“ | Das wird heute nicht euer Tag, Ladys!
— Der Engineer über mechanische Bedrohungen
” |
Der Gunslinger ist eine freischaltbare Nahkampfwaffe für den Engineer. Er erscheint als Roboterhand, bestehend aus segmentierten Fingerteilen, Drähten und einem Manometer.
Diese Apparatur dient als tödliche Waffe und gibt dem Engineer 25 zusätzliche Lebenspunkte (erhöht seine Gesundheit auf insgesamt 150) um offensives Kämpfen zu fördern, teilt aber keine zufällige kritische Treffer aus. Zusätzlich kann der Spieler einen dreiteiligen Combo-Angriff einsetzen. Falls ein Gegner dreimal hintereinander von dem Gunslinger getroffen wird, führt der Engineer einen automatischen kritischen Treffer aus. Hierbei muss nicht der selbe Gegner angegriffen werden, aber die Feuertaste darf nicht losgelassen werden, ansonsten wird der Zähler zurückgesetzt.
Die Animation bei einem kritischen Treffer mit dem Gunslinger ist ein Schlag nach unten, wobei die Hand wackelt und ein mechanisches Schüttelgeräusch verursacht, bevor die Standardanimation wieder eingenommen wird. Die Animation eines kritischen Treffers wird auch beim Treffen von verbündeten Spielern angezeigt.
Das Ausrüsten des Gunslingers erlaubt dem Engineer den Bau von Mini-Sentry Guns statt der normalen Sentry Gun. Der Bau dieser Mini-Sentry dauert nur 2,5 Sekunden, kostet nur 100 Metalleinheiten und die Mini-Sentry feuert 50% schneller. Jedoch kann sie nicht geupgradet oder repariert werden und teilt nur 50% Schaden pro Schuß im Gegensatz zu einer Level 1 Sentry aus.
Eine Verspottung mit dem Gunslinger wird die tödliche Verspottung Fleischwolf starten.
Der Wechsel zu Schraubenschlüssel oder Texanischem Wiederstand wird alle gebauten Gebäude zerstören.
- Normal: 65 (59 bis 72 Schaden)
- Mini-kritischer Treffer: 88
- Kritischer Treffer: 195
- Je Treffer maximal reparierter Schaden: 105
- Je Treffer aufgewertet um: 25
- Metallkosten zur Reparatur: 1 + Schaden / 5
- Metallkosten zum Nachladen: 1 je Kugel, 2 je Raketen-Salve
Zugehörige Errungenschaften
Vorherige Änderungen
- Vor dem Patch vom 9. Juli 2010 war es möglich mit dem Schraubenschlüssel eine Sentry zu errichten, sie dann auf Level 2 oder 3 upzugraden und den Schraubenschlüssel mit dem Gunslinger zu ersetzen, sodass man diese in eine Mini-Sentry mit anderem Level ändern konnte. Diese Level 3 Mini-Sentry This otherwise impossible level 3 Mini-Sentry dealt the normal proportional damage (75% damage), even with its rockets. The flashing light effect would remain despite the light itself being absent on the Level 2 or 3 model, and the upgraded Mini-Sentry was always displayed as RED, regardless of its actual team.
- The above exploit was still possible by equipping the Wrench, readying the toolbox to put down a Sentry Gun and then using the loadout menu and a resupply cabinet to switch to the Gunslinger. The deployed Sentry Gun would still be the upgradable one the Wrench uses, which you could then haul and redeploy into a Mini-Sentry. This version of the exploit was patched on July 13, 2010.
- Originally the three hit combo could be built up on allies; the player could strike an ally two times and then whenever they attacked with the Gunslinger again would result in a guaranteed Krit. This has since been patched.
- The Gunslinger, as with the Frontier Justice, the Wrangler, and the Southern Hospitality, appears to have been designed by Radigan Conagher, the Engineer's ancestor. This is shown by a hidden link in the Engineer Update.
- If an Engineer dies while holding out the Gunslinger, he will not drop a recoverable weapon pickup.
- The Gunslinger is more or less a reincarnation of the P.D.Q. item from the closed beta, both sharing the ability to build Sentry Guns faster, but are unable to upgrade them. However, the P.D.Q.'s build rate was 1.5x faster than normal, as opposed to the Gunslinger's 4x.
- The Gunslinger is currently the only melee weapon to gain Krits via hit succession.
- The Gunslinger has no weapon-specific related achievements, instead sharing those that can be achieved with the Wrench, the Golden Wrench and the Southern Hospitality.
- The Gunslinger and the Chargin' Targe are the only weapons to affect viewmodels and worldmodels other than themselves, as the robotic fist can clearly be seen holding all of the Engineer's other weapons.
- When it was first displayed on the Engineer Update page, The Gunslinger was mistakenly shown as occupying the Pistol slot. [1]
- When equipped, The Gunslinger appears to replace the Engineer's entire hand, not be simply worn over it. On the Team Fortress blog it is implied that the Engineer sawed his own hand off to use it, like his ancestor. Furthermore, Radigan Conagher replaced his left hand with the Gunslinger, while the Engineer decided to replace his right hand.
- The Gunslinger bears a resemblance to the metal glove worn by Ashley J. Williams in the movie Army of Darkness, who also coincidentally removed his own hand in the previous movie.
- It appears that the Engineer's mini-sentry has the same statistics and characteristics (deploy speed, damage values, health, its un-repairability, its un-upgradability, etc) as the Autogun (Also called "Autogin" by members of the Gang Garrison 2 Forums) from the Team Fortress 2 demake: Gang Garrison 2.
- The Gunslinger is among few weapons that have different kill icons upon critting, including the Spy's Knife (Backstab), and the Sniper Rifle, Huntsman, and Ambassador (Headshot). These weapons can all Krit with their normal icons too, but either require a Critical boost due to being unable to normally Krit, and their associated special kill icons are always Krits.
- The right hand gib of a gibbed Gunslinger-wearing Engineer will still show his regular glove.
- Weapon switching glitches can occur with the Gunslinger and the Southern Hospitality, which creates a glitched firstperson model of the Gunslinger holding the Southern Hospitality at the same time (Which should be impossible as they are both melee weapons, and thus could not be used together).
- If the Engineer has been Krit-boosted with the Kritzkrieg or Humiliation, the Gunslinger will deal Critical hits, but the critical animation will not occur.
- Gunslinger 1st person red cropped.png
RED 1st person view.
- Gunslinger 1st person blu cropped.png
BLU 1st person view.