Community Mercenary Park strategy
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Community Mercenary Park strategy | |
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Basic Information | |
Developer(s): | Unknown |
Map Info | |
Environment: | Jungle |
Setting: | Daylight, overcast |
Hazards: | Crocodiles, Pitfalls |
Map Photos | |
This article is about Community Mercenary Park strategy.
Note: It is recommended to read the main Mercenary Park article first to become familiar with the names of key map locations used in this article.
General strategy
Point A
- The Blu team has three ways to exit from the visitors center (they're spawn) upon the start of the round: left exit, middle exit and the right exit. The middle and the right exit both lead into the gift shop, which then leads into the right most part of the playground, the left exit leads directly to the playground. Although all three exits lead into the same place, the left exit is slightly more preferred since it puts the Blu team in a slightly better position to quickly take the playground and the Mann.Co building later on.
- After the round starts and gates open up, the Blu team should be aggressively pushing out there spawn to try and take the playground as soon as possible. This should be rather easy since there are three options to choose from for the Blu when they will be entering the playground and that there are no Healthpacks or Ammo pack on the playground putting the Red team in a disadvantage considering that they won't have any healing sources immediately available to them compared to the Blu which will have they're respawn cabinet to safely fall back to. After quickly taking over the playground the Blu team can move onto capturing the Mann.Co building. Mann.Co building is a large building complex almost surrounding the first capture point. The Mann.Co building is split in two parts. The first part and the second part. The first part is positioned right after the playground and comes before the first point (meaning its the closest of the two Mann.Co buildings to the Blu), meanwhile the second part is positioned behind the first control point. You could say that the first control point is in between these two parts. Both parts of the Mann.Co building are directly connected via a pair of catwalks hanging above the first point. In order for the first control point to be captured the Blu team will have to take control over the two catwalks since duo to they're elevated position right over the first point they offer significant height advantage to anyone standing on them. Since the quickest access to these catwalks for the Blu is provided by the first part of the Mann.Co building the Blu team will first have to capture it and then move onto the catwalks.
- The first part of the Mann.Co building (from now on simply referred to as the Mann.Co building) has multiple entrances for the Blu team to pour into it. On the left side of the building there is a doorway which leads directly to the point and a outdoor stairwell which goes to the second floor of the Mann.Co building. On the right side, there too, is a doorway which leads into the steroid room and from then on to the first checkpoint. On right side there is also a small opening on the second floor which can be accessed by blast jumping up to it. Only on the second floor is there a path leading to the catwalks. Now that we now the locations we can move onto the strategy. Since the second floor is the one which grants easy access to the catwalks, a vitally important location for capturing the first capture point, then obviously the Blu team should capture the second floor first. As said earlier, there are two ways to do this, going up the outdoor stairs on the left side of the Mann.Co building or jumping up to the small opening on the right side. Blast jumping through the small opening the right is a good route. This way you can surprise the Red team members positioned on the second floor as they will be expecting that the bulk of the Blu team will be coming through the outdoor stairwell. However, not every class has access to blast jumping meaning that the majority of the Blu team will have to go up the outdoor stairs to get to the second floor, a move which will be anticipated by the defenders. In general, the best way to win over the second floor is to try and "squeeze" out the Red team on the Second floor by attacking them from two directions. The bulk of the Blu team should go up the outdoor stairwell to attract the attention from defenders meanwhile a small group of Soldiers and Demomen will blast jump they're way through the small opening on the right to attack the Reds back line and cause confusion and panic. After the upper floor has been secured the Blu team can rather easily proceed to kill/destroy the remaining Reds on the first floor and proceed to push out to the two catwalks now that they have a safe access to them. With the control of the catwalks, the Blu team can with ease destroy the defenders of the first capture point below them as now the Blu's have the height advantage over them allowing them to effortlessly wipe them out.
- With the Reds pushed back from the capture point the Blu team can secure the first control point and move onto the second one.
Point B
- The second control point, the Lab is positioned in the second part of the Mann.Co building and has multiple ways to be approached from. First way is to take one of the two shutters on either side of the second part of the Mann.Co building (From now on simply referred as the Mann.Co building or just the building) which takes you directly to the point B. The other way is to go to the second floor of the Mann.Co building and by either walking to it using the catwalks from the previous point or to take the left most shutter door and walk up a set of stairs. After finding yourself on the second floor you can walk over to the server room and from then on to a set of platforms lined up against the wall overlooking the second control point. Alternatively, instead of going to the server room, you can use another set of stairs to go from the second floor down to the former Red spawn putting yourself effectively in the Reds back line since the majority of the Red team will be positioned on the platform and the point itself.
- Capturing the second control point should be relatively easy. As we can see from the short overview of the second point's location given above, we can conclude that the key to capturing second point is securing the second floor of the Mann.Co building. The second floor is immensely important to the Blu team as it has two very powerful routes routes leading from it. One of the routes (the server room) grants you an elevated position right above the second point which basically translates to huge high ground advantage over the Red defenders, and as we saw from the point A, controlling the high ground position over an objective usually means that you are rather easily going to be able to win that objective, and the second point is not an exception. In addition to being provided the height advantage, the second floor also provides you with an flank route which leads right past the Red's first spawn and into the Red's backline. This means that while your pommeling the poor Red team from the high ground, you also get an option to sneak behind them and deal devastating damage making capturing the point B all that more easier. Ofcourse, in order to gain access to these two very "destructive" flank routes the Blu team is obviously going to have to capture the second floor in the first place. Luckly for the Blu's, taking hold of the second floor should be an easy task to do. Unlike back at the point A, where the Blu team had to fight its way up to the second floor from the low ground, this time the Blu team won't have to do rigorously climb up the stairs while being bombarded by the Reds from above. Instead, the Blu already has a straight route leading directly to the second floor, the catwalks! As we said earlier, the second floor can also be accessed by the catwalks which are a much more safer and quicker path to the second floor then the only stairs on the Blu side. And to make matters even better for the Blu team, once the first point is control point is captured the Blu spawn moves from the visitors center to the first part of the Mann.Co building. And this second spawn is positioned practically right in front of the catwalks meaning that as soon as the Blu members spawn in there forward spawn they can immediately walk over the catwalks and find themselves on the second point, keeping up the pressure on it. And duo to the way second floor is structured, it is very hard to defend. Considering all of these things together, its safe to assume that any semi-competent Blu team will be able to clear out and secure the second floor just by taking the catwalks and walking to it.
- Now that the Blu team hold control over the second point, all they have to do is utilize the two important routes leading from the second point and they will be able to capture the control point B with ease. So, by orchestrating a combined assault from the server room and the other route which leads to the Red's back the Blu team will manage to achieve a sort of a crossfire where they are bombarding the Red positions from the high ground on on side and pummeling they're backline from the other side. This results in Red's defenses crumbling from the intense pressure getting appllied from all directions and the Blu capturing the B point and moving to the final control point.
Point C
- Once the second capture point has been secured the Blu team can now move onto the final control point, the point C or the Lab. Lets first discuss the ways for the Blu team to enter the C point. There are three ways to enter into the last point (From the Blu's side ofcourse). The first way is about entering through the elevator shaft (the finale chokepoint), the second option is to climb up the stairs, go through the elevator cage and end up in the Institute for Research and Development (or YTI room for short), in the YTI you can either proceed to the point or go through an even bigger flank route, and that is the route through the ventilaton, through the cave and finally up the side stairs
- As we can see, there are three ways for the Blu team to enter into the final capture point, and all three of them have they're advantages and disadvantages. Going through the elevator shaft is the quickest way to reach the final control point, however, it's also the most dangerous one. The elevator shaft is a chokepoint, meaning that duo to its crampness, going through it limits your mobility options thus making you an easy target for the defending team. Funneling an entire team through this chokepoint is even more dangerous since a single explosive wielding class can easily shut down any pushes coming from the elevator shaft. And lets also not mention the fact that once you get yourself in one piece through the shaft you'll find yourself on the low ground in front of the entire enemy team which will be positioned up on the platforms. For all this reasons, pushing through the elevator shaft is not recommend unless you have an ÜberCharge with you, in that case pushing through that chokepoint is highly advisable. As we said earlier, going through the elevator shaft is the quickest way for reaching the control point C, and once you pass through it you'll find yourself right in front of the bulk of Red defenses. In majority of situations, coming up against the entire enemy team usually results in your death, but when you are Übered, your invulnerable to all damage in which case you want to get as close as you want to the enemy and as fast as possible to ensure that they don't escape your Über push alive. For that reason, if you have an Übercharge to spare, using it to push through the elevator shaft is the quickest way to ensure victory.
- But if you don't have an Über/Medic, then you need to considering taking different flanks routes in order to defeat the Red's defenses, as mentioned earlier, pushing through the elevator shaft without an Übercharge is certainly not going to result in anything other then pointless death. One other route the Blu team can choose from is the YTI room. The YTI room sits at the Red's left flank. The YTI room isn't a flank route itself, but it is just a small room which has two important flank routes leading from it. The ventilation shaft which can get you in behind the enemy, and a unnamed path which leads to the Reds platform, a powerful position surrounding the lab where the majority of Red defenders will be located. In order to gain access to these two side routes we will need to first take control of the YTI room. That shouldn't be a too hard of a task to do. Ironically enough, to reach the YTI we will need to first pass through the elevator cage, a chokepoint positioned right above the elevator shaft. Luckily for the Blu, traversing this chokepoint should't be too hard considering that unlike the elevator shaft below us, this chokepoint doesn't put the Blu members in a height disadvantage and the YTI room is in general a hard room to defend for Red.
- After pushing through the chokepoint and into the YTI, the Blu will be presented with two options, either take the unnamed path which leads to the Red platform or take the ventilation shaft. The unnamed path is a more direct route to the enemy. Taking it will put you right on the left side of the platform the Red team will be standing on allowing you to pressure them directly. While you are fighting for the control over the platform and thus the control of high ground over the final point, some Blu members can flank even more behind the Reds by taking the ventilation shaft which puts you in the prime position to surprise the enemy which will most likely be busy with fighting your teammates who are coming up on they're right flank. If you manage to pull of this attack from both the left and behind of the Red, they're defenses will start to crack and they will be preoccupied with securing they're rear and they're right that they will usually completely forget about the elevator shaft. The Blu teammates, which otherwise wouldn't be able to pass through the elevator shaft safely will no be capable of doing so, rushing through the chokepoint to deliver the final blow to the Red team and ultimately winning the finale point and thus the round.
Point A
- The Red strategy for the first control point is all about holding the second floor of the Mann.Co building thus denying the Blu's access to the catwalks ultimately denying them the height advantage they need to capture the first point.
- As soon as the round starts you should just abandon the playground, it's a hard area to hold, has no cover to hide behind and no Healthpacks or Ammopacks for the Red team, as soon as the Blu team starts showing competence simply retreat out of the playground to the second floor of the Mann.Co building. This is where the bulk of your defenses should be. Denying the second floor ad thus the entire building is the key to preventing the Blu team from capturing control point A. Keep an eye on the two main ways to climb up to the upper floor and watch out for any Blu members trying to use these routes. If the second floor falls try and keep control over the two catwalks. Even though holding the catwalks will be a difficult task to do with the Blu team now in control over the second floor and thus a direct access to the catwalks. But it is still possible to prevent the Blu team from capturing them by positioning a couple of Sentry Guns and Heavies up on the catwalks to make it as difficult as possible for the Blu team. However be aware, after taking control over the Mann.Co building its pretty easy for the Blu team to quickly capture the catwalks even with good defenses positioned up there so be prepared to retreat as soon as thing start to go badly.
Point B
- If the Red wants to try and prevent this point from being captured then its going to have to put up strong defense and some coordination to defend it successfully.
- First order of business should be preventing the Blu team from securing the second floor as the control of that location gives them the access to a whole lot of devastating routes. However, doing this is rather easier said then done. Unlike when defending the second floor of the Mann.Co building's first part, the Red team won't have to climb up to the second floor this time around. As mentioned earlier, they will now have a direct route leading straight to the second floor without needing to struggle to climb up to it. This means that that the defense of the second floor has gotten a whole lot harder, maybe even impossible. For that reason best way to hold onto the point B and prevent the Blu's from capturing it, is not to fight the Blu team in the second floor, but to make the Blu's position on the second floor worthless by locking them in it. The major downside of the second floor is that it provides only two routes leading from it to the point B. As said earlier those routes are pretty powerful but since there is only two of them, with enough Red supervision they can be locked down. There is a gate which leads from the server room to the powerful position on the elevated platforms above the point B, that gate could be easily sticky trapped and since it is a one way gate once the Blu team members pass through it they cannot retreat. The small stairwell which leads from the second floor into the Red's flank first goes to a large room which then leads to the Red's back line. Since this room is very large it can be easily locked down by positioning a Sentry Gun or a couple of Heavies in it to prevent any Blu members from going in it.
- In general, if you manage to lock down these two routes successfully, then the great advantage the second floor could have provided for the Blu teams suddenly becomes a disadvantage as now they are locked on it.
Point C
- Defending the last point revolves around holding the YTI. The YTI room leads to two devastating flank routes so holding it is a top priority. Defending the elevator shaft should't be to hard considering that the room is a chokepoint meaning that having a single Sentry Gun and few power classes defending it will be sufficient for denying any enemies trying to push through it. Defending the YTI room also shouldn't be a hustle. The elevator cage is the only route which leads into the YTI and just like the elevator room, the elevator cages acts like sort of a chokepoint meaning that defending it should be relatively easy.
- All in all, holding last isn't to hard. There indeed are three routes for the Blu team to approach the point C however, two of those routes (the ventilation and the path both leading from the YTI) can be denied from the Blu team by simply holding control over the YTI, which is rather effortless.
Class-specific strategy
- This map is a decent map for Scouts. It isn't the most open map in the world, in fact, majority of the fighting takes place in an enclosed environment, but there are certainly plenty of flank routes to get around the enemy team and the buildings you will be spending majority of your time fighting in are relatively open still giving you room to use your mobility to dodge incoming danger. There is also plenty of ramps, crates, ledges and other random vertical geometry sticking out of the ground which is pretty good for a Scout you as it allows you to jump around on these things and make yourself a much harder target.
- On Blu you should obviously be flanking behind the defenders to disrupt they're backline. This map offers quit a lot of flank routes giving you plenty of room to dodge high traffic areas and the majority of common Sentry spots (See the image of common Sentry positions down below in the Engineer strategy). On the first point, it is recommended that you take the the right most exit out of spawn and rush past the gift shop so that you can quickly get into the Mann.Co building and if you are fast enough you can also even reach the first control point. If the Mann.Co building is heavy guarded any you can't get behind then you can either use the Bonk! Atomic Punch or stick with your team to try and clear out the playground and then push into the Mann.Co building in coordination with your team. On the second point, the best route for you to take would be to head up to the second floor, go down the stairs which lead into the Red first spawn and find yourself in the Reds backline relatively easily. And the final point try to rush to the YTI room before the Reds have time to setup a base there and go through the ventilation shaft to once again find yourself in a powerful position behind them while avoiding all the common Sentry spots. Alternatively, you can help out your team who will be pushing through the elevator shaft by drinking the Bonk!Atomic Punch and distracting the enemy Sentry Gun.
- On Red you can also try and flank behind the attacking Blu team, but your main goal should be in preventing the Blu Scouts and his teammates from doing the same. In other words, you should be playing on the flank to prevent the flankers and then after the enemy flankers have been defeated you yourself can go flanking. On the first point, "playing" in the playground is great as it is a wide open space making it just perfect for you, try and delay the enemy as much as you can here. Playing in the area just above the point A by jumping on the shipping crates and the catwalks can make you a really hard target to hit and consequently, a solid obstacle to the Blu team trying to claim the catwalks. On the second point, you should position yourself by the open area in front of the first Red spawn to duel out the Blu members trying to get from the second floor to your teams backline and prevent them from doing that, you can occasionally even run up to the second floor for some sneak attacks on the Blu but be aware, second floor is very cramped so as soon as the Blu's up there start getting a hold of you, you should retreat and bait them into a more open area to fight them. If the area is clear you could even head to a set of stairs near the first point which leads to the second floor from the Blu side, this way you can surprise the Blu members on the second floors as they won't expect an enemy attacking them from the direction of they're spawn. On the final point you can't do much, the two chokepoints the Blu team has to pass in order to get to the final point are much better guarder by explosive wielding classes and you can't do much to secure them. A recommend thing to do would be to take the Mad Milk. Its large area of effect can allow you douse enemies passing through one of the chokepoints.
- Soldier is a good choice for the Mercenary park. This map is rather cramped making your rockets more easier to hit, but the map is open enough to justify Rocket jumping and using it to gain the upper hand over your enemies.
- On the offensive team your main focus should be to use your rocket jump ability to take key high ground positions from the Red team and occupy them and to work in conjunction with your Demoman to take down Red's Sentry nests. When fighting for the first point, the main focus of your teams attack will be the Mann.Co building, more specifically, the Mann.Co's building second floor. Reaching the second floor can be rather tricky for the Blu's as since there is only one route leading to it and that's the outside staircase on the left side which can be easily controlled by the Reds. Or... is there is only one entrance to the second floor? For anyone who can't rocket jump, there really is only one option to chose from as they will have to take the outside stairwell to get to the second floor, but for you there is another alternative route you can take. On the right side of the Mann.Co building there is a small opening in the wall of the second floor. This opening is out of reach for anyone who can't jump high enough to it, but you can rocket jump, which allows you to propel yourself high enough to reach the small opening and thus the second floor. When you go through the opening, you'll find yourself in a small room which leads to the right to the Red teams backline. The Reds holding out on the upper floor will usually be focused on keeping control over the outside staircase on the left side since that is where they expect the Blu team to come from, this usually means that they completely forget about the right side of the building allowing you to exploit there mistakes and attack them from behind. Alternatively, you can go through the lower floor of the Mann.Co building by taking the left hallway which leads straight to the point, after exiting onto the area of the control point, you can simply rocket jump directly onto the catwalk itself and surprise the Reds from an even more unexpected direction. After clearing out the Mann.Co building you and your team will move into assaulting the point A itself. When doing this you want to position yourself up on the catwalks to rain down rockets down on the Reds.
- After your team is done with the capturing of the first control point you can move onto the second point, as always, you want to take the high ground. You can do this by using the catwalks to once again get to the second floor, clear it out and them move over to the server room where you you can reach a set of elevated rails positioned right above the second point. From this elevated position you can target the enemy sentry placements on the platform and the enemies positioned around the point. Be careful though, once you pass through the gate which leads from the server room to the rails you can't go back as that gate is one-way only. Instead of going to the server room to reach the ovehanging rails, you may choose to try and flank the enemy team from behind by going from the second floor to the Reds first spawn, a common flank route for Blu players trying to get into the Red's backiline, however, this position is not good for you, the area in front of the Reds first spawn is very large and open without any high ground to occupy. For those reasons, going this route is not recommended,
- As your team is capturing the second point you should quickly more forward to establish an important stronghold in a certain room in order to gain an upper hand when the attack on the final point begins. This room which should be captured and secured immediately is the YTI room which is a very important room for the Blu team as it grants them access to two powerful flank routes. Usually, the Red team understand the importance of the YTI room, and as they are retreating from the second point they will attempt to capture the room for themselves in order to deny the Blu team the powerful position that the room has to offer, but this is where you come in, before the Red team has a chance to establish a foothold in the YTI, you can quickly dash forward, rocket jump up to another second floor, fly above all the retreating enemies and swiftly capture the YTI before anyone even reaches it, if other classes on your team had the task of trying to secure the YTI room before the Reds even set there foot there they would fail rather hard as they would first have to fight through the retreating Red teammates and won't be able to just rocket jump over them like a Soldier can. After doing that, you can holdout in the YTI and wait for your team to catch up to you and then together with your team make a massive push from the YTI right into the Red's left flank.
- When on the defense your main priority should be to obviously hold the high ground and bombard the Blu players trying to capture the control point. On the first point, you can simply choose to stay up on the second floor of the Mann.Co building and rain down rockets on Blu players trying to climb up to your position, if the Mann.Co building is lost then you should retreat to the the transport cages to deny the Blu players trying to take over the catwalks, you can occasionally go into the now hostile environment of the Mann.Co building itself to quickly deal a lot of damage to the Blu attackers there before hastily retreating. On the second point, you should position yourself up on the upper floors to challenge the Blu team trying to take over the second floor and thus gain control of the two devastating routes for the Red team (the server room and the route leading to the Red's first spawn). Defending this area won't be easy as the Blu team has a direct access to the second floor from they're spawn. But the second floor is quit cramped and tight which is perfect for your primary weapons which all function best in these environments. While defending the upper floor, you need to delay the Blu team's advance as much as possible and make sure that they pay for every inch of it. If they take the second floor you can then rocket jump up to the elevated rails leading form the server room to try and delay them even further by blocking one of the key areas for the Blu. When defending the last point, you primarily want to focus on securing the YTI room. For the Blu team to get to the YTI room. Youcan do this effectively by making a small rocket jump onto one of the servers in the room to give your self a small height advnatage.
- Mercenary Park has many choke points in tight, indoor areas. Flamethrowers, a powerful choice for close range combat, can be used to manipulate the choke points to your advantage either offensively or defensively.
- Paired with a Kritzkrieg Medic, you become especially terrifying to enemy teams.
- Stick to the side routes on the middle point. With how many walls and props there are in the way, you become a lot sneakier, and you can also take advantage of the alligator pit by way of your airblast.
- On defense, it is possible to Detonator jump from the outside of the control point building to the BLU spawn. Many players will not expect such an aggressive move from a Pyro at long distance.
- If you don't close the gap, it could often be better to fall back towards the building or go under the BLU spawn, as the open hills put you at a disadvantage.
- Take note of the blind corners inside the buildings. Using these to your advantage is often better than pushing directly, as you can deal massive damage before enemies have a chance to react.
- If you are attacking a Soldier or Demoman, prepare to airblast around a second after igniting them, as many will respond by firing a rocket or bomb without thinking.
- Corners are especially useful. Airblasting classes up and into the building's corners lets you close in quickly, upsets their aim, and can typically set you up for a combo (ex. hitting with the Axtinguisher.)
- The Demoman has quit a lot of potential on this map as this map is filled with quit a lot of chokepoints and in general plenty of tight area.
- On the Blu team, your main concern should be about dealing with enemy Sentry Guns. Since that will be your primary job its good to know all the common Red sentry positions so that you can effectively deal with all the Sentry Guns coming your way, so here is a list off all common Sentry Red sentry positions and how to deal with them effectively (if your having trouble visualizing the placement of these Sentry Guns then you can scroll down to the Engineer guide and take a look at the Mercenary Park map of all the common sentry spots): On the first point, you are going to greet the Red Sentry nests when you arrive at the Mann.Co building, more precisely, the left side of the second floor of the Mann.Co building, or in other words, right above the steroid room. There are two ways to destroy this Sentry nest, the easiest way would be to Sticky jump through a small opening in the wall of the second floor right above the entrance to the steroid room. By getting up here you will find yourself in a small room which is right next to the location which usually contains common Sentry nests. In this room, you can prepare your attack before heading through the doorway to face the Sentry nest in front of you. Destroying this particular Sentry nest is rather easy, using the doorway to corner peek the Sentry Gun will get the job done, just be prepared for the onslaught of angry enemies coming at you when the you destroy the gun since this sentry nest is a common resting place for Red teammates who often come here to heal of the friendly Dispenser. For that reason it might be wise to retreat back into the room you just came out of and use your Stickybomb Launcher, or any other sticky launcher for that matter to place a couple of Stickybombs on the doorway leading to you, so that chasing enemies get a surprise of there life once they step into the room. Other way to destroy this common Sentry spot would be to head to the steroid room directly and then destroy the Sentry nest positioned on platform above you from below by using the the arch of your weapons, this strategy could work out pretty well too, but note that while your shooting at the Sentry above you you will be on the low ground for a good amount of time. When the Mann.Co building is captured then the common Red defensive holdouts become the catwalks and the small areas behind the transport cages and the docks. Destroying the Sentry positions on the catwalks are pretty simple, just fire your Grenades and Stickybombs at the catwalks through the windows on the Mann.Co building which are overlooking the first capture point. When trying to target the Sentry positions behind the docks or the transport cages, position yourself on the catwalks or on top of the transport cages to get a good angle on those sentry positions.
- When attacking the capture point B, the most common sentry nest position is on the platform. The most effective way to destroy this Sentry nest is to get to the another second floor of the Mann.Co's building second part and proceed to the server room where you can step on a couple of overhanging rails placed right above the point, from this position you can get a very good angle on the Sentry nest positioned on the platform and assuming your team can take control over the second point you usually don't have to fight any enemy team members on your way to this position. Other way to destroy this Sentry Guns is to sneak behind it by taking the route leading from the second floor to the First Red spawn, thus sneaking into the Reds backiline. But this second plan is rather risky as it put you in a lot more open area where you are more vulnerable to Reds intercepting you before you reach your target.
- A Demoman is often the most crucial class when attacking the finale point or the lab since that is the place where Sentry positions are the most abundant. There are three main ways to dealing will all the different sentry positions on the point C. The first way is to find a Medic with an ÜberCharge and push through the elevator shaft and find yourself right in front of the enemy team and there Sentry Guns. Using this method, you can quickly and swiftly destroy all the Sentry Guns in the lab thus paving the way for your team to push forward. However, this method does require an Übercharge to successfully execute and sometimes an Über isn't always available. For that reasons there are two more options to destroy the Sentry Guns int the lab. One of them includes going to the elevator cage and shooting your explosive projectiles through a shattered hole in the window of the elevator cage. If you aim just right, your projectile will travel at such an angle through the hole that they will start landing right on top of the common Sentry positions, with this method, you can destroy most of the Sentry Guns in the lab relatively safely as you won't have to put yourself in any harms way. But, this method also has its limits, for starters you won't be able to reach the Sentry Gun positioned near the Health and Ammo pickups on the right below you, this method also takes a lot of time, aiming a shot through a small hole so that it can land pitch perfect onto the Red Sentry nests can really consume your available time, plus, watch out for Spies as they will take the opportunity to backstab you while your lining up your shot. The third method involves heading to the YTI room and spamming out the Sentry nests from there. From the YTI room you have a much better angles and can hit any Sentry Gun guarding the last point, but you put yourself in a lot more danger when doing this so be careful!
- As a Red team member, your main job should be to stop the Blu team dead in there tracks by constantly shoving down spam down every major chokepoint. On point A, your going to want to watch out for the outside stairwell of the Mann.Co builfing as that is the route which the Blu team is most likey to take, placing down some Stickybombs right on top of the stairs will ensure that the attacking Blu's get a warm welcome. When the Mann.Co building is lost to the opposing team, the best course of action would be to position yourself right on top of the point and spam out the two entrances which connect the second floor and the two catwalks as that is an important route the Blu team has to take if they want to capture the control point. You can also position yourself on the transport cages to watch out more closely on the right catwalk and the hallway leading from the playground, but you do lose oversight of the right most catwalks when on the cages. When defending the second capture point, it is important for your team to hold the control over the rails above the second point, if the Blu team get control over these "rails" then they have a high ground position over the point which is very bad for the defending team. For that reason, your job as a Demoman is to deny the Blu's this position by placing Stickybombs on the gate which leads into to these rails. On the finale stage, a Demoman can either spam down the elevator shaft or prevent the Blu team from capturing the YTI room by spamming down the elevator cage.
- There is a nice balance for Heavy on this map. You are at liberty to push more aggressively, as many of the direct routes still don't have long sight-lines. As always, however, overextending can be a death sentence, especially against a talented Sniper.
- Mercenary Park provides many good sentry spots for defending control points, but also provides good opportunities for assaulting them, too.
- At control point A, placing a sentry on the catwalks provides a good point of elevation to fire downwards at enemy targets attempting to capture or defend the point.
- Placing a teleporter in the room below BLU's first spawn allows the defending team to flank behind enemy lines and catch them unaware. Note though that all entrances lock except the top left entrance when control point A is captured.
- Placing a teleporter in the room above Point B makes an excellent place to assault the point, given the 1-way exit door and elevation over the point.
- Point C provides many invaluable sentry spots, such as on the shipping containers or in the corners below the metal balcony.
- A BLU Engineer, with the distraction of his team can go down the chute near control point C and set up a teleporter in the hallway behind point C, allowing his team to quickly flank around the defense. Set up a Sentry Gun to protect the teleporter.
Note: It is important to understand what do the buildings with a white background and an orange circle represent. This overview is structured in such a way that it only shows the ground floor of the map, if there are any second floors or otherwise elevated platforms they will now be show, instead the ground below these second floors will be shown. For that reason orange circles and a white background has been added to some buildings. The orange circle is supposed to represent that the building is positioned on some sort of a second floor or an elevated platform which isn't show on the overview. So just keep in mind, when you see a building which has an orange circle, remember that that building isn't positioned on the floor it is actually shown on the map, but that there is a another floor above that floor which is that buildings actual placement. For example, on first point you can see two orange circled Sentry Guns positioned right next to the point. These Sentry Guns aren't actually right next to the control point but are actually positioned on a catwalk which isn't show here but is still running above and alongside the point.
- While attacking the final point, taking advantage of the shattered hole in the elevator cage near the intersection on the second floor can be extremely useful for evading fire and catching enemies off guard, but key to this is making sure that your team has control of the second floor.
- Be extra careful, as this spot can also be predictable to experienced players.
- The right side of the lower elevator choke (opposite the medical procedure room) is a sheltered place close to the action for BLU Medic to do a lot of supportive healing and quick building of ÜberCharge. The RED Medic should be on the other side of the wall doing exactly the same thing.
- Watch out for RED counter-pushes/BLU pushes as you are really close to a lot of the enemy.
- The deck with the window to the medical procedure room is a possible secondary BLU Medic position on final.
- The Health Kit on the RED side should be reserved for the Medic; he is going to need it.
- This map is particularly noisy, with several locations of continuous or intermittent louder noise for masking decloaking sounds.
- On the first point, the waterfall is particularly loud on the defender's side where RED Engineers are likely to have buildings. This noise can easily cover the decloak sound of the watches and sometimes the Dead Ringer, which can make it nearly impossible for someone to listen for decloak sounds to know there is a Spy attacking.