
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 19:05, 28 August 2023 by Gabrielwoj (talk | contribs)
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User Mspaint.png 40,610+ total contributions
23,045+ files / images uploaded
Steam tray.png
All my image/file uploads (500 images per page)
(View uploads by Category) (Over 3.220 images) (53.4 MB Page)
Be careful visiting them if you have a limited bandwidth
Steam Profile
Circle the wagons.jpg User Gabrielwoj HLMV Help.png User Gabrielwoj GitHub Logo.png
Stuff To-Do V2 Tutorials and helpful info
HLMV Help Page (Setup, How-to-Use and Advanced Tricks)
How to re-construct certain Payload models in HLMV (e.g.: Bloodwater cart)
HLMV Resources (GitHub Repository)
Gabrielwoj (Zeugziumy)
Basic information
Gender: Male
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes:
My favorites are Demoman and
Medic, but I still enjoy playing
all the classes, except Spy.
Favourite maps:
Attack / Defense: Dustbowl
Capture the Flag: Crasher & Turbine
Control Points: Gullywash
King of the Hill: Highpass
Payload: Badwater Basin
Payload Race: Pipeline
Misc: DeGroot Keep
Mann vs. Machine: Rottenburg
Mannpower: Thundermountain
Contact information
(Here you can find all the links
for pretty much any place I am
on the Internet)

User Boxes

Check out UserBoxes that I've created

RED Wiki Cap.png This user owns a Wiki Cap.
Vivaldi logo.png This user uses Vivaldi as his web browser.
Flag Brazil.png This user will kick your ass the Brazilian way!
Ico metal.png This user may know different language(s) other than English, but that doesn't mean they're just a translator.
Pictogram tick.png This user leaves summaries with his edits most of the time.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
Userbox Love Random Crits.png This user loves random crits.
User Mspaint.png This user does a lot of imagery for the Wiki.
User Soldier F5.gif This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.
Userbox Brony Fluttershy.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Fluttershy.
Userbox Brony Coco Pommel.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Coco Pommel.
Userbox Brony March Gustysnows.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is March Gustysnows.
Userbox Touhou Letty Whiterock.png This user is a fan of Touhou. Their favorite character is Letty Whiterock.

Userbox Touhou Hieda no Akyuu.png This user is a fan of Touhou. Their favorite character is Hieda no Akyuu.

Userbox Touhou Kogasa Tatara.png This user is a fan of Touhou. Their favorite character is Kogasa Tatara.

This user is addicted to DeGroot Keep and they can't stop playing it.
Mercenary park contract example 1.png This user hates doing contracts.
Userbox foobar2000.png This user edits the wiki while listening to music that never ends.
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent 15,820+ hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Engineer haul.png Engineer haul.png This user loves destroying piles after piles of buildings (and Engineers) on the Engineer Fortress community mod.
User SillyPingwins Backpack Tuxxy.png This user thinks Tuxxies are classy.
Milk Coffee Icon.png This user drinks far too much milk coffee.
This user participated in creating the celebration image for 100,000 registered users!
100k-signatures.png This user participated in creating the 100,000th file on the Wiki!
This user participated in creating the celebration image for 200,000 registered users!

Wikichievements (24 in total)


3D Wizard: 1 Wikichievement Helping Hand: 10 Wikichievements It's the Little Things...: 1 Wikichievement Jack of All Trades: 1 Wikichievement
Parlez-Vous Français?: 1 Wikichievement Photo Bomb: 7 Wikichievements Show Me Your War Face!: 2 Wikichievements The Trivial Inquisition: 1 Wikichievement

Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Cooking the books.png

The Trivial Inquisition
Carefully moderate new trivia additions based on the value they add to the article.

Rikka Takanashi Wikichievement unlocked!
Added a lot of trivia that based on items (See Ground Control, Cozy Camper and Shred Alert)
Date received: 2 April, 2014
Original post: Several times since No Wa No, you deserve this
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

Cpt. Newbie Wikichievement unlocked!
Helped me to understand of how things work on tf2wiki.
Date received: 7 June, 2014
Original post: Reward
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

Metroid7 Wikichievement unlocked!
Welcomes alot of people on this wiki, take this and keep up!
Date received: 6 July, 2014
Original post: Welcome Machine
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

TidB Wikichievement unlocked!
I'm suprised one of your main contributions hasn't been awarded yet. Keep up the image spam ;D
Date received: 8 August, 2014
Original post: Wookichievement unlocked!
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

Tark Wikichievement unlocked!
By helping the wiki with your translations, I'm surprised not to have it yet.
Date received: 17 October, 2014
Original post: Life unlocked
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

ClockworkSpirit2343 Wikichievement unlocked!
For your work with so many Scream Fortress 2014 Infobox Images. Nice job!
Date received: 31 October, 2014
Original post: Another
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

Tark Wikichievement unlocked!
By his great dedication, keep this spam and be sure to teach after ^^
Date received: 31 December, 2014
Original post: Hum.... Não é um wikichievement
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf win multiplegames.png

Jack of All Trades
Contribute many quality edits over many different sections of the Wiki.

SillyPingwins Wikichievement unlocked!
For uploading MANY images & mastering HLMV, updating the "style consistency" of MANY pages including the infobox of other languages, creating the useful Operation Cleanup, translating the pt-br section of the wiki, updating some templates including the dictionnary, editing english pages (bugs, unused content...).
Date received: 23 February, 2015
Original post: Are you everywhere? Sure you are!
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason

3D Wizard
Create a 3D image for the 3D Models project.

Tark Wikichievement unlocked!
I saw your unbelievable effort and work, even going wrong a few times, you did not give up.
This is proof of their effort was not for nothing. Keep active, with these strange things... woaw :)
er... Sorry for "Ah.. potato" yesterday..
Date received: 22 April, 2015
Original post: Gravity
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf spy fyi i am a spy.png

Show Me Your War Face!
Create a damn fine user page.

Scheletro Wikichievement unlocked!
I honestly can't imagine that you still don't have it... Anyways, I really think that you deserve this Wikichievement; your user page is beautiful, probably one of the most interesting pages I've ever seen here. Classic one, but still magnificent. Congratulations!
Date received: 29 June, 2015
Original post: New Wikichievement unclocked!
How my UserPage looked like before I received this Wikiachievement:
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

Bojjob Wikichievement unlocked!
Helped me out by fixing some model errors
Date received: 29 December, 2015
Original post: Siberian Sweater
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf spy insurance fraud.png

It's the Little Things...
Provide a large amount of edits whose primary goals are to correct grammar, punctuation, etc.

Edmond Dantès Wikichievement unlocked!
You've done quite a lot of these small, minor edits over time. Have this one.
Date received: 2 November, 2018
Original post: Nice m
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

GrampaSwood Wikichievement unlocked!
The ton of improved image icons, so many!
Date received: 29 June, 2019
Original post: PB #4 + HH #3
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

GrampaSwood Wikichievement unlocked!
Helping me with any questions I've had about hlmv and even making a whole video tutorial for me.
Date received: 29 June, 2019
Original post: PB #4 + HH #3
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

Tekinz Wikichievement unlocked!
Helped me out with all my HLMV struggles. Extremely patient, even when it took days to solve all my problems.
Date received: 10 February, 2020
Original post: HLMV Angel sent from heaven
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf spy fyi i am a spy.png

Show Me Your War Face!
Create a damn fine user page.

Tekinz Wikichievement unlocked!
One of coolest looking pages I've seen since I joined the wiki. Theres so much to see and look in your page that clearly shows your care and effort into it. Your recent edit (to this date) with the loadouts really shows the personal flair thats throughout your page.
Date received: 3 July, 2020
Original post: Fancy loadouts you got there, bucko
How my UserPage looked like before I received this Wikiachievement: (12.6mb image)
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

‏‏‎ ‎‎Denied Wikichievement unlocked!
For creating this guide, which very quickly helped me understand how to work with HLMV and what to downlaod to fix known issues.
Date received: 14 April, 2022
Original post: HLMV tips
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

‎‎‎‎‎‎Exaskliri Wikichievement unlocked!
Thanks for introducing me to your HLMV tutorial which I didn't know exists beforehand.
Date received: 22 April, 2022
Original post: Thanks for the HLMV Tutorial
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎Andrew360 Wikichievement unlocked!
Your HLMV guide is amazing, I never knew about half the stuff on that page, thank you for making such an amazing guide, and for helping me with my anti aliasing issue!
Date received: 27 April, 2022
Original post: Thanks for helping me with my issue, you're a HLMV wizard
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎Metroid7 Wikichievement unlocked!
Sick tips and tricks on how to handle the Model Viewer, reading all thru that was a bit eye-tiring but it was so worth it. Something i've been wanting to do for years but never got my butt up and my will sky high to do it. Now thanks to you, these tips and this list, im gonna get it rockin'!
Date received: 2 May, 2022
Original post: This Busta is one hell of a HLMV Busta!
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Lenin A Hand.png

Helping Hand
Help other users to improve the Team Fortress Wiki with constant tips and coordination.

‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎Nanoco1000 Wikichievement unlocked!
Going above and beyond in teaching me the ropes of TFMV and working the wiki itself to significantly contribute to new item pages with paint charts.
Date received: 15 August, 2022
Original post: Here's to you and to a future of working together (however long that may be).
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

Mgpt Wikichievement unlocked!
For all the recent uploads and improving the article painted variants
Date received: 22 October, 2022
Original post: Dictionary strings and a wikichievement
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

Star ball Wikichievement unlocked!
For the payload special cart image
Date received: 19 December, 2022
Original post: Image
Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf soldier worth a thousand wars.png

Photo Bomb
Continuously upload and add screenshots to articles.

Nihil Wikichievement unlocked!
For adding a lot of unusued paint varients to pages.
Date received: 20 February, 2023
Original post: Wikichievement for your constant contributions regarding unused paint varients

Favorite Image Creations

In class order, and in no particular placement order.


Mousehover on the item icons to view information about qualities, Paint Cans used, Styles, "Crafted by" and "Gift from" strings.
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout
300px Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap 300px
Unique Jungle Jersey (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) Unique Jungle Jersey (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls)
Strange Manndatory Attire (Style: Generalist) [Gift from: Tekinz] Strange Manndatory Attire (Style: Generalist) [Gift from: Tekinz]
User Gabrielwoj Scout Extra.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Scout Extra BLU.png
Strange Frenchman's Formals (Style: Dashing) [Gift from: GrampaSwood] Strange Frenchman's Formals (Style: Dashing) [Gift from: GrampaSwood]
Unique Flair!
(Any Decal Here)
User Gabrielwoj Scout C.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Scout C BLU.png
Unique Tuxxy Unique Tuxxy
Unique Reader's Choice
300px Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Scout D BLU.png
Unique Weight Room Warmer Unique Weight Room Warmer
Unique Buck Turner All-Stars Unique Buck Turner All-Stars
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
User Gabrielwoj Soldier.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Soldier BLU.png
Unique Chaser (Style: No Grenades) (Paint Color: A Distinctive Lack of Hue) Unique Chaser (Style: No Grenades) (Paint Color: A Distinctive Lack of Hue)
Unique Classified Coif Unique Classified Coif
(B) (Only when not wearing any Banner secondaries)
300px Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap 300px
Unique Dead of Night (Style: Dark - Hide Grenades) Unique Dead of Night (Style: Dark - Hide Grenades)
Unique Caped Crusader (Style: Team Playa) Unique Caped Crusader (Style: Team Playa)
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
User Gabrielwoj Pyro.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Pyro BLU.png
Unique Tuxxy Unique Tuxxy
Vintage Whiskered Gentleman (Paint Color: Cream Spirit) [Gift from: GrampaSwood] Vintage Whiskered Gentleman (Paint Color: Cream Spirit) [Gift from: GrampaSwood]
User Gabrielwoj Pyro B.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Pyro B BLU.png
Unique Hot Case (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork) Unique Hot Case (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork)
Unique Graybanns (Style: Style 2) (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork) Unique Graybanns (Style: Style 2) (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork)
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman
300px Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap 300px
Unique Dead of Night (Style: Dark) Unique Dead of Night (Style: Dark)
Unique Macho Mann (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork) Unique Macho Mann (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork)
(B) (RED Team only) (C) (BLU Team only)
User Gabrielwoj Demoman B.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Demoman C.png
Unique Tuxxy Unique Tuxxy
Unique Reader's Choice Unique Reader's Choice (Paint Color: Aged Moustache Grey)
User Gabrielwoj Demoman D.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Demoman D BLU.png
Unique Weight Room Warmer Unique Weight Room Warmer
Unique Buck Turner All-Stars Unique Buck Turner All-Stars
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy
User Gabrielwoj Heavy.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Heavy BLU.png
Unique Combat Casual (Style: Plaid) Unique Combat Casual (Style: Plaid)
Unique Borscht Belt (Paint Color: Ye Olde Rustic Colour) Unique Borscht Belt (Paint Color: Ye Olde Rustic Colour)
User Gabrielwoj Heavy B.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Heavy B BLU.png
Unique Heavy Heating (Style: Taiga) Unique Heavy Heating (Style: Taiga)
Unique Gone Commando Unique Gone Commando
User Gabrielwoj Heavy C.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Heavy C BLU.png
Unique Paka Parka (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) Unique Paka Parka (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls)
Unique Merc's Muffler (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) Unique Merc's Muffler (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls)
User Gabrielwoj Heavy D.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Heavy D BLU.png
Unique Weight Room Warmer Unique Weight Room Warmer
Unique Toss-Proof Towel Unique Toss-Proof Towel
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
User Gabrielwoj Engineer.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Engineer BLU.png
Unique Antarctic Researcher Unique Antarctic Researcher
Unique Merc's Muffler (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) Unique Merc's Muffler (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls)
Leaderboard class medic.png Medic
User Gabrielwoj Medic.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Medic BLU.png
Unique Medical Monarch (Style: Style 1) (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) [Gift from: Tekinz] Unique Medical Monarch (Style: Style 1) (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) [Gift from: Tekinz]
Unique Ze Übermensch
User Gabrielwoj Medic B.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Medic B BLU.png
Unique Colonel's Coat Unique Colonel's Coat
Unique Nine-Pipe Problem (Style: Evening) (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) [Gift from: Tekinz] Unique Nine-Pipe Problem (Style: Evening) (Paint Color: Operator's Overalls) [Gift from: Tekinz]
User Gabrielwoj Medic C.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Medic C BLU.png
Unique Über-Wear Unique Über-Wear
Unique Harry (Style: Villainous) (Custom Name: ''Cristal'') (Custom Description: ''Based of my real life cat.'')
User Gabrielwoj Medic D.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Medic D BLU.png
Unique Scourge of the Sky Unique Scourge of the Sky
Unique Medicine Manpurse (Paint Color: Ye Olde Rustic Colour) Unique Medicine Manpurse (Paint Color: Ye Olde Rustic Colour)
(Extra - MVM Only)
Community Wiki Cap 300px Unique Blutsauger
Unique Quadwrangler Unique Vaccinator (Custom Name: ''[Battle Medic] Ask other Medics for heal'')
Strange Surgeon's Sidearms (Custom Name: ''A Daily Dose of Mad Milk Syringes'') Unique Vita-Saw
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper
User Gabrielwoj Sniper.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Sniper BLU.png
Unique Dead of Night (Style: Dark) Unique Dead of Night (Style: Dark)
Unique Chronomancer Unique Chronomancer
Leaderboard class spy.png Spy
User Gabrielwoj Spy.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Spy BLU.png
Unique Lurking Legionnaire [Gift from: GrampaSwood] Unique Lurking Legionnaire [Gift from: GrampaSwood]
Unique Puffy Provocateur [Gift from: GrampaSwood] Unique Puffy Provocateur [Gift from: GrampaSwood]
(B) (RED Team only) (C) (BLU Team only)
User Gabrielwoj Spy B.png Community Wiki Cap Community Wiki Cap User Gabrielwoj Spy C.png
Unique Reader's Choice Unique Reader's Choice (Paint Color: Aged Moustache Grey)
Unique Au Courant Assassin (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork) Unique Au Courant Assassin (Paint Color: The Value of Teamwork)

User Gabrielwoj Wikipe-tan Mopping.png