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< Time Out Therapy
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Sometimes the best medicine is patient negligence.
Time Out Therapy publicity blurb

暂歇疗法(Time Out Therapy)是一个社区制作医生可用的特殊嘲讽

When the player selects it from the taunts menu, the Medic takes a step to the right while pulling out a mug with a red cross and four dots painted on it and a clipboard, allowing for a team-colored medical reclining chair to appear from the ground. He sits on the chair, pulls a lever to adjust it, and proceeds to read the paper on the clipboard, occasionally spouting short laughs and taking sips from the mug. When the player ends the taunt, the Medic gets up, letting the clipboard and mug fall on the ground, and the chair goes back into the ground.



2020年12月3日补丁 (圣诞节 2020)

  • 暂歇疗法被添加至游戏。
