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Merasmus | |||||||||
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Dödsikoner | |||||||||
Basfakta | |||||||||
Health: | 33750 +2500 för varje spelare i serven över 10 | ||||||||
Damage Done: | |||||||||
Affected By: |
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Found On: | Ghost Fort/sv, Carnival of Carnage/sv (ägare och hallåman), Brimstone, Gravestone, Slasher, Laughter |
“ | Cower, fools! Merasmus is here!
Klicka för att lyssna
— Magikern Merasmus
” |
Magikern Merasmus, eller bara Merasmus (även kallad trollkarl, magikern, eller "idiot i en klänning") är en viktig karaktär i Team Fortress 2’s Storyline. Merasmus har flera förekomster eller referenser i serierna, dolda sidor, och spel mappar. Han har mer roller i spelet än någon annan icke-spelare karaktär.
I Team Fortress 2’s Storyline har Merasmus en koppling med Demoman i ursprunget av MONOCULUS; dock, han mest ofta framträder som Soldatens långvarit lidande före detta rumskamrat. Hans förekomster i serierna eller andra medier är vanligen relaterad till utsläppningar av paranormala eller hemsökta Halloween mappar, med Soldatens handlingar i allmänhet som var anledningen att mercenaries end up fighting there.
I spelet, Merasmus (stiliserat som MERASMUS!) dyker inte bara up som den boss som spelarna måste slåss mot i Ghost Fort, Brimstone, Gravestone och Slasher, han är också ägaren och host av Carnival of Carnage, en sammankallare av både MONOCULUS i Eyeaduct och Horseless Headless Horsemann i Radiobil spelen, och ägare och wielder av Bombinomikonen, som själv dyker up på flera olika mappar.
Merasmus' röst framförs av Nolan North[1].
Av sin egen utsago är han sex tusen år gammal. Medans hans födelseplats är okänt, denna åldern skulle göra Merasmus’ ursprung samtida med upgången och fallet av den Sumeriska Civilisationen.
Inte särskilt en top tier trollkarl, dom tidigast tillgängliga records visar Merasmus att vara en bryggare av drycker för Scottish Drug Company; ett exempel är hans "Wizard's Brew" Hat Tonic som annonserade i the August 21, 1861, issue of The Teufort Bystander på display i Coal Town Museum. Han stannade i Skottland tills han flyttade till Badlands någon gång mellan den sena 1950s-talet och mitten av 1960-talet.
I Bombinomikon (serien), RED Demoman, då sju år gammal, uptäkte Merasmus' slott i Highlands medans han sökte jobb. Merasmus anställde Demoman att sopa biblioteket av hans slott, och sa till honom att inte titta på en viss bok. I slutändan förlorade Demoman sitt vänstra öga när Bombinomikonen hemsökte och Merasmus var tvungen att ta bort det. År senare blev magikerns tumultuarisk relation med RED Soldaten avslöjat, och han tillkallade MONOCULUS (det hemsökte ögat) för RED laget att slåss mot.
Under händelserna i Soldier Needs a Home, Merasmus sparkade Soldaten ut ut sitt slott för att han var besvärlig. När han senare upptäckte att Soldaten hade förstört hans hem och evicted him, han antog en spöklig form och attackerade Soldatens lag.
Efter denna eviction, Merasmus lämnade Badlands för att leva i en stad i ett annan område i USA:s sydvästra del, där han flyttade in med Tom Jones, som blev senare mördad av Soldaten. Efter Merasmus ringde polisen anlände Miss Pauling och lurade honom att kolla Tom Jones' puls, och Merasmus ansågs vara ansvarig för mordet och arresterades.
Merasmus var fängslad; och under tiden i fängelset fick han flera tatueringar (en av dem Soldatklassens emblem) och är tillåten att ha på sig en skallhatt. Samtidigt fortsatte han sin practice of brewing, he relayed to the other inmates the tale of Grave Matters.
I Blood Money, Merasmus lånade $12,000 från den Japanska Mafian för att bygga en Karneval. Men han glömde att bygga det över en forntida begravningsplats, och därför bjuder han in the mercenaries för att samla in biljetter för inträdelse till Världens Största Strongman Maskin. While at the same time, the mercenaries constantly kill each other, creating an impromptu burial ground; thereby allowing Merasmus to summon Bonzo, the evil circus god of Sumeria. At that time, he also started to set out Merasmissions.
Gargoyles and Gravel marks the second time (after Blood Money) that Merasmus ran into trouble without any help from Soldier. This time, it was the Russian mafia he owed money to, and he needed the mercenary's assistance to fill a gargoyle with souls. Heavy and Spy responded to his arrival with annoyance, but eventually the mercenaries (and Miss Pauling) decided to accept the wizard's challenge once again.
Appearances and references
- Game Maps/Events
- Coal Town and Ghost Town (newspaper advertisement in the museum)
- DeGroot Keep (the angered magician that sent the mercenaries “back in time”)
- Eyeaduct (the summoner of MONOCULUS!)
- Ghost Fort (Announcer, the boss, and wielder of Bombinomicon)
- Helltower (the source of Soldier’s legal powers when the latter advised Blutarch and Redmond Mann to take the bodies to Hell)
- Announcer for Scream Fortress 2014 (replacing the Administrator)
- Carnival of Carnage (owner, developer, host, mis-fortune teller machine, and WizardCon MCLVI sticker on suitcase)
- End of the Line event (Announcer for spawns and pick ups of Quackston Hale “bonus ducks”).
- Voice responses and textual quips for the Merasmissions of Scream Fortress 2015 and Scream Fortress 2016
- Moonshine Event (Soul Gargoyle Announcer, Underworld dance-off)
- Brimstone (Announcer, spell casting, final boss)
- Gravestone (Announcer, final boss)
- Slasher (Announcer, boss)
- Laughter (mis-fortune teller machine)
- Graveyard (Announcer)
- Terror (Announcer, spell casting, mis-fortune teller machine)
- Comics
- Other media
Merasmus will spawn on Ghost Fort's control point between 2 minutes 30 seconds and 3 minutes 30 seconds after the round starts and there are at least 10 players playing on the server. After level 3 his respawn timer is set to every 60 seconds but will reset when Merasmus leaves. The players have 2 minutes to defeat him before he leaves. While he is alive, the point resets to neutral ownership and cannot be captured, and the both teams start truce until Merasmus leaves or is defeated. On Brimstone, after BLU has captured the next to last point, Congeriae (D), there is a chance that Merasmus will appear in the final minutes of the game, especially if BLU has trouble getting the cart to the Hellhole. On Gravestone, Merasmus appears as a mechanism for assuring that all players in the Bumper Car Race will leave the aftergame.
When damageable, Merasmus's health is displayed as a bar on the screen, under the time.
When Merasmus spawns, he pushes all nearby opponents away and destroys all stickybombs around him, also knocking back all stickybombs he comes in contact with. Merasmus has a wide variety of attacks, and can teleport throughout the map. Merasmus can melee players with his staff, roll bombs at them, and perform a hellfire attack which instantly destroys Sentry Guns while also launching selected players skyward. Merasmus can also teleport to the control point and hover over the control point and use the Bombinomicon to spread bombs a wide range around the control point. Whenever Merasmus is hovering in the air while performing this attack, all damage dealt to him will be critical hits. Merasmus only uses this attack if he has been struck by at least 3 or 4 or more players that have had their heads transformed into bombs.
After some time and if Merasmus is currently not disguised as a prop, the Bombinomicon will choose 1 player on both teams and transform their heads into bombs. Players cannot attack after being turned into bombs and are stuck in their humiliation pose until the bomb detonates or they are killed, but their speed is also boosted. The screen and the Bombinomicon will instruct the player to find Merasmus and run into him. If the player reaches Merasmus with the bomb, it will stun him, stopping him for 2 seconds. At all times while stunned, all damage Merasmus takes will be critical hits. After Merasmus is no longer stunned, he will then teleport to a random spot on the map; after teleporting 2 or 3 times, he will begin reading from the Bombinomicon. The player who transported the bomb will become invulnerable, speed boosted, and crit boosted for a short time after the explosion. If the player fails to reach Merasmus in time, the bomb will detonate and deal 100 damage to the player. The player is given 15 seconds to reach Merasmus with their bomb head before the bomb detonates.
Merasmus has a disguise phase where the boss health bar turns green and a bunch of random props are scattered on the map. These props will bleed green liquid when attacked, distinguishing them from background elements. Players must destroy at least 70% of the props before Merasmus has a chance to appear when a prop is destroyed. Props that do not spawn Merasmus will drop a large Halloween pumpkin, which any player can collect. While disguised as a prop Merasmus will heal 0.1% of his health multiplied by his level-1 every second. This means at level 1 he will not heal, level 2 with 10 players will heal 33.75hp/sec, level 3 with 10 players 67.5hp/sec, etc... Merasmus will enter this phase if he has lost over 45% of his health since he spawned or his last disguised phase as long as he is not stunned or using the Bombinomicon. The bomb head given to players by the Bombinomicon will always destroy a fake prop in a single hit if players run into it. Similar to transporting the bomb, the player who destroys the prop Merasmus appears from receives the same invulnerability, speed and crit boost.
Upon Merasmus's defeat, he will disappear and be replaced by the Bombinomicon. It will remain on the field for a few seconds, and all players can use it to teleport to Skull Island. When the players reach the island, they can climb the hill and collect the Skull Island Topper in the cage. Entering the cage will transport players back to the main field. Defeating Merasmus for the first time will award the Necromannchievement Wizards Never Prosper, while collecting the Skull Island Topper will award A Lovely Vacation Spot.
As of the November 2, 2012 Patch, Merasmus's behavior has been altered. He became easier to defeat, with various classes better able to inflict damage upon him. However, he was given the ability to level up. Like with MONOCULUS, each time he is beaten, he grows stronger in the next appearance with faster health regeneration while hiding and increased range and damage to his hellfire attack. If the players don't kill Merasmus, his level returns to 1. The Skull Island Topper will track the highest level of Merasmus the wearer manages to defeat.
Damaging Merasmus uses slightly different damage caluclations based on a few factors:
- The distance used in damage caluclation is fixed at 512, meaning weapons always do their base damage before any other damage boosting effects take place.
- The Soda Popper will deal 50% more damage, the Shortstop 75% more, the Baby Face Blaster triple damage, and all other Scout primaries do double damage.
- Miniguns and Sentry Guns will deal half damage.
- Sniper rifles are tripled in damage, but cannot headshot. This stacks with the critical damage caused by Merasmus being stunned or reading to nine times normal damage.
- The Huntsman has triple damage as well as the ability to headshot him (does not stack with critical damage while stunned or reading), making it the most effective choice to take him out.
- Spy revolvers have double damage.
- Spy knives are always tripled in damage, and, again, this stacks with critical hits. Backstabs cannot be triggered.
- Merasmus cannot be set on fire, made to bleed, covered in Mad Milk, Jarate, Gas Passer or Marked for death.
- The Dragon's Fury does not require Merasmus to be on fire to deal its boosted damage.
A simple strategy is to use the Sniper's Huntsman or Fortified Compound which will deal a total maximum of 1080 damage upon headshot to Merasmus while he is stunned or spreading bombs across the map. A fully charged Sniper Rifle will do 1350 damage with a fully charged headshot, but will take longer to charge than the Huntsman, making it inconvenient because of Merasmus's teleportation. The player will be safe from the bombs that Merasmus spreads if the player is far away from Merasmus while still being able to attack him with the Huntsman or any other Sniper Rifle.
Related achievements
Update history
- Introduced MERASMUS!
- Added audio lines for Merasmus to use when he attacks.
- MERASMUS! has leveled up at WizardCon!
- "The Skull Island Topper" now tracks the highest level of Merasmus the owner has helped defeat
- Increased Engineer, Scout, Pyro and Heavy damage against Merasmus
- Increased Soldier and Demoman damage against Merasmus while he is in hiding
- Updated the health bar for Merasmus and Monoculus
Oktober 29, 2013 Patch (Scream Fortress 2013)
- Lowered Merasmus's base health.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Merasmus bomb-heads to be passable between enemies.
Oktober 29, 2014 Patch (Scream Fortress 2014)
- [Odokumenterad] Added a bandage to Merasmus's now-missing right pinky finger.
- Fixed Merasmus not being stunned by bomb-head players on community Halloween maps.
- Fixed energy weapons not hitting Merasmus props.
Oktober 21, 2016 Patch (Scream Fortress 2016)
- Updated some Merasmus audio files that weren't playing properly.
- Updated the spawn/death sounds for Monoculus and Merasmus to remove the Horseless Headless Horsemann sound effects.
- Ever since truces were added (on Ghost Fort, but not other maps Merasmus appears as a boss on), Merasmus's long-distance attack no longer sets players on fire but will still trigger the voice responses for being put on fire.
- When Merasmus uses his long-distance attack, the Pyro will take damage from the initial attack, but remain visually on fire for the duration of the afterburn. The afterburn deals no damage; however, the Pyro can be specially affected by weapons that will deal Critical hits and Mini-crits on burning players (such as the Sun-on-a-Stick or Detonator) as if the Pyro was on fire.
- If Merasmus targets an ÜberCharged player to set on fire, the player will be ignited and use a "Fire!" voice response. The afterburn lasts as long as normal fire would when a Medic's beam is trained on the player and deals no damage.
- If Merasmus spawns after the round ends, the server will crash upon map change.
- Merasmus is the magician that the RED Soldier angered, causing both teams to be sent back in time to DeGroot Keep.
- Merasmus' model uses the Sniper's animations[2], though he uses the Heavy's when the dance card is selected.
- Marasmus is a medical condition characterized by emaciation and wasting, generally caused by malnutrition. The name of the disease in turn comes from the Greek word marasmos, meaning "decay". Zepheniah Mann stated in his will he contracted this disease while traveling to his new land in America.
- Merasmus' Prop spell is a reference to a community game mode called Prop Hunt. Prop Hunt is a server-side mod where the players on one team are disguised as props and find a place to hide, and the other team searches for them.
- In Grave Matters, Merasmus' arms are covered with tattoos, one appearing in the form of Soldier's class emblem; these tattoos are not seen in the preceding Doom-Mates or the following Blood Money.
- A running gag in the comic series is certain strangers mistaking Merasmus' unconventional robe as a “dress” and so address him as “ma’am” or “lady”.
- Merasmus's voice actor, Nolan North, was born on the 31st of October, the same day as Halloween.
- In Blood Money, Merasmus claims he borrowed $12,000 from the Japanese mafia. A bandage was subsequently added to Merasmus' right pinky on his in-game model, a reference to Yubitsume, a Japanese ritual used by the yakuza.
Merasmus as he first appeared in Bombinomicon (comic).
Merasmus's ghost as he appears in the Doom-Mates comic.
Merasmus finding out Soldier killed his roommate in the Ring of Fired comic.
See also
- Merasmus responses
- Spectral Halloween Special
- Horseless Headless Horsemann
- Bombinomicon (comic)
- Doom-Mates
- Grave Matters
- Pocket Halloween Boss