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投掷武器(Throwable weapons)是一种新武器类型,正在由 Valve 进行内部测试,但已由于不明原因被删减或废弃。







  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_throwable_repel



  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_throwable_brick


假人手雷(Target Dummy)

  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_target_dummy

A portable target dummy. Throwing this would create a standard tf_target_dummy entity.[4] For the purposes of internal testing, the models/props_training/target_engineer.mdl and models/props_training/target_demoman.mdl plywood target models were used. Just as they do in training mode, the targets would break into gibs when enough damage has been done to them. It appears that they scrapped the idea before adding in the model selection for the target dummy. How this model selection would have functioned, for example if it were to make the target dummy's class change to mimic that of the thrower, is unknown.

眩晕手雷(Concussion Grenade)

  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_grenade_concussion

Return of the Concussion Grenade. It seems Valve had been playing around with trying to bring the Concussion Grenade back somehow. This version would have functioned identically to how it would have initially.[5]

传送手雷(Teleport Grenade)

  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_grenade_teleport

The Teleport Grenade would teleport the user to wherever the grenade was thrown.[6]

重力手雷(Gravity Grenade)

  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_grenade_gravity

Also referred to in a comment as a "Chain Grenade"[7]. A trap style grenade, it functioned similar to a black hole, dragging anyone within range closer to it.[8]

飞刀(Throwing Knife)

  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_throwing_knife

Throwing Knives were tested as well. They would do crits if they hit someone from behind and much like arrows and some other certain projectiles, throwing knives would stick out of the person you hit.[9]

烟幕弹(Smoke Grenade)

  • 实体类名:tf_projectile_grenade_smoke

Similar to the aforementioned Concussion Grenade, the Smoke Grenade would have been a second go at trying to bring back the Smoke Bomb from the early development days. Being within the smoke cloud would have granted the thrower the unused TF_COND_OBSCURED_SMOKE condition. With this condition the player has a 75% chance to avoid any damage and cause a MISS! effect to appear above their head.[10]


The only evidence to the existence of the Snowball is the MODEL_SNOWBALL enum entry from the arrow_models enumerator used to store model defines for certain projectiles.[11]


  1. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L300-314
  2. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L524-572
  3. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L573-609
  4. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L790-798
  5. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L800-874
  6. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L877-949
  7. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L108
  8. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L951-1063
  9. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L1065-1141
  10. game\shared\tf_weapon_throwable.cpp:L1144-1232
  11. game\shared\tf\tf_shareddefs.h:L607