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{{update trans}}
<!-- Do not change the preview unusual to a Burning Flames Team Captain, this is not a good representation of the average unusual. -->
{{Backpack item
| style            = float: right; width: 350px; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1em 1em;
| item-name        = Napper's Respite
| quality          = Unusual
| item-kind        = {{item kind|Hat}}
| item-level      = 73
| unusual-effect  = {{item name|Circling Heart}}
| item-description = {{item description|Napper's Respite}}
{{Quotation|'''Soldierin''' mielipide epätavallisesta hatusta|Tämän miehen päässä ei ole mitään epätavallista!|sound=Soldier item maggot idle03.wav}}
'''Epätavallinen''' on [[item quality/fi|esinelaatu]], jota käytetään [[hats/fi|hatuissa]] ja joissakin [[miscellaneous items/fi|sekalaisissa esineissä]], joihin on kiinnitetty epätavallinen [[particle effects/fi|hiukkasefekti]], ja ne ovat eräitä ''[[Team Fortress 2/fi|TF2:n]]'' harvinaisimmista esineistä. Tällä hetkellä olemassa on '''{{itemcount|uc}}''' kosmetiikkaesinettä, joissa voi olla yksi '''{{itemcount|uce}}''' eri efektistä, '''{{itemcount|ut}}''' pilkkaa, joissa voi olla yksi '''{{itemcount|ute}}''' eri efektistä, ja '''{{itemcount|uw}}''' asetta, joissa voi olla yksi '''{{itemcount|uwe}}''' eri efektistä. Epätavallisia esineitä voi pääasiassa saada [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/fi|Mann Co:n tarvikelaatikoista]], kosmetiikkapakkauksista, arkuista tai sotamaalisalkuista. Mahdollisuus avata Epätavallinen esine laatikosta on {{tooltip|''alle 1%''|luultavasti ~0.66% tai 1/150 mahdollisuus}}.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20200215001408/https://tf2finance.com/rate/ Statistical analysis of TF2 unbox rate]</ref>  Epätavallisen esineitä voi saada mistä tahansa laatikosta, mutta tehosteet voivat vaihdella laatikon mukaan.
Epätavallisten esineiden heksadesimaalinen värikoodi on {{Qcc|8650AC}}.
== {{anchor|Epätavalliset tehosteet}} Epätavalliset tehosteet ==
=== Standard Series ===
Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series and all case series.
==== Series 1 ====
The first series of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#1|Series #1]] through [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#25|Series #25]], [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#88|Series #88]] through [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Active series#103|Series #103]], any [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Seriesless_crates#Unlocked_Cosmetic_Crates|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate]], and any cosmetic case. If obtained through a crate, the hat may be any hat from any Mann Co. Supply Crate. If obtained through a case or an unlocked cosmetic crate, the hat will be exclusive to that case or crate.
{{Series 1 Unusual effects}}
==== Series 2 ====
The second series of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Patch name|8|18|2011}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#26|Series #26]] through [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#57|Series #57]], [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#88|Series #88]] through [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Active series#103|Series #103]], any [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Seriesless_crates#Unlocked_Cosmetic_Crates|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate]], and any cosmetic case. If obtained through a crate, the hat may be any hat from any Mann Co. Supply Crate. If obtained through a case or an unlocked cosmetic crate, the hat will be exclusive to that case or crate.
{{Series 2 Unusual effects}}
==== Series 3 ====
The third series of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Patch name|6|19|2013}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#59|Series #59]] through [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#86|Series #86]], [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#88|Series #88]] through [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Active series#103|Series #103]], any [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Seriesless_crates#Unlocked_Cosmetic_Crates|Unlocked Cosmetic Crate]], and any cosmetic case. If obtained through a crate, the hat may be any hat from any Mann Co. Supply Crate. If obtained through a case or an unlocked cosmetic crate, the hat will be exclusive to that case or crate.
{{Series 3 Unusual effects}}
=== Summer Series ===
Summer Unusual effects can be found in specific Summer cases.
==== {{update name|Summer 2020 Pack}} ====
The first Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Summer 2020 Pack}} update. They can be obtained by opening a [[Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Summer 2020 Pack Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Summer 2021 Pack}} ====
The second Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Summer 2021 Pack}} update. They can be obtained by opening a [[Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Summer 2021 Pack Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Summer 2022 Pack}} ====
The third Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Summer 2022 Pack}} update. They can be obtained by opening a [[Summer 2022 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Summer 2022 Pack Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Summer 2023 Pack}} ====
The fourth Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Summer 2023}} update. They can be obtained by opening a [[Summer 2023 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Summer 2023 Unusual effects}}
=== Scream Fortress Series ===
Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates and cases.
==== {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}} ====
The first Scream Fortress series of Unusual Effects was added in the {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
{{Very Scary Halloween Special Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}} ====
The second Scream Fortress series of Unusual Effects was added in the {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
{{Spectral Halloween Special Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} ====
The third Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
{{Scream Fortress 2013 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}} ====
The fourth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}} update. They could be obtained in any crate or audition reel during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening an [[Unlocked Creepy Crate]].
{{Scream Fortress 2014 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} ====
The fifth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}} update. They can be obtained by opening a [[Gargoyle Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2015 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} ====
The sixth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}} update. They could be obtained in any crate, case, or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Creepy Crawly Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2016 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} ====
The seventh Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Violet Vermin Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2018 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} ====
The eighth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Spooky Spoils Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2019 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2020}} ====
The ninth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Wicked Windfall Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2020 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} ====
The tenth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Crimson Cache Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2021 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2022}} ====
The eleventh Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2022}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Ghoulish Gains Case]].
{{Scream Fortress 2022 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2023}} ====
The twelfth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2023}} update. They can currently be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event.
{{Scream Fortress 2023 Unusual effects}}
=== Smissmas Series ===
Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas cases.
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2019}} ====
The first Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2019}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Smissmas 2019 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2020}} ====
The second Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2020}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Smissmas 2020 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2021}} ====
The third Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2021}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Smissmas 2021 Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2022}} ====
The fourth Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2022}} update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a [[Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case]].
{{Smissmas 2022 Unusual effects}}
=== Miscellaneous Series ===
Miscellaneous Unusual effects are standalone and are not connected to any holiday.
==== {{item name|Community Sparkle}} ====
An exclusive type of Unusual effect was added in the {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}} meant for outstanding community members. It is automatically applied to [[Community (quality)|Community]] and [[Self-Made]] items.
{{Community Sparkle Unusual effects}}
==== {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}} ====
An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}} update. They can be obtained by opening a [[Robo Community Crate]].
{{Robotic Boogaloo Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Love & War Update}} ====
An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Love & War Update}}. They can be obtained through the [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Seriesless crates#Mann Co. Audition Reel|Mann Co. Audition Reel]], [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Seriesless crates#Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel|Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel]] and [[Unusualifier|Unusualifiers]].
{{Love & War Update Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|End of the Line Update}} ====
An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|End of the Line Update}}. They can be obtained by opening an [[End of the Line Community Crate]].
{{End of the Line Update Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Gun Mettle Update}} ====
An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}}. They can be obtained through [[Decorated]] and [[War Paint]] cases.
{{Gun Mettle Update Unusual effects}}
==== {{update name|Invasion Update}} ====
An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Invasion Update}}. They can be obtained through either a [[Confidential Collection Case]] or a [[Quarantined Collection Case]].
{{Invasion Community Update Unusual effects}}
== Muut Epätavalliset esineet ==
Kaksi erityistä Epätavallinen-laatuista esinettä lisättiin [[Scream Fortress Update/fi|Scream Fortress -päivityksessä]]: [[Haunted Metal Scrap/fi|Kirottu romumetalli]] ja [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/fi|Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejä]]. Kirottu romumetalli myönnetään kenelle tahansa pelaajalle, joka osallistuu [[Horseless Headless Horsemann/fi|Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen]] tappamiseen, kun taas Päänviejä voidaan saada luomalla se piirustuksella, johon Kirottu romumetalli kuuluu. Epätavallinen-esinelaatua lukuun ottamatta Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejä toimii identtisesti [[Eyelander/fi|Kaulankatkojaan]] verrattuna. Lisäksi kummallakaan näistä esineistä ei ole kiinnitettyä hiukkasefektiä.
{| align="center"
{{Backpack item
| style      = float: right; width: 350px; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1em 1em;
| item-name  = Haunted Metal Scrap
| loadout-prefix  = None
| quality          = Unusual
| item-kind        = Craft Item
| item-level      = 4
| item-description = This scrap metal was taken from the Horseless Headless Horsemann. It whispers faintly...'heads'...
| item-flags      = Achievement Item: Not Tradable or Marketable
{{Backpack item
{{Backpack item
| style      = float: right; width: 350px; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1em 1em;
| style      = float: right; width: 350px; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1em 1em;
| item-name  = Napper's Respite
| item-name  = Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
| quality   = Unusual
| quality         = unusual
| item-level = Level 1 - 100 Hat
| item-kind        = Kirves
| att-1-neutral    = Effect: Circling Heart
| item-description = Samojen pimeiden henkien kiroama kuin Silmäterä.
| item-description = After a long day of burning scouts.
| item-flags      = Ei voi vaihtaa tai myydä
| att-1-neutral    = Aseella on pitkä kantama lähitaistelussa ja se vedetään esiin ja laitetaan pois hitaammin
| att-2-negative  = Ei satunnaisia kriittisiä osumia
| att-3-negative  = -25 enimmäisterveys käyttäjälle
'''Erikoinen''' on [[item quality/fi|esinelaatu]] jota käytetään erikoisissa [[Hats/fi|hatuissa]] joissa on jonkuntyyppinen erikois[[particle effects/fi|efekti]]. Ainut mahdollinen tapa saada erikoinen hattu on avaamalla [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/fi|Mann Co. tarvikelaatikko]] [[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key/fi|tarvikelaatikon avaimella]], tai vaihtamalla. Erikoisen version hatusta pystyi myös saamaan [[Festive Winter Crate/fi|talvilaatikosta]] kun sen avasi [[Festive Winter Crate Key/fi|talvilaatikon avaimella]] [[Australian Christmas/fi|Australian Christmas]]in aikana.  
== Käyttämätön sisältö ==
=== Käyttämättömät Epätavalliset tehosteet ===
These effects either currently or previously existed in the game's files, but were left unused. They are named by their internal filenames, as they have no official names. Please note that certain effects have been modified to display correctly.
== Muut erikoiset tavarat ==
==== Currently unused effects ====
Kaksi muuta erikoista tavaraa lisättiin Scream Fortress päivityksessä: [[Haunted Metal Scrap/fi|Kirottu romumetalli]] sekä [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/fi|Ratsuttoman päättömän ratsumiehen päänviejä]]. Toisin kuten muilla erikoisilla tavaroilla, näillä tavaroille ei ole erikoisefektejä. Sekä Ratsuttoman päättömän ratsumiehen päänviejä on tilastollisesti identtinen [[Eyelander/fi|kaulankatkojan]] kanssa.
These effects currently exist in the files of the game, and aren't used anywhere.
Erikoinen tekstin värikoodi on {{Qcc|8650AC}}.
{{Unused Unusual effects}}
== Erillaiset efektit ==
==== Removed unused effects ====
{{See also|Particle effects}}
These effects previously existed in the files of the game, but have since been removed.
<gallery perrow="5">
File:Unusual Green Confetti.png| Green Confetti
File:Unusual purple Confetti.png| Purple Confetti
File:Unusual Ghost.png| Haunted Ghosts
File:Unusual green energy glow.png| Green Energy
File:Unusual purple energy.png| Purple Energy
File:Unusual tf2logo.png| Circling TF Logo
File:Unusual Flies.png| Massed Flies
File:Unusual Chieftain's Challenge normal burning fire effect.png| Burning Flames
File:Unusual Green Flame Effect.png | Scorching Flames
File:Unusual plasma effect 2.png| Searing Plasma
File:Vivid_Plasma.png| Vivid Plasma
File:Unusual_sunbeam.png| Sunbeams
File:Unusual Peace.png| Circling Peace Sign
File:Unusual Heart Effect.png| Circling Heart
File:Unusual Bubbling.png| Bubbles
File:Unusual Steaming.png| Steaming
File:Unusual Orbiting_Fire.png| Orbiting Fire
File:Unusual Orbiting_Planets.png| Orbiting Planets
File:Unusual Nuts_n'_Bolts.png| Nuts n' Bolts
File:Unusual Smoking.png| Smoking
File:Unusual Stormy_Storm.png| Stormy Storm
File:Unusual Blizzardy Storm.png| Blizzardy Storm
File:Unusual_Cloudy_Full_Moon.png| Cloudy Moon
File:Unusual_Orbiting_Dark_Fire.png| Eerie Orbiting Fire
File:Unusual_Orbiting_Jack_O%27_Lantern.png| Flaming Lantern
File:Unusual_Green_Bubbles.png| Cauldron Bubbles
{{Removed Unusual effects}}
== Lista erikoisista hatuista ==
== Lista Epätavallisista esineistä ==
{{Unusual quality checklist}}
{{Unusual quality table}}
== Päivityshistoria ==
== Päivityshistoria ==
'''[[September 30, 2010 Patch]]''' ([[Mann-Conomy Update]])
{{Update history|
* {{undocumented}} Added Unusual quality.
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ({{update link|Mann-Conomy Update}})
* {{undocumented}} Lisättiin Epätavallinen-laatu.
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}''' ({{update link|Manno-Technology Bundle}})
* {{Undocumented}} Lisättiin efektit Synkkä ja myrskyinen yö, Synkkä ja luminen yö, Pultteja ja muttereita, Kiertävät planeetat, Kiertävä tulipallo, Kupliva, Savuava ja Höyryävä.
'''{{Patch name|8|23|2011}}'''
* Auringonsäteet-efekti korjattiin.
'''{{Patch name|10|27|2011}}''' ({{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}})
* {{Undocumented}} Lisättiin efektit Pilvinen kuu, Aavemainen kiertävä tuli, Liekehtivä lyhty ja Kattilan kuplat.
'''{{Patch name|10|26|2012}}''' ({{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}})
* {{Undocumented}} Lisättiin efektit Veitsimyrsky, Utuinen kallo, Punainen täysikuu, Olkoon se salaisuus kaikille sekä Synkkä ja myrskyinen.
'''{{Patch name|5|17|2013}}''' ({{update link|Robotic Boogaloo}})
* {{Undocumented}} Lisättiin efektit Pakkasneste, Elektrostaattinen, Vihreä Musta Aukko, Muistivuoto, Ylikellottunut, Fosforinen, Virtapiikki, Roboaktiivinen, Rikkinen ja Aikasiirtymä.
'''{{Patch name|6|5|2013}}'''
* Unusual effects:
** Attachment point and offset for particle effects on unusual hats can now be adjusted from the character loadout screen
** Fixed a bug that would cause unusual effects to float in the air over dead players
** Fixed a bug that would cause unusual effects to show incorrectly sometimes when spectating other players
'''{{Patch name|6|19|2013}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Gen 3 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Aces High, Cloud 9, Dead Presidents, Disco Beat Down, Kill-a-Watt, Miami Nights, Terror-Watt
'''{{Patch name|7|11|2013}}'''
* Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2013}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2013]])
* Enabled Halloween themed Unusual Effects to be found from Mann Co Supply Crates
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2013 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Arcana, Chiroptera Venenata, Darkblaze, Demonflame, Hellfire, Poisoned Shadows, Something Burning This Way Comes, Spellbound
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2013}}''' ([[Smissmas 2013]])
* Unusual effect positioning can now be adjusted for all Cosmetic-slot items
* Unusual Circling Effects have been given a new origin
* Unusual effects for all Cosmetic-slot items are now visible in the loadout panel and character HUD
'''{{Patch name|6|18|2014}}''' ([[Love & War Update]])
* Added the Mann Co. Audition Reel. Contains taunts and a rare chance at an unusual taunt
* Updated Mann Co. Crates to display which Unusual Series they can potentially output
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Love & War effects:
** Taunt effects: '72, Fountain of Delight, Holy Grail, Mega Strike, Midnight Whirlwind, Screaming Tiger, Showstopper, Silver Cyclone, Skill Gotten Gains
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2014}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2014]])
* During Scream Fortress VI:
** All Unusual hats and taunts that are unboxed during the event will receive Halloween-themed Unusual effects
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2014 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Amaranthine, Bonzo The All-Gnawing, Ghastly Ghosts Jr, Haunted Phantasm Jr, Stare From Beyond, The Ooze
** Taunt effects: Ghastly Ghosts, Haunted Phantasm
'''{{Patch name|11|4|2014}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Renamed two Unusual effects
** Haunted Phantasm Jr to Ghastly Ghosts Jr
** Attrib_Particle86 to Haunted Phantasm Jr
'''{{Patch name|12|8|2014}} #1''' ([[End of the Line Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following End of the Line Update effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Death at Dusk, Frostbite, Molten Mallard, Morning Glory
'''{{Patch name|1|9|2015}}'''
* Fixed the Mega Strike unusual taunt effect showing through walls
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2015}}'''
* Fixed some Unusual particle effects not drawing correctly
'''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}''' ([[Gun Mettle Update]])
* Fixed not seeing unusual effects during demo playback and while connected to SourceTV
* Crate descriptions now display a checkmark beside listed potential items that the player already owns at least one of, regardless of quality and discounting Stock weapons. Possessing an unusual displays a star instead of a checkmark.
** This also applies to Decorated weapon descriptions, showing which weapons of that collection the player has in their backpack.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Gun Mettle Update effects:
** Weapon effects: Cool, Energy Orb, Hot, Isotope
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed character loadout menus so they display the particle effects for all equipped Unusual items
'''{{Patch name|10|6|2015}}''' ([[Invasion Community Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Invasion Community Update effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Abduction, Ancient Codex, Atomic, Electric Hat Protector, Galactic Codex, Magnetic Hat Protector, Nebula, Subatomic, Voltaic Hat Protector
'''{{Patch name|10|12|2015}}'''
* Fixed Unusual versions of the Taunt: Burstchester not displaying their Unusual effects
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2015}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2015]])
* Mann Co Supply Crates will have a chance for a {{botignore|classic}} Halloween Unusual effect
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2015 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Ancient Eldritch, Death by Disco, Eldritch Flame, Ether Trail, It's a mystery to everyone, It's a puzzle to me, Nether Trail
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2015}}'''
* Fixed the Invasion Unusual effect "Subatomic" being off-center
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ([[Tough Break Update]])
* Fixed a bug where Unusual Slider was not properly saving
'''{{Patch name|7|28|2016}}'''
* Fixed not seeing particle effects for Unusual versions of Baseball Bill's Sports Shine, Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative, and Texas Slim's Dome Shine
'''{{Patch name|10|21|2016}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2016]])
* Added a taunt Unusualifier
** A new tool that will Unusualify the specified taunt with the Unusual effect listed in the tool's description
** Can be found as a random bonus item when opening a Creepy Crawly Case
* Added 8 new community-created Unusual effects
** 4 new effects for Unusual hats
** 4 new effects for Unusual taunts
* The chance to receive an Unusual item from a case opening has been increased during the event
* All cases and Mann Co. Supply Crates will grant Halloween 2016 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2016 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Neutron Star, Starstorm Insomnia, Starstorm Slumber, Tesla Coil
** Taunt effects: Hellish Inferno, Infernal Flames, Infernal Smoke, Spectral Swirl
'''{{Patch name|11|18|2016}}'''
* Returned Unusual drop chances and possible particles effects to their original values now that Halloween has ended
'''{{Patch name|11|21|2016}}'''
* Taunt Unusualifiers apply non-Halloween Unusual effects now that Halloween has ended
'''{{Patch name|6|2|2017}}'''
* Fixed the Neutron Star unusual effect being occasionally displaced after the player respawns
'''{{Patch name|10|20|2017}}''' ([[Jungle Inferno Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Removed the Energy Orb unusual effect from all [[decorated]] cases.
'''{{Patch name|12|1|2017}}'''
* Fixed rendering issues with the Infernal Flames, Infernal Smoke, Cloudy Moon, It's A Secret To Everybody, Ancient Eldritch, Eldritch Flame, and Death by Disco unusual effects.
'''{{Patch name|12|13|2017}}'''
* Fixed a rendering issue with the Spectral Swirl unusual effect
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2017}} #1''' ([[Smissmas 2017]])
* Fixed a rendering issue with the Misty Skull unusual effect
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2018}} #1'''
* Fixed the Community Sparkle particle effect not drawing on the viewmodel for players with Community and Self-Made weapons
* Updated the Harvest Moon, Dead Presidents, and Circling Peace Sign unusual effects to fix display problems
* Updated The [[Jag]] to fix a problem with the Isotope unusual effect
'''{{Patch name|10|19|2018}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2018]])
* Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
** 11 new effects for Unusual hats
** 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
* All cases will grant Halloween 2018 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2018 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Brain Drain, Clairvoyance, Galactic Gateway, Head of Steam, Omniscient Orb, Open Mind, Ring of Fire, The Dark Doorway, The Eldritch Opening, Vicious Circle, White Lightning
** Taunt effects: Acidic Bubbles of Envy, Flammable Bubbles of Attraction, Ominous Night, Poisonous Bubbles of Regret, Roaring Rockets, Spooky Night
'''{{Patch name|10|25|2018}}'''
* Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect
'''{{Patch name|10|30|2018}}'''
* Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect
'''{{Patch name|12|19|2018}}''' ([[Smissmas 2018]])
* Updated the Starstorm Slumber unusual effect to fix a display problem
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2019}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2019]])
* Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
** 12 new effects for Unusual hats
** 8 new effects for Unusual taunts
* All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2019 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2019 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Abyssal Aura, Ethereal Essence, Fifth Dimension, Ghastly Grove, Menacing Miasma, Mystical Medley, Twisted Radiance, Valiant Vortex, Verdant Vortex, Vicious Vortex, Violet Vortex, Wicked Wood
** Taunt effects: Accursed, Bewitched, Eerie Lightning, Enchanted, Jarate Shock, Nether Void, Static Mist, Terrifying Thunder
'''{{Patch name|12|16|2019}}''' ([[Smissmas 2019]])
* Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
** 11 new effects for Unusual hats
** 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Smissmas 2019 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Defragmenting Reality, Fragmented Gluons, Fragmented Photons, Fragmented Quarks, Fragmenting Reality, Frozen Icefall, Pyroland Daydream, Refragmenting Reality, Snowblinded, Snowfallen, Sparkling Lights
** Taunt effects: Arctic Aurora, Festive Spirit, Good-Hearted Goodies, Magical Spirit, Winter Spirit, Wintery Wisp
'''{{Patch name|8|21|2020}}''' ([[Summer 2020 Pack]])
* Added 4 new community-created Unusual effects
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Summer 2020 Pack effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Aromatica, Bee Swarm, Chromatica, Frisky Fireflies, Kaleidoscope, Prismatica, Smoldering Spirits, Verdatica, Wandering Wisps
'''{{Patch name|10|1|2020}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2020]])
* Added 19 new community-created Unusual effects
** 8 new effects for Unusual hats
** 11 new effects for Unusual taunts
* All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2020 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2020 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Green Giggler, Laugh-O-Lantern, Plum Prankster, Pyroland Nightmare, Gravelly Ghoul, Vexed Volcanics, Gourdian Angel, Pumpkin Party
** Taunt effects: Arachnid Assault, Arcane Assistance, Astral Presence, Pyrophoric Personality, Creepy Crawlies, Emerald Allurement, Spectral Escort, Spellbound Aspect, Static Shock, Toxic Terrors, Veno Shock
'''{{Patch name|10|2|2020}} #1'''
* Updated the timing of the Static Shock and Veno Shock unusual effects
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2020}}''' ([[Smissmas 2020]])
* Added 19 new community-created Unusual effects
** 12 new effects for Unusual hats
** 7 new effects for Unusual taunts
* All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2020 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Smissmas 2020 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Blighted Snowstorm, Distant Dream, Divine Desire, Frozen Fractals, Genus Plasmos, Lavender Landfall, Mirthful Mistletoe, Pale Nimbus, Serenus Lumen, Special Snowfall, Ventum Maris, Violent Wintertide
** Taunt effects: Apotheosis, Ascension, Delightful Star, Frosted Star, Reindoonicorn Rancher, Shimmering Lights, Twinkling Lights
'''{{Patch name|6|22|2021}} #1''' ([[Summer 2021 Pack]])
* Added 6 new community-created Unusual effects
* Moved [[vdc:Materials|materials]] for the community particle effects into the {{code|Effects/workshop}} sub-folder to distinguish them from Valve materials
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Summer 2021 Pack effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Aggradation, Ardentum Saturnalis, Flavorsome Sunset, Fragrancium Elementalis, Iridescence, Lucidation, Perennial Petals, Raspberry Bloom, Resonation, Reverium Irregularis, Stunning
* {{Undocumented}} Updated the Gravelly Ghoul and Vexed Volcanics Unusual effects.
'''{{Patch name|9|16|2021}}'''
* Updated the Resonation, Aggradation, and Lucidation unusual effects to fix a problem when taunting
'''{{Patch name|10|5|2021}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2021]])
* Added 28 new community-created Unusual effects
** 15 new effects for Unusual hats
** 13 new effects for Unusual taunts
* All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2021 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2021 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Tempered Thorns, Devilish Diablo, Severed Serration, Shrieking Shades, Restless Wraiths, Infernal Wraith, Phantom Crown, Ancient Specter, Viridescent Peeper, Eyes of Molten, Ominous Stare, Pumpkin Moon, Frantic Spooker, Frightened Poltergeist, Energetic Haunter
** Taunt effects: Spectral Shackles, Cursed Confinement, Cavalier de Carte, Hollow Flourish, Magic Shuffle, Vigorous Pulse, Thundering Spirit, Galvanic Defiance, Wispy Halos, Nether Wisps, Aurora Borealis, Aurora Australis, Aurora Polaris
'''{{Patch name|10|8|2021}}'''
* Updated the Shrieking Shades Unusual effect to prevent a naming conflict with another effect
* Updated the Spectral Shackles Unusual effect to fix some material and rendering issues
* Updated the Thundering Spirit Unusual effect to fix a missing glow effect
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2021}}'''
* Updated border color for Unusual items in the loadout menu
'''{{Patch name|12|2|2021}}''' ([[Smissmas 2021]])
* Added 27 new community-created Unusual effects
** 16 new effects for Unusual hats
** 11 new effects for Unusual taunts
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Smissmas 2021 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Smissmas Tree, Hospitable Festivity, Condescending Embrace, Sparkling Spruce, Glittering Juniper, Prismatic Pine, Spiraling Lights, Twisting Lights, Stardust Pathway, Flurry Rush, Spark of Smissmas, Polar Forecast, Shining Stag, Holiday Horns, Ardent Antlers, Festive Lights
** Taunt effects: Amethyst Winds, Golden Gusts, Smissmas Swirls, Minty Cypress, Pristine Pine, Sparkly Spruce, Festive Fever, Golden Glimmer, Frosty Silver, Glamorous Dazzle, Sublime Snowstorm
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2021}}'''
* Renamed Smissmas Swirl Unusual effect to Spiraling Lights
* Updated Polar Forecast, Spiraling Lights, and Twisting Lights Unusual effects
'''{{Patch name|12|8|2021}}'''
* Updated the Smissmas Tree Unusual effect to improve performance
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2021}}'''
* Updated Spark of Smissmas Unusual effect
** Fixed some slight coloring issues
** Adjusted lifetime values
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2021}}'''
* Updated Winter Spirit, Festive Spirit, and Magical Spirit Unusual taunt effects with performance improvements
'''{{Patch name|1|5|2022}}'''
* Updated Minty Cypress, Pristine Pine, and Sparkly Spruce Unusual taunt effects to improve visibility in bright areas
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2022}}'''
* Fixed looping particle effects being orphaned when players are killed or force-respawned
* Updated Smissmas Swirls, Amethyst Winds, and Golden Gusts Unusual effects
** Fixed visibility issues in bright environments
** Reduced delay before the swirls start in order to accommodate short taunts
* Updated Sparkling Spruce, Glittering Juniper, and Prismatic Pine Unusual effects
** Raised the default height of the effect in order to prevent clipping issues
* Updated the Sparkling Lights Unusual effect
** Fixed visibility issues in bright environments
* Updated Condescending Embrace Unusual effect
** Fixed the effect not moving when taunting
'''{{Patch name|3|29|2022}}'''
* Fixed particle effects regression when players are killed
'''{{Patch name|7|7|2022}}'''
* Fixed not being able to adjust the offset for a cosmetic item's Unusual effect
'''{{Patch name|7|29|2022}}''' ([[Summer 2022 Pack]])
* Added 29 new community-created Unusual effects
** 29 new effects for Unusual hats
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Summer 2022 Pack effects:
** Cosmetic effects: {{item name|Crustacean Sensation}}, {{item name|Frosted Decadence}}, {{item name|Sprinkled Delights}}, {{item name|Terrestrial Favor}}, {{item name|Tropical Thrill}}, {{item name|Flourishing Passion}}, {{item name|Dazzling Fireworks}}, {{item name|Blazing Fireworks}}, {{item name|Shimmering Fireworks}}, {{item name|Twinkling Fireworks}}, {{item name|Sparkling Fireworks}}, {{item name|Glowing Fireworks}}, {{item name|Glimmering Fireworks}}, {{item name|Flying Lights}}, {{item name|Limelight}}, {{item name|Shining Star}}, {{item name|Cold Cosmos}}, {{item name|Refracting Fractals}}, {{item name|Startrance}}, {{item name|Starlush}}, {{item name|Starfire}}, {{item name|Stardust}}, {{item name|Contagious Eruption}}, {{item name|Daydream Eruption}}, {{item name|Volcanic Eruption}}, {{item name|Divine Sunlight}}, {{item name|Audiophile}}, {{item name|Soundwave}}, {{item name|Synesthesia}}
'''{{Patch name|8|11|2022}}'''
* Updated the Cold Cosmos Unusual effect to fix a parenting issue
* Updated Contagious Eruption, Daydream Eruption, and Volcanic Eruption Unusual effects
** Fixed the highlight glow detaching itself from the effects and moving in the direction the player is moving
** Fixed the effects being almost invisible in bright areas
'''{{Patch name|10|5|2022}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2022]])
* Added 25 new community-created Unusual effects
** 12 new effects for Unusual hats.
** 13 new effects for Unusual taunts.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2022 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: {{item name|Haunted Kraken}}, {{item name|Eerie Kraken}}, {{item name|Soulful Slice}}, {{item name|Horsemann's Hack}}, {{item name|Haunted Forever!}}, {{item name|Forever and Forever!}}, {{item name|Cursed Forever!}}, {{item name|Moth Plague}}, {{item name|Malevolent Monoculi}}, {{item name|Haunted Wick}}, {{item name|Wicked Wick}}, {{item name|Spectral Wick}}
** Taunts effects: {{item name|Marigold Ritual}}, {{item name|Pungent Poison}}, {{item name|Blazed Brew}}, {{item name|Mysterious Mixture}}, {{item name|Linguistic Deviation}}, {{item name|Aurelian Seal}}, {{item name|Runic Imprisonment}}, {{item name|Prismatic Haze}}, {{item name|Rising Ritual}}, {{item name|Bloody Grip}}, {{item name|Toxic Grip}}, {{item name|Infernal Grip}}, {{item name|Death Grip}}
'''{{Patch name|10|11|2022}} #1'''
* Fixed {{item name|Horsemann's Hack}} unusual effect not being visible in bright areas and optimized the particle count.
'''{{Patch name|12|5|2022}}''' ([[Smissmas 2022]])
* Added 17{{sic}} new community-created Unusual effects
** 8{{sic}} new effects for Unusual hats
** 9{{sic}} new effects for Unusual taunts
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Smissmas 2022 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: {{item name|Musical Maelstrom}}, {{item name|Verdant Virtuoso}}, {{item name|Silver Serenade}}, {{item name|Cosmic Constellations}}, {{item name|Dazzling Constellations}}, {{item name|Tainted Frost}}, {{item name|Starlight Haze}}
** Taunts effects: {{item name|Charged Arcane}}, {{item name|Thunderous Rage}}, {{item name|Convulsive Fiery}}, {{item name|Festivized Formation}}, {{item name|Twirling Spirits}}, {{item name|Squash n' Twist}}, {{item name|Midnight Sparklers}}, {{item name|Boundless Blizzard}}
'''{{Patch name|12|6|2022}}'''
* Updated Musical Maelstrom, Verdant Virtuoso, and Silver Serenade effects to fix max particle count.
'''{{Patch name|12|14|2022}}'''
* Updated Tainted Frost unusual effect to fix a problem with the material.
'''{{Patch name|7|12|2023}} #1''' ([[Summer 2023]])
* Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
** 12 new effects for Unusual hats
** 8 new effects for Unusual taunts
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Summer 2023 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Hard Carry, Jellyfish Field, Jellyfish Hunter, Jellyfish Jam, Global Clusters, Celestial Starburst, Sylicone Succiduous, Sakura Smoke Bomb, Treasure Trove, Bubble Breeze, Fireflies, Mountain Halo
** Taunts effects: Deepsea Rave, Pastel Trance, Solar Scorched, Floppin' Frenzy, Wildflower Meadows, Blooming Beacon, Beaming Beacon, Blazing Beacon
'''{{Patch name|7|12|2023|no-link=yes}} #2'''
* Fixed a transparency issue with the Hard Carry Unusual effect.
'''{{Patch name|7|20|2023}} #1'''
* Fixed geometry collision issue with the Wildflower Meadows Unusual effect.
* Fixed the Deepsea Rave Unusual effect's ground particles not being visible on some surfaces.
* Fixed Bubble Breeze, Global Clusters, Celestial Starburst, and Sylicone Succiduous Unusual effects not following moving players.
'''{{Patch name|7|27|2023}}'''
* Fixed the Pastel Trance Unusual taunt effect not drawing two Balloonicorns.
'''{{Patch name|8|31|2023}}'''
* Fixed the floor particles for the Pastel Trance Unusual taunt effect sometimes drawing full white.
'''{{Patch name|10|9|2023}} #1''' ([[Scream Fortress 2023]])
* Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
** 13 new effects for Unusual hats
** 7 new effects for Unusual taunts
* {{Undocumented}} Added the following Scream Fortress 2023 effects:
** Cosmetic effects: Celestial Summit, Stellar Ascent, Sapped, Hellspawned Horns, Demonic Impaler, Revenant's Rack, Sixth Sense, Amygdala, The Bone Zone, Arachne's Web, Acidic Climate, Otherworldly Weather, Nightmarish Storm
** Taunts effects: Deep-sea Devourer, Eldritch Horror, Autumn Leaves, Dead Man's Party, Potion Explosion, Haunted Cremation, Cremation
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2023}}'''
* Fixed Celestial Summit and Stellar Ascent Unusual effects not following moving players
* Updated the Sapped Unusual effect to fix visibility issues in bright environments
* Updated the Nightmarish Storm, Acidic Climate, and Otherworldly Weather Unusual effects to fix a problem with the lock rotation
* Updated the Eldritch Horror and Deep-sea Devourer Unusual taunt effects to fix a problem with flickering
'''{{Patch name|10|19|2023}}'''
* Updated the Celestial Summit Unusual effect to reduce the particle count
* Updated the Potion Explosion Unusual taunt effect to remove the delay when starting the effect
* Updated the Dead Man's Party Unusual taunt effect
** Added fades to hand sprites
** Improved effect composition on fast-moving taunts
** Fixed some particle sorting issues
'''[[August 18, 2011 Patch]]''' ([[Manno-Technology Bundle]])
== Bugs ==
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Media:Unusual_Stormy_Storm.png|Stormy Storm]], [[Media:Unusual_Blizzardy_Storm.png|Blizzardy Storm]], [[Media:Unusual_Nuts_n'_Bolts.png|Nuts n' Bolts]],[[Media:Unusual_Orbiting_Planets.png|Orbiting Planets]], [[Media:Unusual_Orbiting_Fire.png|Orbiting Fire]], [[Media:Unusual_Bubbling.png|Bubbling]], [[Media:Unusual_Smoking.png|Smoking]], [[Media:Unusual_Steaming.png|Steaming]] unusual effects.
[[File:floatingunusualeffect.jpg|thumb|300px|A floating unusual effect]]
[[File:largecirclingeffect.jpg|thumb|300px|A circling unusual effect with a very large orbit distance]]
* One end of the particle effect on Kill-a-Watt or Terror-Watt may randomly attach to temporarily random areas of a map, causing the effect to stretch from the point through any walls to the wearer's head.
* Unusual effects may sometimes detach from the player after moving enough or taunting.
* Rarely, 'circling' Unusual effects may orbit their wearer at a much further distance than usual.
* Sometimes, a weapon Unusual effect can block a player's first person view, only resetting once the player dies or has their loadout refreshed.<ref>[[:File:Energy orb blocking view.gif|The Energy Orb Unusual effect, shown blocking a player's first-person view]]</ref>
* Unusual taunt effects that attach to the player's body do not appear properly in the loadout or inspect menu.
'''[[August 23, 2011 Patch]]'''
== Notes ==
* Fixed sunbeams effect.
* Community contributors whose Unusual effects are accepted through the [[Steam Workshop]] are awarded a [[Self-Made]] [[Unusual Cap]].
* Some items with Unusual effects cannot be unboxed, such as the [[Finder's Fee]], the [[Unusual Cap]], items with [[Community (quality)|Community quality]], Self-Made items, and the [[World Traveler's Hat]].
'''[[October 27, 2011 Patch]]''' ([[Very Scary Halloween Special]])
== Trivia ==
* Olkoon se salaisuus kaikille -efektin englanninkielinen nimi "It's A Secret To Everybody" viittaa kuuluisaan lauseeseen pelisarjassa [[W:fi::The Legend of Zelda|The Legend of Zelda]].
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[Media:Unusual_Cloudy_Full_Moon.png|Cloudy Moon]], [[Media:Unusual_Orbiting_Dark_Fire.png|Eerie Orbiting Fire]], [[Media:Unusual_Orbiting_Jack_O%27_Lantern.png|Flaming Lantern]], [[Media:Unusual_Green_Bubbles.png|Cauldron Bubbles]] unusual effects.
== Lähteet ==
== Katso myös ==
* {{item link|Cosmetic items}}
{{Quality nav}}
{{Quality Nav}}

Latest revision as of 07:17, 10 January 2024

Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Napper's Respite.png

Epätavallinen Torkkujan aikalisä
Tason 73 hattu
★ Epätavallinen tehoste: Kiertävä sydän
Kun takana on pitkä päivä tiedustelijoiden polttamista.

Tämän miehen päässä ei ole mitään epätavallista!
Soldierin mielipide epätavallisesta hatusta

Epätavallinen on esinelaatu, jota käytetään hatuissa ja joissakin sekalaisissa esineissä, joihin on kiinnitetty epätavallinen hiukkasefekti, ja ne ovat eräitä TF2:n harvinaisimmista esineistä. Tällä hetkellä olemassa on 631 kosmetiikkaesinettä, joissa voi olla yksi 307 eri efektistä, 106 pilkkaa, joissa voi olla yksi 155 eri efektistä, ja 44 asetta, joissa voi olla yksi 5 eri efektistä. Epätavallisia esineitä voi pääasiassa saada Mann Co:n tarvikelaatikoista, kosmetiikkapakkauksista, arkuista tai sotamaalisalkuista. Mahdollisuus avata Epätavallinen esine laatikosta on alle 1%.[1] Epätavallisen esineitä voi saada mistä tahansa laatikosta, mutta tehosteet voivat vaihdella laatikon mukaan.

Epätavallisten esineiden heksadesimaalinen värikoodi on #8650AC.

Epätavalliset tehosteet

Standard Series

Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series and all case series.

Series 1

The first series of standard Unusual effects was added in the Mann-Conomy-päivitys. They can be obtained in crates Series #1 through Series #25, Series #88 through Series #103, any Unlocked Cosmetic Crate, and any cosmetic case. If obtained through a crate, the hat may be any hat from any Mann Co. Supply Crate. If obtained through a case or an unlocked cosmetic crate, the hat will be exclusive to that case or crate.

Series 1 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Green Confetti.png
Unusual Purple Confetti.png
Unusual Haunted Ghosts.png
Unusual Green Energy.png
Unusual Purple Energy.png
Unusual Circling TF Logo.png
Vihreä serpentiini Violetti serpentiini Vainotut kummitukset Vihreä energia Violetti energia Kiertävä TF-logo
Unusual Massed Flies.png
Unusual Burning Flames.png
Unusual Scorching Flames.png
Unusual Searing Plasma.png
Unusual Vivid Plasma.png
Unusual Sunbeams.png
Kärpäspilvi Polttavat liekit Kärventävät liekit Polttava plasma Kirkas plasma Auringonsäteet
Unusual Circling Peace Sign.png
Unusual Circling Heart.png
Kiertävä rauhanmerkki Kiertävä sydän

Series 2

The second series of standard Unusual effects was added in the 18. elokuuta 2011 -päivitys. They can be obtained in crates Series #26 through Series #57, Series #88 through Series #103, any Unlocked Cosmetic Crate, and any cosmetic case. If obtained through a crate, the hat may be any hat from any Mann Co. Supply Crate. If obtained through a case or an unlocked cosmetic crate, the hat will be exclusive to that case or crate.

Series 2 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Stormy Storm.png
Unusual Blizzardy Storm.png
Unusual Nuts n' Bolts.png
Unusual Orbiting Planets.png
Unusual Orbiting Fire.png
Unusual Bubbling.png
Synkkä ja myrskyinen yö Synkkä ja luminen yö Pultteja ja muttereita Kiertävät planeetat Kiertävä tulipallo Kupliva
Unusual Smoking.png
Unusual Steaming.png
Savuava Höyryävä

Series 3

The third series of standard Unusual effects was added in the 19. kesäkuuta 2013 -päivitys. They can be obtained in crates Series #59 through Series #86, Series #88 through Series #103, any Unlocked Cosmetic Crate, and any cosmetic case. If obtained through a crate, the hat may be any hat from any Mann Co. Supply Crate. If obtained through a case or an unlocked cosmetic crate, the hat will be exclusive to that case or crate.

Series 3 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Kill-a-Watt.png
Unusual Terror-Watt.png
Unusual Cloud 9.png
Unusual Aces High RED.png
Unusual Aces High BLU.png
Unusual Dead Presidents.png
Hattiwatti Kauhuwatti Pilvissä RED BLU Kuolleet presidentit
Unusual Miami Nights.png
Unusual Disco Beat Down.png
Miamin valot Diskobiitti

Summer Series

Summer Unusual effects can be found in specific Summer cases.

Kesä 2020-pakkaus

The first Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the Kesä 2020-pakkaus update. They can be obtained by opening a Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case.

Kesä 2020-pakkaus Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Verdatica.png
Unusual Aromatica.png
Unusual Chromatica.png
Unusual Prismatica.png
Unusual Bee Swarm.png
Unusual Frisky Fireflies.png
Verdaattinen Aromaattinen Kromaattinen Prismaattinen Ampiaisparvi Tuikkivat tulikärpäset
Unusual Smoldering Spirits.png
Unusual Wandering Wisps.png
Unusual Kaleidoscope.png
Hehkuvat henget Vaeltavat valot Kaleidoskooppi

Kesä 2021-pakkaus

The second Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the Kesä 2021-pakkaus update. They can be obtained by opening a Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case.

Kesä 2021-pakkaus Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Resonation.png
Unusual Aggradation.png
Unusual Lucidation.png
Unusual Stunning.png
Unusual Ardentum Saturnalis.png
Unusual Fragrancium Elementalis.png
Resonaatio Kerrostuminen Selkeytys Tyrmäävä Ardentum saturnalis Fragrancium elementalis
Unusual Reverium Irregularis RED.png
Unusual Reverium Irregularis BLU.png
Unusual Perennial Petals.png
Unusual Flavorsome Sunset.png
Unusual Raspberry Bloom.png
Unusual Iridescence.png
RED BLU Ikuiset terälehdet Maukas auringonlasku Vadelmakukoistus Värien kimallus
Reverium irregularis

Kesä 2023-pakkaus

The third Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the Kesä 2023-pakkaus update. They can be obtained by opening a Summer 2022 Cosmetic Case.

Kesä 2023-pakkaus Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Crustacean Sensation RED.png
Unusual Crustacean Sensation BLU.png
Unusual Frosted Decadence RED.png
Unusual Frosted Decadence BLU.png
Unusual Sprinkled Delights.png
Unusual Terrestrial Favor.png
RED BLU RED BLU Sprinkled Delights Terrestrial Favor
Crustacean Sensation Frosted Decadence
Unusual Tropical Thrill.png
Unusual Flourishing Passion.png
Unusual Dazzling Fireworks.png
Unusual Blazing Fireworks.png
Unusual Shimmering Fireworks.png
Unusual Twinkling Fireworks.png
Tropical Thrill Flourishing Passion Dazzling Fireworks Blazing Fireworks Shimmering Fireworks Twinkling Fireworks
Unusual Sparkling Fireworks.png
Unusual Glowing Fireworks.png
Unusual Glimmering Fireworks.png
Unusual Flying Lights RED.png
Unusual Flying Lights BLU.png
Unusual Limelight.png
Sparkling Fireworks Glowing Fireworks Glimmering Fireworks RED BLU Limelight
Flying Lights
Unusual Shining Star.png
Unusual Cold Cosmos.png
Unusual Refracting Fractals.png
Unusual Startrance RED.png
Unusual Startrance BLU.png
Unusual Starlush.png
Shining Star Cold Cosmos Refracting Fractals RED BLU Starlush
Unusual Starfire.png
Unusual Stardust.png
Unusual Contagious Eruption.png
Unusual Daydream Eruption.png
Unusual Volcanic Eruption.png
Unusual Divine Sunlight.png
Starfire Stardust Contagious Eruption Daydream Eruption Volcanic Eruption Divine Sunlight
Unusual Audiophile.png
Unusual Soundwave.png
Unusual Synesthesia.png
Audiophile Soundwave Synesthesia

Kesä 2023-päivitys

The fourth Summer series of Unusual effects was added in the Kesä 2023-päivitys update. They can be obtained by opening a Summer 2023 Cosmetic Case.

Kesä 2023-päivitys Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Hard Carry RED.png
Unusual Hard Carry BLU.png
Unusual Jellyfish Field RED.png
Unusual Jellyfish Field BLU.png
Unusual Jellyfish Hunter.png
Unusual Jellyfish Jam.png
RED BLU RED BLU Jellyfish Hunter Jellyfish Jam
Hard Carry Jellyfish Field
Unusual Global Clusters.png
Unusual Celestial Starburst.png
Unusual Sylicone Succiduous.png
Unusual Sakura Smoke Bomb.png
Unusual Treasure Trove.png
Unusual Bubble Breeze.png
Global Clusters Taivaan tähtisade Sylicone Succiduous Sakura Smoke Bomb Aarrekätkö Bubble Breeze
Unusual Fireflies.png
Unusual Mountain Halo.png
Fireflies Mountain Halo
Taunt effects
Unusual Deepsea Rave RED.png
Unusual Deepsea Rave BLU.png
Unusual Pastel Trance RED.png
Unusual Pastel Trance BLU.png
Unusual Solar Scorched.png
Unusual Floppin' Frenzy.png
RED BLU RED BLU Solar Scorched Floppin' Frenzy
Deepsea Rave Pastel Trance
Unusual Wildflower Meadows.png
Unusual Blooming Beacon.png
Unusual Beaming Beacon.png
Unusual Blazing Beacon.png
Wildflower Meadows Blooming Beacon Beaming Beacon Blazing Beacon

Scream Fortress Series

Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates and cases.

Hyvin Pelottava Halloween-Spesiaali

The first Scream Fortress series of Unusual Effects was added in the Hyvin Pelottava Halloween-Spesiaali. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Hyvin Pelottava Halloween-Spesiaali Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Flaming Lantern.png
Unusual Cloudy Moon.png
Unusual Cauldron Bubbles.png
Unusual Eerie Orbiting Fire.png
Liekehtivä lyhty Pilvinen kuu Kattilan kuplat Aavemainen kiertävä tuli

Aavemainen Halloween-spesiaali

The second Scream Fortress series of Unusual Effects was added in the Aavemainen Halloween-spesiaali. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Aavemainen Halloween-spesiaali Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Knifestorm.png
Unusual Misty Skull.png
Unusual Harvest Moon.png
Unusual It's A Secret To Everybody.png
Unusual Stormy 13th Hour.png
Veitsimyrsky Utuinen kallo Punainen täysikuu Olkoon se salaisuus kaikille Synkkä ja myrskyinen

Scream Fortress 2013

The third Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2013 update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Scream Fortress 2013 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Arcana.png
Unusual Spellbound.png
Unusual Chiroptera Venenata.png
Unusual Poisoned Shadows.png
Unusual Something Burning This Way Comes.png
Unusual Hellfire.png
Mystinen hetki Lumoutunut Virvatuli Myrkkyvarjot Paha saapuu liekin taa Helvetin lieskat
Unusual Darkblaze.png
Unusual Demonflame.png
Pimeä loimu Kiirastuli

Scream Fortress 2014

The fourth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2014 update. They could be obtained in any crate or audition reel during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening an Unlocked Creepy Crate.

Scream Fortress 2014 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Bonzo The All-Gnawing.png
Unusual Amaranthine.png
Unusual Stare From Beyond.png
Unusual The Ooze.png
Unusual Ghastly Ghosts Jr.png
Unusual Haunted Phantasm Jr.png
Kaikenkaluava Bonzo Utelias usva Haudantakainen haritus Klöntin paluu Karmivien kummituksien paluu Haihtuvaiset haamut
Taunt effects
Unusual Haunted Phantasm.png
Unusual Ghastly Ghosts.png
Himmenevät haamut Karmivat kummitukset

Scream Fortress 2015

The fifth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2015 update. They can be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case.

Scream Fortress 2015 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Death by Disco.png
Unusual It's a mystery to everyone.png
Unusual It's a puzzle to me.png
Unusual Ether Trail.png
Unusual Nether Trail.png
Unusual Ancient Eldritch.png
Peilipallo pääkallopaikalla Se on mysteeri kaikille Se on mysteeri minulle Eteerinen elämys Manalan vana Iänikuisen vanha
Unusual Eldritch Flame.png
Muinainen liekki

Scream Fortress 2016

The sixth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2016 update. They could be obtained in any crate, case, or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Creepy Crawly Case.

Scream Fortress 2016 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Neutron Star.png
Unusual Tesla Coil.png
Unusual Starstorm Insomnia.png
Unusual Starstorm Slumber.png
Neutronitähti Teslakäämi Unettoman tähtisade Unisen tähtisade
Taunt effects
Unusual Hellish Inferno.png
Unusual Spectral Swirl.png
Unusual Infernal Flames.png
Unusual Infernal Smoke.png
Helvetillinen kiirastuli Aavemainen pyörre Pirulliset lieskat Pirullinen savu

Scream Fortress 2018

The seventh Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2018 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Violet Vermin Case.

Scream Fortress 2018 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Brain Drain.png
Unusual Open Mind.png
Unusual Head of Steam.png
Unusual Galactic Gateway.png
Unusual The Eldritch Opening.png
Unusual The Dark Doorway.png
Aivokaivo Puistattava päähänpinttymä Kupliva höyrypää Aika-ikkuna avaruuteen Tuomiopäivän varjo Pimeyden portti
Unusual Ring of Fire.png
Unusual Vicious Circle.png
Unusual White Lightning.png
Unusual Omniscient Orb.png
Unusual Clairvoyance.png
Tulirengas Katkera kehä Valkovasama Kaikkinäkevä kuula Selvä näky
Taunt effects
Unusual Acidic Bubbles of Envy.png
Unusual Flammable Bubbles of Attraction.png
Unusual Poisonous Bubbles of Regret.png
Unusual Roaring Rockets.png
Unusual Spooky Night.png
Unusual Ominous Night.png
Kateudesta vihreät kaasukuplat Kiintoa herättävät kipinäkuplat Menneisyyden mielipahan myrkkykuplat Raivoisat raketit Karmaiseva kuunvalo Hermostuttava hämärä

Scream Fortress 2019

The eighth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2019 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Spooky Spoils Case.

Scream Fortress 2019 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Fifth Dimension.png
Unusual Vicious Vortex.png
Unusual Menacing Miasma.png
Unusual Abyssal Aura.png
Unusual Wicked Wood.png
Unusual Ghastly Grove.png
Viides Ulottuvuus Paheellinen pyörremyrsky Merkillinen miasma Abyssaalinen aura Hirvittävä metsä Aavelehto
Unusual Mystical Medley.png
Unusual Ethereal Essence.png
Unusual Twisted Radiance.png
Unusual Violet Vortex.png
Unusual Verdant Vortex.png
Unusual Valiant Vortex.png
Mystinen sekoitus Eteerinen esanssi Kieroutunut kirkkaus Violetti pyörre Vehreä pyörre Uljas pyörre
Taunt effects
Unusual Bewitched.png
Unusual Accursed.png
Unusual Enchanted.png
Unusual Static Mist.png
Unusual Eerie Lightning.png
Unusual Terrifying Thunder.png
Noiduttu Viheliäinen Lumottu Staattinen sumu Outo salamointi Uhmaava ukkonen
Unusual Jarate Shock.png
Unusual Nether Void.png
Jarate-shokki Maanalainen tyhjiö

Scream Fortress 2020

The ninth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2020 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Wicked Windfall Case.

Scream Fortress 2020 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Green Giggler.png
Unusual Laugh-O-Lantern.png
Unusual Plum Prankster.png
Unusual Pyroland Nightmare.png
Unusual Gravelly Ghoul.png
Unusual Vexed Volcanics.png
Vihreä virnuilija Naurava kurpitsalyhty Lila keppostelija Pyromaan painajainen Pelottava paha henki Vulkaaninen ärsytys
Unusual Gourdian Angel.png
Unusual Pumpkin Party.png
Kurpitsaenkeli Kurpitsapippalot
Taunt effects
Unusual Spectral Escort.png
Unusual Astral Presence.png
Unusual Arcane Assistance RED.png
Unusual Arcane Assistance BLU.png
Unusual Emerald Allurement.png
Unusual Pyrophoric Personality.png
Aavemaiset seuralaiset Astraali läsnäolo RED BLU Smaragdinvihreä vetovoima Itsestäänsyttyvä luonne
Arvoitukselliset apurit
Unusual Spellbound Aspect.png
Unusual Static Shock.png
Unusual Veno Shock.png
Unusual Toxic Terrors.png
Unusual Arachnid Assault.png
Unusual Creepy Crawlies.png
Lumoutunut olemus Staattinen shokki Myrkkyisku Myrkylliset riiviöt Hämähäkkihyökkäys Karmivat kiipelijät

Scream Fortress 2021

The tenth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2021 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Crimson Cache Case.

Scream Fortress 2021 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Tempered Thorns.png
Unusual Devilish Diablo.png
Unusual Severed Serration.png
Unusual Shrieking Shades.png
Unusual Restless Wraiths RED.png
Unusual Restless Wraiths BLU.png
Tempered Thorns Devilish Diablo Severed Serration Shrieking Shades RED BLU
Restless Wraiths
Unusual Infernal Wraith.png
Unusual Phantom Crown.png
Unusual Ancient Specter.png
Unusual Viridescent Peeper.png
Unusual Eyes of Molten.png
Unusual Ominous Stare.png
Infernal Wraith Haamukruunu Ancient Specter Viridescent Peeper Eyes of Molten Ominous Stare
Unusual Pumpkin Moon.png
Unusual Frantic Spooker.png
Unusual Frightened Poltergeist.png
Unusual Energetic Haunter.png
Kurpitsakuu Säikky säikyttelijä Säikähtänyt räyhähenki Pirteä pelottelija
Taunt effects
Unusual Spectral Shackles.png
Unusual Cursed Confinement.png
Unusual Cavalier de Carte RED.png
Unusual Cavalier de Carte BLU.png
Unusual Hollow Flourish.png
Unusual Magic Shuffle.png
Aavemaiset kahleet Kirottu vankeus RED BLU Koristeellinen korttitemppu Sielupakan sekoitus
Korttien kavaljeeri
Unusual Vigorous Pulse.png
Unusual Thundering Spirit.png
Unusual Galvanic Defiance.png
Unusual Wispy Halos.png
Unusual Nether Wisps.png
Unusual Aurora Borealis.png
Vigorous Pulse Thundering Spirit Galvanic Defiance Wispy Halos Nether Wisps Revontulet
Unusual Aurora Australis.png
Unusual Aurora Polaris.png
Aurora Australis Napa-alueen revontulet

Scream Fortress 2022

The eleventh Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2022 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Ghoulish Gains Case.

Scream Fortress 2022 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Haunted Kraken.png
Unusual Eerie Kraken.png
Unusual Soulful Slice.png
Unusual Horsemann's Hack.png
Unusual Haunted Forever! RED.png
Unusual Haunted Forever! BLU.png
Haunted Kraken Eerie Kraken Soulful Slice Horsemann's Hack RED BLU
Haunted Forever!
Unusual Forever And Forever!.png
Unusual Cursed Forever!.png
Unusual Moth Plague.png
Unusual Malevolent Monoculi.png
Unusual Haunted Wick RED.png
Unusual Haunted Wick BLU.png
Aina ja ikuisesti! Cursed Forever! Moth Plague Malevolent Monoculi RED BLU
Haunted Wick
Unusual Wicked Wick.png
Unusual Spectral Wick.png
Wicked Wick Spectral Wick
Taunt effects
Unusual Marigold Ritual RED.png
Unusual Marigold Ritual BLU.png
Unusual Pungent Poison.png
Unusual Blazed Brew.png
Unusual Mysterious Mixture.png
Unusual Linguistic Deviation.png
RED BLU Pungent Poison Blazed Brew Mysterious Mixture Linguistic Deviation
Marigold Ritual
Unusual Aurelian Seal.png
Unusual Runic Imprisonment RED.png
Unusual Runic Imprisonment BLU.png
Unusual Prismatic Haze.png
Unusual Rising Ritual RED.png
Unusual Rising Ritual BLU.png
Aurelian Seal RED BLU Prismatic Haze RED BLU
Runic Imprisonment Rising Ritual
Unusual Bloody Grip RED.png
Unusual Bloody Grip BLU.png
Unusual Toxic Grip.png
Unusual Infernal Grip.png
Unusual Death Grip.png
RED BLU Toxic Grip Infernal Grip Death Grip
Bloody Grip

Scream Fortress XV

The twelfth Scream Fortress series of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress XV update. They can currently be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event.

Scream Fortress XV Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Celestial Summit.png
Unusual Stellar Ascent.png
Unusual Sapped RED.png
Unusual Sapped BLU.png
Unusual Hellspawned Horns RED.png
Unusual Hellspawned Horns BLU.png
Taivaan huippu Tähtiin nousu RED BLU RED BLU
Tyhjennetty Hellspawned Horns
Unusual Demonic Impaler.png
Unusual Revenant's Rack.png
Unusual Sixth Sense RED.png
Unusual Sixth Sense BLU.png
Unusual Amygdala.png
Unusual The Bone Zone.png
Demonic Impaler Revenant's Rack RED BLU Amygdala The Bone Zone
Sixth Sense
Unusual Arachne's Web.png
Unusual Acidic Climate.png
Unusual Otherworldly Weather.png
Unusual Nightmarish Storm.png
Arachne's Web Happosade Ylimaallinen sääilmiö Painajaismyrsky
Taunt effects
Unusual Deep-sea Devourer.png
Unusual Eldritch Horror.png
Unusual Autumn Leaves.png
Unusual Dead Man's Party.png
Unusual Potion Explosion.png
Unusual Haunted Cremation.png
Syvänmeren syöjä Käsittämätön kauhunaihe Autumn Leaves Hautuumaan bileet Räjähtävä rohto Haunted Cremation
Unusual Cremation.png

Smissmas Series

Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas cases.

Smissmas 2019

The first Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2019 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case.

Smissmas 2019 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Sparkling Lights.png
Unusual Frozen Icefall.png
Unusual Fragmented Gluons.png
Unusual Fragmented Quarks.png
Unusual Fragmented Photons.png
Unusual Defragmenting Reality RED.png
Välkkyvät valot Jääputous Hajanaiset gluonit Hajaantuneet kvarkit Hajanaiset fotonit RED
Eheytyvä todellisuus
Unusual Defragmenting Reality BLU.png
Unusual Fragmenting Reality.png
Unusual Refragmenting Reality.png
Unusual Snowfallen.png
Unusual Snowblinded.png
Unusual Pyroland Daydream RED.png
BLU Hajautuva todellisuus Uudelleenhajautuva todellisuus Lumiputous Lumisokaisu RED
Eheytyvä todellisuus Pyromaan päiväuni
Unusual Pyroland Daydream BLU.png
Pyromaan päiväuni
Taunt effects
Unusual Good-Hearted Goodies.png
Unusual Wintery Wisp.png
Unusual Arctic Aurora.png
Unusual Winter Spirit.png
Unusual Festive Spirit.png
Unusual Magical Spirit.png
Hyväntahtoiset hajalahjat Talvinen häive Arktinen aurora Talven henki Juhlan henki Loitsun henki

Smissmas 2020

The second Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2020 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case.

Smissmas 2020 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Frozen Fractals.png
Unusual Lavender Landfall.png
Unusual Special Snowfall.png
Unusual Divine Desire.png
Unusual Distant Dream.png
Unusual Violent Wintertide.png
Jääkristallit Laventelinen hiutaletanssi Erityinen lumisade Ylimaallinen toive Kaukainen haave Violetti tuisku
Unusual Blighted Snowstorm.png
Unusual Pale Nimbus.png
Unusual Genus Plasmos.png
Unusual Serenus Lumen.png
Unusual Ventum Maris.png
Unusual Mirthful Mistletoe RED.png
Raivoava lumimyrsky Kalpea sadepilvi Genus Plasmos Kirkas taivas Merituuli RED
Hilpeä mistelinoksa
Unusual Mirthful Mistletoe BLU.png
Hilpeä mistelinoksa
Taunt effects
Unusual Delightful Star.png
Unusual Frosted Star.png
Unusual Apotheosis.png
Unusual Ascension.png
Unusual Reindoonicorn Rancher RED.png
Unusual Reindoonicorn Rancher BLU.png
Ihastuttava tähti Jäinen tähti Täydellistymä Kohoaminen RED BLU
Unusual Twinkling Lights.png
Unusual Shimmering Lights.png
Tuikkivat valot Kimmeltävät valot

Smissmas 2021

The third Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2021 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case.

Smissmas 2021 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Smissmas Tree.png
Unusual Hospitable Festivity.png
Unusual Condescending Embrace RED.png
Unusual Condescending Embrace BLU.png
Unusual Sparkling Spruce.png
Unusual Glittering Juniper.png
Smissmas Tree Hospitable Festivity RED BLU Sparkling Spruce Glittering Juniper
Condescending Embrace
Unusual Prismatic Pine.png
Unusual Spiraling Lights.png
Unusual Twisting Lights.png
Unusual Stardust Pathway.png
Unusual Flurry Rush.png
Unusual Spark of Smissmas RED.png
Prismatic Pine Spiraling Lights Twisting Lights Stardust Pathway Flurry Rush RED
Spark of Smissmas
Unusual Spark of Smissmas BLU.png
Unusual Polar Forecast.png
Unusual Shining Stag.png
Unusual Holiday Horns.png
Unusual Ardent Antlers RED.png
Unusual Ardent Antlers BLU.png
BLU Polar Forecast Shining Stag Holiday Horns RED BLU
Spark of Smissmas Ardent Antlers
Unusual Festive Lights.png
Festive Lights
Taunt effects
Unusual Amethyst Winds.png
Unusual Golden Gusts.png
Unusual Smissmas Swirls RED.png
Unusual Smissmas Swirls BLU.png
Unusual Minty Cypress.png
Unusual Pristine Pine.png
Amethyst Winds Golden Gusts RED BLU Minty Cypress Pristine Pine
Smissmas Swirls
Unusual Sparkly Spruce RED.png
Unusual Sparkly Spruce BLU.png
Unusual Festive Fever RED.png
Unusual Festive Fever BLU.png
Unusual Golden Glimmer.png
Unusual Frosty Silver.png
RED BLU RED BLU Golden Glimmer Frosty Silver
Sparkly Spruce Festive Fever
Unusual Glamorous Dazzle RED.png
Unusual Glamorous Dazzle BLU.png
Unusual Sublime Snowstorm.png
RED BLU Sublime Snowstorm
Glamorous Dazzle

Smissmas 2022

The fourth Smissmas series of Unusual effects was added in the Smissmas 2022 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case.

Smissmas 2022 Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Musical Maelstrom.png
Unusual Verdant Virtuoso.png
Unusual Silver Serenade.png
Unusual Cosmic Constellations RED.png
Unusual Cosmic Constellations BLU.png
Unusual Dazzling Constellations.png
Kultainen kierre Viheriöivä virtuoosi Hopeinen harmonia RED BLU Dazzling Constellations
Cosmic Constellations
Unusual Tainted Frost.png
Unusual Starlight Haze.png
Likaiset hiutaleet Starlight Haze
Taunt effects
Unusual Charged Arcane.png
Unusual Thunderous Rage.png
Unusual Convulsive Fiery.png
Unusual Festivized Formation RED.png
Unusual Festivized Formation BLU.png
Unusual Twirling Spirits.png
Charged Arcane Thunderous Rage Convulsive Fiery RED BLU Twirling Spirits
Festivized Formation
Unusual Squash n' Twist.png
Unusual Midnight Sparklers.png
Unusual Boundless Blizzard.png
Squash n' Twist Midnight Sparklers Boundless Blizzard

Miscellaneous Series

Miscellaneous Unusual effects are standalone and are not connected to any holiday.


An exclusive type of Unusual effect was added in the Ensimmäinen yhteisöpäivitys meant for outstanding community members. It is automatically applied to Community and Self-Made items.

Community Sparkle Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Community Sparkle.png
Taunt effects
Unusual Community Sparkle Taunt.png
Weapon effects
Unusual Community Sparkle Weapon.png
Yhteisökipinä Yhteisökipinä Yhteisökipinä

Robotic Boogaloo

An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the Robotic Boogaloo update. They can be obtained by opening a Robo Community Crate.

Robotic Boogaloo Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Phosphorous.png
Unusual Sulphurous.png
Unusual Memory Leak.png
Unusual Overclocked.png
Unusual Electrostatic.png
Unusual Power Surge.png
Fosforinen Rikkinen Muistivuoto Ylikellotettu Elektrostaattinen Virtapiikki
Unusual Anti-Freeze.png
Unusual Time Warp.png
Unusual Green Black Hole.png
Unusual Roboactive.png
Pakkasneste Aikavääristymä Vihreä musta aukko Roboaktiivinen

Love & War -päivitys

An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the Love & War -päivitys. They can be obtained through the Mann Co. Audition Reel, Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel and Unusualifiers.

Love & War -päivitys Unusual effects
Taunt effects
Unusual Showstopper RED.png
Unusual Showstopper BLU.png
Unusual Holy Grail.png
Unusual '72.png
Unusual Fountain of Delight.png
Unusual Screaming Tiger.png
RED BLU Pyhä jysäys 70-luvun jytinät Hurmoksen lähde Kirkuva tiikeri
Shown varastaja
Unusual Skill Gotten Gains.png
Unusual Midnight Whirlwind.png
Unusual Silver Cyclone.png
Unusual Mega Strike.png
Rahaa kuin roskaa Keskiyön kaakkoisviima Hopeamyrsky Megaisku

End of the Line -päivitys

An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the End of the Line -päivitys. They can be obtained by opening an End of the Line Community Crate.

End of the Line -päivitys Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Frostbite.png
Unusual Molten Mallard.png
Unusual Morning Glory.png
Unusual Death at Dusk.png
Pakkasen purema Valuva vaakku Aamuvalkea Iltarusko

Gun-Mettle -päivitys

An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the Gun-Mettle -päivitys. They can be obtained through Decorated and War Paint cases.

Gun-Mettle -päivitys Unusual effects
Weapon effects
Unusual Hot.png
Unusual Isotope.png
Unusual Cool.png
Unusual Energy Orb.png
Kuuma Isotooppi Viileä Energiapallo
Removed from all Unusual pools


An exclusive series of Unusual effects was added in the Invaasio-yhteisöpäivitys. They can be obtained through either a Confidential Collection Case or a Quarantined Collection Case.

Invaasio-yhteisöpäivitys Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Abduction.png
Unusual Atomic.png
Unusual Subatomic.png
Unusual Electric Hat Protector.png
Unusual Magnetic Hat Protector.png
Unusual Voltaic Hat Protector.png
Sieppari Atomaarinen Subatomaarinen Sähköinen hattusuoja Magneettinen hattusuoja Jännitteinen hattusuoja
Unusual Galactic Codex.png
Unusual Ancient Codex.png
Unusual Nebula.png
Galaktinen koodeksi Muinainen koodeksi Tähtisumu

Muut Epätavalliset esineet

Kaksi erityistä Epätavallinen-laatuista esinettä lisättiin Scream Fortress -päivityksessä: Kirottu romumetalli ja Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejä. Kirottu romumetalli myönnetään kenelle tahansa pelaajalle, joka osallistuu Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen tappamiseen, kun taas Päänviejä voidaan saada luomalla se piirustuksella, johon Kirottu romumetalli kuuluu. Epätavallinen-esinelaatua lukuun ottamatta Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejä toimii identtisesti Kaulankatkojaan verrattuna. Lisäksi kummallakaan näistä esineistä ei ole kiinnitettyä hiukkasefektiä.

Backpack Haunted Metal Scrap.png

Epätavallinen Kirottu Romumetalli
Tason 4 Craft Item
This scrap metal was taken from the Horseless Headless Horsemann. It whispers faintly...'heads'...

( Achievement Item: Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.png

Epätavallinen Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejä
Tason 1 - 100 Kirves
Aseella on pitkä kantama lähitaistelussa ja se vedetään esiin ja laitetaan pois hitaammin
Ei satunnaisia kriittisiä osumia
-25 enimmäisterveys käyttäjälle
Samojen pimeiden henkien kiroama kuin Silmäterä.

( Ei voi vaihtaa tai myydä )

Käyttämätön sisältö

Käyttämättömät Epätavalliset tehosteet

These effects either currently or previously existed in the game's files, but were left unused. They are named by their internal filenames, as they have no official names. Please note that certain effects have been modified to display correctly.

Currently unused effects

These effects currently exist in the files of the game, and aren't used anywhere.

Currently unused Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
UNUSED Balloon.png
UNUSED Beams1 Newstyle.png
UNUSED Beany Green.png
UNUSED Beany Hearts.png
UNUSED Beany Target.png
AAA_AAA balloon beams1_newstyle beany_green beany_hearts beany_target
UNUSED Beany TF.png
UNUSED Circling Glow.png
UNUSED Circling Skull.png
UNUSED Crisp Spotlights Cones03.png
UNUSED Halo.png
UNUSED Orbit.png
beany_tf circling_glow circling_skull crisp_spotlights_cones03 halo orbit
UNUSED Orbit Fullmoon Cloudy.png
UNUSED Sparkler Green.png
UNUSED Sparkler Orange.png
UNUSED Sparkles1.png
UNUSED Sparkles2.png
UNUSED Sparkles3.png
orbit_fullmoon_cloudy sparkler_green sparkler_orange sparkles1 sparkles2 sparkles3
UNUSED Spray Confetti.png
UNUSED Storm Blood.png
UNUSED Stormcloud.png
UNUSED Symbols Parent Ice.png
UNUSED Test.png
spray_confetti storm_blood stormcloud symbols_parents_ice test

Removed unused effects

These effects previously existed in the files of the game, but have since been removed.

Removed Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
UNUSED Orbit Shells.png

Lista Epätavallisista esineistä

Mahdolliset epätavalliset hatut
Ensisijainen Night Terror Scattergun Current Event Scattergun Killer Bee Scattergun Corsair Scattergun Blue Mew Scattergun Shot to Hell Scattergun Flower Power Scattergun
Yön kauhu Haulinsylkijä Nykyinen tapahtuma Haulinsylkijä Herhiläinen Haulinsylkijä Kaappari Haulinsylkijä Kissanpentu Haulinsylkijä Pirullinen Haulinsylkijä Viherpeukalo Haulinsylkijä
Toissijainen Red Rock Roscoe Pistol Black Dahlia Pistol Sandstone Special Pistol Blitzkrieg Pistol Blue Mew Pistol Shot to Hell Pistol Brain Candy Pistol
Punakallion paukkurauta Pistooli Synkkä syreeni Pistooli Hiekkalaatikon hirmu Pistooli Salamasota Pistooli Kissanpentu Pistooli Pirullinen Pistooli Ilopilleri Pistooli
Sekalaiset Batter's Helmet Baseball Bill's Sports Shine Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap Milkman Bombing Run
Lyöjän kypärä Pesäpallo-Pekan Sporttivaha Naps-kypärä Pappalätsä Pahan pojan pipo Kruunupipo Maitomies Pommituslento
Flipped Trilby Bonk Boy El Jefe Backwards Ballcap Hermes Big Elfin Deal Front Runner Fed-Fightin' Fedora
Käännetty huopahattu Naps-poju El Jefe Koviksen pesislippis Hermes Tontun iso juttu Hikipinko Liittovaltionvihaajan lierihattu
Bonk Leadwear Ye Oiled Baker Boy Greased Lightning Runner's Warm-Up Scout Shako Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood Pomade Prince Thirst Blood
Naps-lyijykypärä Pultattu pappalätsä Rasvattu salama Lenkkeilijän lämmittäjä Nopea shako Ylipähee ninjahuppu Sliipattu sankari Taistelijan tukka
Mountebank's Masque Fortunate Son B'aaarrgh-n-Bicorne Death Racer's Helmet Airdog Herald's Helm Pestering Jester Wing Mann
Humpuukimestarin huntu Onnenpoika Kaks'kolkkarrr Kuolemakaahaajan kypärä Huima pää Maanteiden ritari Härnäävä harlekiini Siipipalojen suosija
Lightning Lid Trucker's Topper Antarctic Eyewear Punk's Pomp Hephaistos' Handcraft Millennial Mercenary Bottle Cap California Cap
Salamasuikka Rekkamiehen rento roudauspäähine Kylmän kelin kakkulakampaus Riiviön rasvakampaus Hefaistoksen kädenjälki Milleniaalisoturi Pullonkorkki Kesälomakotsa
Fried Batter Boston Brain Bucket Throttlehead Brimmed Bootlegger
Rasvaletti Boston Brain Bucket Throttlehead Brimmed Bootlegger
Pilkka Deep Fried Desire Battin' A Thousand Boston Breakdance Carlton Bunnyhopper Runner's Rhythm Trackman's Touchdown Scooty Scoot
Uppopaistettu unelma Kuumapään kunnari Bostonin breakdance Carlton Pupupomppija Juoksupojan paukutus Pikajuoksijan parrasvalotuuletus Lälläripyörä
Boston Boarder Spin-to-Win Homerunner's Hobby Killer Signature
Bostonin skeittaaja Pyöritä ja voita Homerunner's Hobby Killer Signature
Ensisijainen Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher Brain Candy Rocket Launcher Blue Mew Rocket Launcher Woodland Warrior Rocket Launcher Shell Shocker Rocket Launcher Sand Cannon Rocket Launcher Warhawk Rocket Launcher
Akvamariini Raketinheitin Ilopilleri Raketinheitin Kissanpentu Raketinheitin Metsäsissi Raketinheitin Shokkilataus Raketinheitin Hiekkakanuuna Raketinheitin Sotakieli Raketinheitin
Toissijainen Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun Flower Power Shotgun Lightning Rod Shotgun Red Bear Shotgun
Perämetsien pumppuhaulikko Haulikko Viherpeukalo Haulikko Ukkosenjohdin Haulikko Punakarhu Haulikko
Sekalaiset Soldier's Stash Tyrant's Helm Stainless Pot Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat Grenadier's Softcap Chieftain's Challenge Stout Shako
Sotilaan säilö Tyrannin kypärä Ruostumaton kattila Teurastajan itämainen Kersantin koulutushattu Krenatöörin päähine Heimopäällikön haaste Rohkea shako
Defiant Spartan Exquisite Rack Honcho's Headgear Brain Bucket Team Captain Furious Fukaamigasa Armored Authority Jumper's Jeepcap
Uhmakas urho Huippuhienot hirvensarvet Herra Isoherra Aivosanko Joukkueenjohtaja Raivostuneen reissuhattu Panssarikenraali Laskuvarjojääkärin laskeutumislasit
Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Hat With No Name Lucky Shot Conquistador Helmet Without a Home Soldier's Slope Scopers War Pig Tyrantium Helmet
Lordi Cockswainin hellekypärä Hattu vailla nimeä Tuurihaukka Konkistadori Kypärä vailla kotia Soldierin slalomlasit Sotanorsu Tyranniumkypärä
Full Metal Drill Hat Steel Shako Cloud Crasher Powdered Practitioner Infernal Impaler Valley Forge Caribbean Conqueror Whirly Warrior
Kokometallinen koulutushattu Sinkkinen shako Pilvipommittaja Peruukkipäinen lekuri Pahuksen pistimet Pajalaakson päähine Karibian koheltaja Tuulinen tulittaja
Rebel Rouser Slo-Poke Toy Soldier Ground Control Gilded Guard Spook Specs Coldfront Curbstompers Condor Cap
Vastarinnan kiiski Hidas höyhentäjä Lelusotilas Kenttävalvoja Kullattu kaartilainen Virkakoiran kakkulat Kylmän rintaman kulkija Kotkakotsa
Screamin' Eagle Skullcap Hellmet Pestering Jester Crit Cloak Shellmet Nuke War Eagle
Kirkuva kotka Kallokotsa Kallokoppa Härnäävä harlekiini Krittikaapu Haulihattu Kingi Kahakkakotka
Brass Bucket Head Hedge Sky High Fly Guy Tank Top Vampire Vanquisher Climbing Commander Crack Pot Dumb Bell
Messinkimäyhääjä Päälakipuska Lentohäirikön lätsä Tankkipää Vampyyrien kukistaja Kiipeävä komentaja Saviruukkuinen salaliitto Kahjon kello
Bobby Bonnet Dancing Doe Peacebreaker El Zapateador Racc Mann Bazaar Bauble Breach and Bomb Hawk Warrior
Pollarin päähine Katutanssija Rauhantuhoaja El Zapateador Pesukarhumies Basaarivieteriukko Hyökkäyspommittaja Haukkasoturi
Sophisticated Smoker Roaming Roman Calamitous Cauldron Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat Thousand-Yard Stare Panisher Elf Defense Bulb Bonnet
Sivistynyt sikarinpolttaja Roomalainen rakettihyppijä Kohtalokas pata Puolikesy karvalakki Thousand-Yard Stare Pannupäähine Torjuntatonttu Bulb Bonnet
Cranial Cowl Detective Firearm Protector Close Quarters Cover
Cranial Cowl Detective Firearm Protector Close Quarters Cover
Pilkka Fresh Brewed Victory Soldier's Requiem Fubar Fanfare Panzer Pants Rocket Jockey Profane Puppeteer Star-Spangled Strategy Neck Snap
Vastakeitettyä voittoa Sotilaan surunvalitus Fiaskofanfaari Panssaripöksyt Ohjusratsastaja Törkyturpateatteri Star-Spangled Strategy Niskat nurin
Ensisijainen Forest Fire Flame Thrower Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower Flash Fryer Flame Thrower Warhawk Flame Thrower Balloonicorn Flame Thrower Rainbow Flame Thrower
Metsäpalo Liekinheitin Tulivoimala Liekinheitin Pikapaistaja Liekinheitin Sotakieli Liekinheitin Pallosarvinen Liekinheitin Sateenkaari Liekinheitin
Toissijainen Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun Lightning Rod Shotgun Red Bear Shotgun Flower Power Shotgun
Perämetsien pumppuhaulikko Haulikko Ukkosenjohdin Haulikko Punakarhu Haulikko Viherpeukalo Haulikko
Sekalaiset Pyro's Beanie Brigade Helm Respectless Rubber Glove Triboniophorus Tyrannus Vintage Merryweather Attendant Old Guadalajara Napper's Respite
Pyron lakki Palomiehen kypärä Kunnioittamaton kumihanska Triboniophorus Tyrannus Wanha palokypärä Palvelija Vanha meksikolainen Torkkujan aikalisä
Handyman's Handle Madame Dixie Pyromancer's Mask Prancer's Pride Dead Cone Hottie's Hoodie Connoisseur's Cap Stately Steel Toe
Putkimiehen pelastus Etelävaltioiden rouva Tulipedon tyyssija Poron prameus Tappava tötsä Hottiksen huppu Gastronomin myssy Tuima teräskärki
Birdcage Little Buddy Flamboyant Flamenco Bubble Pipe Head Warmer Waxy Wayfinder HazMat Headcase Coffin Kit
Lintuhäkki Pikkukaveri Mahtipontinen matadori Kuplapuhallin Päänlämmitin Vahainen tienviitoittaja Suojapuvun pää Arkkupaketti
Wraith Wrap Respectless Robo-Glove Plumber's Pipe Firewall Helmet Metal Slug Pyro's Boron Beanie Electric Escorter Bolted Birdcage
Haamuhuppu Kunnioittamaton konehanska Putkimiehen putki Palomuurikypärä Metallilima Pyron litiumlakki Sähköinen tienviitoittaja Lyijyinen lintuhäkki
Pampered Pyro Burning Bandana Hive Minder Bone Dome Toy Tailor Sole Mate Combustible Kabuto Smoking Skid Lid
Paapottu Pyro Palava päähuivi Hehkeä herhiläisvahtija Luupään lentokypärä Lelunikkari Kalamiehen kaveri Tuhopolttajan itämainen Käryttäjän kärkevä kypärä
Employee of the Mmmph Pyromancer's Hood A Head Full of Hot Air Neptune's Nightmare Cranial Carcharodon Pestering Jester Feathered Fiend Burning Beanie
Kuukauden käristäjä Pyromaanin huppu Kuumapään kuukypärä Pohjanaaraajan painajainen Hurja haihuivi Härnäävä harlekiini Polttosulkainen pahanhenki Palava pipo
Cat's Pajamas Burning Question Melted Mop Skullbrero Winter Wrap Up Fire Fighter Flamehawk Seared Sorcerer
Kissakalsongit Polttava kysymys Tuhopolttajan tötterö Kallobrero Kaamosajan kaulapaketointi Tulitaistelija Tulikeesi Kärventäjävelho
Round-A-Bout Brim of Fire Reel Fly Hat Wandering Wraith Elf Ignition Partizan Propaniac Firestalker
Karuselli Liekkilieri Kelaperhohattu Wandering Wraith Elf Ignition Partizan Propaniac Firestalker
Flame Warrior Splitting Headache
Flame Warrior Splitting Headache
Pilkka Party Trick Pool Party Balloonibouncer Headcase Skating Scorcher Scorcher's Solo Hot Wheeler Roasty Toasty
Kekkerikepponen Allasbileet Pallosarvisrodeo Pääkokki Liekehtivä luistelija Tuhopolttajan soolo Kuminpolttaja Nuotioherkut
Ensisijainen Warhawk Grenade Launcher Butcher Bird Grenade Launcher Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher Rainbow Grenade Launcher
Sotakieli Kranaatinheitin Teurastajatulkku Kranaatinheitin Kauniit unet Kranaatinheitin Sateenkaari Kranaatinheitin
Toissijainen Sudden Flurry Stickybomb Launcher Carpet Bomber Stickybomb Launcher Liquid Asset Stickybomb Launcher Pink Elephant Stickybomb Launcher Blitzkrieg Stickybomb Launcher Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher
Tuima tuulenpuuska Tahmapomminheitin Räsymaton räjäyttäjä Tahmapomminheitin Virtaava voimavara Tahmapomminheitin Vaaleanpunainen norsu Tahmapomminheitin Salamasota Tahmapomminheitin Kauniit unet Tahmapomminheitin
Lähitaistelu Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejä
Sekalaiset Demoman's Fro Glengarry Bonnet Scotsman's Stove Pipe Hustler's Hallmark Tippler's Tricorne Sober Stuntman Carouser's Capotain Rimmed Raincatcher
Demon afro Glengarry-lakki Skottilainen silinteri Sutenöörin silmäterä Kännääjän kolmikolkka Selvä stuntmies Juomarin yömyssy Siloiteltu sateensuoja
Prince Tavish's Crown Samur-Eye Reggaelator Private Eye Conjurer's Cowl Sultan's Ceremonial Tam O' Shanter Mask of the Shaman
Prinssi Tavishin kruunu Silmätön soturi Reggaettäjä Herlokki Solmunen Luikuri Tattinen Sulttaanin seremoniallinen Siisti skottilätsä Poppamiehen päänpeittäjä
Buccaneer's Bicorne Hat With No Name Tavish DeGroot Experience Scotch Bonnet Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return) Bolted Bicorne Broadband Bonnet FR-0
Kaapparikapteenin kaksikolkka Hattu vailla nimeä Tavish DeGroot Experience Viskivisiiri Voodoo juju (Pienoinen paluu) Pultattu piraatti Laajakaistalakki AFR-0
Cyborg Stunt Helmet Pure Tin Capotain Strontium Stove Pipe Black Watch Tartan Spartan Stormin' Norman Glasgow Great Helm Pirate Bandana
Kyborgin stunttikypärä Nikkelinen noidanmetsästäjä Strontiumsilinteri Kilttikaartin virkalakki Skottispartalainen Raivokas normanni Glasgow'n komea kypärä Merirosvohuivi
Tartan Tyrolean Razor Cut Allbrero Frontier Djustice Bomber's Bucket Hat Scot Bonnet Valhalla Helm Outta' Sight
Tartaanitirolilainen Viinainen mohikaani Juopunut meksikolainen Rintaman djääräpää Räjäyttäjän rantahattu Skottimyssy Valhallan varuste Silmäätekevä
Bruce's Bonnet Dayjogger Spirit of the Bombing Past Bomb Beanie Bomber Knight Elf Esteem Blast Defense War Eagle
Pommittajan peltimyssy Hölkkähetki Pomminpurkajan painajainen Paukkupipo Räjähderitari Pukinpajan paukkuhirmu Pomminvarma pääbunkkeri Kahakkakotka
Hungover Hero Antarctic Eyewear Frag Proof Fragger Backbreaker's Skullcracker Bobby Bonnet Spiky Viking Hazard Headgear Sophisticated Smoker
Krapulainen kyklooppi Kylmän kelin kakkulakampaus Kolhunkestävä kranaattimies Selänmurtajan kallonhalkaisija Pollarin päähine Piikkiviikinki Hasardipäähine Sivistynyt sikarinpolttaja
Helm Helm Head Banger Bombard Brigadier Nightbane Brim Plaid Lad Blast Bowl Thunder Dome
Kipparihattu Head Banger Bombard Brigadier Nightbane Brim Plaid Lad Blast Bowl Thunder Dome
Pilkka Spent Well Spirits Oblooterated Bad Pipes Scotsmann's Stagger Pooped Deck Drunken Sailor Drunk Mann's Cannon Shanty Shipmate
Väkijuomajytky Kippis Viskisiepon säkkipilli Skottilainen matkamarssi Huikat peräkannella Humaltunut merimies Drunk Mann's Cannon Shanty Shipmate
Roar O'War
Ensisijainen King of the Jungle Minigun Brick House Minigun Butcher Bird Minigun Mister Cuddles Minigun Brain Candy Minigun
Viidakon kuningas Konekivääri Tiilitalo Konekivääri Teurastajatulkku Konekivääri Herra Halaus Konekivääri Ilopilleri Konekivääri
Toissijainen Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun Lightning Rod Shotgun Red Bear Shotgun Flower Power Shotgun
Perämetsien pumppuhaulikko Haulikko Ukkosenjohdin Haulikko Punakarhu Haulikko Viherpeukalo Haulikko
Sekalaiset Football Helmet Officer's Ushanka Tough Guy's Toque Hound Dog Heavy Duty Rag Hard Counter Pugilist's Protector Cadaver's Cranium
Jalkapallokypärä Upseerin ushanka Kovan jätkän pipo Kunkku Raskaan työn rätti Kova vastus Pugilistin puolustaja Kalmon kallo
Coupe D'isaster Big Chief Magnificent Mongolian Dread Knot Large Luchadore Team Captain Capo's Capper Copper's Hard Top
Kamala jakaus Pääjehu Mahtava mongoli Tukkanuotta Painimaton pomo Joukkueenjohtaja Arpinaaman ylpeys Kytän kypärä
Dragonborn Helmet Gym Rat One-Man Army Outdoorsman Soviet Gentleman Bunsen Brave Tungsten Toque Gridiron Guardian
Lohikäärmeen kallo Salirotta Yhden miehen armeija Ulkoilman herra Neuvostoliittolainen herrasmies Poltinpäällikkö Kovan jätkän volframipipo Sinkkinen suojakypärä
Tsarboosh Bear Necessities Katyusha Minnesota Slick Bullet Buzz Eliminator's Safeguard Sammy Cap Trash Man
Fetsaari Karhun elämää Katjusha Minnesotan lipevä letti Luotileikkaus Surmaajan suojakypärä Leipäläpi Roskakuski
Fur-Lined Fighter Hunter Heavy Sleeveless in Siberia Old Man Frost Siberian Facehugger White Russian Sucker Slug Mo'Horn
Turkisvuorattu taistelija Metsästäjän maastopuku Siperian sivistäjä Pakkasukko Siperian sänkisuoja Valkovenäläinen Imukuppaaja Hipiänhalkova hiussarvi
Pestering Jester Warhood Aztec Aggressor Commando Elite Fat Man's Field Cap Nuke War Eagle Polar Bear
Härnäävä harlekiini Sotahuppu Aggressiivinen asteekki Eliittikommando Karpaasin kenttälakki Kingi Kahakkakotka Kuurakelien karvalakki
Sinner's Shade Starboard Crusader Mann-O-War Cool Capuchon Convict Cap Sophisticated Smoker SandMann's Brush Snack Stack
Syntisen suoja Tyyrpuurin ristiretkeläinen Raskaan sarjan Rosvo-Roope Viilee huppu Vangin hattu Sivistynyt sikarinpolttaja Nukkumatin hiippalakki Leipäläjä
Mooshanka Squatter's Right Horror Shawl Ol' Reliable Bare Bear Bones
Hirvireuhka Squatter's Right Horror Shawl Ol' Reliable Bare Bear Bones
Pilkka Proletariat Posedown Russian Arms Race Soviet Strongarm Boiling Point Table Tantrum Bare Knuckle Beatdown Russian Rubdown Road Rager
Marxilainen malli Slaavilainen etunoja Punainen puntinnosto Kiehumispiste Pöytäraivari Paljasnyrkkinen turpaanveto Venäläinen puhdistustekniikka Road Rager
Ensisijainen Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun Lightning Rod Shotgun Red Bear Shotgun Flower Power Shotgun
Perämetsien pumppuhaulikko Haulikko Ukkosenjohdin Haulikko Punakarhu Haulikko Viherpeukalo Haulikko
Toissijainen Red Rock Roscoe Pistol Black Dahlia Pistol Sandstone Special Pistol Blitzkrieg Pistol Blue Mew Pistol Shot to Hell Pistol Brain Candy Pistol
Punakallion paukkurauta Pistooli Synkkä syreeni Pistooli Hiekkalaatikon hirmu Pistooli Salamasota Pistooli Kissanpentu Pistooli Pirullinen Pistooli Ilopilleri Pistooli
Lähitaistelu Airwolf Wrench Torqued to Hell Wrench
Ilmarosvo Jakoavain Pirullinen Jakoavain
Sekalaiset Mining Light Texas Slim's Dome Shine Texas Ten Gallon Engineer's Cap Hotrod Safe'n'Sound Buckaroo's Hat Industrial Festivizer
Kaivosvalo Teksas-Timon Kupolinkiilloke Teksasilaishattu Engineerin lippis Karski kolvaaja Tuki ja turva Lehmipojan lierihattu Teollinen tunnelmaattori
Big Country Professor's Peculiarity Hetman's Headpiece Western Wear Ol' Geezer Hat With No Name Pencil Pusher Virtual Reality Headset
Kantrikutrit Professorin frisyyri Hetmanin päähine Länkkärin lierihattu Vanha kurppa Hattu vailla nimeä Konttorirotta Virtuaalipoika
Brainiac Hairpiece Barnstormer Plug-In Prospector Timeless Topper Data Mining Light Texas Tin-Gallon Pardner's Pompadour Trencher's Topper
Valopään karvoitus Stunttilentäjä Liitännäisenetsijä Länkkärin lyijyhattu Tiedonlouhintavalo Tinattu teksasilainen Elvistelijä Ojankaivajan otsanpäällyste
Danger Peacenik's Ponytail Conagher's Combover Sheriff's Stetson Smokey Sombrero Wide-Brimmed Bandito Flash of Inspiration Plumber's Cap
Happovaara Mekaanikon moppi Kyylän kuontalo Sheriffin stetson Savuinen meksikolainen Meksikon pikamekaanikko Innoittava irtolisäke Rööriroopen roiskesuoja
Trucker's Topper Antarctic Eyewear Defragmenting Hard Hat 17% Brain Interface Texas Toast El Mostacho Provisions Cap Telefragger Toque
Rekkamiehen rento roudauspäähine Kylmän kelin kakkulakampaus Pirstaloitunut pääsuoja 17% Aivoliitäntä Leivänpäähdin El Mostacho Apulaitefanin aivomyssy Teletappajan trendipäähine
Winter Wrap Up Head Of Defense Sophisticated Smoker Wavefinder Blitzen Bowl Backpack Train of Thought.png Lawnmaker Dustbowl Devil
Kaamosajan kaulapaketointi Pääpuolustaja Sivistynyt sikarinpolttaja Taajuuksien löytäjä Kipinäkypärä Pohjoisnavan pikajuna Lawnmaker Dustbowl Devil
More Gun Marshal Arctic Mole Soft Hard Hat Hazard Handler Cranium Cooler Dell Dynamic
More Gun Marshal Arctic Mole Soft Hard Hat Hazard Handler Cranium Cooler Dell Dynamic
Pilkka Rancho Relaxo Bucking Bronco Dueling Banjo Jumping Jack Texas Truckin' Texas Twirl 'Em
Insinöörin vapaapäivä Rodeoratsastaja Banjokilpa Pomppiva pora Texasin kuorma-autoilija Texas Twirl 'Em
Toissijainen Wrapped Reviver Medi Gun Masked Mender Medi Gun Spark of Life Medi Gun Corsair Medi Gun Blitzkrieg Medi Gun Flower Power Medi Gun
Kääritty ylösnousemus Lääkintäase Hunnutettu hoitaja Lääkintäase Elämänkipinä Lääkintäase Kaappari Lääkintäase Salamasota Lääkintäase Viherpeukalo Lääkintäase
Sekalaiset Prussian Pickelhaube Vintage Tyrolean Otolaryngologist's Mirror Ze Goggles Gentleman's Gatsby Berliner's Bucket Helm Blighted Beak German Gonzila
Preussilainen pickelhaube Tirolilaishattu Korvalääkärin peili Zuojalasit Herrasmiehen golflakki Potsdamilaisen potta Rappion nokka Germaaninen gonzila
Geisha Boy Medic's Mountain Cap Grimm Hatte Private Eye Team Captain Doctor's Sack Surgeon's Stahlhelm Gentleman's Ushanka
Geishapoju Varuskuntalääkärin verikauha Synkeyden ylistys Herlokki Solmunen Joukkueenjohtaja Tohtorin säkki Kirurgin sarvikypärä Herrasmiehen ushanka
Platinum Pickelhaube Halogen Head Lamp Titanium Tyrolean Virus Doctor Powdered Practitioner Das Hazmattenhatten Das Ubersternmann Das Naggenvatcher
Platinainen pickelhaube Otsoniotsalamppu Titaaninen tirolilaishattu Troijalaistohtori Peruukkipäinen lekuri Das Zuojattuhattu Das Überhattuuntunut Das Nuppiumpio
Das Maddendoktor Das Gutenkutteharen Baron Von Havenaplane Slick Cut Mann of Reason Nunhood Heer's Helmet Teutonic Toque
Das Hullutohtor Das Komeekampaus Paroni von Munlentsikka Puoskarin hikipanta Järjen mies Nunnan huppu Puolustusvoimien päänpuolustaja Kirurgin kokkikotsa
Surgeon's Shako Physician's Protector Berlin Brain Bowl Gauzed Gaze Field Practice Battle Boonie Coldfront Commander Mighty Mitre
Parantajan paraatihattu Tohtorin turvakypärä Berliinin biosotilas Mulkoileva muumio Kenttähattu Lääkärin lieri Kylmän rintaman komentaja Mestarilääkärin mitra
Snowcapped Elf Care Provider Optic Nerve Soda Cap Victorian Villainy Oktoberfester Power Spike
Lekurin lämmittäjä Haltiahoitaja Optic Nerve Soda Cap Victorian Villainy Oktoberfester Power Spike
Pilkka Meet the Medic (taunt) Results Are In Surgeon's Squeezebox Time Out Therapy Mannbulance! Doctor's Defibrillators Head Doctor Borrowed Bones
Tapaa Medic Tulokset saapuivat Kirurgin kurttu Terapiatuokio Mannbulanssi! Doctor's Defibrillators The Head Doctor Lainaluut
Ensisijainen Purple Range Sniper Rifle Night Owl Sniper Rifle Thunderbolt Sniper Rifle Airwolf Sniper Rifle Balloonicorn Sniper Rifle Rainbow Sniper Rifle
Violetti vaara-alue Tarkkuuskivääri Yölintu Tarkkuuskivääri Salama Tarkkuuskivääri Ilmarosvo Tarkkuuskivääri Pallosarvinen Tarkkuuskivääri Sateenkaari Tarkkuuskivääri
Toissijainen Woodsy Widowmaker SMG Low Profile SMG Blitzkrieg SMG Blue Mew SMG
Metsien möyhentäjä Konepistooli Matala profiili Konepistooli Salamasota Konepistooli Kissanpentu Konepistooli
Sekalaiset Trophy Belt Professional's Panama Master's Yellow Belt Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Shooter's Sola Topi Bloke's Bucket Hat Ol' Snaggletooth Larrikin Robin
Palkintovyö Ammattilaisen panamahattu Mestarin keltainen vyö Luksus-Lassen Hiusliima Haukkasilmän hellekypärä Kaverin kalastajahattu Vanha kierohammas Lystikäs Robin
Crocleather Slouch Villain's Veil Desert Marauder Anger Hat With No Name Your Worst Nightmare Swagman's Swatter Fruit Shoot
Krokolierihattu Huijarin huivi Aavikkoryöväri Viha Hattu vailla nimeä Pahin painajaisesi Haukansilmän hyönteiskarkotin Vitamiinipommi
HazMat Headcase Liquidator's Lid Cold Killer Soldered Sensei Letch's LED Shooter's Tin Topi Wet Works Brim-Full Of Bullets
Suojapuvun pää Pesänselvittäjän pipo Kylmääjä Tinattu taituri Ledimurhaaja Raudoitettu hellehattu Märkämyssy Hatullinen osumia
Toy Soldier Deep Cover Operator Dread Hiding Hood Professional's Ushanka Corona Australis Archer's Sterling Classy Capper Puffy Polar Cap
Lelusotilas Hiippailijan huivi Hämyhiippailijan huppu Ammattilaisen ushanka Corona Australis Archerin Sterling Tyylikäs lätsä Pohjoisen päänlämmittäjä
Antarctic Eyewear Head Hedge Highway Star Bare Necessities Missing Piece Winter Wrap Up Glow from Below Killing Tree
Kylmän kelin kakkulakampaus Päälakipuska Moottoriteiden tähti Pelkät tarvikkeet Puuttuva pipo Kaamosajan kaulapaketointi Hehkua syvyyksistä Kuolettava kuusi
Wild Brim Slouch Hawaiian Hunter Headhunter's Brim Cranium Cover Sightseer
Villi lerppahattu Hawaiian Hunter Headhunter's Brim Cranium Cover Sightseer
Pilkka I See You Killer Solo Most Wanted Didgeridrongo Shooter's Stakeout
Näen sinut Salamurhaajan saksofonisoolo Etsintäkuulutettu Didgeridrongo Tarkka-ampujan kyttäyskeikka
Toissijainen Psychedelic Slugger Revolver Dead Reckoner Revolver Blitzkrieg Revolver Flower Power Revolver
Tajunnan laajentaja Revolveri Ruumiiden räknääjä Revolveri Salamasota Revolveri Viherpeukalo Revolveri
Lähitaistelu Blitzkrieg Knife Airwolf Knife Brain Candy Knife Stabbed to Hell Knife Blue Mew Knife
Salamasota Veitsi Ilmarosvo Veitsi Ilopilleri Veitsi Pirullinen Veitsi Kissanpentu Veitsi
Sekalaiset Fancy Fedora Backbiter's Billycock Magistrate's Mullet Frenchman's Beret Familiar Fez Détective Noir Le Party Phantom Noh Mercy
Hieno huopahattu Selkäänpuukottajan knalli Tuomarin takatukka Fransmannin baskeri Fantastinen fetsi Tummansävyinen etsivä Kemujen kummitus Teatterin turmio
Private Eye Charmer's Chapeau Janissary Ketche Cosa Nostra Cap Nanobalaclava Counterfeit Billycock L'Inspecteur Hat of Cards
Herlokki Solmunen Hurmurin hattu Janitsaarin ketche Gangsterihattu Nanonaamio Valeknalli L'Inspecteur Hattutemppu
Base Metal Billycock Bootleg Base Metal Billycock Pom-Pommed Provocateur Powdered Practitioner Harmburg Belgian Detective L'homme Burglerre Deep Cover Operator
Kobolttinen knalli Väärennetty kobolttiknalli Pompulaprovokaattori Peruukkipäinen lekuri Harmipuri Belgialainen etsivä Le murtovarraz Hiippailijan huivi
Napoleon Complex Aviator Assassin A Hat to Kill For Big Topper Brain-Warming Wear Murderer's Motif Shutterbug Voodoo Vizier
Napoleon-kompleksi Puukottajapilotti Kohtalokas kotsa Showmiehen silinterihattu Arveluttava aivojenlämmitin Murhaajan motiivi Linssilude Voodoovisiiri
Crabe de Chapeau Crustaceous Cowl Festive Cover-Up Monsieur Grenouille Frostbite Bonnet Cleaner's Cap
Crabe de Chapeau Rapukaapu Festive Cover-Up Monsieur Grenouille Frostbite Bonnet Cleaner's Cap
Pilkka Buy A Life Box Trot Disco Fever Luxury Lounge Travel Agent Tailored Terminal Teufort Tango Crypt Creeper
Hanki elämä Hiivintätehtävä Parkettien partaveitsi Luksusklubi Travel Agent Teufort Tango Räätälöity terminaali Hautaholvin hiippailija
Sekalaiset Modest Pile of Hat Noble Amassment of Hats Towering Pillar of Hats Dr's Dapper Topper A Rather Festive Tree Company Man Killer Exclusive Hot Dogger
Vaatimaton pino hattua Kelpo kokoelma hattuja Valtava hattutorni Tohtorin hienompi hattu Melko juhlava puu Yrityksen herra Tabloiditappaja Hodarikuningas
Salty Dog Brown Bomber Human Cannonball Crone's Dome Executioner Tough Stuff Muffs Bot Dogger Modest Metal Pile of Scrap
Merikarhu Talvisen joutomaan nahkakotsa Ihmistykinkuula Käähkän krääsä Teloittaja Kovan pojan korvalaput Hodarirobotti Vaatimaton pino romumetallia
Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats Galvanized Gibus Brotherhood of Arms Well-Rounded Rifleman Horrific Headsplitter Federal Casemaker Cotton Head
Kelpo kuparinen kokoelma hattuja Valtava valurautainen hattutorni Hapetettu hirvityshattu Veljeskunnan toveri Kiväärimiehen kepi Paholaismainen päänjakaja Liittovaltion virkavalvoja Huopahattu
Antlers Virtual Viewfinder Hong Kong Cone Kiss King Neckwear Headwear Polar Pullover Dark Falkirk Helm Law
Poronsarvet Virtuaalivirittäjä Hongkong-kartio Pusupoika Kaulapäähine Napaseudun hiihtopipo Falkirkin synkeä kypärä Lain kylmä kotsa
Merc's Mohawk Tipped Lid Vive La France Crown of the Old Kingdom Boxcar Bomber Coldsnap Cap Winter Woodsman Co-Pilot
Hurjapään harjakampaus Kiikkerä knalli Vive La Ranska Vanhan kuningaskunnan kruunu Talvehtijan taistelulakki Pakkaspipo Talvimaiden toittoilija Perämies
Rotation Sensation Potassium Bonnet Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat Universal Translator Captain Space Mann Phononaut Duck Billed Hatypus Prehistoric Pullover
Kohuttu kierre Kaliumkotsa Karmaiseva Kapteeni Kartonkiparta Yleiskääntäjä AvaruusaseMann kapteeni Fononautti Vesinokkahattueläin Historiahirmun huppu
Patriot Peak Chill Chullo A Well Wrapped Hat Bedouin Bandana Class Crown Lil' Bitey Nasty Norsemann Toadstool Topper
Komentajan koppalakki Viileä virkkapipo Kunnolla kääritty kotsa Beduiinin pääkäärö Koppavan komea kruunu Pikkupuru Hirveä hikiviikinki Sienipään silinteri
Snowmann Woolen Warmer Head Prize Legendary Lid Aztec Warrior Hunter in Darkness Jungle Wreath Pithy Professional
Lumiukko Villainen viimasuoja Pääpalkinto Legendan lieri Aseistautunut asteekki Hämärän hiippailija Sademetsän seppele Hemaiseva hellekypärä
Balloonihoodie Caribou Companion Tundra Top Lucky Cat Hat Bread Heads Bat Hat Mister Bones Bumble Beenie
Heliumpallohuppari Poropipo Viimakelin villapipo Onnenkissa-hattu Leipäläpi Lepakkolakki Herra Luukasa Mehiläismyssy
Candy Crown Citizen Cane Globetrotter Smissmas Saxton Yule Hog Breadcrab A Handsome Handy Thing All Hallows' Hatte
Karkkimaan kunkku Kierrekarkkikotsa Kuplettimatkaajan knalli Saxtonin joululakki Kinkkukotsa Leipärapu Kättä päälle Kaikkien pyhien hattu
Hollowed Helm King Cardbeard Misfortune Fedora Sir Pumpkinton Wrap-A-Khamon Jolly Jingler Reindoonibeanie Shoestring Santa
Kaiverrettu kotsa Kuningas Kartonkiparta Epäonnen huopahattu Herra Kurpitsa Tutankhattu Hilpeä kilistelijä Yksisarvisporopipo Halpispukki
Smissmas Sorcerer Towering Pile of Presents Towering Pillar of Beanies Ballooniphones Alakablamicon Beanie the All-Gnawing Bone Cone Hat Outta Hell
Jouluvelho Valtava pakettitorni Valtava pipotorni Kuulokesarviset Alakablamicon Beanie the All-Gnawing Kallokartio Paholaisen päähine
Second-Head Headwear Spooky Head-Bouncers Towering Patch of Pumpkins Twisted Topper Cozy Catchers El Fiestibrero Giftcrafter Gnome Dome
Second-Head Headwear Spooky Head-Bouncers Towering Patch of Pumpkins Twisted Topper Cozy Catchers El Fiestibrero Lahjanluoja Tonttutötsä
Hat Chocolate Jolly Jester Merry Cone Reindoonihorns Seasonal Spring Decorated Veteran Undercover Brolly Onimann
Kaakaokotsa Jolly Jester Merry Cone Poronsarviset Seasonal Spring Decorated Veteran Undercover Brolly Onimann
Starlight Sorcerer Lumbercap Colonel Kringle Festive Rack Trapper's Flap Brothers in Blues Full Metal Helmet Demonic Dome
Starlight Sorcerer Lumbercap Colonel Kringle Festive Rack Trapper's Flap Brothers in Blues Full Metal Helmet Demonic Dome
Ludicrously Lunatic Lunon Fedora Mean Captain
Ludicrously Lunatic Lunon Fedora Mean Captain
Pilkka Schadenfreude High Five! Shred Alert Conga Square Dance Skullcracker Flippin' Awesome Rock, Paper, Scissors
Schadenfreude Yläfemma! Sähköinen soolo Letkajenkka Latotanssi Kallonmurtaja Tyylivapaa takaperinvoltti Kivi, paperi, sakset
Kazotsky Kick Burstchester Mannrobics Zoomin' Broom Second Rate Sorcery Victory Lap Yeti Punch Yeti Smash
Ripaska Kymmenes matkustaja Jokamiehen jumppatunti Lähtölakaisu Rihkamariitti Kunniakierros Jetijysäytys Lumimiesläimäys
Fist Bump Scaredy-cat! Killer Joke
Nyrkkitervehdys Scaredy-cat! Killer Joke


30. syyskuuta 2010 -päivitys (Mann-Conomy-päivitys)
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Lisättiin Epätavallinen-laatu.

18. elokuuta 2011 -päivitys (Manno-teknologinen paketti)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Lisättiin efektit Synkkä ja myrskyinen yö, Synkkä ja luminen yö, Pultteja ja muttereita, Kiertävät planeetat, Kiertävä tulipallo, Kupliva, Savuava ja Höyryävä.

23. elokuuta 2011 -päivitys

  • Auringonsäteet-efekti korjattiin.

27. lokakuuta 2011 -päivitys (Hyvin Pelottava Halloween-Spesiaali)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Lisättiin efektit Pilvinen kuu, Aavemainen kiertävä tuli, Liekehtivä lyhty ja Kattilan kuplat.

26. lokakuuta 2012 -päivitys (Aavemainen Halloween-spesiaali)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Lisättiin efektit Veitsimyrsky, Utuinen kallo, Punainen täysikuu, Olkoon se salaisuus kaikille sekä Synkkä ja myrskyinen.

17. toukokuuta 2013 -päivitys (Robotic Boogaloo)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Lisättiin efektit Pakkasneste, Elektrostaattinen, Vihreä Musta Aukko, Muistivuoto, Ylikellottunut, Fosforinen, Virtapiikki, Roboaktiivinen, Rikkinen ja Aikasiirtymä.

5. kesäkuuta 2013 -päivitys

  • Unusual effects:
    • Attachment point and offset for particle effects on unusual hats can now be adjusted from the character loadout screen
    • Fixed a bug that would cause unusual effects to float in the air over dead players
    • Fixed a bug that would cause unusual effects to show incorrectly sometimes when spectating other players

19. kesäkuuta 2013 -päivitys

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Gen 3 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Aces High, Cloud 9, Dead Presidents, Disco Beat Down, Kill-a-Watt, Miami Nights, Terror-Watt

11. heinäkuuta 2013 -päivitys

  • Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls

29. lokakuuta 2013 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2013)

  • Enabled Halloween themed Unusual Effects to be found from Mann Co Supply Crates
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2013 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Arcana, Chiroptera Venenata, Darkblaze, Demonflame, Hellfire, Poisoned Shadows, Something Burning This Way Comes, Spellbound

20. joulukuuta 2013 -päivitys (Smissmas 2013)

  • Unusual effect positioning can now be adjusted for all Cosmetic-slot items
  • Unusual Circling Effects have been given a new origin
  • Unusual effects for all Cosmetic-slot items are now visible in the loadout panel and character HUD

18. kesäkuuta 2014 -päivitys (Love & War Update)

  • Added the Mann Co. Audition Reel. Contains taunts and a rare chance at an unusual taunt
  • Updated Mann Co. Crates to display which Unusual Series they can potentially output
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Love & War effects:
    • Taunt effects: '72, Fountain of Delight, Holy Grail, Mega Strike, Midnight Whirlwind, Screaming Tiger, Showstopper, Silver Cyclone, Skill Gotten Gains

29. lokakuuta 2014 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2014)

  • During Scream Fortress VI:
    • All Unusual hats and taunts that are unboxed during the event will receive Halloween-themed Unusual effects
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2014 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Amaranthine, Bonzo The All-Gnawing, Ghastly Ghosts Jr, Haunted Phantasm Jr, Stare From Beyond, The Ooze
    • Taunt effects: Ghastly Ghosts, Haunted Phantasm

4. marraskuuta 2014 -päivitys

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Renamed two Unusual effects
    • Haunted Phantasm Jr to Ghastly Ghosts Jr
    • Attrib_Particle86 to Haunted Phantasm Jr

8. joulukuuta 2014 -päivitys #1 (End of the Line Update)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following End of the Line Update effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Death at Dusk, Frostbite, Molten Mallard, Morning Glory

9. tammikuuta 2015 -päivitys

  • Fixed the Mega Strike unusual taunt effect showing through walls

18. helmikuuta 2015 -päivitys

  • Fixed some Unusual particle effects not drawing correctly

2. heinäkuuta 2015 -päivitys (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Fixed not seeing unusual effects during demo playback and while connected to SourceTV
  • Crate descriptions now display a checkmark beside listed potential items that the player already owns at least one of, regardless of quality and discounting Stock weapons. Possessing an unusual displays a star instead of a checkmark.
    • This also applies to Decorated weapon descriptions, showing which weapons of that collection the player has in their backpack.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Gun Mettle Update effects:
    • Weapon effects: Cool, Energy Orb, Hot, Isotope

18. elokuuta 2015 -päivitys #1

  • Fixed character loadout menus so they display the particle effects for all equipped Unusual items

6. lokakuuta 2015 -päivitys (Invasion Community Update)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Invasion Community Update effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Abduction, Ancient Codex, Atomic, Electric Hat Protector, Galactic Codex, Magnetic Hat Protector, Nebula, Subatomic, Voltaic Hat Protector

12. lokakuuta 2015 -päivitys

  • Fixed Unusual versions of the Taunt: Burstchester not displaying their Unusual effects

28. lokakuuta 2015 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • Mann Co Supply Crates will have a chance for a classic Halloween Unusual effect
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2015 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Ancient Eldritch, Death by Disco, Eldritch Flame, Ether Trail, It's a mystery to everyone, It's a puzzle to me, Nether Trail

29. lokakuuta 2015 -päivitys

  • Fixed the Invasion Unusual effect "Subatomic" being off-center

17. joulukuuta 2015 -päivitys (Tough Break Update)

  • Fixed a bug where Unusual Slider was not properly saving

28. heinäkuuta 2016 -päivitys

  • Fixed not seeing particle effects for Unusual versions of Baseball Bill's Sports Shine, Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative, and Texas Slim's Dome Shine

21. lokakuuta 2016 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2016)

  • Added a taunt Unusualifier
    • A new tool that will Unusualify the specified taunt with the Unusual effect listed in the tool's description
    • Can be found as a random bonus item when opening a Creepy Crawly Case
  • Added 8 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 4 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 4 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • The chance to receive an Unusual item from a case opening has been increased during the event
  • All cases and Mann Co. Supply Crates will grant Halloween 2016 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2016 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Neutron Star, Starstorm Insomnia, Starstorm Slumber, Tesla Coil
    • Taunt effects: Hellish Inferno, Infernal Flames, Infernal Smoke, Spectral Swirl

18. marraskuuta 2016 -päivitys

  • Returned Unusual drop chances and possible particles effects to their original values now that Halloween has ended

21. marraskuuta 2016 -päivitys

  • Taunt Unusualifiers apply non-Halloween Unusual effects now that Halloween has ended

2. kesäkuuta 2017 -päivitys

  • Fixed the Neutron Star unusual effect being occasionally displaced after the player respawns

20. lokakuuta 2017 -päivitys (Jungle Inferno Update)

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Removed the Energy Orb unusual effect from all decorated cases.

1. joulukuuta 2017 -päivitys

  • Fixed rendering issues with the Infernal Flames, Infernal Smoke, Cloudy Moon, It's A Secret To Everybody, Ancient Eldritch, Eldritch Flame, and Death by Disco unusual effects.

13. joulukuuta 2017 -päivitys

  • Fixed a rendering issue with the Spectral Swirl unusual effect

21. joulukuuta 2017 -päivitys #1 (Smissmas 2017)

  • Fixed a rendering issue with the Misty Skull unusual effect

28. maaliskuuta 2018 -päivitys #1

  • Fixed the Community Sparkle particle effect not drawing on the viewmodel for players with Community and Self-Made weapons
  • Updated the Harvest Moon, Dead Presidents, and Circling Peace Sign unusual effects to fix display problems
  • Updated The Jag to fix a problem with the Isotope unusual effect

19. lokakuuta 2018 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2018)

  • Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 11 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cases will grant Halloween 2018 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2018 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Brain Drain, Clairvoyance, Galactic Gateway, Head of Steam, Omniscient Orb, Open Mind, Ring of Fire, The Dark Doorway, The Eldritch Opening, Vicious Circle, White Lightning
    • Taunt effects: Acidic Bubbles of Envy, Flammable Bubbles of Attraction, Ominous Night, Poisonous Bubbles of Regret, Roaring Rockets, Spooky Night

25. lokakuuta 2018 -päivitys

  • Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect

30. lokakuuta 2018 -päivitys

  • Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect

19. joulukuuta 2018 -päivitys (Smissmas 2018)

  • Updated the Starstorm Slumber unusual effect to fix a display problem

10. lokakuuta 2019 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2019)

  • Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 12 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 8 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2019 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2019 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Abyssal Aura, Ethereal Essence, Fifth Dimension, Ghastly Grove, Menacing Miasma, Mystical Medley, Twisted Radiance, Valiant Vortex, Verdant Vortex, Vicious Vortex, Violet Vortex, Wicked Wood
    • Taunt effects: Accursed, Bewitched, Eerie Lightning, Enchanted, Jarate Shock, Nether Void, Static Mist, Terrifying Thunder

16. joulukuuta 2019 -päivitys (Smissmas 2019)

  • Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 11 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Smissmas 2019 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Defragmenting Reality, Fragmented Gluons, Fragmented Photons, Fragmented Quarks, Fragmenting Reality, Frozen Icefall, Pyroland Daydream, Refragmenting Reality, Snowblinded, Snowfallen, Sparkling Lights
    • Taunt effects: Arctic Aurora, Festive Spirit, Good-Hearted Goodies, Magical Spirit, Winter Spirit, Wintery Wisp

21. elokuuta 2020 -päivitys (Summer 2020 Pack)

  • Added 4 new community-created Unusual effects
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Summer 2020 Pack effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Aromatica, Bee Swarm, Chromatica, Frisky Fireflies, Kaleidoscope, Prismatica, Smoldering Spirits, Verdatica, Wandering Wisps

1. lokakuuta 2020 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2020)

  • Added 19 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 8 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 11 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2020 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2020 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Green Giggler, Laugh-O-Lantern, Plum Prankster, Pyroland Nightmare, Gravelly Ghoul, Vexed Volcanics, Gourdian Angel, Pumpkin Party
    • Taunt effects: Arachnid Assault, Arcane Assistance, Astral Presence, Pyrophoric Personality, Creepy Crawlies, Emerald Allurement, Spectral Escort, Spellbound Aspect, Static Shock, Toxic Terrors, Veno Shock

2. lokakuuta 2020 -päivitys #1

  • Updated the timing of the Static Shock and Veno Shock unusual effects

3. joulukuuta 2020 -päivitys (Smissmas 2020)

  • Added 19 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 12 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 7 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2020 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Smissmas 2020 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Blighted Snowstorm, Distant Dream, Divine Desire, Frozen Fractals, Genus Plasmos, Lavender Landfall, Mirthful Mistletoe, Pale Nimbus, Serenus Lumen, Special Snowfall, Ventum Maris, Violent Wintertide
    • Taunt effects: Apotheosis, Ascension, Delightful Star, Frosted Star, Reindoonicorn Rancher, Shimmering Lights, Twinkling Lights

22. kesäkuuta 2021 -päivitys #1 (Summer 2021 Pack)

  • Added 6 new community-created Unusual effects
  • Moved materials for the community particle effects into the Effects/workshop sub-folder to distinguish them from Valve materials
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Summer 2021 Pack effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Aggradation, Ardentum Saturnalis, Flavorsome Sunset, Fragrancium Elementalis, Iridescence, Lucidation, Perennial Petals, Raspberry Bloom, Resonation, Reverium Irregularis, Stunning
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Updated the Gravelly Ghoul and Vexed Volcanics Unusual effects.

16. syyskuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Updated the Resonation, Aggradation, and Lucidation unusual effects to fix a problem when taunting

5. lokakuuta 2021 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2021)

  • Added 28 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 15 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 13 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2021 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2021 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Tempered Thorns, Devilish Diablo, Severed Serration, Shrieking Shades, Restless Wraiths, Infernal Wraith, Phantom Crown, Ancient Specter, Viridescent Peeper, Eyes of Molten, Ominous Stare, Pumpkin Moon, Frantic Spooker, Frightened Poltergeist, Energetic Haunter
    • Taunt effects: Spectral Shackles, Cursed Confinement, Cavalier de Carte, Hollow Flourish, Magic Shuffle, Vigorous Pulse, Thundering Spirit, Galvanic Defiance, Wispy Halos, Nether Wisps, Aurora Borealis, Aurora Australis, Aurora Polaris

8. lokakuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Updated the Shrieking Shades Unusual effect to prevent a naming conflict with another effect
  • Updated the Spectral Shackles Unusual effect to fix some material and rendering issues
  • Updated the Thundering Spirit Unusual effect to fix a missing glow effect

28. lokakuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Updated border color for Unusual items in the loadout menu

2. joulukuuta 2021 -päivitys (Smissmas 2021)

  • Added 27 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 16 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 11 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Smissmas 2021 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Smissmas Tree, Hospitable Festivity, Condescending Embrace, Sparkling Spruce, Glittering Juniper, Prismatic Pine, Spiraling Lights, Twisting Lights, Stardust Pathway, Flurry Rush, Spark of Smissmas, Polar Forecast, Shining Stag, Holiday Horns, Ardent Antlers, Festive Lights
    • Taunt effects: Amethyst Winds, Golden Gusts, Smissmas Swirls, Minty Cypress, Pristine Pine, Sparkly Spruce, Festive Fever, Golden Glimmer, Frosty Silver, Glamorous Dazzle, Sublime Snowstorm

3. joulukuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Renamed Smissmas Swirl Unusual effect to Spiraling Lights
  • Updated Polar Forecast, Spiraling Lights, and Twisting Lights Unusual effects

8. joulukuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Updated the Smissmas Tree Unusual effect to improve performance

17. joulukuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Updated Spark of Smissmas Unusual effect
    • Fixed some slight coloring issues
    • Adjusted lifetime values

21. joulukuuta 2021 -päivitys

  • Updated Winter Spirit, Festive Spirit, and Magical Spirit Unusual taunt effects with performance improvements

5. tammikuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Updated Minty Cypress, Pristine Pine, and Sparkly Spruce Unusual taunt effects to improve visibility in bright areas

28. maaliskuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Fixed looping particle effects being orphaned when players are killed or force-respawned
  • Updated Smissmas Swirls, Amethyst Winds, and Golden Gusts Unusual effects
    • Fixed visibility issues in bright environments
    • Reduced delay before the swirls start in order to accommodate short taunts
  • Updated Sparkling Spruce, Glittering Juniper, and Prismatic Pine Unusual effects
    • Raised the default height of the effect in order to prevent clipping issues
  • Updated the Sparkling Lights Unusual effect
    • Fixed visibility issues in bright environments
  • Updated Condescending Embrace Unusual effect
    • Fixed the effect not moving when taunting

29. maaliskuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Fixed particle effects regression when players are killed

7. heinäkuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Fixed not being able to adjust the offset for a cosmetic item's Unusual effect

29. heinäkuuta 2022 -päivitys (Summer 2022 Pack)

  • Added 29 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 29 new effects for Unusual hats
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Summer 2022 Pack effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Crustacean Sensation, Frosted Decadence, Sprinkled Delights, Terrestrial Favor, Tropical Thrill, Flourishing Passion, Dazzling Fireworks, Blazing Fireworks, Shimmering Fireworks, Twinkling Fireworks, Sparkling Fireworks, Glowing Fireworks, Glimmering Fireworks, Flying Lights, Limelight, Shining Star, Cold Cosmos, Refracting Fractals, Startrance, Starlush, Starfire, Stardust, Contagious Eruption, Daydream Eruption, Volcanic Eruption, Divine Sunlight, Audiophile, Soundwave, Synesthesia

11. elokuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Updated the Cold Cosmos Unusual effect to fix a parenting issue
  • Updated Contagious Eruption, Daydream Eruption, and Volcanic Eruption Unusual effects
    • Fixed the highlight glow detaching itself from the effects and moving in the direction the player is moving
    • Fixed the effects being almost invisible in bright areas

5. lokakuuta 2022 -päivitys (Scream Fortress 2022)

  • Added 25 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 12 new effects for Unusual hats.
    • 13 new effects for Unusual taunts.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2022 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Haunted Kraken, Eerie Kraken, Soulful Slice, Horsemann's Hack, Haunted Forever!, Aina ja ikuisesti!, Cursed Forever!, Moth Plague, Malevolent Monoculi, Haunted Wick, Wicked Wick, Spectral Wick
    • Taunts effects: Marigold Ritual, Pungent Poison, Blazed Brew, Mysterious Mixture, Linguistic Deviation, Aurelian Seal, Runic Imprisonment, Prismatic Haze, Rising Ritual, Bloody Grip, Toxic Grip, Infernal Grip, Death Grip

11. lokakuuta 2022 -päivitys #1

  • Fixed Horsemann's Hack unusual effect not being visible in bright areas and optimized the particle count.

5. joulukuuta 2022 -päivitys (Smissmas 2022)

  • Added 17(sic) new community-created Unusual effects
    • 8(sic) new effects for Unusual hats
    • 9(sic) new effects for Unusual taunts
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Smissmas 2022 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Kultainen kierre, Viheriöivä virtuoosi, Hopeinen harmonia, Cosmic Constellations, Dazzling Constellations, Likaiset hiutaleet, Starlight Haze
    • Taunts effects: Charged Arcane, Thunderous Rage, Convulsive Fiery, Festivized Formation, Twirling Spirits, Squash n' Twist, Midnight Sparklers, Boundless Blizzard

6. joulukuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Updated Musical Maelstrom, Verdant Virtuoso, and Silver Serenade effects to fix max particle count.

14. joulukuuta 2022 -päivitys

  • Updated Tainted Frost unusual effect to fix a problem with the material.

12. heinäkuuta 2023 -päivitys #1 (Summer 2023)

  • Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 12 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 8 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Summer 2023 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Hard Carry, Jellyfish Field, Jellyfish Hunter, Jellyfish Jam, Global Clusters, Celestial Starburst, Sylicone Succiduous, Sakura Smoke Bomb, Treasure Trove, Bubble Breeze, Fireflies, Mountain Halo
    • Taunts effects: Deepsea Rave, Pastel Trance, Solar Scorched, Floppin' Frenzy, Wildflower Meadows, Blooming Beacon, Beaming Beacon, Blazing Beacon

12. heinäkuuta 2023 -päivitys #2

  • Fixed a transparency issue with the Hard Carry Unusual effect.

20. heinäkuuta 2023 -päivitys #1

  • Fixed geometry collision issue with the Wildflower Meadows Unusual effect.
  • Fixed the Deepsea Rave Unusual effect's ground particles not being visible on some surfaces.
  • Fixed Bubble Breeze, Global Clusters, Celestial Starburst, and Sylicone Succiduous Unusual effects not following moving players.

27. heinäkuuta 2023 -päivitys

  • Fixed the Pastel Trance Unusual taunt effect not drawing two Balloonicorns.

31. elokuuta 2023 -päivitys

  • Fixed the floor particles for the Pastel Trance Unusual taunt effect sometimes drawing full white.

9. lokakuuta 2023 -päivitys #1 (Scream Fortress 2023)

  • Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 13 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 7 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added the following Scream Fortress 2023 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Celestial Summit, Stellar Ascent, Sapped, Hellspawned Horns, Demonic Impaler, Revenant's Rack, Sixth Sense, Amygdala, The Bone Zone, Arachne's Web, Acidic Climate, Otherworldly Weather, Nightmarish Storm
    • Taunts effects: Deep-sea Devourer, Eldritch Horror, Autumn Leaves, Dead Man's Party, Potion Explosion, Haunted Cremation, Cremation

13. lokakuuta 2023 -päivitys

  • Fixed Celestial Summit and Stellar Ascent Unusual effects not following moving players
  • Updated the Sapped Unusual effect to fix visibility issues in bright environments
  • Updated the Nightmarish Storm, Acidic Climate, and Otherworldly Weather Unusual effects to fix a problem with the lock rotation
  • Updated the Eldritch Horror and Deep-sea Devourer Unusual taunt effects to fix a problem with flickering

19. lokakuuta 2023 -päivitys

  • Updated the Celestial Summit Unusual effect to reduce the particle count
  • Updated the Potion Explosion Unusual taunt effect to remove the delay when starting the effect
  • Updated the Dead Man's Party Unusual taunt effect
    • Added fades to hand sprites
    • Improved effect composition on fast-moving taunts
    • Fixed some particle sorting issues


A floating unusual effect
A circling unusual effect with a very large orbit distance
  • One end of the particle effect on Kill-a-Watt or Terror-Watt may randomly attach to temporarily random areas of a map, causing the effect to stretch from the point through any walls to the wearer's head.
  • Unusual effects may sometimes detach from the player after moving enough or taunting.
  • Rarely, 'circling' Unusual effects may orbit their wearer at a much further distance than usual.
  • Sometimes, a weapon Unusual effect can block a player's first person view, only resetting once the player dies or has their loadout refreshed.[2]
  • Unusual taunt effects that attach to the player's body do not appear properly in the loadout or inspect menu.



  • Olkoon se salaisuus kaikille -efektin englanninkielinen nimi "It's A Secret To Everybody" viittaa kuuluisaan lauseeseen pelisarjassa The Legend of Zelda.


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