Community Asteroid strategy

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Asteroid (Robot Destruction) strategy.

Community Asteroid strategy
Screenshot needed.png
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Space Station
Setting: Outer Space
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.

General (All Classes)

  • Attack the enemy robots. Each robot drops Power Cores which increases the team score when you collect them. First team to reach 300 points wins the game.
    • Attack and destroy both A robots and collect the 2x5=10 Power Cores that they drop. Then proceed up to the left for health & ammo along the way and move through the A door which opened up as a result of destroying the A robots. ** You will arrive above the B robots...destroy them and collect the 2x10=20 Power Cores that they drop. Move to the right along the walkway and through the B door which opened up as a result of destroying the B robots.
    • Destroy the C robots and collect the 2x25=50 Power Cores that they drop. Your team will now have 10 + 20 + 50 = 80 points on the board. By the time you destroy both C robots the A robots will have re-spawned (60 seconds), so you can move back to the enemy A robots and repeat.
    • If it looks like the enemy is getting close to 300 points then steal their Reactor Core and bring it back to your Reactor Core location (your Reactor Core doesn't need to be present to capture the enemy Reactor Core) and all of the enemy's points will be deleted.
  • Defend your Reactor Core. If the enemy carries your Reactor Core back to their Reactor Core then you will lose all of your points.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Work as a team of two scouts. One Scout enters the enemy Reactor Core area through the right gate and the other Scout keeps the gate open so the Scout with the enemy Reactor Core can get out without going through the lasers or the crawlspace.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Soldiers work best attacking the robots, or if necessary escorting Scouts.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • Pyros can either attack the robots, or if necessary escorting Scouts. But, they are also valuable defending the Engineers against Spies.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Demomen seem to be most valuable destroying enemy sentries or sticky trapping the Reactor Core area.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • Heavies seem to be most valuable on area defense...around the robots when they are being attacked, or around their Reactor Core if it gets stolen or is in jeopardy of being stolen.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • At least one Engineer should build a Sentry somewhere in front of the lasers to defend the Reactor Core. If there are two Engineers then the 2nd one should place a Sentry guarding the B robots (since they are more valuable than the A robots). The second Engineer might also want to place a Teleporter exit in the enemy base...under their water area is an ideal location.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • Medics should be flexible and be where their team is getting hurt the most...either with a Soldier or Heavy, or perhaps a Pyro.
  • It is not yet clear whether an invulnerable Medic and their target can stop the capture of their Reactor Core by the enemy...needs to be tested.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • There are many good sniping locations. Here's a few:
    • The battlements.
    • The underground tunnels.
    • The ramparts in the middle of the base (where the C robots prowl).

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • Spies work well on this map as both attack support by sapping Sentries and back stabbing Engineers and as defensive spies back stabbing enemies which are focusing their attention on destroying robots.

See also