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== "Meet the Sandvich" Video Transcript ==
== 「專訪三明治」影片注釋 ==
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header" | Transcript
! class="header" | 點選查看注釋
|[''Two slices of the [[Sandvich]] are in a refrigerator on a plate beside three bottles of Red Shed beer'']
[''"Meet the Sandvich" text appears'']
[''Cut back to the Sandviches'']
'''Heavy''': [''Groans repeatedly'']
'''Scout''': "Yeah, there he is!"
'''Soldier''': "You! Stop right where you are, that is an order! He's getting away! Do not let him get to the re-"
[''The Heavy opens the door, grabs one slice of the Sandvich and closes the door'']
'''Scout''': "D-don't do it, pal!"
'''Soldier''': "'''Do. Not. Do it!'''"
'''Heavy''': [''Eats sandvich''] "Om nom nom nom..."
'''Soldier''':  "Oohhhhhhh, hell..."
'''Scout''': "H-h-hey, let's just calm down here! You listening? J-j-just... ''OH GOD''!"
'''重裝兵''':[吃三明治。] 「Om nom nom nom...
[''The Heavy chuckles as his loud footsteps are heard gathering speed'']
'''Scout''': "''OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GO-''"
[''Several loud thuds are heard, a beer bottle falls over, and the refrigerator door opens slightly'']
'''Heavy''': "Ahahahaha!"
[''Sound of liquid spilling on the floor, assumedly the Scouts blood'']
'''Scout''': "''My blood''! H-he punched out '''''all''''' my blood!"
[''More thuds are heard.'']
'''Soldier''': "Ow, ow ow ow ow! Ouch, ouch! Ahhh..."
[''A thud and a snap is heard'']
'''Soldier''': "You call that breaking my spine? You RED team ladies wouldn't know how to break a spine if-"
[''A loud snap is heard and the door closes and opens again, the floor now covered with blood and another one of the bottles of beer falls over'']
'''Soldier''': "'''AUGHHH!''' MY SPINE!"
[''A girlish scream is heard as ending flourish music plays. The camera pans across a diagram of the Sandvich'']
[''Cut to the Heavy in Dustbowl, as he was in the original [[Meet the Heavy]], but instead of wielding his Minigun he is devouring a Sandvich'']
'''火箭兵''':「'''啊啊啊啊啊!''' 我我我的脊椎椎椎椎!」
'''Heavy''': "Nom nom nom... [''Takes a bite''] nom nom... mmmm.. nom."
[畫面切到在地圖 [[Dustbowl/zh-hant|Dustbowl]] 的重裝兵,他站的地方和其他人的行為,跟原本[[Meet the Heavy/zh-hant|專訪重裝兵]]影片一模一樣,不同的是上次他拿著格林機槍掃射,這次是在吃三明治]
'''重裝兵''':「Nom nom nom... '''[咬一口]''' nom nom... mmmm.. nom。」
*The video came with a description of the Sandvich, much like the other Meet the Team videos:
**'''Name''': Sandvich
**'''Role''': Edible Device
**'''Weapons''': Toothpick
**'''Description''': He was a good lunch who played by the rules, until the rules robbed him of everything he ever loved. Now he's lettuce, tomato, cheese, bread, and a mysterious slice of meat, marching down your throat and straight to hell. He'll satisfy your hunger. FOR REVENGE!
*On the opening screen, at the bottom it says "Copyright OMNOMNOM", a reference to internet phrase 'OM NOM NOM', an onomatopoeic representation of the act of eating. (In every other Meet the Team video, the copyright is "Copyright LOLOLOL")
*在開場看板上的底部,可以看到上面寫了「版權:NOMNOMNOM」。這是參考了網路用語狀聲詞「NOM NOM NO'M」,代表著吃東西時所發出的聲音。(其他專訪影片在底部則寫了「版權:LOLOLOL」)
*A number of unused lines were recorded for the Meet the Sandvich:
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/HEAVY_killthemall.mp3 "What was that, Sandvich? Kill them all? Hahahahaha, good idea!"] (This line was eventually used in a slightly modified form as a [[response]] upon eating a Sandvich in-game.)
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/HEAVY_killthemall.mp3 「你說什麼,三明治?殺了他們?哈哈哈,好主意!」] (這句台詞最終稍做修改,可以在遊戲中重裝兵吃三明治時聽到這句[[response/zh-hant|回應]])
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_givemebacklegbone.mp3 "Gimme back my legbone! *''Smacking noise''* Hey! *''Smacking noises''* Hey! Don't ''hit'' me with it!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_givemebacklegbone.mp3 「把我的腿骨還來! *'''打擊聲'''* 嘿! *'''打擊聲'''* 嘿!別用那個打我啦!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_bigshavedbear.mp3 "H-He's like a bear! He's like a big shaved bear that hates ''people''!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_bigshavedbear.mp3 「他—他就像隻熊!他是隻討厭『人類』的熊!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_painpainpain.mp3 "Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_painpainpain.mp3 「痛!痛!痛!痛!痛!痛!痛!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_regreteverything.mp3 "I regret everything! I regret everything I've ever done!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_regreteverything.mp3 「我後悔了!我後悔我所做過的一切!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_hesalreadydead.mp3 "He's already dead! He's already deaaad!"] (Reference to an episode of {{w|The Simpsons}})
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SCOUT_hesalreadydead.mp3 「他已經死了!他已經死死死啦!」] (這台詞是參考[[w:The Simpsons|辛普森家庭]]的某一集。)
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_shortandfriskies.mp3 "Hambone, we have got you by the short and friskies!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_shortandfriskies.mp3 「火腿肉,我們輕鬆又快速地抓到你啦!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_dontthinkaboutdoingit.mp3 "Do not do it! Do not even ''think'' about doing it! Do not even think about '''not''' doing it!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_dontthinkaboutdoingit.mp3 「給我住手!連『想要』做都不行!甚至連『想著不去做』都不准!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_buttescortedfrombank.mp3 "Son, you are writing checks your butt will find ''uncashable''! Are you hearing me? Your backside will be escorted from the bank! You will find this ''humiliating''!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_religiousaffilliation.mp3 「別浪費掉你的命,小子。一人只有一條命!或者依你的宗教信仰,'''很多條'''!兩種的命都是有限的,所以想清楚點!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_religiousaffilliation.mp3 "Don't throw your life away, son. You only get one! Or, depending on your religious affiliation, ''several''! Either way it is a finite number so think it through!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_youcallthatkillingme.mp3 「你稱那個叫做『殺了我』?我還沒死! *'''折斷聲'''* 現在我命令你殺了我!拜託拜託啊,上帝,讓我死吧!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_youcallthatkillingme.mp3 "You call that killing me? I am not dead! *''Cracking noise''* Now I am ordering you to kill me! Please please please, God, Kill me!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_checkbook.mp3 「我左後方的褲子口袋有一本支票簿!我願意付你所有錢,放過我吧!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_checkbook.mp3 "There is a checkbook in the left-rear pocket of my fatigues! I will pay you all of my money to stop!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_halfbloodfrombody.mp3 「小子快點!我需要輸血!我大概需要你身體『一半』的血!」]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_halfbloodfrombody.mp3 "Son, I need a blood transfusion double-time! I am going to require roughly ''half'' of your blood!"]
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_notimetobleed.mp3 「你傷不了我,我沒有時間流血! *'''折斷聲'''* 我的行程有空檔了,'''啊啊啊啊啊'''!天啊!」] (由 [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093773/ Predator] 修正)
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_notimetobleed.mp3 "You cannot hurt me, I do not have ''time'' to bleed! *''Cracking noise''* My schedule has just opened up! Aaaohhww, my God!"] (Improvised from [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093773/ Predator])
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_paindonthurt.mp3 「我根本不怕你!疼痛一點都不算什麼! *'''折斷聲'''* 更正!咿呀啊啊啊!」] (由 [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098206/ Road House] 修正)
***[http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/soundbytes/SOLDIER_paindonthurt.mp3 "You do not frighten me! Pain does not hurt! *''Cracking noise''* I stand corrected! Arrrrggghhgh!"] (Improvised from [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098206/ Road House])
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[[Category: Meet the Team|Sandvich]]
[[Category: Meet the Team/zh-hant]]

Latest revision as of 05:10, 8 January 2020

Meet the Sandvich Titlecard
釋出日期: 2008年10月10日
長度: 1:06



  • 影片也有三明治的身分註解:
    • 姓名:三明治
    • 角色:食用裝備
    • 武器:牙籤
    • 註解:它曾是個守規矩的好午餐,直到體制搶奪了它所愛的一切。現在,它是萵苣、番茄、起司、麵包和神秘的一片肉的集合體,衝進你的喉嚨然後直達地獄。為了報仇,它能夠滿足你的胃!
  • 在開場看板上的底部,可以看到上面寫了「版權:NOMNOMNOM」。這是參考了網路用語狀聲詞「NOM NOM NO'M」,代表著吃東西時所發出的聲音。(其他專訪影片在底部則寫了「版權:LOLOLOL」)