Difference between revisions of "List of useful console commands"

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(Added a see also, it's a video with Valve saying that they're fixing the Source Recorder. Are they? Nope, they are trolling right now. DO NOT REMOVE!)
(Undo edit by Breakin' Benny (Talk) (641578) I'm sorry, but how does this prove to be an authentic citation?)
Line 177: Line 177:
* [[Cheats]]
* [[Cheats]]
* [[Scripting]]
* [[Scripting]]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCxT27wRVpA Video starring TamiyaGuy123 having Source Recorder problems, happened to everyone else. See after 2:35 for explanation]

Revision as of 17:38, 28 July 2011

A screen of the Developer Console found in Team Fortress 2

Using the Developer Console, you can turn specific gameplay and graphic settings on and off or modify their values. The console can be enabled from the advanced menu in options. Any command put in the autoexec.cfg file will automatically be loaded on game launch.

These settings can also be put into the class-specific .cfg files in your Team Fortress 2 folder in order to create class-specific configurations.

List of useful console commands

cl_ commands

  • cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out 0/1 - turns question whether to blacklist a server after leaving after a short amount of time off/on
  • cl_ask_favorite_opt_out 0/1 - turns question whether to favorite a server after leaving after a longer amount of time off/on
  • cl_autoreload 0/1 - turns automatic reloading off/on
  • cl_autorezoom 0/1 - turns Sniper Rifle re-zoom off/on
  • cl_burninggibs 0/1 - burning gibs off/on
  • cl_crosshair_file - sets crosshair picture. "" is standard-crosshairs. example: "crosshair1"
  • cl_drawhud 0/1 - shows/hides the HUD - sv_cheats 1 required
  • cl_flipviewmodels 0/1 - sets viewmodels normal/inverted(left-handed) - does not work while connected to a server
  • cl_interp - sets how far character models are interpolated (drawn away from their actual position) in the world, a good standard value for hitscan weapons is 0.034
  • cl_new_impact_effects 0/1 - turns new, better looking impact effects off/on, most noticeable on glass
  • cl_ragdoll_collide 0/1 - turns ragdoll collisions on/off (client-side only)
  • cl_ragdoll_fade_time - sets time until ragdolls disappear (client-side only)
  • cl_showbackpackrarities 0/1 - turns color-coded items in trade off/on
  • cl_showfps 0/1/2 - shows framerate (off/real-time/rounded)
  • cl_showpos 0/1 - shows the map coordinates and movement speed of the player
  • cl_yawspeed - sets the speed at which your character turns when using the +left and +right commands
  • cl_spec_carrieditems - Shows non-standard items being carried by player you're spectating

tf_ commands

  • tf_allow_player_use 0/1 - disallows/allows the +use command on a server, useful for some custom maps, standard is 0. - server operator only
  • tf_damage_disablespread 0/1 - turns random damage-spread (+-10%) for weapons off/on - server operator only
  • tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg - sets the pitch when doing maximum damage with your weapon, a lower pitch is recommended in most cases, standard is 100
  • tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg - sets the pitch when doing minimum damage with your weapon, a higher pitch is recommended in most cases, standard is 100
  • tf_dingaling_volume - sets the volume for hit sounds, standard is 1.00
  • tf_dingaling_wav_override - allows using a custom hit sound. Note: No longer used. To use a custom hit sound, rename your sound file "hitsound.wav", and place it in the "tf/sound/ui/" folder
  • tf_dingalingaling 0/1 - turns weapon hit sound off/on
  • tf_forced_holiday 0/2/3 - enables holiday mode (0 = default; 2 = halloween; 3 = birthday) - server operator only
  • tf_medieval 0/1 - enables Medieval mode on the server, requires map change to take effect - server operator only
  • tf_medigun_autoheal 0/1 - turns automatic healing without holding the left mouse button off/on
  • tf_medieval_autorp 0/1 - enables/disables automatic medieval-style text modification in the chat box
  • tf_medieval_thirdperson 0/1 - toggles third person view during Medieval mode
  • tf_overtime_nag 0/1 - turns endless shouting of "OVERTIME!" in Overtime off/on - server operator only
  • tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 0/1 - turns fixed, consistent spread for weapons like Shotgun, Scattergun and Shortstop off/on - server operator only
  • tf_weapon_criticals 0/1 - turns random criticals off/on - server operator only

sv_ commands

  • sv_cheats 0/1 - turns cheats off/on - server operator only
  • sv_lan - cvar for local area network - server operator only
  • sv_pure - cvar for managing custom content - server operator only

mp_ commands

  • mp_autoteambalance - cvar for automatic team balancing. - server operator only
  • mp_disable_respawn_times - cvar for respawn times. - server operator only
  • mp_idledealmethod - cvar for managing idle players. - server operator only
  • mp_restartgame - restarts the round and resets the round time. - server operator only
  • mp_teams_unbalance_limit - cvar for team force balance. - server operator only
  • mp_timelimit - cvar for map timelimit. - server operator only
  • mp_usehwmmodels 1 & mp_usehwmvcds 1 - makes use of the high-polygon class models used in the 'Meet the Team' videos.
  • mp_waitingforplayerscancel 1 - cancels "waiting for players..." time - server operator only

hud_ commands

  • hud_combattext 0/1 - turns the damage text above enemies off/on

miscellaneous commands

For players

  • bind <key> <command> - Binds a key with a command.
  • unbind <key> - unbinds a key
  • dropitem - Drop the flag or intelligence.
  • explode - Commit suicide. (by exploding into gibs)
  • kill - Commit suicide.
  • fov_desired 70-90 - Set desired field of view. (higher values show more of the battlefield at the cost of fps)
  • jointeam red/blue/auto/spectator - Force team. (use this if you are stuck in "dead spectator" mode when too many people attempt to join a team at the same time)
  • jpeg - Take a jpeg screenshot.
  • "record fix; stop" - use this to fix various HUD-color errors or lingering Crit-effects
  • retry - Retry connection to last server.
  • status - Display map and connection status.
  • viewmodel_fov <number> - sets distance in which your weapons are drawn, higher values show more of the weapon and arms but may show missing parts
  • r_drawviewmodel 0/1 - turns viewmodels on and off
  • restart - restarts the current server
  • find <command> - a search function that displays all commands with searched term
  • hurtme <number> - deals given amount of damage(can be negative for extra health) - sv_cheats 1 only
  • zoom_sensitivity_ratio <number> - Sets the ratio of sensitivy while zoomed in with the Sniper Rifle with accordance to actual sensitivity.
  • net_graph <1-6>
    • Depending on the input value, different amounts of information will be shown such as ping, fps, lerp, packet loss, etc.

For moderators/admins

  • changelevel <mapname> - changes the map
  • cvarlist - View complete cvar list.
  • exec - Execute config file.
  • map <mapname> - changes the map and restarts the server - server operator only
    • Starts a new server if entered on the main menu - useful for bypassing the "Create New Server" dialog and map drop-down menu
  • maps - Display list of maps.
  • rcon_password <password> - gives player access to rcon commands
  • nextlevel <mapname> - sets the next map to be played
  • rcon <command> - executes an rcon command
  • rcon_address <ip address> - sets the server address to send rcon commands to (if not set, console sends the command to the server that the player is currently in instead)

For recording

  • record <demo name> - records a demo
    • stop - stops the recording of a demo
  • startmovie <moviename> - opens up the source recorder during demo play back and allows for high quality avi format recording
    • endmovie - stops source recorder
  • host_framerate <number> - tells the source recorder to record at a constant framerate
  • host_timescale <number> - use in conjunction with host_framerate to produce a smooth video output

weapon commands

The "use" command is used to equip the specified weapon.

  • Syntax
    use <weapon_name>
  • Arguments
    • <weapon_name>
      • Scout
      • Soldier
      • Pyro
      • Demoman
      • Heavy Weapons Guy
      • Engineer
      • Medic
      • Sniper
      • Spy
      To equip Electro Sapper, use: "build 3 0"

See also