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就跟其他許多電玩一樣,《絕地要塞 2》在開發階段時就有很大的變化。比方說,是否要保留在絕地要塞經典版就有的手榴彈攻擊,就是在此期間有重大改變的遊戲特色之一。有些物品之所以會棄置不用,是因為開發團隊製做了另一個更好的物品替代,比方說火箭兵的獎牌類物品;而另一些物品不使用,則是因為遊戲風格或方式改變而不得不移除。這一頁記錄了在開發時移除不使用的武器、裝飾等物品,不過大多數的未使用項目仍在遊戲檔案中以 .gcf 檔的方式存在。


名稱 備註
平民 在未推出的特定模式裡出現的職業。平民原本是要被其他職業護送至指定地區的人員,目的上等於一個可以操控的彈頭車
指揮官 在 TF2 開發階段就被刪除,沒有實際模樣的構想職業。此職業的工作是觀看整個地圖,提供空中支援、放置建築物以及和隊友溝通建立迎敵戰術。



名稱 使用職業 替代品 備註
路迪米亞 重裝兵 娜塔莎 主要開火跟原廠格林機槍有一樣的功效,但次要開火則會產生傷害值減低、但能吸取敵人生命值的攻擊,跟嗜血針槍的功能相同。這武器的缺點是無法按下次要開火鍵預先熱槍迎敵。
釘槍 偵察兵 雙管霰彈槍 偵察兵於預告片 2 時曾拿過這來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
麻醉槍 間諜 左輪手槍 間諜於預告片 1 時曾拿過這來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
流浪者之槍 狙擊手 獵人長弓 Would have allowed the player to walk at normal speed while sniping, with the downside being reduced damage and no zooming/charging abilities.
紋章式盾牌 爆破兵 未知 Assumed to have been a replacement for The Chargin' Targe, but its true function is unknown. The Heraldic Targe was revealed in the 2010年12月23日更新.


名稱 使用職業 替代品 備註
背包(武器) 偵察兵 Bonk! 原子能量飲料 Would have allowed the Scout to pick up items such as Health/zh-hant, Ammo/zh-hant, and Metal/zh-hant and drop them in the field for easier access to allies.
炸藥包 爆破兵 黏性炸彈發射器 Would have exploded into several dynamite sticks that scatter and explode in turn. See MIRV Grenade (Classic)/zh-hant. Wielded by the Demoman in both Trailers 1 and 2.
瞬間傳送 工程師 牧馬者遙控器 Would have allowed the Engineer to instantly teleport back to his teleport exit.
測試醫療槍 1 醫護兵 Would have permanently boosted a player's health to 150% of their maximum but healed at half the rate of the Medi Gun.
超量治療者 醫護兵 爆擊製造者 Would have permanently boosted a player's health to 200% of their maximum with the ÜberCharge meter filling either very slowly or not at all.
針筒 醫護兵 醫療槍 Would heal allies on injection. Wielded by the Medic in Trailer 1/zh-hant.


名稱 使用職業 替代品 備註
邪靈鬼火 火焰兵 This weapon was created specifically for the Halloween Update 2011. Texture files were released during the Very Scary Halloween Special/zh-hant.
啤酒杯 未知 未知
烙印鐵條 火焰兵 消防斧 在 game_sounds_weapons.txt 檔案中,消防斧仍被稱做「BRANDING IRON」(烙印鐵條)。
捕手手套 偵察兵 睡魔 Would have allowed the Scout to catch enemy projectiles and throw them back, dealing the same damage as the caught object.
棍棒 狙擊手 喀爾克大彎刀 在遊戲檔案中,喀爾克大彎刀仍被稱做棍棒。
鐵撬 未知 未知 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
蒼蠅拍 火箭兵 A kill icon is included in the GCF, and the weapon is used in a promotional image for the Very Scary Halloween Special.
鉛管 重裝兵 拳頭


The only projectile Grenades in Team Fortress 2 are those fired from the Demoman's Grenade Launcher, Loch-n-Load, and Loose Cannon. The Jarate and Mad Milk weapons function somewhat like grenades, though they are never officially referred to as such, and also do not bounce in most situations. The Soldier does utilize a grenade for a taunt, but does not throw it.

They were a strong feature of Team Fortress Classic, and were scrapped during the early testing stages of Team Fortress 2. Developers have revealed this choice was due to gameplay concerns with how they were used, such as Spamming, certain potential exploits, and general over-reliance on them as a whole.

Each class was set to have primary and secondary grenades, with the primary grenades being Frag Grenades and secondary grenades possessing more specialized functions. There is still code pertaining to thrown grenades in the server_i486.so file as well as keybinds (+grenade1 and +grenade2).

Several grenade types are modeled, some of which are updated versions of those found in Team Fortress Classic and some of which are new designs. Sounds for thrown grenades can also be found in the game files.

An unobtainable crafting item called a "Grenade Token" used to exist, but was removed with the Mann-Conomy Update.

名稱 使用職業 備註
陷阱 狙擊手 Possibly would have had the same functionality as the Team Fortress Classic caltrops. RED version reappeared as a decoration of the Mann vs. Machine Upgrade Store.
衝擊手榴彈 偵察兵 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
電磁脈衝手榴彈 工程師 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
手榴彈 全職業(偵察兵除外) 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。The Soldier carries two unusable frag grenades on his belt and uses one in his Equalizer taunt. RED version reappeared as a decoration of the Mann vs. Machine Upgrade Store.
毒氣彈 間諜 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
聖手雷 醫護兵 Based on the class that carried this grenade, it is possible that it would have healed teammates upon detonation.
子母榴彈 爆破兵重裝兵 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。Wielded by Demoman in Trailer 1/zh-hant and Trailer 2/zh-hant. Changed to a secondary weapon, then replaced by the Stickybomb Launcher.
釘槍手榴彈 火箭兵 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。
汽油彈 火焰兵 來自絕地要塞經典版的武器。The Pyro carries three unusable napalm grenades on his belt.


名稱 備註
復原機 Was to act as a replacement for the Teleporter or the Dispenser. Would automatically repair buildings when the Engineer was away from his base.


名稱 備註
固定式機槍塔 The Original design of Team Fortress 2 appears to have had spawn room turrets; several different designs were created, including a large turret and a mini turret, but none of them made it into the final game.


In addition to weapons, several items were created for TF2 that were ultimately never fully implemented or used. All of the items on this page originated from the Team Fortress 2 .gcf files.


名稱 使用職業 備註
閃電俠頭盔 偵察兵 A helmet, similar in appearance to the Batter's Helmet, based off of the mask worn by DC Comics superhero "The Flash." The Bonk Boy was designed to replace this hat.
羅馬軍團戰盔 火箭兵 Description reads "An antique from the late Imperial Gallic period".
山姆的帽子 全職業 Would have been released, along with Max's Severed Head, the Lugermorph, and the Big Kill as part of the week-long cross promotion for purchasing Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse on Steam.
布茲艾頭套 偵察兵 Would have been released, along with the Athletic Supporter, the Superfan and the Essential Accessories as part of the promotion for purchasing Monday Night Combat on Steam before February 1, 2011.


名稱 使用職業 備註
身分證明 全職業 An unused ID Badge that would have been able to be used with the Decal Tool. Its texture and model are fully intact in the GCF.


名稱 使用職業 備註
噪音製造器(未使用) 全職業 Three unused noise makers exist in the game files, through icons and sound files: one from the Scream Fortress/zh-hant updated called "Spooky," one from the Shogun Pack/zh-hant called "Yell," and one from the Japan Charity Bundle/zh-hant called "Prayer Bowl."
Valve 商店貨運箱 全職業 連外表都沒有,設定上只能使用一次的物品。功用未知。


名稱 使用職業 備註
火箭兵 火箭兵會用腳重踏,接著伸出雙臂,變成像是在展示東西的動作。
重裝兵 重裝兵抬起腿,然後手做出拿出東西的樣子。
工程師 工程師拿出吉他,然後演奏一大段的樂曲。
工程師 工程師會不舒服地扭動,然後彎腰嘔吐。
工程師 工程師會拉動散彈槍的護木,並用手輕敲自己的安全帽。


名稱 Notes
可搭乘的彈頭車原型 Two prototype rideable cart bomb cars were created and leftover in the TF2 files. Neither model has textures, as both appear to be very early models. However, these rideable carts have been seen in some custom maps. A slightly different rideable cart exists in Frontier.
彈頭車原型 Listed as a spytech cart bomb. Unfinished model based off of this piece of concept artwork.


名稱 備註
intruder_alert_midi.midi A rendition--perhaps the original version--of Intruder Alert/zh-hant in MIDI format.
tf_music_upgrade_machine.wav A 1-minute loop of elevator music that presumably would play in Mann vs. Machine when players were at an Upgrade Station.


名稱 類型 備註
攝影機 通用物品 Its ultimate in-game purpose is unknown but is believed that it was a feature for recording without using demo files which can be made using the developer's console. It has a highly detailed model, bearing the brand name Arr!, a play on the Arri line of cameras.
舊版旗幟 通用物品 Prior to using Intelligence briefcases for CTF mode, several flags bearing the faces of Valve employees were used as placeholders.
角色斬首模型 情境模型 Released along with the Eyelander, assumed to be scrapped models that would have been placed at the player's neck, when decapitated by the Eyelander. Only the Soldier's model was included in the GCF, but it is assumed all players would have had their own model, in a similar fashion to Max's Severed Head and Modest Pile of Hat.
卷軸 撿取物 Included as part of the Australian Christmas update. Its intended use is unknown, though it is in the DeGroot Keep materials folder.
入場券 遊戲模型 Included as part of the Australian Christmas update. Its intended use is unknown, though it is in the DeGroot Keep materials folder.
未使用的殺人圖示 標誌 Several unused kill icons exist in the game files, including an alternate Ambassador headshot image, an alternate level 1 Sentry Gun image, and an explosion image.
死亡快照替代介面 使用者介面 Alternate version of the deathcam function. Would have depicted the F5'd deathcam picture landing on top of a pile of other pictures, all of which appear to have been taken from beta versions of the game.
人器機 未知 Unused texture added in the Mac Update.
未使用的物品屬性 屬性 Four unused item qualities exist, named tobor_a, Completed, Rarity2, and Rarity3. The hexidecimal colors for Rarity2 and Rarity3 are #8D834B and #70550F respectively. tobor_a and Completed have no associated color.
未使用的材質 職業相關設定 There are a couple of unused textures in the game files, some include weapons and others include beta class textures, and some weapon textures, like Demoman's bottle's BLU texture.
未使用的粒子效果 粒子效果 During the Mann-Conomy Update and the Very Scary Halloween Special, several particle effects were added that went unused.
燃燒動作 動畫 The GCF contains 8 unused class specific death animations to all but the Pyro, presumably for death by burn damage

