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Template:Latest patch

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Class soldierred.png

Class pyrored.png

Class demored.png

Class heavyred.png

Class engired.png

Class medicred.png

Class sniperred.png

Class spyred.png

Esploratore Soldato Piro Demolitore Grosso Ingegnere Medico Cecchino Spia
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Risultati Creazione Cappelli Mappe Meet the Team
Buttonmiscitems.png Buttonpatches.png 125px Buttonstrategy.png Main page button Weapons.png
Oggetti vari Aggiornamenti Oggetti da raccogliere Strategie Armi
Vetrina Lo sapevi che...

  • ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
  • ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
  • ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
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  • February 9, 2023 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Attention, Steam Workshop Creators! Valve teased a full-on update-sized update to be released around the summer! Submit your workshop creations before May 1st, 2023 for a chance to have them included.
    • February 14, 2023 (edited): Valve made some revisions to the wording of this blog post. The updated post now states that they plan to ship a "full-on holiday-sized update" with "other community-contributed fixes" instead of a "full-on update-sized update" with "who knows what else?!"
  • March 28, 2018 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Competitive Update Shipped! Valve has rolled out a slew of matchmaking and other game improvements! And they haven't forgotten about everybody's favorite feature, new community cosmetics are here as well!
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