Armas del Sniper (competitivo)

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Algúnas armas del Sniper pueden no estar permitidas en tu liga. Si deseas ver la lísta de armas no permitidas dirígete a la lista de objetos restringidos.

El Sniper se especializa en la negación de áreas a largo alcance. Es frecuentemente utilizado para obtener un pick contra el Medic en caso de tablas. Inflinge una buena cantidad de daño a corta distancia, pero no lo suficiente como para igualar a otras clases.

Arma Primaria

Las armas primarias del Sniper son su fuente principal de daño, y constituyen su única forma de daño a largo alcance. Todos los rifles del Sniper se pueden cargar para aumentar el daño, y todas excepto el Adormecedor de Sídney pueden dar disparos a la cabeza para garantizar golpes críticos. El Cazador es la única arma que no muestra un punto mientras usas la mira. El Rifle de Francotirador, el Adormecedor de Sídney, el Asesino a Sueldo y la Ganga del Bazar pueden disparar sin usar la mira, causando un disparo preciso pero con poco daño.

Rifle de Francotirador

El Rifle de Francotirador proporciona la fuente de daño más simple. Puede matar a cualquier enemigo con un disparo a la cabeza a carga completa y puede causar un daño significativo con un disparo al cuerpo. El AWPa Cabezas tiene las mismas estadísticas que el Rifle de Francotirador.

Arma Daño Daño de Golpe Crítico Tiempo de función Habilidad especial
Rifle de Francotirador
Sniper Rifle
  • Sin carga: 50
  • Cargado: 150
  • Crítico, Sin carga: 150
  • Crítico, Cargado: 450
  • Minicrítico, Sin carga: 68
  • Minicrítico, Cargado: 203
  • Ataque: 1.5s
  • Retraso del Zoom: 0.2s
  • Retraso de carga: 1.0s
  • Tiempo de carga completa: 4s
  • Cargar al 100% toma 3.3 segundos.
  • No tiene golpes críticos aleatorios.

Debajo se muestra la disponibilidad del Rifle de Francotirador en el modo competitivo 6v6.

Arma Lista de armas permitidas en 6v6
Rifle de Francotirador
Sniper Rifle


El Cazador está diseñado para un combate a medio alcance. Está afectado por la gravedad, pero dispara más rápido que el Rifle de Francotirador. Tiene un límite de carga completa, el cual si se mantiene por más de 5.0 segundos perderá su precisión, tiene menos munición a comparación que el Rifle de Francotirador. El compuesto Fortificado tiene las mísmas estadísticas que el Cazador.

Arma Daño Daño de Golpe Crítico Tiempo de Función Habilidad especial
  • Sin carga: 50
  • Cargado: 120
  • Crítico, Sin carga: 150
  • Crítico, Cargado: 360
  • Minicrítico, Sin carga: 68
  • Minicrítico, Cargado: 162
  • Ataque: 1.94s
  • Retraso de mala precisión: 5.0s
  • Tiempo de carga completa: 1.0s
  • Los proyectiles son afectados por la gravedad.
  • Las flechas pueden descargarse con el disparo secundario.
  • Las flechas pueden encenderse para inflingir daño por fuego.
  • Produce la burla Brocheta.
  • Los enemigos que sean asesinados con una flecha cerca de un muro pueden quedar clavados.

Debajo se muestra la disponibilidad del Cazador en el modo competitivo 6v6.

Arma Lista de armas permitidas en 6v6

Adormecedor de Sídney

El Adormecedor de Sídney provee una fuerte base de apoyo para el equipo. Sacrifica la habilidad de dar disparos a la cabeza con el beneficio de aplicar fraskungfú al impactar al objetivo. Tiene una carga 25% más rápida a diferencia del Rifle de Francotirador.

Arma Daño Daño de Golpe Crítico Tiempos de función Habilidad especial
Adormecedor de Sídney
Sydney Sleeper
  • Sin carga: 50
  • Cargado: 150
  • Crítico, Sin carga: 150
  • Crítico, Cargado: 450
  • Minicrítico, Sin carga: 68
  • Minicrítico, Cargado: 203
  • Ataque: 1.5s
  • Carga: 2.8s
  • Retraso de Fraskungfú: 1.06s
  • Duración de Fraskungfú: 8s
  • Al impactar, el objetivo será cubierto con fraskungfú de 2 a 5 segundos, dependiendo del nivel de carga.
  • Los disparos a la cabeza con mira siempre producen minicríticos y reducen a 1 segundo el tiempo entre usos del fraskungfú.
  • +25% en velocidad de carga.
  • No tiene disparos a la cabeza.
  • No producen golpes críticos aleatorios.

Debajo se muestra la disponibilidad del Cazador en el modo competitivo 6v6.

Arma Lista de armas permitidas en 6v6
Adormecedor de Sídney
Sydney Sleeper

Ganga del Bazar

La Ganga del Bazar tiene una velocidad de carga inicialmente lento, el cual incrementa con cada muerte por disparo a la cabeza. Tiene un contador de cabezas y su máximo son hasta 7.

Arma Daño Daño de Golpe Crítico Tiempo de función Habilidad especial
Ganga del Bazar
Bazaar Bargain
  • Sin carga: 50
  • Cargado: 150
  • Crítico, Sin carga: 150
  • Crítico, Cargado: 450
  • Minicrítico, Sin carga: 68
  • Minicrítico, Cargado: 203
  • Ataque: 1.5s
  • Retraso del Zoom: 0.2s
  • Retraso de carga: 1.0s
  • Tiempo de carga completa: 4.95s (0 cabezas) 1.65s (7 cabezas)
  • Su carga inicial es de 150% al igual que el Rifle de Francotirador
    • La velocidad de carga disminuye en un 25% por cada cabeza, hasta un máximo de 6 cabezas.
  • El conteo de cabezas solo se ve afectado por impactos con mira.
    • Cada muerte por disparo a la cabeza añade una cabeza.
  • No tiene golpes críticos aleatorios.

Debajo se muestra la disponibilidad de la Ganga del Bazar en el modo competitivo 6v6.

Arma Lista de armas permitidas en 6v6
Ganga del Bazar
Bazaar Bargain


The Machina adds damage and piercing on full charge, but reveals the Sniper's location and prevents no-scopes. The Shooting Star has the same stats as the Machina.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Uncharged: 50
  • Charged: 173
  • Critical, Uncharged: 150
  • Critical, Charged: 518
  • Mini-Crit, Uncharged: 68
  • Mini-Crit, Charged: 233
  • Attack: 1.5s
  • Afterscope Delay: 0.2s
  • Charge Delay: 1.0s
  • Full Charge Time: 4s
  • Has no damage fall-off or ramp-up.
  • Fires tracer rounds which leave visual trails.
  • Piercing damage is dealt to all targets in line, regardless if it kills any of them.
  • Deals 15% extra damage on full charge.
  • Cannot fire unless zoomed.
  • No random critical hits.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Machina in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist

Hitman's Heatmaker

The Hitman's Heatmaker provides a combo system on kills and assists which grants a speedier charge time and no need to reload while active. This comes at the cost of a 20% damage penalty on bodyshots.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
Hitman's Heatmaker
Hitman's Heatmaker
  • Uncharged: 40
  • Charged: 120
  • Critical, Uncharged: 150
  • Critical, Charged: 450
  • Mini-Crit, Uncharged: 54
  • Mini-Crit, Charged: 162
  • Attack: 1.5s
  • Afterscope Delay: 0.2s
  • Charge Delay: 1.0s
  • Full Charge Time: 3.3s
  • Charge Time while in focus: 2.8s
  • Has no damage fall-off or ramp-up.
  • Gain Focus on kills and assists.
    • Each kill grants 1/3 the focus meter, and each assist grants 1/9.
    • Focus activates on fire when the focus meter is full.
    • In focus: +25% faster charge rate and no need to unscope.
    • Focus can still be added while Focus is active.
  • -20% damage penalty on body shot.
  • No random critical hits.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Hitman's Heatmaker in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist
Hitman's Heatmaker
Hitman's Heatmaker

Primary Weapon Usage

The Sydney Sleeper and the Huntsman are uncommon choices, due to an overall reduced damage output, but can be useful to assist the team. The stock Sniper Rifle deals consistent long-range damage, and can kill most classes with a quick headshot. The Bazaar Bargain is good for a Sniper who can hit headshots consistently, thus ramping up the charge rate. The Machina is useful for dealing increased damage, or for getting multiple kills with a single shot. The Hitman's Heatmaker is good for extremely accurate Snipers, since consistent headshots can eliminate unscoping completely (at the cost of revealing your location). Snipers, due to their situational use, tend to go for the stock Sniper Rifle for quick and consistent damage without having to reveal their position.

Secondary Weapon

The Sniper deals the majority of his damage with his primary, but his secondary weapon can provide some key medium range combat damage.


The stock Submachine Gun deals strong damage at medium and close range, and can help the Sniper survive an encounter with a Scout.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Point-Blank: 12
  • 512 units: 8
  • Over 1024 units: 4
  • Critical: 24
  • Point-Blank Mini-crit: 16
  • Over 512 units: Mini-crit: 11
  • Attack: 0.1s
  • Reload: 1.1s
  • If unfired in the past 1.25 seconds, the next shot has perfect accuracy.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the SMG in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist

The Cleaner's Carbine

The Cleaner's Carbine functions similiarly to the stock Submachine Gun. It sacrifices 20% of it's clip size and 25% of it's firing speed for the ability to activate mini-crits for 8 seconds when needed.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
Cleaner's Carbine
Cleaner's Carbine
  • Point-Blank: 12
  • 512 units: 8
  • Over 1024 units: 4
  • Critical: 24
  • Point-Blank Mini-crit: 16
  • Over 512 units: Mini-crit: 11
  • Attack: 0.13s
  • Reload: 1.1s
  • If unfired in the past 1.25 seconds, the next shot has perfect accuracy.
  • Dealing damage fills the charge bar, completely filling it requires doing 100 damage with the weapon.
    • When charged, secondary fire grants mini-crits for 8 seconds.
  • -20% clip size.
  • -25% slower firing speed.
  • No random critical hits.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Cleaner's Carbine in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist
Cleaner's Carbine
Cleaner's Carbine


Jarate does not deal any immediate damage, but makes any normal damage dealt to coated players become Mini-crits.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Effect Duration: 10s
  • Refill Time: 20s
  • Normal damage against coated players is upgraded to mini-crit damage.
  • Extinguishes fire.
  • Removable in water.
  • Visible on cloaked or disguised Spies.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Jarate in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist


The Razorback saves the Sniper from one backstab attempt from a Spy. It temporarily disables the Spy's knife after the stab.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Time Restriction on Spy Knife: 2s
  • Can be replaced at a resupply cabinet.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Razorback in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist

Darwin's Danger Shield

The Darwin's Danger Shield provides the Sniper with 50% fire damage resistance, and makes him immune to the effects of afterburn.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
Darwin's Danger Shield
Darwin's Danger Shield
  • Sniper gains 50% fire damage resistance.
  • Sniper gains immunity to the effects of afterburn.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Darwin's Danger Shield in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist
Darwin's Danger Shield
Darwin's Danger Shield

Cozy Camper

The Cozy Camper prevents the player's scoped view from jumping when they take damage, however only with full charge. It regenerates the wearer's health by +1 per second, slowly increasing to +4 health per second when no damage is taken.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
Cozy Camper
Cozy Camper
  • Knockback is reduced by 20% while scoped.
    • No flinching when aiming and fully charged.
  • Huntsman is affected similarly by charging an arrow.
  • +1 health regenerated per second, increasing to +4 over the course of 8 seconds.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Cozy Camper in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist
Cozy Camper
Cozy Camper

Secondary Weapon Usage

The stock Submachine Gun provides high damage output at close range, making it a strong option to deal with enemies. Jarate can help a push if it hits multiple enemies, and the Razorback and Darwin's Danger Shield provide more passive effects which are rarely useful in competitive play (but can save your life in some situations). The Cozy Camper is useful for increasing survivability, making for a more aggressive Sniper play style. The stock Submachine Gun provides the Sniper with better deathmatch capabilities, and is thus a popular choice in competitive play.

Melee Weapon

The Sniper's melee weapon is rarely used, but deals damage in a pinch.


The stock Kukri deals standard damage, and can have use if out of ammo.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Melee: 65
  • Critical: 195
  • Mini-crit: 88
  • Attack: 0.8s
  • Stock melee weapon.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Kukri in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist

Tribalman's Shiv

The Tribalman's Shiv deals reduced initial damage, but comes with a bleeding effect. With the initial damage and bleeding combined, it deals more damage in a single hit than the Kukri, unless the victim finds a source of healing fast enough.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
Tribalman's Shiv
Tribalman's Shiv
  • Melee: 33
  • Bleed: 8 per second (48 total)
  • Critical: 98
  • Mini-crit: 44
  • Mini-crit Bleeding: 10.8 per second (64.8 total)
  • Attack: 0.8s
  • On Hit: Bleed for 6 seconds.
  • -50% damage penalty.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Tribalman's Shiv in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist
Tribalman's Shiv
Tribalman's Shiv


The Bushwacka deals critical damage where it would normally deal mini-crit damage. The Sniper takes an additional 20% damage while the Bushwacka is active.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Melee: 65
  • Critical: 195
  • Attack: 0.8s
  • Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit.
    • Cannot deal mini-crit damage.
  • +20% vulnerability to damage when active
  • No random critical hits.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Bushwacka in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist


The Shahanshah deals increased damage when the Sniper is below 50% health, and reduced damage when he is above 50% health.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Function Times Special
  • Melee when below 50%: 49
  • Melee when above 50%: 81
  • Critical when below 50%: 146
  • Critical when above 50%: 244
  • Minicrit when below 50%: 66
  • Minicrit when above 50%: 110
  • Attack: 0.8s
  • Deals 25% additional damage when below 50% health.
  • Deals 25% less damage when above 50% health.
    • Affects melee only.

Below is a table displaying the availability of the Shahanshah in the Global 6v6 Whitelist.

Weapon Global 6v6 Whitelist

Melee Weapon Usage

Sniper melee usage is rare, but often effective. The stock Kukri deals little damage compared to others, and is rarely useful. The Tribalman's Shiv can deal great damage to a Scout or Soldier who cannot get back to their Medic in time, whereas the Bushwacka deals immense damage in combination with Jarate, but means the Sniper dies very fast to a Pyro. The Shahanshah can deal immense damage to an unsuspecting player if the Sniper is at low health, but if confronted when at high health is a detriment. Most Snipers use the Shiv for increased overall damage, or use the Bushwacka, counting on the rarity of Pyros.