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< Rocket Jumper
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Tyngdekraft! Neiii!
Soldier etter han hoppet for høyt

Raketthopperen er et primærvåpen for Soldier. Det ligner på formen til Rakettkasteren, men med en oransj-hvit malt eksos, en trekantet skilt som avbilder en silhuett av en raketthoppende Soldier, og en blusset snute.

Raketthopperen skyter helt harmløse raketter, som lar spillere øve fritt på raketthopping-teknikker uten å ta skade fra egne eksplosjoner. Antall ammunisjon for våpenet er også triplet, som gir brukeren førti ekstra raketter å bruke. Mens man er i luften fra en Raketthopper rakkethopp, spilles det en distinkt flyvelyd, som bekrefter suksessen av spillerens hopp. Men, raketter avfyrt fra Raketthopperen gir imidlertid ingen skade eller knockback til fiendtlige spillere, som gjør at våpenet er helt ineffektiv som et faktisk våpen. I tilegg, spillere utstyrt med dette våpenet har ikke muligheten til å bære objektet i Capture the Flag, Special Delivery og PASS Time.


Identical to: Rakettkaster
Function times (in seconds)
Attack interval 0.8 s
Reload (first) 0.92 s
Reload (consecutive) 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.



Se også: Konstruering


Mannstøvler Gjenvunnet metall Raketthopper
Item icon Mantreads.pngx3 + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Rocket Jumper.png
Klassepollett – Soldier Plasspollett – Primær Vrakmetall Mulige Resultater
Item icon Class Token - Soldier.png + Item icon Slot Token - Primary.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Direct Hit.png Item icon Black Box.png Item icon Rocket Jumper.png Item icon Liberty Launcher.png
Item icon Cow Mangler 5000.png Item icon Original.png Item icon Beggar's Bazooka.png Item icon Air Strike.png
Item icon Panic Attack.png

Relaterte presentasjoner

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Backdraft Dodger
Backdraft Dodger
Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds.

Death from Above
Death from Above
Rocket jump and kill 2 enemies before you land.
Duty Bound
Duty Bound
While rocket jumping kill an enemy with the Equalizer before you land or just after landing.

Where Eagles Dare
Where Eagles Dare
Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Pilot Light
Pilot Light
Ignite a rocket-jumping Soldier while he's in midair.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Bruk The Classic til å drepe en rakett-/granathoppende fiende midt i luften med et fulladet hodeskudd, uten å bruke siktet.
Jumper Stumper
Jumper Stumper
Kill a rocket or grenade-jumping enemy in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman.


30 september 2010 Patch (Mann-Konomi oppdateringen)
  • Raketthopperen ble lagt til i spillet.

27 oktober 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress oppdateringen)

  • La til -100 helsestraff egenskapet til Raketthopperen.

22 desember 2010 Patch

  • Endret egenskaper:
    • Fjernet maks helse straffen
    • La til +100% sårbarheter for kuler, eksplosiver og brannsakder

1 juli 2011 Patch

22 juli 2011 Patch

15 september 2011 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] Fixed bug allowing Soldier to damage himself by shooting a rocket and switching weapons before it exploded.
  • [Udokumentert] The Rocket Jumper now prevents self-damage from the Kamikaze kill-taunt.

31 mai 2012 Patch

  • Updated the model and material.
  • Changed attributes:
    • Extra Damage penalties removed.
    • No random critical hits.
    • Players with this weapon equipped cannot carry the intelligence.

27 juni 2012 Patch (Pyromania Update)

  • Added 'flying' sound to blast jumps
  • [Udokumentert] Added the Rocket Jumper to the item drop system.

16 november 2012 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] Removed inaccurate tip about the Rocket Jumper.

4 mars 2013 Patch

  • Added a crafting recipe for the Rocket Jumper.

12 november 2013 Patch

20 desember 2013 Patch

  • Fixed an exploit related to the Rocket Jumper and the Soldier's grenade taunt.

18 juni 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)

  • [Udokumentert] Fixed the reload of Soldier primary weapons to show rockets in first person.

2 juli 2015 Patch #1 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Updated description to better detail the weapon's features.

23 juli 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed being able to carry the flag with the Rocket Jumper.

7 juli 2016 Patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

  • Updated model/materials and sound.

28 juli 2016 Patch

3 august 2016 Patch

  • Updated the tooltips for the Rocket Jumper to include the PASS Time JACK in the list of items that can't be picked up while equipped.

16 august 2016 Patch

  • Removed the damage effects and pain sounds when using the Rocket Jumper.


  • While this weapon is equipped, the user is unable to collect the pickup-objective (beer bottles, fish buckets etc.) in Player Destruction maps.
  • Performing a rocket jump with the Rocket Jumper triggers on-hit effects (e.g., resetting Concheror's health regeneration and igniting Gas Passer). This is because, in the game's code, the Rocket Jumper's rockets do damage equal to the stock Rocket Launcher's multiplied by 0, in order to make the knockback consistent between the two weapons.


  • The sign on the Rocket Jumper and Sticky Jumper is based on the slow moving vehicle warning sign in the US and Canada.
  • When a glitched Killstreak Kit is added to the Rocket Jumper, the killstreak sheen still appears, unlike most items with an added glitched Killstreak Kit.


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