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:Sinonimo dei [[Intelligence/it|Segreti]] nella modalità [[Game_Modes/it#Cattura_la_bandiera|cattura la bandiera]].
:Sinonimo dei [[Intelligence/it|Segreti]] nella modalità [[Game Modes/it#Cattura la bandiera|cattura la bandiera]].

Revision as of 15:00, 10 November 2011

Un buon numero di termini non ufficiali è in uso nel gioco. Questo glossario dei termini dei giocatori elenca molti tra i tanti termini comuni che il giocatore potrebbe incontrare:

Terminologia generale


Acronimo per "Away From Keyboard" ("Via Dalla Tastiera"). È usato per riferirsi al momento in cui un giocatore rimane fermo per troppo tempo, che solitamente farà sì che il giocatore venga kickato o spostato tra gli Spettatori..
Aerial/Air shot/Airshot
Il colpire o uccidere un nemico a mezz'aria, di solito risultato di un juggle.
L'atto di uccidere un nemico arrivando da dietro di lui (solitamente da un punto alto e pugnalarlo alle spalle come Spia.
Termine usato per indicare l'abilità del Piro di usare il colpo d'aria compressa.
Usato anche in modo derisorio riferendosi ad Offblast, mappa nella quale il potenziale di uccisione del colpo d'aria compressa è più alto del normale.
Axtinguish/Axtinguishare (poco usato in Italiano)
Un termine colloquiale che descrive il colpo critico che avviene quando un nemico in fiamme viene colpito dall'Estintascia.


Backcappare/Fare backcapping
Vedi back-capping.
Battle Medic/Rambo Medic
Un Medico che preferisce uccidere i nemici piuttosto che curare i compagni, molto spesso facendo uso della Blutsauger. I Battle Medic che non uniscono il combattimento alla cura dei compagni, o che sono inutili per la squadra, sono poco presi in considerazione dai compagni, dato che solitamente si aspetta che i Medici facciano il loro lavoro come classe di supporto.
Backstabbare/Fare un backstab
L'atto della Spia di pugnalare alle spalle, termine usato dagli inglesi.
Un colpo di un Cecchino che uccide un giocatore colpendolo al corpo con il fucile. A volte un giocatore potrebbe scegliere di proposito di fare un bodyshot perché è più facile farlo rispetto al colpo alla testa. Spesso il bodyshot è usato come un termine negativo dai giocatori esperti, dato che richiede meno abilità di un colpo alla testa.
Un Cecchino che spara ripetutamente al corpo per irritare il nemico.
Termine usato per il Tranquillante di Sydney (poco usato nella lunga italiana), dato che i colpi alla testa con quest'arma non fanno colpi critici.
Sinonimo del carrello nelle mappe Carico.
Acronimo per "Be Right Back" ("Torno Fra Poco").
Bushwackare/Fare bushwhacking (poco usato in italiano)
Termine usato per indicare l'uccisione di un nemico rivestito di Giarate col Bushwacka.


Camping/Spawn camping
Vedi Camping.
Carpets/Sticky carpets
Large groups of Stickybombs that render certain areas impassable until dealt with.
Catturare il punto di controllo successivo appeno dopo che il punto precedente è stato catturato.
Circle strafe/Fare circle strafing
Vedi circle strafe.
Si riferisce ad un oggetto. Esso è clean se può essere scambiato. Vedi Scambio per ulteriori informazioni.
Punto di controllo, termine che deriva dall'abbreviazione inglese di "control point".
Abbraviazione di colpi critici.


Sinonimo di "disconnesso", a volte scritto "D/C".
Il Demolitore.
Un Demolitore che utilizza il Brocchiere da Carica o la Barriera Splendida insieme ad un'arma corpo a corpo, solitamente l'Eyelander, lo Spadaccino Mancato, il Persuasore Persiano, il Tagliateschi dello Scozzese od il Decapitatore del Cavaliere Senza Testa e Senza Cavallo.
Un Demolitore che utilizza la Padella insieme al Cappello del Cacciatore, al Brocchiere da Carica ed al Pericolesco, Pure?, riferito a un meme popolare della community.
Acronimo per il Colpo Diretto del Soldato, dall'inglese "Direct Hit".
Una modalità di gioco non ufficiale dove l'obiettivo principale è di uccidere più giocatori possibili. Usato anche per riferirsi alla modalità Arena.
Si riferisce ad un oggetto. Esso è dirty quando non può essere scambiato e richiede la Confezione Regalo per essere scambiato. Vedi Scambio per ulteriori informazioni.
Acronimo per il Cipollotto Letale della Spia, dall'inglese "Dead Ringer". In altri contesti può essere un segnale che indica ai compagni di squadra la presenza di una Spia che usa il Cipollotto Letale.
Un oggetto che è stato trovato da un giocatore per mezzo del sistema di rilascio oggetti.


Abbreviazione dell'Ingegnere, dall'inglese "Engineer".


Si riferisce ai giocatori nuovi che non sono ancora passati all'account Premium di Team Fortress.
Un attacco col coltello della Spia che viene registrato come pugnalata alle spalle nonostante fosse stato fatto da davanti a causa del meccanismo di compensazione del lag. Vedi anche pugnalata alle spalle: problemi.
Un attacco col coltello della Spia che viene registrato come colpo normale nonostante fosse stato fatto da dietro a causa del meccanismo di compensazione del lag.
Un termine dispregiativo per indicare l'arma dell'Esploratore sbloccabile, la Forza-Della-Natura, dall'inglese "Force-A-Nature", o il giocatore che la usa.
Acronimo per la Forza-Della-Natura dell'Esploratore, dall'inglese "Force-A-Nature".
Fare farming
L'atto di ottenere qualcosa più velocemente di quanto si fosse voluto. Si può riferire a:
  1. Ottenere i risultato in massa,
  2. Stare fermi o usare altri metodi per ottenere cappelli od armi con il sistema di rilascio oggetti in server specifici.
Sinonimo dei Segreti nella modalità cattura la bandiera.
Abbreviazione del Ven Taglio, dall'inglese "Fan O'War", rilasciato nello Shogun Pack.
Usato per indicare un'uccisione, soprattutto se la vittima è ridotta in pezzi; usato anche per indicare un video che contiene serie di uccisioni, per esempio "frag video".


Acronimo per i Guanti della Radicale Urgenza.
L'atto di infastidire gli altri giocatori per divertimento. Vedi Griefing.


A slang term used to reference the September 2, 2009 event where Valve penalized players who had been using Steamstats to idle. As a result, many servers (primarily those ran by people that didn't get halos) began opting "anti-halo" policies, even going so far as to use mods that changed the halo to form various insults targeting the wearer. The term is derived from the nickname for the halo that non-offending players received, placed in combination with a reference to the Holocaust.
Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the room in front of the primary resupply/spawn room for both teams. So named because it contains little more than hay.
Vedi colpo alla testa.
An abbreviation for the Horseless Headless Horsemann.
An abbreviation for the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker (sometimes seen as "UHHHH", noting the Unusual rarity of the item.)
Programs used to play music and other sounds via voice chat. Often used for mic spamming. Half Life D.J. (Disc Jockey) and Half Life Sound System respectively.
Slang term for Heavy, often used in a silly manner.
Terms used to describe players who use the Huntsman weapon unlock for the Sniper. Its 'lucky' qualities are attributed to the arrow's projectile hitbox and travel time over long distances.
An abbreviation for the Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect.


May refer to:
  1. Someone who is present on the server but is deliberately AFK for a long period of time to earn items via the item drop system,
  2. Someone who uses external idling programs or uses idling servers for the same purpose.
A kill which is inflicted in a single hit, such as out-of-bounds fall damage, being hit by a Train, or being caught in the Payload explosion.
Abbreviation for the Intelligence "flag" in Capture the Flag maps.


Juggling is the use of weapons to suspend enemies in the air.
See Juggling.


Term refers to the Half-Zatoichi, released with the Shogun Pack, which can be wielded by the Soldier and Demoman alike.
Acronym for "Kill-Death Ratio" or "Kill Assist Death Ratio". May be expressed as a ratio (27 Kills:7 Deaths) or a decimal number (1.75 KDR). Medics will often present their KDR as a ratio of assists to deaths, as kills are not usually accumulated in conventional Medic play.
Acronym for the Killing Gloves of Boxing.
Kitchen Warrior
A Soldier wearing the Stainless Pot with the Frying Pan equipped.
Knock back/Knockback
An effect from weapons that knock backs opponents.
See Knock back
Slang for the Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge, or being subjected to one.


The effect experienced by players who display erratic movement due to poor framerates or server connection.
See Lag compensation.
Acronym for "Looking For" indicating that a player is looking for a particular item or a clan/team.
To propose a relatively lower-valued offer when trading items.


Using a key bind, .cfg file (see scripting), or external program to automate an in-game process to make it faster or easier. While examples can be auto-rocket jump or auto re-disguise as Spy scripts, the term "macro" usually refers to the use of such scripts to quickly say a chat message without typing it. Can be useful for quick communication with the team, i.e. pressing 'b' states "Lets capture control point B".
Used to signal teammates that an enemy has been hit by the Fan O'War and is now receiving mini-crits.
The Red Heavy is marked!
When all of the pellets fired from spread weapons such as the Shotgun or Scattergun hit the target, thereby doing massive damage. The term was made famous by Daniel "carnagejohnson" Sturdivant.
A microphone, used for communication over voice chat.
A shortening of "middle control point". Used on 5 point Control Point maps.
Originally described as the act of repeatedly playing sounds, music, or generally abusing the game's voice chat feature, it has since grown to include all manner of sound playing, both positively and negatively. Third party software is often used to accomplish this, such as HLDJ. Micspam is generally considered griefing by many, and many servers follow strict policies against it. However, some servers, known as "Micspam Servers", welcome this, allowing players to entertain the server population and share their audio collections during regular play. Some positive aspects of micspam may involve:
  1. Playing various music for the server, such as Queen and Michael Jackson.
  2. Playing comedic scenes from TV shows, movies, standup acts, and more.
  3. Playing appropriate sound files on specific occasions for humorous effect, e.g. playing "Guile's Theme" when a team wins/loses.
While some negative uses of micspam include:
  1. Repeatedly playing the same audio file to intentionally cause annoyance
  2. Playing sounds that are high in bass/volume and can potentially damage other people's speakers
  3. Creating noise by singing, blowing into the microphone, or simply talking incessantly in order to disrupt others


Abbreviation of "grenades", referring to the projectiles fired from the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
A term used to describe a weapon or item that has been downgraded or had its capabilities reduced. Typically weapons are "nerfed" for gameplay balance reasons, i.e. the item is significantly overpowered or provides too great an advantage over other players. (antonym: buff)
Engineer Nest
The collectivized area of an Engineer and his buildings placed close together.
Colloquial of stealing something; generally a capture point or a typed response.
See also: "Back-capping."
A derogatory term used to imply that a player is new to the game and/or unskilled. "Noob" and its homophones are generally considered to be more offensive, denoting someone with a lack of skill attributable to a deeper level than simple inexperience. "Newb", however, may be used by an individual when describing themselves or as a non-offensive description of a new player who, although lacking experience, is willing to learn from more experienced players.


An Internet acronym expressing great shock and amazement. A combination of "Oh my god" (OMG) and "What the fuck" (WTF), two exclamations that are often said in tandem, with "Barbecue" (BBQ) added in order to make a set of three three-symbol acronyms. Also the name of a Pyro achievement that often results in a surprised exclamation from the victim of the Hadouken.
Acronym for "Over Powered", in reference to game balance.
A term applied to a player that has been defeated in an humiliating fashion.


Pimp Hat
Slang term for the Hustler's Hallmark hat for the Demoman
An alternate name for the projectiles fired by the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
Another alternative name for the projectiles fired by the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
Slang for the Sniper's Jarate unlock.
Slang for the Sniper's Sydney Sleeper unlock.
Slang for the final area in Badwater Basin. So called as the final approach that the bomb has to travel is descending into a large pit.
Most often used in conjunction with a class type, e.g. "Pocket Medic" or "Pocket Pyro", the term describes a player who is focusing support to a single other teammate. The term, often used in the context of "Pocketing", references the idea of taking the supporting player, putting them in a pocket, and carrying them around. Pocketing is often used as a negative term in public play because of the Pocket's tendency to ignore other players that may need healing, while it is considered a normal part of competitive play because of the smaller team sizes and the strategies that involve it.
(See: Roamer)
Slang for the Pyro's compression blast ability.
Poor and Irish
A description used for a player who does not own any hats, coined by the Gentle Manne of Leisure within a hidden update page.
Abbreviation for "public server", or alternatively someone who is not a part of a server's clan, but still plays on it.
A derogatory term for a player that frequents public servers as opposed to competitive ones.
Pub stomp
A practice in which multiple experienced or competitive players join a public server with the intention of winning in a spectacular fashion, often as a means of displaying dominance.
A variation on the 'Puff'n'Sting (see below), but with the follow up completed with the Flare Gun and not the Axtinguisher.
A technique whereby a Pyro lights an enemy on fire with the Flamethrower, uses the compression blast to shove them against a wall (the "puff"), and then switches to the Axtinguisher for the kill (the "sting"). This is especially powerful because of the guaranteed critical hit provided when the Axtinguisher is used on an enemy that is on fire. This technique is also commonly used with the Powerjack.
The prevalence of "W+M1" players led one canny player to take it to the next level by playing the game with a Steering Wheel Controller. Later dubbed "the Pyrocar", the term led to a viral video about it.


A slang originating from Warcraft 2 where 'alt'+'Q'+'Q' would quit the client, but is nowadays interpreted as a pair of crying eyes. Often used in a deriding manner, e.g. "QQ more".
See BarbeQueQ.


May refer to:
  1. The "Rage" meter a Soldier builds up when using the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror unlock.
  2. When a player becomes angry while playing (see Ragequit).
Slang for a player disconnecting from a server, presumably out of frustration, anger, or humiliation associated with a losing streak.
Rambo Medic
See Battle Medic.
Random Crits
Commonly used description to describe when the game has gifted a player a period of, or single critical hits. Used both as an acknowledgement and in frustration when a fight may be over somewhat prematurely ("Sorry, man! Random crits!")
Reflects / Reflect Kill / Reflecting
An alternative term for successful use of the Pyro's Compression Blast.
Spinning up the Heavy's Minigun using the alternate-fire button. May also refer to the delay experienced when the Minigun is spun up prior to shooting using the primary fire button.
RTD/Roll The Dice
An unofficial server plugin that allows players to "roll the dice" using a command. Upon rolling the dice, players are granted some form of benefit or handicap, such as unlimited crits or being frozen in place for a short period of time respectively.
RTV/Rock The Vote
In servers running an RTV plug-in, Rocking the Vote occurs when a majority of the players on the server vote to play a different map.
See Rush.
An Engineer with both the Frontier Justice and Gunslinger equipped.


A rush making use of entirely Scouts.
Slang term for Scout, often used in a silly fasion. (similar to "Hoovy")
Refers to players who store and offer Scrap Metals for any 2 unwanted item from other players.
Sentry/SG/Sentry Gun/Gun/Turret
An Engineer's Sentry Gun.
Sentry Farm
A position on a map where multiple Engineers have set up their Sentry Guns in close proximity.
An alternate name for a spinstab.
Slang for the Soldier.
Can refer to:
  1. The act of deliberately concentrating firepower within particular area in an attempt to get kills or deter enemy players from entering an area,
  2. Wanton firing of weapons such as the Grenade Launcher with little or no deliberate aim,
  3. An unwanted abundance of something such as chat messages, a specific class, or a certain tactic in the game, the latter sometimes called "whoring".
See Spamming.
The area in which the player initially spawns and/or any area in which they respawn.
Spawn Camping/Spawn-camping
A situation in which one team is camping the other team's spawn point, which results in killing players as they attempting to enter or depart. Commonly considered to be a "cheap" tactic.
See Camping.
Abbreviation for spectate.
Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the Spiral-shaped corridor leading down from the Hayroom towards the Intelligence area.
Spy Cap/Spycap
A strategy where a Spy will lurk near a locked control point (usually the final point because of the accelerated control point timing) with the intentions of capturing it as soon as it is unlocked and before the enemy team has time to retreat from defending the previous point.
Spy checking/Spycheck
The act of "checking" teammates and/or a specific area for Spies. It usually refers to Pyros attempting to detect enemy Spies by using the Flamethrower on other members of their team, but Spy checking can also be done by other classes by firing upon teammates.
See Spy checking.
Spycrab/Spy Crab
A Spy that imitates the movement of a crab by crouching and looking up while having the Disguise Kit equipped. Also refers to a taunt associated with the Disguise Kit.
Template:W for a Spy disguised as a Engineer.
Template:W for a Spy disguised as a Pyro.
SR/Sco Res
Acronym for the Demoman's Scottish Resistance.
Slang for a technique whereby a Spy backstabs an Engineer from behind, then immediately switches to the Electro Sapper and saps the Engineer's Sentry Gun before it kills him.
Refers to one team being composed of players who work together and/or are more skilled than the other. The most common case is on a public server, having one team of competitive or skilled players against one that is less experienced or poorly organized.
The act of jumping over another player's head from an elevated height as a Spy and backstabbing them before they can respond.
Used to describe an unfair match-up between teams that are of completely different skill levels, resulting in quick rounds. Similar to stacking.
Slang for Stickybombs.
Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the straight staircase leading down to the third resupply room. Sometimes referred to as L-shaft.
Sword and Board
Another name for Demoknight. It refers to a Demoman who uses both the Chargin' Targe and Eyelander at the same time.


Tappeti di Sticky/Sticky carpets
Large groups of Stickybombs that render certain areas impassable until dealt with.
Abbreviation for an Engineer's Teleporter.
Template:W of teleport and frag – killing an opponent by teleporting into them when they are standing on a teleporter exit. The term comes from id Software's seminal first-person shooter Template:W. May have been taken from the Developer console referring to the kill as a telefrag.
Digging in and employing extremely defensive tactics. May also refer to Engineer setting up a Sentry Gun and Dispenser next to each other, and then remaining in close proximity for a substantial period of time while constantly repairing the buildings.
Killing an opponent that is typing in chat.
Trolling is an inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic message in an online chat, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
A troll is an internet user who posts rude or provocational posts in chats, which insults its users.


Abbreviation for ÜberCharge.
Someone who is being ÜberCharged.
An abbreviation for the Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker (sometimes seen as just "HHHH").
Acronym for "Under Powered", in reference to game balance.


A loadout consisting entirely of Stock weapons.
A server without any mods installed.


Literally, "Forward (Default key W) and MOUSE1" - a derogatory term applied to a suicidally aggressive Pyro, often connotative of a lack of skill.
Literally, "Forward (Default key W) and MOUSE2" - derived from "W+M1", the term is similarly used to refer to Pyro players who only use the compression blast ability to reflect projectiles without using the Flamethrower's primary fire attack.
Tactical slang for a Sniper hiding behind walls and only revealing himself when attacking.
The act of repairing/upgrading a building with the Wrench.
The act of killing a Spy with the Wrench.
Abbreviation for weapon, used in trading discussion.
Acronym for "Want/Willing To Buy", indicating that a player is seeking a particular item.
Acronym for "Want/Willing To Sell", indicating that a player is selling a particular item.
Acronym for "Want/Willing To Trade", indicating that a player has a particular item trade in mind.

Competitive terminology

These are some of the terms which players use in competitive gameplay.


Shortened as "Blands", a term used by players referring to Badlands. This is only used by players not wishing to play the map, commonly because they have probably played the map a number of times in a short space of time.
A derogatory term referring to when a Soldier rocket jumps above the enemy and shoots at the Medic in order to either force ÜberCharge or to get him killed.


Short for communication. This refers to players communicating to each other either by using the in-game text chat or through voice chat, or more commonly an outside voice over IP (VoIP) program such as Mumble or Ventrilo.


Acronym for European Team Fortress 2 League. It is the central hub of the European competitive TF2 scene.
See ETF2L.


Shortened for Gravel Pit.
Refers to the two most popular maps used in competitive play: Badlands and Granary. This term is usually used in PuGs when the teams agree to play two maps, e.g. "Which maps did you guys want to do?", "Granlands?", "Sure".


An abbreviation used for Saxton Hale in the VS Saxton Hale game mode.
A competitive match type wherein the nine player roster of each team consists of one of every TF2 class.


To be low on health. Commonly used when referring to opponents, although priority friendly classes such as the Demoman and pocket will use this term when calling for a Medic.
See also "Tagged".
Refers to the website TF2Lobby. A popular website used to organize pickup games.


A technique involving deviation from the standard competitive class roster, often to accomplish a specific objective or eliminate a specific enemy player.


A synonym for "Use an Über"; for example the phrase "They popped" means "They used their Über". Can also be used in phrases such as "Pop the Über" or "Pop it!".
Antonym for "pick up game/group", referring to a private game with team compositions determined by out-of-game communication (as opposed to a clan match or pub).


Refers to the Soldier that is not pocketing the Medic. Roamer's typical primary mission is to take out the enemy Medic.
The specific path that a player takes on the way to the middle capture point. It is designed to get the player to that point as quickly as possible or to provide another strategic advantage.


A practice match between two teams. Usually played in the competitive 6v6 format or the 9v9 Highlander format.
Sometimes referred to simply as a "roll", the term is figurative language describing a very fast completion of the game's objective after it begins, often in relation to a "crushing defeat".
Refers to Stickybombs. Usually used to warn teammates of a sticky trap or that they are on an important location, e.g., "Sticks on cap!" meaning "There are stickies on the control point!".


When an enemy has been severely hit with a single shot, usually shots dealing damage of 60hp and above, e.g. "The Medic is tagged for 70", meaning the enemy Medic has taken 70 damage.
See also "Lit".

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