The Great Steam Treasure Hunt

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Pagina evenimentului cu obiectivele de pe 6 şi 7 Decembrie

The Great Steam Treasure Hunt a fost un eveniment promoțional ce a ținut de la 6 Decembrie 2010 la 20 Decembrie 2010. Completând 10 dintre obiective înainte de 20 Decembrie și logarea pe 20 Decembrie oferea jucătorului o șansă de a câștiga printr-o tombolă 100 de jocuri la alegerea sa. La fiecare două zile ale promoției, 20 de jucători au fost premiați cu 5 jocuri din topul listelor de dorințe de pe Steam, selectați din cei ce au completat oricare 4 din obiectivele actuale și care aveau cel puțin 10 jocuri în lista de dorințe Steam.

În plus, pălării exclusive au premiate la intervale diferite de completare:

Noile obiective au fost afișate la ora 10 a.m. PST la fiecare două zile prin Treasure Hunt. Obiectivele puteau fi completate din timpul în care au fost afișate până la sfârșitul evenimentului.

Pe 11 Ianuarie 2011, 3 jucători au fost anunţaţi după nume şi au primit marele premiu (English).


6-7 Decembrie

Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Set up an avatar.

Got Tanked?
Got Tanked?
Become a Desert Fox in R.U.S.E.

Up the Ante
Up the Ante
Unlock The Iron Curtain in Poker Night at the Inventory.

More Cowbell
More Cowbell
Set a leaderboard score of at least 1,124,400 in easy mode for the 'Paul Hartnoll' level in Chime.

8-9 Decembrie

Friends with Benefits
Friends with Benefits
Have 10 friends on your friends list.

What Happens in Vegas
What Happens in Vegas
Complete Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal achievement in Fallout: New Vegas.

Terminal Velocity
Terminal Velocity
Set a leaderboard score of at least 22,600 on the level 'Mash Face Against Mountain' in AaAaAA!!!.

Go To Your Happy Place
Go To Your Happy Place
Play the demo or game The UnderGarden.

10-11 Decembrie

Join the Club
Join the Club
Join an official group

Family Style
Family Style
Get Back in Business in Mafia II

Stack the Deck
Stack the Deck
Be a Devastator in Magic: The Gathering

Just Drop It
Just Drop It
Set a leaderboard score of at least 85,370 for 'Classic - Small Wonder' in Droplitz

12-13 Decembrie

It's Better to Give
It's Better to Give
Send a gift to a friend

Take One for the Team
Take One for the Team
Make a Sacrifice in Call of Duty: Black Ops

Breaker, Breaker
Breaker, Breaker
Set a leaderboard score of at least 11,200,000 for 'Bonus Mode' in Shatter

Zombie Zoo
Zombie Zoo
Create a Crass Menagerie in Left 4 Dead 2

14-15 Decembrie

Steam Gimme
Steam Gimme
Turns out this one is kind of hard to track. All eligible Steam accounts are now entered for this objective. Nice work! (Of course, you can always download and watch these trailers anyway - Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Homefront, BRINK, Red Faction: Armageddon, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and Portal 2)

Tunnel Vision
Tunnel Vision
Become a Nosalis Hunter in Metro 2033

Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect
Create a Destruction Frenzy in Just Cause 2

Beat It
Beat It
Set a leaderboard score of at least 3,770,488 for 'Survival Best Score' in Beat Hazard

16-17 Decembrie

Smack Talker
Smack Talker
Post a comment on a friend's Steam Community profile page

One Hit Wonder
One Hit Wonder
Build a Wonder in Civilization V

Road Rage
Road Rage
Set a leaderboard score of at least 10,515 for 'Slaughter, City Center' in Zombie Driver

Butter Me Up
Butter Me Up
Build Me Up Buttercup in Bob Came in Pieces

18-19 Decembrie

Suggestive Behavior
Suggestive Behavior
Write a recommendation

Made in the USA
Made in the USA
Become a Founding Father in Empire: Total War

Buzz the Tower
Buzz the Tower
Set a leaderboard score of at least 37 for 'Beach' in Flight Control HD

Played at least 15 games or demos since March 2009 (When Steam began recording playtime)

Cultură generală

  • "Steam Gimme" a fost cunoscut drept "Sneak Peak". Pentru a completa obiectivul inițial, indivizii trebuiau să descarce și să se uite la un trailer la fiecare din cele șase jocuri listate.

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