Helm Helm
“ | What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
— Helm Helm 광고 문구
” |
Helm Helm은 데모맨의 커뮤니티 제작 장식 아이템입니다. It is a team-colored, miniature wooden boat that he wears as a hat. The boat features a team-colored Demoman figure manning the helm, six windows for the great cabin, two masts with sails and flags (one sail and a square flag on the back mast and two sails and a triangular flag on the front mast) with the Demoman's class emblem, and a team-colored mermaid sculputre at the front. The Demoman figure wobbles from side to side with the player's movements, and the sails and flags move with the wind.
Helm Helm이 Steam 창작마당에 출품되었습니다.
페인트 적용
본문: 페인트통
미리보기 사진에 마우스를 가져다 대면 배경이 검은색으로 변합니다.
업데이트 내역
- Helm Helm이 게임에 추가되었습니다.
- The word "Helm" refers to both the steering wheel of a ship, and is also an abbreviation of the word "Helmet".