Difference between revisions of "Template:Special taunt table"

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m (I will continue adding Spanish later.)
(Finished Spanish :D)
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  | en = The Heavy does one armed push-ups.
  | en = The Heavy does one armed push-ups.
| es = El Heavy hace flexiones con un solo brazo.
  | pt-br = O Heavy faz flexões com um só braço.
  | pt-br = O Heavy faz flexões com um só braço.
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  | en = The Heavy pulls out two large dumbbells and begins doing a 'cross body hammer curl' exercise. After a certain time has passed the Heavy re-adjusts his shoulders and begins again. When the player ends the taunt, the Heavy stretches out his arms and drops the dumbbells on the ground.
  | en = The Heavy pulls out two large dumbbells and begins doing a 'cross body hammer curl' exercise. After a certain time has passed the Heavy re-adjusts his shoulders and begins again. When the player ends the taunt, the Heavy stretches out his arms and drops the dumbbells on the ground.
| es = El Heavy saca dos mancuernas y empieza a hacer bíceps con ellas. Tras varias repeticiones se reacomoda los hombros y empieza de nuevo. Cuando el jugador detiene la burla, el Heavy estira sus brazos y suelta las mancuernas.
  | pt-br = O Heavy pega dois halteres e se exercita com eles. Após um tempo ele reajusta os ombros e recomeça. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Heavy estica os braços para os lados e abre as mãos, deixando os halteres caírem no chão.
  | pt-br = O Heavy pega dois halteres e se exercita com eles. Após um tempo ele reajusta os ombros e recomeça. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Heavy estica os braços para os lados e abre as mãos, deixando os halteres caírem no chão.
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  | en = A table full with an assortment of food will appear in front of the Heavy while he rubs his hands and stares at the spread gleefully. Taunting again will end the taunt, causing the Heavy to flip the table, which flings a steak from a pot on the table straight into his mouth.
  | en = A table full with an assortment of food will appear in front of the Heavy while he rubs his hands and stares at the spread gleefully. Taunting again will end the taunt, causing the Heavy to flip the table, which flings a steak from a pot on the table straight into his mouth.
| es = Aparecerá una mesa llena de comida frente al Heavy y este se frotará las manos y mirará al banquete con alegría. Si se vuelve a activar la burla esta acabará, haciendo que el Heavy lance la mesa por los aires, abriendo la boca y comiendo un filete que cae de la sartén directamente a su boca.
  | pt-br = Uma mesa cheia com diversas comidas aparece na frente do Heavy, enquanto ele esfrega as mãos e olha para o banquete alegremente. Provocar outra vez termina a provocação, fazendo com que o Heavy acabe virando a mesa, que arremessa um bife da panela sobre a mesa diretamente em sua boca.
  | pt-br = Uma mesa cheia com diversas comidas aparece na frente do Heavy, enquanto ele esfrega as mãos e olha para o banquete alegremente. Provocar outra vez termina a provocação, fazendo com que o Heavy acabe virando a mesa, que arremessa um bife da panela sobre a mesa diretamente em sua boca.
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  | en = The Engineer summons a mechanical bull, which he mounts and rides wildly while hanging on for dear life.
  | en = The Engineer summons a mechanical bull, which he mounts and rides wildly while hanging on for dear life.
| es = El Engineer hace aparecer un toro mecánico, el cual monta y cabalga sin control.
  | pt-br = O Engineer convoca um touro mecânico, o qual ele monta e cavalga descontroladamente.
  | pt-br = O Engineer convoca um touro mecânico, o qual ele monta e cavalga descontroladamente.
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  | en = A haystack appears behind the Engineer while he pulls out a banjo; he then sits down and begins playing. Pressing alt-fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE2}}) increases the tempo at which the Engineer plays, and smoke rises from his hands. Pressing primary fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE1}} returns the taunt to its original tempo. When the player ends the taunt, the Engineer places the banjo next to the haystack and gets up, after which the props disappear behind him.
  | en = A haystack appears behind the Engineer while he pulls out a banjo; he then sits down and begins playing. Pressing alt-fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE2}}) increases the tempo at which the Engineer plays, and smoke rises from his hands. Pressing primary fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE1}} returns the taunt to its original tempo. When the player ends the taunt, the Engineer places the banjo next to the haystack and gets up, after which the props disappear behind him.
| es = Aparece una bala de heno tras en Engineer, mientras este saca un banjo; se sienta y empieza a tocar música. Al pulsar clic derecho aumenta el ritmo con el que el Engineer toca, llegando a hacer humo con sus manos. Al pulsar clic izquierdo vuelve a su ritmo original. Cuando el jugador acaba la burla, el Engineer coloca el banjo junto a la bala de heno y se levanta; tras eso todos los elementos tras él desaparecerán.
  | pt-br = Uma pilha de feno aparece atrás do Engineer enquanto ele puxa um banjo; ele então se senta no feno e começa a tocar música. Pressionar disparo-alt (tecla padrão: {{key|MOUSE2}}) aumenta o ritmo em que o Engineer toca e faz fumaça sair de suas mãos. Pressionar o disparo primário (tecla padrão: {{key|MOUSE1}}) retorna a provocação ao ritmo original. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Engineer coloca o banjo ao lado da pilha de feno e ambos desaparecem atrás dele.
  | pt-br = Uma pilha de feno aparece atrás do Engineer enquanto ele puxa um banjo; ele então se senta no feno e começa a tocar música. Pressionar disparo-alt (tecla padrão: {{key|MOUSE2}}) aumenta o ritmo em que o Engineer toca e faz fumaça sair de suas mãos. Pressionar o disparo primário (tecla padrão: {{key|MOUSE1}}) retorna a provocação ao ritmo original. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Engineer coloca o banjo ao lado da pilha de feno e ambos desaparecem atrás dele.
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  | en = The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides around on it as if it was a pogo stick. When ending the taunt, the Engineer jumps off it and puts it back in his tool pocket. While riding, the jackhammer makes a loud noise and creates a smoke trail. The Engineer can freely move during the taunt, albeit slower than usual.
  | en = The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides around on it as if it was a pogo stick. When ending the taunt, the Engineer jumps off it and puts it back in his tool pocket. While riding, the jackhammer makes a loud noise and creates a smoke trail. The Engineer can freely move during the taunt, albeit slower than usual.
| es = El Engineer saca un un martillo neumático de su bolsa de herramientas y lo monta como si fuera un saltador. Al acabar la burla, el Engineer salta y lo vuelve a guardar. Mientras monta en el martillo este hace ruido y humo. El Engineer se puede mover durante la burla.
  | pt-br = O Engineer saca uma britadeira do seu bolso de ferramentas e monta nela como se fosse um pula-pula. Ao encerrar, ele pula da britadeira e a guarda de volta no bolso. Enquanto montado na britadeira, ela faz muito barulho e cria um rastro de fumaça. O Engineer pode se mover livremente durante a provocação, porém mais devagar que o normal.
  | pt-br = O Engineer saca uma britadeira do seu bolso de ferramentas e monta nela como se fosse um pula-pula. Ao encerrar, ele pula da britadeira e a guarda de volta no bolso. Enquanto montado na britadeira, ela faz muito barulho e cria um rastro de fumaça. O Engineer pode se mover livremente durante a provocação, porém mais devagar que o normal.
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  | en = The Engineer drops his toolbox (similarly to constructing a [[building]]), which unfolds into a reclining lawn chair, complete with a parasol and bottles of beer. He lies back in the chair and drinks from one of the bottles, occasionally burping as well as saying some quotes. Taunting again or jumping folds up the chair (to the Engineer's surprise) and ends the taunt.
  | en = The Engineer drops his toolbox (similarly to constructing a [[building]]), which unfolds into a reclining lawn chair, complete with a parasol and bottles of beer. He lies back in the chair and drinks from one of the bottles, occasionally burping as well as saying some quotes. Taunting again or jumping folds up the chair (to the Engineer's surprise) and ends the taunt.
| es = El Engineer suelta su caja de herramientas (similar a la que usa cuando va a [[building/es|construir]]) y despliega una tumbona reclinable, junto a un parasol y unas botellas de cerveza. Se tumba y bebe de una de las botellas. A veces eructa y dice frases. Si se vuelve a activar la burla saltará de la tumbona (que se volverá a plegar, para sorpresa del Engineer) y acaba la burla.
  | pt-br = O Engineer larga a sua caixa de ferramentas (similar a quando começa a erguer uma [[building/pt-br|construção]]), que se desdobra em uma cadeira reclinável, completa com um guarda-sol e garrafas de cerveja. Ele se deita e começa a beber de uma das garrafas, ocasionalmente arrotando assim como dizendo algumas falas. Provocar novamente ou pular fará com que a cadeira seja guardada e a provocação seja finalizada.
  | pt-br = O Engineer larga a sua caixa de ferramentas (similar a quando começa a erguer uma [[building/pt-br|construção]]), que se desdobra em uma cadeira reclinável, completa com um guarda-sol e garrafas de cerveja. Ele se deita e começa a beber de uma das garrafas, ocasionalmente arrotando assim como dizendo algumas falas. Provocar novamente ou pular fará com que a cadeira seja guardada e a provocação seja finalizada.
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  | en = A miniature farm truck appears from the ground, which the Engineer steps onto and begins to drive, giving an occasional salute while looking around. When the player ends the taunt, the Engineer hops off as the truck goes back into the ground.
  | en = A miniature farm truck appears from the ground, which the Engineer steps onto and begins to drive, giving an occasional salute while looking around. When the player ends the taunt, the Engineer hops off as the truck goes back into the ground.
| es = Hace aparecer un tractor agrícola en miniatura, en el que el Engineer se monta y empieza a conducir, saludando ocasionalmente a su alrededor. Cuando el jugador finaliza la burla, el Engineer se baja del tractor dando un salto.
  | pt-br = Um trator agrícola em miniatura aparece do chão, o qual o Engineer começa a dirigir, fazendo uma saudação ocasional enquanto olha ao redor. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Engineer salta do trator, o qual volta para o chão.
  | pt-br = Um trator agrícola em miniatura aparece do chão, o qual o Engineer começa a dirigir, fazendo uma saudação ocasional enquanto olha ao redor. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Engineer salta do trator, o qual volta para o chão.
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  | en = 5 seconds
  | en = 5 seconds
| es = 5 segundos
  | pt-br = 5 segundos
  | pt-br = 5 segundos
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  | en = The Medic strikes a pose and glows as doves fly around him while a heavenly choir sings and "opera" music plays in the background (similarly to several instances in [[Meet The Medic]]).
  | en = The Medic strikes a pose and glows as doves fly around him while a heavenly choir sings and "opera" music plays in the background (similarly to several instances in [[Meet The Medic]]).
| es = El Medic pone una pose heroica y se ilumina su fondo mientras le rodean unas palomas y suena música de ópera de fondo (similar al [[Conoce al Medic]]).
  | pt-br = O Medic faz uma pose e brilha; pombos voam ao seu redor enquanto um coro angelical canta e música estilo ópera toca no fundo (similar a várias cenas em [[Meet The Medic/pt-br|Conheça o Medic]]).
  | pt-br = O Medic faz uma pose e brilha; pombos voam ao seu redor enquanto um coro angelical canta e música estilo ópera toca no fundo (similar a várias cenas em [[Meet The Medic/pt-br|Conheça o Medic]]).
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  | en = The Medic takes out an X-ray chart showing the Heavy's skeleton with a bomb stuck in his ribs. He examines it, laughes, and gives his prognosis, then crumples it up and tosses it away.
  | en = The Medic takes out an X-ray chart showing the Heavy's skeleton with a bomb stuck in his ribs. He examines it, laughes, and gives his prognosis, then crumples it up and tosses it away.
| es = El Medic saca una radiografía mostrando el esqueleto del Heavy con una bomb en sus costillas. La examina, ríe y da su pronóstico, arrugando y jugando la radiografía.
  | pt-br = O Medic tira um raio-X do esqueleto do Heavy com uma bomba presa em sua caixa torácica. Ele o examina, ri e dá seu prognóstico, amassando e jogando o raio-X fora em seguida.
  | pt-br = O Medic tira um raio-X do esqueleto do Heavy com uma bomba presa em sua caixa torácica. Ele o examina, ri e dá seu prognóstico, amassando e jogando o raio-X fora em seguida.
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  | en = The Medic brings out an accordion and plays while dancing in place laughing and cheering.
  | en = The Medic brings out an accordion and plays while dancing in place laughing and cheering.
| es = El Medic saca un acordeón y empieza a tocar música mientras baile, ríe y lo celebra.
  | pt-br = O Medic pega um acordeão e começa a tocar enquanto dança, fala e ri.
  | pt-br = O Medic pega um acordeão e começa a tocar enquanto dança, fala e ri.
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  | en = The Medic takes out a mug and a clipboard as a medical reclining chair appears from the ground. He sits on the chair, pulls a lever to adjust it, and proceeds to read the paper on the clipboard, occasionally chuckling and taking sips from the mug. When the player ends the taunt, the Medic gets up, letting the clipboard and mug fall on the ground, while the chair goes back into the ground.
  | en = The Medic takes out a mug and a clipboard as a medical reclining chair appears from the ground. He sits on the chair, pulls a lever to adjust it, and proceeds to read the paper on the clipboard, occasionally chuckling and taking sips from the mug. When the player ends the taunt, the Medic gets up, letting the clipboard and mug fall on the ground, while the chair goes back into the ground.
| es = El Medic saca una taza y una carpeta y aparece una silla reclinable del suelo. Se sienta en la silla y la reajusta con la palanca, procediendo a leer la carpeta. De vez en cuando le da tragos a la taza. Cuando el jugador finaliza la burla el médico se levanta, dejando la carpeta y la taza en el suelo y desapareciendo la silla.
  | pt-br = O Medic saca uma caneca e uma prancheta enquanto uma cadeira reclinável médica aparece do chão. Ele se senta, puxa uma alavanca para ajustá-la e começa a ler do papel na prancheta, ocasionalmente dando risadas e bebendo alguns goles. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Medic se levanta, deixando a prancheta e a caneca caírem no chão, e a cadeira volta para o chão.
  | pt-br = O Medic saca uma caneca e uma prancheta enquanto uma cadeira reclinável médica aparece do chão. Ele se senta, puxa uma alavanca para ajustá-la e começa a ler do papel na prancheta, ocasionalmente dando risadas e bebendo alguns goles. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Medic se levanta, deixando a prancheta e a caneca caírem no chão, e a cadeira volta para o chão.
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  | en = The Sniper pulls out a didgeridoo with a spin, then sits down and plays it. When the player ends the taunt, he stands up and puts the didgeridoo away.
  | en = The Sniper pulls out a didgeridoo with a spin, then sits down and plays it. When the player ends the taunt, he stands up and puts the didgeridoo away.
| es = El Sniper saca un [[w:es:didyeridú|didyeridú]], se sienta y empieza a tocarlo. Cuando el jugador finaliza la burla, se levanta y guarda el didyeridú.
  | pt-br = O Sniper pega um [[w:pt:Didjeridu|didjeridu]] com um giro, se senta e começa a tocar. Provocar de novo faz com que ele se levante e guarde o didjeridu.
  | pt-br = O Sniper pega um [[w:pt:Didjeridu|didjeridu]] com um giro, se senta e começa a tocar. Provocar de novo faz com que ele se levante e guarde o didjeridu.
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  | en = 3 seconds
  | en = 3 seconds
| es = 3 segundos
  | pt-br = 3 segundos
  | pt-br = 3 segundos
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  | en = The Sniper brings two fingers to his eyes, then points ahead in an intimidating manner while saying a quote.
  | en = The Sniper brings two fingers to his eyes, then points ahead in an intimidating manner while saying a quote.
| es = El Sniper se apunta con dos dedos a los ojos y luego apunta al frente de forma intimidatoria, diciendo una frase.
  | pt-br = O Sniper leva dois dedos aos olhos e então aponta para frente de forma intimidadora enquanto diz uma fala.
  | pt-br = O Sniper leva dois dedos aos olhos e então aponta para frente de forma intimidadora enquanto diz uma fala.
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  | en = The Sniper pulls out a saxophone and plays several tunes from ''[[Seduce Me! (Soundtrack)|Seduce Me!]]'' while pumping his hips.
  | en = The Sniper pulls out a saxophone and plays several tunes from ''[[Seduce Me! (Soundtrack)|Seduce Me!]]'' while pumping his hips.
| es = El Sniper saca un saxofón y toca partes de la canción ''[[Seduce Me! (Soundtrack)/es|Seduce Me!]]'' mientras mueve sus caderas.
  | pt-br = O Sniper saca um saxofone e toca vários trechos de ''[[Seduce Me! (Soundtrack)/pt-br|Seduce Me!]]'' enquanto move os quadris para frente e para trás.
  | pt-br = O Sniper saca um saxofone e toca vários trechos de ''[[Seduce Me! (Soundtrack)/pt-br|Seduce Me!]]'' enquanto move os quadris para frente e para trás.
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  | en = 4 seconds
  | en = 4 seconds
| es = 4 segundos
  | pt-br = 4 segundos
  | pt-br = 4 segundos
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  | en = The Sniper pulls out a notepad and marker, crosses a name off, and laughs before putting the notepad away.
  | en = The Sniper pulls out a notepad and marker, crosses a name off, and laughs before putting the notepad away.
| es = El Sniper saca una libreta y un rotulador y tacha un nombre. Ríe y vuelve a guardar su libreta.
  | pt-br = O Sniper pega um bloco de notas e uma caneta, risca um dos nomes e ri antes de guardar o bloco.
  | pt-br = O Sniper pega um bloco de notas e uma caneta, risca um dos nomes e ri antes de guardar o bloco.
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  | en = The Spy hides inside a cardboard box. The player can freely crawl around while hidden. When the player ends the taunt, the Spy stands up and throws the box away.
  | en = The Spy hides inside a cardboard box. The player can freely crawl around while hidden. When the player ends the taunt, the Spy stands up and throws the box away.
| es = El Spy se esconde en una caja de cartón. El jugador puede moverse libremente mientras está escondido. Cuando el jugador finaliza la burla, el Spy se levanta y tira la caja.
  | pt-br = O Spy se esconde debaixo de uma caixa de papelão. O jogador pode andar às espreitas livremente enquanto escondido. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Spy se levanta e joga a caixa fora.
  | pt-br = O Spy se esconde debaixo de uma caixa de papelão. O jogador pode andar às espreitas livremente enquanto escondido. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Spy se levanta e joga a caixa fora.
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  | en = 5 seconds
  | en = 5 seconds
| es = 5 segundos
  | pt-br = 5 segundos
  | pt-br = 5 segundos
| {{lang
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  | en = The Spy takes a stack of dollar bills with [[Saxton Hale]]'s face on them, counts a few, tosses out an insult, and makes it "rain money" in front of him.
  | en = The Spy takes a stack of dollar bills with [[Saxton Hale]]'s face on them, counts a few, tosses out an insult, and makes it "rain money" in front of him.
| es = El Spy coge un fajo de billetes con la cara de [[Saxton Hale/es|Saxton Hale]], cuenta algunos, dice un insulto y hace una «lluvia de dinero» hacia delante.
  | pt-br = O Spy pega um chumaço de notas com o rosto do [[Saxton Hale/pt-br|Saxton Hale]], conta algumas, diz um insulto e "faz chover" na sua frente.
  | pt-br = O Spy pega um chumaço de notas com o rosto do [[Saxton Hale/pt-br|Saxton Hale]], conta algumas, diz um insulto e "faz chover" na sua frente.
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  | en = 8 seconds
  | en = 8 seconds
| es = 8 segundos
  | pt-br = 8 segundos
  | pt-br = 8 segundos
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  | en = The Spy performs a series of disco moves while groovy music plays, saying some voice lines along the way.
  | en = The Spy performs a series of disco moves while groovy music plays, saying some voice lines along the way.
| es = El Spy realiza una serie de movimientos de baile mientras suena música, diciendo frases.
  | pt-br = O Spy executa uma série de movimentos de dança de discoteca ao som de uma música animada, dizendo algumas falas ao longo do caminho.
  | pt-br = O Spy executa uma série de movimentos de dança de discoteca ao som de uma música animada, dizendo algumas falas ao longo do caminho.
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  | en = A chair appears behind the Spy. He sits on it before pulling out a white glass and a book in each separate hand. When the player ends the taunt, the Spy casually throws the glass and book away before getting up from the chair, which falls back and disappears.
  | en = A chair appears behind the Spy. He sits on it before pulling out a white glass and a book in each separate hand. When the player ends the taunt, the Spy casually throws the glass and book away before getting up from the chair, which falls back and disappears.
| es = Aparece una silla tras el Spy. Se sienta y coge un vaso y un libro con cada mano. Cuando el jugador acaba la burla, el Spy suelta el vaso y el libro y se levanta de la silla, la cual desaparece.
  | pt-br = Uma cadeira surge atrás do Spy; ele se senta enquanto segura um copo branco com a mão direita, pegando um livro com a mão esquerda em seguida. Ele então permanece lendo o livro, eventualmente bebendo do copo e dizendo algumas falas. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Spy joga o copo e livro para os lados e se levanta da cadeira, a qual cai para trás e desaparece.
  | pt-br = Uma cadeira surge atrás do Spy; ele se senta enquanto segura um copo branco com a mão direita, pegando um livro com a mão esquerda em seguida. Ele então permanece lendo o livro, eventualmente bebendo do copo e dizendo algumas falas. Quando o jogador encerra a provocação, o Spy joga o copo e livro para os lados e se levanta da cadeira, a qual cai para trás e desaparece.
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  | en = Variable
  | en = Variable
| es = Variable
  | pt-br = Variável
  | pt-br = Variável
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  | en = A [[bread monster]] pops out of the mercenary's chest, then shortly retracts back inside. Each class has a different reaction to the creature's appearance.
  | en = A [[bread monster]] pops out of the mercenary's chest, then shortly retracts back inside. Each class has a different reaction to the creature's appearance.
| es = Aparece un [[bread monster/es|monstruo de pan]] del pecho del mercenario y se vuelve a esconder. Cada clase tiene una reacción distinta.
  | pt-br = Um [[Bread monster/pt-br|Monstro Pão]] surge do peito do jogador, voltando para dentro pouco tempo depois. Cada classe tem uma reação diferente à aparição da criatura.
  | pt-br = Um [[Bread monster/pt-br|Monstro Pão]] surge do peito do jogador, voltando para dentro pouco tempo depois. Cada classe tem uma reação diferente à aparição da criatura.
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  | en = The mercenary starts dancing [[w:conga|conga]] while slowly walking forward. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player cannot stop walking forward, but can turn with the keys used to strafe left and right. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary starts dancing [[w:conga|conga]] while slowly walking forward. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player cannot stop walking forward, but can turn with the keys used to strafe left and right. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
| es = El mercenario empieza a bailar la [[w:es:conga|conga]] mientras va caminando hacia delante. Los demás jugadores pueden unirse a la conga usando la burla junto a un jugador que ya esté bailando. El jugador no puede parar de andar hacia delante, pero puede torcer a izquierda y derecha. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário começa a dançar conga enquanto anda devagar para frente. Outros jogadores podem participar ao provocar próximo de um jogador que esteja dançando. O jogador não pode parar de andar para frente, mas pode virar com as teclas usadas para movimento lateral. Provocar novamente ou pular encerra a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário começa a dançar conga enquanto anda devagar para frente. Outros jogadores podem participar ao provocar próximo de um jogador que esteja dançando. O jogador não pode parar de andar para frente, mas pode virar com as teclas usadas para movimento lateral. Provocar novamente ou pular encerra a provocação.
Line 483: Line 511:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = 5 seconds
  | en = 5 seconds
| es = 5 segundos
  | pt-br = 5 segundos
  | pt-br = 5 segundos
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary puts their hands and arms out in front of them to form a square with their fingers, as if trying to visualize the scene in front of them in a picture or a screen, similarly to the [[Meet the Director]] comic. The Pyro has two variations for this taunt.
  | en = The mercenary puts their hands and arms out in front of them to form a square with their fingers, as if trying to visualize the scene in front of them in a picture or a screen, similarly to the [[Meet the Director]] comic. The Pyro has two variations for this taunt.
| es = El mercenario extiende sus brazos, poniendo sus manos con los dedos pulgar e índice estirados en forma de L, haciendo un enmarque con sus manos como si estuviera haciendo de director de cine, de forma similar a cómo se ve en el cómic de [[Meet the Director/es|Conoce al Director]]. El Pyro tiene dos variantes de esta burla.
  | pt-br = O mercenário coloca as suas mãos e braços na frente, formando um quadrado com os dedos, como se tentasse visualizar a cena a sua frente em um quadro ou uma tela, similar ao ocorrido na HQ [[Meet the Director/pt-br|Conheça o Diretor]]. Pyro possui duas variações para esta provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário coloca as suas mãos e braços na frente, formando um quadrado com os dedos, como se tentasse visualizar a cena a sua frente em um quadro ou uma tela, similar ao ocorrido na HQ [[Meet the Director/pt-br|Conheça o Diretor]]. Pyro possui duas variações para esta provocação.
Line 499: Line 529:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary holds a fist out and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. They then proceed to punch each other's fists in an energetic fist bump. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary holds a fist out and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. They then proceed to punch each other's fists in an energetic fist bump. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
| es = El mercenario saca el puño y espera indefinidamente a que otro jugador se acerque y haga la burla frente a él. Si algún otro jugador lo hace ambos chocarán sus puños enérgicamente. Si se vuelve a ejecutar la burla durante el tiempo de espera, antes de que venga otro jugador, se cancelará.
  | pt-br = O mercenário mantém um punho fechado e espera que outro jogador provoque na sua frente. Eles então socam os punhos um do outro em um energético "fist bump". Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite a provocação encerra a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário mantém um punho fechado e espera que outro jogador provoque na sua frente. Eles então socam os punhos um do outro em um energético "fist bump". Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite a provocação encerra a provocação.
Line 505: Line 536:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary crouches and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. The initiator then helps the receiver perform a backflip. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt. The Heavy tosses others with a single finger, while all other classes use both hands; he also fails the backflip, landing on the back of his head instead.
  | en = The mercenary crouches and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. The initiator then helps the receiver perform a backflip. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt. The Heavy tosses others with a single finger, while all other classes use both hands; he also fails the backflip, landing on the back of his head instead.
| es = El mercenario se agacha y espera indefinidamente a que otro jugador se acerque y haga la burla frente a él. Si algún otro jugador lo hace, este ayudará al otro jugador a hacer un mortal hacia atrás. Si se vuelve a ejecutar la burla durante el tiempo de espera, antes de que venga otro jugador, se cancelará.
  | pt-br = O mercenário se agacha e espera que outro jogador provoque na sua frente. O iniciador então ajuda o receptor a fazer uma cambalhota para trás. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerrará a provocação. Cada classe realiza essa provocação de forma diferente. O Heavy joga os outros com um só dedo, enquanto todas as outras classes usam as duas mãos; ele também não consegue fazer a cambalhota, aterrissando na própria nuca.
  | pt-br = O mercenário se agacha e espera que outro jogador provoque na sua frente. O iniciador então ajuda o receptor a fazer uma cambalhota para trás. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerrará a provocação. Cada classe realiza essa provocação de forma diferente. O Heavy joga os outros com um só dedo, enquanto todas as outras classes usam as duas mãos; ele também não consegue fazer a cambalhota, aterrissando na própria nuca.
Line 511: Line 543:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary holds one hand up and waits for another player to taunt in front of them. They high five (as the name suggests) and express each other's enthusiasm to slap hands. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt. The Pyro has two ending animations for this taunt.
  | en = The mercenary holds one hand up and waits for another player to taunt in front of them. They high five (as the name suggests) and express each other's enthusiasm to slap hands. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt. The Pyro has two ending animations for this taunt.
| es = El mercenario levanta una mano y espera indefinidamente a que otro jugador se acerque y haga la burla frente a él. Si algún otro jugador lo hace, estos chocarán las cinco y expresarán entusiamos tras el impacto. Si se vuelve a ejecutar la burla durante el tiempo de espera, antes de que venga otro jugador, se cancelará.
  | pt-br = O mercenário levanta uma das mãos e espera que outro jogador provoque na sua frente. Os jogadores fazem um "toca aqui" (como sugere o nome) e expressam entusiasmo por bater as mãos. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerra a provocação. Pyro possui duas animações de encerramento para esta provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário levanta uma das mãos e espera que outro jogador provoque na sua frente. Os jogadores fazem um "toca aqui" (como sugere o nome) e expressam entusiasmo por bater as mãos. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerra a provocação. Pyro possui duas animações de encerramento para esta provocação.
Line 517: Line 550:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary performs their interpretation of a [[w:russian folk dances|Russian dance]]. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player can move around slowly while dancing, or stay in place. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary performs their interpretation of a [[w:russian folk dances|Russian dance]]. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player can move around slowly while dancing, or stay in place. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
| es = El mercenario realiza su interpretación de la [[w:es:Danza folclórica rusa|danza folclórica rusa]]. Los demás jugadores pueden unirse al baile usando la burla junto a un jugador que ya esté bailando. El jugador puede moverse lentamente hacia delante, bailar en el sitio o torcer a izquierda y derecha. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário executa a sua interpretação de uma dança russa. Outros jogadores serão capazes de se juntar à dança ao executar a provocação perto de um jogador que esteja dançando. O jogador pode se mover lentamente enquanto dança ou ficar no lugar. Provocar outra vez ou saltar termina a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário executa a sua interpretação de uma dança russa. Outros jogadores serão capazes de se juntar à dança ao executar a provocação perto de um jogador que esteja dançando. O jogador pode se mover lentamente enquanto dança ou ficar no lugar. Provocar outra vez ou saltar termina a provocação.
Line 523: Line 557:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary starts with a variety of arm lunges and flairs, before starting a looping aerobics dance. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player can move around slowly while dancing, or stay in place. Pressing primary or alt-fire (default keys: {{key|MOUSE1}} and {{key|MOUSE2}} respectively) causes the mercenary to perform some dance actions, each class having different animations (alt-fire) or a shared animation (primary fire). Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary starts with a variety of arm lunges and flairs, before starting a looping aerobics dance. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player can move around slowly while dancing, or stay in place. Pressing primary or alt-fire (default keys: {{key|MOUSE1}} and {{key|MOUSE2}} respectively) causes the mercenary to perform some dance actions, each class having different animations (alt-fire) or a shared animation (primary fire). Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
| es = El mercenario empieza con una serie de movimientos de aeróbic distintos para cada clase e inicia un baile deportivo en bucle. Los demás jugadores pueden unirse a la clase de aeróbic usando la burla junto a un jugador que ya esté bailando. El jugador puede moverse lentamente hacia delante o bailar en el sitio. Pulsando los botones del ratón {{key|CLIC IZQ.}} o {{key|CLIC DER.}} el mercenario realizará distintas acciones de baile, que además variarán según la clase. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário começa com uma variedade de movimentos aeróbicos diferentes para cada classe, antes de iniciar uma dança de aeróbica em repetição. Outros jogadores serão capazes de se juntar à dança ao executar a provocação perto de um jogador que esteja dançando. O jogador pode se mover lentamente enquanto dança ou ficar no lugar. Pressionar disparo primário ou alt (teclas padrões: {{key|MOUSE1}} e {{key|MOUSE2}}, respectivamente) faz com que o jogador execute diferentes ações de dança, dependendo de sua classe atual. Provocar de novo ou saltar termina a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário começa com uma variedade de movimentos aeróbicos diferentes para cada classe, antes de iniciar uma dança de aeróbica em repetição. Outros jogadores serão capazes de se juntar à dança ao executar a provocação perto de um jogador que esteja dançando. O jogador pode se mover lentamente enquanto dança ou ficar no lugar. Pressionar disparo primário ou alt (teclas padrões: {{key|MOUSE1}} e {{key|MOUSE2}}, respectivamente) faz com que o jogador execute diferentes ações de dança, dependendo de sua classe atual. Provocar de novo ou saltar termina a provocação.
Line 529: Line 564:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary puts forth a challenge to a game of rock, paper, scissors. When another player taunts in front of the initiator, the two will then play against each other, with a random outcome. If the players are on opposing teams, the loser explodes. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts will end the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary puts forth a challenge to a game of rock, paper, scissors. When another player taunts in front of the initiator, the two will then play against each other, with a random outcome. If the players are on opposing teams, the loser explodes. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts will end the taunt.
| es = El mercenario se prepara para una partida de piedra, papel, tijeras. Cuando otro jugador hace la burla frente al jugador que está esperando, ambos librarán un duelo con un resultado aleatorio. Si los jugadores son de equipos opuestos, el que pierda explota. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário desafia qualquer um a uma partida de pedra, papel e tesoura. Quando outro jogador provoca na frente do desafiador, eles então jogarão um contra o outro, com resultado aleatório. Se os jogadores forem de equipes adversárias, o perdedor explode. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerrará a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário desafia qualquer um a uma partida de pedra, papel e tesoura. Quando outro jogador provoca na frente do desafiador, eles então jogarão um contra o outro, com resultado aleatório. Se os jogadores forem de equipes adversárias, o perdedor explode. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerrará a provocação.
Line 535: Line 571:
| rowspan="2" align="center" | {{lang
| rowspan="2" align="center" | {{lang
  | en = Variable
  | en = Variable
| es = Variable
  | pt-br = Variável
  | pt-br = Variável
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary laughs at the demise and utter failure of their opponent(s).
  | en = The mercenary laughs at the demise and utter failure of their opponent(s).
| es = El mercenario ríe jocosamente de la desgracia del adversario.
  | pt-br = O mercenário ri do destino e do total fracasso de seu(s) adversário(s).
  | pt-br = O mercenário ri do destino e do total fracasso de seu(s) adversário(s).
Line 545: Line 583:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary takes out a cheap 99¢ staff and attempts to cast a [[magic spell]]. The staff fails at casting anything but green sparks; the mercenary then breaks, throws, or puts the staff away.
  | en = The mercenary takes out a cheap 99¢ staff and attempts to cast a [[magic spell]]. The staff fails at casting anything but green sparks; the mercenary then breaks, throws, or puts the staff away.
| es = El mercenario saca un bastón con una etiqueta que indica el precio de 99 céntimos e intenta hacer un [[magic spell/es|hechizo]]. El bastón solo hace chispas verdes y el mercenario lo guarda, rompe o tira.
  | pt-br = O mercenário pega um cajado barato de 99¢ e tenta lançar um [[Magic spells/pt-br|feitiço]]. O cajado falha em lançar qualquer coisa além de faíscas verdes; o mecenário então quebra, arremessa ou guarda o cajado.
  | pt-br = O mercenário pega um cajado barato de 99¢ e tenta lançar um [[Magic spells/pt-br|feitiço]]. O cajado falha em lançar qualquer coisa além de faíscas verdes; o mecenário então quebra, arremessa ou guarda o cajado.
Line 551: Line 590:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = 4 seconds
  | en = 4 seconds
| es = 4 segundos
  | pt-br = 4 segundos
  | pt-br = 4 segundos
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary summons an electric guitar and plays a wicked rock solo on it as fireworks and lights spout from behind them. The final note causes a lightning strike and an accompanying wave of sound.
  | en = The mercenary summons an electric guitar and plays a wicked rock solo on it as fireworks and lights spout from behind them. The final note causes a lightning strike and an accompanying wave of sound.
| es = El mercenario hace aparecer una guitarra eléctrica y toca un solo de rock mientras salen luces y fuegos artificiales tras él. La nota final tocada hace que caiga un rayo acompañando al sonido.
  | pt-br = O mercenário saca uma guitarra e toca um solo irado enquanto fogos de artifício e raios saem de detrás dele. A última nota é acompanhada de um raio e uma onda de choque sonora.
  | pt-br = O mercenário saca uma guitarra e toca um solo irado enquanto fogos de artifício e raios saem de detrás dele. A última nota é acompanhada de um raio e uma onda de choque sonora.
Line 566: Line 607:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary taps their head or helmet while waiting for another player to taunt in front of them, at which point the two bash their heads together. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary taps their head or helmet while waiting for another player to taunt in front of them, at which point the two bash their heads together. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
| es = El mercnario toca su cabeza o casco mientras espera a otro jugador que haga la burla frente a él, en ese momento ambos chocarán sus cabezas. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário toca na sua cabeça ou no seu capacete e espera até que outro jogador provoque na sua frente, momento no qual os dois baterão com a cabeça. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerra a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário toca na sua cabeça ou no seu capacete e espera até que outro jogador provoque na sua frente, momento no qual os dois baterão com a cabeça. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerra a provocação.
Line 572: Line 614:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary invites people to dance with them. If another player taunts in front of them, the two perform a [[w:Square dance|square dance]] while folk music is played. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary invites people to dance with them. If another player taunts in front of them, the two perform a [[w:Square dance|square dance]] while folk music is played. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
| es = El mercenario invita que la gente baile con él. Si otro jugador hace la burla frente a él harán el [[w:es:Square dance|square dance]] mientras suena música folclórica. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário convida as pessoas para dançarem com ele. Se outro jogador provocar na frente dele, os dois dançam [[w:pt:Quadrilha (dança)|quadrilha]] ao som de música de festa junina. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerra a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário convida as pessoas para dançarem com ele. Se outro jogador provocar na frente dele, os dois dançam [[w:pt:Quadrilha (dança)|quadrilha]] ao som de música de festa junina. Provocar novamente ou pular antes que outro jogador aceite encerra a provocação.
Line 578: Line 621:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary player jumps into a bumper car similar to the ones seen at the [[Carnival of Carnage]]. The player can move around slowly while driving. Pressing primary fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE1}}) causes the mercenary to honk the horn of the bumper car. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
  | en = The mercenary player jumps into a bumper car similar to the ones seen at the [[Carnival of Carnage]]. The player can move around slowly while driving. Pressing primary fire (default key: {{key|MOUSE1}}) causes the mercenary to honk the horn of the bumper car. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
| es = El mercenario salta y se monta en un coche de choque similar a los de [[Carnival of Carnage/es|Carnival of Carnage]]. El jugador puede moverse lentamente mientras conduce y girar hacia los lados. Con clic izquierdo puede tocar el claxon. Volver a pulsar la tecla de burla o saltar hará que esta se detenga.
  | pt-br = O mercenário pula para dentro de um carrinho de bate-bate similar aos vistos em [[Carnival of Carnage/pt-br|Carnival of Carnage]]. O jogador pode mover-se lentamente ao dirigir. Pressionar disparo primário (padrão: {{key|MOUSE1}}) fará com que o mercenário toque a buzina do carrinho. Provocar novamente ou saltar termina a provocação.
  | pt-br = O mercenário pula para dentro de um carrinho de bate-bate similar aos vistos em [[Carnival of Carnage/pt-br|Carnival of Carnage]]. O jogador pode mover-se lentamente ao dirigir. Pressionar disparo primário (padrão: {{key|MOUSE1}}) fará com que o mercenário toque a buzina do carrinho. Provocar novamente ou saltar termina a provocação.
Line 584: Line 628:
| align="center" | {{lang
| align="center" | {{lang
  | en = Variable
  | en = Variable
| es = Variable
  | pt-br = Variável
  | pt-br = Variável
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = A wooden cutout with moving arms of a yeti appears roaring in front of the mercenary, which they destroy (or, in the [[Scout]]'s case, attempt to), each class with a different technique. The cutout always explodes, regardless of how the mercenary hits it.
  | en = A wooden cutout with moving arms of a yeti appears roaring in front of the mercenary, which they destroy (or, in the [[Scout]]'s case, attempt to), each class with a different technique. The cutout always explodes, regardless of how the mercenary hits it.
| es = Aparece un yeti de madera articulado y sonido de rugido frente al mercenario, que acaba siendo destruido (excepto en el caso del [[Scout/es|Scout]]), con una técnica distinta por cada clase.
  | pt-br = Um "boneco" de madeira (semelhante aos alvos usados no Modo de Treinamento) com braços articulados de um yeti surge rosnando em frente ao mercenário, que o golpeia e destrói (ou tenta, no caso do Scout), cada classe com uma técnica diferente. O "boneco" sempre explode, independente de como o mercenário o acertou.
  | pt-br = Um "boneco" de madeira (semelhante aos alvos usados no Modo de Treinamento) com braços articulados de um yeti surge rosnando em frente ao mercenário, que o golpeia e destrói (ou tenta, no caso do Scout), cada classe com uma técnica diferente. O "boneco" sempre explode, independente de como o mercenário o acertou.
Line 598: Line 644:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The mercenary turns into a yeti. They roar while beating their chest and then slam the ground with their fist, turning back the moment their hand makes contact with the floor. Each class reacts to the transformation differently. Along with the transformation there is also a snowflake particle effect very similar to the one played when activating a [[Noise Maker#Australian Christmas 2011|Noise Maker - Winter Holiday]].
  | en = The mercenary turns into a yeti. They roar while beating their chest and then slam the ground with their fist, turning back the moment their hand makes contact with the floor. Each class reacts to the transformation differently. Along with the transformation there is also a snowflake particle effect very similar to the one played when activating a [[Noise Maker#Australian Christmas 2011|Noise Maker - Winter Holiday]].
| es = El mercenario se convierte en un yeti. Ruge, se golpea el pecho y golpea el suelo con sus puños, volviendo a su estado original tras golpear el suelo. Cada clase reacciona de forma distinta a la transformación. Junto a la transformación aparecen partículas de efecto de copos de nieve, similar al [[Noise Maker/es#Navidad Australiana 2011|Generador de Ruidos - Invierno]].
  | pt-br = O mercenário se transforma em um yeti. Ele rosna enquanto bate no peito, golpeando o chão com a mão fechada em punho em seguida, voltando ao normal assim que a mão encosta no chão. Cada classe reage à transformação de maneira diferente. Durante as transformações há um efeito de partícula de flocos de neve muito parecido com o usado pelo [[Noise Maker/pt-br#Natal Australiano de 2011|Brinquedo Barulhento - Festas de Fim de Ano]].
  | pt-br = O mercenário se transforma em um yeti. Ele rosna enquanto bate no peito, golpeando o chão com a mão fechada em punho em seguida, voltando ao normal assim que a mão encosta no chão. Cada classe reage à transformação de maneira diferente. Durante as transformações há um efeito de partícula de flocos de neve muito parecido com o usado pelo [[Noise Maker/pt-br#Natal Australiano de 2011|Brinquedo Barulhento - Festas de Fim de Ano]].
Line 609: Line 656:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = The player summons a broom and rides it around like a witch. Taunting again makes the mercenary hop off the broom.
  | en = The player summons a broom and rides it around like a witch. Taunting again makes the mercenary hop off the broom.
| es = El jugador hace aparecer una escoba y monta en ella como si fuese una bruja. Si se vuelve a hacer la burla se bajará de la escoba.
  | pt-br = O mercenário saca uma vassoura voadora e monta nela igual a uma bruxa, podendo se movimentar lentamente em qualquer direção. Provocar novamente faz o mercenário desmontar da vassoura.
  | pt-br = O mercenário saca uma vassoura voadora e monta nela igual a uma bruxa, podendo se movimentar lentamente em qualquer direção. Provocar novamente faz o mercenário desmontar da vassoura.
{{translation switching|en, pt-br}}
{{translation switching|en, es, pt-br}}

Revision as of 22:31, 14 April 2021

Class Taunt Duration Details
Battin' A Thousand
Battin' a Thousand
5 seconds The Scout does a "Kung Fu" flourish, spinning his melee weapon around and saying a voice line while phasing effects similar to those made by ingesting Bonk! Atomic Punch surround him. He then throws it in the air, and flips it on his right hand while yawning.
Boston Boarder
Boston Boarder
As long as the taunt is held The Scout takes out a skateboard and rides it while continuously moving forward. He sometimes does the shaka sign and looks around before kicking the ground again to keep moving. The player can steer left or right during the taunt. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Scout do a kickflip, while pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) makes him perform a backside 360. When the player ends the taunt, the Scout will get off the skateboard and put it away.
Boston Breakdance
Boston Breakdance
4 seconds The Scout does a spinning breakdance on his head while music from the Boston Boom-Bringer plays. At the end, the Scout hops briskly onto his feet and shrugs.
As long as the taunt is held The Scout takes out a pogo stick and starts bouncing with it. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) causes the Scout to do a back flip, while pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) causes him to jump in the air and spin the pogo stick. When the player ends the taunt, the Scout dismounts from the pogo stick and throws it forward. The Scout can freely move during the taunt, albeit slower than usual.
The Scout does the Carlton Dance, swinging his arms and swaying his hips from left to right while saying a voiceline.
Deep Fried Desire
Deep Fried Desire
4 seconds The Scout takes out a bucket of fried chicken, selects a piece, says a quote while taking a bite, and then throws both the chicken and bucket away, similar to the Training Scene seen in Expiration Date.
Runner's Rhythm
Runner's Rhythm
As long as the taunt is held The Scout takes out a pair of bongo drums, sits on the floor, and starts to play a beat. When the player cancels the taunt, the Scout stands up as they disappear.
Scooty Scoot
Scooty Scoot
The Scout jumps while doing a spin with a tiny scooter, lands on it, and drives it. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Scout perform a wheelie. When the player ends the taunt, the Scout jumps off the scooter and tosses it back between his legs. The Scout continuously moves forward during the taunt and the player can turn left or right.
The Scout takes out a sign reading "THIS WAY!" and proceeds to spin it, occasionally spinning it around himself. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Scout point the sign to his right and tell his teammates to go left, while pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) points the sign to his left while saying to go right. Ending the taunt will cause the Scout to throw the sign to the ground.
Trackman's Touchdown
Trackman's Touchdown
5 seconds The Scout grabs a football, does a forward summersault, and throws it against the ground. He then does a victory dance and finishes by pointing to himself with his thumbs.
Fresh Brewed Victory
Fresh Brewed Victory
5 seconds The Soldier pulls out a mug and puts a foot on a bag of coffee beans. He then says a quote, gestures, and takes a victorious swig from his mug before sighing, satisfied.
Fubar Fanfare
Fubar Fanfare
The Soldier will pull out a trombone and play four low notes of failure (D, D♭, C, B). The trombone's balancer is depicted with the Team Fortress logo.
Panzer Pants
Panzer Pants
As long as the taunt is held The Soldier stands at attention, then a small tank pops from the ground below him (similar to a M4 Sherman Tank), which he gets in and drives, head and shoulders peeking out. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes him fire a shot, which is a purely cosmetic effect. When the player ends the taunt, the tank explodes and the Soldier jumps off with a backflip. The Soldier continuously moves forward during the taunt and the player can turn left or right.
Rocket Jockey
Rocket Jockey
The Soldier jumps onto and rides a rocket that launches from behind him while doing a cowboy gesture, which he occasionally repeats. He will continuously move forward while riding the rocket. Ending the taunt has the Soldier jump off the rocket as it flies away.
Soldier's Requiem
Soldier's Requiem
4 seconds The Soldier places down a gravestone while getting down on his knee, says a quote, and salutes while the gravestone falls down and disappears.
As long as the taunt is held The Pyro brings out and rides a spring-mounted Balloonicorn with some voice lines of amusement. When the player ends the taunt, the Pyro hops off and the Balloonicorn disappears.
5 seconds The Pyro pulls out a serving platter with a lid, which they take off and drop in a vigorous manner to reveal a decapitated head of a Heavy. The Pyro then proceeds to smell test and follow up with a Classic "chef kiss" movement; meanwhile, the head slides off the platter, and falls to the floor.
Party Trick
Party Trick
7 seconds The Pyro takes out a long balloon, ties it into a Balloonicorn in a way similar to a clown, sets it ablaze with a lighter, and then claps and laughs as the Balloonicorn does some aerial flips while burning. With Pyrovision equipped, the Balloonicorn flies around trailing rainbows instead.
Pool Party
Pool Party
As long as the taunt is held The Pyro inflates a small team-colored kiddie pool containing a yellow rubber ducky. The Pyro then pours a container of gasoline into the pool, sits down in the pool's center, and pushes the rubber ducky back and forth. The taunt continues until canceled by the player, in which case the Pyro exits the pool and destroys it in a puff of smoke by dropping a cigarette lighter into the center, or upon being hit by an enemy.
Scorcher's Solo
Scorcher's Solo
A small toy piano appears in front of the Pyro, who sits on the ground and plays it. When the taunt ends, the Pyro stops and stands back up while the toy piano disappears into the ground.
Skating Scorcher
Skating Scorcher
Ice skates materialize on the Pyro's feet. The Pyro then performs a twirl and begins to continuously skate forward. The player can move left and right during the taunt, as well as perform pirouettes by pressing primary and alt fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2 respectively). When the player ends the taunt, the Pyro hops with a spin, lands on a pose, and the ice skates vanish. When starting and ending the taunt, the Pyro emits the same sound and particle effects as the Noise Maker - Winter Holiday.
Bad Pipes
Bad Pipes
12 seconds The Demoman takes out a pair of Bagpipes and proceeds to dance and play them extremely poorly. He then puts the bagpipes away while applauding his own skill with a quote.
4 seconds The Demoman takes out a crate of lime-flavored beer bottles, holds one of them up, and cheers wildly (progressively getting softer with each cheer), exactly as seen in Expiration Date.
Pooped Deck
Pooped Deck
As long as the taunt is held The Demoman falls backwards into a folding chair that appears behind him, takes out and uncorks a flask with his teeth, and drinks from it while intermittently spouting drunken gibberish. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) makes the Demoman burp, while pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) makes him lean back on the chair before jolting back up. When the player ends the taunt, the Demoman throws the flask to the ground and gets up as the chair disappears.
Scotsmann's Stagger
Scotsmann's Stagger
The Demoman walks with an unsteady gait with a bottle of beer in a paper bag in his hand. He will occasionally drink from the bottle, trip, and compose himself while uttering drunk gibberish. The player will keep moving forward even if no buttons are pressed, and can turn to the left or right. Taunting again or jumping will end the taunt.
Spent Well Spirits
Spent Well Spirits
10 seconds The Demoman bites the top off of a grenade, pours a bottle of cider and some of the grenade's gunpowder into his mouth, and breathes out the mixture over a lighter, which creates a small mushroom cloud inches in front of the Demoman's face; he will celebrate the results by closing his hand into a fist and saying a line.
Boiling Point
Boiling Point
As long as the taunt is held A table full with an assortment of food appears in front of the Heavy while he rubs his hands and stares at the spread gleefully. Taunting again ends the taunt, causing the Heavy to flip the table, which flings a steak from the Joule sous-vide cooker on the table straight into his mouth.
Proletariat Posedown
Proletariat Posedown
7 seconds The Heavy performs 4 different flexing poses and shouts each time he flexes his muscles.
Russian Arms Race
Russian Arms Race
As long as the taunt is held The Heavy does one armed push-ups.
Soviet Strongarm
Soviet Strongarm
The Heavy pulls out two large dumbbells and begins doing a 'cross body hammer curl' exercise. After a certain time has passed the Heavy re-adjusts his shoulders and begins again. When the player ends the taunt, the Heavy stretches out his arms and drops the dumbbells on the ground.
Table Tantrum
Table Tantrum
A table full with an assortment of food will appear in front of the Heavy while he rubs his hands and stares at the spread gleefully. Taunting again will end the taunt, causing the Heavy to flip the table, which flings a steak from a pot on the table straight into his mouth.
Bucking Bronco
Bucking Bronco
As long as the taunt is held The Engineer summons a mechanical bull, which he mounts and rides wildly while hanging on for dear life.
Dueling Banjo
Dueling Banjo
A haystack appears behind the Engineer while he pulls out a banjo; he then sits down and begins playing. Pressing alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) increases the tempo at which the Engineer plays, and smoke rises from his hands. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1 returns the taunt to its original tempo. When the player ends the taunt, the Engineer places the banjo next to the haystack and gets up, after which the props disappear behind him.
Jumping Jack
Jumping Jack
The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides around on it as if it was a pogo stick. When ending the taunt, the Engineer jumps off it and puts it back in his tool pocket. While riding, the jackhammer makes a loud noise and creates a smoke trail. The Engineer can freely move during the taunt, albeit slower than usual.
Rancho Relaxo
Rancho Relaxo
The Engineer drops his toolbox (similarly to constructing a building), which unfolds into a reclining lawn chair, complete with a parasol and bottles of beer. He lies back in the chair and drinks from one of the bottles, occasionally burping as well as saying some quotes. Taunting again or jumping folds up the chair (to the Engineer's surprise) and ends the taunt.
Texas Truckin'
Texas Truckin'
A miniature farm truck appears from the ground, which the Engineer steps onto and begins to drive, giving an occasional salute while looking around. When the player ends the taunt, the Engineer hops off as the truck goes back into the ground.
Meet the Medic (taunt)
Meet the Medic
5 seconds The Medic strikes a pose and glows as doves fly around him while a heavenly choir sings and "opera" music plays in the background (similarly to several instances in Meet The Medic).
Results Are In
Results Are In
The Medic takes out an X-ray chart showing the Heavy's skeleton with a bomb stuck in his ribs. He examines it, laughes, and gives his prognosis, then crumples it up and tosses it away.
Surgeon's Squeezebox
Surgeon's Squeezebox
As long as the taunt is held The Medic brings out an accordion and plays while dancing in place laughing and cheering.
Time Out Therapy
Time Out Therapy
The Medic takes out a mug and a clipboard as a medical reclining chair appears from the ground. He sits on the chair, pulls a lever to adjust it, and proceeds to read the paper on the clipboard, occasionally chuckling and taking sips from the mug. When the player ends the taunt, the Medic gets up, letting the clipboard and mug fall on the ground, while the chair goes back into the ground.
As long as the taunt is held The Sniper pulls out a didgeridoo with a spin, then sits down and plays it. When the player ends the taunt, he stands up and puts the didgeridoo away.
I See You
I See You
3 seconds The Sniper brings two fingers to his eyes, then points ahead in an intimidating manner while saying a quote.
Killer Solo
Killer Solo
The Sniper pulls out a saxophone and plays several tunes from Seduce Me! while pumping his hips.
Most Wanted
Most Wanted
4 seconds The Sniper pulls out a notepad and marker, crosses a name off, and laughs before putting the notepad away.
Box Trot
Box Trot
As long as the taunt is held The Spy hides inside a cardboard box. The player can freely crawl around while hidden. When the player ends the taunt, the Spy stands up and throws the box away.
Buy A Life
Buy A Life
5 seconds The Spy takes a stack of dollar bills with Saxton Hale's face on them, counts a few, tosses out an insult, and makes it "rain money" in front of him.
Disco Fever
Disco Fever
8 seconds The Spy performs a series of disco moves while groovy music plays, saying some voice lines along the way.
Luxury Lounge
Luxury Lounge
As long as the taunt is held A chair appears behind the Spy. He sits on it before pulling out a white glass and a book in each separate hand. When the player ends the taunt, the Spy casually throws the glass and book away before getting up from the chair, which falls back and disappears.
Variable A bread monster pops out of the mercenary's chest, then shortly retracts back inside. Each class has a different reaction to the creature's appearance.
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary starts dancing conga while slowly walking forward. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player cannot stop walking forward, but can turn with the keys used to strafe left and right. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
Director's Vision
Director's Vision
5 seconds The mercenary puts their hands and arms out in front of them to form a square with their fingers, as if trying to visualize the scene in front of them in a picture or a screen, similarly to the Meet the Director comic. The Pyro has two variations for this taunt.


Fist Bump
Fist Bump
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary holds a fist out and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. They then proceed to punch each other's fists in an energetic fist bump. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
Flippin' Awesome
Flippin' Awesome
The mercenary crouches and waits indefinitely for a player to taunt in front of them. The initiator then helps the receiver perform a backflip. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt. The Heavy tosses others with a single finger, while all other classes use both hands; he also fails the backflip, landing on the back of his head instead.
High Five!
High Five!
The mercenary holds one hand up and waits for another player to taunt in front of them. They high five (as the name suggests) and express each other's enthusiasm to slap hands. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt. The Pyro has two ending animations for this taunt.
Kazotsky Kick
Kazotsky Kick
The mercenary performs their interpretation of a Russian dance. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player can move around slowly while dancing, or stay in place. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
The mercenary starts with a variety of arm lunges and flairs, before starting a looping aerobics dance. Other players are able to join in by taunting near a dancing player. The player can move around slowly while dancing, or stay in place. Pressing primary or alt-fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2 respectively) causes the mercenary to perform some dance actions, each class having different animations (alt-fire) or a shared animation (primary fire). Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, Paper, Scissors
The mercenary puts forth a challenge to a game of rock, paper, scissors. When another player taunts in front of the initiator, the two will then play against each other, with a random outcome. If the players are on opposing teams, the loser explodes. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts will end the taunt.
Variable The mercenary laughs at the demise and utter failure of their opponent(s).
Second Rate Sorcery
Second Rate Sorcery
The mercenary takes out a cheap 99¢ staff and attempts to cast a magic spell. The staff fails at casting anything but green sparks; the mercenary then breaks, throws, or puts the staff away.
Shred Alert
Shred Alert
4 seconds The mercenary summons an electric guitar and plays a wicked rock solo on it as fireworks and lights spout from behind them. The final note causes a lightning strike and an accompanying wave of sound.
As long as the taunt is held The mercenary taps their head or helmet while waiting for another player to taunt in front of them, at which point the two bash their heads together. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
Square Dance
Square Dance
The mercenary invites people to dance with them. If another player taunts in front of them, the two perform a square dance while folk music is played. Taunting again or jumping before another player accepts ends the taunt.
Victory Lap
Victory Lap
The mercenary player jumps into a bumper car similar to the ones seen at the Carnival of Carnage. The player can move around slowly while driving. Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) causes the mercenary to honk the horn of the bumper car. Taunting again or jumping ends the taunt.
Yeti Punch
Yeti Punch
Variable A wooden cutout with moving arms of a yeti appears roaring in front of the mercenary, which they destroy (or, in the Scout's case, attempt to), each class with a different technique. The cutout always explodes, regardless of how the mercenary hits it.
Yeti Smash
Yeti Smash
5 seconds The mercenary turns into a yeti. They roar while beating their chest and then slam the ground with their fist, turning back the moment their hand makes contact with the floor. Each class reacts to the transformation differently. Along with the transformation there is also a snowflake particle effect very similar to the one played when activating a Noise Maker - Winter Holiday.
Zoomin' Broom
Zoomin' Broom
As long as the taunt is held The player summons a broom and rides it around like a witch. Taunting again makes the mercenary hop off the broom.