|Rail Spikes}}, {{item link|Nose Candy}}, {{item link|Hanger-On Hood}}, {{item link|Flight of the Monarch}}, {{item link|Flunkyware}}, {{item link|Mann Co. Online Cap}}, {{item link|Antlers}}, {{item link|Winter Wonderland Wrap}}, {{item link|Cut Throat Concierge}}, {{item link|Der Wintermantel}}, {{item link|Cool Breeze}}, {{item link|Doc's Holiday}}, {{item link|Digit Divulger}}, {{item link|Heavy's Hockey Hair}}, {{item link|Mutton Mann}}, {{item link|Merc's Muffler}}, {{item link|Operation Mecha Engine Badge}}, {{item link|Smissmas Wreath}}, and {{item link|Reindoonicorn}}.
'''{{Patch name|1|8|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|8|2013}}'''
* Added [[Last Straw]], [[Prize Plushy]] and [[Grizzled Growth]].
* Added {{item link|Last Straw}}, {{item link|Prize Plushy}}, and {{item link|Grizzled Growth}}.
'''{{Patch name|1|16|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|16|2013}}'''
Line 400: Line 406:
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2013}}'''
* Added [[Tux]], [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6vs6 Tournament]], [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L Ultiduo Tournament]], [[Tournament Medal - ESH Ultiduo Tournament]], and [[Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander Tournament (Season 8)]].
* Added new [[Tux|Linux promo item]].
* {{undocumented}} Replaced all tournament medals and Map Maker's Medallion in [[Mann Co. Catalog]] with a single armory icon.
* Added new [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6|ETF2L]], [[Tournament Medal - ESH Ultiduo|ESH]], and [[Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander|UGC]] tournament medals.
* {{Undocumented}} Replaced all [[Tournament Medal|tournament medal]]s and Map Maker's Medallion in [[Mann Co. Catalog]] with a single armory icon.
'''{{Patch name|2|15|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|15|2013}}'''
* Added [[Buck Turner All-Stars]].
* Added {{item link|Buck Turner All-Stars}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2013}}'''
* Added [[Brutal Bouffant]].
* Added {{item link|Brutal Bouffant}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|22|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|22|2013}}'''
* Added [[Vox Diabolus]], [[Pounding Father]], [[Person in the Iron Mask]], [[Doe-Boy]], [[Sydney Straw Boat]], [[Blind Justice]] and [[Steel Songbird]].
* Added {{item link|Vox Diabolus}}, {{item link|Pounding Father}}, {{item link|Person in the Iron Mask}}, {{item link|Doe-Boy}}, {{item link|Sydney Straw Boat}}, {{item link|Blind Justice}}, and {{item link|Steel Songbird}}.
* {{undocumented}} Tux now counts as assister in Pyroland.
* {{Undocumented}} Tux now counts as assister in Pyroland.
'''{{Patch name|3|4|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|4|2013}}'''
* Added [[Croft's Crest]], [[Fortune Hunter]], and [[Tomb Wrapper]].
* Added {{item link|Croft's Crest}}, {{item link|Fortune Hunter}}, and {{item link|Tomb Wrapper}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2013}}'''
* Added [[Wilson Weave]], [[Bloodhound]], [[Necronomicrown]], [[Dapper Disguise]], [[Long Fall Loafers]] and [[Samson Skewer]].
* Added {{item link|Wilson Weave}}, {{item link|Bloodhound}}, {{item link|Necronomicrown}}, {{item link|Dapper Disguise}}, {{item link|Long Fall Loafers}}, and {{item link|Samson Skewer}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|19|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|19|2013}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Added [[TF2VRH]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|TF2VRH}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|3|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|3|2013}}'''
* Added [[Conspiracy Cap]] and [[Public Accessor]].
* Added {{item link|Conspiracy Cap}} and {{item link|Public Accessor}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|13|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|13|2013}}'''
* Added [[UGC Highlander Season 9]] and [[UGC 6vs6 Season 11]].
* Added [[UGC Highlander Season 9]] and [[UGC 6vs6 Season 11]].
'''{{Patch name|5|17|2013}}''' ([[Robotic Boogaloo]])
'''{{Patch name|5|17|2013}}''' ({{update link|Robotic Boogaloo}})
* Added [[Bonk Leadwear]], [[Bot Dogger]], [[Ye Oiled Baker Boy]], [[Full Metal Drill Hat]], [[Steel Shako]], [[Tyrantium Helmet]], [[Bolted Birdcage]], [[Electric Escorter]], [[Firewall Helmet]], [[Metal Slug]], [[Plumber's Pipe]], [[Pyro's Boron Beanie]], [[Respectless Robo-Glove]], [[Bolted Bicorne]], [[Broadband Bonnet]], [[Cyborg Stunt Helmet]], [[FR-0]], [[Pure Tin Capotain]], [[Strontium Stove Pipe]], [[Bunsen Brave]], [[Gridiron Guardian]], [[Tungsten Toque]], [[Data Mining Light]], [[Plug-In Prospector]], [[Texas Tin-Gallon]], [[Timeless Topper]], [[Halogen Head Lamp]], [[Platinum Pickelhaube]], [[Titanium Tyrolean]], [[Virus Doctor]], [[Letch's LED]], [[Shooter's Tin Topi]], [[Soldered Sensei]], [[Base Metal Billycock]], [[Bootleg Base Metal Billycock]], [[Galvanized Gibus]], [[Modest Metal Pile of Scrap]], [[Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats]], [[Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats]], [[Bolt Boy]], [[Soldier's Sparkplug]], [[Filamental]], [[Googol Glass Eyes]], [[Rusty Reaper]], [[Scrap Sack]], [[Bolted Bombardier]], [[HDMI Patch]], [[Scrumpy Strongbox]], [[Titanium Towel]], [[Teddy Robobelt]], [[Byte'd Beak]], [[Mecha-Medes]], [[Practitioner's Processing Mask]], [[Steam Pipe]], [[Dual-Core Devil Doll]], [[Megapixel Beard]], and [[Electric Badge-aloo]].
* Added {{item link|Bonk Leadwear}}, {{item link|Bot Dogger}}, {{item link|Ye Oiled Baker Boy}}, {{item link|Full Metal Drill Hat}}, {{item link|Steel Shako}}, {{item link|Tyrantium Helmet}}, {{item link|Bolted Birdcage}}, {{item link|Electric Escorter}}, {{item link|Firewall Helmet}}, {{item link|Metal Slug}}, {{item link|Plumber's Pipe}}, {{item link|Pyro's Boron Beanie}}, {{item link|Respectless Robo-Glove}}, {{item link|Bolted Bicorne}}, {{item link|Broadband Bonnet}}, {{item link|Cyborg Stunt Helmet}}, {{item link|FR-0}}, {{item link|Pure Tin Capotain}}, {{item link|Strontium Stove Pipe}}, {{item link|Bunsen Brave}}, {{item link|Gridiron Guardian}}, {{item link|Tungsten Toque}}, {{item link|Data Mining Light}}, {{item link|Plug-In Prospector}}, {{item link|Texas Tin-Gallon}}, {{item link|Timeless Topper}}, {{item link|Halogen Head Lamp}}, {{item link|Platinum Pickelhaube}}, {{item link|Titanium Tyrolean}}, {{item link|Virus Doctor}}, {{item link|Letch's LED}}, {{item link|Shooter's Tin Topi}}, {{item link|Soldered Sensei}}, {{item link|Base Metal Billycock}}, {{item link|Bootleg Base Metal Billycock}}, {{item link|Galvanized Gibus}}, {{item link|Modest Metal Pile of Scrap}}, {{item link|Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats}}, {{item link|Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats}}, {{item link|Bolt Boy}}, {{item link|Soldier's Sparkplug}}, {{item link|Filamental}}, {{item link|Googol Glass Eyes}}, {{item link|Rusty Reaper}}, {{item link|Scrap Sack}}, {{item link|Bolted Bombardier}}, {{item link|HDMI Patch}}, {{item link|Scrumpy Strongbox}}, {{item link|Titanium Towel}}, {{item link|Teddy Robobelt}}, {{item link|Byte'd Beak}}, {{item link|Mecha-Medes}}, {{item link|Practitioner's Processing Mask}}, {{item link|Steam Pipe}}, {{item link|Dual-Core Devil Doll}}, {{item link|Megapixel Beard}}, and {{item link|Electric Badge-aloo}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|3|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|3|2013}}'''
* Added [[Weather Master]], [[Bacteria Blocker]], and [[Breather Bag]].
* Added {{item link|Weather Master}}, {{item link|Bacteria Blocker}}, and {{item link|Breather Bag}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|6|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|6|2013}}'''
Line 438: Line 445:
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2013}}'''
* Added [[Crosslinker's Coil]].
* Added {{item link|Crosslinker's Coil}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|13|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|13|2013}}'''
* Added [[Cloud Crasher]], [[Powdered Practitioner]], [[Well-Rounded Rifleman]], [[Pom-Pommed Provocateur]], [[Brotherhood of Arms]], [[Beastly Bonnet]], [[Centurion]], [[Tartan Shade]], [[Breakneck Baggies]], [[Mair Mask]], [[Dark Age Defender]], [[Tyurtlenek]], [[Pocket Pyro]], [[Cheet Sheet]], [[Steel Sixpack]], [[Tartantaloons]] and [[Hardy Laurel]].
* Added {{item link|Cloud Crasher}}, {{item link|Powdered Practitioner}}, {{item link|Well-Rounded Rifleman}}, {{item link|Pom-Pommed Provocateur}}, {{item link|Brotherhood of Arms}}, {{item link|Beastly Bonnet}}, {{item link|Centurion}}, {{item link|Tartan Shade}}, {{item link|Breakneck Baggies}}, {{item link|Mair Mask}}, {{item link|Dark Age Defender}}, {{item link|Tyurtlenek}}, {{item link|Pocket Pyro}}, {{item link|Cheet Sheet}}, {{item link|Steel Sixpack}}, {{item link|Tartantaloons}}, and {{item link|Hardy Laurel}}.
'''{{Patch name|7|10|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|10|2013}}'''
* Added [[Tartan Spartan]], [[Bear Necessities]], [[Glasgow Great Helm]], [[Burning Bandana]], [[Caribbean Conqueror]], [[Harmburg]], [[Wet Works]], [[Katyusha]], [[Black Watch]], [[Virtual Viewfinder]], [[Das Ubersternmann]], [[Pampered Pyro]], [[Das Maddendoktor]], [[Das Hazmattenhatten]], [[Rebel Rouser]], [[Baron von Havenaplane]], [[Tsarboosh]], [[Pardner's Pompadour]], [[Valley Forge]], [[Das Naggenvatcher]], [[Whirly Warrior]], [[Stormin' Norman]], [[Greased Lightning]], [[Federal Casemaker]], [[Belgian Detective]], [[Das Gutenkutteharen]], [[Hive Minder]], [[Das Fantzipantzen]], [[Compatriot]], [[Birdman of Australiacatraz]], [[Das Feelinbeterbager]], [[Brawling Buccaneer]], [[Delinquent's Down Vest]], [[El Muchacho]], [[Red Army Robin]], [[Half-Pipe Hurdler]], [[Dry Gulch Gulp]], [[Colonial Clogs]], [[Bolshevik Biker]], [[Bigg Mann on Campus]], [[Cobber Chameleon]], [[Lieutenant Bites]], [[Rogue's Brogues]], [[Das Metalmeatencasen]], [[Hornblower]], [[Falconer]], [[Gaelic Golf Bag]], [[Graybanns]], [[Flared Frontiersman]], [[Shogun's Shoulder Guard]], [[Whiskey Bib]], [[Gaelic Garb]], [[Macho Mann]], [[Gabe Glasses]], [[Borscht Belt]], [[Blood Banker]], [[Backpack Broiler]], [[After Dark]], [[Cool Cat Cardigan]], [[Caffeine Cooler]], [[Trash Toter]], [[Soot Suit]], [[Founding Father]] and [[Heavy-Weight Champ]].
* Added {{item link|Tartan Spartan}}, {{item link|Bear Necessities}}, {{item link|Glasgow Great Helm}}, {{item link|Burning Bandana}}, {{item link|Caribbean Conqueror}}, {{item link|Harmburg}}, {{item link|Wet Works}}, {{item link|Katyusha}}, {{item link|Black Watch}}, {{item link|Virtual Viewfinder}}, {{item link|Das Ubersternmann}}, {{item link|Pampered Pyro}}, {{item link|Das Maddendoktor}}, {{item link|Das Hazmattenhatten}}, {{item link|Rebel Rouser}}, {{item link|Baron von Havenaplane}}, {{item link|Tsarboosh}}, {{item link|Pardner's Pompadour}}, {{item link|Valley Forge}}, {{item link|Das Naggenvatcher}}, {{item link|Whirly Warrior}}, {{item link|Stormin' Norman}}, {{item link|Greased Lightning}}, {{item link|Federal Casemaker}}, {{item link|Belgian Detective}}, {{item link|Das Gutenkutteharen}}, {{item link|Hive Minder}}, {{item link|Das Fantzipantzen}}, {{item link|Compatriot}}, {{item link|Birdman of Australiacatraz}}, {{item link|Das Feelinbeterbager}}, {{item link|Brawling Buccaneer}}, {{item link|Delinquent's Down Vest}}, {{item link|El Muchacho}}, {{item link|Red Army Robin}}, {{item link|Half-Pipe Hurdler}}, {{item link|Dry Gulch Gulp}}, {{item link|Colonial Clogs}}, {{item link|Bolshevik Biker}}, {{item link|Bigg Mann on Campus}}, {{item link|Cobber Chameleon}}, {{item link|Lieutenant Bites}}, {{item link|Rogue's Brogues}}, {{item link|Das Metalmeatencasen}}, {{item link|Hornblower}}, {{item link|Falconer}}, {{item link|Gaelic Golf Bag}}, {{item link|Graybanns}}, {{item link|Flared Frontiersman}}, {{item link|Shogun's Shoulder Guard}}, {{item link|Whiskey Bib}}, {{item link|Gaelic Garb}}, {{item link|Macho Mann}}, {{item link|Gabe Glasses}}, {{item link|Borscht Belt}}, {{item link|Blood Banker}}, {{item link|Backpack Broiler}}, {{item link|After Dark}}, {{item link|Cool Cat Cardigan}}, {{item link|Caffeine Cooler}}, {{item link|Trash Toter}}, {{item link|Soot Suit}}, {{item link|Founding Father}}, and {{item link|Heavy-Weight Champ}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|2|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|2|2013}}'''
* Added [[Grandmaster|The Grandmaster]].
* Added {{item link|Grandmaster|The Grandmaster}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2013}}'''
* Added [[Bone Dome]], [[Cotton Head]], [[Pirate Bandana]], [[Slick Cut]], [[Brim-Full Of Bullets]], [[L'homme Burglerre]], [[Hong Kong Cone]], [[Flapjack]], [[Air Raider]], [[Pop-eyes]], [[Trickster's Turnout Gear]], [[Hurt Locher]], [[Cuban Bristle Crisis]], [[Weight Room Warmer]], [[Beep Boy]], [[Gold Digger]], [[Special Eyes]], [[A Brush with Death]], [[Medical Mystery]], [[Ward]], [[Chronomancer]], [[Li'l Snaggletooth]], [[Escapist]], [[Frenchman's Formals]] and [[Viking Braider]].
* Added {{item link|Bone Dome}}, {{item link|Cotton Head}}, {{item link|Pirate Bandana}}, {{item link|Slick Cut}}, {{item link|Brim-Full Of Bullets}}, {{item link|L'homme Burglerre}}, {{item link|Hong Kong Cone}}, {{item link|Flapjack}}, {{item link|Air Raider}}, {{item link|Pop-eyes}}, {{item link|Trickster's Turnout Gear}}, {{item link|Hurt Locher}}, {{item link|Cuban Bristle Crisis}}, {{item link|Weight Room Warmer}}, {{item link|Beep Boy}}, {{item link|Gold Digger}}, {{item link|Special Eyes}}, {{item link|A Brush with Death}}, {{item link|Medical Mystery}}, {{item link|Ward}}, {{item link|Chronomancer}}, {{item link|Li'l Snaggletooth}}, {{item link|Escapist}}, {{item link|Frenchman's Formals}}, and {{item link|Viking Braider}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2013}} ([[Scream Fortress 2013]])
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2013}} ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}})
* Added [[Abhorrent Appendages]], [[Accursed Apparition]], [[Alternative Medicine Mann]], [[Archimedes the Undying]], [[Baphomet Trotters]], [[Beacon from Beyond]], [[Beast From Below]], [[Birdie Bonnet]], [[Bountiful Bow]], [[Bozo's Bouffant]], [[Bozo's Brogues]], [[Burny's Boney Bonnet]], [[Cadaver's Capper]], [[Candleer]], [[Candyman's Cap]], ‎[[Cap'n Calamari]], [[Carious Chameleon]], [[Carrion Companion]], [[Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage]], [[Chicken Kiev]], [[Corpsemopolitan]], [[Creature From The Heap]], [[Crispy Golden Locks]], [[Cryptic Keepsake]], [[Dark Helm]], [[Das Blutliebhaber]], [[Death Support Pack]], [[Ethereal Hood]], [[External Organ]], [[Face Plante]], [[Faun Feet]], [[Faux Manchu]], [[Foul Cowl]], [[Freedom Feathers]], [[Glob]], [[Gothic Guise]], [[Grease Monkey]], [[Grisly Gumbo]], [[Grub Grenades]], [[Guano]], [[Hallowed Headcase]], [[Halloweiner]], [[Handhunter]], [[Hardium Helm]], [[Hard-Headed Hardware]], [[Haunted Hat]], [[Headtaker's Hood]], [[Hidden Dragon]], [[Hollowhead]], [[Horned Honcho]], [[Horrific Head of Hare]], [[Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down]], [[Hound's Hood]], [[Hyperbaric Bowler]], [[Ivan The Inedible]], [[Jupiter Jumpers]], [[Larval Lid]], [[Last Bite]], [[Lieutenant Bites the Dust]], [[Lo-Grav Loafers]], [[Lordly Lapels]], [[Macabre Mask]], [[Magical Mercenary]], [[Maniac's Manacles]], [[Manneater]], [[Mann-Bird of Aberdeen]], [[Medimedes]], [[Monster's Stompers]], [[Monstrous Mandible]], [[Mucous Membrain]], [[One-Way Ticket]], [[Parasight]], [[Pin Pals]], [[Pocket Horsemann]], [[Polly Putrid]], [[PY-40 Incinibot]], [[Quoth]], [[Ramses' Regalia]], [[Raven's Visage]], [[Rugged Respirator]], [[Sackcloth Spook]], [[Scorched Skirt]], [[Second Opinion]], [[Shaman's Skull]], [[Shaolin Sash]], [[Sir Shootsalot]], [[Snaggletoothed Stetson]], [[Space Bracers]], [[Spectralnaut]], [[Spellbinder's Bonnet]], [[Sprinting Cephalopod]], [[Squid's Lid]], [[Surgeon's Space Suit]], [[Terrier Trousers]], [[Teutonkahmun]], [[Transylvania Top]], [[Trepanabotomizer]], [[Tuque or Treat]], [[Unidentified Following Object]], [[Up Pyroscopes]], [[Vicar's Vestments]], and [[Vicious Visage]].
* Added {{item link|Abhorrent Appendages}}, {{item link|Accursed Apparition}}, {{item link|Alternative Medicine Mann}}, {{item link|Archimedes the Undying}}, {{item link|Baphomet Trotters}}, {{item link|Beacon from Beyond}}, {{item link|Beast from Below}}, {{item link|Birdie Bonnet}}, {{item link|Bountiful Bow}}, {{item link|Bozo's Bouffant}}, {{item link|Bozo's Brogues}}, {{item link|Burny's Boney Bonnet}}, {{item link|Cadaver's Capper}}, {{item link|Candleer}}, {{item link|Candyman's Cap}}, ‎{{item link|Cap'n Calamari}}, {{item link|Carious Chameleon}}, {{item link|Carrion Companion}}, {{item link|Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage}}, {{item link|Chicken Kiev}}, {{item link|Corpsemopolitan}}, {{item link|Creature from the Heap}}, {{item link|Crispy Golden Locks}}, {{item link|Cryptic Keepsake}}, {{item link|Dark Helm}}, {{item link|Das Blutliebhaber}}, {{item link|Death Support Pack}}, {{item link|Ethereal Hood}}, {{item link|External Organ}}, {{item link|Face Plante}}, {{item link|Faun Feet}}, {{item link|Faux Manchu}}, {{item link|Foul Cowl}}, {{item link|Freedom Feathers}}, {{item link|Glob}}, {{item link|Gothic Guise}}, {{item link|Grease Monkey}}, {{item link|Grisly Gumbo}}, {{item link|Grub Grenades}}, {{item link|Guano}}, {{item link|Hallowed Headcase}}, {{item link|Halloweiner}}, {{item link|Handhunter}}, {{item link|Hardium Helm}}, {{item link|Hard-Headed Hardware}}, {{item link|Haunted Hat}}, {{item link|Headtaker's Hood}}, {{item link|Hidden Dragon}}, {{item link|Hollowhead}}, {{item link|Horned Honcho}}, {{item link|Horrific Head of Hare}}, {{item link|Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down}}, {{item link|Hound's Hood}}, {{item link|Hyperbaric Bowler}}, {{item link|Ivan the Inedible}}, {{item link|Jupiter Jumpers}}, {{item link|Larval Lid}}, {{item link|Last Bite}}, {{item link|Lieutenant Bites the Dust}}, {{item link|Lo-Grav Loafers}}, {{item link|Lordly Lapels}}, {{item link|Macabre Mask}}, {{item link|Magical Mercenary}}, {{item link|Maniac's Manacles}}, {{item link|Manneater}}, {{item link|Mann-Bird of Aberdeen}}, {{item link|Medimedes}}, {{item link|Monster's Stompers}}, {{item link|Monstrous Mandible}}, {{item link|Mucous Membrain}}, {{item link|One-Way Ticket}}, {{item link|Parasight}}, {{item link|Pin Pals}}, {{item link|Pocket Horsemann}}, {{item link|Polly Putrid}}, {{item link|PY-40 Incinibot}}, {{item link|Quoth}}, {{item link|Ramses' Regalia}}, {{item link|Raven's Visage}}, {{item link|Rugged Respirator}}, {{item link|Sackcloth Spook}}, {{item link|Scorched Skirt}}, {{item link|Second Opinion}}, {{item link|Shaman's Skull}}, {{item link|Shaolin Sash}}, {{item link|Sir Shootsalot}}, {{item link|Snaggletoothed Stetson}}, {{item link|Space Bracers}}, {{item link|Spectralnaut}}, {{item link|Spellbinder's Bonnet}}, {{item link|Sprinting Cephalopod}}, {{item link|Squid's Lid}}, {{item link|Surgeon's Space Suit}}, {{item link|Terrier Trousers}}, {{item link|Teutonkahmun}}, {{item link|Transylvania Top}}, {{item link|Trepanabotomizer}}, {{item link|Tuque or Treat}}, {{item link|Unidentified Following Object}}, {{item link|Up Pyroscopes}}, {{item link|Vicar's Vestments}}, and {{item link|Vicious Visage}}.
* Updated Air Raider so it can be painted correctly.
* Updated Air Raider so it can be painted correctly.
* Updated Bone Dome so it doesn't hide Pyro's backpack.
* Updated Bone Dome so it doesn't hide Pyro's backpack.
'''{{Patch name|10|30|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|30|2013}}'''
* Updated Chicken Kiev so it can't be equipped with Cold War Luchador or Large Luchadore.  
* Updated Chicken Kiev so it can't be equipped with Cold War Luchador or Large Luchadore.
'''{{Patch name|11|6|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|6|2013}}'''
Line 464: Line 471:
'''{{Patch name|11|11|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|11|2013}}'''
* The Grandmaster will now update its model based on the owner's current kill streak
* The Grandmaster will now update its model based on the owner's current kill streak.
* Updated the Jupiter Jumpers so they can be equipped with the Mantreads and the Gunboats
* Updated the Jupiter Jumpers so they can be equipped with the Mantreads and the Gunboats.
'''{{Patch name|11|22|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|22|2013}}'''
* Fixed a bug that would cause robot "gate hat" items to be craftable. Replaced all Gate hats with [[Glitched Circuit Board]]s.
* Fixed a bug that would cause robot "gate hat" items to be craftable. Replaced all Gate hats with {{item link|Glitched Circuit Board}}s.
'''{{Patch name|11|26|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|26|2013}}'''
* Added the [[Heart of Gold]].
* Added the {{item link|Heart of Gold}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|18|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|18|2013}}'''
*Added [[Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser]], [[War on Smissmas Battle Hood]], [[War on Smissmas Battle Socks]], [[Sack Fulla Smissmas]], [[Smissmas Caribou]], [[Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou]].
* Added {{item link|Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser}}, {{item link|War on Smissmas Battle Hood}}, {{item link|War on Smissmas Battle Socks}}, {{item link|Sack Fulla Smissmas}}, {{item link|Smissmas Caribou}}, and {{item link|Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2013}}''' ([[Smissmas 2013]])
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2013}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2013}})
* "Head" and "Misc" slots for player loadouts have been converted to Cosmetic slots. All items that were previously Head- or Misc-slot-specific can now be equipped in any Cosmetic slot.
* "Head" and "Misc" slots for player loadouts have been converted to Cosmetic slots. All items that were previously Head- or Misc-slot-specific can now be equipped in any Cosmetic slot.
* Added [[Angel of Death]], [[Antarctic Parka]], [[Blizzard Breather]], [[Chucklenuts]], [[Dead of Night]], [[Dictator]], [[Dogfighter]], [[Extra Layer]], [[Face Full of Festive]], [[Five-Month Shadow]], [[Golden Garment]], [[Highland High Heels]], [[Kiss King]], [[Little Drummer Mann]], [[Mann Of House]], [[Mann of Reason]], [[Marshall's Mutton Chops]], [[Minnesota Slick]], [[Neckwear Headwear]], [[Nunhood]], [[Polar Pullover]], [[Ruffled Ruprecht]], [[Runner's Warm-Up]], [[Scout Shako]], [[Slo-Poke]], [[Snow Scoper]], [[Sub Zero Suit]], [[Tartan Tyrolean]], [[Tiny Timber]], [[Toy Soldier]], [[Toy Tailor]], and [[Trail-Blazer]].
* Added {{item link|Angel of Death}}, {{item link|Antarctic Parka}}, {{item link|Blizzard Breather}}, {{item link|Chucklenuts}}, {{item link|Dead of Night}}, {{item link|Dictator}}, {{item link|Dogfighter}}, {{item link|Extra Layer}}, {{item link|Face Full of Festive}}, {{item link|Five-Month Shadow}}, {{item link|Golden Garment}}, {{item link|Highland High Heels}}, {{item link|Kiss King}}, {{item link|Little Drummer Mann}}, {{item link|Mann of the House}}, {{item link|Mann of Reason}}, {{item link|Marshall's Mutton Chops}}, {{item link|Minnesota Slick}}, {{item link|Neckwear Headwear}}, {{item link|Nunhood}}, {{item link|Polar Pullover}}, {{item link|Ruffled Ruprecht}}, {{item link|Runner's Warm-Up}}, {{item link|Scout Shako}}, {{item link|Slo-Poke}}, {{item link|Snow Scoper}}, {{item link|Sub Zero Suit}}, {{item link|Tartan Tyrolean}}, {{item link|Tiny Timber}}, {{item link|Toy Soldier}}, {{item link|Toy Tailor}}, and {{item link|Trail-Blazer}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|7|2014}}''' ([[Strongbox Pack]])
'''{{Patch name|2|7|2014}}''' ({{update link|Strongbox Pack}})
*Added [[Antarctic Researcher]], [[Archers Groundings]], [[Backstabber's Boomslang]], [[Big Daddy]], [[Bullet Buzz]], [[Bushi-Dou]], [[Colonel's Coat]], [[Combat Slacks]], [[Cute Suit]], [[Dark Falkirk Helm]], [[Deep Cover Operator]], [[Dough Puncher]], [[Ein]], [[Eliminators Safeguard]], [[Fashionable Megalomaniac]], [[First American]], [[Gaiter Guards]], [[Gone Commando]], [[Ground Control]], [[Heat of Winter]], [[Heavy Lifter]], [[Heer's Helmet]], [[Huntsman's Essentials]], [[Juggernaut Jacket]], [[Killer's Kit]], [[Law]], [[Leftover Trap]], [[Mister Bubbles]], [[Mustachioed Mann]], [[Napolean Complex]], [[Rat Stompers]], [[Sammy Cap]], [[Sangu Sleeves]], [[Scotch Saver]], [[Smock Surgeon]], [[Sole Mate]], [[Sole Saviors]], [[Stylish DeGroot]], [[Teutonic Toque]], [[Ticket Boy]], [[Toowoomba Tunic]], [[Trash Man]], [[Trencher's Topper]], [[Trencher's Tunic]], [[War Goggles]], and [[Warmth Preserver]].  
* Added {{item link|Antarctic Researcher}}, {{item link|Archer's Groundings}}, {{item link|Backstabber's Boomslang}}, {{item link|Big Daddy}}, {{item link|Bullet Buzz}}, {{item link|Bushi-Dou}}, {{item link|Colonel's Coat}}, {{item link|Combat Slacks}}, {{item link|Cute Suit}}, {{item link|Dark Falkirk Helm}}, {{item link|Deep Cover Operator}}, {{item link|Dough Puncher}}, {{item link|Ein}}, {{item link|Eliminator's Safeguard}}, {{item link|Fashionable Megalomaniac}}, {{item link|First American}}, {{item link|Gaiter Guards}}, {{item link|Gone Commando}}, {{item link|Ground Control}}, {{item link|Heat of Winter}}, {{item link|Heavy Lifter}}, {{item link|Heer's Helmet}}, {{item link|Huntsman's Essentials}}, {{item link|Juggernaut Jacket}}, {{item link|Killer's Kit}}, {{item link|Law}}, {{item link|Leftover Trap}}, {{item link|Mister Bubbles}}, {{item link|Mustachioed Mann}}, {{item link|Napolean Complex}}, {{item link|Rat Stompers}}, {{item link|Sammy Cap}}, {{item link|Sangu Sleeves}}, {{item link|Scotch Saver}}, {{item link|Smock Surgeon}}, {{item link|Sole Mate}}, {{item link|Sole Saviors}}, {{item link|Stylish DeGroot}}, {{item link|Teutonic Toque}}, {{item link|Ticket Boy}}, {{item link|Toowoomba Tunic}}, {{item link|Trash Man}}, {{item link|Trencher's Topper}}, {{item link|Trencher's Tunic}}, {{item link|War Goggles}}, and {{item link|Warmth Preserver}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|11|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|11|2014}}'''
* Updated several cosmetic items that were missing an item_type description.
* Updated several cosmetic items that were missing an item_type description.
* Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in Pyrovision.
* Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in Pyrovision.
* Updated the Medi-Mask to use equip_region beard instead of face.  
* Updated the Medi-Mask to use equip_region beard instead of face.
'''{{Patch name|2|19|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|19|2014}}'''
*Added [[Baronial Bouncer]], [[Cutthroat's Cloak]], [[Dread Hiding Hood]], and [[Garrett Badge]].
* Added {{item link|Baronial Bouncer}}, {{item link|Cutthroat's Cloak}}, {{item link|Dread Hiding Hood}}, and {{item link|Garrett Badge}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|5|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|5|2014}}'''
*Renamed the ''Baronial Bouncer'' to '''Gilded Guard''', ''Cutthroat's Cloak'' to '''Criminal Cloak''', and ''Garrett Badge'' to '''Baronial Badge'''.
* Renamed the ''Baronial Bouncer'' to '''Gilded Guard''', ''Cutthroat's Cloak'' to '''Criminal Cloak''', and ''Garrett Badge'' to '''Baronial Badge'''.
'''{{Patch name|4|1|2014}}  
'''{{Patch name|4|1|2014}}'''
*Added the smoke effect to the [[Soldier's Stogie]].
* Added the smoke effect to the {{item link|Soldier's Stogie}}.
*Added the [[InfoShow TF2 Tournament Participant|InfoShow 2014 Tournament Participant Medal]].
* Added the [[InfoShow TF2 Tournament Participant|InfoShow 2014 Tournament Participant Medal]].
*Updated equip_regions for the [[Humanitarian's Hachimaki]], the [[Special Eyes]], the [[Blazing Bull]], the [[Master's Yellow Belt]], the [[Lucky Shot]], and the [[Deadliest Duckling]].
* Updated {{code|equip_regions}} for the {{item link|Humanitarian's Hachimaki}}, the {{item link|Special Eyes}}, the {{item link|Blazing Bull}}, the {{item link|Master's Yellow Belt}}, the {{item link|Lucky Shot}}, and the {{item link|Deadliest Duckling}}.
*Fixed seeing the incorrect cosmetic items on players when the server has been running for a long time.
* Fixed seeing the incorrect cosmetic items on players when the server has been running for a long time.
*Fixed cosmetics not dropping into the world when players are killed.
* Fixed cosmetics not dropping into the world when players are killed.
*Fixed the Jarate effect not being displayed on some cosmetic items.
* Fixed the Jarate effect not being displayed on some cosmetic items.
*Fixed seeing the fire texture on [[Runner's Warm-Up]] and the [[Tiny Timber]] in DirectX 8  
* Fixed seeing the fire texture on {{item link|Runner's Warm-Up}} and the {{item link|Tiny Timber}} in DirectX 8.
*Fixed The [[Doe-Boy]] using incorrect team materials.
* Fixed The {{item link|Doe-Boy}} using incorrect team materials.
*{{undocumented}} Added the [[Little Bear]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added the {{item link|Little Bear}}.
*{{undocumented}} Added the [[Dread Hiding Hood]], [[Criminal Cloak]], [[Gilded Guard]], and [[Baronial Badge]] to the [[Mann Co. Store]].  
* {{Undocumented}} Added the {{item link|Dread Hiding Hood}}, {{item link|Criminal Cloak}}, {{item link|Gilded Guard}}, and {{item link|Baronial Badge}} to the Mann Co. Store.
*{{undocumented}} The Dread Hiding Hood, Criminal Cloak, Gilded Guard, and Baronial Badge are now craftable, tradable, giftable and were added to the item drop system.  
* {{Undocumented}} The {{item name|Dread Hiding Hood}}, {{item name|Criminal Cloak}}, {{item name|Gilded Guard}}, and {{item name|Baronial Badge}} are now craftable, tradable, giftable and were added to the item drop system.
*{{undocumented}} Updated the equip_region for the [[Hero's Hachimaki]], [[Soldier's Stash]], [[Gaelic Garb]], [[Sangu Sleeves]], [[Whiskey Bib]], [[Trash Toter]], and the [[Soldered Sensei]].
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the {{code|equip_region}} for the {{item link|Hero's Hachimaki}}, {{item link|Soldier's Stash}}, {{item link|Gaelic Garb}}, {{item link|Sangu Sleeves}}, {{item link|Whiskey Bib}}, {{item link|Trash Toter}}, and {{item link|Soldered Sensei}}.
'''{{Patch name|4|18|2014}}'''  
'''{{Patch name|4|18|2014}}'''
*{{undocumented}} Added [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6 Tournament (Season 17)|ETF2L 6v6 Season 17]] and [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Tournament (Season 5)|ETF2L Highlander Season 5]] medals.
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6|ETF2L 6v6 Season 17]] and [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander|ETF2L Highlander Season 5]] medals.
'''{{Patch name|4|24|2014}}'''  
'''{{Patch name|4|24|2014}}'''
*Fixed disguised Spies losing their disguised cosmetic items when they touch a supply closet.
* Fixed disguised Spies losing their disguised cosmetic items when they touch a supply closet.
*Added the [[Die Regime-Panzerung]], and the [[Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm]].  
* Added the {{item link|Die Regime-Panzerung}} and the {{item link|Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm}}.
*Updated metal hats to sound like metal when they fall off players' heads.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6|ETF2L 6v6 Season 17]] and [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander|ETF2L Highlander Season 5 medals]].
*Updated the [[equip regions]] for the [[Toss-Proof Towel]], the [[Titanium Towel]], the [[Tartan Shade]], the [[Marshall's Mutton Chops]], [[Stockbroker's Scarf]], the [[Carl]], and the [[Polar Pullover]].  
* Updated metal hats to sound like metal when they fall off players' heads.
*{{undocumented}} Updated the equip_region for the [[Heavy's Hockey Hair]].
* Updated the equip regions for the {{item link|Toss-Proof Towel}}, the {{item link|Titanium Towel}}, the {{item link|Tartan Shade}}, the {{item link|Marshall's Mutton Chops}}, {{item link|Stockbroker's Scarf}}, the {{item link|Carl}}, and {{item link|Polar Pullover}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the equip_region for the {{item link|Heavy's Hockey Hair}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|15|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|5|15|2014}}'''
*Updated the equip_region for the Pyromancer's Mask.
* Updated the {{code|equip_region}} for the Pyromancer's Mask.
*Fixed the equip_region for tournament medals conflicting with other items.
* Fixed the {{code|equip_region}} for tournament medals conflicting with other items.
*Added the [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Tournament (Season 9)|LBTF2 Season 9 tournament medals]].
* Added the [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6|LBTF2 Season 9]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|6|11|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|6|11|2014}}'''
*Fixed several cosmetic items not cloaking properly for the Spy.
* Fixed several cosmetic items not cloaking properly for the Spy.
*Added the [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup (Season 7)|AsiaFortress Cup Season 7 medals]].
* Added the [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup|AsiaFortress Cup Season 7]] medals.
*{{undocumented}} Updated the equip region of [[El Muchacho]].
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the equip region of {{item link|El Muchacho}}.
*{{undocumented}} Updated the item type of [[Brawling Buccaneer]] and [[Hornblower]].
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the item type of {{item link|Brawling Buccaneer}} and {{item link|Hornblower}}.
*{{undocumented}} Shuffled around the backpack images and models for the variants of the [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup (Season 7)|AsiaFortress Cup Season 7 medals]].
* {{Undocumented}} Shuffled around the backpack images and models for the variants of the [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup|AsiaFortress Cup Season 7]] medals.
'''{{Patch name|6|18|2014}}''' ([[Love & War Update]])
'''{{Patch name|6|18|2014}}''' ({{update link|Love & War Update}})
* Added the [[Argyle Ace]], [[Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood]], [[Paisley Pro]], [[Pomade Prince]], [[Red Socks]], [[Southie Shinobi]], [[Classified Coif]], [[Man in Slacks]], [[Spook Specs]], [[Combustible Kabuto]], [[Employee of the Mmmph]], [[Frymaster]], [[Gas Guzzler]], [[Lunatic's Leathers]], [[Senguko Scorcher]], [[Smoking Skid Lid]], [[Allbrero]], [[Frontier Djustice]], [[Razor Cut]], [[Seeing Double]], [[Six Pack Abs]], [[Yuri's Revenge]], [[Danger]], [[Egghead's Overalls]], [[Endothermic Exowear]], [[Joe-on-the-Go]], [[Level Three Chin]], [[Lonesome Loafers]], [[Peacenik's Ponytail]], [[Tools of the Trade]], [[Chronoscarf]], [[Medicine Manpurse]], [[Ze Übermensch]], [[Scoper's Smoke]], [[Triggerman's Tacticals]], [[Au Courant Assassin]], [[Aviator Assassin]], [[Rogue's Robe]], [[Sky Captain]], [[Merc's Mohawk]], [[Bruiser's Bandanna]], [[Eye-Catcher]], [[Tipped Lid]], and the [[Vive La France]].
* Added the {{item link|Argyle Ace}}, {{item link|Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood}}, {{item link|Paisley Pro}}, {{item link|Pomade Prince}}, {{item link|Red Socks}}, {{item link|Southie Shinobi}}, {{item link|Classified Coif}}, {{item link|Man in Slacks}}, {{item link|Spook Specs}}, {{item link|Combustible Kabuto}}, {{item link|Employee of the Mmmph}}, {{item link|Frymaster}}, {{item link|Gas Guzzler}}, {{item link|Lunatic's Leathers}}, [[Senguko Scorcher]], {{item link|Smoking Skid Lid}}, {{item link|Allbrero}}, {{item link|Frontier Djustice}}, {{item link|Razor Cut}}, {{item link|Seeing Double}}, {{item link|Six Pack Abs}}, {{item link|Yuri's Revenge}}, {{item link|Danger}}, {{item link|Egghead's Overalls}}, {{item link|Endothermic Exowear}}, {{item link|Joe-on-the-Go}}, {{item link|Level Three Chin}}, {{item link|Lonesome Loafers}}, {{item link|Peacenik's Ponytail}}, {{item link|Tools of the Trade}}, {{item link|Chronoscarf}}, {{item link|Medicine Manpurse}}, {{item link|Ze Übermensch}}, {{item link|Scoper's Smoke}}, {{item link|Triggerman's Tacticals}}, {{item link|Au Courant Assassin}}, {{item link|Aviator Assassin}}, {{item link|Rogue's Robe}}, {{item link|Sky Captain}}, {{item link|Merc's Mohawk}}, {{item link|Bruiser's Bandanna}}, {{item link|Eye-Catcher}}, {{item link|Tipped Lid}}, and {{item link|Vive La France}}.
*Mann Co. Store
* Mann Co. Store
**Added all new cosmetics to a cosmetic bundle.
** Added all new cosmetics to a cosmetic bundle.
**The "Hats" and "Misc" categories have been merged into "Cosmetics".
** The "Hats" and "Misc" categories have been merged into "Cosmetics".
*Added [[Bread Box]] Special Crafting Recipe which requires 3 cosmetics. This recipe will no longer be available after July 9th, 2014. Items from the Bread box have a chance to be [[strange]].
* Added {{item link|Bread Box}} Special Crafting Recipe which requires 3 cosmetics. This recipe will no longer be available after July 9th, 2014. Items from the Bread box have a chance to be [[strange]].
*Added [[Tournament Medal - OzFortress (Season 11)|OzFortress Season 11 tournament medals]].
* Added [[Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6|OzFortress Season 11]] tournament medals.
*Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause items to unequip themselves.
* Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause items to unequip themselves.
*Fixed cosmetics shared between multiple classes not rendering correctly.
* Fixed cosmetics shared between multiple classes not rendering correctly.
*Updated the cosmetic item list to sort by name.
* Updated the cosmetic item list to sort by name.
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2014}}'''
* Added tournament medals for UGC and Tumblr vs Reddit competitors.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander|UGC Highlander Season 12]], [[Tournament Medal - UGC 6vs6|UGC 6v6 Season 14]], [[Tournament Medal - UGC 4vs4|UGC 4v4 Season 1]], and [[Tournament Medal - Tumblr vs Reddit|Tumblr Vs Reddit Season 2]] medals.
'''{{Patch name|8|13|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|13|2014}}'''
*Added The [[Spycrab]].
* Added The {{item link|Spycrab}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|27|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|27|2014}}'''
*Added [[Horace]].
* Added {{item link|Horace}}.
'''{{Patch name|9|10|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|10|2014}}'''
*Added tournament medals for the ETF2L and RETF2 EE22.
* Added tournament medals for the ETF2L and RETF2 EE22.
'''{{Patch name|9|17|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|17|2014}}'''
*Added [[Alien Cranium]], [[Biomech Backpack]], [[MK 50]], and [[Xeno Suit]].
* Added {{item link|Alien Cranium}}, {{item link|Biomech Backpack}}, {{item link|MK 50}}, and {{item link|Xeno Suit}}.
*{{undocumented}} The cosmetic items from the Strongbox Pack were made craftable and were added to the Mann Co. Store.
* {{Undocumented}} The cosmetic items from the Strongbox Pack were made craftable and were added to the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|9|25|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|9|25|2014}}'''
*Added [[Thirst Blood]], [[Lone Survivor]], [[Mishap Mercenary]], [[Mann of the Seven Sees]], [[Unshaved Bear]], [[Pocket Heavy]], [[Poacher's Safari Jacket]], [[Lady Killer]], and [[Hillbilly Speed-Bump]].
* Added {{item link|Thirst Blood}}, {{item link|Lone Survivor}}, {{item link|Mishap Mercenary}}, {{item link|Mann of the Seven Sees}}, {{item link|Unshaved Bear}}, {{item link|Pocket Heavy}}, {{item link|Poacher's Safari Jacket}}, {{item link|Lady Killer}}, and {{item link|Hillbilly Speed-Bump}}.
*Fixed a case where cosmetic items would be orphaned in the world
* Fixed a case where cosmetic items would be orphaned in the world.
*R.I.P. Captain Canteen
* R.I.P. Captain Canteen.
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2014}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2014]])
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2014}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}})
* Added [[Claws And Infect]], [[Crazy Legs]], [[Fowl Fists]], [[Head Hunter]], [[Nugget Noggin]], [[Talon Trotters]], [[Battle Bird]], [[Ghoul Gibbin' Gear]], [[Hellhunter's Headpiece]], [[Supernatural Stalker]], [[Arsonist Apparatus]], [[Creature's Grin]], [[Lollichop Licker]], [[Moccasin Machinery]], [[Mr. Juice]], [[Vampyro]], [[Eyeborg]], [[Forgotten King's Pauldrons]], [[Forgotten King's Restless Head]], [[Mannhattan Project‎]], [[Bone-Cut Belt]], [[Bull Locks]], [[Immobile Suit]], [[Minsk Beef]], [[Beep Man]], [[Garden Bristles]], [[Iron Fist]], [[Soul of 'Spensers Past]], [[Tiny Texan]], [[Herzensbrecher]], [[Hundkopf]], [[Kriegsmaschine-9000]], [[Templar's Spirit]], [[Vampire Makeover]], [[Vampiric Vesture]], [[Wings of Purity]], [[Cranial Conspiracy]], [[Kanga Kickers]], [[Marsupial Man]], [[Marsupial Muzzle]], [[Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride]], [[Roo Rippers]], [[Scaly Scrapers]], [[Facepeeler]], [[Nightmare Hunter]], [[Rogue's Rabbit]], [[Shadowman's Shade]], [[Ghost of Spies Checked Past]], [[Hooded Haunter]], [[Li'l Dutchman]], and [[Deadliest Catch]].
* Added {{item link|Claws And Infect}}, {{item link|Crazy Legs}}, {{item link|Fowl Fists}}, {{item link|Head Hunter}}, {{item link|Nugget Noggin}}, {{item link|Talon Trotters}}, {{item link|Battle Bird}}, {{item link|Ghoul Gibbin' Gear}}, {{item link|Hellhunter's Headpiece}}, {{item link|Supernatural Stalker}}, {{item link|Arsonist Apparatus}}, {{item link|Creature's Grin}}, {{item link|Lollichop Licker}}, {{item link|Moccasin Machinery}}, {{item link|Mr. Juice}}, {{item link|Vampyro}}, {{item link|Eyeborg}}, {{item link|Forgotten King's Pauldrons}}, {{item link|Forgotten King's Restless Head}}, {{item link|Mannhattan Project‎}}, {{item link|Bone-Cut Belt}}, {{item link|Bull Locks}}, {{item link|Immobile Suit}}, {{item link|Minsk Beef}}, {{item link|Beep Man}}, {{item link|Garden Bristles}}, {{item link|Iron Fist}}, {{item link|Soul of 'Spensers Past}}, {{item link|Tiny Texan}}, {{item link|Herzensbrecher}}, {{item link|Hundkopf}}, {{item link|Kriegsmaschine-9000}}, {{item link|Templar's Spirit}}, {{item link|Vampire Makeover}}, {{item link|Vampiric Vesture}}, {{item link|Wings of Purity}}, {{item link|Cranial Conspiracy}}, {{item link|Kanga Kickers}}, {{item link|Marsupial Man}}, {{item link|Marsupial Muzzle}}, {{item link|Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride}}, {{item link|Roo Rippers}}, {{item link|Scaly Scrapers}}, {{item link|Facepeeler}}, {{item link|Nightmare Hunter}}, {{item link|Rogue's Rabbit}}, {{item link|Shadowman's Shade}}, {{item link|Ghost of Spies Checked Past}}, {{item link|Hooded Haunter}}, {{item link|Li'l Dutchman}}, and [[Deadliest Catch]].
'''{{Patch name|10|30|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|30|2014}}'''
* Renamed '''Deadliest Catch''' to [[Dadliest Catch]].
* Renamed '''Deadliest Catch''' to {{item link|Dadliest Catch}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|26|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|26|2014}}'''
* Added Gamers Assembly 2013 and 2014 tournament medals.
* Added Gamers Assembly 2013 and 2014 tournament medals.
* Added [[Thought that Counts]].
* Added {{item link|Thought that Counts}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2014}}'''
* Added [[Brimstone]], [[Crown of the Old Kingdom]], [[Jungle Booty]], and [[Tomb Readers]].
* Added {{item link|Brimstone}}, {{item link|Crown of the Old Kingdom}}, {{item link|Jungle Booty}}, and {{item link|Tomb Readers}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|8|2014}}''' ([[End of the Line Update]])
'''{{Patch name|12|8|2014}}''' ({{update link|End of the Line Update}})
* Added [[Brooklyn Booties]], [[Thermal Tracker]], [[Coldfront Curbstompers]], [[Condor Cap]], [[Mistaken Movember]], [[Screamin' Eagle]], [[North Polar Fleece]], [[Wartime Warmth]], [[Bomber's Bucket Hat]], [[Double Dog Dare Demo Pants]], [[Double Dynamite]], [[Snow Sleeves]], [[Fur-lined Fighter]], [[Hunter Heavy]], [[Sleeveless in Siberia]], [[Insulated Inventor]], [[Snow Stompers]], [[Boxcar Bomber]], [[Coldsnap Cap]], [[Flashdance Footies]], and [[Winter Woodsman]]
* Added {{item link|Brooklyn Booties}}, {{item link|Thermal Tracker}}, {{item link|Coldfront Curbstompers}}, {{item link|Condor Cap}}, {{item link|Mistaken Movember}}, {{item link|Screamin' Eagle}}, {{item link|North Polar Fleece}}, {{item link|Wartime Warmth}}, {{item link|Bomber's Bucket Hat}}, {{item link|Double Dog Dare Demo Pants}}, {{item link|Double Dynamite}}, {{item link|Snow Sleeves}}, {{item link|Fur-lined Fighter}}, {{item link|Hunter Heavy}}, {{item link|Sleeveless in Siberia}}, {{item link|Insulated Inventor}}, {{item link|Snow Stompers}}, {{item link|Boxcar Bomber}}, {{item link|Coldsnap Cap}}, {{item link|Flashdance Footies}}, and {{item link|Winter Woodsman}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|10|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|10|2014}}'''
* Updated the {{code|[[Equip region|equip_region]]}} and [[bodygroup]] settings for some of the new cosmetic items.
* Updated the {{code|equip_region}} and bodygroup settings for some of the new cosmetic items.
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the item type of a number of new cosmetic items.
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the item type of a number of new cosmetic items.
'''{{Patch name|12|12|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|12|2014}}'''
* Added [[Cold Snap Coat]].
* Added {{item link|Cold Snap Coat}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2014}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2014}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[End of the Line Community Update Medal]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|End of the Line Community Update Medal}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2014}}''' ([[Smissmas 2014]])
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2014}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2014}})
* Added [[Co-Pilot]], [[Courtier's Collar]], [[Harlequin's Hooves]], [[Mountebank's Masque]], [[Skullcap]], [[Black Knight's Bascinet]], [[Charred Chainmail]], [[Pyromancer's Hood]], [[Pyromancer's Raiments]], [[Torcher's Tabard]], [[Scot Bonnet]], [[Valhalla Helm]], [[Old Man Frost]], [[Siberian Facehugger]], [[Clubsy The Seal]], [[Conagher's Combover]], [[Cop Caller]], [[Holstered Heaters]], [[Thermal Insulation Layer]], [[Surgeon's Shako]], [[Unknown Mann]], [[Bushman's Bristles]], [[Marksman's Mohair]], [[Professional's Ushanka]], [[Wally Pocket]], [[Pocket Momma]], [[Puffy Provocateur]], [[Stealthy Scarf]], and ''Snow Stompers''.
* Added {{item link|Co-Pilot}}, {{item link|Courtier's Collar}}, {{item link|Harlequin's Hooves}}, {{item link|Mountebank's Masque}}, {{item link|Skullcap}}, {{item link|Black Knight's Bascinet}}, {{item link|Charred Chainmail}}, {{item link|Pyromancer's Hood}}, {{item link|Pyromancer's Raiments}}, {{item link|Torcher's Tabard}}, {{item link|Scot Bonnet}}, {{item link|Valhalla Helm}}, {{item link|Old Man Frost}}, {{item link|Siberian Facehugger}}, {{item link|Clubsy The Seal}}, {{item link|Conagher's Combover}}, {{item link|Cop Caller}}, {{item link|Holstered Heaters}}, {{item link|Thermal Insulation Layer}}, {{item link|Surgeon's Shako}}, {{item link|Unknown Mann}}, {{item link|Bushman's Bristles}}, {{item link|Marksman's Mohair}}, {{item link|Professional's Ushanka}}, {{item link|Wally Pocket}}, {{item link|Pocket Momma}}, {{item link|Puffy Provocateur}}, {{item link|Stealthy Scarf}}, and ''[[Storm Stompers|Snow Stompers]]''.
* {{Undocumented}} Added LBTF2 [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (Season 1)|Highlander]] and [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (Season 10)|6v6 Season 10]] tournament medals, and [[Tournament Medal - FBTF 6v6 Tournament (Season 3)|FBTF 6v6]] tournament medals.
* {{Undocumented}} Added LBTF2 {{item link|Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (Season 1)|Highlander}} and {{item link|Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (Season 10)|6v6 Season 10}} tournament medals, and {{item link|Tournament Medal - FBTF 6v6 Tournament (Season 3)|FBTF 6v6}} tournament medals.
* {{Undocumented}} Renamed LBTF2 tournament medals to [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (Season 9)]].
* {{Undocumented}} Renamed LBTF2 tournament medals to {{item link|Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (Season 9)}}.
* {{Undocumented}} Added description to [[Limited Late Summer Pack]] items.
* {{Undocumented}} Added description to [[Limited Late Summer Pack]] items.
'''{{Patch name|12|23|2014}}''' Patch #2
'''{{Patch name|12|23|2014}} #2'''
* Renamed the ''Snow Stompers'' in the [[Nice Winter Crate 2014]] to the [[Storm Stompers]] to resolve a name conflict with another item.
* Renamed the ''Snow Stompers'' in the {{item link|Nice Winter Crate 2014}} to the {{item link|Storm Stompers}} to resolve a name conflict with another item.
'''{{Patch name|1|15|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|15|2015}}'''
* Added [[Bootenkhamuns]], [[Orion's Belt]], [[Pocket Raiders]] and [[Asymmetric Accolade]].
* Added {{item link|Bootenkhamuns}}, {{item link|Orion's Belt}}, {{item link|Pocket Raiders}}, and {{item link|Asymmetric Accolade}}.
'''{{Patch name|1|27|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|27|2015}}'''
* Added [[Tournament Medal - TF2Connexion Tournament (Season 14)|TF2Connexion Tournament (Season 14)]] medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - TF2Connexion|TF2Connexion Tournament (Season 14)]] medals.
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2015}}'''
* Fixed cosmetics casting shadows at the wrong time.
* Fixed cosmetics casting shadows at the wrong time.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - OWL 12 6vs6 Tournament|OWL 12 6vs6]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6|OWL 12 6vs6]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2015}}'''
* Fixed shadows drawing on some wearables while in first person.
* Fixed shadows drawing on some wearables while in first person.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - OSL.tf Cup (Season 1)|OSL.tf Cup (Season 1)]] and [[Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2015|Florida LAN 2015]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - OSL.tf Cup|OSL.tf Cup (Season 1)]] and [[Tournament Medal - Florida LAN|Florida LAN 2015]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2015}}'''
* Added UGC tournament medals: Highlander (Seasons 13 and 14), 6vs6 (Seasons 15 and 16) and 4vs4 (Seasons 2 and 3).
* Added UGC tournament medals: Highlander (Seasons 13 and 14), 6vs6 (Seasons 15 and 16), and 4vs4 (Seasons 2 and 3).
'''{{Patch name|3|31|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|3|31|2015}}'''
Line 618: Line 626:
'''{{Patch name|4|29|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|4|29|2015}}'''
* Added [[Jaunty Pin 2015]].
* Added {{item link|Jaunty Pin 2015}}.
* Added ETF2L tournament medals: Highlander (Season 9), 6vs6 (Season 20) and Ultiduo (Season 5).
* Added ETF2L tournament medals: Highlander (Season 9), 6vs6 (Season 20), and Ultiduo (Season 5).
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2015}}'''
* Added [[Finder's Fee]].
* Added {{item link|Finder's Fee}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|27|2015}}''' ([[Gun Mettle Update]])
'''{{Patch name|8|27|2015}}''' ({{update link|Gun Mettle Update}})
* Added [[Bruce's Bonnet]], [[Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat]], [[Commissar's Coat]], [[El Duderino]], [[Flak Jack]], [[Fortunate Son]], [[Lurker's Leathers]], [[Outta' Sight]], [[Physician's Protector]], [[Potassium Bonnett]], [[Rotation Sensation]], [[Sheriff's Stetson]], [[Support Spurs]], [[Vascular Vestment]], [[White Russian]], and [[Wild West Waistcoat]].
* Added {{item link|Bruce's Bonnet}}, {{item link|Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat}}, {{item link|Commissar's Coat}}, {{item link|El Duderino}}, {{item link|Flak Jack}}, {{item link|Fortunate Son}}, {{item link|Lurker's Leathers}}, {{item link|Outta' Sight}}, {{item link|Physician's Protector}}, {{item link|Potassium Bonnet}}, {{item link|Rotation Sensation}}, {{item link|Sheriff's Stetson}}, {{item link|Support Spurs}}, {{item link|Vascular Vestment}}, {{item link|White Russian}}, and {{item link|Wild West Waistcoat}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|6|2015}}''' ({{update link|Invasion Update}})
'''{{Patch name|10|6|2015}}''' ({{update link|Invasion Community Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Cadet Visor]], [[A Head Full of Hot Air]], [[Jupiter Jetpack]], [[Phobos Filter]], [[Space Diver]], [[Universal Translator]], [[Sucker Slug]], [[Life Support System]], [[Rocket Operator]], [[Corona Australis]], [[Final Frontiersman]], [[Starduster]], [[Graylien]], [[Captain Space Mann]], [[Phononaut]], [[Space Hamster Hammy]] and [[Invasion Community Update Medal]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added {{item link|Cadet Visor}}, {{item link|A Head Full of Hot Air}}, {{item link|Jupiter Jetpack}}, {{item link|Phobos Filter}}, {{item link|Space Diver}}, {{item link|Universal Translator}}, {{item link|Sucker Slug}}, {{item link|Life Support System}}, {{item link|Rocket Operator}}, {{item link|Corona Australis}}, {{item link|Final Frontiersman}}, {{item link|Starduster}}, {{item link|Graylien}}, {{item link|Captain Space Mann}}, {{item link|Phononaut}}, {{item link|Space Hamster Hammy}}, and {{item link|Invasion Community Update Medal}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2015}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2015]])
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2015}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}})
* Added [[Hellmet]], [[Face of Mercy]], [[El Patron]], [[Smokey Sombrero]], [[Thrilling Tracksuit]], [[B'aaarrgh-n-Britches]], [[Prehistoric Pullover]], [[Roboot]], [[Duck Billed Hatypus]], [[Iron Lung]], [[Neptune's Nightmare]], [[El Caballero]], [[B'aaarrgh-n-Bicorne]], [[Death Racer's Helmet]], [[Grim Tweeter]], [[Crusader's Getup]], [[Dead'er Alive]], [[Arthropod's Aspect]], and [[Catastrophic Companions]].
* Added {{item link|Hellmet}}, {{item link|Face of Mercy}}, {{item link|El Patron}}, {{item link|Smokey Sombrero}}, {{item link|Thrilling Tracksuit}}, {{item link|B'aaarrgh-n-Britches}}, {{item link|Prehistoric Pullover}}, {{item link|Roboot}}, {{item link|Duck Billed Hatypus}}, {{item link|Iron Lung}}, {{item link|Neptune's Nightmare}}, {{item link|El Caballero}}, {{item link|B'aaarrgh-n-Bicorne}}, {{item link|Death Racer's Helmet}}, {{item link|Grim Tweeter}}, {{item link|Crusader's Getup}}, {{item link|Dead'er Alive}}, {{item link|Arthropod's Aspect}}, and {{item link|Catastrophic Companions}}.
'''{{Patch name|11|13|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|13|2015}}'''
Line 637: Line 645:
'''{{Patch name|11|25|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|11|25|2015}}'''
* Added [[Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy]] and [[Honeydew's Charitable Countenance]].
* Added {{item link|Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy}} and {{item link|Honeydew's Charitable Countenance}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|4|2015}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|4|2015}}'''
* Added [[Firefly]], [[Fear Monger]], [[Arkham Cowl]], [[Teufort Knight]], [[Bat Backup]], [[Caped Crusader]], [[Pocket Villians]], [[Sidekick's Side Slick]], [[Hood of Sorrows]], [[Batter's Bracers]], [[Batbelt]], [[Buttler]], [[Crook Combatant]], [[Special Snowflake]] and [[Gift of Giving]].
* Added {{item link|Firefly}}, {{item link|Fear Monger}}, {{item link|Arkham Cowl}}, {{item link|Teufort Knight}}, {{item link|Bat Backup}}, {{item link|Caped Crusader}}, [[Pocket Villians]], {{item link|Sidekick's Side Slick}}, {{item link|Hood of Sorrows}}, {{item link|Batter's Bracers}}, {{item link|Batbelt}}, {{item link|Buttler}}, {{item link|Crook Combatant}}, {{item link|Special Snowflake}}, and {{item link|Gift of Giving}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ({{update link|Tough Break Update}})
* Added {{item link|Bonk Batter's Backup}}, {{item link|Hot Heels}}, {{item link|Diplomat}}, {{item link|Gift Bringer}}, {{item link|Patriot Peak}}, {{item link|Shin Shredders}}, {{item link|Siberian Sweater}}, {{item link|Winter Backup}}, {{item link|Berlin Brain Bowl}}, {{item link|Bunnyhopper's Ballistics Vest}}, {{item link|Medical Monarch}}, {{item link|A Hat to Kill For}}, {{item link|Chicago Overcoat}}, {{item link|A Well Wrapped Hat}}, and {{item link|Chill Chullo}}.
'''{{Patch name|1|7|2016}}'''
* Added [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6|LBTF2 6v6 Season 12]] and [[Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Highlander|LBTF2 Highlander Season 3]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|4|25|2016}}'''
* Added tournament medals for AsiaFortress Cup Season 9, ozfortress Season 15, and ozfortress Summer Cup 2016, ETF2L 6v6 Season 22 and Season 23, and ETF2L Highlander Season 9 and Season 10.
'''{{Patch name|5|11|2016}}''' ({{update link|Mayflower Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Scoped Spartan}}, {{item link|Demo's Dustcatcher}}, {{item link|Surgical Survivalist}}, {{item link|Squire's Sabatons}}, {{item link|Courtly Cuirass}}, {{item link|Airdog}}, {{item link|Patriot's Pouches}}, {{item link|Gauzed Gaze}}, {{item link|Lurking Legionnaire}}, {{item link|Herald's Helm}}, {{item link|Dad Duds}}, {{item link|Dayjogger}}, ''[[Dead Head|Skullcap]]'', and {{item link|Bedouin Bandana}}.
* Renamed the ''Skullcap'' in the Mayflower Cosmetic Case to the {{item link|Dead Head}} to resolve a name conflict with another item.
'''{{Patch name|7|7|2016}}''' ({{update link|Meet Your Match Update}})
* Added {{item link|Civilian Grade JACK Hat}}, {{item link|Military Grade JACK Hat}}, {{item link|PASS Time Early Participation Pin}}, {{item link|PASS Time Miniature Half JACK}}, {{item link|Altruist's Adornment}}, {{item link|TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant}}, {{item link|Prinny Hat}}, and {{item link|Prinny Pouch}}.
'''{{Patch name|7|28|2016}}'''
* Added the [[Tournament Medal - Florida LAN|Florida LAN 2016]] community medal.
'''{{Patch name|8|29|2016}}'''
* Added the Tip of the Hats 2016 community event medals: {{item link|Jaunty Camper}}, {{item link|Jaunty Benefactor}}, and {{item link|Jaunty Trailblazer}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|21|2016}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}})
* Added {{item link|Aerobatics Demonstrator}}, {{item link|Big Topper}}, {{item link|Burly Beast}}, {{item link|Class Crown}}, {{item link|Colossal Cranium}}, {{item link|Combustible Cutie}}, {{item link|Corpus Christi Cranium}}, {{item link|Cranial Carcharodon}}, {{item link|El Paso Poncho}}, {{item link|Final Frontier Freighter}}, {{item link|Heavy Tourism}}, {{item link|Hovering Hotshot}}, {{item link|Lil' Bitey}}, {{item link|Mad Mask}}, {{item link|Mo'Horn}}, {{item link|Nasty Norsemann}}, {{item link|Pestering Jester}}, {{item link|Showstopper}}, {{item link|Spirit of the Bombing Past}}, {{item link|Spooktacles}}, {{item link|Surgeon's Sidearms}}, {{item link|Toadstool Topper}}, {{item link|Wide-Brimmed Bandito}}, and {{item link|Wing Mann}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ([[Tough Break Update]])
'''{{Patch name|11|2|2016}}'''
* Added [[Bonk Batter's Backup]], [[Hot Heels]], [[Diplomat]], [[Gift Bringer]], [[Patriot Peak]], [[Shin Shredders]], [[Siberian Sweater]], [[Winter Backup]], [[Berlin Brain Bowl]], [[Bunnyhopper's Ballistics Vest]], [[Medical Monarch]], [[A Hat to Kill For]], [[Chicago Overcoat]], [[A Well Wrapped Hat]], and [[Chill Chullo]].
* Added the GA'lloween 2016 community event medals: [[Tournament Medal - Gamers Assembly|Tournament Medal - GA'lloween 2016]].
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2016}}'''
* Added {{item link|Bomb Beanie}}, {{item link|Bomber Knight}}, {{item link|Brain-Warming Wear}}, {{item link|Electric Twanger}}, {{item link|Elf Esteem}}, {{item link|Flammable Favor}}, {{item link|Handy Canes}}, {{item link|Head Prize}}, {{item link|Packable Provisions}}, {{item link|Pyro the Flamedeer}}, {{item link|Reader's Choice}}, {{item link|Santarchimedes}}, {{item link|Snowmann}}, {{item link|Snowwing}}, {{item link|Socked and Loaded}}, {{item link|Sweet Smissmas Sweater}}, and {{item link|Woolen Warmer}}.
* Added the Winter Wonderland 2016 community medals: {{item link|Gift of Giving 2016}} and {{item link|Special Snowflake 2016}}.
'''{{Patch name|1|16|2017}}'''
* Added the LBTF2 6v6 Season 14 tournament medals: {{item link|Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (Season 14)}}.
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2017}}'''
* Added TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant 2017 community medal: {{item link|TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant}}.
* Added Rally Call Charity Tournament community medals: {{item link|Tournament Medal - Rally Call Charity Tournament}}.
* Added ozfortress Season 18 tournament medals: [[Tournament Medal - OWL 18 6v6 Tournament]].
'''{{Patch name|4|20|2017}}'''
* Added the [[Audio File]] for the {{item link|What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?|Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack promo}}.
'''{{Patch name|5|4|2017}}'''
* Added the {{item link|Heartfelt Hug}} community medal for the hugs.tf charity event.
'''{{Patch name|5|15|2017}}''' ({{update link|Rainy Day Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Flash of Inspiration}}, {{item link|Lightning Lid}}, {{item link|Plumber's Cap}}, {{item link|Legendary Lid}}, {{item link|Guilden Guardian}}, {{item link|Down Under Duster}}, {{item link|Pocket Pauling}}, {{item link|Messenger's Mail Bag}}, {{item link|Hawk-Eyed Hunter}}, {{item link|Archer's Sterling}}, {{item link|Airtight Arsonist}}, {{item link|Upgrade}}, {{item link|Speedster's Spandex}}, {{item link|Head Mounted Double Observatory}}, {{item link|Field Practice}}, {{item link|Warhood}}, {{item link|Airborne Attire}}, {{item link|Flakcatcher}}, and {{item link|Blast Defense}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|2|2017}}'''
* Added [[Tournament Medal - Arms Race|Arms Race 3]] community medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - FBTF Cup 6v6|FBTF Cup 6v6 Season 4]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|6|16|2017}}'''
* Added [[Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6|ozfortress Season 19]], [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6|ETF2L 6v6 Mid Season 27]], and [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge|ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2017}}'''
* Added [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup|AsiaFortress Cup Season 11]] tournament medals.
* Added the [[Tournament Medal - Chapelaria Ultiduo|Chapelaria Ultiduo Season 1]] tournament medals.
* Added the [[Tournament Medal - Team Fortress Competitive League|TFCL 6v6]] Alpha and Season 2 tournament medals.
* Added the [[Tournament Medal - Team Fortress Competitive League|TFCL Ultiduo]] Alpha, Season 2, and Season 3 tournament medals.
* Added the [[Blapature Co. Contributor|Blapature Co. Contributor 2017]] community event medal.
* Added the [[TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant|TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant 2017]] community medal.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the {{item link|TF2Maps Charitable Heart}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|20|2017}}''' ({{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}})
* Added {{item link|Abominable Snow Pants}}, {{item link|Aloha Apparel}}, {{item link|Attack Packs}}, {{item link|Aztec Aggressor}}, {{item link|Aztec Warrior}}, {{item link|Bait and Bite}}, {{item link|Bananades}}, {{item link|Battle Boonie}}, {{item link|Cammy Jammies}}, {{item link|Classy Capper}}, {{item link|Commando Elite}}, {{item link|Conaghers' Utility Idol}}, {{item link|Conspicuous Camouflage}}, {{item link|Crit Cloak}}, {{item link|Croaking Hazard}}, {{item link|D-eye-monds}}, {{item link|Deity's Dress}}, {{item link|Fat Man's Field Cap}}, {{item link|Feathered Fiend}}, {{item link|Fireman's Essentials}}, {{item link|Forest Footwear}}, {{item link|Heavy Harness}}, {{item link|Himalayan Hair Shirt}}, {{item link|Hot Huaraches}}, {{item link|Hunter in Darkness}}, {{item link|Jungle Jersey}}, {{item link|Jungle Wreath}}, {{item link|Kathman-Hairdo}}, {{item link|Mannanas Hat}}, {{item link|Mercenary Park}}, {{item link|Monstrous Memento}}, {{item link|Most Dangerous Mane}}, {{item link|Never Forget Hat}}, {{item link|Nuke}}, {{item link|Pithy Professional}}, {{item link|Pocket Saxton}}, {{item link|Quizzical Quetzal}}, {{item link|Rifleman's Regalia}}, {{item link|Sacrificial Stone}}, {{item link|Saxton}}, {{item link|Sharp Chest Pain}}, {{item link|Shellmet}}, {{item link|Siberian Tigerstripe}}, {{item link|Slithering Scarf}}, {{item link|Transparent Trousers}}, {{item link|Tropical Toad}}, {{item link|Vitals Vest}}, {{item link|War Eagle}}, and {{item link|Yeti Park Hardhat}}.
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2018}}''' ({{update link|Blue Moon Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Blizzard Britches}}, {{item link|Punk's Pomp}}, {{item link|Wipe Out Wraps}}, {{item link|Private Maggot Muncher}}, {{item link|Sky High Fly Guy}}, {{item link|Veterans Attire}}, {{item link|Burning Question}}, {{item link|Hot Case}}, {{item link|Frag Proof Fragger}}, {{item link|Starboard Crusader}}, {{item link|Tsar Platinum}}, {{item link|Cold Case}}, {{item link|Scourge of the Sky}}, {{item link|Aristotle}}, {{item link|Assassin's Attire}}, {{item link|Antarctic Eyewear}}, {{item link|Head Hedge}}, {{item link|Robin Walkers}}, and {{item link|Tundra Top}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|19|2018}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}})
* Added {{item link|Lucky Cat Hat}}, {{item link|Mr. Quackers}}, {{item link|Terror-antula}}, {{item link|Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%}}, ''Mister Sentry Gun'', the {{item link|Tank Top}}, {{item link|Athenian Attire}}, {{item link|Pyro in Chinatown}}, {{item link|Dressperado}}, {{item link|Gaelic Glutton}}, {{item link|Arachno-Arsonist}}, {{item link|Mini-Engy}}, {{item link|Vampire Vanquisher}}, {{item link|Hephaistos' Handcraft}}, {{item link|Olympic Leapers}}, {{item link|Mann-O-War}}, {{item link|Highway Star}}, {{item link|Bandit's Boots}}, {{item link|Murderer's Motif}}, {{item link|Deadbeats}}, {{item link|Crocodile Mun-Dee}}, {{item link|Scoper's Scales}}, {{item link|Dell in the Shell}}, and {{item link|A Shell of a Mann}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|25|2018}}'''
* Renamed Mister Sentry to {{item link|Aim Assistant}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|19|2018}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2018}})
* Added the {{item link|Dumb Bell}}, {{item link|Climbing Commander}}, {{item link|Pocket Admin}}, {{item link|Wise Whiskers}}, {{item link|Pocket Pardner}}, the {{item link|Catcher's Companion}}, the {{item link|Crack Pot}}, {{item link|Bread Heads}}, {{item link|Paka Parka}}, {{item link|Cool Capuchon}}, the {{item link|Polar Pal}}, {{item link|Millennial Mercenary}}, {{item link|Mighty Mitre}}, {{item link|Juvenile's Jumper}}, {{item link|Miser's Muttonchops}}, {{item link|Harry}}, {{item link|Snowcapped}}, and {{item link|Puggyback}}.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - LAN Downunder|LAN Downunder 2018]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6v6|ETF2L 6v6 Season 31]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander|ETF2L Highlander Season 17]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - Brazil Fortress 6v6|Brazil Fortress Season 3]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - Russian Highlander|Russian Highlander Season 1]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - Sacred Scouts|Sacred Scouts 6v6]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress Cup|AsiaFortress Season 14]] tournament medals.
* Added [[Tournament Medal - AsiaFortress LAN|AsiaFortress LAN 2018]] tournament medals.
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2018}}'''
* Updated some of the cosmetic items from the Winter 2018 Cosmetics Collection to fix missing styles.
'''{{Patch name|7|25|2019}}''' ({{update link|Summer 2019 Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Melted Mop}}, {{item link|Brain Interface}}, {{item link|Bottle Cap}}, {{item link|Pompous Privateer}}, {{item link|Shutterbug}}, {{item link|Mediterranean Mercenary}}, {{item link|Backbreaker's Guards}}, {{item link|Stapler's Specs}}, {{item link|Wanderer's Wear}}, {{item link|Dancing Doe}}, {{item link|Spawn Camper}}, {{item link|Speedy Scoundrel}}, {{item link|Wagga Wagga Wear}}, {{item link|Kapitan's Kaftan}}, {{item link|Backbreaker's Skullcracker}}, {{item link|Dynamite Abs}}, {{item link|Fiery Phoenix}}, {{item link|Bare Necessities}}, {{item link|Bobby Bonnet}}, {{item link|Unforgiven Glory}}, {{item link|Texas Toast}}, and {{item link|Peacebreaker}}.
'''{{Patch name|9|23|2019}}'''
* Updated the Bottle Cap and the Shutterbug cosmetic items to fix styles that were missed when the items were originally added.
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2019}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}})
* Added {{item link|Mister Bones}}, {{item link|Pyr'o Lantern}}, {{item link|Racc Mann}}, {{item link|Head of the Dead}}, {{item link|Elizabeth the Third}}, {{item link|Trick Stabber}}, {{item link|El Zapateador}}, {{item link|Horrible Horns}}, {{item link|Skullbrero}}, {{item link|Soviet Strongmann}}, {{item link|Voodoo Vizier}}, {{item link|Madmann's Muzzle}}, {{item link|BINOCULUS!}}, {{item link|Derangement Garment}}, {{item link|Convict Cap}}, {{item link|El Mostacho}}, {{item link|Candy Cranium}}, {{item link|Bat Hat}}, {{item link|Pocket Halloween Boss}}, {{item link|Party Poncho}}, {{item link|Fuel Injector}}, and {{item link|Bread Biter}}.
'''{{Patch name|8|21|2020}}''' ({{update link|Summer 2020 Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Momma Kiev}}, {{item link|Fire Fighter}}, {{item link|Self-Care}}, {{item link|Jarmaments}}, {{item link|Sophisticated Smoker}}, {{item link|Soda Specs}}, {{item link|Poolside Polo}}, {{item link|Crabe de Chapeau}}, {{item link|California Cap}}, {{item link|Bazaar Bauble}}, {{item link|Head of Defense}}, {{item link|Flatliner}}, {{item link|Tools of the Tourist}}, {{item link|Hazard Headgear}}, {{item link|Bird's Eye Viewer}}, {{item link|Breach and Bomb}}, {{item link|Flamehawk}}, {{item link|Loaf Loafers}}, {{item link|Smoking Jacket}}, {{item link|Hawk Warrior}}, {{item link|Breadcrab}}, and {{item link|Hypno-eyes}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|1|2020}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}})
* Added {{item link|Grounded Flyboy}}, {{item link|Calamitous Cauldron}}, {{item link|Semi-tame Trapper's Hat}}, {{item link|Semi-tame Trapper's Hat}}, {{item link|War Blunder}}, {{item link|Fire Tooth}}, {{item link|Flavorful Baggies}}, {{item link|Seared Sorcerer}}, {{item link|Treehugger}}, {{item link|Mannvich}}, {{item link|Ghoul Box}}, {{item link|Goblineer}}, {{item link|Pug Mug}}, {{item link|Wavefinder}}, {{item link|Rolfe Copter}}, {{item link|Glow from Below}}, {{item link|Boom Boxers}}, {{item link|A Handsome Handy Thing}}, {{item link|All Hallows' Hatte}}, {{item link|Balloonicorpse}}, {{item link|Eye-See-You}}, {{item link|Gourd Grin}}, {{item link|Handsome Devil}}, {{item link|Hollowed Helm}}, {{item link|Impish Ears}}, {{item link|King Cardbeard}}, {{item link|Misfortune Fedora}}, {{item link|Sir Pumpkinton}}, and {{item link|Wrap-A-Khamon}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2020}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2020}})
* Added {{item link|Round-A-Bout}}, {{item link|Helm Helm}}, {{item link|Bear Walker}}, {{item link|BedBug Protection}}, {{item link|SandMann's Brush}}, {{item link|Blitzen Bowl}}, {{item link|Elf Care Provider}}, {{item link|Night Ward}}, {{item link|Killing Tree}}, {{item link|Candy Cantlers}}, {{item link|Festive Fascinator}}, {{item link|Festive Flip-thwomps}}, {{item link|Jolly Jingler}}, {{item link|Particulate Protector}}, {{item link|Professional's Pom Pom}}, {{item link|Reindoonibeanie}}, {{item link|Shoestring Santa}}, {{item link|Smissmas Sorcerer}}, {{item link|Towering Pile Of Presents}}, and {{item link|Towering Pillar of Beanies}}.
'''{{Patch name|6|22|2021}}''' ({{update link|Summer 2021 Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Ballooniphones}}, {{item link|Manndatory Attire}}, {{item link|Brim of Fire}}, {{item link|Reel Fly Hat}}, {{item link|Hook, Line, and Cinder}}, {{item link|Water Waders}}, {{item link|Sightliner}}, {{item link|Snack Stack}}, {{item link|Two Punch Mann}}, {{item link|Wild Brim Slouch}}, {{item link|Crocodile Dandy}}, {{item link|Crustaceous Cowl}}, {{item link|Fast Food}}, {{item link|Meal Dealer}}, {{item link|Fried Batter}}, {{item link|Roaming Roman}}, {{item link|Panisher}}, and {{item link|Thousand-Yard Stare}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|5|2021}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}})
* Added {{item link|Batter's Beak}}, {{item link|Corpse Carrier}}, {{item link|Poopy Doe}}, {{item link|War Dog}}, {{item link|Wandering Wraith}}, {{item link|Smiling Somen}}, {{item link|Miami Rooster}}, {{item link|Death Stare}}, {{item link|Hook, Line, and Thinker}}, {{item link|Optic Nerve}}, {{item link|Gruesome Gourd}}, {{item link|Computron 5000}}, {{item link|Trickster's Treats}}, {{item link|Alakablamicon}}, {{item link|Beanie The All-Gnawing}}, {{item link|Bone Cone}}, {{item link|Creepy Crawlers}}, {{item link|Eyequarium}}, {{item link|Goalkeeper}}, {{item link|Hat Outta Hell}}, {{item link|Scariest Mask EVER}}, {{item link|Second-head Headwear}}, {{item link|Spooky Head-Bouncers}}, {{item link|Towering Patch of Pumpkins}}, and {{item link|Twisted Topper}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|2|2021}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2021}})
* Added {{item link|Seasonal Employee}}, {{item link|Elf Defense}}, {{item link|Elf Ignition}}, {{item link|Mooshanka}}, {{item link|Train Of Thought}}, {{item link|Festive Cover-Up}}, {{item link|Brain Cane}}, {{item link|Cozy Catchers}}, {{item link|El Fiestibrero}}, {{item link|Elf-Made Bandanna}}, {{item link|Festive Frames}}, {{item link|Giftcrafter}}, {{item link|Gnome Dome}}, {{item link|Hat Chocolate}}, {{item link|Jolly Jester}}, {{item link|Merry Cone}}, {{item link|Oh Deer!}}, {{item link|Ominous Offering}}, {{item link|Reindoonihorns}}, and {{item link|Seasonal Spring}}.
'''{{Patch name|7|29|2022}}''' ({{update link|Summer 2022 Pack}})
* Added {{item link|Barefoot Brawler}}, {{item link|Boston Brain Bucket}}, {{item link|Chaser}}, {{item link|Combat Casual}}, {{item link|Decorated Veteran}}, {{item link|Fizzy Pharmacist}}, {{item link|Hawaiian Hangover}}, {{item link|Hawaiian Hunter}}, {{item link|Head Banger}}, {{item link|Kazan Karategi}}, {{item link|Lawnmaker}}, {{item link|Monsieur Grenouille}}, {{item link|Pest's Pads}}, {{item link|Ripped Rider}}, {{item link|Rocko}}, {{item link|Soda Cap}}, {{item link|Squatter's Right}}, {{item link|Tactical Turtleneck}}, {{item link|Team Player}}, {{item link|Throttlehead}}, {{item link|Tropical Camo}}, {{item link|Undercover Brolly}}, and {{item link|Western Wraps}}.
'''{{Patch name|10|5|2022}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2022}})
* Added {{item link|Imp's Imprint}}, {{item link|Masked Fiend}}, {{item link|Cranial Cowl}}, {{item link|Firearm Protector}}, {{item link|Safety Stripes}}, {{item link|Fire Breather}}, {{item link|Magical Mount}}, {{item link|Propaniac}}, {{item link|Alcoholic Automaton}}, {{item link|Bombard Brigadier}}, {{item link|Nightbane Brim}}, {{item link|Horror Shawl}}, {{item link|Misha's Maw}}, {{item link|Road Block}}, {{item link|Road Rage}}, {{item link|Cabinet Mann}}, {{item link|Dustbowl Devil}}, {{item link|More Gun Marshal}}, {{item link|Pony Express}}, {{item link|Lavish Labwear}}, {{item link|Victorian Villainy}}, {{item link|Headhunter's Brim}},  {{item link|Hunting Cloak}} {{item link|Turncoat}}, {{item link|Beaten and Bruised}}, {{item link|Onimann}}, and {{item link|Starlight Sorcerer}}.
'''{{Patch name|12|5|2022}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2022}})
* Added {{item link|Infiltrator's Insulation}}, {{item link|Motley Sleeves}}, {{item link|Bulb Bonnet}}, {{item link|Firebrand}}, {{item link|Partizan}}, {{item link|Glasgow Bankroll}}, {{item link|Plaid Lad}}, {{item link|Heavy Heating}}, {{item link|Ol' Reliable}}, {{item link|Arctic Mole}}, {{item link|Cool Warm Sweater}}, {{item link|Soft Hard Hat}}, {{item link|Underminer's Overcoat}}, {{item link|Oktoberfester}}, {{item link|Wooly Pulli}}, {{item link|Crosshair Cardigan}}, {{item link|Cold Blooded Coat}}, {{item link|Frostbite Bonnet}}, {{item link|Battle Bear}}, {{item link|Colonel Kringle}}, {{item link|Festive Rack}}, {{item link|Lumbercap}}, and {{item link|Trapper's Flap}}.}}
== Bugs ==
== Bugs ==
Line 651: Line 782:
== Curiosità ==
== Curiosità ==
* Sulla pagina di cronologia del sito ufficiale e sulla pagina del [[Mac Update/it|Mac Update]], Valve si riferisce a  ''Team Fortress 2'' come "il primo simulatore americano di cappelli basato sulla guerra", basandosi sui commenti sul fatto che i cappelli ricevano più attenzione rispetto al gameplay. <ref>"[http://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate/earbuds/ The Mac Update!]", [http://www.teamfortress.com/ Teamfortress.com], June 10, 2010</ref><ref>"[http://www.teamfortress.com/history.php History]", [http://www.teamfortress.com/ Teamfortress.com], retrieved Feb. 13, 2012</ref>
* Sulla pagina di cronologia del sito ufficiale e sulla pagina del [[Mac Update/it|Mac Update]], Valve si riferisce a  ''Team Fortress 2'' come "il primo simulatore americano di cappelli basato sulla guerra", basandosi sui commenti sul fatto che i cappelli ricevano più attenzione rispetto al gameplay. <ref>"[https://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate/earbuds/ The Mac Update!]", [https://www.teamfortress.com/ Teamfortress.com], June 10, 2010</ref><ref>"[https://www.teamfortress.com/history.php History]", [https://www.teamfortress.com/ Teamfortress.com], retrieved Feb. 13, 2012</ref>
* The [[Trophy Belt]] and [[Football Helmet]] were first seen in ''[[Meet the Spy]]'' prior to the official [[Sniper vs. Spy Update]].
* The [[Trophy Belt]] and [[Football Helmet]] were first seen in ''[[Meet the Spy]]'' prior to the official [[Sniper vs. Spy Update]].
Line 665: Line 796:
* [[Styles/it|Stili]]
* [[Styles/it|Stili]]
* [[Crafting/it|Forgiatura]]
* [[Crafting/it|Forgiatura]]
* [[Item drop system/it|Sisteam di drop degli oggetti]]
* [[Item drop system/it|Sistema di drop degli oggetti]]
== Riferimenti ==
== Riferimenti ==
<references />
== Link esterni ==
== Collegamenti esterni ==
* [http://www.shacknews.com/featuredarticle.x?id=1124 Interview: Valve's Robin Walker on Item Drops and the Future of Team Fortress 2], Shacknews, April 29, 2009
* [https://www.shacknews.com/featuredarticle.x?id=1124 Interview: Valve's Robin Walker on Item Drops and the Future of Team Fortress 2], Shacknews, {{Patch name|4|29|2009|date-only=yes}} {{lang icon|en}}
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day09_english.htm Sniper vs. Spy Update Bonus Day]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day09_english.htm Sniper vs. Spy Update Bonus Day] {{lang icon|en}}
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/day01.php Classless Update - Official Hat Announcement]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/classless/day01.php Classless Update - Official Hat Announcement] {{lang icon|en}}
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/hats/ Classless Update - An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/hats/ Classless Update - An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte] {{lang icon|en}}
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/barbary/ Classless Update - Barbary]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/barbary/ Classless Update - Barbary] {{lang icon|en}}
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2787 TF2 Official Blog - Incoming!]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2787 TF2 Official Blog - Incoming!] {{lang icon|en}}
* [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3618&p=1 TF2 Official Blog - Nice goin', pardner]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3618 TF2 Official Blog - Nice goin', pardner] {{lang icon|en}}
{{Hat Nav}}
{{Hat Nav}}

Latest revision as of 13:30, 17 October 2024

Hat magazine.png
A mock magazine, Hat-Wearing Man, appeared at the end of the Sniper vs. Spy Update announcing the first hats as a bonus.
Durante la storia, gli uomini hanno indossato i cappelli per mostare quanto siano migliori rispetto ad altri uomini. “Io compro cappelli,” disse un uomo che indossava un cappello. “Sono migliore di te.” In periodo di guerra, i cappelli furono un modo utile per conferire gradi, assicurando che le vittime erano confinate alle classi minori (da qui il famoso comando “Non sparate finchè non vedete le cime delle loro teste” della Battaglia di Bunker Hill da William Prescott, un generale conosciuto esclusivamente per aver sparato ai combattenti nemici che erano poveri). In tempo di pace, i cappelli furono strumentali per gli uomini per far sapere a chi non ne portava chi fosse colui che li indossava lì in giro.

Le Decorazioni (precedentemente conosciute come cappelli e oggetti vari) sono oggetti che possono essere equipaggiati in ognuno dei tre spazi per i cappelli nella schermata del menù principale. Valve ha introdotto i primi nove cappelli con l'Aggiornamento Cecchino vs. Spia nella Patch del 21 maggio 2009, con un cappello per ogni classe. I nove cappelli introdotti erano il Elmetto da Battitore, l'Scorta del Soldato, il Cappellino da Piro, l'Afro, il Casco da Football, la Luce da Minatore, l'Pickelhaube Prussiano, la Cintura Trofeo ed il Borsalino Elegante. Diversi aggiornamenti hanno poi aggiunto altri cappelli, compresi quelli progettati dai membri della comunità di Team Fortress 2 tramite l' Workshop di Steam o l'ex pagina di contribuzioni del Sito ufficale di TF2.

Attualmente ci sono un totale di 1866 cosmetici, 1866 possono essere ottenuti in qualità Vintage, 316 possono essere ottenuti in qualità Strana, 300 possono essere ottenuti in qualità Autentico (vedi distribuzione delle qualità degli oggetti), 78 possono essere ottenuti in qualità Da Collezione, e 1294 dei cappelli posson oessere colorati in 29 colori tramite le differenti varietà di Latte di vernice.

Mentre la maggiorparte dei cosmetici può essere ottenuta tramite la Forgiatura, il sistema di drop casuale, o comprandoli nel Negozio Mann Co., alcuni cosmetici sono disponibili ai giocatori solo tramite altri mezzi. Molteplici cosmetici possono essere ottenuti solo completando gli obbiettivi in-gioco. Altri cosmetici sono stati aggiunti come oggetti promozionali per vari giochi di Steam ed eventi del Negozio di Steam. Mentre è possibile ottenere molti di questi cosmetici scambiandoli con altri giocatori, non c'è modo di comprarli nel Negozio Mann Co. (a parte quelli rilasciati con Total War: Shotgun 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, ed il QUAKECON Pack). Solo i giocatori con un Account Premium possono riceve casualmente cappelli dal sistema di drop degli oggetti.

Con il rilascio dell'Aggiornamento Mann-Conomy, c'è lo 0,66% di possibilità che la qualità Insolito di certi cosmetici venga "unboxata" quando un giocatore apre una Cassa di Rifornimenti della Mann Co. Questi cosmetici funzionano esattamente come quelli di qualità Unica, con eccezione del fatto che hanno 1 dei 79 Effetti Insoliti, scelto casualmente da un gruppo applicabile (certi effetti possono essere ottenuti solo durante gli eventi) quando il cappello viene ottenuto.

I cosmetici non hanno nessun effetto sul gameplay. Con il rilascio della Patch del 10 luglio 2013, i set di oggetti dal Pacchetto Polycount (con l'eccezione del set de Spia d'Arabia, che aggiunge un effetto particellare quando il giocatore attiva una provocazione) ora lasciano solo una tomba quando si uccide un nemico. Dopotutto, indossare la Testa del Cavaliere Senza Testa e Senza Cavallo e la Maschera da Saxton Hale rende colui che la indossa immune all'attacco Boo del Cavaliere senza Testa e senza Cavallo. In più, gli Stivali Sveltini, la Cintura Tintinnante, la Campanella Natalizia, l'Operatore Elfo-Sanitario, l'Elfo Protettore, l'Impiegato Stagionale, l'Elfo Ardente, la Bandana degli Elfi e il Berretto da Rennicorno producono un suono tintinnante, che potrebbe far scoprire la posizione del giocatore che li indossa, rendendoli più notabili.

Alcuni cosmetici hanno una restrizione festiva, cioè non possono essere visti dai giocatori, tranne nella schermata del loadout, quando non c'è la festività o l'evento attivo sul server. In più, gli oggetti di Pirolandia possono essere visti solo da colui che li indossa e dai giocatori che hanno equipaggiato un oggetto che attiva la Pirovisione, o dagli spettatori che hanno l'opzione "Quando spettatore, vedi il mondo dagli occhi di un Piro" attivata.

Il 10 gennaio 2013, un post sul blog (Inglese) annunciò che, dal 24 gennaio 2013, i nove cappelli originali aggiunti con l'Aggiornamento Cecchino vs. Spia sarebbero stati ritirati, rendendoli non più ottenibili tramite la forgiatura, il sistema di drop degli oggetti, le Casse di Rifornimento Mann Co. (solo in qualità Insolita) o il Negozio Mann Co. L'unica fonte non menzionata nell'essere rimossa sono le Casse di Rifornimenti Mann Co. esistenti con ogni altro cappello menzionato nella lista di oggetti ottenibile dalla cassa.

Il 20 dicembre 2013, gli spazi per i cappelli nella schermata loadout dei giocatori "testa" e "vario" furono messi insieme a creare i tre spazi di loadout presenti oggi. Tutti i cosmetici che erano equipaggiabili solo nello spazio "testa" o "vario" furono possibilitati ad essere equipaggiati in ogni spazio.

Lista di oggetti cosmetici


Articolo principale: Forgiatura
See Headgear recipes in Crafting.


Articoli principali: Anteprima degli oggetti verniciabili, List of paintable items/it

Cronologia degli aggiornamenti

Vedi anche: Item timeline
Patch del 21 maggio 2009 (Aggiornamento Cecchino vs. Spia)

Patch del 13 agosto 2009 (Aggiornamento Senza Classe)

Patch del 2 settembre 2009

Patch del 29 ottobre 2009 (Speciale di Halloween Stregato)

Patch del 2 novembre 2009

Patch del 17 dicembre 2009 (Aggiornamento GUERRA!)

Patch del 27 gennaio 2010

Patch del 18 marzo 2010 (1° Aggiornamento dei Contributi della Comunità)

Patch del 15 aprile 2010

Patch del 29 aprile 2010 (119º Aggiornamento)

Patch del 5 maggio 2010

Patch del 20 maggio 2010 (2° Aggiornamento dei Contributi della Comunità)

Patch del 21 maggio 2010

Patch del 10 giugno 2010 (Aggiornamento del Mac)

Patch del 8 luglio 2010 (Aggiornamento dell’Ingegnere)

  • A second misc slot is added.

Patch del 19 luglio 2010

Patch del 25 agosto 2010

Patch del 30 settembre 2010 (Aggiornamento Mann-Conomy)

Patch del 27 ottobre 2010 (Aggiornamento Scream Fortress)

Patch del 3 novembre 2010

Patch del 19 novembre 2010

Patch del 7 dicembre 2010

Patch del 13 dicembre 2010

Patch del 17 dicembre 2010 (Natale Australiano)

Patch del 21 dicembre 2010

Patch del 22 dicembre 2010

Patch del 24 gennaio 2011

Patch del 28 febbraio 2011

Patch del 10 marzo 2011 (Pacchetto Shogun)

Patch del 23 marzo 2011 (Pacchetto Beneficenza per il Giappone)

Patch del 5 aprile 2011

Patch del 7 aprile 2011 (3° Aggiornamento dei Contributi della Comunità)

Patch del 28 aprile 2011

Patch del 5 maggio 2011 (Aggiornamento Replay)

Patch del 12 maggio 2011

Patch del 31 maggio 2011

Patch del 3 giugno 2011

Patch del 10 giugno 2011

Patch del 23 giugno 2011 (Aggiornamento Über)

Patch del 1 luglio 2011 (Saldi del Campeggio Estivo)

Patch del 20 luglio 2011

Patch del 29 luglio 2011

Patch del 2 agosto 2011

Patch del 3 agosto 2011

Patch del 9 agosto 2011

  • Renamed Tamrielic Relic to Dragonborn Helmet.

Patch del 18 agosto 2011

Patch del 23 agosto 2011

Patch del 30 agosto 2011

Patch del 15 settembre 2011

Patch del 13 ottobre 2011 (Aggiornamento e Saldi del Manniversario)

Patch del 27 ottobre 2011 (Speciale di Halloween Molto Spaventoso)

Patch del 10 novembre 2011

Patch del 16 novembre 2011

Patch del 22 novembre 2011

Patch del 23 novembre 2011

Patch del 29 novembre 2011

  • [Non documentato] Fixed certain all-class hats not showing up until the player touches a resupply cabinet.

Patch del 1 dicembre 2011

Patch del 15 dicembre 2011 (Natale Australiano del 2011)

Patch del 21 dicembre 2011

Patch del 23 dicembre 2011

  • [Non documentato] Added "glasses" equip region to the Brain Bucket.
  • [Non documentato] Removed Scout's headset when equipped with the Brown Bomber.

Patch del 11 gennaio 2012

Patch del 17 gennaio 2012

Patch del 26 gennaio 2012

Patch del 2 febbraio 2012

Patch del 9 febbraio 2012

Patch del 14 febbraio 2012

Patch del 23 febbraio 2012

Patch del 1 marzo 2012

Patch del 8 marzo 2012

Patch del 22 marzo 2012

Patch del 28 marzo 2012

Patch del 17 aprile 2012

Patch del 18 aprile 2012

  • Added LODs on Ghastly Gibus for all classes.

Patch del 3 maggio 2012

Patch del 10 maggio 2012

Patch del 17 maggio 2012

Patch del 31 maggio 2012

Patch del 11 giugno 2012

Patch del 27 giugno 2012 (Aggiornamento Pyromania)

Patch del 28 giugno 2012

  • Teddy Roosebelt can now get assist credits.
  • Fixed hatless hats not not-drawing correctly.

Patch del 2 luglio 2012

  • Teddy Roosebelt can now get assists in Pyrovision.

Patch del 10 luglio 2012

Patch del 20 luglio 2012

  • [Non documentato] Updated the world model of Scotch Bonnet.

Patch del 2 agosto 2012 (Pacchetto Triade)

Patch del 10 agosto 2012

Patch del 11 agosto 2012

Patch del 15 agosto 2012 (Aggiornamento Mann vs. Machine)

Patch del 17 agosto 2012

Patch del 21 agosto 2012

Patch del 4 settembre 2012

Patch del 6 settembre 2012

Patch del 21 settembre 2012

Patch del 27 settembre 2012

Patch del 9 ottobre 2012

Patch del 17 ottobre 2012

  • [Non documentato] Vigilant Pin is now tradable, giftable, craftable, and can be used in crafting.

Patch del 26 ottobre 2012 (Speciale di Halloween Spettrale)

Patch del 16 novembre 2012

Patch del 29 novembre 2012

Patch del 20 dicembre 2012 (Aggiornamento Mecha)

Patch del 8 gennaio 2013

Patch del 16 gennaio 2013

  • The Prize Plushy can now get assists in Pyrovision.

Patch del 24 gennaio 2013

  • Updated the equip_region setting for The Bootie Time.

Patch del 14 febbraio 2013

Patch del 15 febbraio 2013

Patch del 18 febbraio 2013

Patch del 22 febbraio 2013

Patch del 4 marzo 2013

Patch del 12 marzo 2013

Patch del 19 marzo 2013

  • [Non documentato] Added CVRTF2.

Patch del 3 aprile 2013

Patch del 13 maggio 2013

Patch del 17 maggio 2013 (Boogaloo Robotico)

Patch del 3 giugno 2013

Patch del 6 giugno 2013

Patch del 10 giugno 2013

Patch del 13 giugno 2013

Patch del 10 luglio 2013

Patch del 2 ottobre 2013

Patch del 10 ottobre 2013

Patch del 29 ottobre 2013 (Scream Fortress 2013)

Patch del 30 ottobre 2013

  • Updated Chicken Kiev so it can't be equipped with Cold War Luchador or Large Luchadore.

Patch del 6 novembre 2013

  • Updated the equip region for Ivan The Inedible to match the other Spooky Companion items.

Patch del 11 novembre 2013

  • The Grandmaster will now update its model based on the owner's current kill streak.
  • Updated the Jupiter Jumpers so they can be equipped with the Mantreads and the Gunboats.

Patch del 22 novembre 2013

  • Fixed a bug that would cause robot "gate hat" items to be craftable. Replaced all Gate hats with Circuito Malfunzionantes.

Patch del 26 novembre 2013

Patch del 18 dicembre 2013

Patch del 20 dicembre 2013 (Smissmas 2013)

Patch del 7 febbraio 2014 (Pacchetto Cassaforte)

Patch del 11 febbraio 2014

  • Updated several cosmetic items that were missing an item_type description.
  • Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in Pyrovision.
  • Updated the Medi-Mask to use equip_region beard instead of face.

Patch del 19 febbraio 2014

Patch del 5 marzo 2014

  • Renamed the Baronial Bouncer to Gilded Guard, Cutthroat's Cloak to Criminal Cloak, and Garrett Badge to Baronial Badge.

Patch del 1 aprile 2014

Patch del 18 aprile 2014

Patch del 24 aprile 2014

Patch del 15 maggio 2014

  • Updated the equip_region for the Pyromancer's Mask.
  • Fixed the equip_region for tournament medals conflicting with other items.
  • Added the LBTF2 Season 9 tournament medals.

Patch del 11 giugno 2014

Patch del 18 giugno 2014 (Aggiornamento Guerra e pace)

Patch del 8 luglio 2014

Patch del 13 agosto 2014

Patch del 27 agosto 2014

Patch del 10 settembre 2014

  • Added tournament medals for the ETF2L and RETF2 EE22.

Patch del 17 settembre 2014

Patch del 25 settembre 2014

Patch del 29 ottobre 2014 (Scream Fortress 2014)

Patch del 30 ottobre 2014

Patch del 26 novembre 2014

Patch del 3 dicembre 2014

Patch del 8 dicembre 2014 (Aggiornamento End of the Line)

Patch del 10 dicembre 2014

  • Updated the equip_region and bodygroup settings for some of the new cosmetic items.
  • [Non documentato] Updated the item type of a number of new cosmetic items.

Patch del 12 dicembre 2014

Patch del 17 dicembre 2014

Patch del 22 dicembre 2014 (Smissmas 2014)

Patch del 23 dicembre 2014 #2

Patch del 15 gennaio 2015

Patch del 27 gennaio 2015

Patch del 18 febbraio 2015

  • Fixed cosmetics casting shadows at the wrong time.
  • Added OWL 12 6vs6 tournament medals.

Patch del 12 marzo 2015

Patch del 12 marzo 2015

  • Added UGC tournament medals: Highlander (Seasons 13 and 14), 6vs6 (Seasons 15 and 16), and 4vs4 (Seasons 2 and 3).

Patch del 31 marzo 2015

  • Added Gamers Assembly 2015 tournament medals.

Patch del 29 aprile 2015

  • Added Spilla Elegante del 2015.
  • Added ETF2L tournament medals: Highlander (Season 9), 6vs6 (Season 20), and Ultiduo (Season 5).

Patch del 18 agosto 2015

Patch del 27 agosto 2015 (Aggiornamento Gun Mettle)

Patch del 6 ottobre 2015 (Aggiornamento Invasion)

Patch del 28 ottobre 2015 (Scream Fortress 2015)

Patch del 13 novembre 2015

  • Fixed random client crashes affecting some players with cosmetics.

Patch del 25 novembre 2015

Patch del 4 dicembre 2015

Patch del 17 dicembre 2015 (Aggiornamento Tough Break)

Patch del 7 gennaio 2016

Patch del 25 aprile 2016

  • Added tournament medals for AsiaFortress Cup Season 9, ozfortress Season 15, and ozfortress Summer Cup 2016, ETF2L 6v6 Season 22 and Season 23, and ETF2L Highlander Season 9 and Season 10.

Patch del 11 maggio 2016 (Pacchetto di Mayflower)

Patch del 7 luglio 2016 (Aggiornamento Meet Your Match)

Patch del 28 luglio 2016

Patch del 29 agosto 2016

Patch del 21 ottobre 2016 (Scream Fortress 2016)

Patch del 2 novembre 2016

Patch del 21 dicembre 2016

Patch del 16 gennaio 2017

Patch del 14 febbraio 2017

Patch del 20 aprile 2017

Patch del 4 maggio 2017

Patch del 15 maggio 2017 (Pacchetto di Rainy Day)

Patch del 2 giugno 2017

Patch del 16 giugno 2017

Patch del 2 agosto 2017

Patch del 20 ottobre 2017 (Aggiornamento Jungle Inferno)

Patch del 28 marzo 2018 (Blue Moon Pack)

Patch del 19 ottobre 2018 (Scream Fortress 2018)

Patch del 25 ottobre 2018

Patch del 19 dicembre 2018 (Smissmas 2018)

Patch del 20 dicembre 2018

  • Updated some of the cosmetic items from the Winter 2018 Cosmetics Collection to fix missing styles.

Patch del 25 luglio 2019 (Pacchetto estivo del 2019)

Patch del 23 settembre 2019

  • Updated the Bottle Cap and the Shutterbug cosmetic items to fix styles that were missed when the items were originally added.

Patch del 10 ottobre 2019 (Scream Fortress 2019)

Patch del 21 agosto 2020 (Pacchetto estivo del 2020)

Patch del 1 ottobre 2020 (Scream Fortress 2020)

Patch del 3 dicembre 2020 (Smissmas 2020)

Patch del 22 giugno 2021 (Pacchetto estivo del 2021)

Patch del 5 ottobre 2021 (Scream Fortress 2021)

Patch del 2 dicembre 2021 (Smissmas 2021)

Patch del 29 luglio 2022 (Pacchetto estivo del 2022)

Patch del 5 ottobre 2022 (Scream Fortress 2022)

Patch del 5 dicembre 2022 (Smissmas 2022)


  • A causa di un errore per alta latenza, i giocatori potrebbero equipaggiare cosmetici normalmente in confitto tra di loro.
    • Ciò può essere ottenuto anche lasciando lo spazio del cosmetico vuoto, disconnetendosi (se possibile) da internet, selezionando i cosmetici che il giocatore vuole combinare insieme e riconettersi:il giocatore avrà così gli oggetti selezionati, anche se in conflitto. Dopotutto, se il giocatore muore o tocca un armadietto allo spawn, essi ritorneranno normali. Ciò a causa del server degli oggetti, che perde la connessione solo per 10 secondi, così il giocatore riesce a ingannare il server mettendo cosmetici in conflitto.


  • Sulla pagina di cronologia del sito ufficiale e sulla pagina del Mac Update, Valve si riferisce a Team Fortress 2 come "il primo simulatore americano di cappelli basato sulla guerra", basandosi sui commenti sul fatto che i cappelli ricevano più attenzione rispetto al gameplay. [1][2]
  • The Trophy Belt and Football Helmet were first seen in Meet the Spy prior to the official Sniper vs. Spy Update.

Cose non utilizzate

  • Esiste una ricetta di lavorazione per la fusione di tre elementi cosmetici in matallo di scarto nei file di gioco. Questa ricetta, una volta è stata utilizzata quando l'unico oggetto cosmetico forgiabile rilasciato era il Barba Posticcia con Fotocamera, che veniva droppato con la stessa possibilità delle armi normali. La ricetta è attualmente disattivata in-gioco.

Vedi anche


  1. "The Mac Update!", Teamfortress.com, June 10, 2010
  2. "History", Teamfortress.com, retrieved Feb. 13, 2012

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