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< Medic taunts
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“嘲讽”是特定于角色的动画,可以在游戏中手动触发。 医生 有几个嘲讽,所有这些都在下面列出,并附有适用的语音和动画描述。 这不包括 语音响应语音命令


Medictaunt2.PNG 相关物品 描述
"哎呀! 那可不是药啊."
"那很疼吗? 真是抱歉!" ("抱"在读的时候音调被加重了)


Medictaunt3.PNG 相关物品 描述
Medictaunt06.PNG 相关物品 描述
Main article: Oktoberfest

医生把他的脸放在了闪电战医疗枪的枪管上并深呼吸了一下,放松了一小会,然后摇了一下头并恢复了原样. 医生在做这个嘲讽时会回复10-11点血量. 在嘲讽时,医生会说到:

"哈哈哈! 十月啤酒节万岁!"


Medictaunt4.PNG 相关物品 描述
The Medic plays his saw as though it were a violin with one of several tunes, such as:
First tune
Second tune
Third tune
Fourth tune
Fifth tune (based on the "dominating" jingle)
Sixth tune (based on "Playing With Danger")
Seventh tune (based on the "revenge" jingle)

The Vita-Saw will play a deeper, cello-like tune, such as:

First tune
Second tune
Third tune
Fourth tune
Fifth tune (based on the "dominating" jingle)
Sixth tune (based on "Playing With Danger")
Seventh tune (based on the "revenge" jingle)
Main article: Medicating Melody
When taunting with the Amputator, it heals all allies within range and with a direct line of sight, who emit a team-colored glow from their feet.
Medicuberkill.png 相关物品 描述击杀图标
Main article: Spinal Tap

The Medic enters a combat pose, thrusts his Übersaw forward and retracts it, stunning and killing any enemies in the way. If the retraction kills an enemy, the ÜberCharge meter gains 75% charge, added with the extra 25% given by the stun it gives 100% ÜberCharge. While taunting, the Medic says:

  • Killicon uberslice.png
Medictaunt2.PNG 相关物品 描述
"Anuhza successful procedure!"
"Woops! Zat was not medicine."
"Did zat sting? Sorry!"
"Zat, was doctor-assisted homicide!"
Medictaunt3.PNG 相关物品 描述
The Medic bows and says:
"Danke, Dummkopfs!" (Translation:"Thanks, Fools/Idiots!")


Medic Director.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic puts his arms out and forms a square with his fingers, mimicking a camera lens.
Medic taunt laugh.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic laughs while pointing.
Taunt Meet the Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic takes a heroic pose as doves and a bright light surround him, while an angelic choir sings for the duration.
Medic highFiveSuccessFull.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic gives a high five.
Medic Shred Alert taunt.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind.
Taunt Results Are In.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic pulls out a glowing chest X-ray depicting a rib cage and an implanted bomb. He laughs and gives a fatal prognosis, then crumples and tosses the X-ray image.
"Heh ha ha ha ..."
"Vell, you'll be dead soon!"
"My professional opinion..."
"...you're dead!"
"...hmm ha ha ha! Yes! I killed you alright!"
"...you're dead!"
"...you're dead!"
"...ha ha..."
"...you're dead!"

Associated sound effects

[rustling film paper]
[crumpling film paper]
Conga Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:

Dancing to the Conga

"Vun, two, three, kick!"
(hushed singing) "I like doing ze conga!"
(whispered intense singing) "I kick my leg out. Oh I am so good, ja!"
"Whoo hoo ha!"
"Yeh ha ha!"
"Whooo ha!"
"Hah hoo hoo ha hahah!"
Square Dance Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic will swing his partner 'round and 'round while saying:

Starting a dance

"Let us dance!"
"My prescription? Dancing! Haha!"

During the dance

"Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!"
"Whoo hoo hoo! Ooh, do-si-do your partner!"
"Allemande Left! Allemande Right! Ha hah!" (See: Allemande)
"Ha ha ha! Whoo!"

After the dance

"Vell done!"
"Vell done!"
"Very nice!"
"I like your moves Haha!"
"Hoo! Zhat vas fun! Haha!"
"Hoo ha ha! I love it!"
Skullcracker Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic will gesture towards his head and then perform a head butt with another player.

Initiating a head butt

"Right in ze noggin!"
"Head to head!"
"Come on!"
"Come on."
"Come on!"
"Let us do zhis!"
"Shall we?"
"Shall we?"
"Let's begin!"
"Let's begin!"
"Over here!"
"Over here."
"Oh, I can't vait!"
"Ho ho hoh! Hoo hoo! Oh, it's on!"


"Reaah ugh!"
"Ah ha ha ha rugh!"

After a head butt

"Ooh ho hah ho hah oh!"
"Ooh ha ha! I zhink I have a concussion, haha!"
"Ooh! I zhink I have a concussion, hehe!"
Flippin Awesome Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic will bend down a bit and interlock a few of his fingers to form a platform for another player to flip off of.

Preparing to flip

"Time to flip!"
"Time to flip!"
"Who vants a flip?"
"Ready to flip!?"
"In position!"

Flipping another player

(strained) "Up you go!"
"Zhere you are!"
"Into zhe air!"
"Up up!"
"Up up!"
"Ooh hoo hoo!"
"Hoo oooh!"

After flipping

"Danke danke!"
"Zhank you! Zhank you!"
"Vell done!"
"Oooh! Very nice!"
"Ten out of ten!"
"Hoo hoo! Astounding!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"Vell done!"
"Zank you, heh ha!"
"Zank you!"
"Zhat vas fun! Heh ha ha!"
"Zhat vas fun! Hoh!"
"Very nice!"
"My zhanks!"
Medic rock paper scissors.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Initiating a throw

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Starting the throw



(tauntingly) "I am zhe vinner!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha!"
(liltingly) "Victorious!"
"Hoo ho, perfect!"


Kazotsky Kick Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic will cross his arms and perform a squatting kick
Burstchester Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic touches the alien and adjusts his glasses before pulling his finger away and shaking it like he has been bitten despite the alien not actually doing so.
Zoomin' Broom Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it and hover above the ground.
Mannrobics Medic.png 相关物品 描述
The Medic will go through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation.





2009年5月21日补丁 (Sniper vs. Spy Update)

  • Added a taunt for the Kritzkrieg, which also heals for 10 points.


  • The Ubersaw was given its own kill taunt. Previously, the Medic would play the Ubersaw like the Bonesaw, only with a deeper cello sound.

2010年9月30日补丁 (Mann-Conomy Update)

  • [未记载] Added an unused "high-five" taunt


  • Gave the Vita-Saw the Ubersaw's original taunt.

2011年5月5日补丁 (Replay Update)

  • Added Director's Vision taunt.
  • [未记载] Added a voice response for the Spinal Tap and Oktoberfest taunts.


  • [未记载] Added laughing animations.

2011年6月23日补丁 (Über Update)

  • Added Meet the Medic and Schadenfreude taunt.

2011年10月13日补丁 (Manniversary Update & Sale)


  • Added Shred Alert taunt.

2014年6月18日补丁 (Love & War Update)

2015年7月2日补丁 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • The Kazotsky Kick was added to the game.

2015年10月6日补丁 (异形入侵社区更新)

  • The Burstchester was added to the game.

2015年10月28日补丁 (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • The Zoomin' Broom was added to the game.


  • Updated taunts to prevent movement during the pre-round period when players are frozen

2015年12月17日补丁 (Tough Break Update)

  • Added Mannrobics taunt.