Difference between revisions of "Template:Weapon list"

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(Fixed classic weapon list appearing on the table itself)
m (RM duplicate string)
(9 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 296: Line 296:
   | en = (Kill time) 4
   | en = (Kill time) 4
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 4
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
Line 357: Line 358:
   | en = D/H
   | en = D/H
   | es = Impacto directo
   | es = Impacto directo
  | fr = Dégâts directs
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | ru = Прямое попадание
   | ru = Прямое попадание
Line 377: Line 379:
   | en = D/H
   | en = D/H
   | es = Impacto directo
   | es = Impacto directo
  | fr = Dégâts directs
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | ru = Прямое попадание
   | ru = Прямое попадание
Line 394: Line 397:
   | en = D/H
   | en = D/H
   | es = Impacto directo
   | es = Impacto directo
  | fr = Dégâts directs
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | ru = Прямое попадание
   | ru = Прямое попадание
Line 417: Line 421:
   | en = D/H
   | en = D/H
   | es = Impacto directo
   | es = Impacto directo
  | fr = Dégâts directs
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | ru = Прямое попадание
   | ru = Прямое попадание
Line 430: Line 435:
   | en = 18 to buildings
   | en = 18 to buildings
   | es = 18 a construcciones
   | es = 18 a construcciones
  | fr = 18 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 18 contra construções
   | pt-br = 18 contra construções
   | ru = 18 по постройкам
   | ru = 18 по постройкам
Line 438: Line 444:
   | en = 18 to buildings
   | en = 18 to buildings
   | es = 18 a construcciones
   | es = 18 a construcciones
  | fr = 18 aux bâtiments
   | ru = 18 по постройкам
   | ru = 18 по постройкам
   | sv = 18 till byggnader
   | sv = 18 till byggnader
Line 445: Line 452:
   | en = 18 to buildings
   | en = 18 to buildings
   | es = 18 a construcciones
   | es = 18 a construcciones
  | fr = 18 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 18 contra construções
   | pt-br = 18 contra construções
   | ru = 18 по постройкам
   | ru = 18 по постройкам
Line 454: Line 462:
   | en = Only crits when reflected
   | en = Only crits when reflected
   | es = Solo críticos al ser devuelto
   | es = Solo críticos al ser devuelto
  | fr = Uniquement critique quand dévié
   | nl = Alleen een voltreffer wanneer gereflecteerd
   | nl = Alleen een voltreffer wanneer gereflecteerd
   | pt-br = Só causa dano crítico ao ser refletido
   | pt-br = Só causa dano crítico ao ser refletido
Line 466: Line 475:
   | en = 48 damage over 6 seconds
   | en = 48 damage over 6 seconds
   | es = 48 de daño en 6 segundos
   | es = 48 de daño en 6 segundos
  | fr = 48 de dégâts pendant 6 secondes
   | pt-br = 48 de dano em 6 segundos
   | pt-br = 48 de dano em 6 segundos
   | ru = 48 урона за 6 секунд
   | ru = 48 урона за 6 секунд
Line 474: Line 484:
   | en = 60 damage over 6 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 6 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño en 6 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño en 6 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts pendant 6 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 6 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 6 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 6 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 6 секунд
Line 492: Line 503:
   | en = D/H
   | en = D/H
   | es = Impacto directo
   | es = Impacto directo
  | fr = Dégâts directs
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | ru = Прямое попадание
   | ru = Прямое попадание
Line 509: Line 521:
   | en = D/H
   | en = D/H
   | es = Impacto directo
   | es = Impacto directo
  | fr = Dégâts directs
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | pt-br = Impacto direto
   | ru = Прямое попадание
   | ru = Прямое попадание
Line 600: Line 613:
   | en = {{tooltip|22-24|4 to buildings}} (per tick)
   | en = {{tooltip|22-24|4 to buildings}} (per tick)
   | es = {{tooltip|22 a 24|4 a construcciones}} (por tic)
   | es = {{tooltip|22 a 24|4 a construcciones}} (por tic)
  | fr = {{tooltip|22-24|4 aux bâtiments}} (par impact)
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|22-24|4 contra construções}} (por tique)
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|22-24|4 contra construções}} (por tique)
   | ru = {{tooltip|22-24|4 по постройкам}} (за попадание)
   | ru = {{tooltip|22-24|4 по постройкам}} (за попадание)
Line 608: Line 622:
   | en = {{tooltip|18-20|4 to buildings}} (per tick)
   | en = {{tooltip|18-20|4 to buildings}} (per tick)
   | es = {{tooltip|18 a 20|4 a construcciones}} (por tic)
   | es = {{tooltip|18 a 20|4 a construcciones}} (por tic)
  | fr = {{tooltip|18-20|4 aux bâtiments}} (par impact)
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|18-20|4 contra construções}} (por tique)
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|18-20|4 contra construções}} (por tique)
   | ru = {{tooltip|18-20|4 по постройкам}} (за попадание)
   | ru = {{tooltip|18-20|4 по постройкам}} (за попадание)
   | sv = {{tooltip|22-24|4 till byggnader}} (per tick)
   | sv = {{tooltip|18-20|4 till byggnader}} (per tick)
   | zh-hans = {{tooltip|18-20|对建筑为 4}}(每 tick)
   | zh-hans = {{tooltip|18-20|对建筑为 4}}(每 tick)
Line 617: Line 632:
   | en = {{tooltip|11-12|4 to buildings}} (per tick)
   | en = {{tooltip|11-12|4 to buildings}} (per tick)
   | es = {{tooltip|11 a 12|4 a construcciones}} (por tic)
   | es = {{tooltip|11 a 12|4 a construcciones}} (por tic)
  | fr = {{tooltip|11-12|4 aux bâtiments}} (par impact)
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|11-12|4 contra construções}} (por tique)
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|11-12|4 contra construções}} (por tique)
   | ru = {{tooltip|11-12|4 по постройкам}} (за попадание)
   | ru = {{tooltip|11-12|4 по постройкам}} (за попадание)
   | sv = {{tooltip|22-24|4 till byggnader}} (per tick)
   | sv = {{tooltip|11-12|4 till byggnader}} (per tick)
   | zh-hans = {{tooltip|11-12|对建筑为 4}}(每 tick)
   | zh-hans = {{tooltip|11-12|对建筑为 4}}(每 tick)
Line 626: Line 642:
   | en = (per tick)
   | en = (per tick)
   | es = (por tic)
   | es = (por tic)
  | fr = (par impact)
   | pt-br = (por tique)
   | pt-br = (por tique)
   | ru = (за попадание)
   | ru = (за попадание)
Line 634: Line 651:
   | en = (per tick)
   | en = (per tick)
   | es = (por tic)
   | es = (por tic)
  | fr = (par impact)
   | pt-br = (por tique)
   | pt-br = (por tique)
   | ru = (за попадание)
   | ru = (за попадание)
Line 733: Line 751:
   | en = (Kill time) 0.5
   | en = (Kill time) 0.5
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 0,5
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 0,5
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 0,5
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 0,5
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 0,5
   | ru = (Время убийства) 0,5
   | ru = (Время убийства) 0,5
Line 738: Line 757:
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = The Soldier throws his weapon, cracks his knuckles, rips a Grenade from his bandolier and pulls the pin. The blast kills him and any enemy within 6 feet.
   | en = The Soldier throws his weapon, cracks his knuckles, rips a Grenade from his bandolier and pulls the pin. The blast kills him and any enemy within 96 [[Hammer unit]]s (roughly 1.8 meters or 6 feet).
   | ar = يرمي الصولدجير سلاحه ، ويفرقع قبضته ، يسحب قنبلة يدوية من حزامه ويسحب المفتاح ، الإنفجار يقتله وأي عدو على بعد 6 أقدام منه .  
   | ar = يرمي الصولدجير سلاحه ، ويفرقع قبضته ، يسحب قنبلة يدوية من حزامه ويسحب المفتاح ، الإنفجار يقتله وأي عدو على بعد 6 أقدام منه .  
   | cs = Soldier zahodí zbraň, zakřupe klouby a odjistí si z pásu granát. Výbuch zabije jeho a nepřátele ve vzdálenosti do 6ti stop.
   | cs = Soldier zahodí zbraň, zakřupe klouby a odjistí si z pásu granát. Výbuch zabije jeho a nepřátele ve vzdálenosti do 6ti stop.
Line 788: Line 807:
   | en = (Kill time) 0.5
   | en = (Kill time) 0.5
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 0,5
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 0,5
 | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 0,5
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 0,5
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 0,5
   | sv = (Tid att döda) 0.5
   | sv = (Tid att döda) 0.5
Line 794: Line 814:
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = The Soldier throws his weapon, cracks his knuckles, rips a Holy Hand Grenade from his bandolier and pulls the pin. The blast kills him and any enemy within 6 feet, while an "[[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav|angellic choir]]" sings. Only appears with Lumbricus Lid equipped.
   | en = The Soldier throws his weapon, cracks his knuckles, rips a Holy Hand Grenade from his bandolier and pulls the pin. The blast kills him and any enemy within 96 Hammer units (roughly 1.8 meters or 6 feet), while an "[[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav|angellic choir]]" sings. Only appears with Lumbricus Lid equipped.
   | cs = Soldier zahodí zbraň, zakřupe klouby a odjistí si z pásu Svatý ruční granát. Výbuch zabije jeho a nepřátele ve vzdálenosti do 6ti stop, zatímco je slyšet "[[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav|andělský sbor]]", funguje pouze s nasazeným Lumbricus Lidem.
   | cs = Soldier zahodí zbraň, zakřupe klouby a odjistí si z pásu Svatý ruční granát. Výbuch zabije jeho a nepřátele ve vzdálenosti do 6ti stop, zatímco je slyšet "[[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav|andělský sbor]]", funguje pouze s nasazeným Lumbricus Lidem.
   | de = Der Soldier wirft seine Waffe weg, knackt mit seinen Fingerknöcheln, nimmt eine Granate von seinem Gürtel, und zieht den Stift heraus. Der Explosionsradius tötet Gegner in einem Umkreis von 6 Fuß, während dieser Verspottung singt ein "[[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav|Engelschor]]". Erscheint nur mit ausgerüstetem {{item name|Lumbricus Lid}}.
   | de = Der Soldier wirft seine Waffe weg, knackt mit seinen Fingerknöcheln, nimmt eine Granate von seinem Gürtel, und zieht den Stift heraus. Der Explosionsradius tötet Gegner in einem Umkreis von 6 Fuß, während dieser Verspottung singt ein "[[Media:Taunt wormsHHG.wav|Engelschor]]". Erscheint nur mit ausgerüstetem {{item name|Lumbricus Lid}}.
Line 846: Line 866:
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
  | fr = 24 de dégâts en 3 secondes (minimum), 80 de dégâts en 10 secondes (maximum)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
Line 856: Line 877:
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
  | fr = 100 de dégâts en 10 secondes
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
Line 879: Line 901:
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
  | fr = 24 de dégâts en 3 secondes (minimum), 80 de dégâts en 10 secondes (maximum)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
Line 889: Line 912:
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
  | fr = 100 de dégâts en 10 secondes
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
Line 911: Line 935:
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
  | fr = 24 de dégâts en 3 secondes (minimum), 80 de dégâts en 10 secondes (maximum)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
Line 920: Line 945:
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
  | fr = 100 de dégâts en 10 secondes
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
Line 943: Line 969:
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
  | fr = 24 de dégâts en 3 secondes (minimum), 80 de dégâts en 10 secondes (maximum)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
Line 953: Line 980:
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
  | fr = 100 de dégâts en 10 secondes
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
Line 976: Line 1,004:
   | en = 6 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 20 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | en = 6 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 20 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | es = 6 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 20 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
   | es = 6 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 20 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
  | fr = 6 de dégâts en 3 secondes (minimum), 20 de dégâts en 10 secondes (maximum)
   | ko = 3초 동안 6 (최소), 10초 동안 20 (최대)
   | ko = 3초 동안 6 (최소), 10초 동안 20 (최대)
   | pt-br = 6 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 20 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
   | pt-br = 6 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 20 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
Line 986: Line 1,015:
   | en = 40 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 40 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 40 de daño en 10 segundos
   | es = 40 de daño en 10 segundos
  | fr = 40 de dégâts en 10 secondes
   | ko = 10초 동안 40
   | ko = 10초 동안 40
   | pt-br = 40 de dano por 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 40 de dano por 10 segundos
Line 1,009: Line 1,039:
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | en = 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
   | es = 24 de daño en 3 segundos (mínimo), 80 de daño en 10 segundos (máximo)
  | fr = 24 de dégâts en 3 secondes (minimum), 80 de dégâts en 10 secondes (maximum)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | ko = 3초 동안 24 (최소), 10초 동안 80 (최대)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
   | pt-br = 24 de dano por 3 seg (mínimo), 80 de dano por 10 seg (máximo)
Line 1,019: Line 1,050:
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 100 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
   | es = 100 de daño en 10 segundos
  | fr = 100 de dégâts en 10 secondes
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | ko = 10초 동안 100
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 100 de dano por 10 segundos
Line 1,035: Line 1,067:
   | en = (75 to burning enemies and buildings)
   | en = (75 to burning enemies and buildings)
   | es = (75 a enemigos en llamas y construcciones)
   | es = (75 a enemigos en llamas y construcciones)
  | fr = (75 aux ennemis en feu et bâtiments)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대와 구조물한테는 75)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대와 구조물한테는 75)
   | pt-br = (75 em inimigos incendiados e construções)
   | pt-br = (75 em inimigos incendiados e construções)
Line 1,045: Line 1,078:
   | en = (75 to burning enemies and buildings)
   | en = (75 to burning enemies and buildings)
   | es = (75 a enemigos en llamas y construcciones)
   | es = (75 a enemigos en llamas y construcciones)
  | fr = (75 aux ennemis en feu et bâtiments)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대와 구조물한테는 75)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대와 구조물한테는 75)
   | pr-br = (75 em inimigos incendiados e construções)
   | pt-br = (75 em inimigos incendiados e construções)
   | ru =  (75 по горящим противникам и постройкам)
   | ru =  (75 по горящим противникам и постройкам)
   | sv = (75 till fiender som brinner och byggnader)
   | sv = (75 till fiender som brinner och byggnader)
Line 1,056: Line 1,090:
   | en = (102 to burning enemies)
   | en = (102 to burning enemies)
   | es = (102 a enemigos en llamas)
   | es = (102 a enemigos en llamas)
  | fr = (102 aux ennemis en feu)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대한테는 102)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대한테는 102)
   | pt-br = (102 em inimigos incendiados)
   | pt-br = (102 em inimigos incendiados)
Line 1,066: Line 1,101:
   | en = (225 to burning enemies)
   | en = (225 to burning enemies)
   | es = (225 a enemigos en llamas)
   | es = (225 a enemigos en llamas)
  | fr = (225 aux ennemis en feu)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대한테는 225)
   | ko = (불 붙은 상대한테는 225)
   | pt-br = (225 em inimigos incendiados)
   | pt-br = (225 em inimigos incendiados)
Line 1,078: Line 1,114:
   | en = 16 damage over 2 seconds
   | en = 16 damage over 2 seconds
   | es = 16 de daño en 2 segundos
   | es = 16 de daño en 2 segundos
  | fr = 16 de dégâts en 2 secondes
   | ko = 2초 동안 16
   | ko = 2초 동안 16
   | pt-br = 16 de dano por 2 segundos
   | pt-br = 16 de dano por 2 segundos
Line 1,088: Line 1,125:
   | en = 20 damage over 2 seconds
   | en = 20 damage over 2 seconds
   | es = 20 de daño en 2 segundos
   | es = 20 de daño en 2 segundos
  | fr = 20 de dégâts en 2 secondes
   | ko = 2초 동안 20
   | ko = 2초 동안 20
   | pt-br = 20 de dano em 2 segundos
   | pt-br = 20 de dano em 2 segundos
Line 1,145: Line 1,183:
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,153: Line 1,192:
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 75 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,167: Line 1,207:
   | en = 11-21 (splash)
   | en = 11-21 (splash)
   | es = 11 a 21 (explosión)
   | es = 11 a 21 (explosión)
  | fr = 11-21 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 11-21 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 11-21 (explosão)
   | ru = 11-21 (взрыв)
   | ru = 11-21 (взрыв)
Line 1,175: Line 1,216:
   | en = 15-29 (splash)
   | en = 15-29 (splash)
   | es = 15 a 29 (explosión)
   | es = 15 a 29 (explosión)
  | fr = 15-29 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 15-29 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 15-29 (explosão)
   | ru = 15-29 (взрыв)
   | ru = 15-29 (взрыв)
Line 1,183: Line 1,225:
   | en = 34-63 (splash)
   | en = 34-63 (splash)
   | es = 34 a 63 (explosión)
   | es = 34 a 63 (explosión)
  | fr = 34-63 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 34-63 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 34-63 (explosão)
   | ru = 34-63 (взрыв)
   | ru = 34-63 (взрыв)
Line 1,193: Line 1,236:
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,201: Line 1,245:
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 75 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,220: Line 1,265:
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,228: Line 1,274:
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,247: Line 1,294:
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,255: Line 1,303:
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,329: Line 1,378:
   | en = Non-burning: 59<br>Burning: {{tooltip|86|Less than 0.5 s of afterburn left}} - {{tooltip|167|10 s of afterburn left}}
   | en = Non-burning: 59<br>Burning: {{tooltip|86|Less than 0.5 s of afterburn left}} - {{tooltip|167|10 s of afterburn left}}
   | es = Sin estar en llamas: 59<br>En llamas: {{tooltip|86|Menos de 0,5 seg. de quemaduras restante}} a {{tooltip|167|10 seg. de quemaduras restante}}
   | es = Sin estar en llamas: 59<br>En llamas: {{tooltip|86|Menos de 0,5 seg. de quemaduras restante}} a {{tooltip|167|10 seg. de quemaduras restante}}
  | fr = Sans être en feu : 59<br>En feu : {{tooltip|86|Moins de 0.5 s de brûlure post-combustion restant}} - {{tooltip|167|10 s de brûlure post-combustion restants}}
   | pt-br = Não incendiado: 59<br>Incendiado: {{tooltip|86|Menos de 0,5 s de queimação restante}} - {{tooltip|167|10 s de queimação restante}}
   | pt-br = Não incendiado: 59<br>Incendiado: {{tooltip|86|Menos de 0,5 s de queimação restante}} - {{tooltip|167|10 s de queimação restante}}
   | ru = По не горящим: 59<br>По горящим: {{tooltip|86|Менее, чем 0,5 с горения осталось}} - {{tooltip|167|10 с горения осталось}}
   | ru = По не горящим: 59<br>По горящим: {{tooltip|86|Менее, чем 0,5 с горения осталось}} - {{tooltip|167|10 с горения осталось}}
Line 1,336: Line 1,386:
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
   | en = Non-burning: 131<br>Burning: {{tooltip|191|Less than 0.5 s of afterburn left}} - {{tooltip|371|10 s of afterburn left}}
   | en = Non-burning: 131<br>Burning: {{tooltip|191|Less than 0.5 s of afterburn left}} - {{tooltip|371|10 s of afterburn left}}
   | es = Sin estar en llamas: 131<br>En llamas: {{tooltip|86|Menos de 0,5 seg. de quemaduras restante}} a {{tooltip|371|10 seg. de quemaduras restante}}
   | es = Sin estar en llamas: 131<br>En llamas: {{tooltip|191|Menos de 0,5 seg. de quemaduras restante}} a {{tooltip|371|10 seg. de quemaduras restante}}
  | fr = Sans être en feu : 131<br>En feu : {{tooltip|191|Moins de 0.5 s de brûlure post-combustion restant}} - {{tooltip|371|10 s de brûlure post-combustion restants}}
   | pt-br = Não incendiado: 131<br>Incendiado: {{tooltip|191|Menos de 0,5 s de queimação restante}} - {{tooltip|371|10 s de queimação restante}}
   | pt-br = Não incendiado: 131<br>Incendiado: {{tooltip|191|Menos de 0,5 s de queimação restante}} - {{tooltip|371|10 s de queimação restante}}
   | ru = По не горящим: 131<br>По горящим: {{tooltip|191|Менее, чем 0,5 с горения осталось}} - {{tooltip|371|10 с горения осталось}}
   | ru = По не горящим: 131<br>По горящим: {{tooltip|191|Менее, чем 0,5 с горения осталось}} - {{tooltip|371|10 с горения осталось}}
Line 1,352: Line 1,403:
   | en = 130 to buildings
   | en = 130 to buildings
   | es = 130 a construcciones
   | es = 130 a construcciones
  | fr = 130 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 130 contra construções
   | pt-br = 130 contra construções
   | ru = 130 по постройкам
   | ru = 130 по постройкам
Line 1,388: Line 1,440:
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,396: Line 1,449:
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | en = 75 damage over 7.5 seconds
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
   | es = 75 de daño en 7,5 segundos
  | fr = 75 de dégâts en 7,5 secondes
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | pt-br = 75 de dano em 7,5 segundos
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
   | ru = 75 урона за 7,5 секунд
Line 1,416: Line 1,470:
   | en = 65 to buildings
   | en = 65 to buildings
   | es = 65 a construcciones
   | es = 65 a construcciones
  | fr = 65 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 65 contra construções
   | pt-br = 65 contra construções
   | ru = 65 по постройкам
   | ru = 65 по постройкам
Line 1,448: Line 1,503:
   | en = (Kill time) 2
   | en = (Kill time) 2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 2
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2
Line 1,539: Line 1,595:
   | en = (Kill time) 3
   | en = (Kill time) 3
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 3
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 3
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 3
   | ru = (Время убийства) 3
   | ru = (Время убийства) 3
   | sv = (Tid att döda)
   | sv = (Tid att döda) 3
   | zh-hans = (杀敌时间)3
   | zh-hans = (杀敌时间)3
Line 1,569: Line 1,626:
   | en = (Kill time) 2
   | en = (Kill time) 2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 2
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2
Line 1,600: Line 1,658:
   | en = (Kill time) 4.8
   | en = (Kill time) 4.8
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4,8
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4,8
  | fr = (Temps pour tuerà 4,8
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4,8
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4,8
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4,8
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4,8
Line 1,646: Line 1,705:
   | en = 30-60 (splash)
   | en = 30-60 (splash)
   | es = 30 a 60 (explosión)
   | es = 30 a 60 (explosión)
  | fr = 30-60 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 30-60 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 30-60 (explosão)
   | ru = 30-60 (взрыв)
   | ru = 30-60 (взрыв)
Line 1,654: Line 1,714:
   | en = 41-81 (splash)
   | en = 41-81 (splash)
   | es = 41 a 81 (explosión)
   | es = 41 a 81 (explosión)
  | fr = 41-81 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 41-81 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 41-81 (explosão)
   | ru = 41-81 (взрыв)
   | ru = 41-81 (взрыв)
Line 1,662: Line 1,723:
   | en = 90-180 (splash)
   | en = 90-180 (splash)
   | es = 90 a 180 (explosión)
   | es = 90 a 180 (explosión)
  | fr = 90-180 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 90-180 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 90-180 (explosão)
   | ru = 90-180 (взрыв)
   | ru = 90-180 (взрыв)
Line 1,675: Line 1,737:
   | en = 120 to buildings
   | en = 120 to buildings
   | es = 120 a construcciones
   | es = 120 a construcciones
  | fr = 120 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 120 contra construções
   | pt-br = 120 contra construções
   | ru = 120 по постройкам
   | ru = 120 по постройкам
Line 1,697: Line 1,760:
   | en = 30-60 (splash)
   | en = 30-60 (splash)
   | es = 30 a 60 (explosión)
   | es = 30 a 60 (explosión)
  | fr = 30-60 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 30-60 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 30-60 (explosão)
   | ru = 30-60 (взрыв)
   | ru = 30-60 (взрыв)
Line 1,705: Line 1,769:
   | en = 41-81 (splash)
   | en = 41-81 (splash)
   | es = 41 a 81 (explosión)
   | es = 41 a 81 (explosión)
  | fr = 41-81 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 41-81 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 41-81 (explosão)
   | ru = 41-81 (взрыв)
   | ru = 41-81 (взрыв)
Line 1,713: Line 1,778:
   | en = 90-180 (splash)
   | en = 90-180 (splash)
   | es = 90 a 180 (explosión)
   | es = 90 a 180 (explosión)
  | fr = 90-180 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 90-180 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 90-180 (explosão)
   | ru = 90-180 (взрыв)
   | ru = 90-180 (взрыв)
Line 1,738: Line 1,804:
   | en = 30-60 (splash)
   | en = 30-60 (splash)
   | es = 30 a 60 (explosión)
   | es = 30 a 60 (explosión)
  | fr = 30-60 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 30-60 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 30-60 (explosão)
   | ru = 30-60 (взрыв)
   | ru = 30-60 (взрыв)
Line 1,746: Line 1,813:
   | en = 41-81 (splash)
   | en = 41-81 (splash)
   | es = 41 a 81 (explosión)
   | es = 41 a 81 (explosión)
  | fr = 41-81 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 41-81 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 41-81 (explosão)
   | ru = 41-81 (взрыв)
   | ru = 41-81 (взрыв)
Line 1,754: Line 1,822:
   | en = 90-180 (splash)
   | en = 90-180 (splash)
   | es = 90 a 180 (explosión)
   | es = 90 a 180 (explosión)
  | fr = 90-180 (explosion)
   | pt-br = 90-180 (explosão)
   | pt-br = 90-180 (explosão)
   | ru = 90-180 (взрыв)
   | ru = 90-180 (взрыв)
Line 1,949: Line 2,018:
   | en = (Kill time) 2.5
   | en = (Kill time) 2.5
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2,5
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2,5
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 2,5
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2,5
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2,5
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2,5
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2,5
Line 2,051: Line 2,121:
   | en = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 on already burning enemies}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 on already burning enemies}}}}
   | en = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 on already burning enemies}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 on already burning enemies}}}}
   | es = {{tooltip|44 a 66|48 a 73 a jugadores en llamas}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11 a 16|12 a 18 en jugadores en llamas}}}}
   | es = {{tooltip|44 a 66|48 a 73 a jugadores en llamas}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11 a 16|12 a 18 en jugadores en llamas}}}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 sur des ennemis déjà en feu}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 sur des ennemis déjà en feu}}}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 em alvos já incendiados}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 em alvos já incendiados}}}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 em alvos já incendiados}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 em alvos já incendiados}}}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 по горящим врагам}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 по горящим врагам}}}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|44-66|48-73 по горящим врагам}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|11-16|12-18 по горящим врагам}}}}
Line 2,059: Line 2,130:
   | en = {{tooltip|97|105 on already burning enemies}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24.3|26.325 on already burning enemies}}}}
   | en = {{tooltip|97|105 on already burning enemies}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24.3|26.325 on already burning enemies}}}}
   | es = {{tooltip|97|105 a jugadores en llamas}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24,3|26,325 en jugadores en llamas}}}}
   | es = {{tooltip|97|105 a jugadores en llamas}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24,3|26,325 en jugadores en llamas}}}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|97|105 sur des ennemis déjà en feu}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24,3|26,325 sur des ennemis déjà en feu}}}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|97|105 em alvos já incendiados}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24.3|26,325 em alvos já incendiados}}}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|97|105 em alvos já incendiados}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24.3|26,325 em alvos já incendiados}}}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|97|105 по горящим врагам}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24,3|26,325 по горящим врагам}}}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|97|105 по горящим врагам}} {{common string|per-bullet|{{tooltip|24,3|26,325 по горящим врагам}}}}
Line 2,069: Line 2,141:
   | en = 64 damage over 8 seconds
   | en = 64 damage over 8 seconds
   | es = 64 de daño en 8 segundos
   | es = 64 de daño en 8 segundos
  | fr = 64 de dégâts pendant 8 secondes
   | pt-br = 64 de dano em 8 segundos
   | pt-br = 64 de dano em 8 segundos
   | ru = 64 урона за 8 секунд
   | ru = 64 урона за 8 секунд
Line 2,077: Line 2,150:
   | en = 80 damage over 8 seconds
   | en = 80 damage over 8 seconds
   | es = 80 de daño en 8 segundos
   | es = 80 de daño en 8 segundos
  | fr = 80 de dégâts pendant 8 secondes
   | pt-br = 80 de dano em 8 segundos
   | pt-br = 80 de dano em 8 segundos
   | ru = 80 урона за 8 секунд
   | ru = 80 урона за 8 секунд
Line 2,242: Line 2,316:
   | en = (Kill time) 1.8
   | en = (Kill time) 1.8
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 1,8
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 1,8
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 1,8
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 1,8
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 1,8
   | ru = (Время убийства) 1,8
   | ru = (Время убийства) 1,8
Line 2,316: Line 2,391:
   | en = at sentry's target
   | en = at sentry's target
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
  | fr = à la cible de la mitrailleuse
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
Line 2,324: Line 2,400:
   | en = at sentry's target
   | en = at sentry's target
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
  | fr = à la cible de la mitrailleuse
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
Line 2,332: Line 2,409:
   | en = at sentry's target
   | en = at sentry's target
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
  | fr = à la cible de la mitrailleuse
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
Line 2,340: Line 2,418:
   | en = at sentry's target
   | en = at sentry's target
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
  | fr = à la cible de la mitrailleuse
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
Line 2,347: Line 2,426:
   | en = at sentry's target
   | en = at sentry's target
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
   | es = al objetivo del arma centinela
  | fr = à la cible de la mitrailleuse
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | pt-br = no alvo da Sentinela
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
   | ru = по целям, которых атакует турель
Line 2,360: Line 2,440:
   | en = 12 to buildings
   | en = 12 to buildings
   | es = 12 a construcciones
   | es = 12 a construcciones
  | fr = 12 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 12 contra construções
   | pt-br = 12 contra construções
   | ru = 12 по постройкам
   | ru = 12 по постройкам
Line 2,368: Line 2,449:
   | en = 12 to buildings
   | en = 12 to buildings
   | es = 12 a construcciones
   | es = 12 a construcciones
  | fr = 12 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 12 contra construções
   | pt-br = 12 contra construções
   | ru = 12 по постройкам
   | ru = 12 по постройкам
Line 2,376: Line 2,458:
   | en = 12 to buildings
   | en = 12 to buildings
   | es = 12 a construcciones
   | es = 12 a construcciones
  | fr = 12 aux bâtiments
   | pt-br = 12 contra construções
   | pt-br = 12 contra construções
   | ru = 12 по постройкам
   | ru = 12 по постройкам
Line 2,450: Line 2,533:
   | en = on alt-fire
   | en = on alt-fire
   | es = en disparo secundario
   | es = en disparo secundario
  | fr = avec le tir alternatif
   | pt-br = com o disparo-alt
   | pt-br = com o disparo-alt
   | ru = альтернативная атака
   | ru = альтернативная атака
Line 2,459: Line 2,543:
   | en = on alt-fire
   | en = on alt-fire
   | es = en disparo secundario
   | es = en disparo secundario
  | fr = avec le tir alternatif
   | pt-br = com o disparo-alt
   | pt-br = com o disparo-alt
   | ru = альтернативная атака
   | ru = альтернативная атака
Line 2,468: Line 2,553:
   | en = on alt-fire
   | en = on alt-fire
   | es = en disparo secundario
   | es = en disparo secundario
  | fr = avec le tir alternatif
   | pt-br = com o disparo-alt
   | pt-br = com o disparo-alt
   | ru = альтернативная атака
   | ru = альтернативная атака
Line 2,657: Line 2,743:
   | en = (Kill time) 3.6
   | en = (Kill time) 3.6
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3,6
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3,6
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 3,6
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 3,6
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 3,6
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 3,6
   | sv = (Tid att döda) 3,6
   | sv = (Tid att döda) 3,6
   | zh-hans = (杀敌时间)3.6
   | zh-hans = (杀敌时间)3.6
Line 2,693: Line 2,780:
   | en = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Stun effect}} + {{tooltip|500|Final hit}}
   | en = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Stun effect}} + {{tooltip|500|Final hit}}
   | es = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Efecto del aturdimiento}} + {{tooltip|500|golpe final}}
   | es = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Efecto del aturdimiento}} + {{tooltip|500|golpe final}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Effet d'étourdissement}} + {{tooltip|500|Coup final}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Efeito de atordoamento}} + {{tooltip|500|Acerto final}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Efeito de atordoamento}} + {{tooltip|500|Acerto final}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Оглушение}} + {{tooltip|500|Последний удар}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|1 (x14)|Оглушение}} + {{tooltip|500|Последний удар}}
Line 2,701: Line 2,789:
   | en = (Kill time) 4
   | en = (Kill time) 4
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 4
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
Line 2,708: Line 2,797:
   | en = (Stun time) 3.2
   | en = (Stun time) 3.2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3,2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3,2
  | fr = (Temps d'étourdissement) 3,2
   | pt-br = (Tempo de atordoamento) 3,2
   | pt-br = (Tempo de atordoamento) 3,2
   | ru = (Время оглушения) 3,2
   | ru = (Время оглушения) 3,2
Line 2,870: Line 2,960:
   | de = <10 Sek. nach Verletzung
   | de = <10 Sek. nach Verletzung
   | es = <10 segundos después del ataque
   | es = <10 segundos después del ataque
   | fr = <10 sec après blessure
   | fr = <10 s après blessure
   | hu = <10 mp sérülés után  
   | hu = <10 mp sérülés után  
   | it = <10 sec dopo una ferita
   | it = <10 sec dopo una ferita
Line 2,894: Line 2,984:
   | de = >12,5 Sek. nach Verletzung
   | de = >12,5 Sek. nach Verletzung
   | es = >12,5 segundos después del ataque
   | es = >12,5 segundos después del ataque
   | fr = >12,5 sec après blessure
   | fr = >12,5 s après blessure
   | hu = >12.5 mp sérülés után  
   | hu = >12.5 mp sérülés után  
   | it = >12.5 sec dopo una ferita
   | it = >12.5 sec dopo una ferita
Line 2,918: Line 3,008:
   | de = >15 Sek. nach Verletzung
   | de = >15 Sek. nach Verletzung
   | es = >15 segundos después del ataque
   | es = >15 segundos después del ataque
   | fr = >15 sec après blessure
   | fr = >15 s après blessure
   | hu = >15 mp sérülés után  
   | hu = >15 mp sérülés után  
   | it = >15 sec dopo una ferita
   | it = >15 sec dopo una ferita
Line 2,996: Line 3,086:
   | es = 100 % de golpes críticos
   | es = 100 % de golpes críticos
   | fi = 100% Kriittinen
   | fi = 100% Kriittinen
   | fr = 100% de coups critiques  
   | fr = 100 % de coups critiques  
   | hu = 100% Kritikus Találat  
   | hu = 100% Kritikus Találat  
   | it = 100% Critico
   | it = 100% Critico
Line 3,025: Line 3,115:
   | de = 300% Heilrate & Immunität gegen Betäubungs- und Rückwurfeffekte
   | de = 300% Heilrate & Immunität gegen Betäubungs- und Rückwurfeffekte
   | es = 300 % de velocidad de curación e inmunidad al retroceso/aturdimiento
   | es = 300 % de velocidad de curación e inmunidad al retroceso/aturdimiento
   | fr = Taux de soin à 300%, immunité contre les effets altérant le déplacement  
   | fr = Taux de soin à 300 %, immunité contre les effets altérant le déplacement  
   | hu = 300%-os gyógyítás mérték & kábítás/vissza toló erő immunitás  
   | hu = 300%-os gyógyítás mérték & kábítás/vissza toló erő immunitás  
   | ja = 回復量3倍&スタンとノックバック無効  
   | ja = 回復量3倍&スタンとノックバック無効  
Line 3,047: Line 3,137:
   | en = 75% damage resistance and 100% critical hit resistance to selected damage type
   | en = 75% damage resistance and 100% critical hit resistance to selected damage type
   | es = 75 % de resistencia al daño y 100 % de inmunidad a críticos del daño seleccionado
   | es = 75 % de resistencia al daño y 100 % de inmunidad a críticos del daño seleccionado
   | fr = 75% de résistance au type de dégâts choisi (balles, feu, ou explosions)
   | fr = 75 % de résistance au type de dégâts choisi (balles, feu, ou explosions)
   | ja = 選択した属性のダメージを75%軽減
   | ja = 選択した属性のダメージを75%軽減
   | ko = 선택한 피해 유형에 따라 75%의 저항이 생깁니다
   | ko = 선택한 피해 유형에 따라 75%의 저항이 생깁니다
Line 3,121: Line 3,211:
   | en = Stun effect
   | en = Stun effect
   | es = Efecto de aturdimiento
   | es = Efecto de aturdimiento
  | fr = Effet d'étourdissement
   | pt-br = Atordoamento
   | pt-br = Atordoamento
   | ru = Оглушение
   | ru = Оглушение
Line 3,129: Line 3,220:
   | en = (Kill time) 3
   | en = (Kill time) 3
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 3
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 3
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 3
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 3
   | ru = (Время убийства) 3
   | ru = (Время убийства) 3
Line 3,136: Line 3,228:
   | en = (Stun time) 2.2
   | en = (Stun time) 2.2
   | es = (Tiempo de aturdimiento) 2,2
   | es = (Tiempo de aturdimiento) 2,2
  | fr = (Temps d'étourdissement) 2,2
   | pt-br = (Tempo de atordoamento) 2,2
   | pt-br = (Tempo de atordoamento) 2,2
   | ru = (Время оглушения) 2,2
   | ru = (Время оглушения) 2,2
Line 3,338: Line 3,431:
   | en = 60 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño durante 10 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño durante 10 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts pendant 10 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 10 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 10 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 10 секунд
Line 3,346: Line 3,440:
   | en = 80 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 80 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 80 de daño durante 10 segundos
   | es = 80 de daño durante 10 segundos
  | fr = 80 de dégâts pendant 10 secondes
   | pt-br = 80 de dano em 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 80 de dano em 10 segundos
   | ru = 80 урона за 10 секунд
   | ru = 80 урона за 10 секунд
Line 3,375: Line 3,470:
   | en = 60 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 60 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 60 de daño durante 10 segundos
   | es = 60 de daño durante 10 segundos
  | fr = 60 de dégâts pendant 10 secondes
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 60 de dano em 10 segundos
   | ru = 60 урона за 10 секунд
   | ru = 60 урона за 10 секунд
Line 3,383: Line 3,479:
   | en = 80 damage over 10 seconds
   | en = 80 damage over 10 seconds
   | es = 80 de daño durante 10 segundos
   | es = 80 de daño durante 10 segundos
  | fr = 80 de dégâts pendant 10 secondes
   | pt-br = 80 de dano em 10 segundos
   | pt-br = 80 de dano em 10 segundos
   | ru = 80 урона за 10 секунд
   | ru = 80 урона за 10 секунд
Line 3,449: Line 3,546:
   | en = {{tooltip|50|40 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|150|120 on bodyshot}}
   | en = {{tooltip|50|40 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|150|120 on bodyshot}}
   | es = {{tooltip|50|40 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|150|120 en disparos al cuerpo}}
   | es = {{tooltip|50|40 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|150|120 en disparos al cuerpo}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|50|40 sur un tir au corps}}-{{tooltip|150|120 sur un tir au corps}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|50|40 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|150|120 em tiro no corpo}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|50|40 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|150|120 em tiro no corpo}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|50|40 в тело}}-{{tooltip|150|120 в тело}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|50|40 в тело}}-{{tooltip|150|120 в тело}}
Line 3,457: Line 3,555:
   | en = {{tooltip|68|54 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|203|162 on bodyshot}}
   | en = {{tooltip|68|54 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|203|162 on bodyshot}}
   | es = {{tooltip|68|54 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|203|162 en disparos al cuerpo}}
   | es = {{tooltip|68|54 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|203|162 en disparos al cuerpo}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|68|54 sur un tir au corps}}-{{tooltip|203|162 sur un tir au corps}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|68|54 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|203|162 em tiro no corpo}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|68|54 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|203|162 em tiro no corpo}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|68|54 в тело}}-{{tooltip|203|162 в тело}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|68|54 в тело}}-{{tooltip|203|162 в тело}}
Line 3,465: Line 3,564:
   | en = {{tooltip|150|120 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|450|360 on bodyshot}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | en = {{tooltip|150|120 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|450|360 on bodyshot}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | es = {{tooltip|150|120 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|450|360 en disparos al cuerpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | es = {{tooltip|150|120 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|450|360 en disparos al cuerpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|150|120 sur un tir au corps}}-{{tooltip|450|360 sur un tir au corps}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|150|120 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|450|360 em tiro no corpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|150|120 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|450|360 em tiro no corpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|150|120 в тело}}-{{tooltip|450|360 в тело}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|150|120 в тело}}-{{tooltip|450|360 в тело}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
Line 3,482: Line 3,582:
   | en = {{tooltip|50|45 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|150|135 on bodyshot}}
   | en = {{tooltip|50|45 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|150|135 on bodyshot}}
   | es = {{tooltip|50|45 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|150|135 en disparos al cuerpo}}
   | es = {{tooltip|50|45 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|150|135 en disparos al cuerpo}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|50|45 sur un tir au corps}}-{{tooltip|150|135 sur un tir au corps}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|50|45 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|150|135| em tiro no corpo}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|50|45 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|150|135| em tiro no corpo}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|50|45 в тело}}-{{tooltip|150|135 в тело}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|50|45 в тело}}-{{tooltip|150|135 в тело}}
Line 3,490: Line 3,591:
   | en = {{tooltip|68|61 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|203|182 on bodyshot}}
   | en = {{tooltip|68|61 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|203|182 on bodyshot}}
   | es = {{tooltip|68|61 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|203|182 en disparos al cuerpo}}
   | es = {{tooltip|68|61 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|203|182 en disparos al cuerpo}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|68|61 sur un tir au corps}}-{{tooltip|203|182 sur un tir au corps}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|68|61 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|203|182 em tiro no corpo}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|68|61 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|203|182 em tiro no corpo}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|68|61 в тело}}-{{tooltip|203|182 в тело}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|68|61 в тело}}-{{tooltip|203|182 в тело}}
Line 3,498: Line 3,600:
   | en = {{tooltip|150|135 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|450|405 on bodyshot}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | en = {{tooltip|150|135 on bodyshot}}-{{tooltip|450|405 on bodyshot}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | es = {{tooltip|150|135 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|450|405 en disparos al cuerpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | es = {{tooltip|150|135 en disparos al cuerpo}} a {{tooltip|450|405 en disparos al cuerpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
  | fr = {{tooltip|150|135 sur un tir au corps}}-{{tooltip|450|405 sur un tir au corps}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|150|135 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|450|405 em tiro no corpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | pt-br = {{tooltip|150|135 em tiro no corpo}}-{{tooltip|450|405 em tiro no corpo}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|150|135 в тело}}-{{tooltip|450|405 в тело}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
   | ru = {{tooltip|150|135 в тело}}-{{tooltip|450|405 в тело}} {{common string|crit-boost}}
Line 3,631: Line 3,734:
   | en = (Kill time) 2.2
   | en = (Kill time) 2.2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2,2
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 2,2
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 2,2
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2,2
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 2,2
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2,2
   | ru = (Время убийства) 2,2
Line 3,638: Line 3,742:
   | en = (Stun time) 1
   | en = (Stun time) 1
   | es = (Tiempo de aturdimiento) 1
   | es = (Tiempo de aturdimiento) 1
  | fr = (Temps d'étourdissement) 1
   | pt-br = (Tempo de atordoamento) 1
   | pt-br = (Tempo de atordoamento) 1
   | ru = (Время оглушения) 1
   | ru = (Время оглушения) 1
Line 3,751: Line 3,856:
   | en = while disguised
   | en = while disguised
   | es = al ir disfrazado
   | es = al ir disfrazado
  | fr = en étant déguisé
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | ru = в маскировке
   | ru = в маскировке
Line 3,760: Line 3,866:
   | en = while disguised
   | en = while disguised
   | es = al ir disfrazado
   | es = al ir disfrazado
  | fr = en étant déguisé
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | ru = в маскировке
   | ru = в маскировке
Line 3,769: Line 3,876:
   | en = while disguised
   | en = while disguised
   | es = al ir disfrazado
   | es = al ir disfrazado
  | fr = en étant déguisé
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | ru = в маскировке
   | ru = в маскировке
Line 3,778: Line 3,886:
   | en = while disguised
   | en = while disguised
   | es = al ir disfrazado
   | es = al ir disfrazado
  | fr = en étant déguisé
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | ru = в маскировке
   | ru = в маскировке
Line 3,787: Line 3,896:
   | en = while disguised
   | en = while disguised
   | es = al ir disfrazado
   | es = al ir disfrazado
  | fr = en étant déguisé
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | pt-br = enquanto disfarçado
   | ru = в маскировке
   | ru = в маскировке
Line 3,942: Line 4,052:
==={{anchor|spypdasecondary}} PDA 2 ===
==={{anchor|spypdasecondary}} {{item name|PDA 2}} ===
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align: center;"
! class="header" width = "25%" | {{item name|Watch}}
! class="header" width = "25%" | {{item name|Watch}}
Line 4,144: Line 4,254:
   | en = Level 1 Building
   | en = Level 1 Building
   | es = Construcción de nivel 1
   | es = Construcción de nivel 1
  | fr = Bâtiment de niveau 1
   | pt-br = Construção de nível 1
   | pt-br = Construção de nível 1
   | ru = Постройка 1 уровня
   | ru = Постройка 1 уровня
Line 4,153: Line 4,264:
   | en = Level 2 Building
   | en = Level 2 Building
   | es = Construcción de nivel 2
   | es = Construcción de nivel 2
  | fr = Bâtiment de niveau 2
   | pt-br = Construção de nível 2
   | pt-br = Construção de nível 2
   | ru = Постройка 2 уровня
   | ru = Постройка 2 уровня
Line 4,162: Line 4,274:
   | en = Level 3 Building
   | en = Level 3 Building
   | es = Construcción de nivel 3
   | es = Construcción de nivel 3
  | fr = Bâtiment de niveau 3
   | pt-br = Construção de nível 3
   | pt-br = Construção de nível 3
   | ru = Постройка 3 уровня
   | ru = Постройка 3 уровня
Line 4,226: Line 4,339:
   | zh-hans = (挥舞时)
   | zh-hans = (挥舞时)
   | zh-hant = (揮擊)
   | zh-hant = (揮擊)
}})<br/>500 {{lang
}}<br/>500 {{lang
   | en = (Thrust)
   | en = (Thrust)
   | ar = (عند طعن)
   | ar = (عند طعن)
Line 4,249: Line 4,362:
   | zh-hans = (刺出时)
   | zh-hans = (刺出时)
   | zh-hant = (刺擊)
   | zh-hant = (刺擊)
| {{common string|seconds|5{{dec}}2}}<br/>{{common string|seconds|{{lang
| {{common string|seconds|5{{dec}}2}}<br/>{{common string|seconds|{{lang
   | en = (Kill time) 4
   | en = (Kill time) 4
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4
   | es = (Tiempo hasta matar) 4
  | fr = (Temps pour tuer) 4
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4
   | pt-br = (Tempo até matar) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
   | ru = (Время убийства) 4
Line 4,414: Line 4,528:
   | da = Kan bruges af alle klasser undtagen [[Spy/da|Spy]].
   | da = Kan bruges af alle klasser undtagen [[Spy/da|Spy]].
   | es = Utilizable por todas las clases excepto [[Spy/es|Spy]].
   | es = Utilizable por todas las clases excepto [[Spy/es|Spy]].
  | fr = Utilisable par toutes les classes sauf le [[Spy/fr|Spy]].
   | ja = [[Spy/ja|スパイ]]を除く全クラスが装備できます。
   | ja = [[Spy/ja|スパイ]]を除く全クラスが装備できます。
   | ko = [[Spy/ko|스파이]]는 사용할 수 없습니다.
   | ko = [[Spy/ko|스파이]]는 사용할 수 없습니다.
Line 4,422: Line 4,537:
   | ru = Используется всеми классами кроме [[Spy/ru|шпиона]].
   | ru = Используется всеми классами кроме [[Spy/ru|шпиона]].
   | sv = Kan användas av alla klasser förutom [[Spy/sv|Spionen]].
   | sv = Kan användas av alla klasser förutom [[Spy/sv|Spionen]].
  | zh-hans = 能被所有的兵种用,除了[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]。
  | fr = Utilisable par toutes les classes sauf le [[Spy/fr|Spy]].
   | zh-hans = 除[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]外全兵种可用
   | zh-hans = 除[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]外全兵种可用
   | zh-hant = 除了[[Spy/zh-hant|間諜]]之外其餘兵種皆可使用。
   | zh-hant = 除了[[Spy/zh-hant|間諜]]之外其餘兵種皆可使用。

Latest revision as of 09:36, 27 January 2025

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon scattergun.png 6 32 85-105 10-40 3-10 81-142 180
Killicon force-a-nature.png 2 32 92-113 11-43 3-11 87-153 194
Killicon shortstop.png 4 36 69-72 24-48 6-12 65-97 144
Soda Popper
Soda Popper
Killicon soda popper.png 2 32 85-105 10-40 3-10 81-142 180
Baby Face's Blaster
Baby Face's Blaster
Killicon baby face's blaster.png 4 32 85-105 10-40 3-10 81-142 180
Back Scatter
Back Scatter
Killicon back scatter.png 4 32 85-105 10-40 3-10 81-142 180


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon pistol.png 12 36 20-22 10-15 8-9 20-30 45
Killicon lugermorph.png
Killicon c.a.p.p.e.r.png
Killicon winger.png 5 36 23-26 12-17 9-11 23-35 52
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Killicon pretty boy's pocket pistol.png 9 36 20-22 10-15 8-9 20-30 45
Flying Guillotine
Flying Guillotine
Killicon flying guillotine.png 1 50 68 150
Killicon bleed.png (Bleeding) 40 damage over 5 seconds 54 damage over 5 seconds N/A
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Bonk! Atomic Punch
N/A 1 N/A
N/A 1 N/A
Mad Milk
Mad Milk
N/A 1 N/A
Mutated Milk
Mutated Milk


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon bat.png 0.5 seconds 35 47 105
Holy Mackerel
Holy Mackerel
Killicon holy mackerel.png
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed Combat
Killicon unarmed combat.png
Killicon batsaber.png
Killicon sandman.png 0.5 seconds 35 47 105
Killicon sandman ball.png 0.25 - 10 seconds 15 20 45
Candy Cane
Candy Cane
Killicon candy cane.png 0.5 seconds 35 47 105
Boston Basher
Boston Basher
Killicon boston basher.png 0.5 seconds 35 47 105
Killicon bleed.png (Bleeding) 40 damage over 5 seconds 54 damage over 5 seconds N/A
Three-Rune Blade
Three-Rune Blade
Killicon three-rune blade.png 0.5 seconds 35 47 105
Killicon bleed.png (Bleeding) 40 damage over 5 seconds 54 damage over 5 seconds N/A
Killicon sun-on-a-stick.png 0.5 seconds 26 35 79
Fan O'War
Fan O'War
Killicon fan o'war.png 0.5 seconds 9 N/A 26
Killicon atomizer.png 0.5 seconds 30 40 89
Wrap Assassin
Wrap Assassin
Killicon wrap assassin.png 0.5 seconds 12 17 37
Killicon sandman ball.png 0.25 - 7.5 seconds 15 20 45
Killicon bleed.png (Bleeding) 40 damage over 5 seconds 54 damage over 5 seconds N/A

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Grand Slam
Grand Slam
Killicon grand slam.png Sandman
Sandman: 500
Atomizer: 425
5 seconds
(Kill time) 4 seconds
The Scout points to the sky, winds up, and swings a deadly blow.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Killicon rocket launcher.png 4 20 105-112 50-90 24-48 122-151 135-270
Killicon original.png
Direct Hit
Direct Hit
Killicon direct hit.png 4 20 133-140 74-112 30-59 152-189 169-338
Black Box
Black Box
Killicon black box.png 3 20 105-112 50-90 24-48 122-151 135-270
Rocket Jumper
Rocket Jumper
N/A 4 60 0
Liberty Launcher
Liberty Launcher
Killicon liberty launcher.png 5 20 79-84 38-68 18-36 91-114 101-203
Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Killicon cow mangler 5000.png 4 105-112 50-90 24-48 122-151 135-270 (D/H)
Killicon fire.png (Afterburn) 48 damage over 6 seconds 60 damage over 6 seconds N/A
Beggar's Bazooka
Beggar's Bazooka
Killicon beggar's bazooka.png 0-3 20 105-112 50-90 24-48 122-151 135-270
Air Strike
Air Strike
Killicon air strike.png 4-8 20 90-95 42-76 20-40 103-129 115-230


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-121 180
Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter
Killicon reserve shooter.png 4 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-121 180
Buff Banner
Buff Banner
Battalion's Backup
Battalion's Backup
Killicon mantreads.png N/A 10 + 3x Fall Damage N/A
Righteous Bison
Righteous Bison
Killicon righteous bison.png 4 22-24 (per tick) 18-20 (per tick) 11-12 (per tick) 27-32 (per tick) 60 (per tick)
B.A.S.E. Jumper
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 104-108 29-72 3-10 97-146 216


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon shovel.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon equalizer.png 0.8 seconds 33~107
Pain Train
Pain Train
Killicon pain train.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon half-zatoichi.png 0.8 seconds 65/Instant 88/Instant 195/Instant
Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Action
Killicon disciplinary action.png 0.8 seconds 49 66 146
Market Gardener
Market Gardener
Killicon market gardener.png 0.96 seconds 65 88 195
Escape Plan
Escape Plan
Killicon escape plan.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Grenade (taunt)
Killicon grenade (taunt).png Equalizer
Escape Plan
500 3.7 seconds
(Kill time) 0.5 seconds
The Soldier throws his weapon, cracks his knuckles, rips a Grenade from his bandolier and pulls the pin. The blast kills him and any enemy within 96 Hammer units (roughly 1.8 meters or 6 feet).
Lumbricus Lid
Lumbricus Lid
Killicon hhg.png
Equalizer or Escape Plan with Lumbricus Lid equipped 500 3.7 seconds
(Kill time) 0.5 seconds
The Soldier throws his weapon, cracks his knuckles, rips a Holy Hand Grenade from his bandolier and pulls the pin. The blast kills him and any enemy within 96 Hammer units (roughly 1.8 meters or 6 feet), while an "angellic choir" sings. Only appears with Lumbricus Lid equipped.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Flame Thrower
Killicon flame thrower.png 200 N/A 6.82 per particle (D/D) 4.09 per particle (D/D) (M/R) N/A 6-9 per particle (D/D) 3x Base damage (see range), per particle, then rounded. 12-20 (D/D)
(Afterburn) 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max) 100 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Killicon rainblower.png 200 N/A 6.82 per particle (D/D) 4.09 per particle (D/D) (M/R) N/A 6-9 per particle (D/D) 3x Base damage (see range), per particle, then rounded. 12-20 (D/D)
(Afterburn) 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max) 100 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Nostromo Napalmer
Nostromo Napalmer
Killicon nostromo napalmer.png 200 N/A 6.82 per particle (D/D) 4.09 per particle (D/D) (M/R) N/A 6-9 per particle (D/D) 3x Base damage (see range), per particle, then rounded. 12-20 (D/D)
(Afterburn) 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max) 100 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Killicon backburner.png 200 N/A 6.82 per particle (D/D) 4.09 per particle (D/D) (M/R) N/A 6-9 per particle (D/D) 3x Base damage (see range), per particle, then rounded. 12-20 (D/D)
(Afterburn) 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max) 100 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Killicon degreaser.png 200 N/A 6.82 per particle (D/D) 4.09 per particle (D/D) (M/R) N/A 6-9 per particle (D/D) 3x Base damage (see range), per particle, then rounded. 12-20 (D/D)
(Afterburn) 6 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 20 damage over 10 sec (max) 40 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Killicon phlogistinator.png 200 N/A 6.82 per particle (D/D) 4.09 per particle (D/D) (M/R) N/A 6-9 per particle (D/D) 3x Base damage (see range), per particle, then rounded. 12-20 (D/D)
(Afterburn) 24 damage over 3 sec (minimum), 80 damage over 10 sec (max) 100 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Dragon's Fury
Dragon's Fury
Killicon dragon's fury.png 40 N/A 25 (75 to burning enemies and buildings) 25 (75 to burning enemies and buildings) (M/R) N/A 34 (102 to burning enemies) 75 (225 to burning enemies)
(Afterburn) 16 damage over 2 seconds 20 damage over 2 seconds N/A


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-122 180
Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter
Killicon reserve shooter.png 4 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-122 180
Flare Gun
Flare Gun
Killicon flare gun.png 1 16 30 41 90
(Afterburn) 60 damage over 7.5 seconds 75 damage over 7.5 seconds N/A
Killicon detonator.png 1 16 23 (D/H)
11-21 (splash)
30 (D/H)
15-29 (splash)
68 (D/H)
34-63 (splash)
(Afterburn) 60 damage over 7.5 seconds 75 damage over 7.5 seconds N/A
Killicon manmelter.png 1 30 41 90
(Afterburn) 60 damage over 7.5 seconds 75 damage over 7.5 seconds N/A
Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot
Killicon scorch shot.png 1 16 20 26 59
(Afterburn) 60 damage over 7.5 seconds 75 damage over 7.5 seconds N/A
Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 104-108 29-72 3-10 97-146 216
Thermal Thruster
Thermal Thruster
Killicon mantreads.png 2 10 + 3x Fall Damage
Gas Passer
Gas Passer
N/A 1 N/A


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Fire Axe
Fire Axe
Killicon fire axe.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon lollichop.png
Killicon axtinguisher.png 0.8 seconds 44 Non-burning: 59
Burning: 86 - 167
Non-burning: 131
Burning: 191 - 371
Postal Pummeler
Postal Pummeler
Killicon postal pummeler.png
Killicon homewrecker.png 0.8 seconds 49 66 146
Killicon maul.png
Killicon powerjack.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Back Scratcher
Back Scratcher
Killicon back scratcher.png 0.8 seconds 81 110 244
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Killicon sharpened volcano fragment.png 0.8 seconds 52 70 156
(Afterburn) 60 damage over 7.5 seconds 75 damage over 7.5 seconds N/A
Third Degree
Third Degree
Killicon third degree.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Neon Annihilator
Neon Annihilator
Killicon neon annihilator.png 0.8 seconds 52 70 156
Hot Hand
Hot Hand
Killicon hot hand.png 1.0 second 28 38 84

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Killicon hadouken.png Shotgun
Flare Gun
Reserve Shooter
Gas Passer
Hot Hand
Panic Attack
(ammo needed)
500 3.7 seconds
(Kill time) 2 seconds
The Pyro gathers chi and delivers a Hadouken-like fireball that can kill multiple foes.
N/A Phlogistinator
(ammo needed)
Enables a crit boost and gives the player invulnerability for the duration of the taunt, once the Mmmph bar is full 2 seconds The Pyro thrusts its weapon in the air while cackling triumphantly or yelling; as it does such, they receive invulnerability for the duration of the taunt and the Pyro is crit-boosted for 10 seconds.
Killicon armageddon.png Rainblower
(ammo needed)
400 (Deals base damage to the first target, then every next target gets half the damage of the last one (so 400, 200, 100 etc)) 5.2 seconds
(Kill time) 3 seconds
A fiery Armageddon erupts from the Pyro, inflicting possibly fatal fire damage to any enemy slow, unaware, or simply unfortunate enough to be within range. Its wide range of fire is capable of hitting multiple targets at once.
Killicon execution.png Scorch Shot
(ammo needed)
420 3.3 seconds
(Kill time) 2 seconds
The Pyro fires a flare from the Scorch Shot, which inflicts the weapon's normal 15 base damage at medium or long range, and 400 damage at close range.
Gas Blast
Gas Blast
Killicon gas blast.png Thermal Thruster 500 6.6 seconds
(Kill time) 4.8 seconds
The Pyro lights a match, turns around, and places it by their rear, immediately followed by releasing a lethally large burst of fire from the Thermal Thruster.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Killicon grenade launcher.png 4 16 100 (D/H)
30-60 (splash)
135 (D/H)
41-81 (splash)
300 (D/H)
90-180 (splash)
Killicon loch-n-load.png 3 16 100 (D/H) 135 (D/H) 300 (D/H)
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Killicon loose cannon.png 4 16 30-60 (splash) 41-81 (splash) 90-180 (splash)
Killicon loose cannon pushed.png 50 38 25 34-68 (D/H) 75-150 (D/H)
B.A.S.E. Jumper
B.A.S.E. Jumper
Iron Bomber
Iron Bomber
Killicon iron bomber.png 4 16 100 (D/H)
30-60 (splash)
135 (D/H)
41-81 (splash)
300 (D/H)
90-180 (splash)


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Stickybomb Launcher
Stickybomb Launcher
Killicon stickybomb launcher.png 8 24 60-138 81-162 353 (Point blank)
Scottish Resistance
Scottish Resistance
Killicon scottish resistance.png 8 36 60-138 81-162 353 (Point blank)
Chargin' Targe
Chargin' Targe
Killicon chargin' targe.png N/A 50 + 5 per head (up to 5 heads) N/A 68 + 7 per head (up to 5 heads) N/A
Sticky Jumper
Sticky Jumper
N/A 8 72 0
Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Killicon splendid screen.png N/A 85 + 8.5 per head (up to 5 heads) N/A 115 + 11.5 per head (up to 5 heads) N/A
Tide Turner
Tide Turner
Killicon tide turner.png N/A 50 + 5 per head (up to 5 heads) N/A 68 + 7 per head (up to 5 heads) N/A
Quickiebomb Launcher
Quickiebomb Launcher
Killicon quickiebomb launcher.png 4 24 51-117 69-138 300 (Point blank)


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon bottle.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Scottish Handshake
Scottish Handshake
Killicon scottish handshake.png
Killicon eyelander.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png
Nessie's Nine Iron
Nessie's Nine Iron
Killicon nessie's nine iron.png
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Killicon scotsman's skullcutter.png 0.8 seconds 78 105 234
Pain Train
Pain Train
Killicon pain train.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Ullapool Caber
Ullapool Caber
Killicon ullapool caber explode.png 0.96 seconds 55 74 165
Killicon ullapool caber.png (Detonation) 66-83 89-112 225
Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr
Killicon claidheamh mòr.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon half-zatoichi.png 0.8 seconds 65/Instant 88/Instant 195/Instant
Persian Persuader
Persian Persuader
Killicon persian persuader.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Barbarian Swing
Barbarian Swing
Killicon barbarian swing.png Eyelander
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Claidheamh Mòr
Persian Persuader
Nessie's Nine Iron
500 5 seconds
(Kill time) 2.5 seconds
The Demoman winds up and beheads any foe within range. Decapitating someone with this taunt adds to the weapon's head count, if it has one.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon minigun.png 200 N/A 50-54 5-30 5-10 48-72 (12-18 per bullet) 108 (27 per bullet)
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Killicon iron curtain.png
Killicon natascha.png 200 N/A 37-40 4-22 4-7 36-56 (9-14 per bullet) 81 (20.25 per bullet)
Brass Beast
Brass Beast
Killicon brass beast.png 200 N/A 60-65 6-36 6-11 60-88 (15-22 per bullet) 130 (32.4 per bullet)
Killicon tomislav.png 200 N/A 52-54 9-34 5-10 48-72 (12-18 per bullet) 108 (27 per bullet)
Huo-Long Heater
Huo-Long Heater
Killicon huo-long heater.png 200 N/A 41-48 5-27 4-9 44-66 (11-16 per bullet) 97 (24.3 per bullet)
(Afterburn) 64 damage over 8 seconds 80 damage over 8 seconds N/A


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-121 180
Family Business
Family Business
Killicon family business.png 8 32 74-76 20-52 3-10 70-100 153
N/A 1 N/A
Dalokohs Bar
Dalokohs Bar
N/A 1 N/A
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
N/A 1 N/A
Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 104-108 29-72 3-10 97-146 216
Second Banana
Second Banana
N/A 1 N/A


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon fists.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon apoco-fists.png
Killing Gloves of Boxing
Killing Gloves of Boxing
Killicon killing gloves of boxing.png 0.96 seconds 65 88 195
Gloves of Running Urgently
Gloves of Running Urgently
Killicon gloves of running urgently.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Bread Bite
Bread Bite
Killicon bread bite.png
Warrior's Spirit
Warrior's Spirit
Killicon warrior's spirit.png 0.8 seconds 85 114 254
Fists of Steel
Fists of Steel
Killicon fists of steel.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Eviction Notice
Eviction Notice
Killicon eviction notice.png 0.48 seconds 26 35 78
Holiday Punch
Holiday Punch
Killicon holiday punch.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 0

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
High Noon
High Noon
Killicon high noon.png Fists
Holiday Punch
500 4.3 seconds
(Kill time) 1.8 seconds
The Heavy mimics a quick-draw Showdown and slays any foe in his sight.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-121 180
Frontier Justice
Frontier Justice
Killicon frontier justice.png 3 32 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-121 180 (Buff crit only)
Killicon widowmaker.png 1 per 30 Metal† 200 Metal† 86-90 24-67 3-10 81-121 180
Pomson 6000
Pomson 6000
Killicon pomson 6000.png 4 68-72 44-60 32-34 57-81 180
Rescue Ranger
Rescue Ranger
Killicon rescue ranger.png 4 16 57-60 26-40 21-23 54-81 120
Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 104-108 29-72 3-10 97-146 216

†Ammo for this weapon comes from the Engineer's reserve of metal.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon pistol.png 12 200 20-22 10-15 8-9 20-30 45
Killicon lugermorph.png
Killicon c.a.p.p.e.r.png
Killicon wrangler.png N/A N/A
Giger Counter
Giger Counter
Killicon giger counter.png
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
Killicon short circuit.png 1 per 5 Metal† 200 Metal† 10 N/A 14 N/A

†Ammo for this weapon comes from the Engineer's reserve of metal.


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon wrench.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Golden Wrench
Golden Wrench
Killicon golden wrench.png
Killicon gunslinger.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195 (Crit boost only)
Killicon gunslinger triple punch.png (Triple Punch) N/A 195 on third hit (without missing)
Southern Hospitality
Southern Hospitality
Killicon southern hospitality.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195 (Crit boost only)
Killicon bleed.png (Bleeding) 40 damage over 5 seconds 50 damage over 5 seconds N/A
Killicon jag.png 0.68 seconds 49 66 146
Eureka Effect
Eureka Effect
Killicon eureka effect.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195


Item Details
Item icon PDA Build.png

Construction PDA
Enables the Engineer to build Buildings.
Item icon PDA Destroy.png

Destruction PDA
Enables the Engineer to destroy his own Buildings.

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Guitar Smash
Guitar Smash
Killicon guitar smash.png Frontier Justice
(ammo needed)
500 4.2 seconds
(Kill time) 3.6 seconds
The Engineer strums his guitar, then smashes it over an enemy's head.
Arm Blender
Arm Blender
Killicon arm blender.png Gunslinger 1 (x14) + 500 4.5 seconds
(Kill time) 4 seconds
(Stun time) 3.2 seconds
The Engineer pulls the starter rope, his hand whirls, and he jams it into the enemy for a stun and a fatal burst of damage.
Eureka Effect Taunt
Eureka Effect Taunt
N/A Eureka Effect Teleports player to their Teleporter Exit or back to spawn. 2 seconds The Engineer raises his wrench into the air and lightning comes from it, teleporting him to spawn or to his Teleporter Exit.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Syringe Gun
Syringe Gun
Killicon syringe gun.png 40 150 10-12 6-10 5-6 14-16 30
Killicon blutsauger.png 40 150 10-12 6-10 5-6 14-16 30
Crusader's Crossbow
Crusader's Crossbow
Killicon crusader's crossbow.png 1 38 Damage 38, 75 57, 113 75, 150 N/A N/A
Mini-crits 51, 75 76, 113 101, 150
Critical 113, 75 169, 113 225, 150
Killicon overdose.png 40 150 9-10 5-9 4-5 11-14 26


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried <10 sec after injury >12.5 sec after injury >15 sec after injury ÜberCharge effect
Medi Gun
Medi Gun
N/A N/A 24/hps 48/hps 72/hps Invulnerability
N/A N/A 24/hps 48/hps 72/hps 100% Critical Hits
N/A N/A 33/hps 67/hps 100/hps 300% heal rate & stun/knock back immunity
N/A N/A 24/hps 48/hps 72/hps 75% damage resistance and 100% critical hit resistance to selected damage type


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon bonesaw.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon ubersaw.png 0.96 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon vita-saw.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Killicon amputator.png 0.8 seconds 52 70 156
Solemn Vow
Solemn Vow
Killicon solemn vow.png 0.88 seconds 65 88 195

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Spinal Tap
Killicon uberslice.png Ubersaw 1 + 500 4.3 seconds
(Kill time) 3 seconds
(Stun time) 2.2 seconds
The Medic stabs the target and stuns it, then yanks the weapon out, dealing 500 damage and earning 100% ÜberCharge.
N/A Kritzkrieg Heals the player by 11 health 4 seconds The Medic puts his face up to the barrel of his Kritzkrieg and inhales deeply, restoring 11 health to himself.
Medicating Melody
Medicating Melody
N/A Amputator Heals nearby teammates 4.2 seconds The Medic places the Amputator on his shoulder and pretends to play it as if it was a violin, healing nearby teammates.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Killicon sniper rifle.png 25 N/A 50-150 68-203 150-450 (Crit boost only)
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 150-450 (Headshot)
AWPer Hand
AWPer Hand
Killicon sniper rifle.png 25 N/A 50-150 68-203 150-450 (Crit boost only)
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 150-450 (Headshot)
Killicon huntsman.png 1 12 50-120 68-162 150-360 (Crit boost only)
Killicon huntsmanhs.png N/A 150-360 (Headshot)
Killicon flaming huntsman.png 50-120 68-162 150-360 (Crit boost only)
Killicon flaming huntsman afterburn.png (Afterburn) 60 damage over 10 seconds 80 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Fortified Compound
Fortified Compound
Killicon huntsman.png 1 12 50-120 68-162 150-360 (Crit boost only)
Killicon huntsmanhs.png N/A 150-360 (Headshot)
Killicon flaming huntsman.png 50-120 68-162 150-360 (Crit boost only)
Killicon flaming huntsman afterburn.png (Afterburn) 60 damage over 10 seconds 80 damage over 10 seconds N/A
Sydney Sleeper
Sydney Sleeper
Killicon sydney sleeper.png 25 N/A 50-150 68-203 150-450 (Crit boost only)
Bazaar Bargain
Bazaar Bargain
Killicon bazaar bargain.png 25 N/A 50-150 68-203 150-450 (Crit boost only)
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 150-450 (Headshot)
Killicon machina.png 25 N/A 50-173 68-234 150-518 (Crit boost only)
Killicon machina penetrate.png
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 150-518 (Headshot)
Killicon machina penetratehs.png
Shooting Star
Shooting Star
Killicon shooting star.png 25 N/A 50-173 68-234 150-518 (Crit boost only)
Killicon machina penetrate.png
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 150-518 (Headshot)
Killicon machina penetratehs.png
Hitman's Heatmaker
Hitman's Heatmaker
Killicon hitman's heatmaker.png 25 N/A 50-150 68-203 150-450 (Crit boost only)
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 150-450 (Headshot)
Killicon classic.png 25 N/A 50-150 68-203 150-450 (Crit boost only)
Killicon sniperriflehs.png N/A 450 (Headshot)


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon SMG.png 25 75 8-12 5-8 4-5 11-16 24
Cleaner's Carbine
Cleaner's Carbine
Killicon cleaner's carbine.png 20 75 8-12 5-8 4-5 11-16 24
N/A 1 N/A
Self-Aware Beauty Mark
Self-Aware Beauty Mark
N/A 1 N/A
Darwin's Danger Shield
Darwin's Danger Shield
Cozy Camper
Cozy Camper


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon kukri.png 0.8 seconds 65 88 195
Tribalman's Shiv
Tribalman's Shiv
Killicon tribalman's shiv.png 0.8 seconds 33 44 98
Killicon bleed.png (Bleeding) 48 damage over 6 seconds 60 damage over 6 seconds N/A
Killicon bushwacka.png 0.8 seconds 65 N/A 195
Killicon shahanshah.png 0.8 seconds 49 / 81 66 / 110 146 / 244

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Arrow Stab
Arrow Stab
Killicon arrow stab.png Huntsman
Fortified Compound
(ammo needed)
500 3.3 seconds
(Kill time) 2.2 seconds
(Stun time) 1 seconds
The Sniper jams an arrow into his foe and stuns the enemy, then pulls the arrow to kill them.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point blank Medium range Long range Mini-crits Critical
Killicon revolver.png 6 24 55-60 35-40 20-25 54-81 120
Big Kill
Big Kill
Killicon big kill.png
Killicon ambassador.png 6 24 46-51 31-34 18-19 24-69 54-102 (Headshot or buff crit only)
Killicon sniperriflehs.png
Killicon l'etranger.png 6 24 44-48 28-32 17-20 43-65 96
Killicon enforcer.png 6 24 55-60 35-40 20-25 54-81 120 (Buff crit only)
Killicon diamondback.png 6 24 46-51 31-34 18-19 46-69 102 (Buff crit only)


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon knife.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Sharp Dresser
Sharp Dresser
Killicon sharp dresser.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon sharp dresser backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Black Rose
Black Rose
Killicon black rose.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Your Eternal Reward
Your Eternal Reward
Killicon your eternal reward.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Wanga Prick
Wanga Prick
Killicon wanga prick.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Conniver's Kunai
Conniver's Kunai
Killicon conniver's kunai.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Big Earner
Big Earner
Killicon big earner.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Killicon spy-cicle.png 0.8 seconds 40 54 120
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)


Item Details
Disguise Kit

Disguise Kit

Enables the Spy to disguise himself.


Watch Cloak type Duration Details
Invis Watch

Invis Watch
Timed 10 seconds Enables the Spy to cloak. Can be replenished by collecting ammo or using a Dispenser, even while cloaked.
Enthusiast's Timepiece

Enthusiast's Timepiece

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger
Motion sensitive 6.6 seconds Enables the Spy to cloak. Motion sensitive, regenerates indefinitely when the Spy is standing still. Can be replenished by collecting ammo or using a Dispenser if the wearer is visible.
Dead Ringer

Dead Ringer
Feign Death 7 seconds If damage is taken, provides 75% damage reduction against initial attack, cloaks the Spy for 7 seconds, and drops a fake corpse. For 3 seconds, the Spy has perfect invisibility, a speed boost, and 65% damage resistance, which fades to 20% over time. Regular Cloak behavior after 3 seconds. Cannot be replenished by collecting Ammo or using a Dispenser if the wearer is visible. Uses a loud and distinctive decloaking sound.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Level 1 Building Level 2 Building Level 3 Building

Killicon electro sapper.png 1 150HP = 6 sec. 180HP = 7.2 sec. 216HP = 8.64 sec.
Killicon ap-sap.png
Snack Attack
Snack Attack
Killicon snack attack.png
Red-Tape Recorder
Red-Tape Recorder
Killicon red-tape recorder.png 1 N/A

Attack taunt

Kill icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Killicon fencing.png Knife
Your Eternal Reward
Conniver's Kunai
Big Earner
Wanga Prick
Black Rose
Golden Frying Pan
Prinny Machete
50 (Swings)
500 (Thrust)
5.2 seconds
(Kill time) 4 seconds
The Spy assumes a Fencing position and makes two quick slashes and one fatal thrust.

TF2 crosshair orange.png All classes

[↑ to top]


Weapon Kill icon Attack interval Damage
Point blank Mini-crits Critical
Killicon saxxy.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35Leaderboard class spy.png40) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47Leaderboard class spy.png54) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105Leaderboard class spy.png120)
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Freedom Staff
Freedom Staff
Killicon freedom staff.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Bat Outta Hell
Bat Outta Hell
Killicon bat outta hell.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Memory Maker
Memory Maker
Killicon memory maker.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Ham Shank
Ham Shank
Killicon ham shank.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Golden Frying Pan
Mann Up
Golden Frying Pan
Killicon golden frying pan.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35Leaderboard class spy.png40) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47Leaderboard class spy.png54) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105Leaderboard class spy.png120)
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)
Necro Smasher
Necro Smasher
Killicon necro smasher.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Crossing Guard
Crossing Guard
Killicon crossing guard.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105)
Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
Killicon prinny machete.png 0.8 seconds (Leaderboard class scout.png0.5 seconds) 65 (Leaderboard class scout.png35Leaderboard class spy.png40) 88 (Leaderboard class scout.png47Leaderboard class spy.png54) 195 (Leaderboard class scout.png105Leaderboard class spy.png120)
Killicon backstab.png (Backstab) N/A Six times the target's current health. (Backstab)

Usable by all classes except Engineer and Spy.
Usable by all classes except Spy.

Documentation for Weapon list

This template is a list to be used in the Weapons article and its translated variants.

If you wish to translate this, see also:

  • Template:Dictionary - Contains other strings that are used throughout the Wiki, as well as here:
    • /items - Holds info specifically about items.
    • /common strings - Specifies strings used over several templates.
See also