
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 05:57, 9 September 2023 by Denied (talk | contribs) (Itembox Translation LUT)
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Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: Lower Saxony, Germany
Native language: German
Age: Soon 25 (Born 21st October 1998)
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Scout, Soldier and Medic
Favourite maps: cp_process_final, cp_metalworks and cp_badlands
Favourite weapons: Every Australium weapon
Favourite hats: Climbing Commander
Contact information
Steam page: CampeR_

Welcome to my profile!

Joined 15th July 2020
German translation progess

German translation status


Had to take a break due to personal reasons (again!) but I'll try to update a page a week (if more, even better)
Individual translation progress

Milestone Time Achieved?
Surviving 2021 end of 2021 Pictogram comment.png Done
Get german basepages up-to-date ? Pictogram neutral.png To-do
Updating all strategy ? Pictogram neutral.png Pending

Useful links

Cosmetic_items/de (To check what is not in dictionary)

About me

Working full-time as DevOps Engineer. Playing CS:GO and TF2 mainly.
Ex-Semi-Professional for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Because of my competitive experiences in CS I also would love to launch a full German TF2-esport organization but the German-wiki comes first. (At least until it is at a state where I can proudly show it off). And this is also my main reason and motivation of why I am working here voluntarily, I want to bring the German-Wiki up to a state where it belongs. I want people to be able to refer to it and get help from it without being met with half-translated pages or sites that have not been updated since 2014.

Translation Progress

Priority To-Do Currently Working On Done Work

Translating Strategy Section To German


(Based on the current state I can not focus on this first, classes and weapons need to be fixed first)
  • Basics
  • Anti-Class strategies
  • Community strategies
  • Gamemode strategies
  • Team strategies
  • individual strategies

Updating The Non-English-Wiki


(While I am updating parts of the German Wiki I will try to update all stats and templates that I see being outdated, important that everyone has an up-to-date ressource)
  • All weapons
  • All templates
  • Scout weapons
  • Weapons
    • Leaderboard class scout.png Force-A-Nature
    • Leaderboard class scout.png Shortstop
    • Leaderboard class scout.png Soda Popper (Except pl, pt-br, tr due to uncertainty regarding some translations)

Updating The German-Wiki


(Honestly I was saddened when I saw the current state of the german wiki, that's why this will be my "baby" for the next years)
  • All weapons (noticed that most of them are pre-jungle inferno update some even pre MYM update)
  • All templates (checking grammar as well as current state)
  • Scout weapons
  • Templates
  • Full Reworks for Weapons
    • Leaderboard class scout.png Force-A-Nature
    • Leaderboard class scout.png Shortstop
    • Leaderboard class scout.png Soda Popper
  • Dictionaries
    • TF2 crosshair orange.png Cosmetic items added from Smissmas 2022 and Summer 2023 Update
    • Tournament medals (most used ones, rest will be done via script)
    • Other
  • Templates
    • Contracts/Header
    • Equalizer damage range
    • Assist items
    • Bot names
    • Community/Wiki Cap/Saxxy/Memory Maker/Polycount Pin/Map Maker's Medallion item owner
    • Humor
    • Interface
    • Painted variants/Title
    • Painted variants unused/Notes
  • Class weapons table templates (Done: TF2 crosshair orange.png)

New Pages


(Will not work on this unless it is most recent update. Current state to bad to focus on completing the wiki)
  • All missing /de-Pages
  • none

Fixing Google-Translated Stuff


(My biggest pet peeve, when ever I see an obvious google tranlation my heart breaks. So please send them to me so that I can fix them asap)
(That also counts if you have a suspicious, just send them my way!)
  • Whatever I find or gets reported to me

Passion projects


(Just a collection of ambitious ideas that I would love to do and maybe will in the near/far future)
  • Translating the comics to german (Idea thanks to me having the real life book and dayum do I love it!)

Other stuff here and there

Other stuff here and there

Itembox Translation LUT

Feel free change this table and add your translation in it.
N/T: Not translated yet (no translation found)
?: Unsure of translation (found it multiple times used for it but unsure of accurarcy)
V: Verified by a native or proficient speaker of the language
N: Follow note/reference for some extra information regarding formatting
G: Using gendered conjugation in the format m/f/n

en Default Festive Festivized Australium Rust Blood Carbonado Diamond Silver Gold MK.I MK.II
cs[1] normaliní N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T N/T
da V[2] Normal Festlig Festliggjort Australium Rust Blod Carbonado Diamant Sølv Guld Mk.I Mk.II
de V[3] Standard Festlich Verfestlicht Australium Rost Blut Carbonado Diamant Silber Gold MK.I MK.II
es G, V[4] Normal Festivo/a Festivizado/a de Australium Oxidado/a Sangriento/a de Carbonado de Diamante de Plata de Oro Mk.I Mk.II
fi Normaali Juhlava Juhlallistettu Australium Ruosteinen Verinen Mustatimanttinen Timanttinen Hopeinen Kultainen MK.I MK.II
fr V[5] Normal Festif Festivisé Australium Rouillé Sanglant Carbone Diamant Argent Or MK.I MK.II
hu V[6] Normális Ünnepi Ünnepiesített Ausztrálium Rozsda Vér Karbonádó Gyémánt Ezüst Arany I. széria II. széria
it V[7] Base Festivo Festivizzato di Australium Arrugginito Insanguinato Carbonado Diamante Argentato Dorato MK.I MK.II
ja 通常版 フェスティブ Festivized ?[8] オーストラリウム さびた ブラッド 黒ダイヤ ダイヤモンド シルバー ゴールド Mk.I Mk.II
ko V[9] 기본 축제장식 축제 장식된 오스트레일륨 N[10] 녹슨 피묻은 흑금강석 금강석 은빛 금빛 1형 2형
nl V[11] Standaard Feestelijke Verfeestelijkt Australium Roestige N[12] Bloederig Carbonado Diamanten Zilveren Gouden Mk.I Mk.II
pl Domyślny Śniąteczny Z dekoracjami Australium N[13] Zardzewiały Zakrwawiony Karbonadowy Diamentowy Srebrny Złoty wz. I wz. II
pt V[14] Normal Festivo Festivizado de Austrálio Enferrujado Sangrento Carbonado Diamante Prata Ouro MK.I MK.II
pt-br V[15] Padrão Festivo Festivizado de Austrálio N[16] Enferrujado Ensanguentado Carbonizado Diamantado Prateado Dourado MK.I MK.II
ro V[17] Normal Festiv Festivizat Australium Rugină Sânge Carbonado Diamant Argint Aur MK. I MK. II
ru V[18] обычный праздничный с украшениями из австралия N[19] ржавый окровавленный карбонадовый алмазный серебряный золотой вер. 1.0 вер. 2.0
sv V[20] Standard Festlig Pyntad Australium N[21] Rost Blod Svart Diamant Diamant Silver Guld MK.I MK.II
tr Default Keyifli Keyiflendirilmiş Avustralyum Paslı Kanli Karaelmas Elmas Gümüş Altin MK.I MK.II
zh-hans V[22] 默认 节日 彩灯 澳元素 N[23] 锈铁 喋血 碳钢 钻石 白银 黄金 MK.I MK.II
zh-hant 一般 聖誕 節慶化 ? 澳元素 鏽蝕 染血 黑鑽 閃鑽 白銀 黃金 MK.I MK.II


Flag Germany.png This user is German, Dummkopfs!
de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur dispose d’un niveau intermédiaire de connaissance en français.
hu-1 Ez a szerkesztő alapszinten beszéli a magyar nyelvet.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
Crystal xeyes.png This user is afraid of red links.
Heavy like to shoot this gun.PNG This user. Like. To edit. This wiki. Is all you need to know.
User Monte GreenWiki.gif This user likes to see this wiki turning green.
Engineer Update showcard.png This user witnessed the Engineer Update!


  1. Based on Steam community market there is little no to translation for Czech
  2. Reviewed by the amazing Wookipan. Thank you a ton!
  3. Verified by myself as I am a native speaker of the language. Note: Festivized is often not translated in the wiki, looking at the steam language database it is translated as "Verfestlicht"
  4. Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut AND Ryo. Thank you a ton!
  5. Reviewed by the amazing SpyAmogus. Thank you a ton!
  6. Reviewed and verified by my super amazing wife. Thank you a ton!
  7. Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut. Thank you a ton!
  8. Based on Steam community market it is just "Festivized"
  9. Reviewed by the amazing Yellow Devil. Thank you a ton!
  10. Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being 축제장식된 오스트레일륨<br>(레드) for RED and 축제장식된 오스트레일륨<br>(블루) for BLU respectively.
  11. Reviewed by the amazing GrampaSwood. Thank you a ton!
  12. Not used for Sniper Rilfe and Knife as well for generic "Rust Botkiller" translation.
  13. Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being Australium udekorowany<br>(RED) for RED and Australium udekorowany<br>(BLU) for BLU respectively.
  14. Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut. Thank you a ton!
  15. Reviewed by the amazing BrazilianNut. Thank you a ton!
  16. Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being (Festivizado) de Austrálio<br>(RED) for RED and (Festivizado) de Austrálio<br>(BLU) for BLU respectively.
  17. Created and reviewed by the amazing Lord of Dominating. Thank you a ton!
  18. Reviewed by the amazing DrotEroNoxt. Thank you a ton!
  19. Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being с украшениями из австралия<br>(КРС) for RED and с украшениями из австралия<br>(СИН) for BLU respectively.
  20. Reviewed by the amazing Decimate. Thank you a ton!
  21. Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being Pyntad Australium <br>(RED) for RED and Pyntad Australium <br>(BLU) for BLU respectively.
  22. Reviewed by the amazing Dereko. Thank you a ton!
  23. Uses custom names for viewnames for festivized australium for red and blue. Being 彩灯澳元素<br>(红队) for RED and 彩灯澳元素<br>(蓝队) for BLU respectively.