Zombie Fortress/nl
“ | Ooohhhh, run, run, I'm coming for you!
Klik om te luisteren
— The Heavy over een Zombie zijn.
” |
Zombie Fortress is een SourceMod plugin en een onofficiële Spelmodus voor Team Fortress 2. Er zijn twee tegenstellende Teams: de Overlevenden (RED), en de Zombies (BLU) die de Overlevenden willen verorberen. De Overlevenden moeten hun doel bereiken, wat kan variëren aan de hand van de Map. Wanneer een Overlevende sterft, wordt hij automatisch in het Zombie team geplaatst. Als er geen Overlevenden over zijn, winnen de Zombies.
Overlevenden en Zombies kunnen maar bepaalde klassen kiezen. De Overlevenden kunnen kiezen uit Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Engineer, Medic en Sniper. De Zombies kunnen kiezen uit Scout, Heavy en Spy. Zombies hebben alleen hun Melee Wapens en sommige speciale items zoals de Bonk en de Sandvich, terwijl Overlevenden al hun items kunnen gebruiken.
De mogelijke doelen zijn:
- Verdedigen: De Overlevenden moeten de Zombies weerhouden van het bemachtigen van hun Control Points.
- Overnemen: De Overlevenden moeten alle Control Points bemachtigen en overleven om te winnen.
- Overleven: De Overlevenden moeten simpelweg Overleven totdat de tijd op is.
- Verover de Vlag: De Overlevenden moeten de Intelligentie Koffer oppakken op verschillende plaatsen van het level, en ze dan op een bepaald punt terugbrengen.
Sommige Zombie Fortress servers maken gerbuik van Perks. dit zijn special vaardigheden die de spelers kunnen gebruiken.
Survivor Perks | |
Perk | Beschrijving |
Angelic | Lagere zwaartekracht bij lagere gezondheid. |
Athletic | Je rent sneller en kan sneller aanvallen, maar je doet minder schade. |
Charitable | Elke keer als je iemand vermoordt of iemand anders daarbij help, krijg je 'Cadeau Punten'. Roep een medic om je punten te gebruiken en een Cadeau te laten verschijnen. Cadeaus geven een verscheidenheid aan tijdelijke bonussen. |
Friend | Een andere Overlevende word willekeurig geselecteerd als je vriend. Wanneer je bij je vriend in de buurt bent, krijg je schade en regeneratie bonussen. Je krijg Crit tijd voor elke Kill of Assist die je met je vriend maakt. Deze tijd word geactiveerd wanneer je vriend doodgaat. |
Cowardly | -You have a passive 'panic' ability. When hit, you gain temporary speed and defense bonuses. Panic ability lasts 10s and has a cooldown of 25s. |
Heroic | You have innate attack and defense bonuses. You gain Crit time for each kill or assist. Crit time is activated when you're the last remaining survivor. |
Holy | You have an innate attack penalty. When crouched and not moving, you heal yourself and nearby survivors. |
Juggernaut | You have innate attack and defense bonuses. You have an innate speed penalty. You are immune to self and fall damage. You knockback and stun zombies with melee hits or fall damage impacts. |
Leader | You have an innate Crit bonus. You grant attack and defense bonuses to nearby survivors. Call for Medic to place a rally point. You gain attack and defense bonuses for each survivor near your rally point, and survivors gain attack and defense bonuses when they are near your rally point. Rally lasts 20s and has a cooldown of 20s. |
Ninja | You have innate speed and jump bonuses. You have an innate attack penalty. You are immune to fall damage. Call for Medic to place a decoy retreat point. When hit, you will retreat to that point. Decoy ability lasts 15s and has a cooldown of 30s. |
Nonlethal | You have an innate attack penalty when using bullet-based weapons. Bullet damage causes knockback. |
Resourceful | You receive ammo, health, and metal from kills. You receive temporary attack bonuses from ammopacks and temporary defense bonuses from medpacks. |
Selfless | Massive damage to nearby zombies upon death, most likely kills all nearby zombies. |
Stash | Call for Medic to place a secret stash. Stash can't be placed near other stashes. Stash becomes active after 40s and grants ammo, health, and a temporary attack bonus. Ability has a cooldown of 30s. |
Stir-crazy | You receive attack and defense bonuses proportional to how much distance you travel. |
Supplier | Your reserve ammo is resupplied periodically, and can hold twice the normal limit. Call for Medic to place supply boxes. Other survivors can resupply ammo from these boxes. Supply ability has a cooldown of 10s. |
Tantrum | Call for Medic to throw a tantrum. Tantrum grants 100% Crits and lasts 15s. Ability has a cooldown of 30s, during which you have a speed penalty. |
Traitor | You have -100% Crit. Zombies nearby get added Crit. You poison the last survivor, but if lucky he can live through it. |
Trapper | Call for Medic to place proximity mines. You can place up to 3 mines. Ability has a cooldown of 30s. |
Wise | Bonuses are permanent. +Att on kill or Assist. |
Zenlike | When crouched and not moving, you regenerate health and accumulate a Crit bonus. Crit bonus decreases after each attack. |
Zombie Perks | |
Perk | Description |
Alpha | You acquire minions by killing survivors or assisting existing minions in killing survivors. You receive attack and regen bonuses when near other zombies or minions. Call for Medic to summon up to 4 minions. Ability has a cooldown of 15s per minion summoned. |
Combustible | You have an innate defense penalty. You explode on death (unless hit by a melee weapon). Can't Cloak or use Bonk!. |
Tarred | Call for Medic to spit tar. Tar slicks last for 30s or until you die. You slow survivors with melee hits or when hit with melee. |
Horrifying | Each melee hit causes temporary defense, rate of fire, and speed penalties to the survivors. |
Hunter | Call for Medic to place a spawn mark. If there are survivors near when you spawn, the point is destroyed. +Def +Speed temporarily on spawn. |
Leap | You have innate attack and defense penalties. You are immune to fall damage. Call for Medic to perform a long jump. Ability has a cooldown of 2s. |
Magnetic | Disable nearby Sentry Guns and proximity mines. |
Marked | One survivor is randomly selected as your mark. You gain an attack bonus when attacking your mark and an attack penalty otherwise. New mark is chosen after current mark dies and there are more than 2 remaining survivors. |
Rage | Call for Medic to active a 2-stage rage ability. First stage lasts 15s, during which some damage taken is converted to an attack bonus. Second stage lasts 5s, during which damage taken is delayed by 2s. Each stage grants speed and health bonuses. Ability has a cooldown of 20s. |
Roar | Call for Medic to push back nearby survivors in front of you and give them -Def |
Sick | You have an innate defense penalty. Call for Medic to spit acid. Acid lasts for 35s or until you die. Damage caused is proportional to distance between you and acid. |
Swarming | You have an innate speed bonus. You have innate attack and defense penalties. You have instant respawn, and zombies that die near you have instant respawn. |
Theiving | Destroy metal, Ammo, and ÜberCharge on each hit of that survivor. |
Toxic | Poison survivors on hit. More hits = more time poisoned. Damage near survivors when not moving. -100%Att. |
Vampiric | Leech HP per hit based on damage. Increased HP regen. |
Vindictive | +Crit +Def on killing a survivor. Buffs carry when you respawn or change classes. |
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