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Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Napper's Respite.png

Gorro do Dorminhoco (Inusual)
Chapéu - Nível 73
★ Efeito Inusual: Coração Rotativo
Após um longo dia a queimar Scouts.

A qualidade Inusual é uma qualidade de item usada em acessórios, provocações, e armas. Itens de qualidade Inusual têm um efeito de partícula especial, e são considerados um dos itens mais raros no Team Fortress 2. Há atualmente 631 acessórios que podem ter um em 307 efeitos, 106 provocações que podem ter um em 155 efeitos, e 44 armas que podem ter um em 5 efeitos. Itens Inusuais podem ser obtidos principalmente ao abrir um Caixote de Armamento Mann Co.s e caixas. Há menos do que 1% de chance para obter um acessório com a qualidade Inusual por caixotes e caixas.[1] Itens Inusuais podem ser obtidos por qualquer caixote ou caixa, mas a seleção do efeito pode variar dependendo da caixa ou da série. As seleções de efeitos são principalmente chamadas de "gerações".

O código hexadecimal para a code de itens com a qualidade Inusual é #8650AC.

Unusual effects

Séries Padrão

Efeitos Inusuais padrão podem ser encontrados em séries de caixotes especificas.

1ª geração

A primeira geração de efeitos Inusuais foi introduzida na Atualização da Mannconomia. Eles podem ser obtidos em caixotes da Série #1 a Série #25, e com qualquer caixa. Se for obtido por um caixote, o chapéu pode ser qualquer chapéu dos Caixote de Armamento Mann Co. Se for obtido por uma caixa, o chapéu pode ser exclusivo dessa caixa.

Template:Gen 1 Unusual effects

2ª geração

A segunda geração de efeitos Inusuais foi adicionada na Atualização de 18 de agosto de 2011. Eles podem ser obtidos em caixotes da Série #26 a Série #58, tal como caixas. Se for obtido por um caixote, o chapéu pode ser qualquer chapéu dos Caixote de Armamento Mann Co. Se for obtido por uma caixa, o chapéu pode ser exclusivo dessa caixa.

Template:Gen 2 Unusual effects

Gen 3

A terçeira geração de efeitos Inusuais foi adicionada na Atualização de 19 de junho de 2013. Eles podem ser obtidos em caixotes da Série #59 a Série #103, tal como caixas. Se for obtido por um caixote, o chapéu pode ser qualquer chapéu dos Caixote de Armamento Mann Co. Se for obtido por uma caixa, o chapéu pode ser exclusivo dessa caixa.

Template:Gen 3 Unusual effects

Cintilar da Comunidade

Um efeito Inusual exclusivo foi adicionado na Primeira Atualização de Contribuição da Comunidade. Foi automaticamente aplicado à qualidade Comunitário e aos itens de qualidade Criação Própria.

Efeito Inusual - Cintilar da Comunidade
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Community Sparkle.png
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Community Sparkle Taunt.png
Efeitos para armas
Unusual Community Sparkle Weapon.png
Cintilar da Comunidade Cintilar da Comunidade Cintilar da Comunidade

Séries de Verão

Efeitos Inusuais de verão podem ser encontradas em caixas de verão especificas. Durante os eventos de verão, os efeitos estão disponíveis em todas as outras séries de caixas.

Pacote de Verão 2020

A primeira geração de efeitos Inusuais de verão foram adicionados na atualização Pacote de Verão 2020. Eles podem ser obtidos ao abrir uma Caixa de Acessórios de Verão 2020.

Efeitos Inusuais do Pacote de Verão 2020
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Verdatica.png
Unusual Aromatica.png
Unusual Chromatica.png
Unusual Prismatica.png
Unusual Bee Swarm.png
Unusual Frisky Fireflies.png
Verdático Aromático Cromático Prismático Enxame de Abelhas Pirilampos Mágicos
Unusual Smoldering Spirits.png
Unusual Wandering Wisps.png
Unusual Kaleidoscope.png
Espíritos Escaldantes Espectros Errantes Caleidoscópio

Pacote de Verão 2021

A segunda geração de efeitos Inusuais de verão foram adicionados na atualização Pacote de Verão 2021. Eles podem ser obtidos ao abrir uma Caixa de Acessórios de Verão 2021.

Efeitos Inusuais do Pacote de Verão 2021
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Resonation.png
Unusual Aggradation.png
Unusual Lucidation.png
Unusual Stunning.png
Unusual Ardentum Saturnalis.png
Unusual Fragrancium Elementalis.png
Ressonância Assoreamento Elucidação A Ver Estrelas Ardentum Saturnalis Fragrancium Elementalis
Unusual Reverium Irregularis RED.png
Unusual Reverium Irregularis BLU.png
Unusual Perennial Petals.png
Unusual Flavorsome Sunset.png
Unusual Raspberry Bloom.png
Unusual Iridescence.png
RED BLU Pétalas Perenes Anoitecer Apetitoso Florescer Framboesa Iridescência
Reverium Irregularis

Scream Fortress Series

Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates. During Scream Fortress events, they're available in all other crate series.

Evento Assustador do Dia das Bruxas

The first Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Evento Assustador do Dia das Bruxas. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Efeitos Inusuais do Evento Assustador do Dia das Bruxas
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Flaming Lantern.png
Unusual Cloudy Moon.png
Unusual Cauldron Bubbles.png
Unusual Eerie Orbiting Fire.png
Lanterna Flamejante Lua Nublada Bolhas de Caldeirão Fogo Misterioso a Orbitar

Evento Espectral do Dia das Bruxas

The second Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the Evento Espectral do Dia das Bruxas. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Efeitos Inusuais do Evento Espectral do Dia das Bruxas
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Knifestorm.png
Unusual Misty Skull.png
Unusual Harvest Moon.png
Unusual It's A Secret To Everybody.png
Unusual Stormy 13th Hour.png
Tempestade de Facas Caveira Enevoada Lua das Colheitas É um Segredo para Todos 13ª Hora Tempestuosa

Scream Fortress 2013

The third Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2013 update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2013
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Arcana.png
Unusual Spellbound.png
Unusual Chiroptera Venenata.png
Unusual Poisoned Shadows.png
Unusual Something Burning This Way Comes.png
Unusual Hellfire.png
Arcano Feiticeiresco Chiroptera Venenata Sombras Envenenadas Algo Ardente Vem Aí Fogo Infernal
Unusual Darkblaze.png
Unusual Demonflame.png
Chama das Trevas Chama Demoníaca

Scream Fortress 2014

The fourth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2014 update. They could be obtained in any crate or audition reel during the event.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2014
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Bonzo The All-Gnawing.png
Unusual Amaranthine.png
Unusual Stare From Beyond.png
Unusual The Ooze.png
Unusual Ghastly Ghosts Jr.png
Unusual Haunted Phantasm Jr.png
Bonzo, o Devorador Amaranto Olhar do Além Olhar Viscoso Fantasminhas Medonhos Fantasma Assombrado Júnior
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Haunted Phantasm.png
Unusual Ghastly Ghosts.png
Fantasma Assombrado Fantasmas Medonhos

Scream Fortress 2015

The fifth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2015 update. They could only be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case or using an Unusualifier during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2015
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Death by Disco.png
Unusual It's a mystery to everyone.png
Unusual It's a puzzle to me.png
Unusual Ether Trail.png
Unusual Nether Trail.png
Unusual Ancient Eldritch.png
Mortos para Dançar É um Mistério para Todos É um Enigma para Mim Rasto Etéreo Rasto do Submundo Assombração Ancestral
Unusual Eldritch Flame.png
Chama Assombrada

Scream Fortress 2016

The sixth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2016 update. They could be obtained in any crate, case, or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Creepy Crawly Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2016
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Neutron Star.png
Unusual Tesla Coil.png
Unusual Starstorm Insomnia.png
Unusual Starstorm Slumber.png
Estrelas de Neutrões Eletro-Tesla Insónia de Estrelas Sono de Estrelas
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Hellish Inferno.png
Unusual Spectral Swirl.png
Unusual Infernal Flames.png
Unusual Infernal Smoke.png
Inferno Infernal Remoinho Espectral Chamas Infernais Fumo Infernal

Scream Fortress 2018

The seventh Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2018 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Violet Vermin Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2018
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Brain Drain.png
Unusual Open Mind.png
Unusual Head of Steam.png
Unusual Galactic Gateway.png
Unusual The Eldritch Opening.png
Unusual The Dark Doorway.png
Derrame Cerebral Mente Aberta Cabeça Fervente Passagem Galáctica Portal Sobrenatural Brecha das Trevas
Unusual Ring of Fire.png
Unusual Vicious Circle.png
Unusual White Lightning.png
Unusual Omniscient Orb.png
Unusual Clairvoyance.png
Anel de Fogo Ciclo Vicioso Luzes Brancas Orbe Omnisciente Clarividência
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Acidic Bubbles of Envy.png
Unusual Flammable Bubbles of Attraction.png
Unusual Poisonous Bubbles of Regret.png
Unusual Roaring Rockets.png
Unusual Spooky Night.png
Unusual Ominous Night.png
Bolhas Ácidas da Inveja Bolhas Inflamáveis da Atração Bolhas Venenosas do Arrependimento Foguetes Estrondosos Noite Arrepiante Noite Ominosa

Scream Fortress 2019

The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2019 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Spooky Spoils Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2019
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Fifth Dimension.png
Unusual Vicious Vortex.png
Unusual Menacing Miasma.png
Unusual Abyssal Aura.png
Unusual Wicked Wood.png
Unusual Ghastly Grove.png
Quinta Dimensão Vórtex Violento Miasma Medonho Aura Abismal Moita Maléfica Floresta Fantasmagórica
Unusual Mystical Medley.png
Unusual Ethereal Essence.png
Unusual Twisted Radiance.png
Unusual Violet Vortex.png
Unusual Verdant Vortex.png
Unusual Valiant Vortex.png
Mistura Mística Essência Etérea Resplendor Retorcido Vórtex Violeta Vórtex Verdejante Vórtex Valoroso
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Bewitched.png
Unusual Accursed.png
Unusual Enchanted.png
Unusual Static Mist.png
Unusual Eerie Lightning.png
Unusual Terrifying Thunder.png
Embruxado Enfeitiçado Encantado Neblina Chocante Eletricidade Estranha Trovões Terríveis
Unusual Jarate Shock.png
Unusual Nether Void.png
Choque de Jaraté Vazio do Submundo

Scream Fortress 2020

The ninth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the Scream Fortress 2020 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Wicked Windfall Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Scream Fortress 2020
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Green Giggler.png
Unusual Laugh-O-Lantern.png
Unusual Plum Prankster.png
Unusual Pyroland Nightmare.png
Unusual Gravelly Ghoul.png
Unusual Vexed Volcanics.png
Verde de Alegria Abóboras Animadas Risos Roxos Pesadelo da Pyrolândia Criatura de Cascalho Vulto Vulcânico
Unusual Gourdian Angel.png
Unusual Pumpkin Party.png
Abóbora da Guarda Festa das Abóboras
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Spectral Escort.png
Unusual Astral Presence.png
Unusual Arcane Assistance RED.png
Unusual Arcane Assistance BLU.png
Unusual Emerald Allurement.png
Unusual Pyrophoric Personality.png
Escolta Espectral Presença Astral RED BLU Encantamento Esmeraldino Personalidade Pirofórica
Assistência Arcana
Unusual Spellbound Aspect.png
Unusual Static Shock.png
Unusual Veno Shock.png
Unusual Toxic Terrors.png
Unusual Arachnid Assault.png
Unusual Creepy Crawlies.png
Aparição Enfeitiçada Eletricidade Estática Choque Venenoso Terrores Tóxicos Ataque Aracnídeo Aranhas Arrepiantes

Smissmas Series

Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas crates. During Smissmas events, they're available in all other crate series.

Natal 2019

The first Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the Natal 2019 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Natal 2019
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Sparkling Lights.png
Unusual Frozen Icefall.png
Unusual Fragmented Gluons.png
Unusual Fragmented Quarks.png
Unusual Fragmented Photons.png
Unusual Defragmenting Reality RED.png
Luzes Reluzentes Granizo Gelado Gluões Fragmentados Quarks Fragmentados Fotões Fragmentados RED
Realidade Desfragmentada
Unusual Defragmenting Reality BLU.png
Unusual Fragmenting Reality.png
Unusual Refragmenting Reality.png
Unusual Snowfallen.png
Unusual Snowblinded.png
Unusual Pyroland Daydream RED.png
BLU Realidade Fragmentada Realidade Refragmentada Nevasca Nublado de Neve RED
Realidade Desfragmentada Fantasia da Pyrolândia
Unusual Pyroland Daydream BLU.png
Fantasia da Pyrolândia
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Good-Hearted Goodies.png
Unusual Wintery Wisp.png
Unusual Arctic Aurora.png
Unusual Winter Spirit.png
Unusual Festive Spirit.png
Unusual Magical Spirit.png
Prendas Para Todos Ilusão Invernosa Aurora Ártica Espírito de Inverno Espírito Festivo Espírito Mágico

Natal 2020

The second Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the Natal 2020 update. They could be obtained in any case or Unusualifier during the event. The cosmetic effects can still be obtained by opening a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case.

Efeitos Inusuais do Natal 2020
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Frozen Fractals.png
Unusual Lavender Landfall.png
Unusual Special Snowfall.png
Unusual Divine Desire.png
Unusual Distant Dream.png
Unusual Violent Wintertide.png
Frio Fractal Flocos de Lavanda Flocos Fenomenais Desejo Divino Sonho Semoto Vendaval Violento
Unusual Blighted Snowstorm.png
Unusual Pale Nimbus.png
Unusual Genus Plasmos.png
Unusual Serenus Lumen.png
Unusual Ventum Maris.png
Unusual Mirthful Mistletoe RED.png
Nevasca Nefasta Nébula Pálida Genus Plasmos Serenus Lumen Ventum Maris RED
Azevinho Alegre
Unusual Mirthful Mistletoe BLU.png
Azevinho Alegre
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Delightful Star.png
Unusual Frosted Star.png
Unusual Apotheosis.png
Unusual Ascension.png
Unusual Reindoonicorn Rancher RED.png
Unusual Reindoonicorn Rancher BLU.png
Estrela Encantadora Estrela de Gelo Apoteose Ascensão RED BLU
Roda de Renalãonicórnios
Unusual Twinkling Lights.png
Unusual Shimmering Lights.png
Luzes Cintilantes Luzes Brilhantes

Robotic Boogaloo

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Robotic Boogaloo update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a Robo Community Crate.

Efeitos Inusuais do Robotic Boogaloo
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Phosphorous.png
Unusual Sulphurous.png
Unusual Memory Leak.png
Unusual Overclocked.png
Unusual Electrostatic.png
Unusual Power Surge.png
Fosforoso Sulfuroso Fuga de Memória Overclock Eletrostático Surto de Energia
Unusual Anti-Freeze.png
Unusual Time Warp.png
Unusual Green Black Hole.png
Unusual Roboactive.png
Anti-Bloqueio Distorção Temporal Buraco Negro Verde Roboativo

Atualização 'Love & War'

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Atualização 'Love & War'. They can be obtained through the Mann Co. Audition Reel, Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel and Taunt Unusualifiers.

Efeitos Inusuais da Atualização 'Love & War'
Efeitos para provocações
Unusual Showstopper RED.png
Unusual Showstopper BLU.png
Unusual Holy Grail.png
Unusual '72.png
Unusual Fountain of Delight.png
Unusual Screaming Tiger.png
RED BLU Santo Graal '72 Fonte do Amor Tigre Flamejante
Unusual Skill Gotten Gains.png
Unusual Midnight Whirlwind.png
Unusual Silver Cyclone.png
Unusual Mega Strike.png
Dinheiro Sujo Remoinho da Meia-noite Ciclone Prateado Mega Relâmpago

Atualização do 'End of the Line'

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Atualização do 'End of the Line'. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening an End of the Line Community Crate.

Efeitos Inusuais da Atualização do 'End of the Line'
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Frostbite.png
Unusual Molten Mallard.png
Unusual Morning Glory.png
Unusual Death at Dusk.png
Geada Mortífera Pato Assado Glória da Alvorada Crepúsculo Fatal

Atualização Gun Mettle

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Atualização Gun Mettle. They can be obtained through Decorated cases.

Efeitos Inusuais da Atualização Gun Mettle
Efeitos para armas
Unusual Hot.png
Unusual Isotope.png
Unusual Cool.png
Unusual Energy Orb.png
Quente Isótopo Frio Orbe de Energia
Removed from all Unusual pools

Atualização Invasion

An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the Atualização Invasion. They can be obtained through either a Confidential Collection Case or a Quarantined Collection Case.

Efeitos Inusuais da Atualização Invasion
Efeitos para cosméticos
Unusual Abduction.png
Unusual Atomic.png
Unusual Subatomic.png
Unusual Electric Hat Protector.png
Unusual Magnetic Hat Protector.png
Unusual Voltaic Hat Protector.png
Abdução Atómico Subatómico Proteção Elétrica Proteção Magnética Proteção Voltaica
Unusual Galactic Codex.png
Unusual Ancient Codex.png
Unusual Nebula.png
Códex Galáctico Códex Ancestral Nébula

Other Unusual Items

Two special items of Unusual quality were introduced in the Scream Fortress Update: the Haunted Metal Scrap and Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. The Haunted Metal Scrap is given to any player who has taken part in defeating the Horseless Headless Horsemann with a melee weapon during a Halloween event. The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker can be obtained by crafting, and is statistically identical to the Eyelander. Despite having the Unusual quality, these items have no unique particle effects.

Backpack Haunted Metal Scrap.png

Sucata Assombrada (Inusual)
Craft Item - Nível 4
This scrap metal was taken from the Horseless Headless Horsemann. It whispers faintly...'heads'...

( Achievement Item: Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.png

Corta-Cabeças do Cavaleiro sem Cavalo nem Cabeça (Inusual)
Axe - Nível 1-100
This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower
No random critical hits
-25 max health on wearer
Cursed by dark spirits similar to those that dwell within the Eyelander.

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Unused content

Unused Unusual effects

These effects either currently or previously existed in the game's files, but were left unused. They are named by their internal filenames, as they have no official names. Please note that certain effects have been modified to display correctly.

Currently unused effects

These effects currently exist in the files of the game, and aren't used anywhere.

Efeitos Inusuais não usados
Efeitos para cosméticos
UNUSED Balloon.png
UNUSED Beams1 Newstyle.png
UNUSED Beany Green.png
UNUSED Beany Hearts.png
UNUSED Beany Target.png
AAA_AAA balloon beams1_newstyle beany_green beany_hearts beany_target
UNUSED Beany TF.png
UNUSED Circling Glow.png
UNUSED Circling Skull.png
UNUSED Crisp Spotlights Cones03.png
UNUSED Halo.png
UNUSED Orbit.png
beany_tf circling_glow circling_skull crisp_spotlights_cones03 halo orbit
UNUSED Orbit Fullmoon Cloudy.png
UNUSED Sparkler Green.png
UNUSED Sparkler Orange.png
UNUSED Sparkles1.png
UNUSED Sparkles2.png
UNUSED Sparkles3.png
orbit_fullmoon_cloudy sparkler_green sparkler_orange sparkles1 sparkles2 sparkles3
UNUSED Spray Confetti.png
UNUSED Storm Blood.png
UNUSED Stormcloud.png
UNUSED Symbols Parent Ice.png
UNUSED Test.png
spray_confetti storm_blood stormcloud symbols_parents_ice test

Removed unused effects

These effects previously existed in the files of the game, but have since been removed.

Efeitos Inusuais removidos
Efeitos para cosméticos
UNUSED Orbit Shells.png

List of Unusual Items

Update history

Atualização de 30 de setembro de 2010 (Mann-Conomy Update)
  • [Indocumentado] Unusual quality introduced.
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Gen 1 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Burning Flames, Circling Heart, Circling Peace Sign, Circling TF Logo, Green Confetti, Green Energy, Haunted Ghosts, Massed Flies, Purple Confetti, Purple Energy, Scorching Flames, Searing Plasma, Sunbeams, Vivid Plasma

Atualização de 18 de agosto de 2011 (Manno-Technology Bundle)

  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Gen 2 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Blizzardy Storm, Bubbling, Nuts n' Bolts, Orbiting Fire, Orbiting Planets, Smoking, Steaming, Stormy Storm

Atualização de 23 de agosto de 2011

  • Fixed the sunbeams hat effect

Atualização de 27 de outubro de 2011 (Very Scary Halloween Special)

  • Any unusual hats uncrated during the event will be Halloween-themed
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Very Scary Halloween Special effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Cauldron Bubbles, Cloudy Moon, Eerie Orbiting Fire, Flaming Lantern
  • [Indocumentado] Added the unused Orbiting Shells Unusual effect.

Atualização de 26 de outubro de 2012 (Spectral Halloween Special)

  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Spectral Halloween Special effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Harvest Moon, It's A Secret To Everybody, Knifestorm, Misty Skull, Stormy 13th Hour

Atualização de 17 de maio de 2013 #1 (Robotic Boogaloo)

  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Robotic Boogaloo effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Anti-Freeze, Electrostatic, Green Black Hole, Memory Leak, Overclocked, Phosphorous, Power Surge, Roboactive, Sulphurous, Time Warp

Atualização de 5 de junho de 2013

  • Unusual effects:
    • Attachment point and offset for particle effects on unusual hats can now be adjusted from the character loadout screen
    • Fixed a bug that would cause unusual effects to float in the air over dead players
    • Fixed a bug that would cause unusual effects to show incorrectly sometimes when spectating other players

Atualização de 19 de junho de 2013

  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Gen 3 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Aces High, Cloud 9, Dead Presidents, Disco Beat Down, Kill-a-Watt, Miami Nights, Terror-Watt

Atualização de 11 de julho de 2013

  • Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls

Atualização de 29 de outubro de 2013 (Scream Fortress V)

  • Enabled Halloween themed Unusual Effects to be found from Mann Co Supply Crates
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress V effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Arcana, Chiroptera Venenata, Darkblaze, Demonflame, Hellfire, Poisoned Shadows, Something Burning This Way Comes, Spellbound

Atualização de 20 de dezembro de 2013 (Smissmas 2013)

  • Unusual effect positioning can now be adjusted for all Cosmetic-slot items
  • Unusual Circling Effects have been given a new origin
  • Unusual effects for all Cosmetic-slot items are now visible in the loadout panel and character HUD

Atualização de 18 de junho de 2014 (Love & War)

  • Added the Mann Co. Audition Reel. Contains taunts and a rare chance at an unusual taunt
  • Updated Mann Co. Crates to display which Unusual Series they can potentially output
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Love & War effects:
    • Taunt effects: '72, Fountain of Delight, Holy Grail, Mega Strike, Midnight Whirlwind, Screaming Tiger, Showstopper, Silver Cyclone, Skill Gotten Gains

Atualização de 29 de outubro de 2014 (Scream Fortress VI)

  • During Scream Fortress VI:
    • All Unusual hats and taunts that are unboxed during the event will receive Halloween-themed Unusual effects
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress VI effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Amaranthine, Bonzo The All-Gnawing, Ghastly Ghosts Jr, Haunted Phantasm Jr, Stare From Beyond, The Ooze
    • Taunt effects: Ghastly Ghosts, Haunted Phantasm

Atualização de 4 de novembro de 2014

  • [Indocumentado] Renamed two Unusual effects
    • Haunted Phantasm Jr to Ghastly Ghosts Jr
    • Attrib_Particle86 to Haunted Phantasm Jr

Atualização de 8 de dezembro de 2014 #1 (End of the Line Update)

  • [Indocumentado] Added the following End of the Line Update effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Death at Dusk, Frostbite, Molten Mallard, Morning Glory

Atualização de 9 de janeiro de 2015

  • Fixed the Mega Strike unusual taunt effect showing through walls

Atualização de 18 de fevereiro de 2015

  • Fixed some Unusual particle effects not drawing correctly

Atualização de 2 de julho de 2015 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Fixed not seeing unusual effects during demo playback and while connected to SourceTV
  • Crate descriptions now display a checkmark beside listed potential items that the player already owns at least one of, regardless of quality and discounting Stock weapons. Possessing an unusual displays a star instead of a checkmark.
    • This also applies to Decorated weapon descriptions, showing which weapons of that collection the player has in their backpack.
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Gun Mettle Update effects:
    • Weapon effects: Cool, Energy Orb, Hot, Isotope

Atualização de 18 de agosto de 2015 #1

  • Fixed character loadout menus so they display the particle effects for all equipped Unusual items

Atualização de 6 de outubro de 2015 (Invasion Community Update)

  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Invasion Community Update effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Abduction, Ancient Codex, Atomic, Electric Hat Protector, Galactic Codex, Magnetic Hat Protector, Nebula, Subatomic, Voltaic Hat Protector

Atualização de 12 de outubro de 2015

  • Fixed Unusual versions of the Taunt: Burstchester not displaying their Unusual effects

Atualização de 28 de outubro de 2015 (Scream Fortress VII)

  • Mann Co Supply Crates will have a chance for a classic Halloween Unusual effect
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress VII effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Ancient Eldritch, Death by Disco, Eldritch Flame, Ether Trail, It's a mystery to everyone, It's a puzzle to me, Nether Trail

Atualização de 29 de outubro de 2015

  • Fixed the Invasion Unusual effect "Subatomic" being off-center

Atualização de 17 de dezembro de 2015 (Tough Break Update)

  • Fixed a bug where Unusual Slider was not properly saving
  • [Indocumentado] Removed Energy Orb Unusual effect from all decorated cases.

Atualização de 28 de julho de 2016

  • Fixed not seeing particle effects for Unusual versions of Baseball Bill's Sports Shine, Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative, and Texas Slim's Dome Shine

Atualização de 21 de outubro de 2016 (Scream Fortress VIII)

  • Added a taunt Unusualifier
    • A new tool that will Unusualify the specified taunt with the Unusual effect listed in the tool's description
    • Can be found as a random bonus item when opening a Creepy Crawly Case
  • Added 8 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 4 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 4 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • The chance to receive an Unusual item from a case opening has been increased during the event
  • All cases and Mann Co. Supply Crates will grant Halloween 2016 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress VIII effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Neutron Star, Starstorm Insomnia, Starstorm Slumber, Tesla Coil
    • Taunt effects: Hellish Inferno, Infernal Flames, Infernal Smoke, Spectral Swirl

Atualização de 18 de novembro de 2016

  • Returned Unusual drop chances and possible particles effects to their original values now that Halloween has ended

Atualização de 21 de novembro de 2016

  • Taunt Unusualifiers apply non-Halloween Unusual effects now that Halloween has ended

Atualização de 2 de junho de 2017

  • Fixed the Neutron Star unusual effect being occasionally displaced after the player respawns

Atualização de 1 de dezembro de 2017

  • Fixed rendering issues with the Infernal Flames, Infernal Smoke, Cloudy Moon, It's A Secret To Everybody, Ancient Eldritch, Eldritch Flame, and Death by Disco unusual effects.

Atualização de 13 de dezembro de 2017

  • Fixed a rendering issue with the Spectral Swirl unusual effect

Atualização de 21 de dezembro de 2017 #1 (Smissmas 2017)

  • Fixed a rendering issue with the Misty Skull unusual effect

Atualização de 28 de março de 2018 #1

  • Fixed the Community Sparkle particle effect not drawing on the viewmodel for players with Community and Self-Made weapons
  • Updated the Harvest Moon, Dead Presidents, and Circling Peace Sign unusual effects to fix display problems
  • Updated The Jag to fix a problem with the Isotope unusual effect

Atualização de 19 de outubro de 2018 (Scream Fortress X)

  • Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 11 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cases will grant Halloween 2018 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress X effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Brain Drain, Clairvoyance, Galactic Gateway, Head of Steam, Omniscient Orb, Open Mind, Ring of Fire, The Dark Doorway, The Eldritch Opening, Vicious Circle, White Lightning
    • Taunt effects: Acidic Bubbles of Envy, Flammable Bubbles of Attraction, Ominous Night, Poisonous Bubbles of Regret, Roaring Rockets, Spooky Night
  • [Indocumentado] Doubled the unbox rate of Unusual items

Atualização de 25 de outubro de 2018

  • Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect

Atualização de 30 de outubro de 2018

  • Updated the Roaring Rockets unusual taunt particle effect

Atualização de 19 de dezembro de 2018 (Smissmas 2018)

  • Updated the Starstorm Slumber unusual effect to fix a display problem

Atualização de 10 de outubro de 2019 (Scream Fortress XI)

  • Added 20 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 12 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 8 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2019 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress XI effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Abyssal Aura, Ethereal Essence, Fifth Dimension, Ghastly Grove, Menacing Miasma, Mystical Medley, Twisted Radiance, Valiant Vortex, Verdant Vortex, Vicious Vortex, Violet Vortex, Wicked Wood
    • Taunt effects: Accursed, Bewitched, Eerie Lightning, Enchanted, Jarate Shock, Nether Void, Static Mist, Terrifying Thunder
  • [Indocumentado] Doubled the unbox rate of Unusual items

Atualização de 16 de dezembro de 2019 (Smissmas 2019)

  • Added 17 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 11 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 6 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Smissmas 2019 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Defragmenting Reality, Fragmented Gluons, Fragmented Photons, Fragmented Quarks, Fragmenting Reality, Frozen Icefall, Pyroland Daydream, Refragmenting Reality, Snowblinded, Snowfallen, Sparkling Lights
    • Taunt effects: Arctic Aurora, Festive Spirit, Good-Hearted Goodies, Magical Spirit, Winter Spirit, Wintery Wisp

Atualização de 21 de agosto de 2020 (Summer 2020 Pack)

  • Added 4(sic) new community-created Unusual effects
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Summer 2020 Pack effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Aromatica, Bee Swarm, Chromatica, Frisky Fireflies, Kaleidoscope, Prismatica, Smoldering Spirits, Verdatica, Wandering Wisps

Atualização de 1 de outubro de 2020 (Scream Fortress XII)

  • Added 19 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 8 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 11 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt Cases will grant Halloween 2020 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include Crates.
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Scream Fortress XII effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Green Giggler, Laugh-O-Lantern, Plum Prankster, Pyroland Nightmare, Gravelly Ghoul, Vexed Volcanics, Gourdian Angel, Pumpkin Party
    • Taunt effects: Arachnid Assault, Arcane Assistance, Astral Presence, Pyrophoric Personality, Creepy Crawlies, Emerald Allurement, Spectral Escort, Spellbound Aspect, Static Shock, Toxic Terrors, Veno Shock
  • [Indocumentado] Doubled the unbox rate of Unusual items

Atualização de 2 de outubro de 2020 #1

  • Updated the timing of the Static Shock and Veno Shock unusual effects

Atualização de 3 de dezembro de 2020 (Smissmas 2020)

  • Added 19 new community-created Unusual effects
    • 12 new effects for Unusual hats
    • 7 new effects for Unusual taunts
  • All cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2020 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates.
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Smissmas 2020 effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Blighted Snowstorm, Distant Dream, Divine Desire, Frozen Fractals, Genus Plasmos, Lavender Landfall, Mirthful Mistletoe, Pale Nimbus, Serenus Lumen, Special Snowfall, Ventum Maris, Violent Wintertide
    • Taunt effects: Apotheosis, Ascension, Delightful Star, Frosted Star, Reindoonicorn Rancher, Shimmering Lights, Twinkling Lights

Atualização de 22 de junho de 2021 #1 (Summer 2021 Pack)

  • Added 6 new community-created Unusual effects
  • Moved materials for the community particle effects into the Effects/workshop sub-folder to distinguish them from Valve materials
  • [Indocumentado] Added the following Summer 2021 Pack effects:
    • Cosmetic effects: Aggradation, Ardentum Saturnalis, Flavorsome Sunset, Fragrancium Elementalis, Iridescence, Lucidation, Perennial Petals, Raspberry Bloom, Resonation, Reverium Irregularis, Stunning
  • [Indocumentado] Updated the Gravelly Ghoul and Vexed Volcanics Unusual effects.


  • With enough player movement, Unusual effects from the Invasion update (Subatomic, Atomic) will become off-center from the player's head.
    • Unusual effects from the End of the Line update (Morning Glory, Death at Dusk, Molten Mallard) also show similar bugs, except parts of the particle effect (sun, duck respectively) drift a huge distance away from the player.
  • One end of the particle effect on Kill-a-Watt and Terror-Watt may randomly attach to temporarily random areas of a map, causing the effect to stretch from the point through any walls to the wearer's head.
  • Sometimes an Unusual effect floats in the air separated from the player's model instead of sticking to the cosmetic item.
    • This can occur when a player taunts.
    • Effect may also appear on the player's abdomen or chest; it may also disappear along with the cosmetic.



  • The first Unusual hat ever uncrated was a Circling Peace Sign Stout Shako.[citation needed]
  • Kill-a-Watt and Terror-Watt's names reference certain measures of electrical power, these being kilowatts and terawatts respectively.
  • Dead Presidents' name refers to a slang term used to describe U.S. currency, which comes from the fact that most U.S. banknotes depict deceased presidents.
    • The sprite itself is a United States $100 bill with Saxton Hale's bust on it.
  • It's A Secret To Everybody's name is a reference to a popular quote from The Legend of Zelda video game series.
  • Stormy 13th Hour's name refers the "13th stroke of a clock", a phrase used to indicate that previous events should be called into question.
  • Chiroptera Venenata's name uses the scientific name for bats, Chiroptera, as well as Venenata - rough Latin for "poisonous animal". This makes Chiroptera Venenata's name roughly translate to "poisonous bat".
  • Something Burning This Way Comes' name references the fantasy horror novel Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury; the title is itself a reference to the Shakespeare piece Macbeth, towards a specific line in Act 4, Scene 1.
  • Bonzo The All-Gnawing is a miniature version of the tent monster seen in Carnival of Carnage.
  • Death by Disco contains sprites that resemble the Undertale character, Papyrus.
  • It's a mystery to everyone and It's a puzzle to me both reference an emote from the Something Awful forums of a ghost with the caption "it is a mystery."
  • The effects Sulphurous and Phosphorous' names are references to the chemical elements Sulfur (or sulphur) and Phosphorus, respectively.
  • The effect Skill Gotten Gains' name is a play on the phrase "ill gotten gains," meaning money obtained through illegal acts.


See also