Community Payload strategy

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This article is about Community Payload strategy.

General strategy

  • A good defending team sets up their defenses on more than just near the first Capture Point, while still defending the cart as well. Setting up at one single location is never a good idea, as a single entity can take out the whole makeshift "base", while spreading out too much won't do any better, as this might lead to stretches where there isn't any defense to halt the process of BLU.
  • Remember that working as a cohesive unit produces results on either team, both attacking and defending. A single Heavy-Medic pair on either team can instantly halt or speed up the cart's process, depending on their side.
  • Do not focus too heavily on the cart if no BLU players happen to be pushing it. They will most likely take alternative routes or attempt to flank your team if you set up all your defences near it.
  • On some stages, there are locations on the cart's path where leaving it will make it fall back to a certain point due to hills. This means that BLU will need to work together even more at these points, as leaving the cart for a mere second can almost bring it back to the bottom.
  • Even though team strategy is almost required on this game mode, that doesn't mean trying to go in as one class can't produce results. However, constantly attempting will only hinder your team.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Scouts are much more effective on offense, as they count as two entities when pushing the cart. They are good on Payload for leading pushes or as last-ditch efforts, pushing the cart sometimes far enough to get bonus time or to win the round.
  • When attacking, the Payload itself can be a valuable asset for a Scout. Its healing will help offset their shallow health pool and it can function as a shield while crouching.
  • Without the benefits of a cart, any source of healing is essential for the RED team. Mad Milk or the Candy Cane can be employed to this effect.
  • Bonk! isn't much use for defense or offense, but it can still be used to draw the other team away from the cart, or to help deal with Sentry Guns near it.
  • Scouts using the Sandman can more easily land hits on enemies pushing the cart, hampering BLU's progress.
  • Scouts can rush in as soon as the round begins, pushing through the still-preparing enemies and making routes for their team.
  • As with any game, a Scout should use hit-and-run tactics when attacking enemies pushing the cart. Players doing so tend to focus on what is in front of them, so attack from behind whenever possible.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • A Soldier's rockets can deal large amounts of damage against enemies clustered around the cart, due to splash damage.
  • When attacking, rocket jumping allows a Soldier to reach the cart quickly. The cart's healing will restore health lost while doing so.
  • As always, one of the Soldier's main duties is to take out Engineer nests. A player can hide behind the cart between firing rockets to defeat a Sentry Gun, but doing so alone is inadvisable. Sentry Guns are less likely to be encountered while on defense.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • BLU players will often rush to the cart if set on fire, making afterburn less reliable for finishing them off. You can use this predictable behaviour to your advantage, though; if you are unable to catch an opponent, try to chase them towards the cart. Have teammates waiting to spring an ambush on them when this happens.
  • Flanking the cart-pushing players and attacking from behind can cause tremendous damage or even stop their progress completely. This is far more effective with the Backburner equipped.
  • Hiding beside the attacking team's spawn can sometimes allow you to surprise and kill unaware players, although spawn-camping is generally frowned upon.
  • Check for Spies when pushing the cart. It can save your teammates' lives, and the cart will restore any amount of ammo you use.
  • Long range combat with a weapon like the Flare Gun is easier as players will move less when pushing the cart. The Detonator can be used to set several enemies alight at once.
  • The compression blast can be used to push enemies away from the cart. On maps like Upward, it can send them off the edge of the map and kill them as well. When attacking, use it to blast Stickybombs away from the cart.
  • If you are able to sneak behind the enemy cart without being detected, you are positioned in a great ambush spot where you can easily attack enemies pushing the cart. Your ambush will greatly hinder them, which allows for your team to quickly finish them off. Alternatively, you can continue to attack thus killing them.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Like the Soldier, Demomen and their explosive weapons become even more dangerous to tight groups of cart-pushing players.
  • Stickybombs are perhaps your best utility when on defense. A devious strategy is to place a cluster of bombs directly in front of the cart, and then wait for the enemy to start pushing it again. When the bombs come to be right under the enemy players, detonating can result in multiple kills (This is only really effective if the BLU team can only approach the cart from behind, making the Stickybombs harder to spot).
  • Unlike Engineer buildings, the cart will not destroy Stickybombs when it moves over them.
  • When attacking, use your Sticky Jump to reach the cart quickly. The cart will heal the damage dealt in the process.
  • Also when attacking, check ahead for Engineer nests, and destroy them if you can. Otherwise, notify your allies to the upcoming danger.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • A Heavy accompanying the Payload is even more powerful than usual, thanks to the supply of health and ammo it dispenses. The lack of movement makes him extremely vulnerable to Snipers, though, unless he can safely crouch behind the cart.
  • A Heavy on defense should not be too ambitious if attacking a moving cart; he will most likely be targeted first, and the firepower of multiple enemies may be too much to withstand.
  • Attempt to surprise enemies pushing the cart whenever you can. At close to medium range, your primary weapon can rip apart even multiple players in seconds.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • When on the BLU team, move your buildings up gradually as the cart makes progress. Doing so will help your team maintain control of the area as you push through it.
  • Teleporters are the most important buildings to construct on larger maps. On Gold Rush Stage 3, having no Teleporters can lead to a 30 second walk back to the cart for most classes. (This can leave a Heavy out of action for an entire minute with the longest possible respawn time.)
  • A Sentry Gun cannot see the other team hiding behind the cart. This could allow a single person to use the cart as a shield to walk past it without being targeted.
  • The cart functions as a Level 1 Dispenser with infinite metal. If it is safe to do so, stand near the cart to receive extra supplies. In some maps' stages, such as Pipeline stages 1 and 2, the cart is available in your team's preparation area, allowing you to build your gear quickly.
  • The cart will destroy any building in its path, so do not place anything on the tracks.
  • The Short Circuit can be very effective while pushing the cart. It allows you to protect yourself and teammates from projectiles, and the cart will supply enough metal for repeated uses.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • Use the cart if there is no other source of healing available. Be cautious as the cart is most often the focus of attacks.
  • Your healing will stack with that of the cart. When used on a powerful class like a Heavy, this can make them very difficult to take down.
  • Healing a person being healed by the cart slows down your Übercharge rate. If there is no danger, heal teammates who are not pushing the cart.
  • Keep in mind that invulnerable players cannot push the cart. They will still be healed and supplied by it, though.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • Using Jarate on the Payload will often allow you to inflict its status on several enemies at once, leaving them highly vulnerable to focused attacks. Remember that the cart's healing will remove the effects more quickly than usual.
  • As a Sniper, you're more useful on the sidelines than the front lines, taking out important opponents with ease and giving your team an easier time.
  • Enemies pushing the cart are more susceptible to the piercing shots of the Machina, allowing a greater chance of multiple kills.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • While the attacking team is pushing the cart, use Your Eternal Reward to backstab the player positioned the furthest to the rear. This will allow you to disguise as them and momentarily take their place as you target and kill some of the more dangerous classes, easing up your teammates' efforts in halting any further advancement.
  • If the attacking team is focusing on what is ahead of them, it is possible to pull off a "chain stab". This involves backstabbing multiple players in quick succession, which can completely ruin their progress. Silent killers like Your Eternal Reward are the best weapons for this tactic.
  • As a Spy on BLU, you are most useful moving ahead of the cart's current point and sapping any buildings that might be further ahead. This will give your team a better chance of getting the Payload to each point.
  • With the Dead Ringer, a Spy can be much safer when pushing the cart than most classes, especially while alone.