Community Pier strategy
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Community Pier strategy | |
![]() | |
Basic Information | |
Developer(s): | Unknown |
Map Info | |
Environment: | Beach, Commercial, Park, Ports |
Setting: | Nighttime/Island Town |
Map Photos | |
This article is about the Community Pier strategy.
General Strategy
- Use the several flank routes located around the map to have an advantage against the enemy.
- Watch out for sentries.
Spawn Rollout (BLU)
Blu Team pushes out of spawn, ideally with power classes like heavy, Soldier, demo. Spy and Scout can flank and go the beach route, though Scouts will have to watch out for the potential sentry on the ledge near the tunnel, or go the left route through the hole, so they can mainly avoid the Sentry Gun. Sniper will have to stay in spawn a while, as to not get killed, then potentially (if the push is going well) either go the right wooden platform near the beach, or go slightly out of spawn, as to get a better angle. Medic will need a uber to go up the hill and get the Sentry Gun, and gain the high ground. Engineer on first point (on BLU) will have similar spots to RED Engineer. BLU Engineer can place a sentry on the beach, near the wooden platform, on the high ground outside of the spawn, or if they are feeling risky, potentially go to the end of the beach, near the large ammo pack and set up there (note: this spot will only work sufficiently if the RED Engineer hasn't place a sentry on the high ground. Pyro should have an airblast at the ready, as to expect many power classes with reflectable projectiles coming the Engineer's way. He can also use the flanks routes talked about with Spy and Scout, if the Pyro is feeling risky. Heavy should watch out for the Snipers on the ledges and Spies and Scouts flanking, and will need to use cover as to not get picked off instantly by a Sniper. Once the BLU team gets the high ground and past the tunnel, it is usually quite easily to get the 1st point, if they do not have a suitable defense, which they will not normally have, as they are on the low ground when BLU is close to the 1st point.
Spawn Rollout (RED)
Red team holds high ground near the ledge, with explosive classes like Soldier and demo benefitting from this the most. Engineer on RED will benefit from the same sentry spots as BLU, and will hold near the tunnel ledge the tunnel here the best. Spy and Scout on RED will probably benefit with the same flank routes, but better since RED will need to get important picks on power classes, as to delay the push. Sniper will also need to get important picks, to also delay the push, and can hang out where the sentry base will be (on the ledge, since it is a very good sentry spot), with a Dispenser on the ready. RED Pyro can use the same flank routes and strategies as BLU Pyro, but with probably less power classes. Heavy can hold the tunnel and the ledge to stop the incoming push, and be more safe from Snipers and Spies. Medix on red will need a uber, to keep the high ground and the tunnel, and the Kritzkrieg can excel at holding the high ground here.
Class specific strategy
- This map is good for Scouts since it has so many high up areas that other classes can't get to.
- As previously stated, this map has many ways to get to the several high positions. Use the Atomizer and the Winger for easier accessibility.
- Rocket jumping is good as the map's skybox is quite high in a lot of places
- Also, Sticky jumping is good as the map's skybox is quite high in a lot of places
- Once BLU caps the fourth point, consider putting a sentry at the stairway right outside their spawn. BLU tends to walk right in there without checking.
- Kritzkrieg is good for BLU team, as they will have a lot of high ground in the first stages of this map
- Uber pushes will be needed to destroy some sentry spots, as to not make that difficult
- Quick-Fix is good on this map as the sky box allows you to jump with soldiers and demos, to make it across the map quickly
- If you have it, throw Jarate at the payload cart while the enemy is pushing. There tends to be a lot of them there.
- Dead Ringer is good here as the map has a lot of drops to get away quickly
- Big Earner is good for going across the large map quickly, as the enemy team will be far apart in the beginning sections of this map