Operation Ghoulish Gambit
“ | Thought you were done being spooked, startled, terrified, or even downright horrified? Well GUESS AGAIN! Something very scary is coming just before Christmas. How scary exactly? I’m sure you’d love to know, but unfortunately what’s in store for you is so scary, so terrifying, so unabashedly EVIL that you might immediately DIE if you even heard how diabolical things are about to get, and quite frankly nobody here wants to be on the hook for that.
— Operation Ghoulish Gambit publicity blurb
” |
Operation Ghoulish Gambit is a community-created Mann vs. Machine charity tour organized and hosted by Potato MvM. It entered open beta on November 21, 2024, before officially launching on November 27. The tour is scheduled to conclude on December 15, 2024.
On November 21, 2024, Operation Ghoulish Gambit went into public beta, featuring 33 missions across 26 maps, including returning maps from previous community campaigns, and newly featured maps such as Bloodmoon, Memorial, Rancher, Sludge, Redridge and Terrorlict. The tour officially launched on November 27.
This tour features Nightmare missions. These are long endurance missions, each lasting a single extended wave, with a large number of robots. Nightmare missions may have short pauses between subwaves for players to upgrade or push forward; however, there are no permanent checkpoints, and all progress is lost upon failure.
This tour introduces Zombie Mode, a new mission type featured in the Red Ridge mission. In this mode, all players have the same health and movement speed values, and carry the same weapons. Players start in a small room, and must purchase doors to expand outward, and may purchase wall-mounted guns. There are several objectives to be completed, with an optional escape sequence later on in the mission; however, the mode can be played endlessly, if desired.
Featured Missions
This table shows the missions that were available during the event.
Map | Mission | Waves | Creators |
Butcher | Malpractice | 7 | Athazar |
Creepside | Midnight Massacre | 5 | Schwabbel ✪ Mo_ #killtf2 |
Decay | Night Errors | 7 | Alche_ |
Legerdemain | Legacy Heresy | 5 | Crilly |
Madhattan | Apoplexy | 6 | Yukari |
Nightsky | Night of Fire | Lobotomy (Scotch Mist) | |
Skeleclipse | Twilight of Terror | 7 | BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini |
Sludge | Logging Dreadwood | Mr. Enderman 22 | |
Underworld | Astral Projection | randomguy |
Map | Mission | Waves | Creators |
Bloodmoon | Sed De Sangre | 6 | Skin King |
Spooky Spiral | 8 | Conga Dispenser | |
Boogge | Boneyard Shift | 6 | Rappy ✪ Mo_ #killtf2 |
Night Of The Living Bread | 2 | Claudz | |
Butcher | Meat Grinder | 3 | ➶★Lyney★➷ (Ri-ne) |
Creepside | Catastrophic Conjuring | 4 | StardustSpy |
Dust to Dust | 5 | skg | |
Decompose | Deprecated Designs | 6 | Crilly |
Heatrock | Heated Argument | 7 | wooper (real) |
Outlands | Hectic Haywire | 6 | botrot |
Rancher | Contact | Sergeant Table Claudz | |
Skeleclipse | Vicious Delicious | 5 | BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini |
Swirl Event | Sordid Scene | 6 | Dylan_is_legend |
Terrorlict | Accursed Aggrievocation | ♓Seelpit♓ | |
Underworld | Undead Dread | 5 | Pealover |
Villa | Forgotten | 7 | Bazooks watermelon |
Map | Mission | Waves | Creators |
Meltdown | Lights Out | 5 | Crilly |
Memorial | Necropolis | Chrstin | |
Null | 0 | 3 | Package O' Lies |
Whitecliff Event | Light Up The Night | 7 | Athazar |
Map | Mission | Creators |
Bloodlust | Reanimation | Spectλtor™ |
Metro | Baleful Bonanza | botrot |
Map | Mission | Creators |
Condemned | Trespasser Remaster | Hell-met lite |
Redridge | Red Ridge | Sntr |
Terrorlict | Echoes Of A Warzone | Sergeant Table |
This event has five medals which are able to be earned by players: two as rewards for participation in the tour, and three for donations to a charity drive benefiting World Central Kitchen. Clearing any seven missions earns the player the Haunted Tank medal, and clearing any fifteen missions earns the player the Poisonous Potato medal.
In addition, players are able to donate varying amounts through item or monetary donations to receive donor medals. Donating at least $5 USD earns the player the Corrupted Crystal medal, donating at least $15 USD earns the player both the Corrupted Crystal and Uncorrupted Crystal medals, and donating at least $35 USD earns the player the Corrupted Crystal, Uncorrupted Crystal, and Mostly-Corrupted Crystal medals.
Content creators whose missions were accepted for use in the event were awarded the Potato of Labor medal.
Each medal reuses models from from previous operations: the Haunted Tank reuses the model for the Titanium Tank Participant medal from Operation Titanium Tank, the Poisonous Potato reuses the model for the Baked Potato, from Operation Memes vs Machines, and each of the donor medals reuse models from Operation Madness vs Machines, the Corrupted Crystal and Uncorrupted Crystal reuse the model for the Hopeful Heart, and the Mostly-Corrupted Crystal reuses the model for the Boundless Heart.
The donor medals initially drop with custom painted colors which are not otherwise available in-game: the Corrupted Crystal and Mostly-Corrupted Crystal drop with a bright green color, and the Uncorrupted Crystal drops with a crimson red color. The Haunted Tank drops pre-painted with A Deep Commitment to Purple, and the Poisonous Potato drops pre-painted with Zepheniah's Greed.
Four of the five medals have two styles. The Poisonous Potato's styles are named "Style 1" and "Style 2". Style 1 depicts the potato with its parasol, while Style 2 depicts it wearing the parasol like a hat. Each of the donor medals' styles are named "Gem Only" and "Normal". The "Normal" style encases the gemstone in a metal frame.
The Haunted Tank medal was contributed to the Steam Workshop by NeoDement, Sntr, sedisocks, Star Bright, and Hydrogen .
The Poisonous Potato medal was contributed to the Steam Workshop by Glubbable~ ❥ , Sntr , Erikku , Jakapoa , Pelipoika , Interrobang , whatsmynameagain , Rev , Benoist3012 , kratos , Nuke , Dayal , Hydrogen , Hyperion , Pineapple Medals Bot , DaanBox , Chillax! , Swordstone , and BigfootBeto .
The donor medals were contributed to the Steam Workshop by NeoDement , Sntr , Erikku , sigsegv , Jakapoa , Pelipoika , Interrobang , Rev , Benoist3012 , kratos , Nuke , Hydrogen , Hyperion , Pineapple Medals Bot , DaanBox , Swordstone , and a whole thing of candy beans .
External links
- Official Announcement on the Team Fortress 2 Blog
- Official Steam event for Operation Ghoulish Gambit