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(Perks: Updating perks to Version
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| Faster speed at all times.
| Faster speed at all times.
| Brothers
| Charitable
| +Att +Def and +Ammo/10s from nearby survivors of the same class.
| Each kill or assist grants 'gift points.' Call for medic to redeem these points and toss out a gift for other survivors (or zombies). Gifts grant various temporary bonuses.
| Charismatic
| Friend
| +Att +Def to nearby survivors, permanent +Crit to you.
| One other survivor is randomly selected as your friend. When near your friend, you have attack and regen bonuses. You gain crit time for each kill or assist with your friend. Crit time is activated when your friend dies.
| Cowardly
| Cowardly
| -Att, when hit you gain a large amount of speed temporarily. Possible glitch prevents backstabs while perk is off cooldown.
| -You have a passive 'panic' ability. When hit, you gain temporary speed and defense bonuses. Panic ability lasts 10s and has a cooldown of 25s.
| Heroic
| Heroic
| +Att +Def when outnumbered, +100% Crit when last survivor alive.
| You have innate attack and defense bonuses. You gain crit time for each kill or assist. Crit time is activated when you're the last remaining survivor.
| Inspirational
| Holy
| Place radio by calling for Medic. Radio adds +Att +Crit -Def for nearby survivors.
| You have an innate attack penalty. When crouched and not moving, you heal yourself and nearby survivors.
| Juggernaut
| Juggernaut
| No self or fall damage, -Speed +Att + Def.
| You have innate attack and defense bonuses. You have an innate speed penalty. You are immune to self and fall damage. You knockback and stun zombies with melee hits or fall damage impacts.
| Medieval
| Leader
| You are restricted to melee only. +Att +Def.
| You have an innate crit bonus. You grant attack and defense bonuses to nearby survivors. Call for medic to place a rally point. You gain attack and defense bonuses for each survivor near your rally point, and survivors gain attack and defense bonuses when they are near your rally point. Rally lasts 20s and has a cooldown of 20s.
| Relentless
| Ninja
| +HP upon killing a zombie.
| You have innate speed and jump bonuses. You have an innate attack penalty. You are immune to fall damage. Call for medic to place a decoy retreat point. When hit, you will retreat to that point. Decoy ability lasts 15s and has a cooldown of 30s.
| Nonlethal
| You have an innate attack penalty when using bullet-based weapons. Bullet damage causes knockback.
| Resourceful
| Resourceful
| +Ammo and metal upon killing a zombie.
| You receive ammo, health, and metal from kills. You receive temporary attack bonuses from ammopacks and temporary defense bonuses from medpacks.
| Sadistic
| +Att +Def +Crit +Health (Caps at 500 health) when a survivor dies. Bonuses semi-permanent, go down roughly 1 per minute.
| Selfless
| Selfless
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| Stash
| Stash
| Only placeable when no nearby survivors, place by calling for Medic. After waiting 30s you can pick it up. +Att +Large HP Overheal and full ammo and metal upon pickup.
| Call for medic to place a secret stash. Stash can't be placed near other stashes. Stash becomes active after 40s and grants ammo, health, and a temporary attack bonus. Ability has a cooldown of 30s.
| Stir-crazy
| Stir-crazy
| Gives +Att +Def when moving. Greater distance = better bonuses. When you stop moving, bonuses go down.
| You receive attack and defense bonuses proportional to how much distance you travel.
| Survivalist
| Supplier
| More HP and +Def when picking up health packs, +Att and more ammo when picking up ammo boxes. Call for Medic to place proximity mine.
| Your reserve ammo is resupplied periodically, and can hold twice the normal limit. Call for medic to place supply boxes. Other survivors can resupply ammo from these boxes. Supply ability has a cooldown of 10s.
| Tantrum
| Tantrum
| When you call for Medic you get 15s of 100% Crit. When it is on cooldown you have -Speed for 30s.
| Call for medic to throw a tantrum. Tantrum grants 100% crits and lasts 15s. Ability has a cooldown of 30s, during which you have a speed penalty.
| Traitor
| Traitor
| You have -100% Crit. Zombies nearby get added Crit. You poison the last survivor, but if lucky he can live through it.
| You have -100% Crit. Zombies nearby get added Crit. You poison the last survivor, but if lucky he can live through it.
| Turtle
| Trapper
| +Def -Speed -Att, prevent 4 backstabs.
| Call for medic to place proximity mines. You can place up to 3 mines. Ability has a cooldown of 30s.
| Wise
| Wise
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| Zenlike
| Zenlike
| +5hp/s when crouched and not moving.
| When crouched and not moving, you regenerate health and accumulate a crit bonus. Crit bonus decreases after each attack.
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| Alpha
| Alpha
| +Def when survivor is killed by you, and up to 4 survivors become your minions and can be summoned at any time to you. Nearby zombies get +perk bonuses and when you are near survivors, the greater the number near you the higher you get +Att and +Crit
| You acquire minions by killing survivors or assisting existing minions in killing survivors. You receive attack and regen bonuses when near other zombies or minions. Call for medic to summon up to 4 minions. Ability has a cooldown of 15s per minion summoned.
| Cocoon
| When you start evolving by calling for Medic, you get -200Def and -200Speed. This evolves faster the more survivors you are near, and eventually, goes through to have +50Speed +150Att +100Crit.
| Combustible
| Combustible
| Explode when killed, ignite survivors when hitting them, explosion upon death damage survivors, -Def.
| You have an innate defense penalty. You explode on death (unless hit by a melee weapon). Can't cloak or use Bonk!.
| Follower
| Tarred
| You spawn on a random Heavy. Temporary +Att
| Call for medic to spit tar. Tar slicks last for 30s or until you die. You slow survivors with melee hits or when hit with melee.
| Horrifying
| Horrifying
| Survivors -Att -Def - Speed when you hit them. -Att when near them as well.
| Each melee hit causes temporary defense, rate of fire, and speed penalties to the survivors.
| Hunter
| Hunter
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| Leap
| Leap
| Jump incredibly far by calling for Medic. Scouts have higher jump and reduced cooldown. -Att -Def
| You have innate attack and defense penalties. You are immune to fall damage. Call for medic to perform a long jump. Ability has a cooldown of 2s.
| Magnetic
| Magnetic
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| Marked
| Marked
| You mark a random survivor. Call for Medic to see marked and class. You Mini-Crit the marked survivor but do less damage to non marked.
| One survivor is randomly selected as your mark. You gain an attack bonus when attacking your mark and an attack penalty otherwise. New mark is chosen after current mark dies and there are more than 2 remaining survivors.
| Rage
| Rage
| When above 80% HP you can activate by calling for Medic to gain +HP +Speed
| Call for medic to active a 2-stage rage ability. First stage lasts 15s, during which some damage taken is converted to an attack bonus. Second stage lasts 5s, during which damage taken is delayed by 2s. Each stage grants speed and health bonuses. Ability has a cooldown of 20s.
| Roar
| Roar
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| Sick
| Sick
| Hurl bombs that create patches of vomit that damage survivors in the piles. -Att
| You have an innate defense penalty. Call for medic to spit acid. Acid lasts for 35s or until you die. Damage caused is proportional to distance between you and acid.
| Swarming
| Swarming
| Instant respawn upon death, -Att -Def +Speed
| You have an innate speed bonus. You have innate attack and defense penalties. You have instant respawn, and zombies that die near you have instant respawn.
| Theiving
| Theiving

Revision as of 01:04, 29 December 2010

"Ooohhhh, run, run, I'm coming for you!".
The Heavy on being a zombie.

Zombie Fortress is a SourceMod plugin and unofficial game mode for Team Fortress 2. There are two opposing teams: the Survivors (RED), and the Zombies (BLU) who wish to eat the Survivors. The Survivors need to complete their objective, which can vary depending on the game mode. When a Survivor is killed, they are converted into a Zombie. When no Survivors remain, the Zombies win.

Survivors and Zombies can only select certain classes. The Survivors can choose the Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Engineer, Medic and Sniper classes. They are armed with regular weapons and several perk choices for improved effectiveness against the Zombies. The Zombies can only choose the Scout, Heavy and Spy classes (which are only equipped with their melee weapons), some special items (such as Bonk and Sandvich), a choice of perks, and the ability to use taunt kills.


On most maps the goal is to survive until the timer runs out. On certain maps however, specific objectives also need to be achieved in order for the Survivors to win. Some of these possible objectives are:

  • Defense: Where the Survivors have to stop the Zombies from capturing one or two control points while staying alive.
  • Capture: Where the Survivors have to capture all points while staying alive.
  • Survival: Where Survivors must hold out for a certain amount of time.
  • Capture the Flag: Where the Survivors must travel around the level and grab intelligence briefcases from various places in the level and return each case to the center point.


  • Not all servers use the perk system, the perk tidbits are there for people who play on perk using servers.

Survivor Strategy

  • All: Survivors should stick together so that the cluster is more difficult to kill, and, on control point maps, to increase the speed at which points cap. In addition, some Survivor perks affect nearby teammates, letting a cluster receive boosts in attack, defense and Crit-chance.
  • Soldier: In the Mod the Soldier is the best ally for a Medic in attacking situations, due to the Heavy being a Zombie-only class. He is also the best class against hordes due to his rockets' explosion radius (especially when he fires a crocket), and his ability to use either the Buff Banner or Battalions Backup to provide either Mini-Crits or a Crit-negating defense boost. In addition, like the Demoman he can increase capture speed using the Pain Train. In Zombie Fortress a Soldier will most likely use the Tantrum perk, the 100% Crits can be useful if dealing with a horde.
  • Pyro: The Pyro is highly limited in this mod due to the fact that Flamethrower ammunition is restricted to 125 rather than the usual 200. The Pyro is useful against large hordes due to his airblast and afterburn, however the Pyro uses up 1/5th of his ammo every time he airblasts, so the Pyro has to be selective about how often the ability is used, the Pyro's survivability has increased since the Degreaser and Powerjack have been released. The Pyro is also useful for extinguishing survivors that have been set on fire by Combustible zombies.
  • Demoman: The Demoman is the best ally for a Medic in defensive situations due to his ability to lay sticky traps over entrances. A Demoman is also deadly in melee fights, especially if he gets a few heads with his Eyelander. In addition, on cp maps he can help increase the cap speed by using the Pain Train. on cp maps. A Demoman will often use the Juggernaut perk, it's ability to make the user resistant to explosives allows the Demoman to trick Zombies into attacking him while he stands in a carpet of sticky bombs.
  • Engineer: The Engineer is the most defensive class of the Mod but can be useful when attacking by using the Gunslinger. The Engineer's buildings are also changed in the name of balance. The Sentry Gun starts with half ammo and cannot be repaired, the Dispenser is unable to heal or dispense health or ammo but is used as a blockade, while the Teleporter works the same way. The Engineer also cannot upgrade his buildings. An Engineer will often use the sadistic perk, the increased health and critical chance can prove useful when attacked by a horde.
  • Medic: The Medic is an extremely useful asset in the Mod. His overheal does not decay, his Syringe Gun and Crusader's Crossbow do not need to be reloaded and his health regenerates. However the Medic should constantly watch his primary ammo so he does not run out and leave himself vulnerable. A Medic will often use the Charismatic Perk to increase his allies threat to the zombies. The Medic can also use The Amputator taunt to heal a group of survivors without the need to use his Medi Gun.
  • Sniper: On open maps, the Sniper is extremely useful due to his long range of fire. In smaller maps, however, the Sniper may have to resort to using his Huntsman to deal with close-range threats. His ability to give teammates Mini-Crits by using Jarate and the Sydney Sleeper can come in handy when dealing with hordes. The Sniper's SMG does not need to be reloaded, although care should be taken not to run out of ammo in a critical situation. Snipers using both the Bushwacka and Jarate can defend themselves against most zombies with the Bushwacka's Crit attribute. Using the Razorback while sniping is also a viable option since Spies will most often aim for Snipers.

Zombie Strategy

  • Scout: In the mod, the Scout maintains his speed and double jump. The Scout excels at distracting Sentry Guns and ambushing lone Survivors due to the ability to use The Sandman, Bonk! Atomic Punch, and Crit-a-Cola. A Scout in Zombie Fortress will oft use the thieving perk, which can create havoc among survivors in maps with limited ammo packs.
  • Heavy: The Heavy in the mod functions much the same as he does in regular gameplay. The Heavy excels at picking off stragglers in a Survivor group and then attacking the bulk of the Survivors using his Showdown taunt kill and the Crits from the K.G.B.. A skilled Heavy player in Zombie Fortress will often use the cocoon perk, once fully evolved the Heavy can kill every class in one hit unless they have extreme overheal from the Sadistic perk.
  • Spy: The Spy still remains a large threat in the mod due to retention of his Cloak (the maximum Cloak he can have is 80%) and backstab, but is unable to disguise, unless he uses Your Eternal Reward, which then makes him an extremely deadly, and unexpected, threat to survivors. A Spy in Zombie Fortress will often use the magnetic perk so they can disable Sentry Guns while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger.


Perks are special abilities that both Survivors and Zombies can use. They can change health, defense, attack, speed and introduce new gameplay mechanics (some perks stack upon each other when used by several players e.g. inspirational + inspirational = Doubled effect of the radios or Sick+ Sick = More damage done from the piles of vomit).

  • Server administrators may disable certain perks (for balance issues or other possible reasons), or may even run Zombie Fortress without perks altogether.
  • A glitch exists when using the stash perk as Sniper, when one retrieves their stash they are taken down to no ammo for their rifle, one clip of smg ammo and melee.

External links