Liste des modes de jeu (Classic)
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Team Fortress Classic currently has 3 game modes. These game modes include Capture the Flag, Control Point, Assassination/Escort. These game modes are spread across 15 official maps and offer a great variety of play styles and games in Team Fortress Classic. Also, a Deathmatch game mode is available through copying multiplayer Half-Life Deathmatch maps. Though this is not fully supported by Team Fortress Classic, this adds an additional 12 maps in a four team deathmatch mode. Community made maps offer additional game modes, such as a flag-based King of the Hill style map, or training maps to practice rocket, pipebomb, and Concussion Grenade jumping.
[hide]Capture du Drapeau

Standard Capture the Flag maps feature red-team and blue-team bases, each containing its own flag. The goal for both teams is to capture the enemy's flag until the point limit is reached or time-limit expires, while preventing their enemy from achieving the same. There are several capture the flag variants available. Reverse Capture the Flag maps involve taking a flag from your base, and pushing it onto the enemy's capture point within the enemy base, while attempting to prevent the enemy from achieving the same. Football Capture the Flag features a common flag, or in most cases ball, that has to be pushed onto an enemy capture point. Finally, there are Capture the Flag Variants that feature limitless possibilities. Official maps of this typology feature multiple common flags that are centrally located, as on Flagrun, or a capture the flag that takes place for each team entirely within the enemy base, as on The Rock.
On Standard Capture the Flag maps, both team's flags are typically located deep within their territory, usually in a symmetrical location from each other, in an area known as the 'Flag Room'. To pick up the Flag the player must simply walk over the Flag. While holding the enemy's Flag, typically, the player must bring it to the location of their 'capture zone' where they must step onto a platform that usually is indicated by the team's logo in order to successfully capture it. After each successful capture, your team will be rewarded with ten points and the individual player will usually receive full health, ammo, and/or some grenades.
If the Flag carrier is killed or the Flag is intentionally thrown/dropped, the Flag will remain stationary for approximately 20 to 60 seconds depending on the map. During that time, the Flag can be picked up as normal. Each time the Flag is dropped, the timer is reset. The enemy cannot move or reset the Flag themselves. If a Spy acquires the Flag while disguised, they lose their disguise and can no longer change their disguise or feign death.
Les cartes de Capture du drapeau:
Les variantes des cartes de Capture du drapeau:
La carte de Capture du drapeau inversé:
La carte de Football Américain:
Point de contrôle
Les cartes Point de contrôle ont deux principaux types de modes de jeu.
Les points de contrôle sont des plates-formes avec un logo d'équipe et/ou un drapeau aux couleurs de l'équipe au centre. Les points neutres n'auront pas de drapeau et/ou un cercle jaune à la place du logo de l'équipe, et selon la carte, auront un cercle jaune. Pour capturer un point, dépend de la carte. Sur certaines cartes, comme Warpath, le joueur doit simplement toucher le point. Sur Warpath, après la capture d'un point, il ne peut plus être capturé par une autre équipe pendant 15 secondes supplémentaires. Cependant, sur Canalzone 2, un joueur doit prendre un drapeau au point de commandement. Un joueur peut toujours capturer un point alors que le point est occupé par des ennemis sur l'une de ces cartes.
Il existe trois états pour un point de capture :
Il existe deux principaux types de cartes de points de contrôle – Points de contrôle standard et cartes d'attaque/défense.
Contrôle Territorial
Standard control point maps play symmetrically. Both teams start within their own base. Some maps allot a team a single capture point and several neutral points in the center. While others will have all points neutral. The team that captures all control points wins.
Les cartes Contrôle Territorial:
Attack/Defend maps play asymmetrically. Red team begins with all the points in their control. Blue wins if it captures all of red's points. Points may only be captured in a set order. Red team wins if it prevents the blue team from capturing all points before the timer expires. Points captured by the blue team are typically locked.
Attack/Defend maps can come in various styles. Dustbowl requires blue to capture a single point on three separate stages to win the game. This is done by carrying a team flag to the capture point. If the attacking team fails to win any stage, the map is over. Other maps such as Avanti require the attackers to capture four points, in order, within a single stage. This is also done by advancing a team flag. Once the attacking team wins, the teams are then switched to allow the defending team to attempt to retake the four points.
Les cartes d'Attaque/Défense:
Assassination/Escort maps feature a three team style game play. The first team is typically the VIP. The second team is a series of bodyguards to protect the VIP. The third team are the assassins who attempt to eliminate the VIP. Scoring is based on if the assassins eliminate the VIP or if the VIP escapes. Currently, Hunted is the only official map released under this game mode. The VIP is the rarely used Civilian class. Bodyguards consist of Soldiers, HWGuys, and Medics. Assassins consist of Snipers.
La cartes d'Assassinat/Protection :
Match à mort
Deathmatch maps can be obtained by simply copying Half-Life deathmatch maps to Team Fortress Classic's map folder. Though this is not fully supported, all maps should fully function as a four-team deathmatch map.
Les cartes de Match à mort :
- Boot Camp
- Bounce
- Crossfire
- Datacore
- Frenzy
- Gasworks
- Lamda Bunker
- Rapidcore
- Snark Pit
- Stalkyard
- Subtransit
- Undertow
Community Game Modes Maps
In addition to the official game modes released by Valve, community game maps can create new modes of play. For example, Murderball features a King of the Hill style game featuring a common ball in which points are tabulated by keeping the ball for as long as possible while the three other teams try to take it from you.
Voir aussi
Liste des cartes (Team Fortress Classic)