Mann vs. Machine (teaser)
Mann vs. Machine (teaser) | |
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Video Info | |
Released: | August 13, 2012 |
Run time: | 3:01 |
Video transcript
Transcript |
[The Calm begins to play. A snow-filled courtyard is shown, with several buildings. A Mann Co. sign is mounted at the top of the largest building.]
[The Mann Co. sign flickers several times and goes dark as the camera goes to a lopsided wooden Mann Co. store sign with "CLOSED" stamped across it.] [A hand reaches up to grasp the sign, settling it back onto its hooks. The camera pans to reveal the RED Heavy.] [The Heavy sniffs and turns to look at something out of sight. A distance from the base, a cloud of ominous fog and smoke is approaching. Lightning pierces the cloud and thunder is heard.] [The Heavy sets off around the side of the building. The camera pans to reveal the RED Scout sitting on a crate, holding the Sandman and bouncing a baseball in his hand.] [The Heavy passes the Scout, nodding to him. The Scout grins, jumps down, and follows the Heavy, still bouncing the baseball.] [The camera changes to show the RED Engineer strumming his guitar. It pans to reveal the Heavy and Scout walking past. The Engineer rises, putting down his guitar and picking up a pair of shotguns, pumping them over his knees as he does, before following the Heavy and Scout.] [The scene changes to show a BLU Soldier and Demoman sitting indoors, playing poker. As the Soldier starts to take a drink, the light flickers and goes out. The Soldier and Demoman look around in confusion.] [The door slams open, light shining in. The Demoman shields his eye as the RED Engineer, Heavy and Scout stand in the doorway. After a few moments, the Heavy grins and aims a shotgun at the Demoman and Soldier. The Soldier's cigar slips from his mouth.] [The Heavy suddenly lowers the shotgun and flips it over, gripping it by the midsection, before throwing it to the Demoman. The Demoman raises his hand to catch it and looks at it for a moment before grinning at the Heavy.] [The Soldier and Demoman rise as the Demoman pumps the shotgun. Outside, they fall into place beside the Heavy, Scout and Engineer.] [The camera shows the BLU Medic as the Engineer, Scout, Demoman, Soldier and Heavy walk past behind him. The Medic pets a dove - possibly Archimedes - with one finger before setting it aside and falling into step alongside the others, armed with his Syringe Gun.] [The dove flies outside and lands on a pole. It coos and watches the six mercenaries walk towards the fog.] [The group continues down the same road the Heavy was watching at the beginning, stopping at a railroad crossing. A pair of enormous headlights are seen through the fog, steadily growing closer. The Heavy tenses as the vehicle rolls closer.] [The Heavy begins to hyperventilate from fear or anger; the Scout blows a bubblegum bubble, which bursts. The Soldier begins to thumb the pin on a frag grenade as the Engineer pumps his remaining shotgun.] [The Medic rotates the drum on his Syringe Gun and the Demoman fixes the sights on his Grenade Launcher before raising it to look down the barrel.] [The gargantuan vehicle closes in, and electricity arcs from it. A line of light slices across the front of the vehicle and it begins to lower a ramp.] [Silent forms are shown standing in a line inside, and smoke and mist roll around them.] [Electricity sparks up one of the figures; the entire line begins to move, rattling, as machine-like grinding noises are heard.] [The camera moves closer to reveal the figures, which are shown to be robotic versions of almost the entire team. The robots stand straight, blue eyes flaring to life row by row.] [The team lean forward in anticipation. Upon seeing the Robot Heavy, the team charge along with him.] Heavy: Yaaaaaaaaaaaagh! [The camera pans to show a seemingly endless horde of robots rolling out of the vehicle and towards the charging team, moving back before displaying the Mann Co. logo. The logo is then stamped and bolted with a "MACHINE" plaque covering the "Products" text and branded with "VS" over the "Co." text, forming "MANN VS MACHINE".] [Text reading "CO-OP: August 15th" is displayed over a black screen.] [The camera fades back in to show the group successfully fighting off the horde of robots. Heavy footsteps approach. The team slowly turns to face this new threat as the helmet and right arm of a giant robotic Soldier are shown before the camera cuts to black.] |
- According to the filename (if the trailer is downloaded directly through Steam), the video went through at least 35 major revisions before being finalised.
- This video takes place on a modified Viaduct.
- The Demoman is wearing the old "dynamite stick" class emblem.
- A picture of the Spy and the Scout's mother from Meet the Spy can be seen on the table to the right of the chips at 1:08.
- The Engineer's Shotgun changes during the midst of the battle to the Frontier Justice at 2:39 and utilizes sounds from Father Grigori's rifle from Half-Life 2.
- The Medic's Medi Gun backpack is on at 1:19 but vanishes at 1:22. It later re-appears at 1:37.
- The hatch that opens from the carrier tank makes the same sound as a Dispenser.
- The Scout, Sniper, and Spy Robots do not appear in the close-up on the carrier tank, but appear as an outline when the carrier tank's hatch opens.
- The Scout is shown using the Sandman at 0:35 but later changes to the default Bat at 0:53 then back to the Sandman at 2:20. In the final scene, he has a Scattergun and no bat.
- At 2:44, the Soldier is seen equipped with the Power Up Canteen.
- At 1:08, the Power Up Canteen is seen on the table the BLU Soldier and Demoman played cards on.
- The BLU Soldier is seen with the Soldier's Stogie at 1:56.
- What looks like the antennae of another carrier tank appears behind the CLOSED sign.
- At 2:28, a close observer can see the scout robots running through the walls of the carrier tank.