Template:Operation Madness vs Machines missions

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Intermediate Missions
Map Mission Waves Creators
Area 52 Gatebot Apocalypse 5 Slimeakku
Brugge Flemish Feud 6 Startacker!
Sparkbag Subroutine botrot
Casino City Midnight Gambling CreatorForce
Derelict Defragmentation Pealover
Metallic Breakthrough Delta 👑
Spade Segregation Aluminium Botkiller
Dockyard Technophobia 7 swag scorponok
Doppler Rusty Sound Wave 6 Orinuse
Remilia Scarlet
Downpour Flash Flood Flurry 7 theAgamer11
Frostwynd Wicked Wizardry signalmax
Goldpit Exciting Excavation 6 Sergeant Crwhips
Hanami Drop Zone 8 Literally A Moth
Hideout Covert Compromise 6 botrot
Isolation Haphazard Routine Enigmus
Maple Hill Woodchip Wound Sergeant Crwhips
Meltdown Collapsing Cores ♓Seelpit♓
Oilrig Terrorist Simulation zombie (anti-robot AI)
Outlands Rural Roadblock 7 Literally A Moth
Oxidize Greenhouse Roughhousing 3 skg
Powerplant Energy Entropy 6 CreatorForce
Quetzal Dazed Disassembly botrot
Radar Recursive Reinforcements CreatorForce
Rust Valley Restless Robotics Sntr
Spacepost Astronautical Nausea Pealover
Transmission Binary Broadcast 7 Slimeakku
Winterbridge Frozen Fortitude 6 Athazar

Advanced Missions
Map Mission Waves Creators
Barren Binary Breaker 7 ChaoticAngel
Brushfire Hell-met
Clanker Carnage botrot
Crucial Revenge 6 Somario
Fabrication Plan owo Inky
Brugge Funeral Toll Startacker!
Casino City Cash Out Crash Out 7 Skin King
Platinum Parade 4 Athazar
Sketchy Swing 8 Nuke
Delta 👑
Vindicated Vices 6 Rawr'kraine 🐉
Coastrock Pirate Domination zombie (anti-robot AI)
Seaside Sacrifice Mince
Cyberia Frozen Freaks dexc34
Launch Sequence 76561198837277501
Derelict Blast Bevy TabbySeraph
Waterway Wringout 3 ♓Seelpit♓
Doppler Endothermic Espionage 8 Literally A Moth
Spiral Slaughter 6 swag scorponok
Downpour Storm Surge Slimeakku
Frostwynd Fiefdom Fiasco Swordstone
Goldpit Gold Rush asd417
Hanami Blastaway 7 Literally A Moth
Hillside Outdated Processing 6 JugadorXEI
Hoovy Dam Kinetic Energy Blade x64
Isolation Snow Blindness skg
Kelly Homestead Happenings 5
Maple Hill Sawdust Storage 7 Sergeant Crwhips
Meltdown Fusion and Intrusion 6 Pealover
Oilrig Rescindment 7 Chip
Outlands Antecedent Sapience
Dead of Night Literally A Moth
Oxidize Mannure Hell-met
Overclock 6 Orinuse
Remilia Scarlet
Powerplant Particle Protocol Chipbeam
Power Program ChaoticAngel
Voltaic Outrage Delta 👑
Production Distillery Destruction 7 Suna
Frightful Freight 6
Redstone Ridge Armored Apparatus You Will (Not) Play
Rust Valley Roadblock Retaliation Sntr
Rodeotron 7 Hell-met
Sequoia Forest Fight Yoovy
Woody Weedouts 6 Pealover
Silent Sky Aerial Stupidity 5 PenolAkushari
Skullcove Slaughter Screamhouse 3 Andrew Xtreme
Snowpine Shattered Iceshard 6 CreatorForce
Steep Bandwidth Beatdown Braindawg
Malefic Mining dexc34
Transmission Signal Shutdown Slimeakku
Trainyard Ticket To Die 7 Orinuse
Remilia Scarlet
Underground Empire Excavation Braindawg
Skin King
Mineral Mania Aluminium Botkiller
Rustbelt 6 Startacker!
Winterbridge Rusted Retribution skg
Wizardry Mechanical Magic 7 Dayal

Expert Missions
Map Mission Waves Creators
Cyberia Northern Lights 6 Braindawg
Dockyard Pier Pressure 7 Literally A Moth
Doppler Nuclear Winter 5 B Dazzle
Downpour Alluvion 6 Athazar
Hideout Autonomous Annihilation 5 Braindawg
Outlands Out of Options Literally A Moth
Powerplant Unoptimized Output 6 Clickin
Sequoia Forest Catastrophe Orinuse
Remilia Scarlet
Shiverpeak Shudder 7 Sntr
Snowpine Raid Resort 3 zombie (anti-robot AI)
Steep Scrap Metal 6 Slimeakku
Teien Disruption Dayal
Waterfront Treacherous Waters 7 Delta 👑
Waterlogged Winter's Bite 5 skg

Nightmare Missions
Map Mission Waves Creators
Casino City Gambler's Gambit 1 Jakapoa
Metro Choir of Robots Startacker!