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The world of Team Fortress 2.
For a full list of all maps, see List of maps.

هذه لائحة من اطوار اللعب في تيم فورترس 2Team Fortress 2. في بداية تطوير اللعبة كانت لديها 3 اطوار Capture the Flag, Control Point, and Territorial Control. بعد عدة تحديثات updates تمت اضافة 11 طور (Payload, Arena, King of the Hill, Payload Race, Medieval Mode, Special Delivery, Mann vs. Machine, Robot Destruction, Mannpower, PASS Time, and Player Destruction) مما يجعلها 14 طور, مع خريطتين للتدريب. الاطوار هذه تحتوي على 108 خريطة (ماب)ات maps مما يتيح نوعيات كثيرة لتمتعك Team Fortress 2.


Gametype arena.png

Template:الصفحة الرئيسية

Template:انظر ايضا

اقول هذا لك بكل صدق, احب طور الارينا.
Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, 1865

طور الارينا صمم ليحافظ على نظام في اختيار الشخصيات واتاحة قتال عادل بين الفريقين بينما الاطوار الاخرى تحدف الى واحد من الاخر, طور الارينا يركز على التكتيكات للفوز والارينا تحمل في اول اسمها arena_

طور الارينا لديه مابات صغيرة ولديك حياة واحدة . عندما تموت تدخل في السبيكتاتور وتشاهد فريقك يهاجم spectate حتى ينتهي اللعبة ولديهم نقطة في الوسط من يوقف فوقها لمدة يربح

اذا كان اعداد الفريق غير عادلة ستظهر رسالة تقول ""احذر, اذا خسرت هذه المرة يجب ان تتفرج " " مما يعني سوف تكون سبيبكتاتور لراوند واحد

اذا غيرت اسلحتك في العد لن تتغير حتى تنتحر وتنتظر راوند جديد

فيرست بلود First Blood يعني قتل اول واحد ويعطيك ضربات مضاعفة

ارينا لا يوجد في كاجوال

مابات الارينا:

Capture the Flag

Gametype ctf.png
:المقالة الأساسية Capture the Flag
قل وداعا لحقيبتك ايها الغبي
The Scout
كابتور ذا فلاج هو طور لعبة حيث لدى الفريق الاحمر RED و BLU قاعدات, وكل لديهم حقيبات Intelligence  الهدف هو الحصول على حقيبة العدو من قاعدته واخذها الى قاعدتك الى ان توصل الى حد الاهداف(الذي مرات يكون 3) و منع عدوك من اخذ حقيبتك

الفريقين حقيبتهم مخزنة تحت قاعدة الفريقين وتسمى غرفة الحقيبة لسرقتها يجب الذهاب اليها ولمسها واذا كانت لديك حقيبة عدوك خذها الى مكان حقيبتك محدد بخطوط سوداء وصفراء للحصول على حدف. بعد كل هدف الفريق يصبح لديه 10 ثواني من الضربات الخارقة crit boost.

اذا قتل من لديه الحقيبة ترمى او اذا رماها بالعمد, المعلقة سوف تقول انها مرمية وتبقى على الارض 60 ثانية قبل ان ترجع الى مكانها الاصلي, وهناك دائرة تخبرك كم هناك وقت متبقي. كل مرة ترمى الحقيبة مرة ثانية يرجع العداد الى 0 لا تستطيع حمل الحقيبة اذا كان لديك حماية اوبر شارج ومن لديهم الحقيبة لا يستطيعون الحصول على حماية او استعمال تيلي بورتر Teleporter. الانجينيير Engineer/ar الذين يحملون Eureka Effect يمكنهم التنقل, لكن الحقيبة سوف ترمى في المكان الذي تنقلت منه. والحقيبة لا يمكن ان يحملها سولجرSoldier/ar ,ويحمل Rocket Jumper اوDemoman/ar يحمل Sticky Jumper. السباي الذي يستعمل الساعة للتخفي لا يستطيع حملها. او اذا اخذها يفقد تخفيه و لباسه. بأستثناء ال Dead Ringer, فقط اذا اخد دمج تسقط الحقيبة

اذا مات حامل الحقيبة في اماكن المستحيل الوصول اليها مثل نزلة جبل falling into a pit or off a cliff, الحقيبة ترجع الى مكانها الاصلي. اذا لم يربح احد ونفذ الوقت يدخل الفريقان في مود الموت Sudden Death

بغير العاب اخرى لا يجب ان تكون الحقيبة في المكان الاصلي لكي تسجل هدف

مابات كابتور ذا فلاج:

موب كومبيتيتف

Meet Your Match.png
:المقالة الأساسية Competitive Mode
على الاقل لم تخيب ظني كالعادة
The Administrator

مود الكومبيتيتف هو مود اصلي لتيم فورترس 2. يمكن اللعب اذا كان عندك حساب اصلي Premium و تفعيل موبايل Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator او الحصول علىCompetitive Matchmaking Pass, او الحصول على Community او Self-Made اذا كان لدى اللاعب حساب اصلي وكان مبند في لعبة فالف VAC الطريقة الوحيدة للعب هي شراء كومبيتيتف باس Competitive Matchmaking Pass , ليس هناك اي شروط للعب غير اللعب بجدية والفوز

مابات الكومبيتيتف:

كونترول بوينت

Gametype cp.png
:المقالة الأساسية Control Point (game mode)
:مواضيع متعلقة Control point (objective)

Control Point مابات كونترول بوينت لديهم نوعين من الاطوار

الدائرة هي بشكل دائري ولونها احمر او ازرق او ابيض لتفعيل الدائرة ببساطة الوقوف فوقها لمدة حتى يمتلئ المربع اسفل. كلما زاد عدد اللاعبين كلما اصبح اسرع, الى حد ماlimited extent. سكاوتScout, وSoldiers/Demomen الذين يحملون Pain Train كأنهم لاعبين رغم انهم واحد ويصبح السرعة بضعف. لن يزداد المربع اذا كان الفريق الازرق والاحمر على نفس النقطة. اذا تم قتل كل اللاعبين على النقطة لن يفرغ المربع بسرعة انما ينقص ببطئ.

هناك 3 انواع للمربع:

هناك 5 انواع – خماسي, ثلاثي, هجوم ودفاع, الاوقات الوسطى, ونهاية الخط ايند اوف ذا لاين.


في الخماسي, الفريقين الاحمر والازرق يحصلان على نقطتين مفعلتين والوسطى غير مفعلة او عادية, كل من يحصل على كل النقاط يربح. اذا لم يأخذ احد النقطة الوسطى حتى يتنهي الوقت يدخل الفريقين في مود الموت Sudden Death كل ما اخذت دائرات اكثر كل ما اقترب السباون الذي تملكه الى العدو.

مابات الخماسي:


الثلاثي مثل الخمسي لكن الفريقين ليس لديهم اي نقاط مفعلة ويجب تفعيل كل النقاط , ان لم تفعل كل النقاط ونفذ الوقت تذهب الى مود الموت.

مابات الثلاتي :

هجوم ودفاع

Gametype ad.png

هجوم ودفاع مثل الخماسي. REDالفريق الاحمر لديه كل النقاط. BLU الفريق الازرق يربح اذا اخذ كل نقاط الاحمر. النقاط تتفعل في ترتيب يفوز الفريق الاحمر اذا منع الفريق الازرق من اخذ النقاط حتى نفاذ الوقت. الفريق الاحمر لا يستطيع استرداد نقاطه

معظم المابات لديها طريقة لعب مختلفة كماب مصر او دوستبول, يجب ان يربح الفريق الازرق 3 مرحلات. اذ لم يربح الفريق المهاجم اي مرحلة, يتغير الفرق ويصبح الفريق المدافع المهاجم والعكس صحيح, في المرحلة الاولى يجب ان يربح الفريقين 2 نقاط بترتيب أ او ب قبل ان تربح النقطة ج. اما ستيل هناك نقط صغير أ ب ج ه يجعلون الوصول الى النقط الاخيرة اسهل

مابات الهجوم والدفاع:

مود الاوقات الوسطى

Gette It Onne!
كيف ظهر شخصيات اللعبة في القرن العاشر؟سولجر اغضب ساحر.

الاوقات الوسطى هو جزء Medieval Mode, تمت اظافته ضمن تحديث Australian Christmas و في سيرفرات فالف اصلية التصحيحات البرنامج 2016 25 أبريل.هو مثل مود الدفاع والهجوم الا ان كل الاسلحة اختفت: فقط بعض الاسلحى بقتOlde weapons وعندما يموت احدا يترك صندوق هلث صغير, غير صندوق رصاص متوسط. تمت تغيير الشات الى الانغليزية القديمة (to Olde English) لكي يتم تذكير بانجليزية ذاك الوقت (ان الانجليزية خاطئة بالعمد) والماب هو مثل الاوقات الوسطى. وهناك ايضا شمعات اضافت في اماكن مختلفة تشعل القوس الذي يحمله السنايبر Sniper/ar; ,وتشعل Huntsman (Fortified Compound)

مابات الاوقات الوسطى:

تحديث نهاية الخط ايند اوف ذا لاين

ايند اوف ذا لاين تمت اضافته ضمن تحديث قان ميتل Gun Mettle Update. فهو مختلف عن الطور الهجوم والدفاع العادي فهناك قنبلة , لكن لا يعمل مثل ماب قنبلة Payload. فمهمة الفريق الازرق اخذ القنبلة الى اخر الماب مع تفعيل بعض النقاط, هناك 6 نقاط, القطار لديه محطة وقوف, وهناك سلاح احمر يهاجم كل 35 ثانية.هذا الوقت يتوقف اذا كان هناك اناس فوق النقطة, ويرجع الى الصفر اذا اخذ الفريق الازرق.

اذا فشل الفريق من اخذ النقطة كل35 ثانية, القطار يخسر 10% من دمه. اذا اخذ الفريق الازرق نقطة يرجع 10% من دم القطار, ويعاد نفس الشيء حتى ينتهي الماب,

مابات اند اوف ذا لاين:

ملك التلة

Gametype koth.png
:المقالة الأساسية King of the Hill
منذ اكتشافهم في 1895 كان لدى التلال ملوك.
The Classless Update

ملك التلة هو مثل ارينا. كينغ اوف ذا هيل يركز على نقطة واحدة في منتصف الماب, وتكون عادية ومغلقة في بداية الماب. يجب ان يأخذ الفريقين النقطة ليبرحوا. اذا تم تفعيلها يبدأ عد تنازلي 3 دقاق وعندما ينتهي يفوز الفريق المفعل. اذا استطاع الفريق المواجه تفعيلها يتوقف العد, وتبدأ دقيقتهم بالعد.

مابات كينغ اوف ذا هيل:

Mann vs. Machine

:المقالة الأساسية Mann vs. Machine (game mode)
Main menu button mvm.png

More rubble, less trouble!
The Heavy

Mann vs. Machine is a game mode that was released in the update of the same name. In this game mode, a team of three to six players must fend off a horde of robots attempting to carry a bomb to one of Mann Co.'s strongholds. Upgrades and Canteen power-ups can be purchased at the spawn point using cash picked up by the players upon destroying a robot (not every robot drops cash, and the amount of cash dropped may vary according to the robot type). A bonus amount of cash will be awarded to the team if all or almost all of the cash from a wave is picked up.

All classes and most weapons have different upgrade abilities such as movement speed, charge duration, or the amount of ammo the player can hold. Surviving all the waves will complete the mission. Upon the completion of a player's first mission, they will receive a Canteen.

There are currently 5 operations and 29 missions (some missions aren't part of any operation) in Mann vs. Machine.

Mann vs. Machine maps:


Gametype mannpower.png
:المقالة الأساسية Mannpower
I hope I didn't scare you with my face-to-face man fightin'!
The Demoman

Mannpower is a modified version of Capture the Flag in which teams must capture the enemy's Intelligence briefcase a set number of times (default limit is 7 captures) while preventing the enemy from doing the same. The game mode is characterized by its usage of grappling hooks and twelve unique power-ups.

Grappling hooks, usable by switching to them or by pressing the action key, will latch onto the surface the player is looking at, whether it be a wall, floor, ceiling, or even an enemy. Once attached, players will automatically be reeled in, traveling through the air in a straight path to the desired location. If the grappling hook is attached to an enemy, the enemy will take bleed damage until the player dies or releases the hook. Players can jump while grappling, giving them a boost to scale ledges. While the player is using the grappling hook, they cannot fire their weapons.

Power-ups provide passive buffs (with the exception of Supernova) to the players who pick them up. These buffs range from increased movement speed to reflecting damage back at the enemy. At the start of each round, a set number of power-ups spawn throughout the map and can be picked up by players from either team. When a powered-up player is killed, they will drop the power-up in the color of the enemy team, restricting their teammates from claiming it directly after the player's death. If colored power-ups are not picked up after a certain time period, they will respawn in the appropriate team's base. Players can deliberately drop power-ups with the same key used to drop the Intelligence briefcase. If they do so, the power-up will be neutral instead of team-colored.

Mannpower currently runs on modified ctf_ versions of Gorge, Foundry, and Thunder Mountain, as well as a map made specifically for the mode, Hellfire. Whenever players respawn, they will be given a few seconds of invulnerability. Unlike standard CTF maps, where the Intelligence briefcases are located in "Intelligence rooms," briefcases in Mannpower mode are out in the open and susceptible to theft from many directions. Players with a power-up will receive a grapple speed penalty when carrying the Intelligence, and players without one will gain health regeneration. After a team successfully captures the Intelligence, both capture zones will be disabled for 30 seconds. If a team imbalance is detected, the losing team will get a "Revenge" power-up, granting them temporary crits, increased fire rate, and increased clip size.

List of Power-Ups:

Strength - Double damage for all weapons. Distance damage fall-off immunity.
Resistance - Reduces incoming damage by 50%. Immune to critical hit damage multiplier.
Vampire - All damage dealt is returned as health. 25% damage resistance. Max health increased by 40%.
Reflect - 80% of damage received is reflected back to the attacker (reflected damage cannot directly cause death). Max health increased to 400. 100% of received Sentry damage is reflected back to the Sentry Gun.
Haste - Double weapon firing and reload rate. Double clip size and max ammo count. Movement speed increased by 30%. Sticky bomb arm time reduced.
Regeneration - Ammo, health, and metal regenerate. The rate of health regeneration is inversely proportional to max health.
Precision - Greatly reduced bullet spread. Distance damage falloff immunity. Rocket and grenade travel speed increased 250%. Sniper rifles have quicker damage ramp-up and re-zoom after shooting, and have double damage. Increased blast weapon clip size by 50%.
Agility - Movement speed increased by 50%. Grapple speed increase. Jump height increased by 80%. Instant weapon switch. Immune to fall damage. No movement speed penalty while carrying the flag.
Knockout - Restricts the carrier to Melee and Grappling Hook only. Max health increased by 150 except for Heavies and Demomen wielding a sword, a shield, or both, gaining only 120 health, 130 health, 80 health, and 20 health, respectively. Immune to airblast and damage pushback. Melee weapon deals +66% damage and forcibly shoves the victim away. Melee hit forces the victim to drop their powerup or the flag if they have it. 4X melee damage to buildings.
King - Increased max health. Small health regeneration, fire, and reload rate increase. All effects except maximum health increase are shared by nearby teammates, though the regeneration buff is only applied to teammates and enemy Spies who also have powerups.
Plague - Radius health kit collection. Touching an enemy gives them and their nearby teammates the plague. Plague victims bleed to death in 10 seconds unless they pick up a health kit or touch a resupply cabinet. Plague blocks King’s health regeneration and team buff. Immune to Plague.
Supernova - Discharge your supernova attack (grapple secondary fire) to briefly stun nearby visible enemies. Requires full Powerup meter. Powerup meter fills over time, or by dealing damage. Stunned enemies drop their powerups, and are pushed away from the supernova attacker. Once discharged, the Supernova powerup disappears and respawns. When the powerup meter is full, enemies will glow when in range.
Critical Hit - Temporary full crit power for 30 seconds. Respawns in the same place after 60 seconds.

Mannpower maps:


:المقالة الأساسية PASS Time
Gametype passtime.png
Play ball!
The Scout

Pass Time is a game mode for TF2 that combines the traditional battling in Team Fortress with sports elements of soccer, hockey, and basketball. It is a heavily team-based game mode and it is critical that you have teamwork when playing it. There are many perks and jump pads to assist you. However if the match ends in a tie, Sudden Death begins. It also provides a voice command to get your team to pass the ball to you. The ball gives you a speed boost and heals nearby teammates.

PASS Time maps:


Gametype payload.png
:المقالة الأساسية Payload
Onward, great bomb-cart!
The Heavy

In Payload maps, BLU team must escort a cart full of explosives through a series of checkpoints and into RED's base within a certain amount of time. BLU team members move or 'push' the cart by standing next to it — the more people next to the cart, the faster it moves (up to a maximum capture rate of three). Any RED team member standing near the cart will stop it from venturing further, regardless of the number of BLU team members on the cart. If no BLU players push the cart for 30 seconds, the cart will start moving backward slowly until it reaches a checkpoint, BLU spawn, an uphill slope (in certain maps), or is pushed by BLU team members again, which will also reset the timer. The cart functions as a level 1 Dispenser for BLU team (and disguised enemy Spies) to restore health and ammunition to those pushing it. Ammunition is not restored to players standing at the front of the cart.

Some maps have flanking routes that open when a specific point is taken.

There are two distinct types of Payload missions; the type depends on the map. Some Payload maps, including Gold Rush, Hoodoo, and Thunder Mountain, are multiple-staged and play similarly to Dustbowl by splitting the mission into three sections, each with multiple checkpoints. Capturing the final point on the last stage results in BLU blowing up RED's base, often with a spectacular explosion wiping out everyone around the bomb cart. Time is added whenever BLU captures a non-stage-winning point. The other type of Payload mission, an example being Badwater Basin, is single-staged, similar to Mountain Lab, and has all checkpoints within one long stage, with larger time bonuses for BLU upon successful captures. There are also fewer total checkpoints, resulting in three or four checkpoints and a final point, where BLU can win the game and blow up RED's base.

Single-stage Payload maps:

Multiple-stage Payload Maps:

Payload Race

Gametype plr.png
:المقالة الأساسية Payload Race
Two teams. Two carts. Two tracks. Hilarity ensues.
In-game summary

Unlike standard Payload maps, Payload Race maps feature both RED and BLU teams issued with a cart; neither team is restricted to an attacking or defending role, with both teams assuming characteristics of both roles. To win, each team must simultaneously push their cart through enemy territory to reach the final point while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. As with Payload mode, team members push the cart by standing next to it, with more members increasing the speed of the cart and opposing team members halting it.

Unlike Payload mode, the cart will not move backward after any duration of time and there is no time limit; the map will only end when one team successfully pushes their cart to the finishing point. Each cart works as a level 1 Dispenser for their team (and disguised enemy Spies), restoring health and ammunition to those pushing the cart. Parts of the track may feature slopes on which the cart will quickly roll back down to the bottom unless it is being constantly pushed. In many maps, there are uphill pushes. Should the cart pushers be killed or move away from the cart, the cart will slide down the ramp to its original state.

Payload Race maps may or may not be split into multiple rounds.

Payload Race maps:

Player Destruction

Gamemode invasion.png
:المقالة الأساسية Player Destruction
I believe I will buy you a beer!
The Engineer to drunk UFO pilots

Player Destruction is a community-created game mode added as part of the Invasion Update. This game mode focuses on teams collecting bottles of beer by killing enemy players and then jumping into the UFO tractor beam in the middle of the map in order to add them to their team's score. Whenever a player is killed, they will drop all their currently held beer, which can be picked up by both teams.

The player on each team with the largest amount of beers will provide health and ammo equal to a Level 1 Dispenser to themselves and nearby teammates, but the player's outline along with the number of beers they possess will be constantly visible to both teams.

Player Destruction maps:

Special Delivery

Gametype sd.png
:المقالة الأساسية Special Delivery (Game Mode)
Gentlemen, today we launch a monkey into space.
The Administrator

Special Delivery is a game mode released as part of the Pyromania Update. In this game mode, an initially neutral briefcase of Australium must be transported to Poopy Joe's rocket before the opposing team can do the same.

If a player picks up the Australium and is killed while holding it, only players from the same team as the recently-deceased Australium carrier can pick it up again. If the team fails to do so within 45 seconds, the Australium is sent back to its original position and reverts back to neutral.

The player who has a hold of the Australium must stand on the platform, which will be raised to the compartment located at the nose cone of the rocket. The player has to remain on the platform until the compartment hatch fully opens and is ready to receive the Australium. Once the Australium is deposited into the compartment, the rocket launches off and the team wins the round. Then the rocket explodes with Poopy Joe inside of it, resulting in him dying and the plot for WAR! Update

Special Delivery maps:

Territorial Control

Hydro map
:المقالة الأساسية Territorial Control
We have you surrounded, at least from this side!
The Soldier

In Territorial Control, the goal is to take over the entire map by capturing "territories". Each game is randomly selected from the six available layouts in a 'point against point' game where both teams must capture the opposite point while defending their own. After a team successfully captures the opposite point, the next round takes place in a different area of the map which is also randomly selected. After a team captures all four territories, that team must capture the enemy team's base. If the base point is captured (in Hydro, the Radar Dish for RED, the Power Plant for BLU), the attacking team wins the game. When the next round begins, territories are reset and a new random layout is selected.

In any game in TC (except in RED/BLU base games), if a control point is not captured before the eight-minute time clock reaches zero, the game will go into Sudden Death mode.

Territorial control maps:

Training Mode

Training basic.png
Training offlinepractice.png
:المقالة الأساسية Training mode
My 11th PhD is in Applied Ass-Kicking!
The Engineer

Training maps are intended to teach the basics of gameplay and advanced techniques on wooden targets and bots. Training Mode shipped with the Mac Update, which introduced two official training maps. The Offline Practice allows for new and unfamiliar players to train on specific game modes, along with the capability to adjust the difficulty scale of bots to suit the player.

Training maps

Brandon Reinhart indirectly announced on the Official TF2 Blog on July 28, 2010, that Corey Peters is currently working on another official training map,[1] though details are as of yet unknown for which class or what gameplay mechanics it is focusing on.

Current training classes are:


Highlander tournament prize
There can be only one!
The Demoman

Highlander mode restricts the number of players of each team to 9 players and only allows one player per class on each team. It is applicable to any game mode and can be activated by entering mp_highlander 1 into the console.

The idea behind Highlander mode existed previous to its official inclusion in the game and had been implemented in server mods. Highlander mode was officially added in the التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 3 فبراير.

The game mode's name is a reference to the Highlander film series, where the phrase "There can be only one" was often repeated; this references the limitation of one player per class.

Dueling Mini-Game

Dueling Mini-game
:المقالة الأساسية Dueling Mini-Game
Let's settle this like gentlemen!
The Spy

A mini-game released in the Mann-Conomy Update, the Dueling Mini-Game is an Action Item that can be purchased in the Mann Co. Store, received via trading, or found via the drop system. When loaded into the action slot, the item can be triggered to put the user against one person on the opposing team, provided they accept the challenge. Until the end of the round, points are gained by killing or assisting in a kill against the other person. Kills of the two players dueling are tracked, and the player with the most points wins the "duel" when the round ends. If one of the players disconnects or leaves the match, a short duel ban will be issued to that player. The item itself has a maximum of 5 uses and is usable on all official maps. After participating in your first duel, a Bronze Dueling Badge will be granted which will level up to Silver, Gold, and finally Platinum as you gain more wins. For every 10 wins, an extra Dueling Minigame is granted. Every day, the game will give the Dueler hat to the player who won the most duels the previous day.

Tournament Mode

Tournament Mode header
:المقالة الأساسية Tournament Mode
Dominated, hippie! Get a job!
The Soldier

Tournament Mode is used mostly on competitive servers. It allows for the creation of custom teams, and the ability to track the success of a particular team over multiple games. A user interface is present for naming teams, and once team members have been organized, teams must say they are ready to start the game. In Tournament Mode, there are no player limits for either team and no autobalancing.

Similarly to Highlander, Tournament Mode is applicable to any game mode and can be activated by entering mp_tournament 1 into the console.

Community mods

TF2Ware, a community mod by Mecha the Slag
:المقالة الأساسية Custom Mods
Never bring a bat to a battlefield, war is not a game.
The Soldier

Community game mode mods are custom, unofficial game modes, produced by various community members. They vary from remakes of Team Fortress Classic game modes to completely original modes like Saxton Hale and may change anything about the way a class works from their core mechanics to the weapons they carry. Some modes even add new enemies for the RED and BLU teams to fight or put the player in the shoes of someone or something they couldn't play in an official mode. Some game mode mods have been honorably mentioned by Valve on the TF2 Official Blog.

Unused content

  • There was a planned Courier game mode in development which for unknown reasons was scrapped. There is still an existing Announcer voiceline in the files which was going to be used in this game mode and the class Civilian that can be used with commands.

Upcoming Modes

Robot Destruction

:المقالة الأساسية Robot Destruction
Beta rd blueprints.png
Oh, I vill tear you apart, bolt by bolt!
The Medic

Robot destruction is an upcoming game mode currently in beta. While it has not yet been officially released, it can be played by setting up a beta server or searching for a round using the multiplayer menu. So far there is only one known map using this game mode. This map takes place on a moon base map Valve mentioned and showed concept art for in an earlier TF2 update post. The game mode is similar to capture the flag, but instead involves destroying enemy robots and stealing their power cores. Once stolen, power cores (unlike a normal Intelligence briefcase) are instantly stored in a vault once touched. The enemy team can go to their opponent's vault and steal their power cores back to slow down the enemy team from winning. The map itself isn't finished with, as there is a lack of proper textures, but does include new robot NPCs that have brand new textures (aside from a few using the ÜberCharge texture showing that it's locked, but it's assumed that it's only a placeholder). When this map and game mode will be released together officially is unknown.

Robot Destruction maps:

See also
