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{{Najlepšie článok tag}}
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[[Image :. Wellconceptart.png | thumb | right | 500px | Svet "" Team Fortress 2 '']]
[[Image:. Wellconceptart.png | thumb | right | 500px | World '' Team Fortress 2 '']]
{{hatnote | Úplný zoznam všetkých máp, pozri [[zoznam mapy]]}.}
{{hatnote | For a full list of all maps, see [[List Maps]]}.}
Jedná sa o '' 'zoznam herných režimov' '' v '' [[Team Fortress 2]] ''. Spočiatku, hra dodávaný iba tri herné módy: [[#Capture the Flag | Capture the Flag]], [[#Control bodu (režim Hra) | Control Point]] a [[#Territorial Control | Územná Control]] , Početné [[aktualizácia]] pridali jedenásť nové herné módy ([[#Payload | Užitočná hmotnosť]], [[#Arena | Arena]], [[#King of the Hill | King of the Hill]], [[#Payload race | Payload race]], [[Medieval Mode]], [[Special Delivery (Herný režim) | Special Delivery]], [[#Mann vs. Machine | Mann vs. Machine]], [[Robot ničenia]], [[#Mannpower | Mannpower]], [[PASS Time]] a [[#Player Zničenie | prehrávač Zničenie]]), takže štrnásť oficiálne herné módy, spolu s dvoma vzdelávacích programov. Tieto herné módy sú rozložené 86 Úradný [[Zoznam máp | mapy]] a ponúkajú veľký výber herných štýlov a hier v '' Team Fortress 2 ''.
This is the '' list of game modes '' in '' [[Team Fortress 2]] ''. Initially, the game comes just three game modes: [[#Capture the Flag | Capture the Flag]], [[#Control point (Game Mode) | Control Point]] and [[#Territorial Control | Territorial Control]] Numerous [[update]] added eleven new game modes ([[#Payload | payload]], [[#Arena | Arena]], [[#King of the Hill | King of the Hill]] [[#Payload race | Payload race]], [[Medieval Mode]], [[Special Delivery (Game Mode) | Special Delivery]], [[#Mann vs. Machine | Mann vs. Machine]], [[ Robot destruction]], [[#Mannpower | Mannpower]], [[PASS Time]] and [[#Player Destruction | Destruction player]]) so that the fourteen official game modes, along with two educational programs. These game modes are spread over 86 Official [[List of maps | maps]] and offers a great variety of game styles and games in 'Team Fortress 2' '.
{{kotva | arena}}
{{Anchor | Arena}}
== Arena ==
== == Arena
[[Image: Arenalumberyard.jpg | thumb | right | 300px | [[píle]]]]
[[Image: Arenalumberyard.jpg | thumb | right | 300px | [[industry]]]]
{{Hlavný | Arena}}
{{Main | Arena}}
{{Pozri aj | Tipy # Arena | L1 = Arena Tipy}}
{{See also | Tips # Arena | L1 = Tips Arena}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Abraham Lincoln' '', '' druhá nástupné reč, 1865 "" | Hovorím to vám s nelakovaný faktografie prostého diskusie: Aj '' láska '' režim Arena}.}
{{Quote | '' Abraham Lincoln '', '' another picks up speech, 1865 '' | I say this to you with unvarnished simple discussion of facts: Even '' love '' Arena Mode}.}
'' 'Areny' '' mapy sú navrhnuté tak, aby triedny rozmanitosť '' Team Fortress 2 '' so zameraním cieľov okolo boja medzi dvoma tímami. Zatiaľ čo ostatné herné módy prikláňať k širokej, celkovej stratégie pre tím, Arena zameriava na špecifických taktických možností tímy robia v jednom boji. Arena mapy nesú <code> arénu _ </ code> prefix.
'' 'Arena' 'maps are designed to classroom diversity' Team Fortress 2 ', focusing goals around combat between two teams. While other game modes lean towards a broad, overall strategy for the team, Arena concentrates on the specific tactical options teams make in a single fight. Arena maps carry the <code> arena _ </ code> prefix.
Režim Arena je menšie mapy, aby zabezpečili kratšie zápasy, pretože nemáte respawn po smrti. Keď zomriete v režime Arena, vstúpite do režimu spectate, kým sa koleso je dokončené. Mapy zvyčajne uvádzajú riadiace bod v strede mapy a majú tendenciu byť len normálne, King of the Hill mapy s no-respawnu.
Arena mode is smaller maps to ensure shorter matches, because you do not respawn after death. When he died in Arena mode, enter the spectate until the wheel is completed. Maps usually given control point in the middle of the map and tend to be just a normal, King of the Hill maps with no-respawn.
Niekedy v prípade, že tímy sú nevyvážené správa sa objavia dva ľudí hovoriť "opatrní, ak stratíte toto kolo, budete musieť sadnúť von", a ak ich tím prehrá, že koleso sa hráč bude diváka až do nadchádzajúceho kola.
Sometimes, if teams are unbalanced report appears two people saying "careful, if you lose this round, you will have to sit out" and if their team loses, the player will wheel the viewer to the next round.
Loadouts zmenila počas odpočítavania pred zápasom nebude robiť tak v hre, ak sa hráč spácha samovraždu pomocou výbuchov alebo "" zabiť '' alebo '' explodovať "" príkazov z konzol. Zmena triedy a späť bude tiež pracovať.
Loadouts changed during the countdown before the game will not do so in the game, if a player commits suicide by means of explosions or '' kill '' or '' explode '' commands from the console. Changing class and back will also work.
Tlačidlo [[First Blood]] buff je unikátny do režimu Arena, ak hráč dostane prvú zostrel, ktoré sú udeľované s plnými kritický zásah pre riešenie veľkého množstva škôd.
The [[First Blood]] buff is unique to Arena Mode, where the player gets the first Frag which are awarded with full critical hit for dealing large amounts of damage.
'' 'Arena mapy' '':
'' 'Arena maps' ''
* [[Badlands (Arena) | Badlands]]
* [[Badlands (Arena) | Badlands]]
* [[Byre]]
* [[Byre]]
* [[Sýpky (Arena) | Sýpka]]
* [[Granary (Arena) | Granary]]
* [[Pile]]
* [[Pile]]
* [[Nucleus (Arena) | Nucleus]]
* [[Nucleus (Arena) | Nucleus]]
* [[Offblast]]
* [[Offblast]]
* [[Ravine]]
* [[Ravine]]
* [[Píla (Arena) | píla]]
* [[Sawmill (Arena) | saw]]
* [[Strážna veža]]
* [[Watchtower]]
* [[Well (Arena) | No]]
* [[Well (Arena) | No]]
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{{kotva | CTF | CTF | Capture the Flag}}
{{Anchor | CTF | CTF | Capture the Flag}}
== Capture the Flag ==
== == Capture the Flag
[[Image: Gamemody ctf.png | right | 300px]]
[[Image: Gamemode ctf.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | Capture the Flag}}
{{Main | Capture the Flag}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Scout' '' | Wave na rozlúčku ya tajné kecy, dumbass |! Sound = Scout_specialcompleted05.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Scout '' '| Wave goodbye to ya secret crap, dumbass |! Sound Scout_specialcompleted05.wav =}}
'' 'Capture the Flag' '' ponúka ako [[RED]] a [[BLU]] základne, z ktorých každý obsahuje vlastné [[Capture the Flag # Intelligence | Inteligencia]] aktovku (tiež známy ako "vlajka" a " spravodajské "). Cieľom oboch tímov je zachytiť nepriateľskú inteligenciu, kým nedosiahnu herné zachytávanie hranicu (Predvolené limit je 3 zachytáva) a zároveň zabrániť ich nepriateľovi v dosiahnutí rovnaké.
'' Capture the Flag '' offers as [[RED]] and [[BLU]] bases, each containing its own [[Capture the Flag # Intelligence | Intelligence]] briefcase (also known as the "flag" and "intelligence"). The objective of both teams is to capture the enemy intelligence until they reach the game capture limit (default limit is 3 captures) while preventing their enemy from reaching the same.
Obe družstvá Intelligence sú zvyčajne umiestnené hlboko na ich území, sa zvyčajne v symetrickom mieste od seba, v oblasti známej ako "spravodajské miestnosti". Ak chcete vyzdvihnúť inteligenciou hráč musí dotknúť nepriateľa kufrík. Zatiaľ čo držíte nepriateľa Intelligence, hráč musí priniesť ju na mieste sídla ich inteligencia, kde musí zadať svoje "zachytávanie zónu" (označené žltej a čiernej čiary), aby úspešne zachytiť. Po každom úspešnom odchytu, bude váš tím odmenený desiatich sekúnd [[Kritické zásahy | zvýšenie crit]].
Both teams Intelligence are typically located deep within their territory, usually in a symmetrical location from each other in an area known as a "news room". To pick up intelligence player must touch the enemy's briefcase. While holding the enemy's Intelligence, the player must bring it to the seat of their intelligence, where they must enter their 'capture zone' (indicated by yellow and black lines) in order to successfully capture. After each successful capture, your team will be rewarded with ten seconds [[Critical Hits | increase crit]].
V prípade, že dopravca Intelligence je zabitý alebo Intelligence je zámerne klesol, kontrolór tímy cez reproduktor a Aktovka zostane v pokoji po dobu 60 sekúnd, s časovačom zobrazené nad Intelligence označujúci, koľko času ešte zostáva, ako je vrátená do intelligence izbu. Počas tejto doby Intelligence môžete vyzdvihnúť ako normálne. Zakaždým, keď Intelligence spadol, časovač sa vynuluje. Nepriateľ nemôže pohybovať alebo resetovať inteligenciou sami. Spravodajské nemôže byť vykonaný hráči s nezraniteľnosti buff (tj [[ÜberCharge]] D hráča a zvedov pod vplyvom [[Bonk atómovú Punch!]]) A spravodajské dopravcovia nemôžu prijímať nezraniteľnosť buff. Spravodajské tiež nemusí byť zhromaždený [[vojaka]] ovládať nastavenie [[Rocket Jumper]] alebo a [[Demoman]] pomocou [[Sticky Jumper]]. Zahalená Spies nemôže vyzdvihnúť Intelligence pokiaľ nebude ich plášť bol vypnutý. Ak však Spy robí získať Intelligence potom stratí prevlek a už nebudete môcť zmeniť svoje prestrojení alebo plášť. Výnimkou je mŕtvy Ringer, ktorý donúti Spy k poklesu inteligencie a plášť ako normálne.
If the Intelligence carrier is killed or the Intelligence is intentionally dropped, the inspector teams over the loudspeaker and the Briefcase will remain at rest for 60 seconds, with a timer shown above the Intelligence indicating how much time is left as it is returned to the Intelligence room. During this time the Intelligence can be picked up as normal. Every time the Intelligence is dropped, the timer is reset. The enemy can not move or reset the intelligence themselves. News can be performed players of invulnerability buff (ie [[ÜberCharge]] D player and lift under the influence of [[Bonk Atomic Punch!]]) And Intelligence carriers can not receive invulnerability buff. News also not be picked up by [[soldier]] to control the [[Rocket Jumper]] or a [[Demoman]] with [[Sticky Jumper]]. Cloaked Spies can not pick up Intelligence until their mantle was turned off. However, if a Spy does acquire Intelligence then lose disguise and you can no longer change their disguise or Cloak. The exception is dead Ringer, which forced Spy to drop intelligence and cloak than normal.
V prípade, že dopravca Intelligence zomrie v bežne neprístupné časti mapy, teda spadajú do jamy, alebo z útesu, spravodajská sa okamžite vráti do svojej východiskovej polohe vo spravodajské miestnosti. Ak nie je tím dokončí limit zachytiť skôr, než vyprší čas, bude zápas vstúpi [[Death] Náhle] režim.
If the Intelligence carrier dies in a normally inaccessible part of the map, ie falling into a pit or on a cliff, intelligence is immediately returned to its starting position in the news room. If no team completes the capture limit before time runs out, the match will enter [[Death] Abruptly] mode.
Na rozdiel od variantu Capture the Flag v iných hrách, môžete "" môže "" vykonať branie, bez toho aby ste museli svoju inteligenciu na svojej základni.
Unlike variant Capture the Flag in other games, you '' may '' make a capture without needing to their intelligence at its base.
'' 'Capture the Flag mapy' '':
'' Capture the Flag maps' ''
* [[2Fort]]
* [[2Fort]]
* [[2Fort Invázia]] (2Fort event)
* [[2Fort invasion]] (2Fort event)
* [[Double Cross]]
* [[Double Cross]]
* [[Landfall]]
* [[Landfall]]
* [[Píla (Capture the Flag) | píla]]
* [[Sawmill (Capture the Flag) | saw]]
* [[Turbine]]
* [[Turbine]]
* [[Well (Capture the Flag) | No]]
* [[Well (Capture the Flag) | No]]
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{{kotva | KP | KP | kontrolný bod}}
{{Anchor | KP | KP | }} checkpoint
== Control Point ==
== == Control Point
[[Súbor: Gamemody cp.png | right | 300px]]
[[File: Gamemode cp.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | Control Point (herný režim)}}
{{Main | Control Point (game mode)}}
{{Pozri aj | Ovládacie bod (cieľ)}}
{{See also | Control point (objective)}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Inžinier' '' | Tento bod sa nebudem cap sama o sebe! Poď sem |! Sound = Engineer_helpmecapture02.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Engineer '' '| This point is not gonna cap itself! Come here |! Sound Engineer_helpmecapture02.wav =}}
'' 'Control Point' '' mapy majú dva hlavné typy herných režimov.
'' Control Point '' maps have two main types of game modes.
Kontrolné body sú kruhové plošiny s tímovo sfarbené svetlo a hologram v stredu (neutrálne body majú biele svetlo a hologram). Ak chcete zachytiť bod vlastníctva nepriateľským tímom, hráč jednoducho stojí na mieste, kým merač zachytenie naplní jeho alebo jej farby tímu. Čím viac hráčov na bode, tým rýchlejšie sa bude zachytávať, aj keď len na [[kontrolný bod načasovanie | obmedzenej miere]]. [[Scout]] s, ako aj [[Vojak]] s / [[Demoman | Demomen]] s [[Pain Train]] vybavený, sa počítajú ako 2 hráčov pri snímaní kontrolných bodov. Pokrok Zachytenie nebudú prijaté, len čo budú hráči oboch tímov na kontrolnom bode. Ak sú všetky odchytu hráči zabitých alebo riadený skôr, než zachytenie je dokončená, bude pokrok zachytenie nie sú ihneď obnoviť, ale namiesto toho sa bude postupne slabnúť.
Control points are circular platforms with a team-colored light and hologram in the center (neutral points have a white light and hologram). To capture point ownership enemy team, the player simply stands on the site until the capture meter fills his or her team color. The more players on a point, the faster it will capture, though only to [[checkpoint timing | limited extent]]. [[Scout]] s and [[Soldier]] s / [[Demoman | Demomen]] with [[Pain Train]] equipped, count as 2 players when capturing control points. Capture progress will not be made as soon as the players of both teams to the checkpoint. If all the players capture killed or controlled before the capture is completed, the capture progress not recover but instead will gradually diminish.
'' 'K dispozícii sú tri stavy pre zachytenie bodu' '':
'' There are three states for a capture point '' '
Súbor: CP Neutral.png | '' 'neutrálne' '': Riadiaca bod môže byť prijaté buď tímu (zvyčajne centrálny bod v symetrickej CP mapy).
File: CP neutral.png | '' Neutral '' ': The control point can be adopted either team (usually the central point in a symmetrical CP map).
Súbor: CP vyfotografovaná RED.png | '' 'Zhotovené' '': Kontrolný bod je v súčasnej dobe vo vlastníctve Červený tím, ale môže byť obsadený tímom BLU.
File: CP photographed red.png | '' Made '' ': The control point is currently owned by the Red Team, but can be occupied BLU team.
Súbor: CP Locked RED.png | '' 'Locked' '': Kontrolný bod je v súčasnej dobe vo vlastníctve Červený tím a nemožno (zatiaľ) byť opakovaný tímom BLU.
File: CP Locked red.png | '' Locked '' ': The control point is currently owned by Red team and not (yet) be repeated BLU team.
</ Gallery>
</ Gallery>
'' 'Tam sú štyri hlavné typy Control Point map' '' & ndash; Symetrický Control Point, Domination Control Point, Útok / Defend, a Stredoveký Útok / Defend.
'' There are four main types of Control Point maps' '' & ndash; Symmetric Control Point, Domination Control Point, Attack / Defend, and Medieval Attack / Defend.
=== Symetrický Control Point ===
=== === Symmetric Control Point
[[Image: CP_Yukon_overview.png | thumb | right | 300px | [[Yukon]]]]
[[Image: CP_Yukon_overview.png | thumb | right | 300px | [[Yukon]]]]
V '' 'Symmetrical kontrolný bod' '', alebo '' 'Linear Control Point' '', oba tímy začínajú dvoma riadenými body a centrálnym bodom začína neutrálne. Tím, ktorý zachytáva všetky kontrolné body vyhráva. Tradičné Control Point map pôjde do [[Sudden Death]] (alebo [[Match výsledky # patovej situácie | Pat]]), ak nie je tím zachytáva všetky kontrolné body skôr, než vyprší čas. Kontrolné body bližšie k tímu spawn sú zachytené ešte rýchlejšie nepriateľským tímom.
In '' Symmetrical control point '' or '' Linear Control Point '' 'Both teams start with two controlled points and a central point starts to neutral. The team that captures all control points wins. Traditional Control Point maps will go into [[Sudden Death]] (or [[Match Results # stalemate | Pat]]), unless it captures all the checkpoints before time runs out. Checkpoints closer to spawn team captured even faster enemy team.
'' 'Symetrický Control Point map' '':
'' Symmetric Control Point map '' '
* [[5Gorge]]
* [[5Gorge]]
* [[Badlands (Control Point) | Badlands]]
* [[Badlands (Control Point) | Badlands]]
Line 107: Line 107:
* [[Foundry]]
* [[Foundry]]
* [[Freight]]
* [[Freight]]
* [[Sýpky (Control Point) | Sýpka]]
* [[Granary (Control Point) | Granary]]
* [[Gullywash]]
* [[Gullywash]]
* [[Powerhouse]]
* [[Powerhouse]]
Line 116: Line 116:
* [[Yukon]]
* [[Yukon]]
=== Domination Control Point ===
=== === Domination Control Point
[[Image: Cp_standin_B.jpg | thumb | right | 300px | [[stojím]]]]
[[Image: Cp_standin_B.jpg | thumb | right | 300px | [[stand]]]]
'' 'Dominancia kontrolný bod' '', mapy hrať symetricky. Oba tímy začínajú žiadne kontrolované body, a všetky body začať neutrálne. Tím, ktorý zachytáva všetky kontrolné body vyhráva. Tradičné Control Point map pôjde do náhlej smrti (alebo pätu), ak nie je tím zachytáva všetky kontrolné body skôr, než vyprší čas. Na rozdiel od symetrické kontrolným bodom, akonáhle tím má všetky tri body, ktoré vyhrať bez ohľadu na to, ako moc zachytiť postupovať iný tím má.
'' Dominance checkpoint '', maps play symmetrically. Both teams begin no controlled points, and all points start neutral. The team that captures all control points wins. Traditional Control Point maps will go into Sudden Death (or footer), unless it captures all the checkpoints before time runs out. Unlike the symmetrical control point once it has all three points to win no matter how much capture the other team has to follow.
'' 'Domination Control Point map' '':
'' Domination Control Point map '' '
* [[Stojí v]]
* [[Stand in]]
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{{kotva | útok / obranu | Útok / Defend}}
{{Anchor | attack / defense | Attack / Defend}}
=== Útok / Defend ===
=== Attack / Defend ===
[[Image: Gamemode_attackdefend.png | right | 300px]]
[[Image: Gamemode_attackdefend.png | right | 300px]]
{{Citácia | '' 'Nahrávka Demoman' '' | nabudúce budete sakra opýtať, než budete stáť na mojom mieste. | Sound = Demoman_specialcompleted06.wav}}
{{Quote | '' The Demoman '' '| hell next time you ask before you stand in my place. | Sound Demoman_specialcompleted06.wav =}}
'' 'Útok / Defend' '' Mapy Play asymetricky. [[RED]] začína so všetkými bodmi v ich kontrolu. [[BLU]] vyhráva, keď to zachytí všetky body červené je. Body môžu byť zachytené iba v stanovenom poradí (hoci niektoré mapy, ako napríklad Gravel Pit a oceľ, môžu robiť výnimky). RED vyhráva, keď bráni BLU od zachytávať všetky body pred vypršaním časovača. Body zachytené BLU sú zvyčajne zamknuté a nemožno zachytiť znovu RED.
'' Attack / Defend '' Maps Play asymmetrically. [[RED]] begins with all the points in their control. [[BLU]] wins if it captures all the red points. Points can be captured only in the order (though some maps, such as Gravel Pit and Steel, may make exceptions). RED wins if prevents BLU from capturing all points before the timer expires. Points captured by BLU are typically locked and can not be captured again RED.
Útok / Defend mapy môže prísť v rôznych štýloch. Niektoré mapy, ako napríklad Dustbowl a Egypt, vyžadujú BLU tímu zachytiť tri etapy dvoch kontrolných bodov každý vyhrať zápas. V prípade, že útočiaci tím nezíska akejkoľvek fáze, budú tímy zopne a obrancovia sa potom obrátiť na štát útočníci, počnúc 1. etapa ďalšie mapy, napríklad Gravel Pit a Junction umožniť útočníkovi zachytiť dva body v ľubovoľnom poradí (body A alebo B) pred útokom konečný bod (bod C). Oceľ je unikátny útok / Defend mapa v tomto zachytávať každý vedľajšej capture bod (body A, B, C a D), umožní lepší prístup k hlavnému bodu (bod E), ako je napríklad umožňuje viac trás do bodu E alebo rozšírenie mostov do tej miery, aby absolvovať výučbu bez zvláštnej [[skoku]] s môžu zachytiť. Tak znamená, že jeden bez povšimnutia Scout môže zachytiť a vyhrať hry, bez toho aby si uvedomil tím.
Attack / Defend maps can come in different styles. Some maps such as Dustbowl and Egypt, require the BLU team to capture three stages of two control points each to win the game. If the attacking team has not won any stage, teams will be energized, defenders then turning to the attackers, beginning with stage 1. Other maps such as Gravel Pit and Junction allow the attacker to capture two points in any order (points A or B) before the attack the final point (point C). Steel is a unique Attack / Defend map in that capturing each secondary capture point (points A, B, C and D) will allow better access to the main point (point E), such as allowing multiple routes into point E or extension bridge to the extent to attend lessons without special [[skip]] s can capture. Thus it means that one unnoticed by Scout can capture and win the game without even realizing it.
'' 'Útok / Defend mapy' '':
'' Attack / Defend maps' ''
* [[Dustbowl]]
* [[Dustbowl]]
* [[Egypt]]
* [[Egypt]]
Line 141: Line 141:
* [[Gravel Pit]]
* [[Gravel Pit]]
* [[Junction]]
* [[Junction]]
* [[Snežný pluh]]
* [[Snowplow]]
* [[Steel]]
* [[Steel]]
* [[Mountain Lab]]
* [[Mountain Lab]]
* [[Mann Manor]] (Mountain Lab udalostí)
* [[Mann Manor]] (Mountain Lab events)
=== Stredoveký Útok / Defend ===
=== Medieval Attack / Defend ===
[[Image :! Getty to Önne .png | right | 200px | Getty Je Onne]]
[[Image:! Getty's Önne .png | right | 200px | Getty is Onne]]
{{Citácia | '' 'ventil' '' | Ako sa mužní muži z Team Fortress 2 sa objaví v desiatom storočí cimburie? Jednoduché. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AWizardDidIt '' 'Vojak hneval kúzelníka' ''.]}}
{{Quote | '' 'Valve' '' | As the manly men of Team Fortress 2 will appear in the tenth century battlement? Easy. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AWizardDidIt '' Soldier angered a magician ''.]}}
'' 'Stredoveký Útok / Defend' '' je súčasťou [[Stredoveká Mode]], pridaná počas [[austrálskej vianočné]] aktualizácie. Hrá ako pravidelný útok / Defend, ale s jedným zásadným krútením: všetky zbrane sú odstránené, a len [[Stredoveké režim # povolené zbrane | Olde zbrane]] môže byť použitý, a tiež spôsobuje mŕtve hráčov klesnúť malých zdravotných súpravy namiesto ich zbrane , Textový chat je filtrovaný (Olde anglicky) sa podobať jazyk éry (hoci so značnou nepresností) a mapa je v stredovekom štýle.
'' Medieval Attack / Defend '' 'is part of the [[Medieval Mode]], added during the [[Australian Christmas]] updates. Plays like regular Attack / Defend, but with one major twist: all guns are removed, and only [[Medieval Mode # allowed guns | Olde weapons]] may be used and also causes dead players to drop small health kits instead of their weapon, text chat is filtered (Olde English) to resemble language era (though with considerable inaccuracy) and the map is in medieval style.
'' 'Stredoveký Útok / Defend máp' '':
'' Medieval Attack / Defend maps' ''
* [[DeGroot Keep]]
* [[DeGroot Keep]]
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{{kotva | Köthe | Koth | King of the Hill | kráľ kopca}}
{{Anchor | Köthe | Koth | King of the Hill | King of the Hill}}
== King of the Hill ==
== King of the Hill ==
[[Súbor: Gamemody koth.png | right | 300px]]
[[File: Gamemode koth.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | King of the Hill}}
{{Main | King of the Hill}}
{{Citácia | '' 'beztriednej Aktualizácia' '' | Od ich objavu v roku 1895, kopce fascinujú kráľa}.}
{{Quote | '' Classless update '' '| Since their discovery in 1895, hills fascinate King}.}
'' 'King of the Hill' '' je podobný Arena. King of the Hill zameria sa na jedinej kontrolný bod v strede mapy, ktorá je neutrálna a zaistené na začiatku kola. Tímy musia svoju cestu na kontrolný bod a zachytiť ju, keď bude k dispozícii. Akonáhle je bod je zajatý skupinou, bude ich tím hodiny začať tri minúty odpočítavanie. Ak sa nepriateľ tím dokáže zachytiť bod späť, bude ich čas začne odpočítavať hodiny, zatiaľ čo druhý tím v mrazí v čase, keď bola táto otázka zachytený. Tím vyhrá po tom, čo vlastní bod a ich tri minúty vypršala.
'' King of the Hill '' is similar to Arena. King of the Hill focuses on a single control point in the middle of the map, which is neutral and locked at the beginning of the round. Teams must make its way to the checkpoint and capture it when it becomes available. Once the point is captured by a group, their team clock will start countdown three minutes. If the enemy can capture the point back, their time will count down clock starts, while the second team in the frost when the question was captured. The team won after their own point and three minutes has expired.
'' 'King of the Hill map' '':
'' King of the Hill map '' '
* [[Badlands (King of the Hill) | Badlands]]
* [[Badlands (King of the Hill) | Badlands]]
* [[Eyeaduct]] (Viaduct event)
* [[Eyeaduct]] (Viaduct event)
* [[Duch Fort]] (Lakeside event)
* [[Spirit Fort]] (Lakeside event)
* [[Harvest]]
* [[Harvest]]
* [[Harvest Event]]
* [[Harvest Event]]
* [[Horná priepusť]]
* [[High pass]]
* [[Kong Kráľ]]
* [[King Kong]]
* [[Lakeside]]
* [[Lakeside]]
* [[Nucleus (King of the Hill) | Nucleus]]
* [[Nucleus (King of the Hill) | Nucleus]]
* [[Sondoval]]
* [[Probed]]
* [[Píla (King of the Hill) | píla]]
* [[Sawmill (King of the Hill) | saw]]
* [[Suijin]]
* [[Suijin]]
* [[Viadukt]]
* [[Viaduct]]
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{{kotva | MVM | Mann vs. Machine | Co-op}}
{{Anchor | MVM | Mann vs. Machine | Co-op}}
== Mann vs. Machine ==
== Mann vs. Machine ==
{{Hlavný | Mann vs. Machine (herný režim)}}
{{Main | Mann vs. Machine (game mode)}}
[[Image: Gamemody mvm.png | right | 350px]]
[[Image: Gamemode mvm.png | right | 350px]]
{{Citácia | '' 'Heavy' '' | More suť, menšie problémy |! Sound = Heavy_specialcompleted03.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Heavy '' '| More rubble, less trouble |! Sound Heavy_specialcompleted03.wav =}}
'' 'Mann vs. Machine' '' je Herný režim, ktorý bol prepustený v roku [[Mann vs. Machine (aktualizácia) | aktualizácia s rovnakým názvom]]. V tejto hre režime, tím troch až šiestich hráči musia odraziť hordy robotov sa snaží niesť bombu na jednu z pevností Mann Co .. Upgrade a [[Power Up Menza | Jedáleň]] power-ups je možné zakúpiť na spawn bod pomocou hotovosť vyzdvihnúť hráči na zničenie robota (nie každý robot klesne hotovosť). Bonus objem hotovosti bude udelená tímu, ak všetky hotovosť z vlny sa zdvihol.
'' 'Mann vs. Machine '' Game Mode, which was released in [[Mann vs. Machine (update) | updating of the same name]]. In this game mode, the three to six players must fend off hordes of robots trying to carry a bomb on one of the strongholds of Mann Co .. Upgrade and [[Power Up Menza | Dining room]] power-ups can be purchased at the spawn point using the cash to pick players to destroy the robot (not every robot falls cash). Bonus amount of cash will be awarded to the team when all the cash from the waves picked up.
Všetky triedy a väčšina zbrane majú rôzne upgrade schopnosti, ako je rýchlosť pohybu, trvanie poplatok a výške munície hráč môže držať pre zbraň. Prežiť všetky vlny bude dokončiť misiu. Po ukončení hráčovho prvej misie, budú dostávať kantíny.
All classes and most of the weapons have different upgrade skills, such as speed of movement, duration of payment and the amount of ammunition the player can hold the gun. Survive all the waves will complete the mission. After completion of the player's first mission will receive canteen.
V súčasnej dobe existuje 5 [[Tour of Duty | operácie]] a 29 [[Mann vs. Machine misie | misie]] (niektoré misie nie sú súčasťou žiadnej prevádzky) v Mann vs. Machine.
Currently, there are five [[Tour of Duty | operations]] and 29 [[Mann vs. Machine mission | Mission]] (some missions are not part of any operation) in Mann vs. Machine.
'' 'Mann vs. Machine mapy' '':
'' 'Mann vs. Machine maps' ''
* [[Bigrock]]
* [[Bigrock]]
* [[Coal Town]]
* [[Coal Town]]
* [[Decoy]]
* [[Decoy]]
* [[Mesto duchov]]
* [[Ghost Town]]
* [[Mannhattan]]
* [[Mannhattan]]
* [[Mannworks]]
* [[Mannworks]]
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{{kotva | CTF | CTF | mannpower}}
{{Anchor | CTF | CTF | mannpower}}
== Mannpower ==
== == Mannpower
[[Súbor: Gamemody powerup.png | right | 300px]]
[[File: Gamemode powerup.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | Mannpower}}
{{Main | Mannpower}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Nahrávka Demoman' '' | Dúfam, že som sa vydesiť vás s mojou tvárou v tvár muža Fightin |! Sound = Demoman_dominationspy03.wav}}
{{Quote | '' The Demoman '' '| I hope I scare you with my husband in the face Fightin |! Sound Demoman_dominationspy03.wav =}}
'' 'Mannpower' '' je upravená verzia Capture the Flag, v ktorom sa musí tímy zachytiť nepriateľ [[Intelligence]] aktovku stanovený počet opakovaní (Predvolené limit je 10 zachytáva) a zároveň zabrániť nepriateľovi z robia to isté. Režim Hra sa vyznačuje používaním háky a dvanásť jedinečných power-ups.
'' Mannpower '' 'is a modified version of Capture the Flag, in which teams must capture the enemy [[Intelligence]] briefcase specified number of times (The default limit is 10 captures) while preventing the enemy from doing the same. Game mode is characterized by the use of hooks and twelve unique power-ups.
Háky, použiteľné pri prechode na ne alebo stlačením akčné klávesy, bude závora na povrch hráč pozerá na, či už je to múr, podlaha, strop, alebo dokonca nepriateľ. Po pripojení prehrávača sa automaticky zatackal v, cestovanie vzduchom v priamej dráhe na požadované miesto. Ak je hák pripojený k nepriateľovi, bude nepriateľ trvať krvácať zranenia, kým sa hráč zomrie alebo uvoľní háčik. Hráči môžu skákať a zároveň ukotvenie, že sa im podnet na rozsah rímsy. Keď je prehrávač pomocou hák, nemôžu strieľať svoje zbrane.
Hooks, useful in passing on them or pressing the action key, will latch onto the surface of the player looking for, whether it's wall, floor, ceiling, or even an enemy. While the player is automatically reeled in, air travel in a straight path to the desired location. If the hook is attached to the enemy, the enemy will continue to bleed injury until the player dies or release the hook. Players can jump while anchoring, giving them an incentive to range ledge. When a player with the hook, they can not shoot their weapons.
Power-ups poskytovať pasívne buffy (s výnimkou Supernova) hráčom, ktorí ich vytiahla. Tieto nadšenci siahajú od zvýšenie rýchlosti pohybu sa odráža poškodenie späť na nepriateľa. Na začiatku každého kola, sada rad power-ups trieť po celej mape a možno vyzdvihnúť hráči z oboch tímu. Keď je napájaný-up hráč zabitý, budú pretiahnutia power-up vo farbe nepriateľského tímu, obmedzuje ich spoluhráčov z vyhlasovať priamo po smrti hráča. Ak farebné power-ups nie sú vyzdvihnúť po určitom časovom období, budú respawn v základe na príslušnú tímu. Hráči si môžu úmyselne klesnúť power-upov s rovnakým kľúčom zvyknutý na pokles Intelligence kufrík. Ak tak urobí, bude power-up neutrálne miesto tímu v farbe.
Power-ups provide passive buffs (except Supernova) players to pick them up. These enthusiasts range from increasing the speed of movement reflects damage back to the enemy. At the beginning of each round, set a series of power-ups to rub all over the map and can pick players from each team. When the power-up player killed, elongation will power-up in the color of the enemy team, limiting their mates from claiming directly after the death of player. If colored power-ups are not picked up after a certain period of time, they will respawn in base to the team. Players can intentionally drop power-ups with the same key used to drop Intelligence briefcase. If you do, the power-up neutral place team in color.
Mannpower v súčasnosti beží na upravených ctf_ verziách [[zlievarenstva (Capture the Flag) | Zlieváreň]], [[Gorge (Capture the Flag) | Gorge]] a [[Thunder Mountain (Capture the Flag) | Thunder Mountain]], rovnako ako máp s zvlášť pre režim, [[Hellfire]]. Kedykoľvek hráči respawn, budú mať niekoľko sekúnd nezraniteľnosti. Na rozdiel od štandardných CTF mapách, kde sú spravodajské kufríky nachádzajúcich sa v "tajných miestností," aktovky v režime Mannpower sú vonku a náchylné k odcudzeniu z mnohých smerov. Hráči s power-up dostane trest rýchlosti grapple pri prenášaní Intelligence a hráči bez jedného získajú regeneráciu zdravia. Potom, čo tím úspešne zachytáva Intelligence, budú obe zachytenie zóny byť zakázaný po dobu 30 sekúnd. Ak je detekovaný tím nerovnováha, bude prehrávajúci tím dostať "Revenge" power-up, poskytovať im dočasné Kritické zásahy, zvýšená frekvencia oheň, a zvýšila veľkosť klipu.
Mannpower currently running on modified versions ctf_ [[Foundry (Capture the Flag) | Foundry]], [[Gorge (Capture the Flag) | Gorge]] and [[Thunder Mountain (Capture the Flag) | Thunder Mountain]], as well as maps for a particular regime, [[Hellfire]]. Whenever players respawn, will be a few seconds of invulnerability. Unlike standard CTF maps, which are reporting cases located in the "secret rooms" briefcase mode Mannpower are outdoors and susceptible to theft from many directions. Players with power-ups will receive a penalty when transferring speed grapple Intelligence and players without a single gain health regeneration. After successfully capturing the Intelligence, will both capture zones to be banned for 30 seconds. If the imbalance is detected, the losing team will get "Revenge" power-up, provide them with temporary Crits, increased frequency of fire, and increased clip size.
'' 'Mannpower mapy' '':
'' Mannpower maps' ''
* [[Foundry (Capture the Flag) | Zlieváreň]]
* [[Foundry (Capture the Flag) | Foundry]]
* [[Gorge (Capture the Flag) | Gorge]]
* [[Gorge (Capture the Flag) | Gorge]]
* [[Hellfire]]
* [[Hellfire]]
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{{kotva | PL | pl | užitočné zaťaženie}}
{{Anchor | PL | pl | payload}}
== Užitočné zaťaženie ==
== == Payload
[[Súbor: Gamemody payload.png | right | 300px]]
[[File: Gamemode payload.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | Užitočné zaťaženie}}
{{Main | Payload}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Heavy' '' | Vpred, veľký bomba-košík |! Sound = Heavy_cartmovingforwardoffense17.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Heavy '' '| Forward, great bomb-cart |! Sound Heavy_cartmovingforwardoffense17.wav =}}
V '' 'Payload' '' máp, [[BLU]] tím musí odprevadiť [[Payload # Vozíky | košík]] plný výbušnín cez sériu kontrolných stanovíšť a do [[RED]] "s základne v rámci určitej sumy času. Členovia tímu BLU pohybujú alebo "push" vozidlo tým, že stojí vedľa nej - čím viac ľudí vedľa vozíka, tým rýchlejšie sa pohybuje (až do maximálnej rýchlosti zaobstará tri). Každý člen tímu RED stál pri vozíku sa zastaviť od púšťať ďalej bez ohľadu na počet členov tímu BLU na vozíku. Ak žiadny BLU hráči tlačiť voz po dobu 30 sekúnd, bude vozík rozbehne dozadu pomaly, pokiaľ nedosiahne hraničný priechod, BLU poter, svahu smerom nahor (v niektorých mapách), alebo je tlačený členmi tímu BLU znovu, čo bude tiež vynulovať počítadlo , Tento vozík funguje ako úrovne 1 zásobník na BLU tímu (a zmenil špiónov nepriateľov), na obnovenie zdravia a muníciu tým tlačí. Munície nie je obnovená hráčom stojace v prednej časti vozidla.
In '' Payload '' maps, [[BLU]] that must accompany [[# Payload Handling | Cart]] full of explosives through a series of checkpoints and into [[RED]] 's base within a certain amount of time. The team members BLU move or "push" the vehicle by standing next to it - the more people beside the cart, the faster it moves (to a maximum of procured three). Each member of the team RED stood at truck stops them from venturing further regardless of the number of team members BLU in a wheelchair. If no BLU player push car for 30 seconds, the truck starts running backwards slowly until reaches the checkpoint, BLU spawn, the slope upwards (in some maps), or is printed team members BLU again, which will also reset the counter, this trolley works as a Level 1 Dispenser for BLU team (and changed spies enemies), to restore health ammunition and thereby presses. Ammo is not renewed player standing in front of the vehicle.
Niektoré mapy majú lemujúce cesty, ktoré sa otvárajú, keď je prijatá konkrétny bod.
Some of the maps are lining the roads that open when it is taken specific point.
Existujú dva odlišné typy Payload misií; typ závisí na mape. Niektoré mapy, menovite Gold Rush, Hoodoo, a Thunder Mountain hrať podobne ako [[Dustbowl]] rozdelením misiu do troch sekcií, z ktorých každá s dvoma kontrolnými bodmi, s výnimkou záverečnej scéne na Gold Rush a Thunder Mountain, kde sú dva kontrolné body a konečný čiapky, čo vedie k BLU Blowing up základňu červená je. Čas je pridaný kedykoľvek BLU zachytáva non-stupňový víťazný bod. Iný druh Payload misie (na Badwater Basin, Barnblitz, Borneo, Frontier a hore) je podobný [[Mountain Lab]] tým, že všetky kontrolné body v rámci jednej veľkej scéne, s väčšími časovými bonusy pre BLU po úspešnom čiapku. Tam sú tiež menej celkom kontrolných stanovíšť, čo vedie v troch kontrolných bodov a posledný bod, kde BLU môže vyhrať hru a vyhodiť do povetria základňu červená je, často s efektnou explózie ničiť všetky okolo bomby vozíka.
There are two different types Payload missions; depending on the type of the map. Certain maps, namely, Gold Rush, Hoodoo, and Thunder Mountain play like [[Dustbowl]] dividing the mission into three sections, each of the two control points, with the exception of the final stage on the Gold Rush and Thunder Mountain where the two control points and end caps, resulting in blowing up the base of the BLU is red. Time is added whenever BLU captures non-stage winning point. Another kind Payload Mission (at Badwater Basin, Barnblitz, Borneo, Frontier and above) is similar to [[Mountain Lab]] that all check points in one big stage, with larger time bonus for BLU after a successful cap. There are also quite less checkpoints, resulting in three control points and the last point where the BLU can win the game and blow up the base is red, often with flashy explosions destroy all the bombs around the truck.
'' 'Dátové časti mapy' '':
'' The data of the map '' '
* [[Badwater Basin]]
* [[Badwater Basin]]
* [[Barnblitz]]
* [[Barnblitz]]
* [[Borneo]]
* [[Borneo]]
* [[Frontier]]
* [[Frontier]]
* [[Zlatá horúčka]]
* [[Gold Rush]]
* [[Hoodoo]]
* [[Hoodoo]]
* [[Snowycoast]]
* [[Snowycoast]]
* [[Thunder Mountain]]
* [[Thunder Mountain]]
* [[Hore]]
* [[Top]]
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{{kotva | PLR | PLR | Užitočné zaťaženie závod | race}}
{{Anchor | PLR | PLR | Payload Race | }} race
=== Payload Race ===
=== === Payload Race
[[Súbor: Gamemody payloadrace.png | right | 300px]]
[[File: Gamemode payloadrace.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | Payload Race}}
{{Main | Payload Race}}
{{Citácia | '' 'In-game Zhrnutie' '' | Dva tímy. Dva vozíky. Dve trate. Veselí nasleduje.}}
{{Quote | '' In-Game Summary '' '| Two teams. Two trucks. Two tracks. Hilarity ensues.}}
Na rozdiel od štandardných Payload máp, '' 'Payload Race' '' mapy majú obaja [[RED]] a [[BLU]] tímy vydané s vozíkom; Žiadny zo súperov je obmedzené na útočiace alebo brániace úlohu, sa oba tímy za predpokladu, že charakteristiky oboch rolí. Ak chcete vyhrať, každý tím musí zároveň presadzovať svoje vozík cez nepriateľské územie na dosiahnutie konečného bodu a zároveň zabrániť nepriateľskému tím z robia to isté. Rovnako ako v režime Payload, členovia tímu tlačiť vozík tým, že stojí vedľa nej, s viac členov zvýšenie rýchlosti vozidla a proti členom tímu zastaviť to.
Unlike standard Payload maps, '' Payload Race '' 'maps have both [[RED]] and [[BLU]] teams issued with a cart; None of the opponent is limited to offensive or defensive role, both teams are provided the characteristics of the two reels. To win, each team must simultaneously pursue their cart through enemy territory to reach the final point while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. As in Payload mode, team members push the cart by standing next to it, with more members increasing the speed of the vehicle, and team members stop it.
Na rozdiel od režimu Payload, bude vozík nepohybuje späť po každej trvania času a nie je tam žiadny časový limit; mapa skončí iba vtedy, keď jeden tím úspešne tlačí svoj vozík do cieľového. Každý vozík funguje ako úrovne 1 zásobník na ich tímu (a prezlečených špiónov nepriateľov), obnovenie zdravia a muníciu tým, tlačí vozík. Časti trate môžu predstavovať svahy, na ktoré vozík sa rýchlo vrátiť späť až na dno, ak je neustále tlačený. V mnohých mapách, sú do vrchu tlačí. V prípade, že vozík posunovacie byť zabití alebo sa vzdiali od vozíka, bude vozidlo kĺzať dolu po rampe na jeho pôvodný stav.
Unlike Payload mode, the truck does not move back after any duration of time and there is no time limit; map ends only when one team successfully pushes their cart to the target. Each cart works as a Level 1 Dispenser for their team (and disguised enemy Spies), restoring health and ammunition to those pushing the cart. Part of the line may pose slopes where the truck will quickly revert back to the bottom, if ever printed. In many maps are pushing up the hill. If the shunting trolley to be killed or to a distance from the truck, the vehicle will slide down the ramp in its original condition.
Payload Race mapy môžu alebo nemusia byť rozdelený na viac kôl.
Payload Race maps may or may not be divided into more laps.
'' 'Dátové časti Race mapy' '':
'' The data of the Race maps' ''
* [[Helltower]] (Hightower event)
* [[Helltower]] (Hightower event)
* [[Hightower]]
* [[Hightower]]
* [[Pipeline]]
* [[Pipeline]]
* [[Súmrak]]
* [[Twilight]]
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{{kotva | SD | SD | Special Delivery}}
{{Anchor | SD | SD | }} Special Delivery
== Player Destruction ==
== Player == Destruction
[[Image: Pd Watergate 1.jpg | right | 300px]]
[[Image: 1.jpg Pd Watergate | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | prehrávač Zničenie}}
{{Main | }} player Destruction
Player Destruction je komunita-vytvoril Game Mode pridáva ako súčasť [[Invasion aktualizácia]]. Tento herný režim sa zameriava na tímy, zbieranie fliaš piva zabíjaním nepriateľských hráčov, a potom sa vrhnite do UFO vlečný lúč v strede mapy, aby sa pridali do ich tímu skóre. Vždy, keď je zabitý hráč, budú všetky ich pokles v súčasnosti v držbe pivo, ktoré si môžete vyzdvihnúť u oboch tímov.
Player Destruction is a community-created the Game Mode added as part of the [[Invasion update]]. This game mode focuses on teams, collecting beer bottles by killing enemy players and then throw themselves into the UFO trailing beam in the center of the map to be added to the team score. Whenever a player is killed, they will all drop their currently held by beer which can be picked up by both teams.
Hráč na každom tíme, s najväčším množstvom piva bude poskytovať zdravotnú a muníciu rovnajúcu sa úroveň 1 [[Zásobník]] k sebe a spoluhráči, ale bude tiež neustále viditeľné oboch tímov spolu s počtom pív, ktoré vlastní.
The player on each team, with the largest amount of beer will provide health and ammo equivalent to level 1 [[Tray]] for himself and teammates, but will also constantly visible to both teams, along with the number of beers held.
'' 'Hráč Destruction mapy' '':
'' Player Destruction maps' ''
* [[Watergate]]
* [[Watergate]]
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{{}} CLR
== Special Delivery ==
== == Special Delivery
[[Image: Gamemody sd.png | right | 300px]]
[[Image: Gamemode sd.png | right | 300px]]
{{Hlavný | Special Delivery (Herný režim)}}
{{Main | Special Delivery (Game Mode)}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Správca' '' | "Páni, dnes sme sa začať opicu do vesmíru." | Sound = Announcer_sd_monkeynaut_start01.wav}}
{{Quote | '' 'Manager' '' | "Gentlemen, today we begin a monkey into space." | Sound Announcer_sd_monkeynaut_start01.wav =}}
Special Delivery je Herný režim povolený ako súčasť [[Pyromania aktualizácia]]. V tejto hre režime, spočiatku neutrálne kufrík z [[Australium]], musia byť prepravované do [[znaky Non-player # Poop Joe | Poop Joeova]] raketových pred súperovho družstva môže urobiť to isté.
Special Delivery Game Mode is enabled as part of the [[Pyromania update]]. In this game mode initially neutral case of [[Australium]] must be transported to [[Non-player characters # Poop Joe | Poop Joe]] rocket before the opposing team can do the same.
Ak hráč zdvihne Australium a je zabitý, zatiaľ čo ju drží, môžu iba hráči z rovnakého tímu ako nedávno zosnulého Australium dopravcu si to znova. Ak tím neurobí do 45 sekúnd, Australium je poslaný späť do svojej pôvodnej polohy a vráti späť do neutrálnej polohy.
If a player picks up Australium and is killed while holding it, they can only players from the same team as the recently deceased Australium carrier it again. If it fails to do so within 45 seconds Australium is sent back to its original position and returns to the neutral position.
Hráč, ktorý má v držbe Australium musí stáť na platforme, ktorá bude zvýšená do priestoru sa nachádza na kužeľa nosa rakety. Hráč má zostať na plošine, kým nebude úplne otvorí poklop priestor a je pripravená prijať Australium. Akonáhle je Australium uložená do priestoru, raketa spustí off a tím vyhráva kolo.
The player who holds Australium must stand on the platform, which will be increased in area located on the nose cone of the rocket. The player has to stay on the platform until it is fully open hatch area and is ready to take Australium. Once the Australium stored in a space rocket launches off a team wins the round.
'' 'Special Delivery mapy' '':
'' Special Delivery maps' ''
* [[Karneval Carnage]] (Doomsday event)
* [[Carnival of Carnage]] (Doomsday event)
* [[Doomsday]]
* [[Doomsday]]
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== Územné Control ==
Control territorial == ==
[[Image: TF2 Hydro Map.jpg | thumb | right | 300px | [[Hydro]]]]
[[Image: TF2 Hydro Map.jpg | thumb | right | 300px | [[Hydro]]]]
{{Hlavný | Územná Control}}
{{Main | Territorial Control}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Soldier' ​​'' | Máme vás obklopení, aspoň z tejto strany |! Sound = Soldier_taunts12.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Soldier '' '| We have you surrounded, at least from this side |! Sound Soldier_taunts12.wav =}}
V "" "územné konanie '' ', je cieľom prevziať kontrolu nad celou mapou tým, že zachytí" územie ". Každá hra je náhodne vybraná z šiestich dostupných rozloženie do "bodu proti bodu 'hra, kde musí oba tímy zachytiť opačné stanovisko a zároveň chrániť svoje vlastné. Potom, čo tím úspešne zachytáva protiľahlej bod, ďalšie kolo sa odohráva v inej časti mapy, ktorá je tiež náhodne vybraných. Potom, čo tím zachytáva všetky štyri teritória, musí tento tím zachytiť základne nepriateľského tímu. Ak je zachytený referenčný bod (v Hydro, radarové Dish pre červenú, elektrárne pre BLU), útočiaci tím vyhráva hru. Keď začne ďalšie kolo, územia sa resetujú a je vybraná nová náhodná rozvrhnutie. Režim Územné Control hra nie je veľmi populárne medzi hráčmi.
V '' 'territorial proceedings' ', the aim is to take over the entire map by capturing "territories". Each game is randomly selected from the six available layouts in a "point against point' game where you must both teams capture the opposite view and while protecting your own. After successfully captures the opposite point, the next round is set in a different part of the map which is also randomly selected. After that captures all four territories, the team must capture the opposing team base. If the reference point is captured (in Hydro, the Radar Dish red, plant for BLU), the attacking team wins the game. When the next round begins, territories are reset and a new random layout is selected. Zoning Control mode the game is not very popular among the players.
V každej hre v TC (okrem RED / BLU základných hry), ak je kontrolný bod nie sú zachytené v ôsmich minút hodinami časové, hra potom pôjde do [[náhla smrť | Režim Sudden Death]].
In each game in TC (except for RED / BLU base game), if the control point is not captured within the eight minute time clock, the game then will go into [[Sudden Death | Sudden Death mode]].
'' 'Kontrolný mapy územnú' '':
'' 'Territorial control maps' ''
* [[Hydro]]
* [[Hydro]]
{{}} CLR
{{}} CLR
{{kotva | vzdelávanie | vlak | Tréning | Režim Tréning}}
{{Anchor | Education | Train | Training | The training mode}}
== Training Mode ==
== == Training Mode
[[Image: Tréning basic.png | right || 180px |]]
[[Image: Training basic.png | right || 180px |]]
[[Image: Tréning offlinepractice.png | right || 180px |]]
[[Image: Training offlinepractice.png | right || 180px |]]
{{Hlavný | Tréningový režim}}
{{Main | Training Mode}}
{{Citácia | '' 'sniper' '' | som, že to vyzerať jednoducho. | Sound = Sniper_award11.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Sniper '' '| I think it look easy. | Sound Sniper_award11.wav =}}
Tréningové mapy sú určené učiť základy hry a pokročilé techniky na drevených cieľov a roboty. Training Mode dodávané s [[Mac aktualizácia]], ktorý predstavil dve oficiálne tréningové mapy. Tlačidlo [[Režim Training # Offline praxe | Offline Practice]] umožňuje nové a neznáme hráči trénovať na konkrétne herné módy, spolu s možnosťou nastaviť obtiažnosť rozsah roboty, aby vyhovovali hráč.
Training maps are intended to teach basics and advanced techniques of objectives and wooden robots. Training mode shipped with the [[Mac update]], which introduced two official training maps. The [[# Offline Mode Training practice | Offline Practice]] allows new and unknown players to train on specific game modes, along with selectable difficulty range of robots to suit the player.
; Tréningové mapy:
; Training maps:
* [[Dustbowl (Training) | Dustbowl]]
* [[Dustbowl (Training) | Dustbowl]]
* [[Cieľ]]
* [[Target]]
Brandon Reinhart nepriamo oznámil na Oficiálnym TF2 Blogu 28. júla 2010, že Corey Peters je v súčasnej dobe pracuje na ďalšom úradnom tréningové mape, <ref name = "newtraining"> http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=~~HEAD=pobj 4130 </ ref> hoci detaily sú ako napriek tomu neznámy, pre ktorú triedu alebo čo hernej mechaniky, že sa zameriava na.
Brandon Reinhart indirectly announced on the TF2 Official Blog July 28, 2010 that Corey Peters is currently working on another official training map, <ref name = "newtraining"> http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id = ~~ = HEAD pobj 4130 </ ref> though details are as of yet unknown for which class or what gameplay mechanics it focuses on.
Aktuálne kurzy odbornej prípravy, sú:
Current training courses are:
* [[Soldier]]
* [[Soldier]]
* [[Demoman]]
* [[Demoman]]
Line 356: Line 356:
* [[Spy]]
* [[Spy]]
== Ostatné módy ==
Other modes == ==
{{kotva | vysoká | highlanger | High}}
{{Anchor | High | highlanger | High}}
=== Highlander ===
=== === Highlander
[[Image: ETF2L_highlander_medal_Gold.png | right | 100px | Highlander turnaj výhra]]
[[Image: ETF2L_highlander_medal_Gold.png | right | 100px | Highlander tournament win]]
{{Citácia | '' 'Nahrávka Demoman' '' | Tam môže byť len jeden |! Sound = Demoman_eyelandertaunt02.wav}}
{{Quote | '' The Demoman '' '| There can be only one |! Sound Demoman_eyelandertaunt02.wav =}}
Režim Highlander obmedzuje počet hráčov každého družstva na 9 hráčov a umožňuje iba jeden hráč na triedu na každom tíme. Je použiteľná pre každom hernom módu a môže byť aktivovaný zadaním <code> mp_highlander 1 </ code> do konzoly.
Highlander mode restricts the number of players of each team to 9 players and only allows one player per class on each team. It is applicable to any game mode and can be activated by typing <code> mp_highlander 1 </ code> to the console.
Myšlienka režimu Highlander existovala predchádzajúcej k jeho oficiálnym zaradením do hry, a bol realizovaný v serverových mods. Režim Highlander bol oficiálne pridané v {{name Patch | 2 | 3 | 2010}}.
The idea Highlander mode existed previous to its official inclusion in the game, and has been implemented in server mods. Highlander mode was officially added in {{name Patch | 2 | 3 | 2010}}.
Meno Režim hry je odkaz na [[w: Highlander (fólie) | Highlander]] filmovej série, kde sa výraz "Tam môže byť len jeden" bol často opakovať; to odkazuje na obmedzenie jedného hráča na triedu.
Game Mode name is a reference to [[w: Highlander (film) | Highlander]] film series where the expression "There can only be one" was often repeated; It refers to the limitation of one player per class.
=== Súbojov Mini-Game ===
Battles === === Mini-Game
[[Image: batoh Dueling Mini-Game.png | right | 100px | Dueling Mini-game]]
[[Image: Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png | right | 100px | Dueling Mini-Game]]
{{Hlavný | Dueling Mini-Game}}
{{Main | Dueling Mini-Game}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Spy' '' | Poďme usadiť to ako džentlmeni |! Sound = Spy_MeleeDare01.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Spy '' '| Let's settle this like gentlemen |! Sound Spy_MeleeDare01.wav =}}
Mini-hra vydaná v [[Mann-conomy aktualizácia]], Soubojnického mini-Game je [[Action Item]], ktoré možno zakúpiť v [[Mann Co. obchode]], prijatých prostredníctvom [[obchodovanie] ], alebo nájsť prostredníctvom [[kvapky systému]]. Keď sa nahrá do akčného slotu, položka môže byť spustená, aby užívateľa proti jednej osoby na súperovho tímu, za predpokladu, že výzvu prijať. Až do konca kola, body sa získavajú tým, že zabije alebo pomoc pri zabíjaní. Kills týchto dvoch hráčov duely sú sledované, a hráč s najvyšším počtom bodov vyhráva "duel" Keď končí koleso. Ak jeden z hráčov odpojí alebo ju opustí zápas, bude zákaz krátky duel sa vydáva na tohto hráča. Produkt sám má maximálne 5 použitie, a je použiteľný na všetkých oficiálnych mapách. Po účasti v prvom dueli, bude Bronze Dueling Badge byť udelená, ktorá bude o úroveň vyššie do Silver, Gold, Platinum a konečne, ako si získať viac výhier. Za každých 10 víťazstiev, navyše Dueling Minigame poskytnutá.
Mini-game released in [[Mann-conomy update]], the Dueling Mini-Game is [[Action Item]], which can be purchased in [[Mann Co. Shop]] received via the [[trading]], or found through [[drop system]]. When loaded into the action slot, the item can be triggered by the user against one person to grab the team, provided they accept the challenge. Until the end of the round points are obtained by killing or assisting in the killing. Kills of the two players dueling are tracked and the player with the most points wins the "duel" When wheel ends. If one of the players disconnects or leaves the match it will be a short duel ban is issued for this player. The product itself has a maximum of 5 uses, and can be used on all official maps. After participating in the first round, Bronze Dueling Badge will be granted which will level up to Silver, Gold, Platinum and finally, as you get more wins. For every 10 wins, plus Dueling Minigame is granted.
=== Mode Turnaj ===
Tournament Mode === ===
[[Súbor: Tournament Mode example.png | right | 200px | Tournament Mode header]]
[[File: Tournament Mode example.png | right | 200px | Tournament Mode header]]
{{Hlavný | Režim Turnaj}}
{{Main | Tournament mode}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Soldier' ​​'' | dominuje, hippie! Získať prácu |! Sound = Soldier_DominationSoldier01.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Soldier '' '| dominated, hippie! Get a Job |! Sound Soldier_DominationSoldier01.wav =}}
Režim Turnaj sa používa väčšinou na konkurenčných serveroch. To umožňuje vytváranie vlastných tímov, a schopnosť sledovať úspech konkrétneho tímu, cez viac hier. Užívateľské rozhranie je k dispozícii pre pomenovanie tímy, a akonáhle boli organizované členovia družstva, družstvá treba povedať, že sú pripravení na spustenie hry. V režime turnaja neexistuje žiadny limit na tímový hráč limity a nie [[rovnováhu tímu | autobalancing]].
The tournament mode is mainly used for competing servers. This allows you to create your own teams, and the ability to track the success of a particular team over multiple games. The user interface is available for naming teams, and once team members were organized, teams must say they are ready to start the game. In tournament mode, there is no limit to team player limits and no [[balance the team | autobalancing]].
=== Mods spoločenstva ===
=== === Mods Community
[[Image: Tf2ware Screenshot.png | right | 200px | link = TF2Ware | TF2Ware, spoločenstvo mod podľa Mecha trosky]]
[[Image: Tf2ware Screenshot.png | right | 200px | link = TF2Ware | TF2Ware, community mod by Mecha debris]]
{{Hlavný | Custom Mods}}
{{Main | Custom Mods}}
{{Citácia | '' 'Soldier' ​​'' | Nikdy priniesť netopiera na bojovom poli, vojna nie je hra. | Sound = Soldier_DominationScout07.wav}}
{{Quote | '' Soldier '' '| Never bring a bat on the battlefield, the war is not a game. | Sound Soldier_DominationScout07.wav =}}
Hernej komunity režime mods sú vlastné, neoficiálne herné módy, vyrábané talentovaných členov komunity. Oni sa líši od prerobí '' [[Team Fortress Classic]] '' herné módy úplne originálne módy, ako je [[VS Saxton Hale režime | Saxton Hale]], a môže sa meniť niečo o tom, ako trieda pracuje od svojich základných mechaniky zbraní, ktoré nesú. Niektoré režimy dokonca pridať nové nepriateľov pre [[RED]] a [[BLU]] tímy bojovať, alebo dať prehrávač v koži niekoho alebo niečo oni nemohli hrať v oficiálnom režime. Niektoré mods hernom móde boli úctyhodne spomenuté Valve na [[TF2 oficiálnom blogu]].
Gaming community mode mods are custom, unofficial game modes, produced by talented community members. They differ from remakes '' [[Team Fortress Classic]] '' game modes completely original modes, such as [[VS Saxton Hale Mode | Saxton Hale]], and may vary somewhat on how the class works from their basic mechanics of weapons that bear. Some modes even add new enemies for [[RED]] and [[BLU]] teams fight or put the player in the shoes of someone or something they could not play in official mode. Some game mode mods have been honorably mentioned by Valve on [[TF2 official blog]].
== Nevyužitý obsah ==
== == Unused content
* Tam bol plánovaný režim Courier hra, vo vývoji, ktorý z neznámych dôvodov bol vyhodený. Tam je ešte existujúci [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/4/42/Announcer_stop_courier.wav Announcer voiceline] v súboroch, ktoré sa deje, ktoré majú byť použité v tejto hre režime a trieda [[Civilné] ], ktoré môžu byť použité s príkazmi.
* There was a planned regime Courier game in development, which for unknown reasons was fired.
== Nadchádzajúce Režimy ==
=== Robot Destruction ===
{{Hlavný | Robot Zničenie}}
[[Súbor: Beta rd blueprints.png | bezrámové | right]]
{{Citácia | '' 'Zdravotník' '' | Ach, ja ťa vill roztrhať, skrutka po skrutke |! Sound = Medic_mvm_taunt01.wav}}
Robot ničenia je blížiace sa herný mód v súčasnosti v beta verzii. Aj keď to ešte nebola oficiálne uvoľnená, to môže byť hraný vytvorením beta servera alebo hľadanie koleso pomocou ponuky multiplayer a aktiváciu režimu beta. Zatiaľ je tam len jeden známy mapa používať túto hru režim. Táto mapa sa odohráva na [[tretieho asteroidu | moon základná mapa]] Valve zmienil a ukázal poňatie umenia, v skoršej TF2 aktualizácia post. Režim Hra je podobná zachytiť vlajku, ale zahŕňa ničiť nepriateľské roboty a kradnúť ich napájanie jadra. Potom, čo ukradol, výkonové jadra (na rozdiel od normálnej Intelligence kufríku), sú okamžite uložené v trezore na dotyk. Nepriateľ tím môže ísť do ich oponenta trezoru a kradnúť ich napájanie jadra opäť spomaliť nepriateľa tím z víťazstva. Mapa sám nie je ukončená, pretože tam je nedostatok vhodných textúr, ale zahŕňa nový robot NPC, ktoré majú zbrusu nové textúry (okrem niekoľkých pomocou textúru ÜberCharge o tom, že sú zamknuté, ale to je predpokladal, že je to len zástupný symbol). Keď táto mapa a herný mód bude vydaná spolu oficiálne nie je známe.
=== PASS Time ===
{{Hlavný | PASS Time}}
[[Súbor: Beta veľa prekážok a bonusy blueprints.png | bezrámové | right]]
{{Citácia | '' 'Scout' '' | Play ball |! Sound = Scout_battlecry01.wav}}
Priesmyk Čas je nadchádzajúce Gamemody pre TF2, ktorý kombinuje tradičné bojovať v Team Fortress so skutočnými športov futbal, hokej, basketbal a. Je silne družstvo so sídlom Gamemody a a je dôležité, že máte tímovú prácu pri hraní to. Existuje mnoho výhod a skok podložky, ktoré vám pomôžu. Avšak v prípade, že zápas skončí remízou, začína Sudden Death. To tiež pridá hlasového príkazu, aby si svoj tím prihrať loptu na vás.
== Pozri tiež ==
* [[Vlastné mapy]]
* [[Control bod načasovanie]]
* [[Názov mapy predpony]]
* [[Zoznam Skybox]]
== Odkazy ==
<referencie />
{{Šablóna: Mapovanie nav}}
[[Kategória: Zoznamy | Herné módy]]
[[Kategória: Mapovanie]]
[[Kategória: Herné módy | ]]

Revision as of 17:49, 28 December 2015

Template:Featured article tag

File:. Wellconceptart.png
World Team Fortress 2

{{hatnote | For a full list of all maps, see List Maps}.}

This is the list of game modes in Team Fortress 2 . Initially, the game comes just three game modes: Capture the Flag, Control Point and Territorial Control Numerous update added eleven new game modes ( payload, Arena, King of the Hill Payload race, Medieval Mode, Special Delivery, Mann vs. Machine, Robot destruction, Mannpower, PASS Time and Destruction player) so that the fourteen official game modes, along with two educational programs. These game modes are spread over 86 Official maps and offers a great variety of game styles and games in 'Team Fortress 2' '.

== == Arena

Main article: Arena
See also:  Tips # Arena

{{Quote | Abraham Lincoln , another picks up speech, 1865 | I say this to you with unvarnished simple discussion of facts: Even love Arena Mode}.}

'Arena' 'maps are designed to classroom diversity' Team Fortress 2 ', focusing goals around combat between two teams. While other game modes lean towards a broad, overall strategy for the team, Arena concentrates on the specific tactical options teams make in a single fight. Arena maps carry the arena _ </ code> prefix.

Arena mode is smaller maps to ensure shorter matches, because you do not respawn after death. When he died in Arena mode, enter the spectate until the wheel is completed. Maps usually given control point in the middle of the map and tend to be just a normal, King of the Hill maps with no-respawn.

Sometimes, if teams are unbalanced report appears two people saying "careful, if you lose this round, you will have to sit out" and if their team loses, the player will wheel the viewer to the next round.

Loadouts changed during the countdown before the game will not do so in the game, if a player commits suicide by means of explosions or kill or explode commands from the console. Changing class and back will also work.

The First Blood buff is unique to Arena Mode, where the player gets the first Frag which are awarded with full critical hit for dealing large amounts of damage.

'Arena maps'

{{}} CLR

== == Capture the Flag

Gamemode ctf.png
Main article: Capture the Flag


Capture the Flag offers as RED and BLU bases, each containing its own Intelligence briefcase (also known as the "flag" and "intelligence"). The objective of both teams is to capture the enemy intelligence until they reach the game capture limit (default limit is 3 captures) while preventing their enemy from reaching the same.

Both teams Intelligence are typically located deep within their territory, usually in a symmetrical location from each other in an area known as a "news room". To pick up intelligence player must touch the enemy's briefcase. While holding the enemy's Intelligence, the player must bring it to the seat of their intelligence, where they must enter their 'capture zone' (indicated by yellow and black lines) in order to successfully capture. After each successful capture, your team will be rewarded with ten seconds increase crit.

If the Intelligence carrier is killed or the Intelligence is intentionally dropped, the inspector teams over the loudspeaker and the Briefcase will remain at rest for 60 seconds, with a timer shown above the Intelligence indicating how much time is left as it is returned to the Intelligence room. During this time the Intelligence can be picked up as normal. Every time the Intelligence is dropped, the timer is reset. The enemy can not move or reset the intelligence themselves. News can be performed players of invulnerability buff (ie ÜberCharge D player and lift under the influence of Bonk Atomic Punch!) And Intelligence carriers can not receive invulnerability buff. News also not be picked up by soldier to control the Rocket Jumper or a Demoman with Sticky Jumper. Cloaked Spies can not pick up Intelligence until their mantle was turned off. However, if a Spy does acquire Intelligence then lose disguise and you can no longer change their disguise or Cloak. The exception is dead Ringer, which forced Spy to drop intelligence and cloak than normal.

If the Intelligence carrier dies in a normally inaccessible part of the map, ie falling into a pit or on a cliff, intelligence is immediately returned to its starting position in the news room. If no team completes the capture limit before time runs out, the match will enter [[Death] Abruptly] mode.

Unlike variant Capture the Flag in other games, you may make a capture without needing to their intelligence at its base.

Capture the Flag maps'

{{}} CLR checkpoint

== == Control Point

Gamemode cp.png


Control Point maps have two main types of game modes.

Control points are circular platforms with a team-colored light and hologram in the center (neutral points have a white light and hologram). To capture point ownership enemy team, the player simply stands on the site until the capture meter fills his or her team color. The more players on a point, the faster it will capture, though only to limited extent. Scout s and Soldier s / Demomen with Pain Train equipped, count as 2 players when capturing control points. Capture progress will not be made as soon as the players of both teams to the checkpoint. If all the players capture killed or controlled before the capture is completed, the capture progress not recover but instead will gradually diminish.

There are three states for a capture point '

<Gallery> File: CP neutral.png | Neutral ': The control point can be adopted either team (usually the central point in a symmetrical CP map). File: CP photographed red.png | Made ': The control point is currently owned by the Red Team, but can be occupied BLU team. File: CP Locked red.png | Locked ': The control point is currently owned by Red team and not (yet) be repeated BLU team. </ Gallery>

There are four main types of Control Point maps' & ndash; Symmetric Control Point, Domination Control Point, Attack / Defend, and Medieval Attack / Defend.

=== === Symmetric Control Point

In Symmetrical control point or Linear Control Point 'Both teams start with two controlled points and a central point starts to neutral. The team that captures all control points wins. Traditional Control Point maps will go into Sudden Death (or Pat), unless it captures all the checkpoints before time runs out. Checkpoints closer to spawn team captured even faster enemy team.

Symmetric Control Point map '

=== === Domination Control Point

Dominance checkpoint , maps play symmetrically. Both teams begin no controlled points, and all points start neutral. The team that captures all control points wins. Traditional Control Point maps will go into Sudden Death (or footer), unless it captures all the checkpoints before time runs out. Unlike the symmetrical control point once it has all three points to win no matter how much capture the other team has to follow.

Domination Control Point map '

{{}} CLR

Attack / Defend

Gamemode attackdefend.png


Attack / Defend Maps Play asymmetrically. RED begins with all the points in their control. BLU wins if it captures all the red points. Points can be captured only in the order (though some maps, such as Gravel Pit and Steel, may make exceptions). RED wins if prevents BLU from capturing all points before the timer expires. Points captured by BLU are typically locked and can not be captured again RED.

Attack / Defend maps can come in different styles. Some maps such as Dustbowl and Egypt, require the BLU team to capture three stages of two control points each to win the game. If the attacking team has not won any stage, teams will be energized, defenders then turning to the attackers, beginning with stage 1. Other maps such as Gravel Pit and Junction allow the attacker to capture two points in any order (points A or B) before the attack the final point (point C). Steel is a unique Attack / Defend map in that capturing each secondary capture point (points A, B, C and D) will allow better access to the main point (point E), such as allowing multiple routes into point E or extension bridge to the extent to attend lessons without special skip s can capture. Thus it means that one unnoticed by Scout can capture and win the game without even realizing it.

Attack / Defend maps'

Medieval Attack / Defend


Medieval Attack / Defend 'is part of the Medieval Mode, added during the Australian Christmas updates. Plays like regular Attack / Defend, but with one major twist: all guns are removed, and only Olde weapons may be used and also causes dead players to drop small health kits instead of their weapon, text chat is filtered (Olde English) to resemble language era (though with considerable inaccuracy) and the map is in medieval style.

Medieval Attack / Defend maps'

{{}} CLR

King of the Hill

Gamemode koth.png
Main article: King of the Hill

{{Quote | Classless update '| Since their discovery in 1895, hills fascinate King}.}

King of the Hill is similar to Arena. King of the Hill focuses on a single control point in the middle of the map, which is neutral and locked at the beginning of the round. Teams must make its way to the checkpoint and capture it when it becomes available. Once the point is captured by a group, their team clock will start countdown three minutes. If the enemy can capture the point back, their time will count down clock starts, while the second team in the frost when the question was captured. The team won after their own point and three minutes has expired.

King of the Hill map '

{{}} CLR

Mann vs. Machine

Gamemode mvm.png


'Mann vs. Machine Game Mode, which was released in updating of the same name. In this game mode, the three to six players must fend off hordes of robots trying to carry a bomb on one of the strongholds of Mann Co .. Upgrade and Dining room power-ups can be purchased at the spawn point using the cash to pick players to destroy the robot (not every robot falls cash). Bonus amount of cash will be awarded to the team when all the cash from the waves picked up.

All classes and most of the weapons have different upgrade skills, such as speed of movement, duration of payment and the amount of ammunition the player can hold the gun. Survive all the waves will complete the mission. After completion of the player's first mission will receive canteen.

Currently, there are five operations and 29 Mission (some missions are not part of any operation) in Mann vs. Machine.

'Mann vs. Machine maps'

{{}} CLR

== == Mannpower

Gamemode powerup.png
Main article: Mannpower


Mannpower 'is a modified version of Capture the Flag, in which teams must capture the enemy Intelligence briefcase specified number of times (The default limit is 10 captures) while preventing the enemy from doing the same. Game mode is characterized by the use of hooks and twelve unique power-ups.

Hooks, useful in passing on them or pressing the action key, will latch onto the surface of the player looking for, whether it's wall, floor, ceiling, or even an enemy. While the player is automatically reeled in, air travel in a straight path to the desired location. If the hook is attached to the enemy, the enemy will continue to bleed injury until the player dies or release the hook. Players can jump while anchoring, giving them an incentive to range ledge. When a player with the hook, they can not shoot their weapons.

Power-ups provide passive buffs (except Supernova) players to pick them up. These enthusiasts range from increasing the speed of movement reflects damage back to the enemy. At the beginning of each round, set a series of power-ups to rub all over the map and can pick players from each team. When the power-up player killed, elongation will power-up in the color of the enemy team, limiting their mates from claiming directly after the death of player. If colored power-ups are not picked up after a certain period of time, they will respawn in base to the team. Players can intentionally drop power-ups with the same key used to drop Intelligence briefcase. If you do, the power-up neutral place team in color.

Mannpower currently running on modified versions ctf_ Foundry, Gorge and Thunder Mountain, as well as maps for a particular regime, Hellfire. Whenever players respawn, will be a few seconds of invulnerability. Unlike standard CTF maps, which are reporting cases located in the "secret rooms" briefcase mode Mannpower are outdoors and susceptible to theft from many directions. Players with power-ups will receive a penalty when transferring speed grapple Intelligence and players without a single gain health regeneration. After successfully capturing the Intelligence, will both capture zones to be banned for 30 seconds. If the imbalance is detected, the losing team will get "Revenge" power-up, provide them with temporary Crits, increased frequency of fire, and increased clip size.

Mannpower maps'

{{}} CLR

== == Payload

Gamemode payload.png
Main article: Payload


In Payload maps, BLU that must accompany Cart full of explosives through a series of checkpoints and into RED 's base within a certain amount of time. The team members BLU move or "push" the vehicle by standing next to it - the more people beside the cart, the faster it moves (to a maximum of procured three). Each member of the team RED stood at truck stops them from venturing further regardless of the number of team members BLU in a wheelchair. If no BLU player push car for 30 seconds, the truck starts running backwards slowly until reaches the checkpoint, BLU spawn, the slope upwards (in some maps), or is printed team members BLU again, which will also reset the counter, this trolley works as a Level 1 Dispenser for BLU team (and changed spies enemies), to restore health ammunition and thereby presses. Ammo is not renewed player standing in front of the vehicle.

Some of the maps are lining the roads that open when it is taken specific point.

There are two different types Payload missions; depending on the type of the map. Certain maps, namely, Gold Rush, Hoodoo, and Thunder Mountain play like Dustbowl dividing the mission into three sections, each of the two control points, with the exception of the final stage on the Gold Rush and Thunder Mountain where the two control points and end caps, resulting in blowing up the base of the BLU is red. Time is added whenever BLU captures non-stage winning point. Another kind Payload Mission (at Badwater Basin, Barnblitz, Borneo, Frontier and above) is similar to Mountain Lab that all check points in one big stage, with larger time bonus for BLU after a successful cap. There are also quite less checkpoints, resulting in three control points and the last point where the BLU can win the game and blow up the base is red, often with flashy explosions destroy all the bombs around the truck.

The data of the map '

{{}} CLR race

=== === Payload Race

Gamemode payloadrace.png
Main article: Payload Race


Unlike standard Payload maps, Payload Race 'maps have both RED and BLU teams issued with a cart; None of the opponent is limited to offensive or defensive role, both teams are provided the characteristics of the two reels. To win, each team must simultaneously pursue their cart through enemy territory to reach the final point while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. As in Payload mode, team members push the cart by standing next to it, with more members increasing the speed of the vehicle, and team members stop it.

Unlike Payload mode, the truck does not move back after any duration of time and there is no time limit; map ends only when one team successfully pushes their cart to the target. Each cart works as a Level 1 Dispenser for their team (and disguised enemy Spies), restoring health and ammunition to those pushing the cart. Part of the line may pose slopes where the truck will quickly revert back to the bottom, if ever printed. In many maps are pushing up the hill. If the shunting trolley to be killed or to a distance from the truck, the vehicle will slide down the ramp in its original condition.

Payload Race maps may or may not be divided into more laps.

The data of the Race maps'

{{}} CLR Special Delivery

== Player == Destruction

Main article: [[ | ]]

player Destruction

Player Destruction is a community-created the Game Mode added as part of the Invasion update. This game mode focuses on teams, collecting beer bottles by killing enemy players and then throw themselves into the UFO trailing beam in the center of the map to be added to the team score. Whenever a player is killed, they will all drop their currently held by beer which can be picked up by both teams.

The player on each team, with the largest amount of beer will provide health and ammo equivalent to level 1 Tray for himself and teammates, but will also constantly visible to both teams, along with the number of beers held.

Player Destruction maps'

{{}} CLR

== == Special Delivery

Gamemode sd.png


Special Delivery Game Mode is enabled as part of the Pyromania update. In this game mode initially neutral case of Australium must be transported to Poop Joe rocket before the opposing team can do the same.

If a player picks up Australium and is killed while holding it, they can only players from the same team as the recently deceased Australium carrier it again. If it fails to do so within 45 seconds Australium is sent back to its original position and returns to the neutral position.

The player who holds Australium must stand on the platform, which will be increased in area located on the nose cone of the rocket. The player has to stay on the platform until it is fully open hatch area and is ready to take Australium. Once the Australium stored in a space rocket launches off a team wins the round.

Special Delivery maps'

{{}} CLR

Control territorial == ==


V 'territorial proceedings' ', the aim is to take over the entire map by capturing "territories". Each game is randomly selected from the six available layouts in a "point against point' game where you must both teams capture the opposite view and while protecting your own. After successfully captures the opposite point, the next round is set in a different part of the map which is also randomly selected. After that captures all four territories, the team must capture the opposing team base. If the reference point is captured (in Hydro, the Radar Dish red, plant for BLU), the attacking team wins the game. When the next round begins, territories are reset and a new random layout is selected. Zoning Control mode the game is not very popular among the players.

In each game in TC (except for RED / BLU base game), if the control point is not captured within the eight minute time clock, the game then will go into Sudden Death mode.

'Territorial control maps'

{{}} CLR

== == Training Mode

Training basic.png
Training offlinepractice.png
Main article: Training Mode


Training maps are intended to teach basics and advanced techniques of objectives and wooden robots. Training mode shipped with the Mac update, which introduced two official training maps. The Offline Practice allows new and unknown players to train on specific game modes, along with selectable difficulty range of robots to suit the player.

Training maps

Brandon Reinhart indirectly announced on the TF2 Official Blog July 28, 2010 that Corey Peters is currently working on another official training map, <ref name = "newtraining"> http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id = ~~ = HEAD pobj 4130 </ ref> though details are as of yet unknown for which class or what gameplay mechanics it focuses on.

Current training courses are:

Other modes == ==

=== === Highlander

Highlander tournament win


Highlander mode restricts the number of players of each team to 9 players and only allows one player per class on each team. It is applicable to any game mode and can be activated by typing mp_highlander 1 </ code> to the console.

The idea Highlander mode existed previous to its official inclusion in the game, and has been implemented in server mods. Highlander mode was officially added in Template:Name Patch.

Game Mode name is a reference to Highlander film series where the expression "There can only be one" was often repeated; It refers to the limitation of one player per class.

Battles === === Mini-Game

Dueling Mini-Game
Main article: Dueling Mini-Game


Mini-game released in Mann-conomy update, the Dueling Mini-Game is Action Item, which can be purchased in Mann Co. Shop received via the trading, or found through drop system. When loaded into the action slot, the item can be triggered by the user against one person to grab the team, provided they accept the challenge. Until the end of the round points are obtained by killing or assisting in the killing. Kills of the two players dueling are tracked and the player with the most points wins the "duel" When wheel ends. If one of the players disconnects or leaves the match it will be a short duel ban is issued for this player. The product itself has a maximum of 5 uses, and can be used on all official maps. After participating in the first round, Bronze Dueling Badge will be granted which will level up to Silver, Gold, Platinum and finally, as you get more wins. For every 10 wins, plus Dueling Minigame is granted.

Tournament Mode === ===

Main article: Tournament mode


The tournament mode is mainly used for competing servers. This allows you to create your own teams, and the ability to track the success of a particular team over multiple games. The user interface is available for naming teams, and once team members were organized, teams must say they are ready to start the game. In tournament mode, there is no limit to team player limits and no autobalancing.

=== === Mods Community

Main article: Custom Mods


Gaming community mode mods are custom, unofficial game modes, produced by talented community members. They differ from remakes Team Fortress Classic game modes completely original modes, such as Saxton Hale, and may vary somewhat on how the class works from their basic mechanics of weapons that bear. Some modes even add new enemies for RED and BLU teams fight or put the player in the shoes of someone or something they could not play in official mode. Some game mode mods have been honorably mentioned by Valve on TF2 official blog.

== == Unused content

  • There was a planned regime Courier game in development, which for unknown reasons was fired.