
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 18:34, 30 January 2012 by Darkid (talk | contribs)
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Animus main.jpg
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown

Animus is a Payload Race map created for the A/D CTF and Payload Race Contest. It was awarded eighth place in the competition.


Both teams must simultaneously push their cart through enemy territory in order to reach the capture point, while preventing the enemy team from doing the same.


Stage 1

Spawn Area. As with all maps, the game begins here. The doors to leave the room are locked until the setup time (around 5 seconds) is over. After going through the first present shutter door, there is an area with pathways going both up and down before finally exiting the spawn.

Street. A long, curved space through which the Payload carts must pass. It is symmetrical.

Final point. Enemy Spawn Area.

Stage 2

Spawn Area. Features a point to which teams should deliver the Payload cart, and also contains a spawn area.

Street. A small space with a crossroads in the middle through which the Payload cart must travel.

Stage 3

Street A very small level including a small, curved and symmetrical space through which the two Payload carts must travel. The tracks in this area are parallel.




Fixed crossover bug (For real!)
> Visual and performance improvements to all particles
> Fixed particles bug (particles not showing)
> Fixed Red cart getting stuck in stage 3 right at the top of the ramp
> Fixed red pl hud not showing up in stage 3
> Fixed the "2 suns" problem
> Fixed carts not being disabled during setup phase in stage 2
> Added more custom content (Including models from TerabyteST)
> Improved lighting in some places
> Made all rock brushes into displacements in the final area, stage 3
> Fixed players getting stuck when standing in front of the cart while capping (stage1)

> Teams does no longer switch after the map is won
> Added pumpkins
> Made the entrance to the middle of stage 2 taller

> Possibly fixed the crossover bug (again)
> Adjusted the lighting, blue players are back, green players are gone
> Removed stairs to the enemy base in stage 1
> Added track lights
> Minor detailing
> Improved optimization (still compiled on fast)
> Fixed players getting stuck in the spawn door
> Added new spawn exits in stage 3
> 'Stage won' particle is now a child to the cart.
> 'Stage won' particles now shows up in stage 2 as well
> Added working timer to stage 2
> Carts eyes particle now only shows up when someone dies
> Made changes to stage 3
> Slight improvements to particles

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-Removed to save character space-
-Removed to save character space-
-Removed to save character space-

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