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Pictogram comment.png 语音翻译仅供参考


Soldiertaunt1.PNG 相关物品 描述
"Leeeeft house!"
Soldierdhtaunt.png 相关物品 描述
Soldiermanglertaunt.png 相关物品 描述


Soldiershotguntaunt.png 相关物品 描述
士兵用霰弹枪来敬礼,他将霰弹枪对着空中并射击三次(不会消耗弹药,也不会造成伤害),同时背景响起音乐“Taps”,然后他行了个军礼,同时说:“BOO-YAH!”。 这首音乐还有另一个更长的版本
Soldiertaunt2.PNG 相关物品 描述
士兵拿出两枚手雷和一枚备用火箭,然后像杂耍一样在将它们抛在空中,同时士兵疯狂的笑着,或者是大喊:“Screamin' Eagles!”(尖啸的雄鹰)。


Soldiertaunt3.PNG 相关物品 描述

Soldiergrenadekill.png 相关物品 描述击杀图标
主条目: 手雷

士兵把手里的武器扔到一边,将手指关节捏得咔嚓响,同时说:“C'mere, cupcake”,然后他从皮带上取下一枚手雷,拨开拉环,捏着手雷举向空中,最后手雷爆炸,他自己和附近的任何敌人以及任何建筑物都会被手雷炸成碎片。

  • Killicon grenade (taunt).png
  • Killicon hhg.png
Soldiertaunt2.PNG 相关物品 描述
士兵拿出两枚手雷和一枚备用火箭,然后像杂耍一样在将它们抛在空中,同时士兵疯狂的笑着,或者是大喊:“Screamin' Eagles!”(尖啸的雄鹰)。
Soldierdhtaunt.png 相关物品 描述



Taunt Fresh Brewed Victory.png 相关物品 描述


Taunt fubar fanfare.png 相关物品 描述
士兵拿出长号,吹奏了四个表现失败的低音(D, D♭, C, B)。

Taunt Panzer Pants.png 相关物品 描述



在嘲讽过程中,玩家会不断向前移动,且只能左右转向。当转向时,士兵和坦克炮塔会先于坦克车体开始转动,可以让玩家朝一侧的大约 45°的方向开炮。

Taunt Profane Puppeteer.png 相关物品 描述

Taunt Rocket Jockey.png 相关物品 描述




Taunt Soldier's Requiem.png 相关物品 描述
士兵拿出一块墓碑,墓碑上写着:“Here lies maggot. I win. The end.”,然后说:

Taunt Star-Spangled Strategy.png 相关物品 描述
士兵身旁出现了一张画架,画布上列着“Get the intel”(夺取情报)、“Defend point”(防守据点)和“Stop the cart”(阻止战车)的目标,但上面覆盖着一串团队色的文字“KILL RED TEAM”(杀死红队)或“KILL BLU TEAM”(杀死蓝队)。士兵取出一根教鞭,用它拍了拍画布,举了举拳头,最后用大腿把教鞭给折断。





Burstchester Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
A creature resembling a Bread monster partially comes out of the Soldier's chest. He tries to catch the creature with both hands, but it quickly goes back in; the Soldier then looks around in search of it.

Creature noises

[Long scream 1]
[Long scream 2]
[Happy scream 1]
[Happy scream 2]
[Growl 1]
[Growl 2]
[Growl 3]
[Growl 4]
[Growl 5]
[Growl 6]
[Growl 7]
[Growl 8]
[Growl 9]
[Growl 10]
[Snap 1]
[Snap 2]
[Snap 3]
[Snap 4]
[Snap 5]
[Snap 6]
[Snap 7]
[Snap 8]

Looking at creature

(Evil laughter)
"You're a disgrace to the uniform."
"C'mere, sweetheart..."
"C'mere, sister."
"C'mere, Sally!"
"C'mere, cupcake!"
"Need some help here!"
"Heh heh heeeh!"
"Screamin' Eagles!"
"Hello again!"
"My blood! No!"

Looking for the creature

"If you know what's good for ya, you will run!"
"You are a maggot hatched from a mutant maggot egg!"
"Dauggh no!"
"You will not be missed."
"I never liked you."
"You were good son, real good; maybe even the best."

Conga Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:

Initiating a Conga line

"Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha! Conga!"
"Single file!"

Dancing to the Conga

"Oooh, yeah!"
"Ha hah, conga!"
"Conga, maggots!"
"Get into it!"
"Conga you fools!"
"Love it!"
"[singing] Duh da da da!"
The player continuously moves forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.

Soldier Director.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier extends his arms out and forms a square with his big hands, trying to visualize the scene in front of him in a frame or a screen.

Fist Bump Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier moves his right hand up while closing it into a fist. He then points at his fist before extending his arm forward and inviting others for a fist bump.


"Give 'em hell, boys!"

While waiting, he looks right and left before saying:

"Let's do this!"
"Come on!"
"I haven't got all day!"
"I haven't got all day!"
"Come on, maggot!"
"Let's go, maggot!"

He then winds up his arm once before punching the other player's fist.


After a successful fist bump, he raises his left hand and brings it down closed into a fist in a victorious gesture while saying:

"Mission accomplished!"

Flippin Awesome Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier bends his knees slightly with his hands interlocked to form a platform for players to flip themselves off. If he is being flipped, the Soldier performs a somersault in mid-air.

Preparing to flip

"Flip is go!"
"Flip is go!"
"Flip is go!"
"Step up and get flipped!"
"In flipping position!"
"Do not keep me waiting!"
"Get over here, sky-meat!"
"Say your prayers and grab some air!"
"Operation: Soaring Eagle!"

Flipping another player

[strained]"Up you go!"
[strained]"Up you go!"
"Hut hut hut!"

Being flipped


After flipping

"Perfect landing!"
"Perfect landing!"
"Perfect landing."
"The Eagle has landed" (reference to Apollo 11)
"Duty. Honor. Flipping."
"Duty and honor!"
"Duty and honor."
"Well done!"
"Done and done!"
"Mission accomplished!"
"Mission accomplished!"
"Mission accomplished."
"Medals for everyone!"
"Stay frosty!"
"Stay frosty!"

Soldierhighfive.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier stands at attention and raises his hand while saying:
"Let's go!"
He then salutes, slaps the other player's hand, and pumps his right fist back and forth a few times.

Kazotsky Kick Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier puts one hand over the other in front of him while bending his knees and kicking forward. He looks left, makes a military salute, repositions his hands, looks right, then looks back forward, his helmet bouncing up and down the entire time. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Soldier Killer Joke.png 相关物品 描述
The soldier plays a sting and an unchoked cymbal, then stands at attention while "saluting" with a "loser" hand sign and laughing.
(Evil laughter 1)
(Evil laughter 2)
(Evil laughter 3)

Mannrobics Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier goes through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation.
"[panting] Ho, heh, huh, huh, uh!"
"Ooh! Ah! Hah hah! Hoo hoo!"
"Ah, hoo, heh, uh!"
"There's nothing more American than exercise!"
The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Soldier rock paper scissors.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Initiating a throw

"Rock, paper, scissors!"
"Rock! Paper! Scissors!"
"Let's throw down!"
"Who wants some?"
"It's throw time!"

Starting the throw

"One, two, three!"
"On three..."

Win (Condition-specific)

"Paper wins!"
"Rock wins!"
"Scissors win!"


"Did I win?"
"I won! No, wait."

Soldier Scaredy-cat!.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier screams, points in terror, and crouches while putting his hands over his head. After a moment, he looks back up.


*Dying scream*
*Dying scream*
*Dying scream*
*Dying scream*

Looking up

"I am scared, you maggots!"
"Holy Mary, mother of Joseph!"
"I am having a heart attack!"

Soldier taunt laugh.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier slouches forward and wheezes, breathless with laughter. After righting himself, he then wipes a tear from his eye.

Second Rate Sorcery Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢" while laughing and jumping from side to side. He attempts to cast a spell with his left hand, failing to create anything but green sparkles. He then angrily throws the staff on the ground before returning to his original position.

Soldier Shred Alert taunt.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind.

Skullcracker Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier gestures towards his head and then perform a head butt with another player.

Initiating a head butt

"Heeead butt!"
"Head butt me!"
"Head butt time!"
"Butt my head, that's an order!"
"Let's do this!"
"Let's do this!"
"Let's go!"
"Come on!"
"Come on."
"I haven't got all day!"
"I haven't got all day!"
"Go go go!"
"Go go go!"
"Come on, maggot!"
"Let's go, maggot!"
"I got your six!"
"Come on maggots!"



After a head butt

"Ahhh uhhh ahn!"
"U. S. A.!"
"God, Guts, Guns!"
"Gaaawd, Guuuuts, Guuuns!"

Square Dance Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier swings his partner 'round and 'round while saying:

Starting a dance

"Let's dance, maggot!"
"Dance-time, boys!"

During the dance

"Whoa! Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"Ah ha ha!"
"Whaa, ho ho ha ha!"
"He he he he he hah hah!"
"Ha ha hah, I'm dancing!"

Dance's end

"Dance accomplished!"
"Dance terminated!"

Victory Lap Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Soldier yetipunch.png 相关物品 描述
A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Soldier. He closes his right hand into a fist, grabs and lifts the cutout over him, and smashes it against his head. He staggers for a moment, dizzy, then goes back to normal.

Cutout appears

[roar 1]

Before hitting a Yeti:

Destroying cutout:

Cutout destroyed

[breaking wood]

Defeated roar

[roar 2]

Soldier yetismash.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier turns into a Yeti, beats his chest while roaring, and slams the ground with his fist; he then turns back to normal and slightly rearranges his helmet back in place while standing back up.

Yeti transformation

[snow falling, loud roar]
[landing from jump]
[short roar]
[long roar 1]
[chest hit 1]
[chest hit 2]
[chest hit 3]
[chest hit 4]
[chest hit 5]
[chest hit 6]
[chest hit 7]
[chest hit 8]
[chest hit 9]
[long roar 2]
[slamming the ground]

Zoomin' Broom Soldier.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it, hovering above the ground. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.


Soldierrobottaunt.png 相关饰品 描述
The Soldier performs the Robot dance while saying, "Beep beep boop. Maggot!".
The actual video demonstration can be seen here.


Soldiershowtaunt.png 相关物品 描述
The Soldier stamps his feet, crosses his arms then shows something off.


  • [未记载] 为精确打击者、霰弹枪和十字镐添加了其专属的武器嘲讽。
  • [未记载] 将霰弹枪最初的嘲讽(杂耍嘲讽)被分配给了战旗。
  • [未记载] 添加了一个未使用的“击掌”嘲讽。


  • 修复了在使用十字镐的武器嘲讽期间百战天虫战盔无法播放正确音效的问题。


  • [未记载] 添加了未使用的“击掌”嘲讽。


  • 修复了士兵/爆破手在手持座头市之刀时不能正常使用嘲讽的问题。


  • 添加了“导演的视角”嘲讽。
  • [未记载] 为手榴弹嘲讽添加了语音。


  • [未记载] 添加了大笑动作动画。



  • [未记载] 为绞牛机 5000添加了其专属的“Cocksure”(夸张敬礼)嘲讽。
  • [未记载] 添加了一个未使用的“show”嘲讽。


  • [未记载] 在使用绞牛机 5000蓄力的期间士兵不再能使用嘲讽了。




  • 修复了逃生计划镐的嘲讽与十字镐的嘲讽不同的问题。




2015年10月6日补丁 (异形入侵社区更新)

  • 嘲讽“裂胸者”被添加进游戏中。

2015年10月28日补丁尖叫要塞 2015


  • 更新了嘲讽,以防止玩家在回合前未能移动的时候利用嘲讽进行移动。


2016年7月7日补丁 #1棋逢对手更新

2016年10月21日补丁尖叫要塞 2016

2017年10月20日补丁 #1丛林炼狱更新

2018年10月19日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2018)

2020年12月3日补丁圣诞节 2020

  • 嘲讽“火箭骑师”被添加进游戏中。
  • 嘲讽“碰拳”被添加进游戏中。

2021年10月5日补丁尖叫要塞 2021

2023年7月12日补丁2023 夏季更新


  • 绞牛机 5000的嘲讽被正式命名为“Cocksure”(敬礼嘲讽)。
  • 在士兵嘲讽幸灾乐祸的笑声的结尾处,可以听到录音总监的声音说:“Alright cut”。
