Basic Spy strategy/zh-hant

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< Basic Spy strategy
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  • 你的隱形偽裝就拿一秒鐘一見成效。一個常見的錯誤就是踏入一個敵人的視線要之前完成。
  • 偽裝的事,但確切的偽裝是最重要的不是你花多少時間在敵人的觀點。
  • 而偽裝隱形不產生任何煙霧易為敵方隊伍。不要害怕改變你的偽裝,是看不到的。
  • 開始解除後,有一個冷卻時間,你不能使用任何動作。始終考慮這項啟動開始行動前一個 反布哨裝置或背刺。
  • 任何來源的彈藥,包括建築物摧毀時的金屬,將充電時間為默認的手錶隱形觀察和相似,即使他們是活的。
  • 永遠不要依靠偽裝。 揭開Spy是容易的,各國都在不斷。只有你的隱形手錶讓您的安全。
  • 你最危險的天敵是火焰兵。當有機會,避免或帶他出去行動。
  • 這是最容易刺傷敵人分心打你的隊友。不要辦法看著發呆誰就會趁機進行間諜的攻擊。
  • 間諜可以看到敵人的名字和血量。
  • 如果你表現就像一個間諜,他們會發現你是個間諜。例如,下面的人沒有很好的理由,盯著他們,或站在不尋常的地方會讓別人會懷疑你。
  • 你做的更多的損害敵人隊伍,他們會變成進攻狂,出動更多的間諜。
  • 避免走動時偽裝成敵人。



Revolver / Big Kill

Item icon Revolver.png Item icon Big Kill.png

  • While not as useful as the Knife, the Revolver is an integral part of the Spy's arsenal. Most hits do similar damage to the Shotgun, and Critical hits are 120 damage.
  • Use the Revolver for killing damaged enemies when backstabs are not easy or possible.
  • A good scenario for using the Revolver is to sap a lone building, then shoot the Engineer when he comes to save his Building. You can also shoot the building after sapping to destroy it quicker.
  • The Revolver is always 100% accurate (as accurate as a Sniper Rifle bullet) when putting a delay of 1.25 seconds between shots. Use this feature to snipe at foes.


Item icon Ambassador.png

  • The Ambassador makes the Razorback almost entirely useless. Assuming that the Sniper is not overhealed, a single headshot followed by a regular shot is enough to kill him.
  • The ability to see enemy health is invaluable with the Ambassador. When it drops below half of its base value, the health meter is shown in red. Against all classes except Heavy, this is a guaranteed headshot kill.
  • A lonely Engineer building a Sentry Gun can be easily killed by the Ambassador. Shooting him first in the head and then on any body part will kill him; afterward, you simply sap the building.
  • A similar tactic is to find an enemy building outside of the Sentry Gun's field of vision and sap that, then pull out the Ambassador and wait.


Item icon L'Etranger.png

  • L'Etranger converts fire-power into potential fleeing power.
  • The +15% Cloak per hit is applied regardless of the amount of damage you do to the opponent or your distance from him. A clever Spy can recharge his Cloak safely from a distance.
  • Don't get too greedy. Three shots is more than enough as it gives almost half your Cloak back.
  • As the Cloak and Dagger cannot be recharged by sources of ammo, the L'Etranger can be very useful in providing another source of Cloak.
  • The L'Etranger pairs well with the Dead Ringer as another source to refill the Cloak quickly.

Electro Sapper

Item icon Electro Sapper.png

  • The Electro Sapper is a tool used to take down an Engineer's buildings. There is an unlimited supply of these Sappers, and there is no "reload" delay between placing them. Place them as quickly as necessary.
  • The Electro Sapper has a significant vertical range in addition to its horizontal range. In many instances, you may be able to sap a building from well below or above it, allowing you to confuse its Engineer.
  • When sneaking up on an Engineer using the Wrangler, stab first, then sap. Killing the Engineer will cause his Sentry Gun to become disabled for a few precious seconds, which will be more than enough time to place an Electro Sapper.
  • As a Spy, you can sneak up behind an Engineer repairing his Sentry Gun, backstab him, and quickly sap the gun. The Sentry takes a couple seconds to turn around, giving you ample time to sap it.
  • Shooting or knifing a Sapped building will speed up the destruction, but your weapons will do reduced damage as long as the Electro Sapper is in place.


Item icon Knife.png

  • Always remember the Knife does pitiful damage and cannot Crit outside of backstabs and critboosts. In most scenarios, you should switch to the Revolver to fight enemies once you've been discovered.
  • However, it's often easier to hit a dodging opponent with your Knife than with your gun. If only a little more damage is required to kill your enemy, the Knife makes a reliable finisher.
  • While you can use disguises or binds to remove an enemy disguise, a quick swipe of the Knife into thin air is usually the fastest way to silently drop your disguise.

Your Eternal Reward

Item icon Your Eternal Reward.png

  • The lack of easy disguises while using this weapon means a greater reliance upon cloaking efficiently and choosing good hiding places.
  • This weapon is extremely well-suited for taking out Sentry Gun placements when you already have a disguise. You can backstab the Engineer and the Sentry Gun won't detect your presence between disguises.
  • If you do not have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use the original default Cloak, because it produces less noise than the Cloak & Dagger. However, if you have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use Cloak & Dagger or Dead Ringer.
  • Prior to obtaining your first disguise, look for enemies who are separated from the rest of their team. Once you stab them and obtain their identity, approach their front lines from behind.
  • If you're stuck with a slower disguise (Soldier, Heavy, Demoman), remember that you can Cloak at any time to move at normal walking speed. Your disguised speed will resume when you uncloak.
  • The Cloak and Dagger works well with this knife, since you can search for people to backstab and disguise without having fear of being exposed.

Disguise Kit

Item icon Disguise Kit.png

  • The Disguise Kit is the Spy's major infiltration tool. See the Disguise page for more details on its use.

Invisibility Watch / Enthusiast's Timepiece

Item icon Invisibility Watch.png Item icon Enthusiast's Timepiece.png

  • The margin of error with the Invisibility Watch is small given that you cannot feign your demise as with the Dead Ringer nor hide in plain sight as with the Cloak and Dagger.
  • Maintain movement to decrease the likelihood of being detected and cornered.
  • When detected, attempt to feign the direction in which you will retreat; begin cloaking while running in one direction, then change your heading the moment you're fully invisible.
  • Grab metal where you can, when you can while cloaked. More observant enemies may detect an ammo box inexplicably disappearing but more often than not they will be too preoccupied to notice.

Cloak and Dagger

Item icon Cloak and Dagger.png

  • Despite being less focused on movement, the Cloak and Dagger can be preferable to take on maps with not enough ammo boxes to get you past a large enemy front.
  • The Cloak drain is based on how fast you are moving.
  • Don't haunt the same area too long. It encourages enemies to Spy check for you.

Dead Ringer

Item icon Dead Ringer.png

  • The Dead Ringer makes a distinctive sound that lets all the enemies in the vicinity know that you are using the item. Try to uncloak in a safe location, then move in for the kill.
  • While cloaked with the Dead Ringer, you take 90% less damage, and you do not flicker from enemy shots. Use this to your advantage when crossing chokepoints with a large amount of enemy fire.
  • You can recharge your Cloak with ammo, even while cloaked. However, after 5 seconds you no longer take a reduced 90% damage.
  • When on fire, don't immediately pull out the Dead Ringer. Unless you were at extremely low health, an immediate death due to fire will look suspicious, and Pyros will more than likely set you on fire again while cloaked.
  • When you're bleeding with the Dead Ringer active, you won't flicker from the damage. However, the bleeding effect will still show, revealing your location to enemies.
  • When falling short distances that you can survive, don't ready the Ringer. If it activates, most people will realize that you're a Spy.

The Saharan Spy

The Saharan Spy

  • The uncloak volume reduction this set grants you is invaluable when using the Dead Ringer.
  • If an enemy sees you undisguised with the Familiar Fez equipped, they may assume you are using the full set, and they usually assume you are using the Dead Ringer or Your Eternal Reward.
  • When using the Dead Ringer in conjunction with the Saharan Spy Set, an easy way to get behind enemy lines is take fall damage to activate the Dead Ringer, then move from ammo source to ammo source until a suitable backstab target can be found.
  • When approaching a group of targets from behind, try to stab a faster moving class such as a Pyro, Demoman, Medic, or Sniper first. This will maintain your speed and allow you to chase down slower classes without having to drop your disguise.

Revolver / Big Kill

Item icon Revolver.png Item icon Big Kill.png

  • While not as useful as the Knife, the Revolver is an integral part of the Spy's arsenal. Most hits do similar damage to the Shotgun, and Critical hits are 120 damage.
  • Use the Revolver for killing damaged enemies when backstabs are not easy or possible.
  • A good scenario for using the Revolver is to sap a lone building, then shoot the Engineer when he comes to save his Building. You can also shoot the building after sapping to destroy it quicker.
  • The Revolver is always 100% accurate (as accurate as a Sniper Rifle bullet) when putting a delay of 1.25 seconds between shots. Use this feature to snipe at foes.


Item icon Ambassador.png

  • The Ambassador makes the Razorback almost entirely useless. Assuming that the Sniper is not overhealed, a single headshot followed by a regular shot is enough to kill him.
  • The ability to see enemy health is invaluable with the Ambassador. When it drops below half of its base value, the health meter is shown in red. Against all classes except Heavy, this is a guaranteed headshot kill.
  • A lonely Engineer building a Sentry Gun can be easily killed by the Ambassador. Shooting him first in the head and then on any body part will kill him; afterward, you simply sap the building.
  • A similar tactic is to find an enemy building outside of the Sentry Gun's field of vision and sap that, then pull out the Ambassador and wait.


Item icon L'Etranger.png

  • L'Etranger converts fire-power into potential fleeing power.
  • The +15% Cloak per hit is applied regardless of the amount of damage you do to the opponent or your distance from him. A clever Spy can recharge his Cloak safely from a distance.
  • Don't get too greedy. Three shots is more than enough as it gives almost half your Cloak back.
  • As the Cloak and Dagger cannot be recharged by sources of ammo, the L'Etranger can be very useful in providing another source of Cloak.
  • The L'Etranger pairs well with the Dead Ringer as another source to refill the Cloak quickly.

Electro Sapper

Item icon Electro Sapper.png

  • The Electro Sapper is a tool used to take down an Engineer's buildings. There is an unlimited supply of these Sappers, and there is no "reload" delay between placing them. Place them as quickly as necessary.
  • The Electro Sapper has a significant vertical range in addition to its horizontal range. In many instances, you may be able to sap a building from well below or above it, allowing you to confuse its Engineer.
  • When sneaking up on an Engineer using the Wrangler, stab first, then sap. Killing the Engineer will cause his Sentry Gun to become disabled for a few precious seconds, which will be more than enough time to place an Electro Sapper.
  • As a Spy, you can sneak up behind an Engineer repairing his Sentry Gun, backstab him, and quickly sap the gun. The Sentry takes a couple seconds to turn around, giving you ample time to sap it.
  • Shooting or knifing a Sapped building will speed up the destruction, but your weapons will do reduced damage as long as the Electro Sapper is in place.


Item icon Knife.png

  • Always remember the Knife does pitiful damage and cannot Crit outside of backstabs and critboosts. In most scenarios, you should switch to the Revolver to fight enemies once you've been discovered.
  • However, it's often easier to hit a dodging opponent with your Knife than with your gun. If only a little more damage is required to kill your enemy, the Knife makes a reliable finisher.
  • While you can use disguises or binds to remove an enemy disguise, a quick swipe of the Knife into thin air is usually the fastest way to silently drop your disguise.

Your Eternal Reward

Item icon Your Eternal Reward.png

  • The lack of easy disguises while using this weapon means a greater reliance upon cloaking efficiently and choosing good hiding places.
  • This weapon is extremely well-suited for taking out Sentry Gun placements when you already have a disguise. You can backstab the Engineer and the Sentry Gun won't detect your presence between disguises.
  • If you do not have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use the original default Cloak, because it produces less noise than the Cloak & Dagger. However, if you have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use Cloak & Dagger or Dead Ringer.
  • Prior to obtaining your first disguise, look for enemies who are separated from the rest of their team. Once you stab them and obtain their identity, approach their front lines from behind.
  • If you're stuck with a slower disguise (Soldier, Heavy, Demoman), remember that you can Cloak at any time to move at normal walking speed. Your disguised speed will resume when you uncloak.
  • The Cloak and Dagger works well with this knife, since you can search for people to backstab and disguise without having fear of being exposed.

Disguise Kit

Item icon Disguise Kit.png

  • The Disguise Kit is the Spy's major infiltration tool. See the Disguise page for more details on its use.

Invisibility Watch / Enthusiast's Timepiece

Item icon Invisibility Watch.png Item icon Enthusiast's Timepiece.png

  • The margin of error with the Invisibility Watch is small given that you cannot feign your demise as with the Dead Ringer nor hide in plain sight as with the Cloak and Dagger.
  • Maintain movement to decrease the likelihood of being detected and cornered.
  • When detected, attempt to feign the direction in which you will retreat; begin cloaking while running in one direction, then change your heading the moment you're fully invisible.
  • Grab metal where you can, when you can while cloaked. More observant enemies may detect an ammo box inexplicably disappearing but more often than not they will be too preoccupied to notice.

Cloak and Dagger

Item icon Cloak and Dagger.png

  • Despite being less focused on movement, the Cloak and Dagger can be preferable to take on maps with not enough ammo boxes to get you past a large enemy front.
  • The Cloak drain is based on how fast you are moving.
  • Don't haunt the same area too long. It encourages enemies to Spy check for you.

Dead Ringer

Item icon Dead Ringer.png

  • The Dead Ringer makes a distinctive sound that lets all the enemies in the vicinity know that you are using the item. Try to uncloak in a safe location, then move in for the kill.
  • While cloaked with the Dead Ringer, you take 90% less damage, and you do not flicker from enemy shots. Use this to your advantage when crossing chokepoints with a large amount of enemy fire.
  • You can recharge your Cloak with ammo, even while cloaked. However, after 5 seconds you no longer take a reduced 90% damage.
  • When on fire, don't immediately pull out the Dead Ringer. Unless you were at extremely low health, an immediate death due to fire will look suspicious, and Pyros will more than likely set you on fire again while cloaked.
  • When you're bleeding with the Dead Ringer active, you won't flicker from the damage. However, the bleeding effect will still show, revealing your location to enemies.
  • When falling short distances that you can survive, don't ready the Ringer. If it activates, most people will realize that you're a Spy.

The Saharan Spy

The Saharan Spy

  • The uncloak volume reduction this set grants you is invaluable when using the Dead Ringer.
  • If an enemy sees you undisguised with the Familiar Fez equipped, they may assume you are using the full set, and they usually assume you are using the Dead Ringer or Your Eternal Reward.
  • When using the Dead Ringer in conjunction with the Saharan Spy Set, an easy way to get behind enemy lines is take fall damage to activate the Dead Ringer, then move from ammo source to ammo source until a suitable backstab target can be found.
  • When approaching a group of targets from behind, try to stab a faster moving class such as a Pyro, Demoman, Medic, or Sniper first. This will maintain your speed and allow you to chase down slower classes without having to drop your disguise.

See also