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* When healing a heal target and an enemy approaches, don't be afraid to quickly stop healing and go in to attack with the Ubersaw, even if teammates are already attacking that enemy. This is a relatively safe way to gain additional charge, as enemies will often have trouble dealing with more than one attacker simultaneously. However, remember not to chase any enemies who try to flee.
* When healing a heal target and an enemy approaches, don't be afraid to quickly stop healing and go in to attack with the Ubersaw, even if teammates are already attacking that enemy. This is a relatively safe way to gain additional charge, as enemies will often have trouble dealing with more than one attacker simultaneously. However, remember not to chase any enemies who try to flee.
=====[[Spinal Tap]]=====
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| {{Table icon|Spinal Tap}}
| {{Table icon|Uberslice}}
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* Due to the length of the taunt, performing Spinal Tap is not recommended unless used against distracted foes.
* Due to the length of the taunt, performing Uberslice is not recommended unless used against distracted foes.
* This taunt can be used to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time. The taunt won't kill the ÜberCharged player, but it will still give 100% ÜberCharge.
* This taunt can be used to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time. The taunt won't kill the ÜberCharged player, but it will still give 100% ÜberCharge.
* Remember that like the [[Skewer]] taunt, an enemy does not need to be stunned in order to kill them. They simply need to be in front of you during the retraction part of the animation.
* Remember that like the [[Arrow Stab/ko|Arrow Stab]] taunt, an enemy does not need to be stunned in order to kill them. They simply need to be in front of you during the retraction part of the animation.
** Similarly, stunning an enemy doesn't necessarily guarantee a kill, as explosion blasts, air blasts or simple momentum gained by the enemy may move you or the target outside of the kill zone before the retraction animation.
** Similarly, stunning an enemy doesn't necessarily guarantee a kill, as explosion blasts, air blasts or simple momentum gained by the enemy may move you or the target outside of the kill zone before the retraction animation.

Latest revision as of 03:09, 17 March 2024

Be heroic and heal today!
당신의 뼈를 통해 본거야!
메딕 "실수" 과실

메딕의 주요 역활은 메디 건으로 팀원을 살리는 것입니다. 메딕은 무적, 치명타 그리고 빠른 치유 우버차지를 사용하고 전투의 상황을 바꿀 수 있습니다.

빠른 팁

  • 치료가 필요한 사람을 해주지만, 헤비, 솔저, 파이로, 그리고 데모맨에 초점을 맞춥니다. 이 병과들은 하나의 폭발, 치명타 피해, 각종 특수한 공격에 죽을 확률이 높습니다. 또한, 이 병과는 더 빨리 당신을 공격하는 적을 공격 할 수있는 병과입니다.
  • 주기적으로 과치료 상태를 확인 하여 적으로 부터 안전하게 보충을 합니다.
  • 당신의 팀과 항상 같이 있어야 합니다. 당신은 전투에 적합한 병과가 아닙니다.
  • 주변환경의 움직임을 예측하며 주의해야합니다. 메딕을 부르는 팀원을 조심해야 합니다 적 스파이 일수도 있습니다.
  • 주변에 팀원이 없을때 우버차지를 아까워 하지 마십시오. 그것 때문에 죽는 것보단 사용 하므로써 팀원의 재편성을 빠르게 도와 줍니다.
  • 팀원과 멀어지면 메딕 호출로 자신의 위치를 알려 주십시오.

일반 전략

  • 당신은 수동으로 체력 회복하는 병과(안락한 야영 장비 스나이퍼를 제외한) 살아 있는 것을 많이 의존 하지 않습니다. 당신이 그들이 필요하면 Medkits을 떠나고 보답으로 그들을 치료 하면 됩니다.
  • 원활한 의사 소통 메딕은 다른 병과 보다 좋습니다. 다가오는 스파이나 적 상태, 사람들이 위협을 처리 할 수 있는 상태를 마이크로 신속 하게 말하는것이 팀원에 많은 도움이 됩니다. 이것은 승리를 위해 많은 도움이 됩니다.
  • 메디 건 치유 빔은 은폐물 뒤에서 체력을 회복 시킬 수 있을정도로 긴 거리 입니다. 은폐물이 없으면 팀원 뒤에서 하십시오.
  • 메디 건을 고정하면 어느 방향이든 방해 받지 않을 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 스파이 또는 매복에 자유롭게 출발 합니다.
  • 항상 치유에 집중해야 합니다. 전투중에 스파이를 알아 차리고 뒤를 추적 하지 마십시오. 팀원에게 알리는 것이 현명 합니다.

전투 전략

  • 당신이 전투 상황에서 가장 최우선은 팀원의 체력을 항상 유지 시키는 것입니다. 항상 공격 받는 팀원, 화상입은 팀원을 우선 치료 해야 합니다.
  • 가능하면 좋은 위치에서 팀원을 치료 합니다. 팀원이 당신 오도록 요청 하거나, 치료제를 먹을 수 있습니다.
  • 팀원은 전투 중에 당신의 주변 환경을 인식 할 수 없습니다. 측면으로 오는 적을 그들에게 알려야 합니다.
  • 특정 상황에서이 지속적으로 다른 팀원에게 주변 전파하는 대신 하나의 플레이어를 포켓 치유 할 필요가있을 수 있습니다, 이 전술은 우버차지를 사용해 적 센트리 건, 적 포켓 플레이어를 제압 할 때 좋습니다.
  • 위 상황에서 당신 곁의 팀원을 항상 치료 하는것이 좋습니다. 기본적인 치료로 팀원을 회복 하거나 과치료 상태로 팀원을 유지 하는 것이 좋습니다. 이반적으로 체력이 좋은 팀이 과치료 팀보다 좋습니다.
  • 적 사이에 고립 될경우 주사기를 이용해 공격 하면서 공격을 피하십시오. 근처로 오면 뼈톱으로 죽이고 이동 하십시오.
  • 주사기 총은 괜찮은 무기지만 발사가 느리고 제한된 범위가 있습니다. 치료에 집중하다 위급시에 주사기 총을 사용하십시오.
  • 전투중에 자신의 체력이 줄면 팀원을 치료 하면서 후퇴 하십시오. 마이크로 알려줍니다. 우버차지를 구축하기 위해 생존이 중요합니다.

일반적인 우버차지 전략

  • 우버차지를 사용하는것은 가장 강력한 세력입니다. 당신의 게이지가 가득 찰 경우 살아남기 위해 조심하십시오.
  • 우버차지는 모퉁이를 돌면서 미리 사용 하는 것이 좋습니다. 적의 데모맨이 점착폭탄을 사용할 경우가 있습니다.
  • 우버차지는 완전히 과치료된 아군보다는 부상당한 아군을 치료할 때 더 빨리 차오릅니다. 그러므로, As such, classes that can effectively damage themselves (솔저, 데모맨, 보스턴 깡패를 사용하는 스카웃기폭 장치 또는 그슬린 한 방을 사용하는 파이로)는 전투 상황이 아닐 때 엄청난 도움이 될 수 있습니다.(준비 시간에는 우버차지는 두 메딕이 같은 사람을 치료하는 게 아닌 이상 항상 같은 속도로 차오릅니다.)
  • 비록 기본 메디건의 우버차지가 당신을 피해에서 보호해 준다 해도, 당신과 환자는 넉백의 효과를 받습니다. 파이로가 공기 압축 분사로 당신과 환자를 분리시킬 수 있다는 것을 항상 알아두세요. 그러나 넉백은 응급처치의 우버차지 효과 내의 플레이어에겐 영향을 주지 않습니다.
  • 무적 상태의 플레이어라도 방어선의 모든 적을 혼자서 쓸어버리는 것은 어렵습니다. 우버차지를 가장 효과적으로 쓰려면 다른 아군이 주변에 있을 때 쓰세요.
  • 우버차지 발동 중에 대상을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 치료가 중단되는 것과 무적 시간 사이에는 딜레이가 있어서 대상을 빠르게 바꾸면 매우 짧은 시간동안 모두를 무적상태로 만들 수 있습니다.
    • 이 방법은 한 명에게 우버를 주는 것보다 더 빠르게 우버차지를 소모한다는 것을 알아두세요.
  • 엔지니어의 농장을 무적우버로 공격할 때는 환자의 앞으로 가서 센트리 건의 포화를 다른 곳으로 돌리세요. 이 방법은 센트리 건의 근처로 다가가서 더 강한 피해를 주도록 합니다. 그러나 이 방법을 점프하면서 쓰지는 마세요. 센트리 건의 넉백이 당신을 뒤로 날려버립니다. 빠른 탈출을 하는 데 쓸 수 있긴 합니다.
  • 가장 적합한 우버차지 대상자는 상황에 따라 다릅니다. 솔저와 데모맨은 폭발물로 엔지니어의 농장을 철거하는 데 뛰어나지만, 재장전에 귀한 시간을 낭비하는 경우가 많습니다. 헤비나 파이로는 그들의 연사력을 통해 여럿의 적 플레이어들을 쓸어버리는 데 좋습니다.
  • 크리츠크리크를 사용한다면 구조물은 치명타에 면역이라는 것을 알아두세요. 그러므로, 그것은 엔지니어 농장 철거에는 적합하지 않숩니다.
  • 응급처치의 우버차지는 그것의 넉백 면역 효과 때문에 센트리 건 철거에 가장 좋은 장비일 것입니다. 그러나 이것의 우버차지 효과를 받는 플레이어도 죽을 수 있다는 것을 알아두세요.

ÜberChain Strategy

  • The Medic Überchain is a tactic that involves two Medics equipped with the default Medi Gun and the Ubersaw working together. This tactic utilizes the fact that the Ubersaw adds 25% to the Übercharge meter upon a successful hit.
  • This tactic should be performed on an attack/defense round if possible due to the 60 seconds given before the game starts. Heal each other during this time to build up a complete Übercharge. When the round starts, begin the Überchain. The Medic being charged should have the Ubersaw out and ready. Simply attack enemies with the Ubersaw and try to get four hits before the charge depletes, so that you have a second Übercharge ready. When the first Übercharge runs out, the two Medics switch roles and become invulnerable again. If one of you happens to get less than four hits, you can attempt to get the hits without being invulnerable, at your own risk. If executed properly, the two Medics can be constantly invulnerable.
  • There is a Hard Counter to the Überchain. If an enemy Pyro simply keeps airblasting the Medics away, the charge will drain and the Medics can be swiftly killed. Soldiers and Demoman can also use the knockback of their explosive attacks to push the Medics away.
  • Basically, the Überchain should be used only if the conditions permit, but it can be quite effective.
  • For more information visit the Uberchain page.

특정 무기

기본 무기

주사기 총

무기 처치 표시 탄약 피해량
일회 전체 근접 중간 원거리 치명타
Syringe Gun
Killicon syringe gun.png 40 150 10-12 5-10 5-6 30
  • 적은 피해량을 주지만 주사기 총은 가까운 거리에선 큰 피해량을 줍니다, 빠른 장전 속도와 빠른 발사 속도를 가지고 있습니다.
  • 주사기 총은 타원형으로 천천히 날아갑니다. 바늘은 천천히 적을 향해 날아 갑니다. 당신은 적의 예상 경로를 예측해 공격하면 좋은 피해를 줄 수 있습니다.
    • 구석에서 사격하거나 후퇴 할 때 사용 하면 좋습니다. 모퉁이를 돌아 퇴각 할 시 그쪽 방향으로 공격 하십시오 그러면 죽거나 그를 멈출 수 있습니다.
  • 당신의 이동 속도는 (엔지니어, 스파이, 파이로, 스나이퍼)보다 빠릅니다. 거리를 두고 그들을 공격 하십시오.


무기 처치 표시 탄약 피해량 체력
일회 전체 근접 중간 원거리 치명타 적중시
Killicon blutsauger.png 40 150 10-12 5-10 5-6 30 3
  • 볼트자우거는 메딕에게 좋은 무기 입니다. 바늘이 적에 적중시 3씩 회목 합니다. 그러나 재생 회복은 초당 4에서 1~2로 낮아 집니다.
  • 메딕은 볼트자우거로 회복하는 것보단 치료제에 의존 해야 합니다. 치료제 위치를 기억하세요. 생존에 아주 좋습니다.
  • 팀원과 당신이 공격 당하면 적에게 볼트자우거를 사용해 체력을 회복 하십시오. 스스로 지키고 싶으면 볼트자우거를 사용 하십시오.
  • 메딕이 적중시 초당 "최대" 30 체력을 얻습니다.(재 장전을 제외한) 재생회복과, 적중 회복으로 메딕은 금방 31-34 HP를 복구 할 수 있습니다. 하지만 메딕과 목표가 움직이지 않을 때 입니다. 멀리 이동할 때 현실에서, 초당 30체력을 얻을 수 있습니다.

Crusader's Crossbow

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage/Healing
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Crusader's Crossbow
십자군의 쇠뇌
Killicon crusader's crossbow.png 1 38 38/75 56/112 75/150 113-225
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is a craftable primary weapon for the Medic. It deals damage based on the distance traveled by the bolt, and can heal teammates based on distance traveled as well.
    • Both the damage dealt to enemy players and the amount of health that teammates are healed by are directly proportional to the distance that the crossbow bolt has traveled.
    • The Crusader's Crossbow cannot overheal teammates.
    • Healing from the Crusader's Crossbow does not build your Übercharge.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is completely different from both the Syringe Gun and the Blutsauger, which rely on numerous low-damage projectiles, as it relies on dealing large amounts of damage one projectile at a time. It functions very similarly to the Sniper's Huntsman, so try to use it in the same way. However, remember that unlike the Huntsman, the Crusader's Crossbow cannot deal headshots.
  • When trying to attack enemies while teammates are in the line of fire, try to jump while firing to gain a temporary height advantage. This ensures that the bolt will not accidentally hit a teammate and heal them instead of damaging an enemy farther away.
    • If you see a cluster of teammates and enemies fighting, chances are, they're running erratically. Instead of aiming for someone, you can shoot into the crowd, either healing a teammate or damaging an enemy.
  • The Crossbow is great for healing teammates whom are dangerous to reach, or whom you cannot reach in time, such as somebody on fire.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow can provide a quick burst of healing. When the teammate you are healing is under heavy fire and your healing rate is not able to keep up with the damage, switch to the Crusader's Crossbow, fire a shot at your teammate to heal 75 HP, then quickly switch back to your Medi Gun and continue healing.
  • Due to the Crusader's Crossbow's low rate of fire, try not to let enemy players get too close. If enemies do manage to perform a successful ambush or flank, it's usually better to take out your melee weapon or try to retreat behind a teammate.
  • Unlike the Huntsman, the Crusader's Crossbow can be fired underwater and in midair.
  • If need be, you can fit a long range fire support role with this weapon. The damage over range effect can stack up from a good vantage point, and you can not only deal damage but heal teammates from far away. You may need to ask them to stop moving with voice chat so the arrow hits and heals the target.
  • If aimed well at longer ranges, a Critical full range Crossbow shot is capable of killing any class outright except for an Overhealed Soldier or a Heavy. It can also be used to either kill a Sniper or force him to fall back for health.
  • The Crossbow can be used to heal teammates when running towards them after respawning.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage Effect
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical Speed with 100% ÜberCharge
약물 남용
Killicon overdose.png 40 150 9-11 5-9 5-6 27 117.33%
  • The Overdose is a craftable primary for the Medic. It does 10% less damage than the standard Syringe Gun but will increase the Medic's speed as his Über meter increases. The speed boost caps at 10% faster than standard Medic speed.
    • The speed boost only applies while you have the Overdose drawn.
  • If you are building an ÜberCharge but your heal target gets killed with no one else around, you can use the Overdose to escape and regroup with your team.
  • If you need to make an urgent kill, you can chase an enemy down with your increased speed.
  • The speed bonus is less effective when using Mediguns that charge more slowly, particularly the stock Medi Gun, and on smaller maps. In these cases, consider using the stock Syringe Gun, unless you are set on avoiding all enemy contact.
  • Considering that a Medic rarely engages in direct combat, the Overdose's damage reduction can be considered negligible. If you do not pursue combat engagement actively, consider utilising the Overdose's speed boost, and instead rely on your teammate's protection.

Secondary Weapons

Medi Gun / Festive Medi Gun

Weapon Healing ÜberCharge
Normal Healing Rate Maximum Healing Rate ÜberCharge ÜberCharge Time Charge Speed Maximum Charge Time
Medi Gun
메디 건
초당 24 체력 회복 초당 72 체력 회복 무적 8 초 초당 2.5% 충전 40 초 (80)
Festive Medi Gun
축제장식 메디건
  • The Medi Gun's base healing rate is 24 HP/sec. If healing a teammate that has not taken damage in the last 10 seconds, the healing rate increases linearly, up to 72 HP/sec on a teammate that has not taken damage in the last 15 seconds.
  • When healing a heal target, the Medi Gun will stay "locked-on" to the heal target until the primary fire key is released, or your heal target moves out of range.
  • If ambushed, remember that it's better to use an ÜberCharge to survive than to die with a full ÜberCharge meter.
  • Heal other Medics whenever possible. This way, you and other Medics can stay alive longer and retain any charge in your ÜberCharge meters.
  • Heal damaged players first. Healing a damaged player takes only a few seconds, but a player dying, respawning, and then returning to the front lines can take up to half a minute. Even healing them a small amount is often better than overhealing another to 150%.
  • It's useful to turn on "Medi Gun continues healing without holding down fire button" in the Advanced multiplayer options so you won't have to hold down the primary fire button while healing someone.
  • Focus on all your teammates - often there's a temptation to stick with stronger classes such as Heavies and neglect other teammates. Heal all your teammates actively.
  • Use setup time to build up ÜberCharge in preparation for enemy engagement.
  • Remember to continually 'top-up' your teammate's health with your Medi Gun's overheal. Such 'pocketing' is very useful for your team.
    • Note that some classes take longer to reach their maximum overhealed health than others. For instance, it takes a couple of seconds of continuous Medi Gun healing to completely overheal a Heavy or Soldier, but far less time to other classes, such as the Scout. Take this into account when pocketing.


Weapon Healing ÜberCharge
Normal Healing Rate Maximum Healing Rate ÜberCharge ÜberCharge Time Charge Speed Maximum Charge Time
24 health/sec 72 health/sec Critical hits 8 seconds 3.125%/sec 32 seconds (64)
  • The Kritzkrieg is an unlockable Medi Gun for the Medic. Its ÜberCharge builds 25% faster than the Medi Gun's and provides guaranteed Critical hits to the Medic's heal target instead of invulnerability for the duration of its deployment.
  • The Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge is useless against a Medi Gun's ÜberCharge due to its invulnerability, but due to the faster charge rate it can be deployed before the enemy's Medi Gun charge, and can be deployed more frequently.
  • Although Critical hits count as normal damage against buildings, and as such don't help against a Sentry Gun by itself, a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge on a Demoman or Soldier allows them to utilize the splash damage from their rockets and grenades to easily kill the Engineer hiding behind the Sentry Gun. Once the Engineer is dead, the Sentry Gun can be quickly destroyed.
  • Heavies, Soldiers and Demomen are among the three best classes to deploy a Kritz on. Though any class can be lethal while Kritzkrieg ÜberCharged, these three are far more lethal than the rest. The choice is situational:
    • Soldiers and Demomen are very similar: they can use the splash damage from their rockets, grenades, and stickybombs to clear off Control points or Payload carts.
    • Kritzing a Heavy is great for large, spread out groups of enemies, as the continuous fire and quick target switching allows the Heavy to concentrate on as many enemies as he can hit in the duration of the Kritz. Critical hits also don't suffer from damage falloff over distance, so the Heavy can be very lethal even at long ranges.
    • Although not as effective as Kritzing a Heavy, Soldier or Demoman, a Kritz'd Pyro is very deadly at close ranges, as critical point-blank damage from a Pyro's Flamethrower can kill most classes near instantly. Also note that critical afterburn is highly damaging, similarly. Consider Kritzing a Pyro when it's important to remove close-range threats.
  • If there are no powerful offensive classes to Kritz, the Sniper can be an effective Kritz target - every hit while charged does the same damage as an un-charged headshot.
  • The Kritzkrieg excels at ambushes. Try to flank the enemy or fire from behind cover, or anywhere that the enemy is not looking at. Most enemies will be dead before they have time to react to a surprise attack.
  • For all intents and purposes, the Kritzkrieg is a cross between the Quick-Fix and the stock Medi Gun - it has the overheal ability of the Medi Gun, and the faster charge rate of the Quick-Fix.
Weapon Healing Duration Details
Kritzkrieg 11 health 4 seconds The Medic takes a brief whiff out of the barrel of his weapon.
  • Due to the duration of the taunt, the low amount of health recovered, and the increased vulnerability, only try to use this taunt when safely behind cover and while backed up against a wall. In such situations, however, it's usually far better to simply seek out a better source of healing.
  • In dire situations such as being on fire or bleeding, it's possible that using this taunt can prevent death.


Weapon Healing ÜberCharge
Normal Healing Rate Maximum Healing Rate ÜberCharge ÜberCharge Time Charge Speed Maximum Charge Time
33.6 health/sec 100.8 health/sec Megaheal 8 seconds 3.125%/sec (1.5625%/sec) 32 seconds (64)
  • The Quick-Fix is a craftable secondary for the Medic. It has a 40% faster heal rate and a 25% faster charge rate than the Medi Gun. The Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge is the "Megaheal", which increases healing speed to 300% and negates movement impairing effects, such as Natascha's slowdown and compression blasts. It cannot overheal, however.
  • The Quick-Fix and its Megaheal are meant for keeping many teammates alive during pushes as opposed to making it easier to push through territory or kill the enemy faster. With the faster heal rate, it's best to stay with a group to maximize the Quick-Fix's usefulness.
  • The Quick-Fix lets you move as fast as the person you are healing. With the stock load-out, this only applies to Scouts when you heal them, so hitch a ride if you're in a hurry to get to the front lines. However, this also applies to the all speed-boosting weapons, such as the Scout's Baby Face's Blaster and Crit-a-Cola, the Demoman's Eyelander, the Pyro's Gas Jockey's Gear (although this is by a negligible 3%), and the Medic's Overdose. You can get to the front lines and move around quicker by healing any one of these classes. However, note that you still cannot double jump like a Scout, so some obstacles you will not be able to get over.
  • The Ability to use your team members explosive jump can allow you to stay with team mates when they jump to areas that you could not get to with ease, or at higher speed. Your Healing Target should be able to travel much more than normal due to the healing during flight, and in combat, your presence could keep your partner alive longer. Be aware that you can easily can become separated with your Jump partner, especially if the Medic is has little experience with Explosive jumping. If you suspect your teammate is going to explosive jump, stand close to him and be ready to air-strafe to control your jump. Keep in mind that although you take no damage from the initial jump, you still take fall damage.
  • The increased mobility means that the Quick-Fix is less useful for pocketing slower classes such as the heavy, but can be used in pocketing situations where the Medi Gun would not be applicable, especially with a Soldier, Demoman, or Scout. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot overheal.
  • When pocketing a Soldier or Demoman with any other Medi Gun, their mobility is greatly restricted, as they cannot explosive-jump without losing their source of healing. However, with the Quick-Fix they can use their explosive jumps to their full potential, moving around the map quickly and to places not normally accessible. Your increased healing will also allow him to jump much more frequently, so he can constantly change positions constantly, making the pair a force to be reckoned with. Keep in mind that you cannot heal a Soldier while he is using the Escape Plan, so you cannot use his speed boost.
  • A Demoman using the Eyelander is your best friend. A Demoman with four heads is very powerful and a useful class to pocket, but he runs faster than a Medic and can be difficult to keep up with, especially if he sticky-jumps, so here the Quick-Fix shines. Make up for his health loss while he sticky-jumps to an enemy, and support him by healing him while he makes the kill. After he gets three heads he will give you a noticeable speed boost, and a large boost at four. This tactic also works with a shield, but is most effective with the vanilla Stickybomb Launcher, as you are not boosted when he charges. The Sticky Jumper is not necessary as your increased healing should make up for his self-damage, but can be used for very large or frequent sticky-jumps that would normally kill him.
  • Due to their low health and damage, Scouts are usually best left to getting to the front lines faster, instead of pocketing them. A vanilla Scout will only increase your speed somewhat, and you cannot double-jump with him, so certain obstacles may pose problems. However, it may be a good idea to heal a Scout when he drinks Crit-a-Cola, as this increases his move speed and damage significantly, and the healing will make up for the Mini-Crits he takes. Also, a Scout using the Baby Face's Blaster provides a huge boost of speed. If he is also using the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol he has increased health, but is very vulnerable to fire, which your healing will make up for, so he can be healed for his mobility and pocketed if there are no other mobile classes around. This is especially useful for an objective-oriented Medic, so give him back-up while he captures the Intelligence or a control point.
  • Don't pocket too much with this weapon; as it can not overheal, continually healing one target is useless. Unless your main target is under heavy fire, spread your healing around while you are not moving. If you prefer to pocket a single, less mobile target, consider using a different weapon.
  • Try not to deploy your Megaheal if you and your heal target are alone and against one or two enemies. The Megaheal is best used to support large pushes and keep teammates alive while under heavy fire. However, don't be afraid to use it to avoid death, especially because it will build back quickly.
  • Always keep in mind that you are never invincible with the Quick-Fix; whilst you may be impossible to separate from your heal target (due to knock-back prevention) and be very hard to kill, remember that a well structured opposition, a single Spy, or a carefully placed headshot can easily render your push moot.
  • The strategy of deploying a vanilla ÜberCharge as your patient approaches death does not work with the Quick-Fix. If you are planning to make a push using Megaheal, activate it as soon as your teammate comes under heavy fire, and before his health dips low - Otherwise, even the Quick-Fix's healing rate will not be enough to save him.
  • If your patient thinks the Megaheal will be enough to break through a solid defense line and rushes towards it, it may be better to let them go than follow them to your death and waste your ÜberCharge.
  • The Quick-Fix is most effective when working with another Medic using the Medi Gun or Kritzkrieg; you can quickly bring injured allies back to their prime with the faster heal rate, while the other Medic will be able to cover for the Quick-Fix's lack of overheal.

Melee Weapons

Bonesaw / Saxxy / Conscientious Objector / Frying Pan

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon bonesaw.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
양심적 병역 기피자
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
  • The Bonesaw has more front-loaded damage than the Syringe Gun but suffers in terms of damage over time. This makes it good for getting in the first strike on a distracted opponent. Like other melee weapons, it also has a higher Crit rate than the Syringe Gun, which can further help in dealing with an opponent on the first strike.
  • When Spy-checking teammates, using the Bonesaw is more reliable due to the difficulty in aiming with the Syringe Gun. Spies will often try to attack you whenever possible, so always be prepared to take out the Bonesaw in order to deal with them.
  • The Amputator and Solemn Vow both have no downsides and should be used instead of the Bonesaw if you have them.
  • You are vaguely faster than most other classes, and as of such, your greater agility in combat can put you at an advantage. That being said, it's a bad idea to engage in any real sort of combat, so avoid melee combat where possible.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon ubersaw.png 0.96 seconds 65 195
  • The Ubersaw is an unlockable melee weapon for the Medic. It has a 20% slower attack rate than the Bonesaw but will add 25% to the ÜberCharge meter for each successful hit.
  • The Ubersaw is especially useful for taking out Spies that may be attempting to backstab teammates, as it will not only kill the Spy in two hits, but also build the ÜberCharge meter more safely than if attempted on other enemies.
    • Your ÜberCharge meter does not increase upon killing a Spy that is using the Dead Ringer. Be sure to keep an eye out for this to see if the Spy is really dead.
    • Hitting disguised Spies will not give you ÜberCharge, however the melee damage will still hurt them.
  • The Ubersaw will still add to the ÜberCharge meter if you hit a Scout under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch.
  • Rather than using the Ubersaw for killing enemies, try to use it with the mindset of building up ÜberCharge. If possible, try to simply land a hit and retreat safely, rather than fighting an enemy to the death.
  • If fighting an enemy and the ÜberCharge meter is almost full, try to use the Ubersaw to finish up the charge and quickly switch to the Medi Gun to activate the charge. In desperate situations, this can ensure survival provided that the Kritzkrieg or Quick-Fix is not being used.
  • When healing a heal target and an enemy approaches, don't be afraid to quickly stop healing and go in to attack with the Ubersaw, even if teammates are already attacking that enemy. This is a relatively safe way to gain additional charge, as enemies will often have trouble dealing with more than one attacker simultaneously. However, remember not to chase any enemies who try to flee.
Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Killicon ubersaw.png Ubersaw 500 4 seconds The Medic throws his coattails back and enters a combat pose before thrusting his Ubersaw forward and retracting it, killing any enemy player to be in the way. Gives 100% ÜberCharge.
  • Due to the length of the taunt, performing Uberslice is not recommended unless used against distracted foes.
  • This taunt can be used to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time. The taunt won't kill the ÜberCharged player, but it will still give 100% ÜberCharge.
  • Remember that like the Arrow Stab taunt, an enemy does not need to be stunned in order to kill them. They simply need to be in front of you during the retraction part of the animation.
    • Similarly, stunning an enemy doesn't necessarily guarantee a kill, as explosion blasts, air blasts or simple momentum gained by the enemy may move you or the target outside of the kill zone before the retraction animation.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon vita-saw.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Vita-Saw is a craftable melee weapon for the Medic. It allows the Medic to retain up to 20% of his ÜberCharge meter upon death. However, it also reduces the Medic's maximum HP by 10, to 140 HP.
  • Due to the health penalty, you can be killed more easily by lighter classes such as Scouts and Pyros.
  • Due to being able to retain up to 20% of the ÜberCharge meter, it's possible to deploy ÜberCharges faster upon respawning. This will allow you and your team to put more pressure on the enemy team.
    • Using the Kritzkrieg or Quick-Fix in combination with the Vita-Saw will allow you to build up ÜberCharges even faster.
  • Remember that if you're killed during an ÜberCharge, up to 20% of what charge you had left will still be retained.
  • Some players choose to equip the Vita-Saw with the Overdose in order to reach the front lines faster after respawning.
  • The Vita-Saw loses effectiveness in Sudden-Death situations where players do not respawn for the rest of the round, such as Arena Mode.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Healing
Point Blank Critical On Taunt
Killicon amputator.png 0.8 seconds 65 195 75
  • The Amputator is a craftable melee weapon for the Medic. It allows Medics to perform the Medicating Melody taunt. Upon taunting, all teammates within 450 units of the Medic will be healed for 4 seconds at the same rate as if they are being healed by the Medi Gun or Kritzkrieg.
    • As with the Crusader's Crossbow, it's not possible to overheal players using this weapon. It will also not build any ÜberCharge.
  • Having no downsides, the Amputator is a complete upgrade to the Bonesaw, so use it if you have it.
  • Always use the taunt when behind cover, rather than out in the open. Only use it when teammates are guaranteed hold their position for the duration of the taunt; if not, it's better to simply keep using the Medi Gun rather than risk being caught in the middle of the taunt and killed.
  • The Medicating Melody is a good healing option if you quickly need to heal a large group of teammates who are bunched up together.

Solemn Vow

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Solemn Vow
엄숙한 맹세
Killicon solemn vow.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Solemn Vow is a craftable melee weapon for the Medic. It allows you to see the opposing team's health and enemy Medics' Über meters.
  • Having no downsides, the Solemn Vow is a complete upgrade over the Bonesaw, so use it if you have it.
  • The Solemn Vow allows you to see enemy health, so you can tell your teammates if a retreating enemy is easy pickings or might be trying to trick you around a corner.
  • The Solemn Vow can also be useful when deciding when to fight or flee. If you can tell that only a few needles or a melee strike is all it takes to kill an enemy, it might be better to kill him, rather than let him live long enough to pursue you.
  • This weapon is at its most useful when using a mic to communicate with your team. Otherwise, it may sometimes be better to use an alternative melee weapon so you aren't losing potential bonuses.

Class Combat Strategies

  • As a Medic, it is a good idea to have a mic to communicate to the team. You are a prime class to be defended, and you should have a sharp eye for any attackers.

Leaderboard class scout.png 스카웃

  • Scouts will target you, as you are the primary source of healing and do not have too much health.
  • Due to their speed, obtaining a melee hit on a Scout will be very tricky. Your Syringe Gun can deal great damage if the Scout is running predictably. Try to keep him in your sight and hit him with needles.
  • Try focusing on where the Scout "will be" not where he is. Since the Scout will be moving fast aiming where the Scout is will often cause you to miss.If the Scout is moving left, shoot farther left and the Scout will probably run into the needles.

Leaderboard class soldier.png 솔저

  • A Soldier has two major damage sources: Rockets at long range, and a Shotgun at close. Be wary of combating this individual, as the sheer quantity of ammo he has is enough for him to keep laying fire on you.
  • Your Syringe Gun can deal some good damage, but if he rocket jumps, you will find yourself unprotected. Melee, likewise, is a bad option, as the Soldier's Shotgun can deal extreme damage at close range.
  • Due to his high HP and powerful weapons, combating a Soldier is, in general, a bad idea. The Medic is significantly faster on the ground than the Soldier, so running is a viable option.
    • However, the Soldier's rocket jump can greatly increase his speed, so if possible, try to get to an area where he doesn't have enough space to rocket jump. From there, try to make your escape.

Leaderboard class pyro.png 파이로

  • Pyros are less likely to target you directly. They tend to rush in with a bout of fire.
  • Be wary of Pyros if you deploy an ÜberCharge, as you may be airblasted backwards and separated from your target. Talk with your target to have him kill Pyros to prevent them separating you.
  • In a one on one fight, you should pull out your Syringe Gun. Since the Pyro specializes in close-range damage, you should avoid the use of your melee weapon. If you are set on fire, the Pyro will likely pull out a Shotgun. This can deal significant damage, but provided you keep your distance, you should be fine.
  • Beware Backburner Pyros. If you are ambushed by a Pyro with this weapon, you will most likely die. If you have a full Über, pop it immediately if you take damage from this weapon.
  • Afterburn on you may not be a problem, as you have significant health regeneration. Focus primarily on extinguishing low-health teammates, then extinguish the ones that are at higher health.
    • The damage from Afterburn may have little effect on you, but beware of Flare Guns and Axtinguishers. These weapons deal powerful Critical damage to all targets on fire.

Leaderboard class demoman.png 데모맨

  • Due to their defensive nature, the only glimpse of a Demoman that you will likely see is a sticky trap. Keep a wary eye, and be sure to notify teammates if you spot one. These can be taken down with your Syringe Gun.
  • In a one on one fight, you have the upper hand. Since the Demoman's projectiles are not hitscan and move much slower than your syringes, you can quite easily keep your distance and lay down fire. If he starts putting down stickies to cover the area, target them with the syringes to take them out. As you run faster than him, melee is also a viable option. Be wary of grenades, however.
    • Depnding on his very diverse options for melee weapons, melee can be a very dangerous or very safe maneuver. Demomen using the Eyelander will regard you as a free head, the Ullapool Caber can kill you instantly, the Bottle is not much of a threat, and the Scotsman's Skullcutter has a better chance of killing you, if the Demoman can catch you. They might even pair melee with speed-boosting shields. If this happens, immediately retreat, since you are not suited to melee combat against a Demoknight, who can easily outdamage your weapons.

Leaderboard class heavy.png 헤비

  • In a one on one fight, you will likely lose. Heavies have a large quantity of health and do a significant amount of damage from their Minigun. If the Heavy is out of Minigun ammo, use your Syringe Gun to attack him, as his Shotgun will not deal significant long-range damage, and he cannot catch you.

Leaderboard class engineer.png 엔지니어

  • You will rarely meet an Engineer when not accompanied by your buddy. In this case, allow your teammate to pop in and out of the Sentry Gun's sight and deal solid damage while you hang back and watch for other threats.
  • If you find yourself in a one-on-one fight with an Engineer, be careful. Their Shotgun deals strong damage in close range, and their Pistol has practically infinite ammo. They will resort to melee as a close range damager if they have run out of Shotgun ammo. Try to use your Syringe Gun and dodge.
  • Engineers using the Gunslinger are a powerful threat. They have more HP, and can instantly drop a mini sentry that builds very fast. It can be difficult to quickly take out a mini sentry with needles before either it or the Engineer kill you. If you must take out the gun yourself, try to do so by popping in and out of cover, or destroy it before it's finished building.

Leaderboard class medic.png 메딕

  • You will likely only meet a Medic if you both are healing someone.
  • In a one-on-one fight, you have the same weapons. Since the Syringe Gun is not of perfect accuracy, melee is suggested as the primary form of combat. If the enemy runs, try to tag him with syringes.

Leaderboard class sniper.png 스나이퍼

  • Snipers will target you, as you are the main source of healing for the team and have little health. You will likely only see them from afar, or not see them at all.
  • If you spot a Sniper at range, alert your team. You have no means of taking him out, as your Syringe Gun has too much gravitational falloff. Get a friendly Sniper or Spy to try to kill him. Meanwhile, go around and attack from a different angle, or hold a defensive position.
    • The Crusader's Crossbow is Medic's most effective weapon for countering a far away Sniper should you see one. Since Snipers are usually far away, and the Crossbow's damage scales based on how far the target is, you can kill the Sniper outright if you are far enough. The fast reloading time allows you to shoot the Sniper continously and distract him from shooting you and your allies. However, do not forget to heal your teammates after this.
  • In a one-on-one fight, be wary of the Sniper's SMG. It deals considerable damage if used properly, but only has four complete clips. Try to get in close and melee him. Be wary of no-scopes with the Sniper Rifle and of quick-scoped headshots.

Leaderboard class spy.png 스파이

  • Spies will target you or your pocket, as you two are the strongest force.
  • Be wary of Spies in general. Spies can look like anyone, so unless your teammate is severely damaged, first Spy-check before healing him.
  • Watch out for your pocket. He will likely be oblivious to Spies, and it is your job to warn him if there is one nearby. In the worst case, pop your ÜberCharge to defend a backstab.
  • In a one-on-one fight, a Spy may pull out his Revolver, which deals significant damage. Trade fire with your Syringe Gun until he runs out of ammo. Be wary when trying to melee a Spy, as they may resort to swinging their knife while circle strafing, which can land a backstab. A Spy's knife deals little damage otherwise.
  • Listen for uncloaking sounds. Often inexperienced Spies will uncloak with the Dead Ringer right behind you emitting a loud sound. Turning around and using your melee weapon is recommended. If the Spy is using another Invis Watch, you may be out of luck. Just make sure to always Spy check.
  • Backstabs may cause a distinct killfeed and/or sounds. Turn around if you suspect a Spy is near, but not in your line of sight. You might just stop a chain of backstabs.

Item set effects

The Medieval Medic

본문: 아이템 세트
중세풍 메딕
Backpack The Medieval Medic Bundle.png

효과 없음

  • Both of the weapons in this set give you more tools with which to heal your teammates, which can increase your team's survivability significantly.
  • The Medieval Medic's set bonus gives you a total HP regeneration rate of 4 HP/sec to 7 HP/sec. This can significantly increase your survivability.

Weapon combinations


See also