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== General Strategy (All Classes) ==  
== General strategy ==  
* Badlands is a 5 point Control Point map notable for its mix of large open space and tight quarters for ambushes.
* Badlands is a 5 point Control Point map notable for its mix of large open space and tight quarters for ambushes.

Revision as of 19:37, 14 April 2021

Community Badlands (Control Point) strategy
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Desert
Setting: Dusk, cloudy
Map Photos
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This article is about strategy specific to the Control Point variant of Badlands. For strategy specific to the Arena variant, see Community Badlands (Arena) strategy. For strategy specific to the King of the Hill variant, see Community Badlands (King of the Hill) strategy.

This article is about Community Badlands (Control Point) strategy.

Note: It is recommended to read the main Badlands (Control Point) article first to become familiar with the names of key map locations used in this article.

General strategy

  • Badlands is a 5 point Control Point map notable for its mix of large open space and tight quarters for ambushes.
  • Erecting a defensive block on the opponent’s side of the point can control the central bridge. The open nature of the map means this defense has to be mobile and reactive to avoid being destroyed in a retaliating attack. Turtling is therefore a harder strategy than attacking on this map in all but the final point.
  • Demomen and Heavies are extremely effective on this map due to the various twists and turns from one area to another.
  • Despite the map's open nature, Snipers may find it hard to find a secure vantage point for sniping. Areas like the second control point, however, are excellent places for a Sniper to dig in and stop advancing teams.
  • The final control point for either team can be captured very quickly. Defenders should always make sure it is secured by a tough class or covered by a Sentry Gun. For attackers, the best strategy is to attempt to get to this point as soon as the fourth control point is captured or better yet, already have teammates on the point while the enemy team is trying to prevent the capture.
  • The windows on opposite sides of the central control point leaves enough room for a level 1 Sentry Gun or a Mini-Sentry Gun to fire without being easily seen. A base could also easily be built here by building a Dispenser in the inside of the building, and it can be defended easily by using the Frontier Justice's revenge crits. The windows can also be used as escape routes for injured Scouts.
  • Soldiers, Pyros, and Demomen are very strong classes on capturing the spire as they can stop any enemy from attempting to jump on to it.
  • The lamp directly above the final point can be jumped up on by Soldiers and Demomen, serving as an ambush spot to kill enemies attempting to cap the point, or as a spot for sneaky Soldiers or Demomen to get a quick back cap.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout


  • Scouts can be extremely effective on this map. A team of coordinated Scouts can easily storm Control point 3 before meeting any resistance. Once they hit the tighter corridors and ambush points further on, however, they become less successful.


Attacking Control Point 3
  • At first, both teams rush to the 1st capture point and because of your speed, you're able to be there first. Usually you are up against the Scouts from the other team, until the rest of yours arrives.
  • The fastest way to the middle point is to run through the center exit on the ground level, up the stairs, jumping from the vent on the balcony area to the wooden bridge near the resupply, through the house and onto the point, or down through the valley and using the side of the rock to jump up.
  • A nice strategy is to jump on and off the point in between hassling your opponents; at the very least you'll be able to block them from capturing.
  • Despite this, you will usually want to be watching the underside of the point for enemy Scouts attempting to run through the towers on the corners of the bridge the point is on to get behind your team, and to protect from Scouts doing the same as you. This also allows you to run into the enemy and attack them directly from behind, escaping before they can react.
  • As usual, staying with the main bulk of your team is often the best way to go, as they need defense from flanking Scouts.
  • You can also try to sneak through the defense and enter the enemy base, in order to pull off a back cap after the middle point is captured by your team.
Attacking Control Point 2/4
  • When attacking the spire area, jumping onto the balcony via the small gap near to the resupply will allow you to get on the point more easily, if the enemy team have not yet fallen back.
  • If a Soldier or Demoman attempts to jump you here, get off the point and start taking pot-shots at them from range, until they're forced away and you can move back on. Either that or jump around the point with your double jump to make it hard for them to hit you while shooting them, much the same way you would deal with a Heavy.
  • Other than this, as a Scout, your job is much the same as usual. Watch for enemies behind your team and pick off stragglers who have been weakened by the rest of your team.
Attacking Control Point 1/5
  • Due to the enclosed nature of this point, it's best to wait until your team has moved in and attack from the lower right area, or move in directly behind your team and go straight for any enemy Demomen, Heavies, Medics, etc. The reason for this is that all these classes are a huge threat to your team in an enclosed space.
  • This is often a time when enemy Scouts attempt to back cap, so do be prepared to leave for the second point to defend if necessary.
  • It is often possible to get onto the final point and capture it while no enemies are looking at it, so be aware of where the enemy is looking as well as just the person you're focused on attacking.
  • The vents directly behind the final point can make good hiding places. A Scout can completely conceal himself in these fans, serving as a spot to wait after the spire is captured to secure a quick victory.
  • If you are equipped with Bonk Atomic Punch, you may be able to use the invulnerability to rush past the enemy defenses and quickly cap it if the enemy team is distracted. If they have a sentry covering the point, try to use glass walls surrounding the point as cover.


Defending Control Point 3
  • Due to the large number of flanking routes here, you as a Scout should be watching the valley area and the house, ready to call out any aggressors to your team so they can deal with them, and pushing back enemy Scouts who try and move in.
  • Again, you can also attempt to back cap here, to give your team an opportunity to move in, though bear in mind the enemy team will be defending the spire area at this point.
Defending Control Point 2/4
  • Often when defending the second point you will be in the upper area of the lobby outside last point.
  • When this is the case, you will want to be watching the lower right stairs to make sure enemy Scouts do not come out to attack your team.
  • Be ready to run back to the second point from this area to stop any back cappers.
  • If you are waiting outside the lobby area, you need to get a height advantage, so either stand on the spire to block people trying to capture it, and drop down on enemies from above, or watch the resupply area to stop people coming out from the vent. Your team can deal with the main door to the lobby.
Defending Control Point 1/5
  • Here you will want to watch the lower left area and the lower main corridor, for people attempting to sneak onto the point and cap it before your team can react.
  • When the enemy moves in you have two choices, firstly to harass them and their main offensive classes, or secondly to run out behind them and attempt to capture the second point before they can do the same to your final point. Otherwise, simply try and protect important members of your team.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier


  • The Soldier's ability to Rocket jump is amazingly helpful for attacking and defending control points, especially on the second point where a single rocket jump can elevate you to the top of the spire to block or start a capture.
  • Be sure to get the ammo pickups in the corridors near the third (central) Control Point.
  • Weaker classes are very vulnerable to the Rocket Launcher in tight Chokepoints on this map.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro


  • Pyros can be devastating on this map. The mixed heights at key areas of the map allow for handy use of the compression blast to keep foes at a disadvantage, while the myriad of alternate paths allow more ambush-oriented Pyros to wreak havoc from multiple fronts.


Attacking Control Point 3
  • The quickest and straightest way to the middle is to drop down after spawning and take the stairs, and then take the low path through the valley. This will often allow you to get the first strike on the enemy.
  • The open nature of the middle point allows for a variety of unpredictable attacks from all sides. Use this to your advantage to keep the opponent guessing.
  • On the front of each house is a thin wooden ledge. Use this to hop to the low rock, then to the Sniper deck. You can immediately take out any Snipers, Engineers or Sentry Guns posted at the window and will often disrupt the enemy’s opening play, allowing your team to move forward unfettered.
Attacking Control Point 2/4
  • Take the low path behind the house and enter the enemy’s base, making your way to the battlements and picking off any unsuspecting defenders. From here, you can skip half of the grueling climb of the spire and simply jump to the point.
  • If the enemy is trying to hold the choke point after your team captures mid, consider requesting ÜberCharge and razing a fiery path through the enemy team while they’re still bottlenecked together.
  • Taking the rightmost path through the shack will put you right behind the enemy’s offensive, making it an excellent choice for ambushes.
Attacking Control Point 1/5
  • Your offensive options begin to be more limited here in tight-quarters. If your team deploys an Über, follow them in and rough up the enemy with some fire or hold them in place with the compression blast.
  • Taking the lower right path through the base will allow you to get behind the point and behind the enemy. If you’re quick enough, you can attempt to back cap while keeping the enemy at a distance with either a stream of fire or the compression blast.


Defending Control Point 3
  • When defending, you can make great use of your compression blast, as you have height advantage over almost every route the enemy can attack from. Use it to knock any offenders off of the point or keep them pinned inside their house.
  • If enemies are trying to push through the choke point, make your way through the house and ambush them from behind. Using this pincer movement with your team will obliterate the enemy’s offensive.
Defending Control Point 2/4
  • Again, compression blast can play a huge role in point defense here as the height advantage offered by CP2 is phenomenal. Use it to knock back rocket jumping Soldiers and send them hurtling toward the ground. The combined damage from the initial rocket jump and fall damage will oftentimes make their health so low that another rocket jump is unfeasible.
  • If your team is trying to hold the choke point, take the low path behind the house and try to get behind the enemy. Their main forces will likely be concentrating on the choke point fight, offering you great opportunity for a devastating ambush.
Defending Control Point 1/5
  • The enemy will often be cramped together inside the upper lobby. Take the staircases in the main corridor and lower lobby to ambush the enemy, as they will have nowhere to run. The medium health pack in the lower lobby should keep you sufficiently patched up.
  • Less mobile classes will have to use the lower doorways to enter the base. Keep the enemy back and prevent them from entering by blasting fire at the door. Or lie in wait in the upper lobby and jump down and ambush them as they attempt to move up the stairs.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman


  • The lips of the doorways near the final point can be clipped through and sticky traps can be laid in them without being seen.
  • A few stickybombs on the top of the second point can instantly end nearly all attempts to recapture the point.
  • Locking down choke points is very crucial for your team, there are some bushes and rocks to hide your stickies when the enemy tries to push.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy


  • When navigating throughout the map, Heavies should try to stay as high as possible and surprise enemies around tight points like those in the house. This will give you an advantage over any classes, who will try to hide from you, and makes it very hard for any retreats once you catch them off guard.
  • While staying up high is a good idea, Control Point 3 is a bad area to defend or attack due to Snipers.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer


  • On Control point 3, a Sentry Gun can be placed inside of the windows, overlooking the central bridge control point. As a level one, your Sentry Gun has just enough space to fire shots at the control point, without exposing too much of itself to be easily destroyed. Best if used when your team is already making an assault on the control point, often at the beginning of a match.
  • With a final control point that can be captured in under 4 seconds by one person, an Engineer's Sentry Gun may be the most valuable thing on your team if recapturing point 2/4 is taking too long.


Defending Control Point 3
  • As previously mentioned, windows looking out on the control point are just low enough that a Mini-Sentry or Level 1 Sentry can shoot out of them be placed in front of one. The window is high enough to cover most of your sentry from hitscan weapons, but makes you and your sentry more vulnerable to splash damage from explosives.
  • The valley that goes under the bridge has spots that are poorly lit, which can be used as an unexpected place to hide a Sentry Gun. This is less effective for defending the point than other locations, but can help prevent enemies from using the space to get behind your team for an ambush. Depending on where the sentry is placed, it can also cover the large building leading to the control point or the ramp leading to the small room on either side and prevent enemies from using these entry points.
Defending Control Points 2/4
  • Sentry placement is very important in this section of the map since its open nature gives players plenty of space to attack your Sentry from outside its range. The Wrangler can help deal with threats outside your Sentry Gun's normal range.
  • The corner of the battlements in behind the spire can serve as a good position for a Sentry nest, allowing your Sentry to cover the ramps leading all the way up to the cap as well as the battlements themselves. The spire will also offer some cover, but beware of enemy's coming from the ramps at the end of the bridge as they will be outside the range of your Sentry Gun.
  • Although the distance is relatively short from spawn to the spire, it can be beneficial to place a teleport for your team if you aren't seeing an immediate action. The platform where the healthkit spawns or the battlements behind it can serve as a good spot for an exit if covered by a Sentry Gun. Alternatively, you can hide the exit under the small bridge leading from the front door of the base.
Defending Control Point 1/5
  • The tight spaces and corners can make a sentry nest in this portion of the map difficult to destroy without the help of an Übercharge. Find a good spot for your sentry and defend it well.
  • Take advantage of the higher ground surrounding the control point. These areas have two small ammo kits which can be used for metal, the Sentry Gun's range should cover the majority of the room, and they are difficult to shoot at from the lower middle entrance. Take care when selecting your placement and try to place it closer to the doorway leading to the battlements, if not placed properly they can use the glass surrounding the control point as cover from your Sentry Gun.
  • It is ill advised to leave this area unattended if you have not captured spire yet. The short capture time can give a Spy plenty of time to sap your sentry and capture the point.


Attacking Point 3
  • The Gunslinger's quick build time and low metal cost can help with the initial battle for point 3, as the additional health can allow you to push with the rest of the team and help you stay on the point longer. In addition, the quick build time for Mini-Sentry Guns will allow you to quickly deploy it and resume fighting.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic


  • Medics will be essential on this map and will have to be protected better because of the large amount of ambush points and wide-open spaces.
  • The large open spaces make a Demoman a prime choice for your ÜberCharge to quickly destroy Sentry Guns and wreak havoc on retreating enemies.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper


  • Snipers are essential at defending the second point by preventing enemy attempts to push forward by killing Medics and picking off enemies on the point.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy


  • Going under the bridge in the middle and then through the path is generally a good way to get into the enemy base. However, if you use this path too often then the enemies might catch on to you.
  • While your team is on its last two points, and most people fall back on defense, it may be best to go on the offensive. If there are Engineers building Sentry Guns at their spawn, the last thing they will expect is a Spy, so feel free to attack the Engineer and buy your team extra time.
  • While defending your team's final two points, be sure to periodically go to spawn and check if their Engineers have set up any Teleporters. If they have set up Teleporters, be sure to destroy them. This is to ensure that enemies are coming to the front lines slower, allowing you to stab them in the back.
  • Remember to back off from the front lines (or behind theirs) to find health if you need to. What good is a Spy that goes down in one shot? This can help with getaways, as well.
  • A lot of Engineers build in the buildings by the middle control point. Keep this in mind during the first capture of the game, and fighting over the middle control point.