Demoman responses
- 1 General Responses
- 1.1 After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- 1.2 After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- 1.3 Kill Assist
- 1.4 Domination of a Single Opponent
- 1.5 Domination of Two Opponents
- 1.6 Domination of Three or More Opponents
- 1.7 Revenge Kill
- 1.8 Teleportation
- 1.9 Healed by Medic
- 1.10 After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
- 1.11 Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
- 1.12 Defense
- 1.13 Round Start
- 1.14 Round Win
- 1.15 Round Loss/Sudden Death
- 1.16 Round Draw
- 1.17 Set on Fire
- 1.18 Destruction/s
- 2 Class-Specific Dominations
- 3 Dueling
- 4 Class-Specific Responses
- 5 Unused Responses
General Responses
After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- "Oh, they're gonna have to glue you back together...IN HELL!"
- "Don't fret, boyo. I'll be gentle!"
- "How's that feel, ya blockhead?"
- "Ye great lactating wet nurse!"
- "Bloody brilliant!"
After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- "You're all bloody dead!"
- "In your language; 'Eat lead laddies!'"
- "All yah dandies prancin' aboot with ya heads full of eyeballs!"
Kill Assist
Domination of a Single Opponent
- [Laughter]
Domination of Two Opponents
- [Gleeful Laughter]
Domination of Three or More Opponents
- [Gleeful Laughter]
Revenge Kill
Healed by Medic
After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
- "Keep it up, lads!"
- "Guts and glory, lads!"
- "Now it's our flippin' point, hehah!"
- "Aye, that's the way ye do it! Hehah!"
- "Time to get bluttered!"
- "That'll teach 'em!"
Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
- "That was my point you were standin' on!"
- "Next time you'll bloody ask before you stand on my point."
- "Bloody brilliant!"
- "Imagine if I hadn't been drunk!"
- "I don't think they saw that one comin'!"
- [Triumphant laughter] (two variations)
Round Start
- "Freeeedooooom!"
- "Hae at 'em, lads!" (Translation- "Have at them, lads!")
- "Get 'am, Boyos!"
- "Kill 'em aall!"
- "Leeeeet's do iiiiit!"
- "Aigheaght's the way to do it!"
- "Come on!"
Round Win
- "We...did it."
- "I luv...every, of ye...not you."
- "Imagine if I hadn't been drunk!"
- "We did it, hehah!"
- "See? I told ye they were a buncha' wee lasses!"
- "I don't think they saw that one comin'!"
- "If I wasn' the man I was i'd kiss ye!"
- "It's a fine thing, lads, heheh."
Round Loss/Sudden Death
- "Boooooooo!"
- "Hsssssss!"
- "I'm drunk- you don't have an excuse!" [Slurred]
- "I feel like every bone in me body's broke!"
- "I did what I could!"
- "Ooooh, I've realllly hit rock bottom." [Slurred]
- "Thankfully I already don't remember this." [Slurred]
- "Bloody Hell!"
- "Buck up, lads! We'll get 'em next time."
- "I almost joined their bloody team!"
- "We're a sorry buncha' losers!"
Round Draw
Set on Fire
Class-Specific Dominations
Dominating a Scout
- "DOMINATED, Twinkletoes!"
- "Dominated, ya wee scampering windbag!"
- "Dominated, tiny man!"
- "Don't come wide with ME, ya pint-sized mutt!"
- "You're like a little bunny... scurryin' around, eatin' up yer lettuce and berries!"
- "You're so bloody TINY! You're like a toy-sized version of a man!"
- "Grow some hair on yer face, and come and try me again, lad."
- "Oh, you're a wee little miss, you are!"
Dominating a Soldier
- "DOMINATED! Hahahahahaha."
- "I'll notify yer next o' kin... that ya sucked!"
- "Hey, Private Haircut... I might o' taken a bit too much off... YOUR HEAD!"
- "Mother o' mercy! Now THAT is a bloody domination!"
- "Lot o' good that soldier trainin' did ya! I'm drunk!"
Dominating a Pyro
- "You've brought shame on yer people, you mumblin' devil."
- "Go home, lassie. MEN are fightin' here!"
- "Go to hell and tell the devil I'm comin' for him next!"
- "Burn, in, hell!"
Dominating a Demoman
- "Thus begins my thousand year reign of blood!"
- "Dominated! I feel everything! I know everything!"
- "It is the Dominatening!"
- "Welcome to the Dominatening!"
Dominating a Heavy
- "DOMINATED, ya grease-drippin' pork pie!
- "Ohhh... there's a new gravy-filled angel in heaven."
- "DOMINATED, ya blubbery Bolshevik!"
- "Awww.... there's a new angel in heaven... IN HELL!"
- "Little too much caber-tossing pie down yer own throat, eh, chubby?"
Dominating an Engineer
- "Don't hide behind your toys, lad!"
- "You're weak. I'm strong. AND I WIN, TOYMAKER!"
- "That's a right pretty bra-washer you built, you big ugly girl!"
- "You come wide with me again, boy, I'll stick that wrench right up yer arse!"
- "Go on and build more o' yer little guns. I'll shove every one of them up yer arse!"
- "If you were huntin' trouble, lad... ya found it."
Dominating a Medic
- "DOMINATED, you Teutonic nursemai-(belches) Ahh... hah."
- "How's that 'Doing no harm' workin' out for ya, then?"
- "DOMINATED! ...And I been shaggin' yer wife! Ahah!"
- "I dominate ya, Sawbones!"
Dominating a Sniper
- "Perfect bloody domination, ya campy weasel!"
- "DOMINATED, ya headshottin' Judas!"
- "I hate you campers, EVERYBODY bloody hates you!"
- "It's lads like you that give war a bad name!"
Dominating a Spy
- "Dominated, ya alley-skulking backstabber!"
- "You're a back pokin' snake, and by God you'll die like one!"
- "I hope I didn't scare ya with my face-to-face MAN fighting!"
Duel Accepted
- "I'm gonna stick me thumbs in yer eyes and hang on 'till yer deid!"
- "Ohh, I'm gonna beat ya so hard, you'll have a twitch!"
- "Yah!"
Melee Dare
- "Time to get bluttered!"
- "Leeeeet's do iiiiit!"
- "Come on!"
- "Oooohhh, I'm gonna liquefy ya!" (silently)
- "I'm gonna strangle you with mah bare hands!"
- "...yer arses ass and I'm the grass man, punk yeah ya havin' heathen."
- "Any of you think yer better 'n me you're gon' have another thing..." (The expression "you've got another thing coming.")
- "Gonna kill you and I'm keep killin' you and I never, cause you're be dead and then I'm gonna kill you."
- "It's on! It's on like (falls asleep, then wakes up)."
- "...gonna take down to the pain train station in train town"
Duel Rejected
Class-Specific Responses
Badly Wounded
Melee Kill
3 or More Sticky Bomb Kills in 20 Seconds
- "Couldn' y'see the bloody bombs?"
- "You appear to have trodden on a mine!"
- "An' that's whatcha get for touchin' that."
- "Bloody 'ell, those ones were mah favorites!"
- "Let that be a bloody lesson to ya!"
Eyelander Whispers
(Note- these are spoken by the Eyelander when equipped and in use.)
- Hit
- Idle
- "Heads heads heads..."
- "Heaaaaaads...heads heads heads heads"
- "Heads...heads heads heads..."
- "Heaaaaaaaaads..."
- "Heads...heads heads heads..."
- "Heads heads heads heads!"
- "Heaaaads."
- "Heads heads heads heaaaaaads..."
- "Heaaaaaaaaaaaads..."
- "Heads. Heads. HEADS. Heaaaaaaaads..."
- "Heads heads heads."
- "Heads heads heads..."
- "Heads heads heads..."
- "HEADS heads heads..."
- "Heads heads heads heads heads heads..."
Unused Responses
Unknown Condition
- "I'm gonna be all over ya like shingles!"
- "You're makin' me very cross!"
- "I'm gonna blast ya into thin gruel!"
- "Oh they're gonna find ya all dead in the alley with cats lickin' at ch'ya!"
- "Not one of ya's going to survive this!"
Eyelander Kill
- (...belch)
- "...I love ya man..."
- "...the BOTH of ya on you..."
- (said while weeping) "...just a one-eyed bloody monster..."
- (more weeping)
- "..."
- (belching and weeping)
- "Just bought two tickets to the gunshow, and I'm not given' 'em to ya; I'm goin' with YOUR tickets (laughs, falls asleep.)."
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