Community Mercenary Park strategy

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Mercenary Park
Yetipark 5.png
Basic Information
Map type: Control Point
File name: cp_mercenarypark
Released: October 20, 2017 Patch
(Jungle Inferno Update)
Developer(s): Valve
Map Info
Environment: Jungle
Setting: Daylight, overcast
Hazards: Crocodiles, Pitfalls
Deep Water: Yes
Bot support: Yes
Map Items
Healthico.png Health Kits: Smallhealth.png ×2  •  Mediumhealth.png ×14
Ammoico.png Ammo Boxes: Smallammo.png ×1   •   Mediumammo.png ×11   •  
Largeammo.png ×5
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Mercenary Park overview.png

This article is about Community Mercenary Park strategy.

Note: It is recommended to read the main Mercenary Park article first to become familiar with the names of key map locations used in this article.

General strategy


Point A

  • The BLU team should strive to quickly take over the Playground, the large open area in front of their spawn, before proceeding to the Mann. Co Building.
  • The Mann. Co Building serves as an important springboard for launching an attack on point A, as it offers important height advantage in the form of the Catwalks that overview the point.
  • With the Mann. Co building taken, BLU team can use the Catwalks to rain down fire onto the defenders below.

Point B

  • Bombarding RED's defenses on the Loading Bay from the Server Room, which is conveniently located right above the point, can be a big help in the capture of the B point.
    • The Server Room is also excellent for jumping right into RED's defenses with an ÜberCharge.
  • Alternatively, some BLU attackers can take the Staircase in order to flank behind the RED team. This route is particularly useful for cutting of RED's only means of escape when point B falls.

Point C

  • The quickest way to reach the final control point is by going through the Elevator Shaft. However this is ill-advised, as it can easily be cluster-bombed with explosives. This route should only be used either when RED team hasn't had enough time to setup a proper defense, or when they are too distracted with BLU attackers coming in from the flanks.
  • Accessible through a flight of stairs immediately after exiting the BLU spawn is the YTI Room and Ventilation Shaft, which offer BLU an ability to flank behind RED defenders perched behind and to the sides of Point B.
    • Near the Ventilation Shaft is a Broken Window, through which explosive classes can lob projectiles in order to dismantle RED's defenses.


Point A

  • The Playground area has many disadvantages for the defenders, including the lack of pickups and the close proximity to BLU's spawn. Putting the main defenses (such as Sentry Guns) in a more defendable position is advised.
    • The Mann Co. Building is a good spot for this as it offers good high ground advantage and plenty of cover over the BLU team.
  • If the enemy team pushes past your defenses, falling back to the Catwalks can prove vital in keeping the BLU team away from the A point.

Point B

  • As with Point A, high ground denial gives a big advantage in stopping the BLU team from capturing the point. If the BLU team pushes out to the high ground overlooking the point, the one-way door makes it relatively difficult for them to retreat. Focus the enemies quickly to avoid your team being wiped out from above.
  • Additionally, RED team should focus on preventing BLU flankers from breaking out of the Stairwell room and locking down the one-way gate that leads out of the Server Room.

Point C

  • The YTI Room (aswell as the Ventilation Shaft that branches from it) allows BLU to flank and destroy Sentry Guns from outside their range. As such, it is an important part of the map to keep a hold of.
    • Engineers can place down Dispensers to encourage their teammates to stay around the area.
    • Explosive classes can shoot projectiles over the thin glass pane that separates the YTI room into two.
    • Pyros can airblast ÜberCharged attackers to prevent them from fully taking over the area.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout


  • Take advantage of the Playground's open and spacious nature, where you can comfortably exercise the plethora of your movement options.
  • Avoid climbing up to Mann Co. Building's second floor, as it is often covered by RED Sentry Guns. The lower floor is easily bypassed using the Bonk! Atomic Punch, allowing for easy flanking or destruction of Teleporters at the enemy spawn.
    • Alternatively, you can use the Soda Popper's quintuple jump to access the open windows on the right side, giving an extra element of surprise.
  • RED players that bunch up around the Loading Bay are vulnerable to the Mad Milk's area of effect.
  • Use the Bonk! Atomic Punch to flank behind the enemies again. If Point B is captured, rushing to the final point in order to harass RED Engineers trying to setup a defense can give your team enough time to fight their way through to the final point.
  • The area around the final control point is very spacious and full of various obstacles and props to jump off. However, this area will often contain Sentry Guns. Consider flanking through the vents and taking out unsuspecting enemies instead or using you Pistol to take out the Sentry Guns from a safe distance.


  • The Playground can be a great place to to exercise your impressive mobility, but watch out for BLU Snipers aiming at you from their spawn.
  • The tight spaces of the Mann Co. Building allow for the Mad Milk to easily hit multiple targets.
  • Use the Transport Cages to exercise your maneuverability and turn yourself into a difficult-to-hit target.
  • The Force-A-Nature's knockback is useful for pushing the attacking BLU members into the water.
  • You can access the Lab's upper floor by performing a Force-A-Nature jump through a dropdown near the Stairwell.
    • The upper floor's tight hallways limit your movement and make you easy pickings for explosive classes, so be careful when traversing it.
  • The Scout can excel at defending the final control point using the Pit's spacious nature to attack any BLU members which make it past the Elevator Shaft or the YTI room.
    • Due to the chokepoint nature of these sections, the Mad Milk can easily stop or severely weaken a push.
  • If the BLU successfully controls the YTI Room, the Ventilation Shaft can be climbed using the Soda Popper's HYPE jumps, allowing for an unexpected flank.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier


  • Use your rocket jumps to quickly access the Mann Co. Building's second floor through the right-side window. Any Sentry Guns can be corner peeked from here, especially with the two pickups present.
  • Use the Catwalks as well as the Transport Cages to rain down explosives onto RED holdouts around point A.
  • The enclosed nature of the Lab's upper floor makes it a perfect environment for your splash damage.
    • Once the upper floor is secured, Sentry Guns around the point can be easily bombarded from the high ground. Be careful of the one-way gate, however, as there is no turning back without a teammate.
    • Another angle to attack the Loading Bay from is to flank around it via the Staircase, but beware of any enemies crossing this area.
  • Use the Direct Hit to quickly take out RED's Sentry Guns located around the final control point by attacking them outside their range. This can be accomplished by either attacking them from the Broken Window or the YTI Room.
  • Use the YTI's room ever so slight height advantage to your advantage, such as by pressuring RED defenders located on the elevated platform behind control point C.
  • A Battalion's Backup charge can aid in pushing through the Elevator Shaft, as its tight space will concentrate a lot of damage to the same area.


  • The wide and open nature of the Playgroun' is well suited for a rocket jump orientated playstyle. The Market Gardener can be used to kill unsuspecting players.
  • BLU members using the stairs on the right side of the Mann Co. Building can be knocked back using your Rocket Launcher's rockets.
  • The upper floor of the Lab is well-suited to your combat expertise, fight rigorously for its control.
    • You can rocket jump through a dropdown near the Staircase, thus appearing unexpectedly behind BLU members traveling to the Server Room.
  • After point B's fall and during your retreat towards the final control point, rocket jump up to the area above the Elevator Shaft and quickly secure the YTI room for your team.
  • A Kritzkrieg attack on a BLU team attempting to push through the Elevator Shaft can be devastating, as they will all be clustered up together. Make sure to notify your Medic, if you have one, when you see such an arise opportunity.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro


  • The area behind the left most spawn exit is a prime space for a Spy to uncloak, make sure to Spy check those areas to prevent a chainstab on your team.
  • The Detonator gives you the ability to quickly change floors in the Mann Co. Building, allowing you to surprise enemies from below.
  • If a Sentry nest on the Loading Bay gets destroyed, you can quickly drop down from the Server Room and use the Phlogistinator's guaranteed Critical hits to wreck total havoc on RED defenders.
    • Alternatively, if your team is pressuring the nest, flank from behind with the Backburner for devastating damage.
  • You can shoot through the Broken Window with your Flare Guns in order to ignite RED team members defending the final control point, without exposing yourself to fire from their Sentry Guns.
  • The Dragon's Fury's extended range and higher damage against buildings makes it an excellent choice for defeating the Sentry nests in and around the Pit.


  • Hiding in the Shipping Containers waiting for BLU to start capturing the first point, then ambushing them with the Backburner can cause significant chaos and destruction to the BLU team.
  • Use your compression blast to push enemies into the water, killing them instantly.
  • Your Flame Thrower's compression blast is vital for preventing ÜberCharged players from jumping out of the Server Room and wrecking havoc on your teammates.
  • Use the tight corridors of the Ventilation Shaft, used by BLU as a means of flanking, to your advantage.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman


  • An elevated opening in the Mann Co. Building's right side can be used to sticky jump your way behind your enemies' lines.
  • You can charge into a rock near the left spawn exit in order to fling your self towards the Mann Co. Building.
  • Behind the Shipping Crates, on either of the Catwalks or on the other side of the Docks are positions that RED Engineers will often build their nests. Use the Catwalks to take out these nests from above.
  • Use the platform above point B to bombard RED's members trying to defend it.
    • This position also provides a good view of the Loading Bay, where a Sentry Gun may be placed. Alternatively, flanking it by using the Staircase can help distract from your teammates trying to destroy the nest from the other side.
    • If your team does not have control of the upper floor, then neither of these two options are available; meaning that you are going to need to approach the Loading Bay directly, preferably with a Medic.
  • An ÜberCharge is often required in order to push through the Elevator Shaft and destroy the common nesting spots around the Pit.
  • The Loch-n-Load's increased projectile speed allows you to take potshots at RED Sentry Guns from the broken window.


  • Use your stickybombs to stop the enemy from capturing the Mann Co. Building. The Scottish Resistance can be used to defend both sides of the upper floor at once, securing the high ground for your team.
  • Preventing BLU from accessing the high ground offered by the Catwalks is vital. Use your secondary weapon to lay traps on the two doorways that lead to the Catwalks.
  • Attackers will often use the Server Room to try and threaten point B from above. Prevent this by stickytrapping the Server Room's one-way gate.
  • The Loose Cannon's increased knockback is useful for knocking back BLU attackers trying to push through the Elevator Shaft, even when ÜberCharged.
  • Use the arc of your projectiles to bombard BLU players from the other side of the YTI room, keeping yourself safe behind a glass pane.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy


  • Be careful while traversing the Playground, as its vast sightlines leave you vulnerable to Snipers.
  • Use the open shipping container to sneak behind the enemy team and destroy their buildings from behind.
    • Alternatively, you can stay on top of the Containers by jumping from the Catwalks, allowing you to fire down on the enemies around point A. Although this does leave you exposed to Snipers.
  • The first floor of the Lab is dominated by long Sniper sightlines, making safely approaching the second point difficult. The upper floor's narrow and tight spaces work in your favor, while also allowing a way to bypass the Snipers.


  • Your presence in the Mann Co. Building serves as an important defensive anchor for your team to rally around and resist the BLU onslaught.
    • There is a sloped ramp inside the Mann Co. Building, standing on which allows you to control both the upper and the lower floors simultaneously, all while giving you means of easy escape.
  • You can camp below the Staircase in order to ambush BLU players descending from the Lab's second floor.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer


  • The Gunslinger's less expensive Mini-Sentry is an excellent tool for playing in and around the first point, where there are few ammo packs to be found.
    • Make sure to support your teammates fighting on the Catwalks by placing a Dispenser in the Mann Co. Building's upper floor, where it is easily accessible to them.
  • When attacking point B, having a Teleporter exit in the Server Room is vital for ensuring your team has a high ground advantage.
  • If your team provides enough of a distraction, you can sneak through the Ventilation Shaft and place an offensive Sentry Gun right below the Platform, where it cannot be targeted by RED members exiting their spawn, but it can target anyone who drops down to defend the point.


  • You can place a stealthy Teleporter exit in an alcove below the BLU's first spawn, which you can then access with the Eureka Effect.
    • Keep in mind that the Playground is closed of from the rest of the map after point A is captured.
  • The Catwalks, on or behind the Shipping Containers, in the Mann Co. Building (left side) or behind the Docks make for good Sentry Gun positions.
    • Good Dispenser positions are usually found in the Mann Co. Building or pulled back to the platform between the Catwalks.
    • Teleporter exits should not go in places where it can be easily be destroyed. The Mann Co. Building where it can give spawning teammates immediate access to the Catwalks or the upper level of the Lab are good spots.
  • A good position for a Sentry Gun is the Loading Bay, where it's out of the long sightlines and only vulnerable to an attack from the Server Room.
  • For the final point, a good Sentry spot is anywhere where it can not be targeted or destroyed from the Elevator Shaft, forcing BLU to expose themselves in order to attack it.
    • Good examples are the small alcove below the orange staircase, on top of the crates, or in the YTI Room.
    • A Dispenser should ideally go inside the YTI Room, where it can support the teammates fighting for control of that vital flank route.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

The hole in the glass.


  • The Mann Co. Building's and Lab's tight, claustrophobic corridors make them quite suitable for the Huntsman's more aggressive nature, but are poorly advised for the other primaries.
  • While attacking the final point, take advantage of the broken window from which you can catch out RED members trying to exit their spawn.
    • Be extra careful, as this spot can also be predictable to experienced players.


  • The open window in the Mann Co. Building gives a good sightline over the entire Playground, but beware of any classes trying to jump up there.
  • The Jarate's large area-of-effect makes it perfect for bombarding attackers trying to push through the Elevator Shaft chokepoint.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic


  • Be very careful while pushing out of your spawn and into the Playground, as you are very visible to RED Snipers peeking out of the Mann Co. Building.
    • Additionally, classes such as the Scout and the Spy will often hide behind the Giftshop, waiting for you to pass by before ambushing you.
  • An ÜberCharged Soldier or a Demoman pushing through the stairwell into the Mann Co. Building can clear out the defenses with relative ease.
    • After the Mann Co. Building is secure, additional ÜberCharges may be needed in order to take out the Sentry nests around the first point.
  • Übering a Pyro or a Heavy and then letting them drop down from the Server Room and onto the Loading Bay can be devastating for RED.
  • The right side of the Elevator Shaft (opposite the medical procedure room) is a sheltered place close to the action for BLU Medic to do a lot of supportive healing and quick ÜberCharge building.
    • Keep a look out for any RED attacks which can suddenly catch you out in this position.
    • The deck with the window to the medical procedure room is a possible secondary BLU Medic position on final.


  • Stay clear of the Playground and hunker down in the Mann Co. Building, where you can heal safely in the presence of your team and allied Sentry Guns.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • This map is particularly noisy, with several locations of continuous or intermittent louder noise for masking decloaking sounds.
    • On the first point, the waterfall is particularly loud on the defender's side where RED Engineers are likely to have buildings. This noise can easily cover the decloak sound of the watches and sometimes the Dead Ringer, which can make it nearly impossible for someone to listen for decloak sounds to know there is a Spy attacking.