Achievement Idle/ko

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Achievement Idle
Koth achievement idle.png
기본 정보
제작: 알 수 없음
맵 정보
환경: 산업지대
설정: 낮, 맑음
위험 요소: 대기실에서 체력이 줄어듦
(과 유사)
아주 잘했어, 친구!
스카웃 자신의 도움으로 도전과제를 해제한 친구를 축하하며

Achievement Idle언덕의 왕 맵에서 도전과제Idle map을 목적으로한 맵입니다. 이 맵은 상당히 규모가 작고 단순한 맵으로 플레이어의 체력이 조금씩 깎이는 대기실 2곳과 차폐된 복도로 이어지는 점령이 불가능한 중앙 점령 지점으로 구성되있습니다.

이 맵은 비공식 커뮤니티가 제작한 역학적 엔지니어 업데이트의 일부였습니다. Idle map 종류의 맵들 중 첫번째 맵인 만큼 인기를 끌게 됐고, 이 맵의 디자인을 바탕으로 파생된 변형 맵도 있습니다.

번형 맵

잘 알려진 변형 맵:

  • Achievement Idle Noglass, 유리 벽이 삭제되고 firefight 지속시간을 늘린 버전, increase variability in gameplay, and facilitate scripted automated weapon attacks (for Achievement Farming or Strange Leveling).
  • Achievement Idle Awesomebox, 몇가지 모드를 추가하여 Achievement Idle core 주위에 play areas를 만들고, idle player를 목표물로 제공하는 컨베이어 벨트 추가, 복싱 링, 서핑 경사로, 점프 맵, and means for skilled players to enter the opposing spawn.



The central room is the only space accessible to players of both teams. It contains the central point and provides a common space for continuous firefights from either hallway, for cooperative practice of skills, or for cooperative accomplishment of achievements, e.g. Spies on opposing teams cooperating on the achievement Spies Like Us.


The spawns are set facing the central room; all activity in the central room and the opposing spawn is viewable through large glass walls. The spawn areas are designed to gradually drain health from players to the point where they die and respawn; this property prevents idling players from recording artificially long lives in their performance reports.

Side halls

The side halls provide player access between the spawns and the central room. Players are blocked from entering the opposing team's hallways. Two corner turns in each hallway prevent players from firing directly into the opposing spawn and provide general shelter from enemy fire, although Demoman grenades can reach most of the enemy hallway.


본문: Idling, Achievements

Primarily, the map was designed for idling and for working on Achievements. Variants have also come to be used for leveling. The uncapturable control point makes for never-ending rounds, so players can fight, level, or idle without interruption (a version has a captureable control point).

Changes in the Item drop system that happened after this map's release greatly reduced this map's usefulness for idling to acquire item drops. However, the basic map design is still popular for working on achievements and leveling strange items.


지점 점령 시간

Achievement Idle
지점 점령 인원수
점령지점 × ∞ 무한


  • While not a bug of the original map per se, in common variants, it is possible for idling in players in noglass or awesomebox variants to get knocked into the side halls, defeating the intention of the health drain in the spawn areas.
    • To counter this, some servers periodically restart the map, returning all players to the spawn areas.
