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“ | Yahf fvaorarh!
— The Pyro on water
” |
Wasser findet sich in viele Karten als Langschafts- oder Spielelement. Es gibt zwei unterschiedliche Arten Wasser: seichtes und tiefes.
Seichtes Wasser absorbiert Fallschaden und die Schritte von Spionen aufdecken (und sie lauter machen). Ansonsten hat seichtes Wasser keine Auswirkungen auf das Spiel.
In tiefem Wasser kann der Spieler vollständig untertauchen und schwimmen. Tiefes Wasser löscht Feuer, hebt den Effekt von Jarate auf außerdem absorbiert tiefes Wasser ebenfalls Fallschaden. Auf einigen Karten kann man Unterwasser in die gegnerische Basis eindringen. Diese Pfade sind oft nur schwach verteidigt im vergleich zu den trockenen Pfaden.
In addition, Engineers can construct buildings underwater just like on land. Due to the low visibility of submerged objects, deep water is often a great spot to place a Teleporter or a Sentry Gun.
Remaining submerged in water for too long will cause the player to drown. While drowning, the player will experience a periodic loss of heath and will flinch (such as with Bleeding and Afterburn effects). To negate this, the player must reach the surface, where the health lost due to drowning regenerates over time. Standing next to a Dispenser or being healed by a Medic will restore the player's health faster than it is lost due to drowning.
Deep water has several disadvantages:
- Swimming in deep water will decrease the maneuverability of all classes, making them vulnerable targets for enemies who have the advantage of higher ground or more suitable weapons.
- Surfacing on the water can affect vision, making aiming difficult. To counter this, fully submerge, especially if battling a submerged opponent.
- If a Cloaked Spy leaves a body of water, water will drip off the Spy for a short period and reveal his presence to the enemy. Likewise, if a Spy attempts to Cloak while underwater, the bubbles they make can still be seen although they are still difficult to catch.
- Firing the Pyro's Flamethrower, Backburner, or Degreaser underwater will simply waste ammo, and the Flare Gun cannot be fired. Additionally, Pyros are unable to use the airblast ability.
- The Demoman's grenades and sticky bombs will travel slower and shorter underwater due to the physical effects of the water on the projectiles.
- The Sniper can neither draw nor fire his Huntsman underwater, and shooting it into the water will deflect the arrow significantly.
- The Scout cannot use his Sandman's baseball underwater.
- The Heavy's Sandvich/Dalokohs Bar and the Scout's Bonk! Atomic Punch/Bonk! Krit-'n-Cola cannot be consumed underwater.
- The Cloak and Dagger cannot recharge while cloaked underwater.
- You cannot Taunt while underwater.
Maps with water
- 2Fort – Pool of water beneath the bridge.
- Well (CP, CTF, Arena) – Deep water channels outside the team's buildings consisting of underwater routes connecting each team's base building to the central train house building. The CTF version is similar to the CP version except the route to the central building is removed with the building itself. The Arena version features a small pool adjacent to the central building which offers a quick route to the central point.
- Freight – Two large bodies of water connect from the exits of RED and BLU's buildings under the main buildings to a small pool on the other side of the midpoint, allowing for flanking and an easy way around the trains.
- Hydro – Shallow water in the Dam and Warehouse territories.
- Pipeline – In Stage 3, a small canal beneath the Payload tracks has deep water.
- Ravine – At the lower side of the map underneath the tall large building, there can be found deep water, in the small alcove.
- Badlands (Arena) – Beneath the small concrete bridges to the left of the spawn rooms.
- Double Cross – Deep water is found beneath the drop hatches of the spawn rooms.
- Sawmill (Arena, KOTH, CTF) – Large bodies of deep water found at the Lumbershack and Waterfall areas of the map.
Related Achievements
Herr der Lage Töten Sie in einem einzigen Leben jeweils einen Feind, während Sie sich am Boden, in der Luft und im Wasser befinden. |
Irrer Ivan Töten Sie 50 Gegner, während sich sowohl Sie als auch Ihr Opfer unter Wasser befinden. |