Liste des cartes (Team Fortress Classic)
< List of maps (Classic)
Revision as of 20:06, 9 November 2010 by Seb26 (talk | contribs) (moved List of Maps (Classic)/fr to List of maps (Classic)/fr over redirect)
Capture du drapeau
Variante de Capture du drapeau
Capture du drapeau inversé
Football Américain
Contrôle Territorial
Match à mort
Les cartes Deathmatch sont importés de Half-Life Deathmatch.
- Bounce
- Boot_camp
- Datacore
- Double Cross
- Frenzy
- Gasworks
- Lamda_bunker
- Rapidcore
- Snark_pit
- Stalkyard
- Subtransit
- Undertow