Anti-Scout Strategy/ko
“ | Say goodbye to ya kneecaps, chucklehead!
클릭하시면 들을 수 있습니다
— The Scout
” |
스카웃 은 게임에서 틀림없이 가장 빠르고 기동성이 좋은 클래스 입니다. 비록 약하지만요, 그의 속도와 더블 점프 는 그가 쉽게 그를 극히 예측할수 없고, 매복에 효과적이게 해주는 많은 맵들의 경로들을 교류하게 해줍니다. 그리고 스카웃은 컨트롤 포인트 을 점령하거나 공급 수레 를 밀때 2명이 있는것으로 칩니다, 그것은 스카웃을 미션 목표를 빠르게 완수하는데에 이상적입니다. 전투중에, 그의 높은 데미지와, 기동성은 1:1 전투에서 가장 효과적인 클래스로 만들어줍니다. 하지만 그의 체력 은 너무 낮습니다, 스카웃은 살기위해 피해를 피하는데 완벽히 의존합니다. 예를 들어, 그의 더블 점프는 그를 넉백 과 추락 피해 로부터 탈출하게 해주고, 최대한 피해를 주고 최대한 적게 피해를 받게 해줍니다, 좋은 스카웃은 중요한 적 타겟을 제거하고 전투지역의 가장자리를 돌아다닙니다. 나타샤 와 센트리 건 같이, 속도를 느리게하거나 추적기능이 있는 무기류들은 스카웃에게 위협적입니다.
주 무기
전투중엔, 적을 쫒는데 마우스에만 의존하지 마십시오. 당신의 상대가 스크린 중앙에 오도록 계속 움직이세요, 당신의 조준점이 상대에게 일치했을때 발사하세요. 이것은 당신을 더 맞추기 어려운,효과적이고 변덕스러운 이동을 하도록 해줍니다, 또한 이것은 당신의 조준을 부드럽고 정확하게 예측할수 있도록 해주기도 합니다. 어떤 거리가 당신의 움직임과 속도를 유지하는데 좋은지 찾으십시오. 극히 가까운 근접전투는 아래로 쏜 적을 피하기위한 빠른 점프를 해야합니다, 더욱 적당한 거리는 당신을 지면에 있게 해주고 지속적인 측면 맹공격을 가능하게 해줍니다.
스캐터건 / 축제 장식 스캐터건 / 봇킬러 스캐터건 / 골드 봇킬러 스캐터건
At point blank range, your Scattergun can kill most classes in just two well placed shots. It is your best weapon for prolonged combat due to its reasonable magazine size and high damage output. The Scattergun's bullet spread is very wide, so switch to your Pistol for enemies that are far away.
자연의 섭리
The Force-A-Nature deals heavy burst damage but must be reloaded often, making it best used as a hit-and-run weapon. You can use the Force-A-Nature's knock back on you or your target; an enemy launched into the air makes for an easy kill, while the self-inflicted knock back allows you to Force jump to even more unpredictable locations. If you actively jump while in combat, save your extra jump until after you've fired the Force-A-Nature; the knock back can leave you suspended in midair and vulnerable, as well. For efficient ammo usage, always fire your two shots before reloading; reloading with one shot in the barrel will discard that shot.
The Shortstop is a cross between the Shotgun and Pistol. While it deals less damage than your other primary weapons, its narrow bullet spread makes it reliable at longer ranges. The Shortstop reloads quite quickly, allowing you to continuously fire shots and deal consistent damage. However, the Shortstop draws from the same ammunition pool as the Pistol, so you should use a different secondary weapon to conserve ammunition.
The Soda Popper is similar to the Force-A-Nature, but does not possess its knock back effects. Like the Force-A-Nature, it is best used as a hit-and-run weapon. However, the faster reloading speed means that it is more viable for prolonged combat. The Soda Popper's Hype meter will only fill when you are mobile and have the Soda Popper itself as your active weapon. You can control when to activate your Hype by moving around until the Hype meter is nearly full, then switching to a different weapon until you encounter an enemy. The guaranteed mini-crits from Hype are not limited to just the Soda Popper and work rather well with your other weapons. For efficient ammo usage, always fire your two shots before reloading; reloading with one shot in the barrel will discard that shot.
동안의 총
The Baby Face's Blaster will initially lower your speed to below that of the Demoman. However, dealing damage will build Boost, increasing your speed to significantly over your normal rate of travel. While it deals reduced damage, the increased accuracy will make fighting at medium range easier, allowing you to build Boost in relative safety. Jumping will remove all accumulated Boost, so you'll have to choose between jumping or running when it comes to maneuvering the battlefield. Don't be afraid to use your jump, however; it only takes 100 damage to fully charge your Boost.
권총 / 루거모프
The Pistol is a backup weapon, primarily used for finishing off wounded targets. It reloads much more quickly than any of your primary weapons and can be used to harass enemies or cover a retreat. At longer ranges, use the Pistol to deal consistent damage.
봉크! 원자맛 음료
Bonk! Atomic Punch is a situational utility item that can be used to dodge or draw enemy fire. For example, you can use it to distract Sentry Guns, retreat safely, bait Demomen into detonating their sticky traps, or block chokepoints.
치명적인 콜라
Crit-a-Cola is an item that rewards you for taking risks. In addition to increasing your speed, it turns all the attacks you deal and take into mini-crits. Thus, you should drink it only before an ambush or to harass enemies at range with the Shortstop. The boost provided by Crit-a-Cola will not stack with the boosting effects of other items, so don't drink it and take increased damage if you don't have to.
미치광이 우유
Mad Milk is thrown like a grenade and inflicts a temporary debuff upon its victims, allowing any member on your team to heal by damaging an opponent under its effects. It can be used both in single combat or large firefights to give you and allies additional survivability. Additionally, Mad Milk can be used to extinguish teammates and reveal cloaked Spies.
Like the Pistol, the Winger can be used to harass enemies or cover a retreat. When compared to the Pistol, its increased damage is best for short encounters; the Winger deals less damage over long periods of time due to its reduced magazine size.
계집애같은 사내의 휴대용 권총
The Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol slightly raises your maximum health and negates fall damage. However, it shoots more slowly than the Pistol and increases your vulnerability to fire, making it less effective in combat. Overall, the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol can be useful if you prefer a mobile playstyle, relying on your primary weapon to pick off lone enemies.
The Flying Guillotine can be thrown every six seconds to deal moderate damage and cause bleeding, making it decent for mid-range harassment. If it hits an enemy that's stunned, it deals a guaranteed critical hit; although difficult to aim in the heat of battle, this lets it combo with the Sandman's baseball shot. Overall, the Flying Gullotine rewards you greatly for landing that singular hit; one axe throw is equivalent to several Pistol shots while hitting a stunned enemy is the equivalent of several Scattergun shots.
근접 무기
야구방방이 / 색시 / 양심적 병역 기피자 / 축제장식 야구방방이 / 프라이팬
Because you already deal so much damage at close range, you should only use the Bat when out of loaded ammunition or when dealing with unattended Engineer structures. While it swings rapidly, it deals less damage than other melee weapons.
The Sandman slightly lowers your maximum health but grants access to an alternate fire that launches a baseball capable of stunning enemies. It moves as a moderately fast, arced projectile, so lead your foe accordingly. You can stun enemies either before moving in for the kill or to retreat safely. In large firefights, focus on stunning the more dangerous foes, such as Heavies and crit boosted enemies.
놀랠 노자 / 비무장 전투
The Holy Mackerel functions identically to the Bat but announces each hit in the kill feed. A hit that triggers a Spy's feign death will appear as a hit, not a kill, allowing you to track down a Spy using the Dead Ringer.
- The Unarmed Combat cannot be used as part of the Special Delivery item set.
막대 사탕
When you have the Candy Cane equipped, any kill or assist you make will cause your victims to drop health packs that can be used to heal teammates as they fight at the front lines. The Candy Cane does not need to be the active weapon for this bonus to occur. However, your vulnerability to explosive damage is increased, meaning that a direct hit from a rocket or grenade is now capable of killing you in just one hit. A Spy who uses the Dead Ringer to trigger a feign death will not drop a health pack and is easier to discern.
보스턴 깡패 / 삼룬검
When striking an enemy, the Boston Basher inflicts the bleed status in addition to the standard Bat damage. However, any missed melee attacks will cause you to damage and inflict the bleed status on yourself instead. Thus, only attack if you're sure the strike will connect. You can use the self-damage to help a Medic fill his ÜberCharge meter and the bleed effect to track down Cloaked Spies. Damaging yourself will inflict a small amount of self-knock back that can be used as an additional jump in order to reach higher areas, albeit at the cost of a significant portion of health.
태양 장착 곤봉
Against ignited foes, the Sun-on-a-Stick will deal as much damage as the Scattergun at point blank range in terms of damage-per-second. However, both you and the Pyro excel at close range combat and can often finish off an enemy without the help of an ally. As a result, you might not be able to utilize this combo frequently, as effective as it may be.
죽음의 부채
The Fan O'War deals little damage but can mark victims for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits. In a one-on-one encounter, tag an enemy with it, then switch to another weapon to finish the job. It's less effective against groups of enemies, due to your low survivability and because the Mark of Death can only be inflicted on one enemy at a time.
The Atomizer does not need to be active for you to have access to the triple jump, so you can ignore its downsides if you simply use your primary weapon in close range combat. The added mobility granted by the triple jump is often worth paying 10 health, especially if it means positioning yourself behind a key target or dodging a deadly rocket. If you pair the Atomizer with the Force-A-Nature, you can combine a triple jump and force jump into a quadruple jump. You will take no damage from the third jump while phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch.
포장지 암살자
In a similar fashion to the Sandman, the Wrap Assassin launches a projectile that is capable of inflicting the bleed status on hit enemies. It's most effective to use the projectile to weaken stronger enemies, rather than finish them off, before moving in with the Scattergun. If you simply use your primary weapon in close range combat, you can ignore its reduced damage.
아이템 세트 효과
특별 배달 (아이템 세트)
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The item set's health bonus greatly increases your survivability, especially when coupled with the healing from Mad Milk, while the Shortstop lets you deal consistent damage from medium range. Overall, you can have more of an impact in large, populated firefights. However, your overall firepower at close range is reduced, meaning that you must deal more consistent, sustained damage to remain a threat.