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Image:Pickaxeplate.png|Una placa enseñando el [[Equalizer/es|Ecualizador]] | Image:Pickaxeplate.png|Una placa enseñando el [[Equalizer/es|Ecualizador]] | ||
− | Image:Swordplate.png|Una placa enseñando el [[Eyelander/es|Intuertal] | + | Image:Swordplate.png|Una placa enseñando el [[Eyelander/es|Intuertal]] |
Image:Trumpetplate.png|Una placa enseñando la trompeta del [[Buff Banner/es|Estandarte de ánimo]] | Image:Trumpetplate.png|Una placa enseñando la trompeta del [[Buff Banner/es|Estandarte de ánimo]] | ||
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Revision as of 23:12, 22 September 2010
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Los Personajes no jugadores son esos personajes del universo de Team Fortress 2 que no son una de las nueve clases. Mientras que la mayoría no está relacionada con el juego a (a excepción de la Administradora y el fantasma de Zepeniah Mann), añaden un extra a el fondo de Team Fortress 2.
- 1 Personas
- 1.1 La Administradora
- 1.2 Blutarch y Redmond Mann
- 1.3 La madre del Scout de BLU
- 1.4 Señora DeGroot
- 1.5 Elishabeth en 1850 y su relación en 1890
- 1.6 El Ocioso Cab A. Llero
- 1.7 Kicasso
- 1.8 Señorita Pauling
- 1.9 Poopy Joe
- 1.10 Radigan Conagher
- 1.11 Saxton Hale
- 1.12 Shakespearicles
- 1.13 Trent and Jessica
- 2 Historical Figures
- 3 Groups
- 4 References
- 5 External links
La Administradora
- ver Administradora.
Blutarch y Redmond Mann
« | He montado una campaña épica en contra de los estragos del tiempo. Esperando a que la naturaleza hiciera lo que mis hombres no pudieron. Y sin embargo, aquí estamos en el final. Y él... no... se...MUERE
— Blutarch Mann Hablando de la guerra en contra de su hermano.
» |
Blutarch Mann y Redmond Mann son los hijos de Zepeniah Mann. Son los dueños de BLU y RED, respectivamente. Los dos hijos han estado en una lucha constante por las tierras que les dejó en herencia su padre. Después de la muerte de Zepeniah Mann, tanto Blutarch como Redmond contrataron un equipo de 9 mercenarios cada uno para derrotar rápidamente al otro hermano, tomando el control de sus tierras. Cuando sus fuerzas se enfrentaban, la situación degeneró rápidamente en un prolongado estancamiento, llevando tanto a Blutarch como a Redmond a pedir a Radigan Conagher una máquina para extender la vida, cada uno esperando vivir más que el otro hermano, porque no podían ganarse en una batalla usando la fuerza bruta. Viendo que Blutarch no ha envejecido muy bien, es muy probable que Redmond esté de la misma manera que su hermano.
- La imagen de Blutarch con la electricidad saliendo por sus ojos podría ser una referencia a la moda "Avatares furiosos y varoniles". La comunidad de TF2 participó en esta moda hace unos meses y crearon unos avatares muy impresionantes. Estas imagenes a su vez inspiraron unos avatares oficiales personales de Valve.
- Manlyangry blutarch.png
Blutarch después de una descarga para devolverlo a la vida.
- Manlyangry heavy.png
Un Heavy "furioso y varonil".
- Redmond y Blutarch son mantenidos con vida por la Máquina prolongadora de la vida del señor Conagher.
La madre del Scout de BLU
« | Scout de BLU: "¿Qué eres? ¿El presidente de su club de fans?"
Spy de BLU: "No... esa sería ¡tu madre!" — El Scout de BLU y el Spy de BLU hablando de las relaciones sexuales del Spy de RED
» |
La madre del Scout es mencionada y mostrada en Conoce al Spy. Ha criado al Scout y a sus siete hermanos en el sur de Boston y de alguna manera, todavía mantiene su figura. Tiene un romance con el Spy de RED quien la llama cariñosamente "ma petite chou-fleur" (Francés, literalmente "Mi pequeña coliflor", aunque una traducción más correcta sería "mi amor" ). El Scout de BLU estaba aparentemente sorprendido de saber de esta relación, aunque sus sentimientos reales se desconocen dado que era el Spy de RED disfrazado todo el tiempo. La madre del Scout lleva un vestido y peinado clásicos de finales de los 60. En las fotos en las que aparece, solo lleva ropa azul, por lo que se asume que la madre del Scout de RED lleva ropa roja como el color del equipo de su hijo. Siete fotos comprometedoras de ella y del Spy de RED están archivadas en una carpeta de alto secreto titulada "Madre del Scout". Ella es el único personaje femenino que tiene un modelo, si asumimos que el Pyro es un hombre. El Spy tiene un retrato de ella en el cañón de su Embajadora.
Señora DeGroot
« | ¡Tu padre caminó quince millas bajo la lluvia para hacer volar a la reina de Inglaterra por cinco centavos!
— Señora DeGroot Sobre la tradición familiar
» |
La madre del Demoman, la señora DeGroot, es una anciana ciega que recuerda constantemente al padre del Demoman. Incluso con la mansión y el salario multimillonario de su hijo, todavía piensa que no trabaja suficientemente duro, diciendo que el padre del Demoman se estaría revolviendo en su tumba por lo vago que es y porque él tenía 26 trabajos. Insistió en criar al Demoman en Escocia, y no le gusta verle "despilfarrando en regalos."
Ella, junto al padre del Demoman, recogieron al joven Tavish de la Escuela de Gramática Críptica para Huérfanos, revelándose como sus verdaderos padres. Le explicaron que fue abandonado al nacer hasta que sus habilidades se manifestaran por sí solas, una larga, cruel y totalmente innecesaria tradición de los Demomans.
Elishabeth en 1850 y su relación en 1890
« | Quien yo sea no le concierne.
— Elisabeth sobre su relación secreta
» |
Elizabeth, su apellido es desconocido, es la sirviente de Zepeniah Mann. A su muerte, él la dejó a la mayoría de sus bienes, incluyendo escrituras, cuentas y deudas. En el cómic Loose Canon, una mujer que se parecía a Elisabeth convenció a Radigan de construir dos máquinas para prolongar la vida, en vez de solo una como le pidió Blutarch. Sobornó a Radigan con Australium. Es un dato desconocido de dónde consiguió 45 kilogramos de ese elemento. Se supone que está relacionada con esa mujer, así como Helen, por su apariencia similar. Helen podría ser su descendiente.
El Ocioso Cab A. Llero
« | ¡A-ha-ha! Usted es tan PRESUNTUOSO como de POBRE e IRLANDÉS. Deslustra la majestuosidad de mi TORRE de SOMBREROS.
— El Ocioso Cab A. Llero observa a los transeúntes a su alrededor
» |
El Ocioso Cab A. Llero es un inglés victoriano, que es suficientemente rico como para comprar una torre de sombreros. Va paseando por la calle y le dice a los transeúntes que son pobres e irlandeses. Pasea con su compañero. El Ocioso Cab A. Llero pasea con un esmoquin, un bastón, y su más preciada posesión, su torre de sombreros.
Tuvo su primera referencia en la primera actualización de la categoría "Classless".
« | Uh... ese no es un kicasso original, ¿verdad?
— Dell Conagher sobre la colección de arte de Blutarch Mann
» |
Un pintor, su trabajo está colgado en una sala del cuartel general de BLU, y reconocido por Dell Conagher . Pasó por un periodo artístico llamado "Cazado en la Jungla". Parece una referencia al cortometraje del mismo nombre, como el nombre del famoso artista, Picasso. El trabajo está basado en su 'Autorretrato de 1901', pintado durante su periodo azul.
Señorita Pauling
« | Oh, y ¿señor DeGroot? le hicieron la misma oferta a su amigo
— laseñorita Paulingsobre la guerra entre Tavish DeGroot y Jane Doe
» |
La señorita Pauling es una leal ayudante de la Administradora. Hace un montón de tareas como la presentación de informes de antecedentes inusuales, ordenar y enviar objetos y abrir canales de comunicación. Fue durante un chequeo rutinario de antecedentes cuando descubrió la amistad entre el Demoman de RED y el Soldier de BLU, hecho que atrajo la atención de la Administradora. La señorita Pauling generalmente cumple con las ordenes de su jefa por miedo a enfadarla, incluso cuando no está de acuerdo con ella. Cuando es presionada por la Administradora para saber qué hacen los amigos, su respuesta fue "Um. Ir a patinar...mirar catálogos de armas...a veces sólo hablamos" Insiste en que la Administradora "no es tan mala cuando la llegas a conocer."
Bajo las ordenes de la Administradora, envió personalmente un numero de armas extremadamente volátil de Mann Co. al Soldier y al [[Demoman/es|Demoman] como un acuerdo para que se maten el uno al otro.
Poopy Joe
« | No tengo ni idea de a qué se re- ooo, Sí. Ese pobre mono.
— Saxton Hale Toma un minuto para recordar al primate astronauta pionero
» |
Poopy Joe era un mono astronauta que murió trágicamente en una explosión al poco de despegar, provocada por Mann Co. en un fallido intento de deshacerse de las armas envueltas en una investigación del Senado. Mann Co. no tiene la culpa por su muerte y crea unas placas para recordar a Poopy Joe y el sueño americano de conquistar el espacio. Estas placas eran en realidad pistas para la actualización ¡Guerra! enseñando la Intuertal, el Ecualizador y la trompeta del Estandarte de ánimo.
- Pickaxeplate.png
Una placa enseñando el Ecualizador
- Swordplate.png
Una placa enseñando el Intuertal
- Trumpetplate.png
Una placa enseñando la trompeta del Estandarte de ánimo
Radigan Conagher
« | "...Alright"
— Radigan Conagher on monster-building-requests
» |
Radigan Conagher is the Grandfather of the Engineer. He was hired by Blutarch Mann to build a machine to extend his life past his brother's. He agrees to build the machine for Blutarch. Later on he is approached by a woman, who bears a similar appearance to that of The Administrator. She offers him Australium to build Blutarch's Machine, under the stipulation that he covertly builds an identical machine for Redmond as well.
Later on in the present day, the machine Radigan had built for Blutarch has broken down, so Blutarch gives the Engineer the plans for the machine to repair it. Along with the plans for the Life Extender Machine are Plans for Guns and Australium Map caches, and he commands the Engineer to only repair the Life Extender Machine, not to build anything else he finds. The Engineer is then seen in the last panel with a mischievous expression. Also in the last panel, there is a list of dates listing when and for whom he built a Life Extender machine on the front of its blueprints bundle. The recipient of a third such apparatus is obscured by the edge of the panel.
Radigan goes through a drastic transformation as shown in the hidden links of The Engineer Update. He seems to have grown taller, grown a moustache, gotten stronger,and has a fond thirst for beer. This matches the qualities of the sterotypical Australians in TF2. This may be due to his exposure with Australium. One could even say he looks like an older Saxton Hale.[1]. Later on, it is shown that he replaced his left hand with a robotic arm. He also appears more "Australian" than before, with a big, bushy mustache and carrying a barrel of BLU streak beer. It should also be noted that he has chest hair in the shape of Texas. [2]
He appears in the Loose Canon comic.
Saxton Hale
- See Saxton Hale.
Shakespearicles was the strongest writer who ever lived. He was the inventor of the two-story building, the stage play, America and the Rocket Launcher. Despite his powerful grasp of language and the ability to bench press 700 British pounds, several inventions eluded his iron grip—most tragically among them, stairs.
For the next three hundred years, people who needed to get to the second floor used the only method available to them, which was rocket jumping. This persisted until 1857, when the young bearded inventor named President Abraham Lincoln invented stairs.
He was first referenced in the WAR! Update.
Trent and Jessica
« | ...and the bullets biodegrade once they hit flesh, leaving nothing behind but a blog post.
— Trent explaining Apple's advances in the Minigun market
» |
Trent and Jessica are two young fellows (and, according to the Soldier, hippies) who work at the Apple store located just outside Dustbowl.
They offered items for sale to the RED Scout and Heavy, specifically a very small looking, yet identical headset for the Scout, and a white, black, and blue Minigun whose bullets add kills to the user's killcount on his blog. (If the user does not have a blog, the gun is programmed to create one.) They also managed to impress the RED Soldier by instantly cooking a pig with a device plugged through a firewire port. Jessica also explained Apple's newest product, the iBlewupthemoon, to Saxton Hale, impressing him and leading him to attempt to purchase the company and being turned down by a "Mysterious" figure that runs the store.
- These characters are non-canon (as confirmed by Valve) and do not necessarily exist within the Team Fortress 2 Universe. They were merely used to introduce the OS X release of Team Fortress 2 in the traditional humorous fashion.
Historical Figures
Abraham Lincoln
Wikipedia article: Abraham Lincoln
In addition to being the nations 16th president, Abraham Lincoln was also the BLU team's first Pyro when the war began in the 1800's. Abraham Lincoln is noted for his love of Arena Mode as shown in the Sniper vs Spy update. Accourdong to the WAR! Update, he was the inventor of stairs. And according to the Engineer update, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John "Tower of Hats" Booth, although according to the Loose Canon comic, there were blueprints for three "life-extender machines" the last one apparently built on the day of Lincolns death. Whether or not the Abraham is still alive is open to debate.
Harry S. Truman
Wikipedia article: Harry S. Truman
John "Tower of Hats" Booth
Wikipedia article: John Wilkes Booth
John "Tower of Hats" Booth was the assassin of beloved president Abraham Lincoln. His last known photograph depicts him wearing his eponymous Tower of Hats. A wanted poster of him was published after the assassination, including an altered photograph depicting what he may look like after adding Abraham Lincoln's fearsome hat to said tower.
« | Every one of mankind's innovations now comes from the lager-pickled brain of an Australian.
— The Administrator's ancestor on the moustache-sporting, beer-swilling, deathray-inventing Australians
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Once thought of as nation of idiots, since 1850 Australians have become world leaders in technology, with every innovation including cloaking and teleportation, coming from the lager-loving nation. By the 1890's, Sydney had become a city of tomorrow, with flying cars, giant airships and self-grooming moustaches. Much like their national hero, Saxton Hale, every man, woman and child in the nation of Australia (with the exception of at least one) sports a glorious, full moustache. An ancestor of The Administrator theorised that the nation's incredible intelligence came from the rare element, Australium. This theory seemed to prove true, once the element amplified Radigan Conagher's intelligence to phenomenal levels, and also caused various Australian-related side effects.
BLU team (Original)
« | ...I assembled a team of the world's deadliest mercenaries to take it all by force. What I did not expect was that my idiot brother would do the same.
— Blutarch Mann on the original BLU team
» |
The original BLU team was assembled by Blutarch Mann in the 1850's in an attempt to claim all of the land bequeathed to him and his brother, Redmond, by their father. Unfortunately for Blutarch, it appears that the original RED team was assembled at the same time, leaving both siblings at a stalemate. The original team consisted of the same nine classes as the current organization. The Scout (Billy the Kid) took on the appearance of a young cowboy, complete with spurred boots. The Soldier (Stonewall Jackson) dressed like a member of the Confederate Army, utilising a rifle, rather than a Rocket Launcher. In keeping with tradition, the Demoman (Alfred Nobel) was a one-eyed dynamite-loving prospector. Unlike his modern Russian counterpart, the Heavy (John Henry) preferred to put his enemies out of commission with a monstrous sledgehammer, whilst the Sniper (Davy Crockett) partnered his trusty rifle with a coonskin cap. Prior to his appointment as President of the United States, the Pyro (Abraham Lincoln) used an experimental Flamethrower to aide his comrades in battle. BLU team's Medic (Sigmund Freud) appeared to retain his contemporary's love of the Bonesaw, whilst the team's Engineer (Nikola Tesla), was forced to make do with a satchel of blueprints, rather than a PDA. Finally, the Spy (Fu Manchu) eschewed a balaclava in favor of a domino-mask and equally-sinister moustache.
Sniper's Parents
« | I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it.
— The Sniper on being a sniper
» |
The Sniper's parents were first mentioned in Meet the Sniper. The Sniper, being a dutiful son, makes sure to keep in touch with his parents via phone or mail to inquire about their well-being and keep them up to date with his latest adventures and exploits. Living in the Red House on the Left on Adelaide St. in Australia, the Sniper's parents do not approve of his occupation. The Sniper's dad is especially condemning, calling the Sniper a "crazed gunman," against the Sniper's insistence that he is an "assassin." In a bid to bring the arguments to an end, the Sniper wrote to his mom asking her to just tell his dad about how he makes more than a doctor. Then he decides to tell his mom to tell his dad that he is a doctor now.
Zepheniah Mann and Company
Zepheniah Mann was a wealthy Englishman who was convinced by his dimwitted sons, BLUtarch and Redmond, to purchase large areas of land in frontier America. He dreamed of turning the land into large pits of gravel for weapons manufacturing. On his journey over to see his newly purchased land, he was struck with almost every illness known to man, and was shocked to find his new land was an empty and useless desert. Eventually, he left a Last Will and Testamenton his own skin, which had sloughed off his body due to illness:
- To his maidservant Elizabeth, he left his estate, including all deeds, accounts and debts, his tobacco plantation and the remains of his fortune. Elizabeth bears a striking resemblance to Helen, the Administrator.
- To his aide and tracker Barnabas Hale (ancestor of Saxton Hale) he left complete control of Mann & Sons Munitions Concern.
- To his "brain defective" sons, Blutarch & Redmond, he left a partnership. All of the new land they had convinced him to buy was now to be split evenly between them, so they would now have a reason to bicker endlessly. Blutarch and Redmond are still alive using a "Life Extender Machine"
- The final entry of his will is hidden, reading only as: "Lastly to... I leave the entirety of my.... and swear you to utmost secrecy in its keeping." The figure to whom it is directed is mysteriously obscured from the family portrait.
His will also leaves a curse to anyone who should use firearms near his grave, stating that he will deliver a haunting unlike any ever seen. True to his word, the ghost of Zepheniah will appear periodically on the event version of Harvest where he is buried, wearing his Ghastly Gibus hat. Any players who stray too close will flee in fear for several seconds, unable to jump or attack, similar to being stunned by the Sandman. He was first mentioned in the Halloween Update, as well as the above Will.
Identity of the final recipient
As of the Engineer Update, there is a difficult to read name alongside Zepheniah's on the Quarterly Concern shown above the entry for the Frontier Justice. It is unknown who this character may be or whether they will have a further role to play in Team Fortress 2's backstory. At the current time, the name appears to say 'Silas Mann' but the name is pretty illegible.
External links
- The Administrator
- Loose Canon
- The Demoman WAR UPDATE!
- The Gentle Manne Of Leisure
- The Last Will and Testament of Zepheniah Mann
- Mann Family Portrait
- The Original BLU Team
- The Australians and Australium
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