“ | Yahf fvaorarh!
— Pyro
” |
vettä voidaan löytää monelta kartalta ominaisuutena ja pelielementtinä. Vettä on kahta eri tyyppiä: Matalaa ja syvää. Matala vesi otta vastaan osan iskusta putoamisvahingon aikana ja paljastaa Spy:n askeleet (Jotka ovat myös äänekkäämpiä). Muuten vesi on vain kosmeettinen osa peliä.
Syvä vesi sallii pelaajan sukeltaa täysin ja uida. Syvässä vedessä oleminen mitätöi tulen, Jaraten ja Hullun maidon vaikutukset välittömästi. Joissakin kartoissa on vedenalaisia reittejä vihollisen tukikohtaan, jotka ovat usein heikosti puolustettuja verrattuna maan päällä oleviin sisäänkäynteihin. Myös syvä vesi vähentää putoamisvahinkoa matalan veden tavoin, mutta poistaa sen kokonaan.
Lisäksi Engineerit voivat rakentaa rakennuksia veden alle. Huonon näkyvyyden takia syvä vesi on usein loistava paikka piilottaa Teleportti tai Vartiotykki. Vartiotykit eivät kuitenkaan havaitse vihollisia veden rajojen yli.
Liian kauan veden alla sukelluksissa oleminen saa pelaajan hukkumaan. Hukkumisen aikana kuuluu kakomisen ja tukehtumisen ääniä, pelaaja alkaa menettää terveyttään ja kärsii samanlaista säpsähtelyä Kuin Verenvuodon ja Jälkipolton vaikutuksissa ja ruutu välkkyy sinisenä pelaajan varoittamiseksi. Pelastuakseen pelaajan on päästävä veden pinnalle, missä hänen menetetty terveytensä palautuu hitaasti ajan mittaan. Vedestä nouseminen hukkumisen jälkeen saa pelaajan tuottamaan kurjaavan äänen. Apulaitteen lähellä seisominen, Lääkintäpakkauksen poiminen tai Medicin parannettavana oleminen palauttaa pelaajan terveyttä nopeammin.
Vihollisten lyöminen Mainosvalomukiloijalla heidän seisoessaan vedessä tai uidessaan tekee Kriittistä vahinkoa.
Deep water has several impairments:
- Submerging in water will obscure the player's vision with bubbles for a few seconds.
- Surfacing on the water can affect vision, making aiming difficult. To counter this, fully submerge, especially if battling a submerged opponent.
- Swimming in deep water will decrease the maneuverability of all classes by 20%, making them vulnerable targets for enemies who have the advantage of higher ground or more suitable weapons.
- Players are considered to be in a constant state of falling while in water, and are not considered standing still even when resting on the bottom of the body of water. As a result:
- Players cannot taunt while underwater, or consume any lunchbox items. (Such items can still be dropped if possible.)
- Players cannot enter teleporters.
- The Sniper can neither draw nor fire his Huntsman or Fortified Compound underwater.
- The Cloak and Dagger cannot recharge while cloaked underwater.
- All in-game sound is muffled while the player is underwater, including voice chat. Setting the cvar
to 0 removes this effect. - Projectiles that must be thrown by hand (Sandman baseballs, Wrap Assassin festive ornaments, Mad Milk, Jarate) cannot be used.
- Firing any of the Pyro's flamethrowers underwater will simply waste ammo and eject a stream of bubbles instead of fire; Pyros are also unable to use the airblast ability. Additionally, flare-based secondary weapons cannot be fired. The Sharpened Volcano Fragment will not ignite enemies underwater.
- The Demoman's projectiles will travel slower and shorter underwater due to the physical effects of the water on them. Grenades will not explode upon a direct hit on an underwater enemy.
- The Engineer cannot fire his Short Circuit underwater.
- Shots fired by the Medic's Crusader's Crossbow or the Sniper's Huntsman and Fortified Compound will be deflected significantly when fired into water.
- If a Cloaked Spy leaves a body of water, water will drip off the Spy for a short period and reveal his presence to the enemy. Likewise, if a Spy attempts to Cloak while underwater, the bubbles they make can still be seen although they are still difficult to catch.
Kartat, joissa on vettä
- 2Fort: There is a large pool of deep water beneath the bridge in the center of the map.
- Badlands (Arena) and Badlands (King of the Hill): On each side, there is a small pond of deep water beneath the small concrete bridge to the left of the spawn room.
- Bigrock: A large pool of water is seen near the robot spawn area, with a waterfall running into it.
- Doomsday: There is a small pool of deep water at the broken crate area, underneath the pick-up location for the neutral Australium.
- Double Cross: A pool of deep water is found beneath the drop hatches of the spawn rooms.
- Eyeaduct: A large body of water containing Loot Island, separate from the main map.
- Freight: Two large bodies of water connect from the exits of RED and BLU's buildings under the main buildings to a small pool on the other side of the midpoint, allowing for flanking and an easy way around the trains.
- Frontier: The rightmost exit of BLU spawn leads to a small, barely noticeable area covered with shallow water.
- Ghost Fort: A large body of water containing Skull Island, separate from the main map.
- Hydro: There is shallow water in the Dam and Warehouse territories.
- Lakeside: In the center building next to the control point there is a small pool of deep water.
- Mannhattan: A large ocean exists that surrounds the outer areas of the robot carrier tank.
- Nightfall (stage 3 only): There is a very small pond of deep water in the center of the map, under the cart tracks.
- Pipeline (stage 3 only): The small canal beneath the cart tracks has deep water.
- Ravine: At the lower side of the map underneath the tall large building, deep water can be found in the small alcove.
- Rottenburg: At the left side of the spawn area, a large river of water can be found over a railing.
- Sawmill (all variations): Large bodies of deep water are found at the Lumbershack and Waterfall areas of the map. In the Capture the Flag version, shallow water also covers the Intelligence room's floor.
- Standin: Shallow water surrounds the platform Point A is on.
- Thunder Mountain (stage 2 only): Right outside the BLU spawn there's a small stream which has deep water.
- Watchtower: There are small ponds of deep water around the valley below the central tower.
- Well (all variations): Deep water channels outside the team's buildings consisting of underwater routes connecting each team's base building to the central train house building. The Capture the Flag version is similar to the Control Point version, except the route to the central building is removed with the building itself. The Arena version features a small pool adjacent to the central building which offers a quick route to the central point.
Liittyvät saavutukset
Karkuun hellettä Hyppää virkistävään vesialtaaseen, kun olet tulessa. |
Kolme elementtiä Tapa yhden elämän aikana vihollinen maasta, ilmasta ja vedestä käsin. |
Iivana julma Tapa 50 vihollista siten, että sinä ja uhri olette molemmat veden alla. |
- Korjattiin harvinainen kaatuminen, kun pelaaja nousi vedestä.
- Lisättiin hiukkasefekti pelaajan mennessä veteen.
- Päivitettiin vesipisaroiden efektit suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi.
- Korjattiin DX8 vesiefektit.