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제작: 알 수 없음
맵 정보
환경: 스미스마스
위험 요소: 구덩이,
수레 폭발
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맵 전경
Wutville overview.png
Ol Nick has scores of naughty children forced into his employ by the arcane rules of the Austrialian Christmas.

(...) The children, however, took advantage of Nick's lack of attention and intoxication. They made a plan and hired the Blue Team with the promise of fancy hats to shove a train into Ol Nick's Bottomless Pit as a distraction while they make their own safe exit.
Wutville 홍보 안내문

Wutville스미스마스 2020에 추가된 스미스마스를 주제로 한 단역의 수레 밀기 맵입니다. BLU has been hired to escort the bomb-ladened RÜDY, a red-nosed railroad engine, through four checkpoints within Old Nick's prison workcamp for naughty children.

The setup timer is 60 seconds.

Wutville was contributed to the Steam Workshop.


체크포인트 A

  • RÜDY's station: RÜDY, the Payload, starts on a station with two platforms, one on each side; a long one that must be jumped on and a small one with a booth. The small platform contains a medium ammo box and health kit and access to one of BLU's alternate rollouts and resupply room.
  • BLU spawn: BLU's other alternate rollout and resupply is high and to the s starts off in a room with only one exit. As they leave the spawn, they may either go down a curved ramp or jump over a fence to the right past medium health pack and a large ammo box. Either way they have to cross a big, open area in order to reach RÜDY.
  • The Arch: A big arch that passes high over the Payload's tracks. Both teams can reach it from either of its sides, but BLU has it easier; for RED to reach the right side (from their perspective), they must do some crouch-jumping over some barrels and a fence. This side is home to a medium ammo box and health kit.
  • The Plaza: Just past the Arch and to the left (from BLU's perspective) is a Christmas tree with plenty of space around it, as well as a medium ammo box and a small health kit. A tall wall offers protecting for BLU. On the other side of the tracks, a slope takes player to a vantage point over the RED spawn's exit and to a building that leads to the Alleyway, just past the first checkpoint.
  • First RED spawn and Checkpoint A: RED's first spawn is a small room tucked away in a corner, with a big front yard and two medium ammo boxes and health kits, one on each side, and a clear view of Checkpoint A from its doors.

체크포인트 B

  • Checkpoint B: Soon after Checkpoint A, RÜDY must go into a building that houses Checkpoint B after a turn and a ramp. There are four passages in total: two train passages and two round doorways.
  • The Alleyway: A side path outside the building housing Checkpoint B with access to multiple tunnels that offer flank routes; the first tunnel connects the entrance to Checkpoint B straight to the second RED spawn, the second tunnel loops back to point A, a fork to the right also takes BLU to RED's second spawn, and the final tunnel passes beneath the second RED spawn and the train tracks after Checkpoint B.
  • Second RED spawn: A small room right next to Checkpoint C. Turning right takes RED to the Alleyway and the tunnel that leads to the entrance to Checkpoint B; turning left takes RED to the exit of the Checkpoint B building and one of its round doorways.

체크포인트 C

  • Checkpoint C: After RÜDY leaves the building with Checkpoint B, it must make a right turn and follow an upward and mostly straight path to reach point C. BLU's only flank option is to go around RED's second spawn.

체크포인트 D

  • The Wooden Path: A wooden platform that goes around and isn't much higher than the train's path.
  • The Side Path: A fenced flank that takes BLU directly to a hole above the pit where they must throw RÜDY, with a vantage point over both RED spawns.
  • RED Turbine Spawn: One of RED's last resupply rooms, right next to Checkpoint D and with a turbine right outside it.
  • Side RED Spawn: Another small resupply room. As soon as RED leaves and turns left, they see the final checkpoint.
  • Checkpoint D: The final goal for BLU, it is a pit with a narrow entrance and an open ceiling.


본문: Community Wutville strategy

업데이트 내역

2020년 12월 3일 패치 (Smissmas 2020)

  • Added Wutville to the game.

2020년 12월 16일 패치

  • The Smissmas trees are now properly colliding with mercs and ordinance
  • The larger first BLU spawn as been re-zoned for proper class changes and no more Engineer shenanigans
  • Wooden crates and furniture from the 2Fort division has had the minimum DirectX levels restored and should now be visible to mercs
  • Clipping of ledges and outcroppings around the Control Points has been installed to keep the merc's boots on the ground
  • The train tunnels will no longer allow for early escape
  • [언급되지 않음] Removed Poopy Joe mural located near Wutville's Checkpoint B.
  • [언급되지 않음] Fixed fade distance issues with props on Wutville.



  • Projectiles can sometimes be shot though spawn doors.
  • Taunt kills can sometimes trigger through spawn doors.
  • Due to rendering issues, most of the map is rendered past the player's point of view, resulting in high resource usage and low framerates.


  • The architectural style of the buildings around the map, as well as the map's name, is based on the fictional town Whoville, as it appeared in the 1957 children's book How the Grinch Stole Christmas! written by Dr. Seuss.
  • The name Rudy is often short for Rudolph. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a popular Christmas story character.
  • A wall mural dedicated to Poopy Joe was once located inside the building at Checkpoint B, but was later removed.
