Badwater Basin/zh-hant
Badwater Basin | |
300px | |
資訊 | |
Variants: | Bloodwater |
開發者: | 未知 |
地圖資料 | |
所處地區: | 沙漠 |
環境設定: | 白天、晴朗 |
地圖相片 | |
地圖的俯瞰圖 | |
Badwater Basin (或稱 Badwater) 是一張有 4 個檢查點讓藍隊佔領的單個階段推車護送模式地圖。地圖位於一個穿越建築物的推車護送模式。這是首張單個階段的推車護送模式地圖,這也是第二張加進游戲中的推車護送模式。它在重裝兵更新的第三天公佈。而玩家在游戲開始前將有 65 秒鐘的準備時間。
檢查點 A
佔領後獲得的額外時間:4 分鐘 30 秒
- 藍隊重生點: 藍隊的第一個重生點有 4 個出口。一個在左邊面向中間出口的出口。一個分叉成左邊和右邊的中間出口,左邊的那個面向左邊的斜路,而右邊的則面向彈頭車。右邊的出口是主要的出口,它也是最大的出口,直接面向彈頭車,但這個出口也因爲面積較大而較暴露在敵人的視綫。
- 斜路: 一條由藍隊左邊出口通往懸崖的小斜路。
- 懸崖: (或稱 山脈 或 上面)這是個由藍隊重生點延伸至第一個檢查點的制高點。山上的地理位置很容易便進入敵人的視綫範圍,只有一些石頭當掩護。這也是一個熱門的位置讓士兵 和 爆破兵配合使用爆擊製造者的醫療兵進行爆擊攻擊。
- 隧道: 彈頭車路軌穿過通過懸崖的隧道。這隧道稍微拐過兩次,而出口和入口是可以互相對望的。除非玩家躲在彈頭車後面,否則他們很容易便會暴露在敵人狙擊手的視綫之中。
- Rocks: A U-shaped rock formation that provides cover for Snipers while allowing them to look directly at BLU's spawn. Engineers sometimes build here. There is a medium Health and Ammo pack. Some of the rocks can be climbed partially through crouch-jumping, but this makes players very vulnerable to attack.
- Bunker: (also Garage or The Alcove) A small concrete building sunk into the ground that opens directly onto the checkpoint. RED Engineers commonly build both on top of this building and inside it.
- Badwater first point.jpg
First Checkpoint
- Badwater cliffs.jpg
The Cliffs
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The Tunnel
Checkpoint B
Time added if captured: 4 minutes
- Lobby: Underneath the roof is a complex of several rooms. BLU frequently prepares for assaults up the stairs to the roof here.
- Roof: The top of the building the overlooks B. Similarly to the ridge on A, whoever controls this controls the checkpoint, so Engineers on RED will attempt to secure this area.
- Front Steps and The Back Steps: The two stairways to The Roof. The front steps approach from the first checkpoint, while the back steps approach from the second checkpoint and the back yard.
- Back Roof: This large expanse of area features excellent cover and several health kits. It is an ideal place for BLU to launch volleys of spam onto the roof.
- Back Yard: (also The Courtyard) This is the large area behind the roof.
- Alcove: This is the open room opposite the checkpoint from the roof.
- Badwater second point.jpg
Second Checkpoint
- Badwater roof.jpg
The Roof
- Badwater back roof.jpg
The Back-Roof
Checkpoint C
Time added if captured: 5 minutes
- Bridge: This enclosed bridge cuts across the low checkpoint of the map, forcing BLU to go underneath and face volleys of fire.
- Bridge Room: The room inside the Bridge is a common site of Engineer nests, owing to its defensibility.
- Side Room: This room provides a path from B onto the bridge. It lets out onto a deck that is popular with BLU Snipers.
- Attic: (also The Loft or The Balcony) A two-story building that BLU cannot easily access without capturing C. The heart of RED's defense while on C. The loft generally refers to the back area of the attic, while the balcony generally refers to the front areas of the attic.
- Badwater third point.jpg
Third Checkpoint
- Badwater side room.jpg
The Side Room
- Badwater bridge room.jpg
The room on the Bridge
Final Checkpoint
- Alley: The last chokepoint before the final checkpoint. Both BLU and RED use this area as a base, and the corners are the focus of the fighting during the assault on the final checkpoint.
- Pit: The entire lower level is often called this. This is where most of the action takes place.
- Sniper Hut: (also Sniper Tower) Up a short flight of stairs, with an open window overlooking part the Pit, this is the final Sniper deck for BLU. Demomen and Soldiers often come here as well. Engineers will also occasionally forward-base here.
- Map Room: (also called the Window Room) These two rooms branch off the alley and lead to open windows that overlook the final checkpoint. The windows are frequently utilized by BLU to avoid the second corner of the alley. The room has a big map on its wall, lending it the name "Map Room." The room between the map room and the third checkpoint is commonly called "The Outer Map Room."
- Overhangs: (also Garages) Underneath the map room and underneath decking across from the map room are two sheltered areas that face the checkpoint. Almost always the site of Engineer nests.
- Spiral: (also Spiral Staircase) A spiral staircase rising from the lower level of the checkpoint to a deck off to the side of the Sniper Hut. RED can flank into and through the Back Yard and Chicken Wire Room this way when BLU holds the Alley. The deck is elevated enough to limit the classes on BLU that can access this flank.
- Back Yard: This is the area between the Sniper Hut and the Spiral. Small skirmishes often occur here.
- Chicken Wire Room: This is the room located between the third checkpoint and the Sniper Hut. RED often tries to flank through this room.
- Badwater final point blu.jpg
Final Checkpoint (Offensive View)
- Badwater final point red.jpg
Final Checkpoint (Defensive View)
- Badwater alley.jpg
The Alley
- Badwater sniper hut.jpg
Back Yard (The area behind the Sniper Hut)
Update history
2008年8月19日更新 (Heavy Update)
- Added Badwater Basin to the game.
- [未記載] Added a "Grocket" to this map.
2011年12月15日更新 (Australian Christmas 2011)
- [未記載] Removed the crashed rocket from this map.
- [未記載] Added a "Carrier tank" to this map.
- Fixed player clip brush exploits and missing player clip brushes on roofs and rock walls
- Fixed player clip smoothing
- Fixed fence collisions
- Fixed floating rocks in skybox
- Fixed lighting on props
- Fixed lighting on canyon vista
- Handrails no longer collide with bullets and projectiles
- Performance increase through poly reduction, model collision reduction and model fade distances
- Players can no longer build inside Blu spawn room
- Players can no longer be trapped with Teleporters under the sign by the first capture point
- Players can no longer enter the room overlooking the final cap through the windows before point 3 is captured
- Players will now be crushed by closing doors upon the capture of point 2
- Fixed an exploit related to the final control point and dropped weapons on Badwater Basin, Barnblitz, Borneo, and Gold Rush.
- [未記載] Added saucers and posters to Badwater Basin.
- [未記載] Removed Saucers and Posters from all maps.
2016年10月21日更新 (Scream Fortress 2016)
- Added
to the Competitive maps list.
- Updated
to improve hit detection around some of the staircases.
2018年3月28日更新 #1
- Fixed a few cases where Pyros could shoot through spawn doors.
- Fixed being able to build outside the map on Badwater Basin.
- Teleporter exits built very close to the white pipe near the first checkpoint will clip players into the wall.
- Players can get stuck in the signs that pop up on capture of C.
- It is also possible to get stuck between the two vents that exchange position after the second point is captured.
- Bots may get stuck in a corner in BLU's forward spawn after the third point is captured, this is shown here.
- The Badlands area of Badwater Basin is referenced in maps presented in TF2 media:
- In the "The Map of Mann Land"[1] of the Engineer Update, Badwater Basin is depicted in the shape of Australia.
- The maps of the TF2 Badlands, depicted in the comic Shadow Boxers, shows that the Badwater Basin shown in the "The Map of Mann Land" is referenced to the Valles Caldera, a large basin with toxic sulphur springs.
- Badwater Basin is a basin in Death Valley, California, notable for having the lowest elevation in North America.
The board that appeared on the map, as of Smissmas 2013.
Official screenshots
External links
- Official announcement page
- Information about pre-release version at