Glossary of player terms
“ | Hohoho, hohoho! You got owned!
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— The Scout
” |
A number of unofficial terms find regular usage in the game. This glossary lists some of the more common ones players may see:
General Terminology
- Acronym for "Away From Keyboard". This is used to refer to any period of time where a player stands still too long, which often can result in the player being kicked or moved to Spectator.
- Aerial / Air shot / Airshot
- The hitting or killing of an opponent who is in midair, usually following a juggle.
- Airstab
- The act of killing an enemy by falling behind a player and backstabbing him/her as a Spy.
- Airblast / Compblast
- Slang for Pyro's compression blast ability.
- Axtinguish
- A colloquialism that describes the Critical hit that occurs when a burning enemy is struck by the Axtinguisher.
- Backcapping / Back-capturing / Backcapture
- See back-capping.
- Battlemedic
- A Medic that focuses on killing opponents rather than healing his teammates, likely making use of the Blutsauger. Battlemedics are often looked down upon by teammates, as Medics are expected to fulfill their role as a Support class.
- Bodyshot / Bodyshotting
- An attack where a Sniper kills a player by shooting him in the body with a Sniper Rifle. Sometimes a player may deliberately go for a bodyshot because it is more reliable than attempting a headshot. Bodyshotting is often looked down upon by players as it appears to require less skill than a headshot.
- Bodyshotter
- A Sniper that repeatedly bodyshots to intentionally irritate the enemy.
- Slang for the Sydney Sleeper, since the weapon can't deal headshot criticals.
- Bomb
- Synonym for the Cart in Payload modes.
- Acronym for "Be Right Back".
- Buff
- Term meaning a change in the status of something, which can include:
- A Medic's Overhealing ability, or the state of a player being overhealed (e.g. player has been "buffed"),
- Slang for a weapon or item's game mechanics being improved or made stronger (antonym: nerf),
- A charged Buff Banner or Battalion's Backup deployed for use by the team.
- Bunny hopping / bhopping
- An Exploit common to most Source games where a player can use timed jumps and a specific rotation to move faster than normal. This has been fixed in the Orange Box engine.
- Camping / Spawn Camping
- See Camping.
- Cap / Capping / Capped
- Short for "Capture," "Capturing," and "Captured," respectively. Refers to the completion of an objective such as a Control Point capture or returning the Intelligence to one's base.
- Carpets / Sticky Carpets
- Large groups of Sticky Bombs that render certain areas impassable until dealt with.
- Chaincap
- Capturing the next point immediately after the previous point has been captured.
- Cheap
- An adjective applied to a tactic that is effective but requires little skill or effort.
- Chievements
- Slang term for Achievements.
- Circle Strafe
- See Circle strafe.
- Clean
- Refers to the tradability of an item. If an Item is clean it can be freely traded. See Trading
- Courtyard
- Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the large area that connects the Hayroom, Downstairs, Straight, and Long Hallway in both bases.
- Crit(s)
- Abbreviation of Critical hit.
- Crocket
- Portmanteau of a Critical hit Rocket.
- DC / D/C
- Synonym for "disconnected" or "disconnect".
- Demo
- May refer to:
- A Demoman,
- A demo recording.
- Demoknight
- A Demoman wielding the Chargin' Targe whilst actively using their melee weapon; commonly the Eyelander , Scotsman's Skullcutter or Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. Demoknights wielding the Bottle may be referred to as Bottleknights.
- DH
- Acronym for the Soldier's Direct Hit unlock.
- DM / DeathMatch
- An unofficial game mode wherein the main goal is to kill the most players. May also refer to a map running Control Point or Capture the Flag, but has had the required entities removed or placed out of reach. Also used to refer to Arena mode.
- Dirty
- Refers to the tradability of an Item. If an Item is dirty it cannot be freely traded and instead requires Gift Wrap to transfer it. See Trading
- DR
- Acronym for the Spy's Dead Ringer unlock. In some contexts, it could also be a signal to their team members that an enemy Spy equipped with the Dead Ringer is nearby.
- Drop
- Refers to any item given to a player by the Drop System, or
- The failure of a Medic to use an Übercharge before dying.
- Engie / Engy / Engi
- Abbreviation for the Engineer.
- Facestab
- A Spy's knife attack that registers as a backstab despite appearing to hit their opponent's front due to Lag compensation.
- See also: Backstab: Issues.
- Failstab
- A knife attack that registers as a normal hit, despite being aimed at an opponent's back due to Lag compensation.
- FAN / FaN
- Acronym for the Scout's Force-A-Nature unlock.
- Farming
- The act of obtaining something more rapidly over time than was originally intended. Could refer to:
- Obtaining achievements en masse,
- Using idling or other methods to obtain hats or weapons via the item drop system.
- Flag
- Synonym for the Intelligence in Capture the Flag maps.
- G.R.U
- Acronym for the Gloves of Running Urgently melee weapon unlock used by the Heavy.
- Griefing
- Causing grief or annoying other players for fun.
- Also see Griefing.
- Halo-caust
- A slang term used to reference the September 2, 2009 event where Valve penalized players who had been using Steamstats to idle. The term is derived from the nickname for the halo that non-offending players received, placed in combination with a reference to the Holocaust.
- Hayroom
- Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the room in front of the primary resupply/spawn room for both teams. So named because it contains little more than Hay.
- Programs used to play music and other sounds via voice chat. Often used for mic spamming. Half Life D.J. (Disc Jockey) and Half Life Sound System respectively.
- Huntspam / Lucksman / Arrow Spam
- Terms used to describe players who use the Huntsman weapon unlock for the Sniper. Its 'lucky' qualities are attributed to the arrow's projectile hitbox.
- H.W.G
- Acronym for Heavy Weapons Guy.
- Idler
- May refer to:
- Someone who is present on the server but is deliberately AFK for a long period of time to earn items via the item drop system,
- Someone who uses external idling programs or uses idling servers for the same purpose.
- Instakill
- A kill which is inflicted in a single hit, such as out-of-bounds fall damage, being hit by a Train or being caught in the Payload explosion.
- Intel
- Abbreviation for the Intelligence "flag" in Capture the Flag maps.
- Juggling
- See Juggling.
- KDR / (K/D) / KADR
- Acronym for "Kill-death ratio" or "Kill Assist Death Ratio". May be expressed as a ratio ("27 Kills:7 Deaths") or a decimal number ("1.75 KDR"). Medics will often present their KDR as a ratio of Assists to Deaths, as kills are not usually accumulated in conventional Medic play.
- K.G.B
- Acronym for the Killing Gloves of Boxing.
- Kitchen Warrior
- A Soldier wearing a Stainless Pot with the Frying Pan equipped.
- Knock back / Knockback
- An effect from weapons that knock back opponents.
- See Knock back
- Kritcharge / Kritz / Kritzed
- Slang for a Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge, or being subjected to one.
- Lag
- The effect experienced by players who display erratic movement due to poor framerates or server connection.
- See Lag compensation.
- Leeching
- A Disguised Spy gaining health from an enemy Medic, Dispenser or Payload cart.
- LF
- Acronym for "Looking For" indicating that a player is looking for a particular item or a Clan.
- L-Shaft
- Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the straight staircase leading down to the third resupply room. Sometimes referred to as Straight.
- Meatshot
- When all of the pellets fired from weapons such as the Shotgun or Scattergun hit the target, thereby doing massive damage. The term was made famous by Daniel "carnagejohnson" Sturdivant.
- Mic / Mike
- A microphone, used for communication over voice chat.
- Micspam
- The act of repeatedly playing sounds, music, or generally abusing the game's voice chat feature. This may involve:
- Using external software to stream sound files,
- Creating noise by singing, blowing into the microphone, or simply talking incessantly in order to disrupt others
- This is generally considered griefing, and is frowned upon. However, some servers, known as "Micspam Servers", welcome this, allowing players to play music clips to entertain the server population.
- Nades
- Abbreviation of "grenades," referring to the projectiles fired from the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
- Nest
- The collectivized area of an Engineer and his buildings.
- Ninja
- Colloquial of stealing something; generally a Capture Point, or a typed response.
- See also: Back-capping
- N00b / Noob / Nub / Newb / Newbie
- A derogatory term used to imply that a player is new to the game and/or unskilled. "Noob" and its homophones are generally considered to be more offensive, denoting someone with a lack of skill attributable to a deeper level than simple inexperience. "Newb" however, may be used by an individual when describing themselves, or as a non-offensive description of a new player who, although lacking experience, is willing to learn from more experienced players.
- An Internet acronym expressing great shock and amazement. A combination of "Oh my god" (OMG) and "What the f***" (WTF), two exclamations that are often said in tandem, with "Barbecue" (BBQ) added in order to make a set of three three-syllable, three-symbol acronyms. Also the name of a Pyro achievement that often results in a surprised exclamation from the victim of the Hadouken.
- OP
- Acronym for "overpowered", in reference to game balance.
- Owned / Pwned
- A term applied to a player that has been defeated in an humiliating fashion.
- Pipebomb / Pipes
- An alternate name for the projectiles fired by the Demoman's Grenade Launcher.
- Most often used in conjunction with a class type (e.g., "Pocket Medic" or "Pocket Pyro"), the term describes a player who is focusing support to a single other teammate. The term, often used in the context of "Pocketing", references the idea of taking the supporting player, putting them in your pocket, and carrying them around with you. Pocketing is a normal part of competitive play. (See: Roamer)
- Poof / Poofing / Puff
- Slang for the Pyro's compression blast ability.
- Poofer
- Term for the normal Flamethrower which has the compression blast ability (see above).
- Poor and Irish
- A description used for a player who does not own any hats, coined by the Gentle Manne of Leisure in a hidden update page.
- Pub
- Abbreviation for "public server".
- Pubber
- A derogatory term for a player that frequents public servers as opposed to competitive ones.
- Puff'n'Sting
- A technique whereby a Pyro lights an enemy on fire with the Flamethrower, uses the compression blast to shove them against a wall (the 'puff'), and then switches to the Axtinguisher for the kill (the 'sting'). This is especially powerful because of the guaranteed Critical hit provided when the Axtinguisher is used on an enemy that is on fire.
- Rage
- May refer to:
- The "Rage" meter a Soldier builds up when using the Buff Banner or Battalion's Backup unlock.
- When a player becomes angry while playing (see Ragequit).
- Ragequit
- Slang for a player disconnecting from a server, presumably out of frustration, anger, or humiliation associated with a losing streak.
- Rambo Medic
- See Battlemedic.
- Revving
- Spinning up the Heavy's Minigun using the alternate-fire button. May also refer to the delay experienced when the Minigun is spun up prior to shooting using the primary-fire button.
- RTD / Roll The Dice
- An unofficial server plugin that allows players to "Roll the Dice" using a command. Upon rolling the dice, players are granted some form of benefit or handicap, such as unlimited Crits or being frozen in place for a short period of time.
- RTV / Rock The Vote
- In servers running an RTV plug-in, Rocking the Vote occurs when a majority of the players on the server vote to play a different map.
- Rush
- See Rush.
- Revengineer
- An Engineer with the Frontier Justice and the Gunslinger equipped.
- Sentry / SG / Sentry Gun / Gun / Turret
- An Engineer's Sentry Gun.
- Sidestab
- An alternate name for Spinstab.
- Solly
- A Soldier.
- Spamming / Spam
- Can refer to:
- The act of deliberately concentrating firepower within particular area in an attempt to get kills or deter enemy players from entering an area
- Wanton firing of weapons such as the Grenade Launcher with little or no deliberate aim
- An unwanted abundance of something such as chat messages, a specific class, or a certain tactic in the game, the latter sometimes called "whoring."
- See Spamming.
- Spawn
- The area in which you initially spawn and/or any area in which you respawn.
- Spawn Camping / Spawn-camping
- A situation in which one team is camping the other team's spawn point, which results in killing players as they attempting to enter or depart. Commonly considered to be a "cheap" tactic.
- See Camping.
- Spec
- Abbreviation for Spectate.
- Spiral
- Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the Spiral-shaped corridor leading down from the Hayroom towards the Intelligence area.
- Spy Cap/Spycap
- A strategy where a Spy will lurk near a locked control point (usually the final point because of the accelerated control point timing) with the intentions of capturing it as soon as it is unlocked and before the enemy team has time to retreat from defending the previous point.
- Spy Checking
- The act of "checking" teammates and/or a specific area for Spies. It usually refers to Pyros attempting to detect enemy Spies by using the Flamethrower on other members of their team, but Spy Checking can also be done by other classes by firing upon your teammates.
- See Spy-checking.
- Spy Crab
- A Spy that imitates the movement of a crab by crouching and looking up while having the Disguise Kit equipped. Also refers to a taunt associated with the Disguise Kit.
- Spyro
- Portmanteau for a Spy disguised as a Pyro.
- SR / SCO-RES / Sco Res
- Acronym for the Demoman's Scottish Resistance.
- Stab'n'Sap
- Slang for a technique whereby a Spy Backstabs an Engineer from behind, then immediately switches to the Electro Sapper and saps the Engineer's Sentry Gun before it kills him.
- Stacking / Team-Stacking
- Refers to one team being composed of players who work together and/or are more skilled than the other. The most common case is a public server, notorious for their lack of teamwork, has one team of competitive players.
- Stairstab / Jumpstab
- The act of jumping over another player's head from an elevated height as a Spy, and Backstabbing them before they can respond.
- Steam-rolling
- Used to describe an unfair match-up between teams that are of completely different skill levels, resulting in quick rounds. Similar to Stacking.
- Stickies
- Slang for Sticky Bombs.
- Straight
- Map-specific to 2Fort. Refers to the straight staircase leading down to the third resupply room. Sometimes referred to as L-shaft.
- Sword and Board
- Another name for Demoknight. It refers to a Demoman who uses the Chargin' Targe and the Eyelander at the same time.
- Tele / TP
- Abbreviation for an Engineer's Teleporter.
- Telefrag
- Portmanteau of Teleport and Frag -- killing a opponent by teleporting into them when they are standing on a teleporter exit. The term comes from the early days of online deathmatches in id Software's seminal first-person shooter Quake (video game).
- Turtling
- Digging in and employing extremely defensive tactics. May also refer to Engineer setting up a Sentry Gun and Dispenser next to each other, and then remaining in close proximity for a substantial period of time while constantly repairing the buildings.
- Typefrag
- Killing a opponent that is typing in chat.
- Über / Invuln / Charge
- Abbreviation for ÜberCharge.
- Übered
- Someone who is being ÜberCharged.
- UP
- Acronym for "underpowered", in reference to game balance.
- W+M1
- Literally, "Forward (Default key "W") and Mouse 1" - a derogatory term applied to a suicidally aggressive Pyro, often connotative of a lack of skill.
- W+M2
- Literally, "Forward (Default key "W") and Mouse 2" - derived from W+M1, the term is similarly used to refer to Pyro players who only use the Compression Blast ability to reflect projectiles, without using the Flamethrower's primary fire attack.
- Wallhugging
- Tactical slang for a Sniper hiding behind walls and only revealing himself when attacking.
- Wrenching
- The act of repairing / upgrading a building with your Wrench.
- May also be used to refer to the act of killing a Spy.
- Acronym for "Want To Buy" or "Willing to Buy", indicating that a player is seeking a particular item.
- Acronym for "Want To Sell" or "Willing to Sell", indicating that a player is selling a particular item.
- Acronym for "Want To Trade" or "Willing to Trade", indicating that a player has a particular item trade in mind.
Competitive Terminology
- These are some of the terms which you may face in competitive modes of gameplay such as TF2lobby or ETF2L matches.
- Comms
- Short for Communication. This refers to players communicating to each other either by using the in-game text chat or through Voice Chat or an outside VoIP program such as Mumble or Ventrilo.
- Acronym for European Team Fortress 2 League. It is the central hub of the European Competitive TF2 scene.
- See ETF2L.
- Lit
- To be low on health. Used when referring to opponents.
- The player that defends the Medic and is their primary healing target.
- Pop
- A synonym for "use an Über"; for example the phrase "They popped" means "They used their Über." Can also be used in phrases such as "Pop the Über" or "Pop it!"
- PUG/Mix
- Antonym for "Pick Up Game/Group", referring to a private game with team compositions determined by out-of-game communication (as opposed to a clan match or pub).
- Roamer
- Refers to the Soldier that is not pocketing the Medic. Roamer's typical primary mission is to take out the enemy Medic.
- Rollout
- The specific path that a player takes on the way to the middle Capture Point. It is designed to get the player to that point as quickly as possible or to provide another strategic advantage.
- Scrim / Skirmish
- A practice match between two teams. Usually played in the competitive 6v6 format or the 9v9 highlander format.
- Steamroll
- Figurative language describing a very fast completion of the the game's objective after it begins, often in relation to a "crushing defeat".
- TF2Lobby
- A popular website where players can go to find PUGs of a low competitive skill level.
- See TF2Lobby.
- An IRC channel where high level PUGs for North Americans are formed and started.
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