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This article is about '''Community Demoman strategy'''.
This article is about '''Community Demoman strategy'''.
One of the most powerful and versatile classes in the game, the Demoman can provide outstanding offensive and defensive support. With his [[Grenade Launcher|Grenade]] or [[Stickybomb Launcher]] in hand, the Demoman is capable of executing vigorous offensive assaults by bombarding areas that other classes cannot reach with similar ease thanks to the parabolic trajectory of his launcher rounds. The Demoman can also play a critical defensive role by dropping well-placed Stickybombs on key strategic objectives or creating cleverly concealed Stickybomb deathtraps in high traffic regions of a map and is able to defend a much larger area than any other class. Of all classes, the Demoman is arguable the most effective [[melee]] class due to his longer ranged melee attacks and the ability to perform charged dashes. The Demoman also displays mobile superiority through the use of well executed Stickybomb and Grenade jumps; the Demoman is capable of reaching objectives well in advance of other classes once [[Jumps#Demoman_jumps|Demoman Jumps]] have been mastered. The Demoman is a rewarding class to learn but challenging and difficult to master and is an ideal class for objective oriented players. Players who have experience with Team Fortress Classic's grenades may have an easier time picking up the class as the grenades launched from the Grenade Launcher are nearly identical to those of the original game.
One of the most powerful and versatile classes in the game, the Demoman can provide outstanding offensive and defensive support. With his [[Grenade Launcher|Grenade]] or [[Stickybomb Launcher]] in hand, the Demoman is capable of executing vigorous offensive assaults by bombarding areas that other classes cannot reach with similar ease thanks to the parabolic trajectory of his launcher rounds. The Demoman can also play a critical defensive role by dropping well-placed Stickybombs on key strategic objectives or creating cleverly concealed Stickybomb deathtraps in high traffic regions of a map and is able to defend a much larger area than any other class. Of all classes, the Demoman is arguable the most effective [[melee]] class due to his longer ranged melee attacks and the ability to perform charged dashes. The Demoman also displays mobile superiority through the use of well executed Stickybomb and Grenade jumps; the Demoman is capable of reaching objectives well in advance of other classes once [[Jumps#Demoman jumps|Demoman Jumps]] have been mastered. The Demoman is a rewarding class to learn but challenging and difficult to master and is an ideal class for objective oriented players. Players who have experience with Team Fortress Classic's grenades may have an easier time picking up the class as the grenades launched from the Grenade Launcher are nearly identical to those of the original game.
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Revision as of 20:01, 26 October 2011

Not one of ya's going to survive this!
The Demoman just before detonating his stickybombs

This article is about Community Demoman strategy.

One of the most powerful and versatile classes in the game, the Demoman can provide outstanding offensive and defensive support. With his Grenade or Stickybomb Launcher in hand, the Demoman is capable of executing vigorous offensive assaults by bombarding areas that other classes cannot reach with similar ease thanks to the parabolic trajectory of his launcher rounds. The Demoman can also play a critical defensive role by dropping well-placed Stickybombs on key strategic objectives or creating cleverly concealed Stickybomb deathtraps in high traffic regions of a map and is able to defend a much larger area than any other class. Of all classes, the Demoman is arguable the most effective melee class due to his longer ranged melee attacks and the ability to perform charged dashes. The Demoman also displays mobile superiority through the use of well executed Stickybomb and Grenade jumps; the Demoman is capable of reaching objectives well in advance of other classes once Demoman Jumps have been mastered. The Demoman is a rewarding class to learn but challenging and difficult to master and is an ideal class for objective oriented players. Players who have experience with Team Fortress Classic's grenades may have an easier time picking up the class as the grenades launched from the Grenade Launcher are nearly identical to those of the original game.

Quick tips

  • Strive to place Stickybombs on places that are not obvious to enemy players; if the Stickybombs are in plain sight of the enemy they will have an opportunity to destroy the bombs before one can detonate them.
  • When fleeing, leave Stickybombs in your wake and you may gain some kills from oncoming pursuers with properly timed detonations. Another advantage to this strategy is that pursuers also may pause to destroy the Stickybombs or choose an alternate route giving one more time to escape to safety.
  • One distinct advantage the Demoman has over alternate classes is the ability to deliver damage where others cannot reach; try bouncing Grenades around corners, through windows and into battlements.
  • When defending a key target, try placing Stickybombs onto obscure areas of the objective and retreating to cover. One can then wait for either an audio or visual alert that the area is being captured and detonate the Stickybombs in order to neutralize the enemy threat.
  • As a Demoman and especially when playing defensively, one should search for areas of the map that would make ideal Stickybomb deathtraps for unsuspecting enemy players; maintaining a safe distance from the trap while in clear view of it would be an ideal scenario.
  • When aiming at a distant target it may be more advantageous to skip Grenades across the ground rather than lobbing them through the sky.
  • The Demoman is one of the most effective Melee classes with advantages including longer ranged melee weapons and dashing capabilities. However, in order to utilize these advantages effectively one must try to employ the ambush tactics in order to launch surprise attacks on enemy players.
  • Use Grenades and Stickybombs to disrupt enemy tactics such as Heavy/Medic pairs by using explosions to push the Medic away from the Heavy so each can be killed more easily.
  • If one is unable to get past a Sniper's killzone without being killed via headshot try traversing that area by strafing across with the Demoman’s back facing the enemy Sniper. The Demoman's hunched-over posture makes him a bit more difficult to headshot from behind for inexperienced Snipers while more experienced ones will be able to compensate without too much difficulty. One may be able to get past the killzone by employing this strategy at the cost of perhaps a fully charged body shot that may deplete most of one's health. Demoman Jumping past the area may also be an effective option.
  • Mastering Demoman Jumps can allow players to easily propel themselves behind enemy lines and take out the unsuspecting opposing team either from the rear or above.


  • The Demoman has three roles:


  • The classic role for the Demoman is Defense. For example, a Demoman can place Stickybombs on key areas, then switch to the Grenade Launcher to keep enemies at bay. As soon as an enemy walks within the blast radius of the stickies, the Demoman can detonate them for an easy kill.
  • While staying at one choke-point and constantly filling it with sticky-bombs or grenades is effective, it is still essential to survey the capture point constantly for incoming enemies. If you still wish to have the freedom to move around while defending, covering the objective with Stickybombsthis is the way to go.If by chance your Stickybomb Launcher is considered inactive if stickies are placed to defend the objective. The bonus is that the game alerts the player (one way or another) when the objective is under attack or being captured. When this happens, simply detonate the bombs to secure a quick assault on enemy players. This may not work as well with the Scottish Resistance, because the time you take to remember which Stickybombs were on the objective may give a Scout enough time to run away.
  • A Demoman is one of the best classes in counter-attacking an ÜberCharge pair, next to the Pyro. First, place a string of Stickybombs on the ground to create a minefield. Either detonate them just before the pair reaches the bombs to push them backward or just after one of them crosses the bombs to separate the Medic from his ÜberCharge target. Even if the two manage to regroup, they are prone to losing invulnerability. Stickybombs can be placed on walls or the edges of bridges in order to push the pair into corners or off of that said bridges. Plan in advance in making this strategy effective. Another way the Demoman can hold off an ÜberCharge would be placing a trap for the unexpected pair. Afterwards luring them towards the trap by shooting grenades and alerting them to your position. If they have not activated their ÜberCharge they will lose it to your trap. If they activated their charge, then use it to move them away from your area and start again.


  • When your team's progress is denied by a strong, Engineer-led defense, switch to offense to punch through their defenses. Along with the Spy and the Pyro, the Demoman is a team's best hope in clearing enemy Sentry Guns and Heavies.
  • A good teammate for the Demoman is the Scout, who can capture a point or the intelligence after enemy defenses are cleared. The Scout can also help battle enemy Engineers who might attempt to confront the Demoman directly.
  • In addition to being a good offense against Sentry Guns, the Demoman is also effective at assisting Engineers fight off enemy Spies. Place one or two Stickybombs near a building, then wait nearby. When an Engineer says "Spy sapping my [building]," or if an Engineer just destroyed an Electro Sapper, detonate the bombs to kill the Spy in case he is still there and return to reset them. The stickies will not damage a friendly player or building.
  • As a Demoman can only place eight stickies down at once with the Stickybomb Launcher, previously shot stickies will blow up after passing this limit. The "self-detonating" stickies can still damage opponents, and could be a useful tactic for taking out incoming enemies while still attacking other enemies with new stickies. Since the Scottish Resistance allows you to lay down fourteen bombs and detonate them separately, this strategy is almost non-applicable but, take the opportunity to place the stickies in well needed areas such as on the Sentry Gun at the exits and entrances.


  • Being a support Demoman is slightly harder than concentrating on offense or defense alone. To be a support Demoman means staying next to another team member (such as Heavy, Soldier, Engineer, etc) and dedicating yourself to helping them get their jobs done. Roll in with Heavies and finish off enemies that manage to escape his Minigun's fire. Protect Engineers from enemies while he sets up his buildings or is hauling them somewhere else. Tag-team with Soldiers for twice the amount of explosions and half the amount of opposition to your team.
  • Using a "Demoknight" set (generally seen as one of the shield weapons + a sword-based melee weapon) limits you to being a Support class. You can assist with a brawl to a great effect, but you are far less capable on your own in anything other than one-on-one (either normal combat or through an ambush).


  • Aerial kills (commonly known as "Airshots") are one of the Demoman's specialties. When an enemy is launched into the air for one reason or the other, a Demoman with good prediction skills can score a direct hit with his Grenade Launcher and kill the helpless enemy. While aerials are possible with the Stickybomb Launcher, the increased trickiness of using it makes scoring aerials with the weapon more for humiliation purposes than efficiency.
  • Aerials work on pretty much any class, but the more common targets include Scouts and Soldiers. This is because these classes' own special abilities (Double jumping and Rocket jumping respectively), make them prone to being airborne more often than most other classes.

Demoman Jumps

Grenade Jumping

  • For smaller jumps or when having a group of stickies already deployed elsewhere, it might be more beneficial to use Grenade Jumping. This inflicts slightly less damage, and placed stickies are left undetonated. YouTube video on various grenade jumps.
  • Note that, obviously, grenade jumps are less practical than Stickybomb jumps in situations where enemies may be nearby due to the fact that one must wait for the grenade to explode. However, Grenade Jumping is a very viable tactic with the Chargin' Targe equipped, and it can easily catch people off guard when they find a Targe-equipped Demoman in such an awkward place.

Stickybomb Jumping

  • Sticky jumping is similar to rocket jumping. It allows a player to jump much higher at the cost of more health (45-114 excluding fall damage). To do this, lay a Stickybomb on the ground, run over it, jump-crouch, and then detonate. As when rocket jumping, crouching in mid-air before setting off the sticky will propel the player with even more force. Multiple stickies can be used for an even greater effect, at the cost of a higher amount of self damage (Using this method, it is possible to jump from one battlement to the other in 2Fort).

Scottish Resistance

  • When sticky jumping with the Scottish Resistance, any stickies directly under the Demoman will be detonated when the alternate fire is activated, so long as there are no other stickies in the reticule. However, jumps with a lot of forward momentum are difficult to achieve with the Scottish Resistance unless the Stickybomb being used for the jump is being directly looked at -- essentially the player will be facing away from the direction they wish to go when the bomb is detonated. This can take some practice to get used to.


Main article: Demoman weapons


Grenade Launcher

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Base Damage Splash Damage Self Damage Critical
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Killicon grenade launcher.png 4 16 84-123 22-64 42-74 270-330

An easy weapon for the inexperienced and a deadly tool of destruction in the hands of an experienced player.

  • Grenades explode on contact with an enemy, provided they have not bounced first.
  • Grenades can be used as an improvised area denial tool when the Stickybomb Launcher or Scottish Resistance have no stickies loaded or the Sticky Jumper or Charging' Targe is equipped.
  • Grenades spin when fired, which sometimes causes them to bounce unpredictably. They do obey gravity (e.g. bouncing down slopes) and will bounce around corners and off walls. Predicting their direction after multiple bounces relies on knowing the area being attacked. To shoot long distances it's often better to jump and fire than change the angle of fire much past 45 degrees.
  • Grenades launch to the right of the cross-hair, so lead to the left to compensate. This is especially important for dealing with faster classes such as Pyros and Scouts.
  • Keep in mind that it is very easy to avoid grenades at long and even medium range; because of the grenade's low speed, enemies have a lot of time to react.
  • High angle fire at long distances can help to hit enemies behind cover.
  • If an enemy is about to run away, try to block his predicted escape route with some grenades. If the enemy's health is low enough to have them hesitate at running into the grenades, attempt to go for the kill.
  • The Grenade Launcher's large splash damage radius is useful against large groups of enemies in small confined spaces.
  • Jumping on a fired grenade will provide an effective, mid range jump that's comparable to a sticky jump. It deals less damage to the player than the Stickybomb Launcher, so it's perfect for cautious players.
  • The Grenade Launcher can be used to protect you and any sticky traps you have set up.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Base Damage Self Damage Critical
Killicon loch-n-load.png 2 16 103-147 53-93 342-388
  • One of the more notable strengths of the Loch-n-Load is its ability to consistently deal over 100 damage at any given range. It's damage output should consistently reach over 210 if both grenades hit a single target.
  • The Loch-n-Load is notably weaker on area control and building demolition than the standard Grenade Launcher, as standard grenades will, barring a direct hit, stick around for a few seconds and then explode. The Loch-n-Load's shells shatter on impact, exploding only if they hit an enemy or enemy's building.
  • The Loch-n-Load's higher damage per-hit and higher splash damage paired with the increased shot velocity means that the Loch-n-Load is a great weapon for tunnel fighting: it proves its worth in areas like the tunnels of Turbine and Hoodoo. The Loch-n-Load is especially useful for bigger targets like the Heavy, who have a natural advantage in long, narrow tunnels.
  • The Loch-n-Load's grenades are somewhat better for dealing with tightly-packed crowds than the Grenade Launcher, making it extremely good at holding choke-points, mostly due to the enhanced damage and speed. You're simply more likely to hit a member of a group with a faster grenade shell, and higher damage is a boon as well. If you can get enemies to cluster up (such as any of the control points on Egypt), the damage and disruption the Loch-n-Load can cause makes it extremely effective.
  • The Loch-n-Load does have a small clip size (increasing times to reload in the face of enemy aggression) and does notably more self-damage than the Grenade Launcher. It's a good idea to switch to your Sticky Launcher of choice for extended battles, and switch to a suitable melee weapon should there be enemies near.
  • The Loch-n-Load functionally removes your ability to grenade jump, since the grenades only explode on impact with an enemy or enemy building. This means you will need to either use sticky jumps to get to hard-to-reach areas or find another route.
  • The Chargin' Targe can mitigate the increased self-damage of the Loch-n-Load in close combat situations.
  • The Loch-n-Load is particularly devastating against the low-HP classes: the Sniper, Engineer, Scout, and Spy. A direct hit will leave these classes with critical health - and often kill them through falling damage alone if it knocks them into the air.
  • Reload often: with only two shots, you don't want to get caught with empty chambers in the middle of a firefight.
  • The downside of destructible grenades can be used to your advantage if an enemy Pyro is good with the airblast. Should the Pyro airblast the grenade but miss you and/or your teammates, the reflected grenade will shatter without any explosion whatsoever.
  • In summary, this weapon is one that takes skill, timing, and good accuracy to make the most of. Practice making direct hits from various ranges and angles if you intend to use it; your time will be well-spent.

Ali Baba's Wee Booties / Bootlegger

Weapon Effect
Passive Effect
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
+25 maximum health. Allows you to turn while charging.
  • Used in conjunction with either the Chargin' Targe or the Splendid Screen and a Melee weapon, you can become a melee based offensive powerhouse.
    • This is particularly helpful in Medieval Mode, where you're forced to only use melee only anyway.
      • However, in doing so, you will completely lose all ranged damage, which can be particularly hazardous. Plan your engagements and avoid conflict when appropriate.


Stickybomb Launcher

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Base Damage Splash Damage Self Damage Critical
Stickybomb Launcher
Stickybomb Launcher
Killicon stickybomb launcher.png 8 32 120 60-124 45-114 261

The use of Stickybombs is one of the defining features of advanced Demoman play. Stickybombs are detonated by using your alternative fire (default key MOUSE2), no matter which weapon is currently out.

Some basic pointers for planting Stickybombs are:

  • After planting Stickybombs around the intelligence or a control point, the Demoman is free to leave the area. Look at the Capture the Flag or Capture Point HUD elements, or listen for the announcements of "The enemy has taken our Intelligence" or "Our Control point is being captured" and detonate the Stickybombs. Keep an eye on the total number of fired stickies, though, as the enemy could be destroying them before stepping onto the point.
  • When guarding other strategic locations, place Stickybombs that are either out of sight until it's too late, or in well hidden/odd places (such as on ceilings, under stairs, above automatic doors etc.). You can also place stickies directly on the Intelligence briefcase, where they will be hidden by it.
  • Never forget that Stickybombs can be launched across the visible distance of most open maps. Aim for windows, Sniper ledges and other populated areas. When the trajectory is right, lob in a few bombs and detonate them to clear the room.
  • If Stickybombs are clustered too closely, enemy Demomen can clear them away with a single sticky. Scottish Resistance Demomen can destroy Stickybombs outright. To counter this, spread your stickies out across the area.
  • Don't stand still when placing a lot of stickies near objectives like the Payload cart or a control point. Doing so will make the Demoman susceptible to headshots, backstabs, and any other form of damage.
  • Place Stickybombs around Health packs if you feel like killing your enemies ironically. This does not work well with small Health packs, due to being almost as small as the stickies themselves.
  • If it is too dangerous to pop out of cover to set Stickybombs onto a Sentry Gun, try shooting them as close to Sentry Gun as you can without revealing yourself. The splash damage will take out the Sentry Gun just fine, but it will require a few more stickies that the Engineer will be able to shoot away. The Scottish Resistance can counter-act this problem with its increased rate-of-fire.
  • If an enemy is on the control point, wait a moment before detonating, as they may have seen the Stickybombs and might try to trick you into detonating too early.
  • When death is imminent, detonate the Stickybombs that you placed. There is a small chance that someone might get caught in the blast radius. It is better to have a slim chance of killing an enemy than losing placed Stickybombs for nothing.
  • Do not underestimate the power of air-detonated stickies. The ability to detonate stickies in midair allows one to attack with great precision for high damage. The only disadvantage is the slow firing rate.
  • To use stickies in an offensive battle, constantly launch stickies and detonate them as soon as they come out. The constant flow of damage can add up very quickly, along with the fact that the Demoman may have an easier time laying them out in the heat of a battle in which they are not the only target. This method can be very effective, easily killing bigger classes such as Heavy/Medic combos.
  • While holding down the detonate button will detonate stickies as soon as they are primed, it also prevents the sticky launcher from beginning to auto-reload. It may be advisable simply to tap the detonate button repeatedly.

Scottish Resistance

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Base Damage Splash Damage Self Damage Critical
Scottish Resistance
Scottish Resistance
Killicon scottish resistance.png 8 36 120 60-124 45-114 261
  • The Scottish Resistance is far more effective for creating and managing Stickybomb traps than the normal sticky launcher because of the large number of bombs it can place and that they can be detonated by looking at a desired group of bombs.
  • Although primarily used for defense, the Scottish Resistance can still be an effective offensive weapon. Its fast rate of fire can be used in direct combat, but not in the same way as the normal Stickybomb Launcher. One tactic is to launch Stickybombs behind enemies and then attack using the Grenade Launcher. This should cause enemies to retreat, thereby causing them to move backwards through the newly-created sticky trap, which can then be detonated at the right time. This technique helps to offset the longer priming time possessed by the Scottish Resistance. When under the effects of an ÜberCharge, the technique can be used just as effectively without using the Grenade Launcher, as enemies will usually retreat when confronted by an ubered player. It's important to consider the speed of enemy players when using this technique, as the Stickybombs should be placed close behind slower classes such as the Soldier and the Heavy, but further behind faster classes such as the Scout. This will ensure that the Stickybombs have time to prime before the enemy reaches them.
  • When defending anywhere, especially places like tunnels, having 2-3 distinct groups of main bombs (2-4 per group) on the corner/doorway and 1-2 secondary groups (1-2 bombs) hidden along a retreat route can single-handily hold a position. Detonate individual main groups to take out incoming enemies, and if a Scout/Pyro gets past, lure them into the secondary traps.
  • The longer arming time prevents the Scottish Resistance from being used to deal damage as quickly as the normal Sticky Launcher. It also is much harder to perform airblasts using the Scottish Resistance. This has led to the conventional wisdom that the Scottish Resistance is only useful for creating traps, which is no longer the case now that the Scottish Resistance has gained a 25% faster firing rate. While the bombs now arm slower, the faster firing can be used to create "offensive" carpets. Instead of creating a trap and waiting for enemies to walk near it, it is possible to place bombs around enemy players quickly and then detonate once several stickies are out. This has the effect of rapidly denying enemies room to maneuver, and almost guarantees that enemies in the area being carpeted will take at least some damage once the carpet is detonated. This technique works best in areas where space is already limited.
    • Some enemies may panic as the area around them rapidly becomes covered in stickies, and cause them to either rush forward blindly (into a trap) or run away. This method of attack also works wonders against unaware opponents, since many players are oblivious to stickies being placed around them until it's too late.
  • While the Scottish Resistance does require the user to be looking in the general direction of the bombs they set, they do not have to be looking directly at the bombs in question. Even if there isn't a direct line-of-sight to placed bombs, they can still be detonated, no matter what their location is on the map, provided the crosshair is fixated on the general area of your trap(s). This can prove invaluable if someone begins capturing a Control Point or takes the Intelligence while the rest of the team is busy chasing down an opponent or otherwise preoccupied elsewhere.
  • While not all of the Scottish Resistance Stickybombs can't be detonated at once, they can be detonated in rapid succession by holding down the detonate key and swinging the crosshair view across all placed Stickybombs.
  • Remember that the Scottish Resistance can destroy enemy Stickybombs. This is quite useful on offense despite the Scottish Resistance's obvious defensive applications. This is especially true on Attack/Defend maps and Payload maps where enemy Demomen often lay Stickybombs outside the starting gates. Also, if an enemy Über Demoman is coming to destroy a team's Sentry Gun, placing a few quick bombs can nullify the charge.
  • The Scottish Resistance is useful for defending Engineer nests. Since it can destroy enemy Stickybombs, it can be useful if 3-5 stickies are put around the buildings of the Engineer. Activate them if a Demoman tries to destroy it with the Sticky Launcher. This is also useful for dealing with Spies placing Sappers.
  • This weapon is great to trick enemies. Set a small group of Stickybombs unseen near a doorway/entrance/etc. Near the same doorway, set down the rest of your Stickybombs. When an enemy comes near, blow up the first group and they will think that the Stickybombs are done for. Then when the enemy comes to the second group, they will not be expecting a giant Stickybomb explosion.

Chargin' Targe

Weapon Kill Icon Damage Effect
Charge Damage Charge Speed Recharge Time Resistances
Chargin' Targe
Chargin' Targe
Killicon chargin' targe.png 50+10 per head (up to 5) 750 Hammer units/sec (638 Hammer units/sec with Scotsman's Skullcutter) 12 seconds (6 with Persian Persuader) 50% fire resistance and 40% explosive resistance.
  • The Chargin' Targe is simply a shield: just equipping it gives the Demoman resistance to both explosions and fire. A Demoman at full health—even with the Eyelander equipped—can survive a critical rocket if they have the Targe equipped.
  • Keep an eye on your Charge meter, as its color will tell you the effects of the Targe - white is recharging or charged, green is a recently-activated charge (less than 50% used); yellow means your next attack will be a mini-crit, and red means that your next melee attack will be a full strength critical hit. The red zone also means that colliding with an enemy will cause the Targe itself to inflict damage. (50 Damage + 10 damage for each head you have, up to 5 heads.)
    • You must be quick to react, as the "red zone" will only be active during the last 25% of the charge.
  • Try to attack enemies that are unaware of your presence. Getting behind a Soldier or Medic and charging will result in an easy kill.
  • Charging down long hallways can force enemies back as well as give you a chance at a few kills.
  • If you're in danger or on fire, use the charge to quickly move out of the battle zone to find a Medic or health pack.
  • The very end of your charge grants you a critical hit with whatever melee weapon you are using. Using this critical in conjunction with the Eyelander can result in an instant kill for every class except for the Heavy and Soldier. Demomen, Pyros and Medics can survive if they are fully overhealed. A Demoman can also survive if he has collected enough heads.
  • The Chargin' Targe does deal damage if you come into contact with an enemy at the end of your charge. This shield bash deals a good amount of damage (50 + 10 for each head you have taken, up to 5 heads), useful for finishing off targets you have struck with the Grenade Launcher. The Targe will not shield you from your own grenades and any grenades fired near the end of the charge will not be made critical by the charge, despite the Crit effect shown.
  • The Targe gives you a resistance to fire and explosive damage, but not to bullets and other projectiles. Keep this in mind when charging at any players that have a Shotgun equipped.
  • Do not attempt to charge Heavies unless they are distracted by other teammates or you know they are very weak. The Heavy's Minigun fire is very effective at close range, and if they have Natascha equipped, you will effectively be slowed to a standstill. If you are hit with Natascha, your only real chances are to either crawl to cover or to spam grenades in hopes of killing the Heavy first.
  • The Force-A-Nature's knockback, the Flamethrower's compression blast, Sentry Guns, arrows, Natascha's speed reduction and the explosive force of grenades, rockets, and Stickybombs will all interrupt your charge.
  • Don't try to charge enemies who are aware of your presence and can see the beginning of your charge. Simple strafing will help the enemy to avoid your attack and make you vulnerable.
  • During a Charge, you move at 750 Hammer Units per second; two and a half times faster than the Engineer, Pyro, Spy or Sniper, and 87.5% faster than the Scout. Using this sudden burst of speed to retreat can mean the difference between waiting to recharge, and waiting to respawn.
  • A common technique to use with the Chargin' Targe is to fire off grenades from behind obstacles and other such objects to catch someone's attention, then charge around the object to catch them off guard in their pursuit.
  • In maps with areas of deep water, charging out by aiming in a vertical direction can make for very sudden surprises, as well as working well with getting up low ledges that cannot be jumped.
  • Use the Claidheamh Mòr in conjunction with the Chargin' Targe to increase your charge distance.

Sticky Jumper

Weapon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Base Damage Splash Damage Self Damage Critical
Sticky Jumper
Sticky Jumper
8 72 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • The Sticky Jumper is a weapon used for practicing sticky jumping. However, there are some advantages over the normal Stickybomb Launcher if a player wants to use it in serious online play.
  • The Sticky Jumper is incapable of dealing damage to enemies as well as the user. Keep this in mind when using it.
  • Using the Sticky Jumper with the Pain Train can make be an effective method for point capturing. However, the Pain Train will make you vulnerable. It's best to use this combo against unguarded points or right after the previous point was captured.
  • Due to the 100% reduction on self-damage, Demomen can perform 8-stack Sticky Jumps without the need of a Medic. This can be used as a hasty retreat method or as a means to get behind enemy lines.
  • While sticky jumping in large, open maps or areas, take note of any enemy Snipers in the area. Any who can see your falling pattern can make you an easy target.
  • A common tactic in open areas is to get in using the Sticky Jumper, do damage, then escape using the Sticky Jumper.
  • In open Arena maps, the Sticky Jumper allows you to propel yourself and land behind the enemy team at the beginning of a round, when all players are packed together. This allows you to surprise them and hopefully get the First Blood buff to deal even greater damage.

Splendid Screen

Weapon Kill Icon Damage Effect
Charge Damage Charge Speed Recharge Time Resistances
Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Killicon splendid screen.png 85+17 per head (up to 5) 750 Hammer units/sec (638 Hammer units/sec with Scotsman's Skullcutter) 12 seconds (6 with Persian Persuader) 20% fire resistance and 15% explosive resistance.
  • The Splendid Screen does more bash damage and can do it at any range, at the cost of less fire and explosive resistance. For this reason, it is better to use it in close quarters.
  • When you hit an enemy with a charge, a loud sound will play; right after that, you can hit the enemy with your melee weapon to still get a critical hit. This kills most classes easily.
  • The Screen is particularly good when attacking; more resistances are required when playing on defense.
  • Like the Targe, it is particularly useful for escaping tricky situations.
  • Like the Targe, you can use some points on the maps, for example rocks or hill, to make shortcuts to your desired target.


Bottle / Frying Pan / Saxxy / Conscientious Objector / Scottish Handshake

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon bottle.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Scottish Handshake
Scottish Handshake
Killicon scottish handshake.png

The Demoman's Melee weapon, the Scrumpy Bottle, is valuable as an emergency fall-back, and the only weapon you can use in close-combat without injuring yourself.

  • The Bottle should be used in the same way as most other melee weapons: when enemies are too close or too fast to hit with a Grenade (or if you don't have time to reload the Grenade Launcher).
  • The Bottle will break on a critical hit. This is purely visual and has no game effect.
  • The Bottle can also be used for Spy checking, as it is safer to use than your other weapons in close quarters.
  • The Bottle has no drawbacks, unlike the Eyelander and the Pain Train, so if you aren't planning on bludgeoning enemy players in melee, it is best to go with this.
  • Keep in mind that an enemy hit with a Frying Pan will be very quick to know what's going on: the Frying Pan makes an incredibly loud and distinctive noise upon hitting anything that isn't air.

Eyelander / Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker / Nessie's Nine Iron

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Healing
Point Blank Critical From Kill
Killicon eyelander.png 0.8 seconds 65 195 15
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png
Nessie's Nine Iron
Nessie's Nine Iron
Killicon nessie's nine iron.png
  • In most cases, the Eyelander should not be used without the Chargin' Targe. However, a Demoman with 4 decapitations and a Sticky Launcher is a massive threat. Head count is not reset until death, so a smart Demoman can use the Chargin' Targe until he accumulates 4 heads, then return to a resupply cabinet and switch to the sticky launcher of his choice. With over 200 HP and the second fastest run speed in the game, an Eyelander Demoman using the Sticky Launcher can be a very powerful enemy and one to avoid at all costs, especially if he has a Medic.
    • Another option would be to switch to the Splendid Screen. With 5 heads, your charge bash will do 170 damage, enough to kill 5 out of the 9 classes, and your follow-up Crit melee swing will do a total of 365 damage, enough to kill anything besides an overhealed Heavy.
    • This strategy will not work if "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones" is checked in Options->Multiplayer->Advanced, as changing weapons respawns the player and resets the player's head count.
  • The Eyelander has a very long range for a melee weapon. Get comfortable with its area of effect and take this into account when going for a critical charge.
  • Don't try to use the Eyelander all the time: you should have the Grenade Launcher out and be proficient with it. Use the Eyelander when you can get your enemy by surprise or once your charge meter is full again.
    • If possible, weaken the enemy with the Grenade Launcher first before killing him with the Eyelander.
  • Be aware that the Eyelander 'hits' near the beginning of the swing animation, rather than at the middle. Keep this in mind so you don't accidentally 'under-shoot' an attack, especially when using the sword in conjunction with the Chargin' Targe.
  • Decapitating an enemy Demoman who also has the Eyelander equipped allows you to steal any heads he has accumulated.
  • The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker is much larger than the Eyelander, but is otherwise statistically identical. Similarly, Nessie's Nine Iron appears differently from the Eyelander, so newer players may not recognize it, despite that it shares all its statistics with the Eyelander.
Kill Icon Weapons Damage Duration Details
Barbarian Swing
Killicon barbarian swing.png Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, Claidheamh Mòr, Half-Zatoichi, Persian Persuader, Nessie's Nine Iron 500 5 seconds With a twirl behind his back, leading to a horizontal slash to the neck, the Demoman beheads anyone unfortunate to be in his path. The Demoman concludes his short swipe by bringing his blade back and wiping down its length with his fingers. Adds one head to the counter if using the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, or Nessie's Nine Iron.
  • This taunt kill can be used to kill enemies with one hit. It can be used for very distracted enemies such as Snipers looking down scopes or Engineers working on their buildings, but like most taunt kills leaves you vulnerable during the animation.
  • If you catch up to a Heavy about to eat a Sandvich, it's a better idea to use the Decapitation taunt rather than start wailing on them with the Eyelander as they will out-heal the damage and proceed to kill you.

Pain Train

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Pain Train
Pain Train
Killicon pain train.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Pain Train is situational. It's best used on capture point and Payload, especially when the enemy defenses are about to fall or when your team needs to close the distance on a Payload Race. It can also prove extremely handy on King of the Hill maps.
  • You should not equip the Pain Train if you are having trouble with Heavies and Scouts, as the increased bullet damage makes these already annoying enemies nearly impossible to beat in some situations. If you're using the Chargin' Targe as well, Pyros and Soldiers might forgo their primary weapons for the Shotgun to kill you faster.
  • For standard melee tactics, see the Scrumpy Bottle/Frying Pan entry, as they both do the same damage and attack at the same rate, and see the Chargin' Targe entry for using melee weapons with it. It's worth noting that the Pain Train makes a different (and quieter) sound when it hits something.
  • The Pain Train is also effective for back-capping, as it gives the Demoman a Scout's capturing capabilities. This works well with the Chargin' Targe for getting to an enemy point fast, and Stickybomb jumping for wide open/raised points (like Badlands 2nd and 4th capture points, or Gravel Pit C). The weakness to bullets it grants makes Scouts, Heavies and Snipers all the more dangerous for you, so it's best to keep alert when attempting to do this and use stickies and grenades to lock down the point's entrances.
  • The Pain Train makes you slightly more vulnerable to any enemies that use bullets regularly: Scouts, Heavies, Engineers, Spies and Snipers. This is particularly noteworthy for Heavies, Engineers and Scouts; A Minigun or Sentry Guns can kill you frighteningly fast if either one gets the drop on you, and Scouts are already arguably the hardest enemy for a Demoman to counter, with the Pain Train making them all the more so. Stay sharp and be aware of attempts by enemies to ambush you or set up Sentry Guns in difficult areas.
  • The Pain Train is useless in Capture the Flag or when defending on an Attack/Defend Control Point map. Equip another melee weapon instead.
  • The Pain Train is useful in Medieval Mode due to no bullet weapons allowed in Medieval Mode.

Scotsman's Skullcutter

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Effect
Point Blank Critical Move Speed
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Killicon scotsman's skullcutter.png 0.8 seconds 78 234 280 Hammer units/sec
  • The Skullcutter is generally of good use in two situations: in conjunction with the Chargin' Targe, or when playing defensively, and confining yourself to a specific area (such as the Flag Room of a CTF map.)
  • Think twice before equipping Scotsman's Skullcutter. Ask yourself: "Am I going to melee as Demoman?". The slowdown of this weapon may be a problem when retreating or running for Health. The range and damage of the Skullcutter, however, is extremely useful when attacking enemies that would otherwise be capable of range heckling you (such as Scouts that insist on getting close).
  • When combined with the guaranteed critical hit of the Chargin' Targe, the Skullcutter is capable of killing any class (due to a critical hit doing 234 damage), save perhaps for an Overhealed Soldier/Pyro/Demoman, or a Heavy (300 to 450 if overhealed), in a single blow. However, the Skullcutter does not collect 'Heads' as the Eyelander does despite the Decapitation animation it triggers, and as such will not add to your speed, health, or the impact damage of the Targe's shield-bash attack.
  • The charge speed when the Skullcutter is equipped is reduced to 638 hammer units, which is still fairly fast but makes it easier for faster or more alert enemies to evade your charge. Because of this, it becomes a larger priority to choose your targets carefully, and maintain the element of surprise as often as possible (guaranteeing a higher success rate if you do).
  • With the Skullcutter, it becomes possible to charge and kill Heavies, due to the fact that a critical hit and another hit will do over 300 damage. However, if they have a Medic, this is inadvisable; an overhealed Heavy will still have over 200 health after the initial hit and be able to mow you down with relative ease.
  • Players who prefer the raw power should still consider the Skullcutter, despite its speed disadvantage; a Demoman with it's still faster than a Heavy, roughly as fast as a Soldier, and can still score random critical hits with it, making it a valued weapon at close-range—somewhere the Demoman is normally at a distinct disadvantage. Just bear in mind that it will reduce your ability to flee or get into close-combat.
  • Sticky jumps can help a Demoman with the Skullcutter into combat range, though this takes practice and is more of an art than a science.
  • The Skullcutter's lowered speed generally is less-suitable for teams on offense (for control point missions for example); it likewise is generally better on defensive assignments (such as King of the Hill).

Ullapool Caber

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Explosion Total Self-Damage Critical
Ullapool Caber
Ullapool Caber
Killicon ullapool caber.png 0.8 seconds 35 149 185 100 405
Killicon ullapool caber explode.png 0.8 seconds 35 N/A 35 0 105
  • Upon a successful hit to an enemy or a wall the grenade will explode, dealing high splash damage to enemies and yourself. In general, this means that it is a last-resort weapon, one best-used to take an enemy down with you. One direct hit, however, will kill any class other than a Soldier or Heavy, barring Overheal.
  • The explosion will launch you particularly high in the air. It's quite possible to use this, either on its own or in conjunction with a Sticky Launcher variant, to reach otherwise inaccessible locations.
    • This functions especially well on DeGroot Keep, allowing you to jump up to the battlements atop the castle. This is useful for killing especially annoying Snipers, for most of them will find attacks at melee range a surprise.
  • If you find yourself falling off a cliff or getting pushed into a death pit, this weapon can be used to blast yourself back into the playing field—with a little more luck, your enemy won't be expecting you back so soon.
  • After the grenade explodes the weapon will still function as a melee weapon, but does far less damage than other melee weapons, such as the Bottle. It also retains its inability to cause critical hits without a boost.
  • You can get a new Ullapool Caber from the resupply closet after yours detonates.
  • This is a rather useful Spy checking weapon, as it is an instant kill if you make contact with a Spy. However, its explosion also affects you greatly, so make sure to use it in a place where you can be healed. Try to do this in the safety of your base or where a Dispenser is nearby. However, bear in mind the Dead Ringer invalidates its benefits and severely weakens you, making it easier for the Spy to kill you and leaves you with a drastically less powerful weapon.
  • This weapon can be very useful for enemies that run away in a melee battle and don't let you hit them with the grenade: because the grenade explodes if you hit any hard surface with it, you can strike the floor or a wall and the resulting explosion will hit them in a very large range. For weaker classes (such as Engineers) the explosion alone is quite capable of killing them outright if they're in range.
  • This weapon is very useful for suicidal picking, as you could sticky jump or charge into an important target (like an enemy Medic) and kill him with it. Be wary of your health if you survive, as the combined sticky jump, explosion and fall damage will leave you with very little health. You will, however, likely die unless you are at full health or overhealed in advance.
  • The Ullapool Caber is even more effective with the Chargin' Targe—with a critical boost the Caber can inflict more damage in one hit than any other melee weapon and kill any class in one shot barring overheals. Unfortunately, the Targe's explosion resistance does not apply to the Caber's self-damage, and ergo this tactic is usually best-suited to suicide runs, for getting in quickly and picking a priority target such as a Heavy or Soldier with the Tank Buster set.
  • Due to its high damage, the Ullapool Caber is a perfect ambush weapon—and again, an even a better one if combined with the Chargin' Targe, as you can kill a Heavy in one critical hit.
  • It goes without saying that the more enemies in range of your explosion, the better. Remember, though, that each enemy that sees you is another enemy that might survive long enough to take you down. If possible, situate yourself so that your ambush will propel you onto a ledge and out of harm's way.
  • Do not forget that the Ullapool Caber is a one-shot-only weapon, with the stick-and-metal-fragments weapon you have left after striking being significantly less effective, so use it with caution.
  • If you are very low on health and an enemy is within range, it may be best to hit the ground with the Ullapool Caber instead of them since they may kill you before you do any damage to them.
  • This weapon can be also used as a stealth weapon,with the Sticky Jumper,you can sneak up on to higher platforms and kill enemys quickly without having to rush right in front of enemys with the Chargin' Targe,this tactic works well on maps like Turbine,Hydro,Gold Rush,and other maps with big skyboxs and places to hide.

Claidheamh Mòr

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr
Killicon claidheamh mòr.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • Always equip the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen when using this weapon, as its bonus only works with a shield equipped.
  • The biggest advantage to the Claidheamh Mòr is its mobility enhancement capabilities, which are considerable. It's possible to use the Claidheamh Mòr's improved dash distance to cover enormous distances in one go: you can easily cross the bridge on 2Fort, for example, with one use, and can likewise go from one end of a sewer tunnel to the other with one dash. This makes the Claidheamh Mòr a great weapon for both quickly engaging enemies and getting away.
  • The aforementioned longer dashes means that the Claidheamh Mòr is a phenomenal weapon for getting the Demoman to and from where he needs to go ASAP; on Payload missions it lets him get closer to the cart on either offense or defense. It truly shines, however, on Capture the Flag maps, where the Demoman can easily grab the briefcase and run like hell, the charge enabling him to outpace and escape even enemy Scouts.
  • The Claidheamh Mòr is the offensive counterpart to the Scotsman's Skullcutter; whereas the Skullcutter does a lot of damage and is well-suited to defensive missions, the Claidheamh Mòr is mildly ineffective outside of charging attacks and is far more useful on offensive missions.
  • The extra charge time is also used offensively; the extra half-second of dashing means that you have that much longer mini-crit and critical boost time.
  • The Claidheamh Mòr makes an excellent combination with the Ali Baba's Wee Booties: the increased charge time lets you have even more turning control and the increased health of the Booties negate the health penalty of the Claidheamh Mòr.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Healing
Point Blank Critical From Kill
Killicon half-zatoichi.png 0.8 seconds 65 195/Instant 175 (200 with Ali Baba's Wee Booties)
  • The Demoman is faster than the Soldier, so this generally is a better weapon for him than for the Soldier, all the more so due to the Demoman's access to the Chargin' Targe.
  • The Half-Zatoichi heals you fully if you score a kill with it. This means it can be used to ambush otherwise-weakened enemies when you're low on health for a quick health boost.
  • The Half-Zatoichi has good synergy with the Chargin' Targe. The Targe can be used even with the Half-Zatoichi drawn, enabling you to easily approach or flee, and the Half-Zatoichi's ability to score random critical hits makes it an impressive weapon for Demomen seeking close-combat.
  • The Half-Zatoichi cannot be re-sheathed until you have killed an enemy or been killed yourself, meaning that it will leave you functionally without a ranged weapon should you switch to it at an inopportune moment, especially if you lack the Chargin' Targe.
  • Should you have your TF2 settings to remember your last equipped weapon upon respawn, you will wind up equipped with it and unable to switch. Be sure to change your settings appropriately, lest you be stuck with only the Half-Zatoichi during a fight! This can be negated by touching the resupply and switching weapons within a second.
  • If you encounter an enemy equipped with the Half-Zatoichi, any hit you cause with this weapon will be instantly fatal, and vice-versa. Because of this, enemies using this weapon are both more vulnerable and more dangerous to you should you have the Half-Zatoichi equipped.
  • Due to the instant kill mechanic, you can also use Half-Zatoichi as a counter to charging Demomen using a Half-Zatoichi even if you don't have a Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen of your own. The Targe crit is meaningless in a Half-Zatoichi vs Half-Zatoichi battle.
    • On a similar note, prioritize other Half-Zatoichi wielders in battle, either for a quick kill/health boost or simply to protect yourself from their one-hit kills.
  • This weapon is superb for Medieval Mode. Because you can only use melee weapons anyway (and the Chargin' Targe does not need to be selected to use it), the drawback of the Zatoichi becomes utterly moot.

Persian Persuader

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Healing
Point Blank Critical From Weapons From Engineer Wrenches From Small Ammo Boxes From Medium Ammo Boxes From Large Ammo Boxes
Persian Persuader
Persian Persuader
Killicon persian persuader.png 0.8 seconds 65 195 120 25-Max 10 20 40
  • A highly offensive melee weapon, the Persian Persuader effectively doubles the charge rate when using a Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot benefit from random critical hits and that the bonus is not applied if no shield is equipped.
  • Picking up ammo with the Persian Persuader equipped will restore your health. This is especially useful for survival. This does not apply to Dispensers, bomb carts or resupply cabinets.
  • Effective in Medieval Mode, where only melee weapons are allowed. Defeated enemies and allies will drop their weapons upon death, giving the Demoman more opportunities to heal himself.
  • Dead enemies' weapons will manifest as health, so use that to your advantage.
  • With the Persian Persuader equipped and not in use, you can still pick up weapons as health. You can go in and attack using the Stickybomb Launcher or Grenade Launcher and survive longer, but you will run out of ammo more quickly than before.

Item sets

The Expert's Ordnance

Main article: Item sets
The Expert's Ordnance
Backpack The Expert's Ordnance Bundle.png

No effect

  • With the 10% fire damage resistance provided by the set, you can take on Pyros more easily.
  • If combined with the Chargin' Targe, a 55% Resistance to Fire damage is applied, instead of 60%, due to the way the Set bonus is calculated.
  • The two weapons of this set excel at fighting large groups of enemies: the Loch-n-Load's increased damage and projectile speed allows you to deal massive damage to chokepoints and the Ullapool Caber can deliver an explosion that deals splash damage to enemies.
  • This set is recommended to Demomen with good aim. Remember that you have a small clip size and that your grenades shatter on surfaces, so you have to be careful at aiming both grenades or else you will be caught with an empty clip.
  • This set lets you pick your secondary weapon; the Caber is poorly optimized for play with shields, so your choice should be one of the Stickybomb Launchers, unless you are experienced enough to make this "Kamikaze" set work.
  • The Caber can be used for "explosive jumps" very similar to rocket jumps. If you crouch and strike the ground with the weapon, it will explode, damaging you and sending you flying, usually directly upwards, a good distance. This can be used to access high ledges and certain other areas, but keep in mind that doing so will damage you.

One Thousand and One Demoknights

Main article: Item sets
One Thousand and One Demoknights
Item icon Timbuk-Tuesday Bundle.png

No effect

  • This weapon set is entirely focused on melee combat, thus it removes all your ranged weaponry. Be careful not to be caught in an open area, because you are very vulnerable.
  • Killing an enemy with this set relies on a combination of charge impact damage dealt by the Splendid Screen and critical melee damage dealt by the Persian Persuader. These two damages, when dealt together, are capable of killing any non-overhealed class except the Heavy.
  • Usually the best tactic is to charge at the enemy, hitting him with the Splendid Screen and then deal a critical hit with the Persian Persuader. Remember that, when you kill an enemy, his dropped weapon will be a source of health, as the Persian Persuader converts ammo into health.
  • Plan your attacks carefully and be sneaky. Since you don't have any ranged weaponry, you have to rely on getting close to the enemy to kill him.
  • Any slowdown or stun effect will stop your charge. This means that Heavies with Natascha and Scouts with Force-A-Nature or Sandman pose a lot more of a threat when you have this set.

Swashbuckler's Swag

Main article: Item sets
Swashbuckler's Swag
Item icon Swashbuckler's Swag.png

No effect

  • The item set is composed of weapons statistically identical to Ali Baba's Wee Booties and the standard Bottle.
  • This set is best used with the Stickybomb Launcher, which can be used to either kill enemies or decrease their health so they can be killed using the Scottish Handshake.
  • While using a shield with this set is possible, bear in mind that your melee weapon possesses no positive attributes for melee fights; you have no extended range, no damage boosts, and no health gains.
  • This set increases your max health by 25, allowing you to perform sticky jumps with less risk or to have an easier time surviving.
  • The Scottish Resistance can be used to place in various points so as to supply an advantage in melee combat.
  • This set lacks a reliable source of mid-range damage, so it is best to keep your distance unless you are planning on killing someone with the Scottish Handshake.
  • Skilled melee users could use this set with a shield (the Splendid Screen is recommended), and use their shield bash to deal a large amount amount of damage so as to kill the enemy or reduce his health to finish him off with the bottle.

Weapon combinations

See also